Courts of Heaven - Q&A with Robert Henderson

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but one of the things that is a repeated question is in dealing with the courts how specific do we need to be check one two there we go how specific do we need to be in repenting when we do I know you would share the one testimony that you didn't know where it came from or whatever but you repented so how specific do they need to be what what I what I usually tell people is use the knowledge you have in other words in other words whatever whatever not whatever degree of knowledge you have whatever awareness you have use that to that point like like when I when I was repenting for the for the negligence of my grandfather I did not nor still don't know what he did but I knew in the dreams he had been negligent so I just repented for the negligence and and so I used whatever the whatever knowledge I had and and God just honors that because because it's our faith that we're operating in that that is the that is the most important thing the other thing about that is that sometimes I don't know I just I just know there's something resisting me if I have no knowledge whatsoever this is what I do I say Lord according to Colossians 2:14 every handwriting of ordinance that was against me that's accusations every case that was against me you took it out of the way nailing it to your cross so on the basis of Colossians 2:14 I am asking anything in my life that I'm not aware of or in my bloodline is legally being used I want to remind this court that when Jesus died on the cross the legal rights were revoked I am asking on the basis of that every legal thing the enemy is using that I may not know about let it be removed because I I use that as a and I have watched great breakthroughs come as a result of that now would you say because when you say I know the enemy is coming against me because sometimes we will know because of what we're feeling what we're going through a specific kind of struggle is that just as effective to say I feel like everything is coming yes be just you know doors from opening or there's this consistent sickness not knowing the route but but just by naming the symptom is that enough yeah what I yeah absolutely because again you use the knowledge you have and so so and then I will add the issues and when I do that say okay Lord I'm repenting of this array I you know like like for instance you may you may know for instance in sickness there are certain the kinds of sickness created by certain kinds of sin okay there can be some of that so if I'm aware of that and I but I don't know that that is in my life I'm like what does it hurt to repent of it I mean you this is my day you never go wrong in repenting you can never repent too much it just never is never gods at all I'm not gonna do that you didn't repent it too much know you can never repent too much so I am a big proponent of repentance and and sometimes I repent I repent whenever in my mind I don't know anything that I'm guilty of but I can feel the spirit of repentance on me and so I'll just repent I know that spirit of repentance because I can feel it and and and I'm just trusting that the Holy Spirit knows what you know you'll knows what he's doing so so I will I will I will you know again I'll just use the knowledge that I have in the given situation and and then you know ask for for the Lord to honor it but then I will say this I'll say Lord if if there's something specific I do need to know would you reveal it to me and that can come in a dream or that can come you can come a lot of different ways I'm just I'm just at that point I'm just listening I'm just trying to be aware you know you know whatever and so so I just say Lord would you bring an awareness to me if there's something specific that for whatever reason I need to I need to like you would like where the laser being put my hand on it so in the sense of interceding when we come into the course on behalf of someone else there's kind of two questions they can kind of be interrelated how much can we come on behalf of an unbeliever and then the second is is in terms of our own family specifically a spouse and if that spouse is unbelieving can how much can we do as an intercessor well in both of those situations I would say I always go as far as the Holy Spirit will allow me to go and I am amazed at how far he will let us go see there's a scripture where that where that a woman said when when a woman would not when David will not let Absalom come home he wouldn't reach out to him a woman said in in wisdom and counsel to David the Lord the Lord the Lord devises means to bring his banished ones home and that's the scripture the Lord devises means to bring his banishment God is always always about restoration reconciliation salvation all of that so we need to be aware of that so he's not trying to create walls to stop us from having an effect I believe he's inviting us in to to have an effect so in regards to an unbeliever unbeliever I believe that we have great latitude and coming into the course of having a behalf an unbeliever for instance because many times the reason people are unbelieving is because the enemy is using the sin in their bloodline as a legal right to blind them see a second Corinthians chapter 3 says that the god of this age has blinded their eyes blinded their minds lest they should see the light of the glorious gospel so the reason they're not being seen is because the enemy has found a legal right to blind them with and that legal right is the iniquity in their bloodline so so you can come before the Lord in behalf of lost people and you can begin to say say Lord we are asking that the iniquity in the bloodline being used we're asking that your blood Jesus speaks and the legal right the enemy is using to blind them with is that that's the power that thing would be broken so that that thing can start being lifted so that they can start seeing the light of the glorious gospel and that can be loved ones that can be friends that could be relatives because how many he want in the fact is he wants all to be saved the scripture is clear about that so you could in regards to spouses again tremendous right because why the I will says that the unbelieving part is sanctified by the bleeding part in 1st Corinthians 7 so so so it says else your children war and clean I mean you gotta understand the way God sees marriage God says God says if to UM believe people get married their children aren't even recognized it says they're unclean I mean that's what Paul said they said he said when there's a when there's at least one that's saved and born again it says it says the children are clean they're recognized by God I mean this is what the Bible says and could we don't think this way in our culture so if there is an unbelieving spouse or someone that's not doing what they need to do or whatever the believing part sanctifies them so you get to be able to come into the courts and you have great authority to stand in behalf of that person 1st John chapter 5 I'd have to look up the exact verse it says that if you see someone sending us in not unto death you can ask life for them and God will give them life that scripture alone says we have a right to stand in behalf of others that literally if they're involved is something that's bringing some form of death what we come and we repent in their behalf and we ask Lord that you would give them life for death because intercessors do for others what they can't do until they can do it see that that is our position as his people so God is devising means to to save people and Rican style them and heal them he's not looking for reasons to push them away this I hope that makes sense to you so yeah you can stand this is what I tell you can stand in behalf of loved ones family relatives whatever but anybody God gives you as an assignment you have a right to come and stand in this course in behalf that I mean in behalf of that's that's that's the way I approach it and so when I step in and I'm uncertain I say okay how far is gonna how far am I gonna be allowed to go and I again I'm always amazed at how far God will let me go on behalf of someone so even in terms of children because someone asks about their adopted children yes when we come on behalf of them yes and I know you haven't mentioned anything at about covenant but I would assume legally you know you adoption is a form of comment that's right because you signed something and that doesn't that give us some extra legal yeah that's that's that's the whole basis whenever you have adoptive children you have a right you have a right to stand in their behalf because of the Covenant made at adoption absolutely you you adopted them you're in covenant with them just like I as my natural children I'm in covenant with them because they're my natural flesh and blood but but when you adopt a child you are also in covenant when you when you deal with their bloodlines though you're gonna have to deal with two bloodlines you have to deal with your bloodline that the enemy will try to exploit because you are in covenant with them but you're also gonna have to deal with their biological bloodline that's why you see so many kids that are adopted go nuts sometimes and in it even though they're in good homes because this bloodline thing starts kicking in that is literally because usually they're in an adoptive situation because they're in a bad home to start with and so this whole thing starts working against them and you have to know how to go and deal with not only your own bloodline connected to them but also the biological bloodline so covenant and also vows I know you've often said that yes something else to look for yes that you've made statements that you can even make that you're not even aware I'll never do this that's right that's right yeah you know I was praying for a lady in his ascent I remembers in San Antonio and she had this breathing this is there she was and I started praying for her and this was before I understood the courts but now I understand what stood what happened and her lung just started opening up and she started breathing free free Europe and she said I tell her take a deep breath she would bring as she said is down to here and I'd pray again it wouldn't move past here in her lungs and and you know she was trying to get all four because she was in terrible condition and and kept praying and kept praying and Kippur and I was in a profit friend's church and so we kept praying it wasn't movies just stuck right there stuck right there stuck and everybody's watching this and so my profit friend whispers to me he says ask her if she ever made a covenant with death if she ever said I just wish I was dead and so I said well you ask her you're staying so he asked her she said she starts to cry she said I've said that I said you made a covenant with death when you made that statement she repented of it I prayed for her her lungs opened up immediately she began to run around the room because it was the the enemy had a legal right based on the covenant she had made with her words that to hold her in that condition and not let her completely be healed I didn't understand the legality of things at that time but now I do and I look back that's exactly what happened to people mentioned in their early years they were impacted or influenced by a fortune-teller and have tried to pray through it but there's a little bit of fear you know how do I know I'm free and this might even open the door to other associations in our past and how we deal with them and that could even get into Masonic ties someone mentioned Nazi in their background all those kinds of things how can we be sure that we're free from those uh yeah I go to Germany a lot John Nazism is who I mean when you're over there yours whether you want to deal with it or not you're dealing with it and of course mixed in with that is witchcraft I mean the Nazis and all that I mean Hitler was very highly highly influenced by witchcraft things I was just absolutely shocked when I first started going to Germany I didn't realize the level of witchcraft that was there it's a huge thing there and the country is still you know there's elements of control because of that but in regards to fortune-telling witchcraft Nazism masonry whatever those are very those are very very real things and so what I advise people to do is just to become like we did last night to come and stand before the courts of half and to to acknowledge okay this is in my life this is in my bloodline whatever it may be and I repent of that okay some people this is what they will tell me they've been through cleansing streams are restoring the foundations or any of those other things which are wonderful they're wonderful and usually the people that are involved in those kind of ministries they when they would hear me teach they would say yeah this makes perfect sense to us is that you're using some different terminology but we understand this from a deliverance inner healing standpoint because it is it it is it is connected okay so but I was and we're recording this so I won't say the name I was in I was I was in a pretty high-profile setting in a ministry that I was about to do some ministry with and the guy the guy first of all he when I when he talked to me on the phone which I called his name you annoy him when he talked to me on the phone and wanted me to come he said I have he don't we talked about the stuff you wanted me do and they said now on a personal he said I have this demonic thing that comes at me on a regular basis he said I tell it to leave and it goes but it always comes back and he said do you think what you're teaching me on the courts or what you're teaching on the courts are you think that could be helpful I said absolutely so we prayed a little bit over the phone so when I get there you know how long ago after that it was he tells me he said you know after we prayed he said I felt a little bit of relief but he said he said it's still not going anything steel comes after me and he said he said it he said so could we go in the office and you kind of help me and pray through this for just a little bit I said sure we'd have a long time so he went into the office and he said to me he said as we're just standing I just felt the Lord whispered to me and I said I said is there any witchcraft in your bloodline and he said well yeah he said my mother and my aunt and all them they were involved in it and he said and this is then he said this he said but I have dealt with all that I can't tell you how many times I've heard this I've dealt with all that what they mean is I've gone through one of the one of the processes whatever it may be I've gone through yes and I've dealt with all that and I looked at him I said okay here's what you need to understand you can go through it from a deliverance inner healing standpoint and that's wonderful we all need that I said but unless you've been before the courts and the judge has rendered a if you will a divorce decree that's that that revokes the legal right of this thing to claim you then it still comes after you because it says it has a legal right because you can't make that determination by yourself a judge only a judge can render a decree that breaks the connection that allows something to be married to you or claim you as its own and he looks at me he said I've never done that so I led him through a prayer a simple prayer of that about an hour and a half later we were standing ready to do ministry while they were introducing he looked at me and his eyes were this big and he said I think it's gone and he was completely broken because because you can go through all of that but if you don't go before the courts and say Lord I am asking that the legal right this thing would claim that it says it owns me on any level I'm asking for that legal right to be annulled and they're literally there to be a divorce decree that that cuts that off so that it has no more power against me now I did I was in Marysville Washington and I did this like I didn't know there was light there she was had been conceived and dedicated as a bride to Satan that's what her parents were into they´ll cult they conceived her for the purpose of her being a bride of Satan well what happened was she grew up she trying to get deliverance for freedom she got free but she she told me later she said this thing would come after me constantly and that's very common people coming out of that that level of witchcraft I didn't know any of this I'm just leading the whole group in a severing of ties before the court of heaven and when I print she literally emailed me later and she told me her story she said since I prayed that prayer she said there has been nothing the power of that thing was broken is not me again I'm completely free and so because it was because she stood before the court and had a verdict rendered in her behalf it separated her from that so in the last couple minutes this will be the last thing we can kind of explore because in some of the testimonies that you've been sharing you're praying with other people there's power in agreement yes if you could talk about that a little bit more both in the home when dealing perhaps with children husbands and wives too coming together and even within the context of the church and other believers being a part of that process how how important is that well no just in terms of going to the courts the power of coming into agreement versus doing it on our own okay I mean every time they asked me a question I think of the story again when I learned the course nine years ago and have been learning the courts now some of the stuff that happens I understand that I didn't understand I couldn't figure it out but we were on a 21-day fast this this would have been January of 2006 because I was still leading the church in Waco and I think that that fast had a lot to do with me getting you know launched into you know we're God wanted me to go because later that year was when I stepped out at the time of the fasting we had no intentions of doing this but but so I was y'all know 21 day I'm talking about we were doing a total fast I mean we were only drinking water me and my wife and our leadership team the other people were doing different but we were you know we were you have to know me that's me I mean if we gonna do this we're gonna do this thing and so so we were we were going full-bore because I'd read Jenson Franklin's books and and Bob George's books and all these kind of thing and vast he never killed anybody and uh and and they they said in the book they said in the books after four or five days you you know it wouldn't bother you you wouldn't be hungry anymore and I said I'm here to tell you they lied I said let me tell you how long I was hungry 21 days 21:9 so we're at probably in about the 14th day of it and I mean I'm really weak I mean people talk about how how open they come to the Spirit of God and all this kind of stuff I don't I just get this dull as can be it just I'm just I'm just not a good faster I've done you know a significant amount of it but I'm just not a good good I'm just not good at it and and so anyway we're back we're about 14 days into it and so since we weren't eating we were pray in the morning we would pray at noon and we pray at night we have prayer meetings the whole time and and so we were having a noon prayer meeting and so this lady had called that morning that was a member of the church and name was Jenny and she said she had just been a doctor and she had been diagnosed she young lady just been diagnosed with lupus and and and she said could you pray for me and so I'm thinking okay you know so I said well can you just come to our prayer time at noon and we'll just pray for you there yeah yeah I'll be there and so I'm thinking she's gonna come while we're in prayer in the fact you know and all day and we'll just all pray for whatever and but when we get done after that when we get done with the hour time of prayer and people beginning to leave I look up and hear her and her husband come in the door and I've because I'd forgotten and you know all I want to do at that time is just go to my office and lay down cuz I just wanted to it cuz when I would do that just be wore out and that's why I'm coming to the back door and I thought oh my gosh I forgot about this so here they come but I'd already agreed to it everybody's leaving it's only me and my son Adam which was in high school at the time and he's probably still on Chris I don't know but anyway he was there and and he they came in so it's just me and Adam there another time they get there and I said hi Jenny are you she's yeah she's you know the doctors just told me this and so I'm standing literally like she's standing on the floor and I'm probably standing right here and she's shorter than me I remember and she's just standing like this I reached down and put my hand on her head like that rocks just standing right there and I just started praying this very weak prayer because I was tired more I said Lord would you just touch Jenny or I just asked you to a healer I release your healing president and I heard this faint way spur I mean faint whisper rebuked the devil you know I said Satan I rebuke you that's all I said Jenny's feet came up off the floor straight up she landed on her shoulders her eyes rolled back in her head and a guttural voice came out of her that said I judge you said this to me well you gonna understand when demons manifest they make me mad and so all of a sudden I wasn't tired anymore I was on the floor her eyes roll back in her head I said you judge me I judge you by the blood of Jesus so I began to try to to cast this thing and I have a reason for telling us I began to go I command you you devilish I commend you to let her go come and I remember I said to Jenny because her eyes were all back in her head and all that and I said Jenny I said I don't know this time I'm dusted Jenny can you hear me yes and I said she said I'm scared I said don't worry I said we're gonna get this thing out I said you're okay and and but so I was talking to her but then this thing was fighting me and and and so I'm commanded it won't leave it won't leave and and it is just me not because her husband is standing over there like this thinking I sleep with this every night now I don't know what I don't know what he was thinking but but anyway he's looking at it and and so Adam is there and he's watching and and and and so I'm not you know nobody's already helped me and so I'm going I just it's just not leaving and his thing said to me and it's saying to me I judge you now I didn't understand now I understand okay but but but so it was it was saying I have a legal thing that says you can't cast me out that's what he was saying I have a legal thing it says I you can't make me go that's what he was telling me and so so I'm going out and understand all that then all I knew then was just used brute force that's all I knew you know and be mad at the things so I bet he wouldn't working so I'm going after this thing and I got me I remember I got my eyes closed and all of a sudden BAM the thing leaves and Ginny's free well I open my eyes and my associate pastor is kneeling on the other side he had been he had gone back to his office after the prayer time and God spoke to him and said go to the sanctuary and he came in and the moment he agreed with me I mean I mean I said I said how long even he said I just got here the moment he came into an agreement found the thing left now it was the power of agreement but this is what I've thought about this so much but the okay what was it that that that our agreement brought that allowed that thing the power that thing to be broken that wouldn't let it go with me just me because it said it judged me it had a legal case against me and this is what this is what I believe after all these years there was something in my bloodline that it was claiming it had a legal right that made me not be able to remove it but whatever it was wasn't in John's bloodline in other words his bloodline is completely different and so it wasn't in his bloodline so the moment that he came in agreed because it wasn't in his bloodline the power that they were pointing out so you understand this the people in Africa tell me we think as Americans oh we go to Africa we see these great miracles we see these wonderful miracles that happen and we think well it's because you know those those those poor you know uneducated people they just don't they don't you don't have any options they just believe God and that is that I'm not saying that's not a part of it that they're not in a that they they are in a realm of fate that we probably don't know anything about but it's more than that you see when I go to Africa and minister there's nothing in my bloodline that the enemy can resist me from you what because I'm not African I'm not African so therefore the African things that would be used to resist me from releasing anointing and power and legal things that cause them to be him it can't fight against me it can fight against me here in the States but it can't fight against me there that's one of the reasons miracles happen on another level in other countries and it does where your home is all about bloodline issues because those things are not free to fight against does that make sense to you so when my associate pastor agreed with me it was more than just the power of agreement it was that whatever the enemy was claiming it had a legal right to resist me with he could not claim it against him because of his life and his bloodline and when the moment he agreed the power that thing was broken and was removed all right that's worth us some applause but I did feel like in this last session just to bring some a little bit more clarity because as he was talking about the the tithes speaking our money speaking you know powerful things and I'm also mindful of how easy it can be to get a hold of some of these things but to misuse them or misappropriate this because we don't want it to sound like we're using our money to buy favors from God right okay so I just want it I've got a need to put that out there because we don't want to look at money as oh I you know I don't have an answer to prayer so I just need to give to this minister you're good it was a very clear directive from the Lord that you had and it's always the heart of you know even understanding of tithing and just stewarding our money so I just wanted to kind of put that out there there is a context for all of this so I don't if you want to add anything well just whether it's money or anything as we you can't manipulate God I mean he's too big he's not gonna let can't do it and so it's but but when we obey principles for instance to be tithing is a principle so when I obey that because my wife and I are committed to it have been for forever when we're committed to that then because I do that I can stand before the Lord and I can say based on his word lord thank you that you remember me and thank you that my tithe is speaking before you and testifying that I believe you live because that's just Bible that's just what it says so you know it gives me it gives me a whole nother realm to pray through but at the same time I realize that that's only because it's coming out of a kind of a sincere heart and not out of something that's trying to make God do something for me that doesn't that doesn't work and so anyway yeah something else in terms of breakthroughs coming and this was just in terms of the process again many of the testimonies that Robert has shared I don't know if you've picked up many times it's been when other people have been a part of the process that maybe don't even know you or sometimes we get so close to the situation we need other brothers and sisters around us to speak into it and I would really encourage you to do that I mean that's a value that we have here at Crossroads is that that's why you belong to the local church that's why but you belong to the church family we're supposed to walk through these things together and sometimes we just get tunnel vision we need an outside you know input sit down together if you have even have a husband and wife if you've come to a roadblock might be time to invite in someone else another couple that can join you in prayer someone that shares that heart seek the Lord together it could open up some new things but because that's just been a consistent pattern of what you've been saying so okay so getting back now to some of the bigger things that you've been teaching about the courts of heaven one person said that obviously in the heavenly courts legal cases are heard and all of these decisions are based on law but in Scripture it says that Christ is the end of the law and of course we know the grace of God and there's this theological question so how would you respond to that that's this is what I've come to believe I've been doing this for nine years and when I first started doing this I was but much more legalistic in my approach because because of where I encountered the course of heaven I I encountered it in South Africa and and no teaching was ever done I just saw them functioning and they they they tend to be very very in mind looking back now they tend to be very legalistic that didn't that didn't disqualify the the principles but but there but but the practice of it I look back and see that was much much more legalistic so what I've come to believe is that I believe very much that there's a court in heaven just like I've been teaching and all that kind of thing and I also believe that the more we fully get established in grace that I literally can come before the courts and I can petition the courts based on what Jesus has done for me okay in based on His grace and that if I'm walking in real repentance and real humility before the Lord that that that when I take my place the enemy has no no he has no accusation that can stand now I will say this see I believe the devil one I know he knows I know he knows everything Jesus did I know he know that but he wants to know do we know it and so sometimes he will challenge things legally to see if we know where we stand and and and and things will will be will be will be going on in happening but when we take our stand and we say no I understand that Jesus died on the cross and then as a result of this these things were put into place I'm asking like I said earlier in the session I'm asking that the sacrifice of Jesus now speak in my behalf and that any legal right the enemy is claiming that it would be revoked and be removed and breakthroughs come but but I don't see this is why I was saying earlier in my earlier and some of the teachings or some of the some of the practices I saw this thing get really complicated you know well you got to do with this and you got to do with this and he got to deal with this and then you got to deal with that and then you got to with that that was like oh my gosh and I mean I was into it because I didn't know any better but the more I've walked through it the more I have become aware that underneath the leadership of the Holy Spirit I can take the finished works of Jesus put it in place and seek breakthroughs come because it speaks in the courts of heaven in my behalf and allows God to do for me what he passionately desires to do I hope that makes sense but but but but but I'm I'm I still believe that we have to do this I still believe we have to do it underneath the leadership and the guidance for instance let me just though this has maybe this will help the when you read the New Testament you find that the Apostle Paul would many of his letters was simply trying to keep the believers from going back under legalism Colossians Galatians Romans even Corinthians you know all these letters they were they were all gravitating back toward legalism and Paul is warring with them to keep them out of legalism I mean that's true in the church today we if you have a passion for God if you're not careful that thing will drive you back underneath a legalistic mindset and you're not even and you won't even know you're there and so so I watched I watch or as I read the Bible I see this but this is what Paul said it several plays like Romans chapter 8 it says that we it says that we have been given the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father and then it says he says we are not I'd have to read it he says we are we have not been brought again under bondage oh he's not been brought into bondage again to fear what's he talking he's talking about coming back under the law and so when you read it you start realizing then he says this he that is led by the Spirit is no longer under the law so here's the deal if when I come out from underneath the law the thing that brings me out from underneath the law is I have come under the rulership of the spirit if I tried to come out from underneath the law without first coming under the rulership of the Spirit I'm what the Bible calls law less you're law less and that's not a good thing see Romans 8:1 says focus for the the the spirit of life in the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin what makes me free from the law just the law of the spirit of life I have to come under that law because if I try to be without the law without coming under the law of the Spirit I'm law less I see I see this in Christian circles I see these people grace grace grace grace grace and there's a whole anything goes that's okay God will forgive you gonna go no and God will forgive us but but no CC what are they doing they are trying to make you free from the law without bringing you under the domain and the restrictions of the spirit of life so so see so I watch all this or whenever I come into the courts I'm aware of all of that and I'm saying okay Lord I'm coming into the course and I am coming into the course underneath the domain and the governance of your spirit I'm not coming on here trying to keep the law I'm coming under this underneath the authority and the power of the Holy Spirit that is to rule my life and and and and to lead me for it for if I'm led by the spirit I'm no longer under the law that's what Galatians says I hope I hope that makes sense so so so sometimes people they they want to they want to shout grace grace and we're in your a bunch of legalism and I'm saying no no because this is one of this this is what see see Jesus said the law says you shall not murder but I say if you hate your brother without a cause you're in trouble see in other words the spirit can actually be more restrictive than the law in some places because the Holy Spirit is empowering us to live underneath the authority of God so I'm just saying but but it's not like I it's not like I'm following rules and letters is I'm under a living relationship with God by spirit so I approached the courts with that same spirit with that same mindset and I submit myself to the Holy Spirit and I say God I just want your will done in any place in my life that I'm not another rulership of the Spirit and I'm not yielding completely to your lordship I'm asking you just to deal with that in my life oh I hope that that makes sense though so with the bloodline and covenants can this be a one-time deal if we've learned the process family we say it's done yes yes i hears let me just let me say put it this way for my from my perspective in my practice and my history it's experience this is what I found if the devil if the devil can't stop you from repenting he'll get you caught up in it in other words I said earlier today that you never go wrong repenting but I have watched some people become so repentance conscience that they never move on see see in Hebrews 6 it says it says the the 6 foundational stones which I think the first one is repentance from dead works and then it mentions others and then it says there's he said let us move on from these and this we will do if God allows in other words you can't stay there the rest of your life in other words get it dealt with and move on because because if you get so caught up in repentance that that's all you ever do you'll lose every ounce of joy you got and you'll never move into the destiny because that repentance will will Lily form a wrong you'll begin to think about yourself in a wrong way so so you you we have to we have to get it dealt with and move on so the way I do it is that I say oconee Lord I'm coming for you and I will tell you this when I've dealt with some senior guests for instance one of the first things I had to deal with in my bloodline was violence and and that there was the the Sears but as we would walk together they would see all sorts of violence well I found out later after all this that the Hendersons which are of Scottish descent were such fierce warriors that they would put us around the border of Scotland to keep the enemy out because we were so maniacs or whatever yeah and so we were violent and so that thing was it that thing was in the bloodline and I could tell you stories about that but the bottom line is every time I would have my bloodline cleansed which in the early days was quite often this violent thing would come up and I remember I was standing in a house and there was a seer gift that was staying with us and we were dealing with something we were actually dealing with some stuff with Mary and-and-and but because we're married we were both walking through it and the seer said I just see this violence and I said and I'm you know by this time I was like the third or fourth time I said how many more times not gonna deal with that I mean I was I was like I was like you know because what I discovered is that the devil will keep bringing it up and so so this is what we discovered in the seer said well let's try the now scene understood the course let's try this and she had me do this I said lord I come for you and I ask that my previous repentance would stand in days gone by I call it into remembers before your court I asked that my previous repentance would speak in regards to this and that I would not have to continually deal with this issue and as we were in the courts that was accepted so I found something out that we can actually come before the courts and ask that our previous repentance be called in to record see in America there's been lots of repentance because of what we did to the Native Americans what we did to the slaves to the African Americans been lots of repentance and like is well how much more we can have to repent for this and we found out we can come and we can say Lord will give we acknowledge that but we're asking that our previous repentance act as the church would now speak because if he can't stop us from repenting he'll get us caught in it so we never move on so so I would say yes I believe there is a time when we get it done and that if it's ever a question we say Lord we're asking that our previous repentance be called in to record to speak in our behalf and we watch that work marvelously literally in breakthroughs and yet they're questions that actually you did have to kind of upgrade that I did with the Holy Spirit yes showed so there are cuz we've seen this happen to where the main foundational issues can be dealt with but there's things that come in you just need to and I think it's all a matter of following the leading of the Holy Spirit in that city I just saw there's something still undone here I don't know what this is I mean I'd seen really significant breakthrough but then here was this other thing where this thing was lingering and delay was there and and in and so I just asked us the Lord is there something and he said yeah it's all that's when he took me through the whole number 16 thing of Moses saying I'm not taking anything from anybody unrighteous ly you know and in it in and so yeah again I I would never teach that as law or as doctoring issues like this is what the Holy Spirit had me do in that situation and it broke it brought a breakthrough in terms of it the court issue you had I heard it right so you know we go through the normal process when we come to a problem or an issue we can do the normal repentance praying through it well even the father friend but then some things are court issues I was talking with another intercessor and we were both commenting that as we've learned this court proceedings now everything is a court issue is everything a court issue yeah and if not then what other you know things are there that we need remember yeah when I first got ahold of the courts I was as bad as anybody I was like Oh everything yeah just take it to the court got taken to the course and then I felt we're not especially and then I got to thinking that's not right you know and and then when I saw that Jesus put prayer in three dimensions of approaching God his father friend and judge then I then I thought no see it's not all the court issue and I would say for me 90% of my prayer time is spent before the Father that's just out of a relationship with him or approaching God is friend on some very it only when I only when I sense a resistance or something is lingering or being delayed from happening do I think okay I gotta take this to the court and and and I know how to very quickly just go there it used to be this long ordeal and you know thing but now I can just I can just go there I can by faith and in other words I kind of know where that place is and the spirit because because I've been there so much and so so yeah I would warn against that I remember I told Dutch sheets I told I'd remember I told Dutch I said you know you know in the early days I said I just see the courts everywhere in Scripture and he looked at me and he said then you're getting into deception because it's not everything not nothing is everything the only thing is everything is Jesus it's not everything and so so know what I mean God loves it my pastor used to teach us God loves adjust balance in other words stay balanced that's what God loves don't don't there may be seasons where we emphasize the instrument revised that but just in general stay in balances so no everything's not a court issue and to try to make it that kind of leads us down the wrong path and so I think after nine years I've been able to bring things more to a balance of knowing how to approach God in in in different different dimensions different realms there have been numerous people who have just shared more specific things that they have come up against so I don't know if this you'd want to lump them all together we can address each one homosexuality in the bloodline if that's a legitimate something that needs to come into the court also nightmares you know how maybe I'll just take those two first yeah I mean I don't know what the others are but yeah I mean both those things you mean immediately yeah you anything that consistently is harassing it is just almost to me it's just all almost always a that would be a a courtroom situation because the enemy has found some kind of a legal right for instance with nightmares to torment somebody with and so if you've tried to stop it other ways or whatever and it's not worked then then there's something there's something okay and only because only because marks I've already told you where he walked after he came out of the drug culture and what's the cross road Nations and all this kind of stuff he would wake up in the middle of the night with night terrors okay he would just wake up with let me just and I had gone through some of that in his book and I knew it was in the bloodline III would I mean these pants they would call him panic attacks now and just terrorizing things I would just wake up and this just be scared to death for no reason and it's what Mark started experiencing that and and when a seer gift was staying in her home she said to mark she said she said well mark because she knew something she had dealt with some issues in a rehab center in South Africa and she said to mark she said have you ever closed the door your activity in the drugs opened because drugs open portals in the spirit world and you can be free from the drugs and all that kind of stuff but if those portals are still open then the enemy has access to you at night and so she walked him through a process of legally shutting the doors that the those portals that that the drugs had opened up because that's true drugs that's one of the reasons people have the hallucinations are they open portals of demonic activity that come against you and so so that was the beginning process of these things you know beginning to be dealt with and coming to an end so so that's just one example that that doesn't say that's the only reason those kind of things come but but that thing had to be shut in and I would say this is what I feel sometimes people with nightmare issues it is because of witchcraft and the bloodline that the enemy is claiming a legal right to come in and Rass because of witchcraft in the bloodline and they're coming in the night when the walls are down I mean is it it what is it Matthew chapter 13 that men came the enemy came while men slept and so tears I mean there's a reason for that is it's it's because that's can sometimes be the the the time that those things can happen so anyway it can be a marriage thing the homosexual thing absolutely absolutely as I mentioned this morning in a in a situation where the the lady told me that she had prayed she went of course she dealt with was with sexual perversions or because he see sexual conversion can manifest in any number of different ways so if their sexual perversion in the bloodlines which by the way is a very very common thing if it is in the bloodline I mean the most noble and Christianized people have sexual perversion in their bloodline and and and but it can manifest in a lot of different ways so usually you have to go back and you have to repent and behalf of these things and ask for for those legal rights to be revoked so that you can then start dealing with any homosexual inclination that's there so that's just a real quick statement on that so obviously some of these lifestyles there are choices because in socially question was about our destiny you know can it be changed if we go against God's will obviously especially for praying for children who are out of God's will by choice again maybe just to put a punctuation mark on that again yep yeah absolutely absolutely uh whether it's us or our kids or whatever see and I do agree it is a choice they David said in Psalms 19 I kept myself from my iniquity that's quite an interesting statement I kept in other words there was an iniquitous pole in his bloodline David said I resisted it I kept myself from it and so that's quite interesting because we all have iniquitous things pulling on us from our bloodline but we have to make a choice and and and the more we walk with God and the more the New Testament the work of the cross works in our life and all that those I think my experience has been that the pole gets it gets less and less and less and gets cut off and the power of it is broken and it's a it's a it can happen instantaneously but it can also be a process and a progress where that happens and all of a sudden that stuff is removed away but but wherever I am in the in the present I still have to make a choice I still have to choose to say no I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not going there that that's against the will of God but the more you the more the iniquitous issue and the bloodline is dealt with the less the pole occurs okay and the easier it is to say no to it and and and to resist it and because bob says resist the devil he'll flee from you yep yep and again we're all you know yeah yeah I mean once you is once you it see I I believe that that when you've got this overwhelming temptation that's coming it's it's just almost always coming out of the bloodline it's just it's just come like like all my boys I'll say all my boys Mart struggle with it his older brother struggle with it this whole addictive side thing and what what what it was was my dad my father well okay my my father was an abusive alcoholic that's just that's just true I mean he got saved and all that and he was a different man but but in the early days before I was born my older brothers sisters my dad would come home drunk beat my mother and threatened to kill her they were the neighbors would literally hide her in closets away from him this was they lived in the I mean it was bad I mean all that I heard stories as I grew up but my dad became a completely different man and he wasn't even that man when he wasn't drinking he was that man when he drank and so that was in the blood I sold so I was a me and my twin brother come along literally after my dad's a born-again Christian spirit-filled elder in the church all that kind of stuff my older brothers sisters doing that way me and my twin brother did not okay so we come along my twin brother as we get older he chooses drugs and alcohol I choose the ways of the Lord and we went just like this grew up in the same environment in atmosphere identical and yet he made a choice for drugs and alcohol that ended up destroying his life in marriage and I made a choice for the Lord I was standing on a front seat with a guy with a prophet friend and he suddenly looked at me and he said the Lord just spoke to me about you and I said what and he said the Lord said that there were certain family curses that did not get on you because you turns your heart to the Lord at such an early stage and I looked at him I said you're exactly right I said drugs and alcohol addictive things were never an issue with me but they were for my twin brother that grew up because he didn't turn his heart to the Lord see see and they have proven watch this that family curses and generational issues will start showing up in a child around 13 years old it'll just start manifesting you'll start seeing signs of it you just start seeing signs of it they start bending start turning a certain way and you know all that kind of stuff sorry but but see see it didn't have a hold on me cause I turn my heart to the Lord at such an early age which is exactly right and my twin brother did not and yet we grew up as a so so here what does good so here this is so we marry and I start having kids we are a Christian home and I would look at my oldest son Ryan and I would see my twin brother Roger but this this is righteous that could look in nice kid and I would see my and I knew I would tell him Ryan I'm telling you you better set I knew nothing but bloodline cleansing I say you better set your heart if you don't what is on your Uncle Roger is gonna get on you do you want the kind of life your Uncle Roger has I don't think so I would suggest to you that you better turn your heart and I was just lecture him which is probably not the thing to do but but the point was I could see it I could see it in the spirit on him and sure enough when he got about 16 boom he started going that way and literally he's 38 years old a great businessman only but it took him a long long time to break free from that why because it was generational curse in the bloodline it didn't come from me or yeah it wasn't coming from my heart to the Lord I escaped it but that addictive thing in the bloodline was coming down and so I told all my boys in particular you guys better stay away from it period I said because you can't handle it it's in the bloodline and that means what other people can do in moderation will destroy your life alcohol or whatever it will destroy your life so you have to know you have to get away from that because it's a bloodline curse running through the through the family line does that out that see that that is such an important thing and so so anyway that that was a I've looked at that in my family that's a wow it's amazing what happens just someone turning their heart to God at an early age that lets them escape that because I remember when I was when I was in high school the kids would come they'd offer me though the marijuana the pot you know now as a whole lot worse doble to offer me all this stuff the alcohol and and this was this was my fear I would say this because I was a Christian I would say them no no I'm an athlete but really the reason the reason I didn't do it was because I was afraid if I did it I would like it and it would own me and I had enough sense somehow or another it was the Spirit of God I had enough sense to not ever say no to are to never say yes to it and as a result I escaped the whole thing it was a fear look yeah it was either the fear of the Lord or through my mother one or two kids to realize the power of those early years yes I'm telling you yes yes it's yeah cuz i watch i watch my grandkids now and see my daughter because we know this my daughter had a dream she hurt my daughter's hope has Jackson and and okay so I'm just kind of just it's all in my book you can read anyway so so but watch so the boys the boys tended to struggle with addictive personalities both my girls ended up in in sex before marriage that's just that's just true and and I mean to me that's a reflection on me as a dad I didn't give them whatever they needed another dub but the bottom line that's what happened okay and I don't walk around condemned over it I mean we have a great real at my daughter's they both work for me all this kind of stuff but my daughter hope had a dream that she was in that she and hope or she and she and Sarah her sister were swimming in this dark murky water but over here in this water was this funnel tunnel that was that that if you got in it would suck you down and Jackson her son got in it and sucked him down and she in her dream had to go under the water get up underneath him and push him up I said hope that's the gene pool and and and and she said do you think it has to do with sexual stuff I said yeah I said you and your sister swam in that pool that that clean dark murky water poo and I said the the Lord showing you that this is gonna try to this thing feeling trying to pull Jackson and pull him down but you had to get up under him that's called intercession you had to get up under him and push him back up so that he would not drowned in that gene pool I said God is showing you what to do right now that that he's at the age he's at see God doesn't see and again see I think I said earlier when you have dreams like that they may not have anything do the court but you interpret them from a courtroom perspective so I'm telling you intercede we need to go into the blood line we need to deal with these issues that the enemy who claim he has a legal right to pull on Jackson in some kind of a sexual perversion to suck him down we need to break all that so that that which wants to drowned him will not be able to do it you
Channel: Crossroads Community Church - Winchester VA
Views: 114,900
Rating: 4.8397889 out of 5
Keywords: Crossroads Winchester, Robert Henderson, Courts of Heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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