Faith Is now, not Later | Laws of Faith | Bishop David G. Evans

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praise the Lord I'm so glad you've taken the time to join me today I'm Bishop David G Evans and welcome to Bethany the transformation church here in Lindenwold New Jersey just coming to you this week hoping to help build your faith during a very trying and testing season if you're like me there are times when things happen that we need explanations for them and I want to encourage you to to go to our youtube site at David G Evans one Bishop David G Evans and see the sermon experienced a video that has to do with why we think biblically we're in this season the season of play exams what's amazing to me we've got this this pestilence here and around the world in the virus we've got locust in Africa yesterday I don't know in your part of the country yesterday we had a hail with the Sun out it's hail the size of Dimes coming down yesterday so we've got three or four of the biblical plagues of Exodus that are happening around the world right now and Passover is just around the corner I give a full biblical explanation of that pastor Nick and I have a wonderful biblical discussion around why biblically we're experiencing this season of voluntary confinement has everything to do with Israel in Egypt at the time of the famine you want to go and see this video on our YouTube page you'll see me and pastor Nick which will also see once one video where I'm alone and teaching you about this this this test this question that God is asking the people of God with this pandemic another word for the pandemic and the Bible is plague you'll enjoy let me know what you think write me when once you see it now we've been talking about the laws of faith I've already talked about two laws of faith and we have one more to go in the three laws of faith that I want to talk to you about and we talked about the fact that God is a God of systems he's a got a protocol we took your mind back to the tabernacle and you can recall as you study your Bible as you studied it to have a neckl they had specific instructions on how that tabernacle was to be constructed every time they constructed it there were no variations why because God had a particular way that would allow them to go boldly to his throne yeah that's the reason he built it the same way because God has a protocol so it's not build it anyway you want to build it the way I tell you to build it so you can approach me and I can can come and bless you because once the temple was built the tabernacle was built the way they wanted God wanted to build then the Lord appeared get to the New Testament says come boldly to the throne of grace in the time of need not any way you want to God as a protocol he's a God structure he's a God of principles he's a got a process structure principles and process he has a way the Bible talks about there's a way that seems right but the end is not what you want in their end is destruction so God is a God of systems he's a God of process if you remember that you understand that going boldly to him does not mean what you want to it means once I'm within protocol I can come boldly I tell this story all the time my grandson will run up to me I don't call him my grandson I call him my son my son will walk right up to me and I'm talking to another adult and he'll start talking and he'll keep track daddy daddy pulled on people and I'll ignore him and then finally I'll say what did daddy say he'll say excuse me dad I immediately stopped a conversation and turned in because I'm trying to show him how to get immediate response from his natural father well I'm his grandfather without I'm raising him so his mother I'm his father and showed him watch this how he's going to approach his god there's a way to do it and there's a way for us and that way requires faith faith produces when God is Lord and faith requires now the third thing I want to talk about is this faith is now not later faith is now not later we make the mistake of hearing God's Word and saying I'll do it later faith is not for the future faith is for now when I put my faith and say I'm going to do it later faith will block my now what causes us to say we believe God and then say I'll do it later he says seek me first we decide I'm gonna do it later I have come to understand I hope you'll get this that when God moves my faith or attempts to move me with his word and I decide I'm going to respond later I missed the moment of impartation missed the moment of breakthrough missed the moment of deliverance it's it's it's like the moment loses this momentum that the velocity of the moment is is is diminished to such a point that you never get that exact moment back again so what is God saying to us there is a now that you and I must must must lock ourselves into now let's take a look at something so I want to walk in a sudden cease I want to walk in the right now season I want my season to happen now faith Hebrews is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen now faith moving in the now action activates faith in action delays results action activates faith the Bible is clear says if you can believe all things are possible to them that believe when I look at Genesis chapter 18 let's go there for a second I want to show you something very quickly but I can spend too much time there but I think I need to get this into your spirit excuse my my Bible looks a little folded up here the Bible I really wanted to bring them well let me bring out any more where the covers are off of it in but it you know as familiar in my hand this is my public Bibles they allowed me to bring and it causes me some anxiety because it's not familiar like my older Bible is but I need to ask you a question today Genesis 1814 says is anything too hard for the Lord ask us a question asks you to make an evaluation based on your relationship with God is anything too hard for the Lord it's a searching question it's a question that causes me to get right down to the nitty-gritty of who I am and who God is in my life we tend if we think about it the question makes me realize and admit how I categorized my trouble I don't know about you but I say it's a little problems an immediate problem big problem so I categorize my trouble so little big problem or impossible and the Bible sin is anything little big impossible is anything too hard for God at the time appointed I will return unto the according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son now watch how this works so now listen to me take this principle with you when you want to study faith I need you to be aware of two things number one the New Testament defines a thing generally the Old Testament tells you how it works so who want to look at what faith how faith works the faith I learn about the New Testament when I want to look at how it works in the old I go to Abraham's life as the primary example of faith and I read Abraham's life in the Bible and I put faith in the place where every where it were Abram what Abraham's name is listed so then you will see the journey of faith because Abraham is the foundational believer in faith he's the example God uses for faith because he slays if you will in his heart his only begotten son of promise okay so so so Ishmael is not the son of promise Ishmael is the son of what God permitted but the son of promise cannot come out of a fertile situation the miracle can't come out of fertility the miracle comes out of barrenness because it is not Sarah's womb that transforms Abraham's seed as Abraham's seed of faith that transforms Sarah's barren wound so in the context that we're looking is anything too hard for God he's asking faith is any too hard and faith has to have an answer and an answer for you and I must be nothing's too hard whether I've categorized as a little problem in a media problem big problem or something impossible Chuck God is asking you right now is anything too hard for the Lord and the answer obviously it's not but doubt will make me think this little problem is not a problem but this big one might be so I'm asking you today I'm asking because I need you to change your focus on where your faith that dwells is anything too hard in your mind for God now watch what happens if I say nothing's too hard then God is never asking me to do too much if I say nothing's too hard and I am faith produces when when God is Lord and faith has appropriate action and faith activates the power of God then when he asked me is anything too hard then nothing he asked me to do was to her so what does he do asked Abraham to do a hard thing hey guys I think that only son take him up cuz I need to see how much you love him love me see how much you love him do you love him enough - give him to me who you say you love not do I dislike him enough but do I love God enough to give him what I love oh my because what God does I need to love the thing first before I give it to him I gotta love it enough to give it to him Abraham loves Isaac enough to give him to God and then when he does that God says I know you love me now it was never ever God's intention to take Isaac away from him but God wanted to know if Abraham was going to be the the foundational individual faith Abraham Isaac Jacob he's gonna be that foundational faith guy God needed to know can I trust you to do what I have already done in my heart the Bible says that Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world God slew Jesus in his heart long before he sent him to Calvary like Abraham had to slay Isaac in his life before he took him to the altar that makes perfect sense now doesn't it now watch how this works so we get to the point in life now where we kind of guys problems categorize problems and I have to have faith in what God told me now Abraham takes Isaac up to the to the mountain right gets ready to slay but before he goes up you remember he says to the two of the guys that came with him we'll be back he doesn't Arnold Schwarzenegger says we'll be back now how did he know cuz he knew what God told him already that through Isaac was he gonna be blessed all the nations will be blessed so Isaac could not die but he did not know how God was going to do this he was simply following God's process so he follows God's process and it looks like is contradicting what God promised I need you to hear me sometimes when I'm following God's process it looks to me like it contradicts what he promised me so all of a sudden he's going up he's got faith he's waiting for God to deliver because he's believed God he's taking her son up to the mountain he puts him on the altar which makes him what type of Christ he gets ready to slay him and God says holy don't you do that he said you missed something when you came off the mountain I had a ram hidden in the bush so you can substitute the RAM for your son I just needed to know if you were really the guy who would believe me by faith what does that say to you God's not telling you go out and slay anybody does you're not Abraham the God is saying what is it that you love that you're willing to give up so my word can become reality in your life what are you willing to sacrifice what are you willing to give him because not only is faith move God when he's Lord not only does faith require action but faith requires sacrifice based on how much you love him so a lot of times in in our lives you know we hear certain things I I remember I remember when Paul I believe was Paul what might have been Peter he couldn't get to everybody so he was cutting parts of his garment parts of his priestly robe and singing to people and they were being healed and then for years you would see on television where prayer cloths would be sent and and those that did not know that word doubted the the biblical integrity of what was being asked because they didn't know about the part where the apostle sent he couldn't go everywhere so he sent pieces of his robe and they were laying the pieces of his robe as instruments of faith the people who were sick who were demonically possessed and they were being delivered so the miraculous was attached to what was this to the part of him that he sewed into someone else's life it's amazing but it's biblical all it is all the garment was all the piece of the garment was was a tangible evidence of his faith in the power of God that's all you see this tangible evidence of your faith in the power of God and that it will do what you watch this released it planted it sowed it to do it's such a simple powerful principle it is it is no different those of you that have this is how simple this is I don't know why we don't get it you send your check your money you make a transaction to pay a bill somewhere in the building thousands of miles away from you and you believe when you sow that thing it's going to satisfy that need and you're going to get some receipt that that transaction has occurred that's all to see this you're releasing something with the faith that what you want to accomplish will be accomplished in that farm place and something is going to come back to you showing you that that reality has been accomplished in a place you can't even see so I'm sowing into the invisible so something can happen in the visible we're in the middle of what I'm calling a a voluntary confinement season we're in the middle of a test in a crisis that many people of God are having a problem with their faith but I want to help you stay focused on doing the things that God requires us to do one of those things is praying and worshiping in and giving it's amazing how now that we're shut out of church one of the few things we can do collectively is pray we can also I want to encourage you today that you are along with me get ready to sew this seat I've been in some incredible situations in my life and uh I heard some incredible testimonies I've I've seen where people have sewn see that and when we were inspired to ask them for it and financial blessings just broke through what I've seen houses in foreclosures that were absolutely turned completely around I've seen people who needed a financial breakthrough for the children away at college and and God make a way through another person and I've seen some incredible things that God has done and I'm believing God it's still the same God I believe nothing is impossible to him if we believe I believe there is nothing too hard for God if we will trust him I'm believing with you and for you that in this season of testing and trial that as we get ready to close out this session by sowing a seed of sacrifice that you understand that to see it as part of your worship this seed is part of your active faith this seed is a part of you seeking the kingdom first and choosing God you loving him you appreciating him it's amazing how once I learned this doublet dynamic it changed my life the Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting night first thing I see in the text he loved the world he loved what he wanted to receive He gave His only Son he loved what he loved he loved the world enough to so what he loved for it I need you to love what you desire from God enough this love enough to saw what you love that's in your possession you've got to love your seed and love what the seed is gonna produce so your seed and your desire is evenly yoke so they match so they align so that the power of your love for the thing you want to receive and the power of the love that you're going to so can yoke together and produce the blessing in your life that you desire from God that principle changed my life if I don't love what I'm praying for before I start praying for and I don't love what I'm giving to God to trigger the manifestation to trigger the response of heaven then what I want and what I'm sowing will be unevenly old Abraham loved God Abraham loved Isaac you didn't hear what I said Abraham loved what the Covenant promised the Word of God said it would produce Abraham loved his son you've got to love what you're expecting and love what you're sowing you've got to love what you want to receive and love what you're sacrificing else God can't receive it and God can't work with I want you today to join me as I sew today also with you I'm gonna sew at a fifty dollar level today those of you that will join me in that sewing if God has laid on your heart more than I need you to do that I want to encourage moving the laws of faith and watch God move in your life just a 50-dollar see go to the icon released at sea today and watch God move all right come on let's pray God I thank you once again for this opportunity thank you for blessing us with your now Lord as I have changed my focus as I understand the laws of faith that faith produces when you our Lord the faith must be accompanied by action god I thank you right now for what you're doing in our lives thank you for shifting our faith thank you for the testimonies that will come in thank you Lord for those that were ministered to by this word and I thank you Lord that we're loving what we want to receive what we're praying for and we're loving the seed that we're giving we're loving it enough to receive it and we're loving our seed enough to sacrifice it so I bless your name now and I declare not only will you receive what God wants to give you but because of this I want to declare a Deuteronomy blessing of Elah the Lord's gonna bless you a thousand times more based on this CD I know you're feeling this fear because I do a thousand times more Deuteronomy blessing on this cedar about the soul and watch God move okay I'll see you real soon bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 1,369
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Id: Kh2e_O7OQsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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