Extraordinary | Inspirational Drama Starring Movie Karen Abercrombie, Kirk Cameron, Shari Rigby

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("The Master's Calling" by Thad Cockrell) ♪ Listen while you still can hear ♪ ♪ Listen while you still can hear ♪ ♪ The Master's calling ♪ ♪ The Master's calling ♪ ♪ Bow down while your knees still bend ♪ ♪ Bow down while your knees still bend ♪ ♪ The Master's calling ♪ ♪ The Master's calling ♪ (vulture squawking) ♪ I don't wanna walk away ♪ ♪ Walk away from Him ♪ ♪ No, I don't wanna walk away ♪ ♪ Don't wanna walk away from Him ♪ ♪ Bind me to your side ♪ ♪ Bind me to your side ♪ (Dave panting) (contemplative synth and piano music) - [Dave] Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. (monitor beeps) - I wish I could tell you that things have gotten better since last year, but you've gotten worse. - I just need to know about the summer. - We talked about this last summer. You're bone on bone now. That's what's causing all the pain. It's time for that knee replacement. - How's the ticker? - Fine, I got like seven new pipes. They're all pumping good now. - Seven? (chuckles) Only you, Horton. - Okay, let's say I do it your way. Once I do the surgery, will I be able to run next summer? - Run? From California to New York? Most people can't do that on two good knees, let alone with a knee replacement. - Okay, so if I'm going to run, then I need to do it first, pre-surgery-- - [Doctor] I did not say that. - Okay, but if I was going to. - Look, I know it's tough to accept. But your competitive racing days, they're over. Make an appointment and we'll start some pre-op work-ups. - [Heather] If the mind is willing, the body is able. (muffled loudspeaker chattering) - Heather? - Running class, seven years ago now. I just started here a couple weeks ago. Do you want me to schedule a followup? - No, no, we're all set. How have you been? - I've been great. - Hmm. - Look, you probably don't remember this, but, during that time, I had a lot of people in my life tell me that I was a loser and never gonna finish school. But you always told me I could, no matter what anyone said or what obstacles I faced. (sentimental orchestral music) I've followed your adventure since. What you're doing is very inspiring, Dr. Horton. - Thanks, Heather. That means a lot to me. - There are times in life where we're faced with a question, where our treasure lies. Is it in the riches and the glory of this world? Or do we invest our gifts in the heart of the Father, using them to meet the needs of others? For the Bible tells us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. (Clark groans) - Dr. Horton! Are you okay? - Head over, guys. Go ahead, I got this. Oh. Guess who got best blood today? You know what I always say, if the mind's willing-- - The body is able, I know. I'm done. - You're not done. - No, I really am. - Well, can your resignation wait at least a day? I've still got a few miles to run, and I'm not carrying you, not with these knees. Come on, you can do this. Come on. (upbeat jazz music) ♪ Each day is all the same ♪ ♪ Mm, busying myself to ease the pain ♪ ♪ And my solutions, they've been sad ♪ ♪ But I can't find no time to clear my head ♪ ♪ I know life is more than what I've been told ♪ ♪ The ancient words still feed my soul ♪ ♪ And in them, all I need to behold ♪ ♪ I still believe ♪ ♪ I keep on fightin' to make it to the finish line ♪ (sign clacks) - Sorry, Carl! - Horton, again? ♪ And even though there's no end in sight ♪ ♪ I'm gonna make it to the finish line ♪ - All right, Mr. Extraordinary, puttin' me to shame. How many miles today? - 16, then the class joined me for six more. - (laughs) What are you gonna do with your summer off? - I'm not sure yet. - You know, if it's too painful, I can take that down for you. It's like ripping off a Band-aid. - Nope. - Oh, come on, man. Three out of five ain't bad, two of which you broke world speed records. You really believe it's possible to circle the Earth, almost 25,000 miles? - Anything's possible. - It's official, you're nuts. - I thought you just said I was extraordinary. - Extraordinarily nuts. - (scoffs) Well, it's the crazy ones that change the world, Mikey. (door knocks) - What happened, Clark? - Typical running class humiliation. - (laughs) Don't let old Doc here talk you into anything sane or reasonable. (laughs) - What's up? - Have you ever tried to do so many things at once that you can't do any of them well? - What's really going on here? - To keep up with the bills, I'm gonna need to find a second job. What with tuition, getting the car fixed, and rent, I meant it. I'm done. - [Dave] I'm not letting you quit. - Come on. - You can't give up running, Clark. You're good at it. You're one of the few who's not afraid to get hurt or even bleed a little. You have a chance to compete in ultras and multi-days, maybe even beat one of my world speed records one day. - Well, which one are you willing to part with? The Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest? - I want you to finish what you started. Hopefully, this will help. (sentimental orchestral music) - I can't take this. It's too much. - Well, bills have this persistent way of repeating themselves. Take it. - Isn't your wife gonna be upset? Shouldn't you ask her? - If there's one thing I know about my wife, her heart is generous. (people socializing) - [Woman] Thank you. - You know, if you woulda told me six months ago when he had heart surgery, that it would turn out to be a blessing, I wouldn't have believed it. I have to admit I'm a little torn. - About what? - Well, I know the kids need a vacation with their dad, but, you know, I'd like to whisk him off all alone. I mean, is that a little selfish? - Oh, you are the most unselfish person I know. - Mm. - [Man] Thank you. - What you could do, though, is fly them back to stay with us while you two take off together. - Oh, I like the way you think. - That is why I am the romance expert in this friendship. (both chuckling) - [Woman] Thank you so much. - Mom. Where do you want these? - In the next room. - Where are you going? - Bringing a little art class to the Daily Bread. Next week I'm gonna start teaching them how to make mosaics. - Oh, I wanna help. I've always wanted to learn how to do that. - Okay, you can come, too. Hi, Brandon. - Hey. - Thanks. Where's Allison? - Uh, had a little spillage in the car. I'm gonna go grab some more. - Oh, Brandon, were you able to clear the schedule with your coach? - Yes, I told him we'd be gone for a month, and we'll be able to resume prepping for the fall when we get back. So where's this road trip starting? - Springer Mountain, Georgia. - Ah. - And don't you tell your dad. (sentimental string music) - Dr. Horton, this morning I felt impressed to write this note to thank you for all you've done for me. It's been a wonderful four years. - Thank you, ma'am. Thank you. Hey, it's been great having you. I don't even recognize you. No, I'm kidding. I remember you from the first day. I'm teasing. Thank you. - Hey. - You're right. It has been a good four years, Becky. (laughs) Okay, okay, we're good, we're good. See you at graduation. - Okay. - Thank you. Without you, I'd-- - No, no, no, no. - So did you ever decide what you're gonna do this summer? - Maybe number four. - Really? - Yeah. - The Trans-Am? That's awesome, man. - What I'm thinkin'. - Are you nervous? - Me, nervous? - Yeah. - Nah. (Clark laughs) Here's the thing. If I can conquer the Pacific Crest Trail or survive the Barkley... - Wait, but didn't you almost die a couple times on the PCT? - No, no, no, that's livin'. - What do you love so much about running? - It's the miracle of pushing beyond your limits, beyond strained ligaments, stress fractures, exhaustion. It's the boldness of pursuing a dream that no one else understands except for you. (dramatic orchestral music) (people socializing) - [Announcer] And now to present our special honors and awards, our esteemed professor, Dr. David Horton. (audience applauding and cheering) (regal orchestral music) - It is my honor today that you get to hear from two of my dearest students, Rebecca Anderson, salutatorian, and Clark Zealand, valedictorian. I've seen these two overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to succeed, and not just to get by, but as an old coach once encouraged me, to finish well. Today, these two define what it means to finish well. (audience applauding) Becky? - Thank you, Dr. Horton. If any of you ever wonder if you can impact a life, I'm here to tell you that you can, to share how much this place has meant to me. - So have you told Dave about the summer yet? - I'll tell him tonight. (both chuckling) - Now, I know this is supposed to be my valedictorian speech, but I just have to thank Dr. Horton for being an inspiration. With your can-do-it-literally- no-matter-what attitude, there's no one like you. After the Pacific Crest Trail almost took you out, most people would've given up, but not you. I only wish I could go with you on the Trans-America Footrace, but maybe next year I will. I just want you to know that we're all behind you, Dr. Horton. We'll all be cheering for you. (audience applauding and cheering) - Yeah, go Dad! (dramatic orchestral music) - What, are you out of your mind? You're gonna run across America? What, do you think you're Forrest Gump? - I can do it. - That's not the point. I thought after heart surgery and all the trouble that you are having with your knee that you were done. Do you have any idea what you put us through every time you do one of these things? - Mom, leave him alone. If he wants to go, let him go. - Be quiet, Brandon! - You be quiet. - I'm the one that goes to bed alone for months, who sits next to you when you come back, only for you to say, "Get away from me," and, "Don't sit too closely because my body hurts too much." (dramatic orchestral music) I can't do it again. It's just, I can't. I can't do it again. - Goodnight, Allie. - Night, Dad. Dad? Are you really doing this? - Thinkin' about it. - That's usually code for I've made up my mind. - Well, it was just announced in front of 20,000 people. - So what? You don't have to. I kinda wish you'd slow down. You're gettin' up there in age, you know. - (chuckles) Thanks a lot there, kiddo. - Just trying to keep it real. (Dave laughs) I just don't want you to get hurt, out there alone, mile after mile. I think about that a lot, you know? - I won't get hurt. - That's what you always say. - Goodnight, Allie. Love you, sweetie. (smooches) - [Nancy] What do you notice about these pictures? - I have a beautiful family. - She was playing Eve, the lead in Applause, here. - I don't remember that show. - You were running the AT. Brandon, his soccer tournament. You were running the PCT. Allison's 16th birthday. - I took her out when I got home. (Nancy chuckles) - You've missed so much. (crickets chirping) You know, the first time you did one of these things, do you remember what I told you before you left? That I hoped that you achieved your goal, but that you would be miserable and missing your family so much that you would never want to do one of these things again. - This has nothing to do with whether I love or miss you guys. - (scoffs) Yeah, you're right. It has nothing to do with us at all. You have made it very clear where your treasure lies. - That's not fair. - Mm. - Look, I don't know how to explain it, okay? I just feel like I'm supposed to go. (train horn blows) Nancy, listen. This isn't the easiest thing to try to explain, but I've been praying, asking. I've just been sensing certain things about it, even that sermon on Sunday. - (scoffs) Were we even listening to the same message? - I feel like God wants me to do this, to inspire people one last time, teach people how to really live. - Really, have you ever asked yourself if you're really teaching the right things? - Look, all I can tell ya is that just as I was praying, asking God to show me what to do, one of my former students came to me, reminded me how we can do anything despite our obstacles. - Yeah, is that God speaking? Or are you just hearing what you wanna hear? - Well then, Becky, she gave me that card for graduation with a verse about how we're supposed to run with perseverance the race set before us. Is that just a coincidence? - Who am I to argue with God if that's the way that you really feel? (Nancy sighs) (dramatic orchestral music) - Did you have something in mind for us to do this summer? - No, nothing that matters. You can go off on your adventure. I'm sure that you're not gonna be missing anything here. - Really? So I can, I can go? Well, so I have your blessing? - Yeah, if that's what you call it. I'm your wife, not your mother. (sighs) I'm not gonna tell you what you can and cannot do, or even what you should, but I just hope that you can live with yourself when you get back. - What does that mean? - I just, I wish I could understand you, understand why this is so important to you. - I just need you to trust me, and trust Him to take care of me. - What if I asked you to choose? It's either this or me. - Please don't ask me that. (upbeat synth and percussion music) - You're listening to 88.3 The Journey, the best in Christian radio. I'm your host Barry Armstrong. - And I'm Linda Armstrong, and today we have in the studio with us a very special guest, the legendary Dr. David Horton, who is getting ready to leave on his Trans-America Footrace. - Which, if you can believe it, begins in Huntington Beach, California, and finishes in Central Park, New York? - Whew, goodness. - That's right, yeah. - From sea to shining sea. (Dave chuckles) - Tell us about the Trans-Am race. How does it work? - Well, each day is between 30 and 60 miles long. Um, all runners have to average 3.5 miles per hour each day or we're disqualified, and the runner with the least amount of accumulated time at the end wins. - Assuming, of course, you finish. - I always finish what I start. - Ooh, you heard it, folks. How many days does this insanity take? - 64 days. - 64 days! - From one end of the country to the other. - Wow, leave it up to Horton to do the impossible. (plane roaring) - [Pilot] Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Just outside, you'll see the Mojave Desert on the way to our destination of Huntington Beach. For today's flight, you'll receive 2,906 miles. Welcome aboard. (dramatic orchestral music) - What can I expect when I get back? - I don't know. (waves crashing) (women laughing) - [Nina] You're always winnin'. - Yes, yes! ♪ B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was her name-o ♪ Hey! (laughs) - Thanks, ladies, for keeping me company tonight, even if I did lose Candy Bar Bingo. - Hey, your loss is my gain. (chuckles) I mean literally, look. I think I've gained five pounds already. - You could share, you know, Miss Champ. - Yeah, right, you know you talkin' to a food addict, right? - It's not time to go home just yet. - Uh, it's late. No, it hasn't been the best day. - Come on. - Okay, present company excluded, Marcy. I just wanna go home and go to bed. - You mean that one that's cold, lonely, and dark? (snorts) - See, that is exactly why you need therapy. Of the Art Club style. - Yes! - What is Art Club? - I don't remember joining a club. - First rule of Art Club? What happens in Art Club stays in Art Club. (Nina and Marcy laughing) - What are you guys up to? - [Friend] Are we gonna get in trouble? - Second rule of Art Club, no poopin' on the party. (all laughing) - [Nina] Okay, okay, okay, and no peeking! - [Marcy] That's right! - No peeking. - You do, and I'll know. I got eyes upside-down and sideways. (all laughing) - She does! - Nance, how long did it take your hubby to run that Pacific Crusty? - Crest, 66 days, seven hours, 16 minutes, averaged 40 miles a day, Mexico to Canada. - (groans) I'd rather average 40 hours of sleep every half-day. Girl, if my husband left me and the kids to do that, I can tell you it'd be a whole lot colder at home than it was up there. - Okay, open up. - Oh! (sentimental orchestral music) Oh, my goodness, it's just beautiful. You did this? - I love what you do with the people that come here. - Hmm. And what are those for? (Nina chuckles) (plate shatters) (Nina huffs) - We can't do that here. - Come on, you gotta live a little! - Great way to let off some steam, girl. - Yeah! - Come on. I dare you. (all laughing) - But, but that's, that one's so pretty. - But actually, the pretty broken ones do make the best art. - Do it now. - Do it! - Do it! - [All] Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it! - Do it, do it, do it! - Do it! (all laughing) (plate shatters) (Nancy whoops) - Yes! (all laughing) (line ringing) (all laughing) (plates shattering) (phone buzzing) (line ringing) - Here's for all those days alone! - Yeah! (plate shatters) (all laughing) Hold up! ♪ Wait a minute, let me put Some Marcy in it ♪ (laughs) It's my turn! (all cheering) I gotta work off some of these candy bars. (suspenseful orchestral music) (Marcy screams) (plate shatters) (all laughing) (plates shattering) (Nina whoops) (all laughing) (plate shatters) (Nancy yelps) (siren whoops) (plate clatters) (line ringing) - It's just art supplies, sir. Classes start on Monday, and we were just getting everything ready. - You'd be impressed by our diligence if you knew us. - Do you have permission to be here? - I have keys. - Aren't you that lady whose husband's off doing some cockamamie run cross-country? - Oh, see! You had to bring that up! That's what this whole night was about, to help her clean forget. - So sorry, I apologize. I admire someone who's that nuts and doesn't come out six feet under. (chuckles) I'm gonna let you gals off with a verbal warning, provided you pick up everything here. Coming back to check, now. Y'all behave. - We'll think about it. (door slams) (dramatic orchestral music) (walkie-talkie chattering) - Hmm, who knew being married to the extraordinary Dave Horton would have such a good payoff? (all laughing) ("The Master's Calling" by Thad Cockrell) - [Brandon] I'm proud of you, Dad. I know how hard these times ahead will be for you. Well, actually, I don't. I've never done this. I wish we could do this together, and I hope this isn't your last one. You've always been my hero. Just don't die out there. ♪ Listen while you still can hear ♪ (Dave panting) (vulture squawks) ♪ Listen while you still can hear ♪ ♪ The Master's calling ♪ ♪ The Master's calling ♪ (dramatic orchestral music) (Dave panting) (Dave panting) (gravel crunching) (people socializing) (man speaks in foreign language) - Sorry I haven't called much. Reception in the desert has been terrible. I'm in Vegas now. We've covered 340.65 miles so far. Only 2,565.35 to go. Tomorrow's big. We run, uh, 55 miles. I really miss you guys. (man speaks in foreign language) - You have allergies? (Dave chuckles) Why you crying? - No, I was just, uh, just trying to connect with the family. - Looks like you beat me in mails today. - Just not on running time, I suppose. - Well, I am only ahead of you by one hour, 17 minutes. - And 14 seconds, but who's counting? - (chuckles) It's true. How 'bout we run together later this week, yes? - Sure, yeah. - [Sergei] Make you feel better? - (chuckles) Sure would. - I'll wait 'til mile six to leave you behind. - (laughs) All right. - Is good? - Sounds good. (Dave laughs) (inspirational orchestral music) (water roaring) (Dave panting) - What I love about seeing each of you work is you get to take and give a tangible shape to these unknown pieces. So, let's get ready to begin. - Nancy, the one that you helped me with last week, I sold it for $25 on the corner down the street. I haven't seen 25 bucks in two years. - Oh my gosh, that is great, Denise. - When did you start doing these? - My husband and I, when we first got married, we would travel a lot and we would take these amazing trips. I would collect stuff on them, and then when we would come home, I would make a piece of art to commemorate the trip. - Oh, this is going to make a great memento of that night. (laughs) - What night? What'd I miss? - Oh, just the night that your mama almost got arrested. - Nina. - What? (Nina laughs) - She caused it. - I just wanted your mama to have a little fun for once. Speaking of, I think that you and the kids should go on that little trip. - That's what I've been telling her, Neens. - I planned that trip with your dad in mind. There's no reason to go to all those places that he's been without him. - So what? He went without us. Come on, I have it on good authority that I am a total blast on vacation. There's no point in waiting on him to live our lives. - Mm, she's got you there. - You're right. There's no reason why we can't go somewhere fun. - Why didn't you tell Dave what you had planned? Give him a chance to choose? (dramatic orchestral music) - 'Cause I didn't want to know that he wouldn't choose us. (rain pitter-pattering) (Dave panting) - [Barry] He's an educator, a motivator, a runner, and a thrill-seeking wild man. When he called in this morning, he talked about the difficulties of the desert. His next stop is Utah. - But this morning we have a guest with us in the studio, Becky. Becky is one of Dr. Horton's students who just graduated, and she's here because she has a story that she'd like to share with us. Becky, we're so glad that you're here. - It's good to be here. Um, it was my freshman year of college. - All right, everybody, what am I holding here? Yeah. - Whatever it is, it's disgusting. (students laugh) - This is five pounds of fat. - Ew! (students groan) - Yeah, imagine how many of these we're carrying around with us, all right? Each pound represents 3,500 calories. And how do we burn those calories? That's a question, anyone? - Exercise? - Say it with some conviction, man! - Exercise! - Exercise, exactly. In your textbooks, I want you to turn to page six. I believe that's near the beginning. Um, you, what's your name? - Rebecca, uh, Becky. - Becky, I like that. Can you read that first paragraph for me, please? - "Running is defined by the action or movement of a runner, "to go quickly by moving the legs." - Okay, okay, that's good. That is good. Um, Becky, I want you to rip that page out of the book there for me, please. Yeah, seriously, just rip it right out. Come on, Becky! Rip it! (page scratches) There, doesn't that feel good? Doesn't that sound good? Everybody, rip that page out of your book. Don't make Becky feel like she's the only one. (paper scratching) You know what? Let's rip the entire chapter out. Beautiful, rip the whole thing out. Yeah, there it goes! Doesn't that feel good? Rip the whole thing out. Look at you guys! You're exercising! Here's the reason. You can't learn about running out of a book, and you certainly can't burn any calories sitting on your rear ends. There's only one way to learn about running, by exploring God's glorious creation. (inspirational orchestral music) (feet clomping) (Becky panting) How you feelin'? You're doing great, okay? You hang in there, Becky. Here. (Becky gasps) You ready? Let's keep going. I believe in you. You're doing great. - He has transformed my attitude, my health. (inspirational acoustic guitar and piano music) Dr. Horton gave me the confidence to believe in myself. He helped me appreciate God's creation. I'm a new person today because of that wild man. (Dave panting) (phone buzzing) - Hello? - (sighs) I've really missed you. (dramatic orchestral music) - How are you feeling? (sniffles) - Feels like a pressure cooker out here, Nancy. My shin splints are unbearable at times. Also, I think I have tendinitis. I've had to stop and stretch often just to keep it from hurting so much. My knee is swollen. My hamstrings are super-tight. Today is a tough stage, over 50 miles. I don't know if my body can hold up for the whole race. - You say that every time, Dave. You're out there to finish. - You know what? I better get going. I need to grab some breakfast before we leave. Love you. (Nancy sighs) (horses clomping) (horses whinnying) (horses whinnies) Sergei. What drives you to do this? - In Russia, it's not like it is for you here. - Yeah, your family actually wants you here. - They would not have it another way. But you are American. You already have good life. Why do you do this? - I do it 'cause I can. - That's it? That seem kind of, I don't know. Excuse me for saying, hollow. - I'm a teacher. Students look up to me 'cause I do what I set out to do. I gotta lead by example. And, 'cause God's given me this ability to run. - You believe there is a god? - I do. - What make you so sure? - I know it every time I look around at creation. I know it every time He's there for me when I'm going through a tough time. I know it every time He speaks to me through His Word. - What do you mean, his word? (inspirational orchestral music) - The Bible. - The Bible. - Knew it the first time my wife told me she loved me, day our daughter was born, first time my son called me Daddy. Creations don't just happen, Sergei. They're designed. - Hmm. Your family... They seem like something to run to. I'll see you tonight. Stop weighing yourself down with all that junk you keep picking up, man. - Wait, did you just say man? I think he just said man. (both panting) - I can't begin to know what I'd feel like in your shoes. (chuckles) I miss Mike when he's just down the street at work. Sometimes, I think about sitting in on some of his kinesiology classes just to break up the day. (chuckles) Pathetic, huh? - [Nancy] No, now that's love. When Dave calls, I barely get to say anything. (plates clatter) - Careful, now. You have enough supplies for your art class. - I don't know what I'm gonna do, Nina. - Yes, you do. (Nancy sighs) Maybe Dave is giving you all that he can give you right now. - But what if that's not enough? - You took vows, Nance. - So did he, and when did serving God become not serving your family? - I know that it feels like that right now, but if he senses that you don't respect him, that you don't-- - No, Nina, you have a husband that you can respect and somebody that actually wants to be with you. - But where does not supporting Dave get you? - I know. You're right. I knew this about him when we were young. - But do you have any idea what's changed for you since then? - Early in our marriage, (chuckles) I would go everywhere with him. I would meet him at all the stops. Then after we had kids, I had to stay home. And ever since then, I've just... I've felt like I've been left out of a really big part of his life. - Have you told Dave this? You need to tell him how you really feel, baby. ("Lead Me" by Sanctus Real) - This is 88.3 The Journey, life, hope, music. We've got Dave Horton on the line. Tell us about your progress. - [Dave] I'm doing okay, averaging about 45 miles a day. Some days are harder than others, but, I'll be honest, this is much harder than I expected. ♪ Oh, I can hear her say it ♪ ♪ Lead me with strong hands ♪ ♪ Stand up when I can't ♪ ♪ Don't leave me hungry for love ♪ ♪ Chasing dreams, but what about us ♪ - Maybe I am a little out of my mind, for waiting up for you, expecting you to come around. That's what families do. They don't give up on each other. So go ahead, sign the papers. Give up everything you and Lonney have worked so hard for. (wind whistling) ♪ Alone ♪ ♪ I see their faces, look in their innocent eyes ♪ ♪ They're just children from the outside ♪ ♪ I'm working hard ♪ ♪ I tell myself they'll be fine ♪ ♪ They're independent, but on the inside ♪ - Horton, how can we pray for you? - [Dave] Pray that my body holds together for the rest of the race. Pray that God gives me the strength to finish. Between the prayers and the Word, it keeps me going. ♪ Hungry for love, chasing dreams ♪ ♪ But what about us, show me ♪ - [Barry] Any particular verse that's been inspiring to you? - [Dave] One that's really stood out to me lately, "Run with perseverance the race set before you." ♪ Call this our home, but I still feel ♪ ♪ Alone ♪ ♪ So, Father, give me the strength ♪ ♪ To be everything I'm called to be ♪ ♪ Oh, Father, show me the way ♪ ♪ To lead them ♪ ♪ Won't you lead me ♪ ♪ To lead them with strong hands ♪ ♪ To stand up when they can't ♪ ♪ Don't want to leave them hungry for love ♪ - [Barry] Anything else you want your listeners and fans to know, Horton? - [Dave] Keep those letters coming. It's always encouraging to hear from friends. ♪ I'm willing to fight ♪ ♪ And give them the best of my life ♪ ♪ So we can call this our home ♪ ♪ Lead me 'cause I can't do this alone ♪ ♪ Father, lead me ♪ ♪ 'Cause I can't do this alone ♪ (alarm beeping) (people socializing) - Too slow, American, too slow. Okay. Oh, really? - Oh! Ah! I think I just beat the Russian. Is that what just happened here? Hey, you know what this reminds me of? - What? - How we beat you to the Moon. - Oh, the Moon, well, I've never wanted to go to the Moon, number one, and you're the skinniest fat man I've ever seen in my life. - Guess I gotta stop beating you through the food line, hmm? - But you're getting fatter in every state. You should know this. - Don't worry, the furnace is hot. I'll burn it off when I run today. - Well, you and your chubby little furnace will always be behind me, so let's go. (Dave chuckles) (contemplative synth and piano music) (Dave panting) (Dave panting) (sentimental piano and acoustic guitar music) - From Dad? - "God reminds me of you kids daily on the road. "Here are two pieces I believe God pointed out "to me just when I was missing you. "Early birthday presents." - Mm. - That's cool. - Ah. (Nancy and Allison laughing) - Ooh, cool! I can add this to my charm bracelet. - Did you get anything, Mom? - No, I guess it's not my birthday. (sentimental piano and string music) (Dave panting) (Dave panting) I heard you on the radio. But that verse you keep bringing up, "the race set before you," I want to understand how it saves people. - I never said it did, although I will say there's been someone on the road. Sergei, from Russia, I've been able to share about God with him. Well, it probably doesn't sound like enough right now, but God gave me this ability, and I haven't wanted to waste it. - When did you decide that this was your only race? I mean, what about marriage? What about fatherhood? It even seems like teaching is more important to you than us. I just guess I don't under-- - [Allison] Mom, we got a problem! - (sighs) I'm sorry. I gotta go. (dramatic synth music) I don't know what he was thinking. - Trying to follow in dear ol' Dad's footsteps? - No. - Then what were you doing? Why were you racing those boys? - They were making fun of Dad, calling him cracked and crazy to do what he does. So I told them I could beat 'em. - Mrs. Horton, he's gonna be fine. It's just a sprain. Nothing staying off it and icing it won't fix. All right, let's see how this feels. Okay, watch it. - Can you update him? Thank you for everything, Doctor. - Oh, no problem. I'm sorry I wasn't able to talk your husband out of the Trans-Am. - You tried? - (chuckles) Silly, isn't it? That he might be swayed over something that he never should have done. - Yeah, that's my Dave. - I know it was probably really difficult for him to hear that he'd never run like that again. Particularly after the knee operation. Can you try to get him to call in and schedule the surgery as soon as he gets back? - Yeah. (dramatic orchestral music) (Dave panting) - He's been pretty honest with us about how hard these races have been on you. While he's done so much to help us, you have too. I know you've sacrificed a lot because of him. - I appreciate that, Becky. I know my husband thinks the world of you. - Did you hear my interview on the radio? - Yes. - I wasn't comfortable sharing everything on there, but, with you, I felt like I should share this. It was right after high school and the brutality that usually comes with that for somebody like me, years of being tormented over my weight. That first day of college, I had no intention of staying. I was just gonna go for that one day and prove that it was okay to quit. And then it would all be over. But then your husband, he took us on one of his runs. He didn't see me as anything other than somebody who was capable. He saw me for what I could be. That's when I started to see myself that way, too. - What do you mean? - I was going to end my life. (dramatic orchestral music) But even though he doesn't always know what drives him, he drives us. - [Nancy] I am so sorry I told you I didn't see you as a hero. You are my hero, always have been. I had no idea your doctor had given you that news. I wish you would have told me, but I get it. It would have made me try to stop you even more. But I do love you, David Horton, always will. I will celebrate your return. (dramatic orchestral music) (waterfall roaring) - Oh, Son, all right! You got one, man. How 'bout that? (Dave panting) (truck honks) (Dave yells) (Dave panting) (heart beating) (Dave groans) - What, something wrong with the chicken or something? - I think we're supposed to stop and pray for Dave. - Okay, let's pray. Hey, everybody, we have a prayer need right here and right now in the name of Jesus. We have to pray for this beloved woman's husband. (heart beating) (Dave pants) If two or more are in agreement, yes, (claps) yes, Lord, yes! (heart beating) (dramatic orchestral music) - Lord... Maybe I heard what I wanted to coming here. Maybe I made a mistake. Did I put your name on something you never wanted me to do? Have I been neglecting the treasures that you've given to me? Please don't let my family pay the price. If you make this pain go away, for one more hour, I promise you I'll make things right. - I don't understand these Americans. Hey! Hey, you! Rock collector, what do you think this is, vacation in Cabo? Aren't you lucky. This is one of only three days I was behind you. - Four. Wait a minute, today's deadline, did we miss it? - You think I would just be getting here if we were behind? (speaks in foreign language) We can still make day's average, unless you plan on just sunning yourself for the rest of the day. You all right, man? - (groans) I guess we'll see. (inspirational orchestral music) - Give it to me. - Oh, you don't have to. It's fine. - Come on. Please. I don't know why you don't lighten this load. - I think someone just did. Why are you helping me, anyway? - Oh, I'll still beat you. Let's go. Let's go, American. (fan whirring) What did the doctor say? - Bruised my sternum. Thankfully, it didn't re-break, so... (chuckles) I see what you did there. - You have four days left. You can't let it beat you, David. - I won't. God's helping me. Got a guardian angel on my side here. - God has got me helping you? - I think so. - I guess we will see. - God's using you, my friend. Thanks for your help, man. (Sergei speaks in foreign language) (reflective orchestral music) (waves crashing) Dear Nancy, I've been thinking about you and the kids a lot. (sentimental orchestral music) Remember Mountain Masochist? It was pouring rain, freezing. Mud in my eyes, ears, mouth, everywhere. I had strained hamstrings, shin splints, and blisters the size of half dollars on my heels. 50 miles in that miserable weather. I thought I was suffering badly. Then, I saw you. You were soaking wet, shivering, near hypothermia. (thunder crashes) You looked like a wet rat. And yet you were there with a smile on your face. It dawned on me that you had been out there for eight hours, braving the weather in freezing temperatures, handing me food and water bottles. I felt terrible for you. You've always had a front-row seat to my misery, and I'm sorry I put you through that. I know you've recognized a lot of what I do seems self-inflicted. The truth is that everyone thinks I'm this extraordinary person for all these crazy things I've done, but the only person that I find to be truly extraordinary is you, Nancy Horton. You've always been my extraordinary woman. (crowd cheering) (reflective orchestral music) - Come on, Dave! - Thank you. (Dave chuckles) (Nina and Mike laughing) - Stop it, stop it, stop it. Look at what you've done. - I have another one. - Oh, you'd think we all were moving to New York City. (phone ringing) - Oh, it's him. Hey, sweetie. - Hi, Nancy. I wasn't expecting you to answer this early. - Aren't you supposed to be running? - Everybody's about to leave, but... I'm coming home. - Why, are you hurt? - [Dave] No, it's time. I've been away from you long enough. - Dave, listen to me. You only have today and tomorrow. You can finish. - You and the kids, you're way more important to me, my real treasures. I've repeatedly put everything else ahead of you and them. - Dave, I didn't give you up for the past 62 days for you not to finish. - Nancy. - Don't turn back. I want you to finish. Finish what you started. (car honks) - Hey! - You have our blessing. - Do you mean it? - We'll be here when you get back. (dramatic orchestral music) (people socializing) - Is that him? (people cheering) - That's him! (people cheering) - Come on, Dave! - Go Dr. Horton! - Woo, come on, Dave! (Nancy gasps) (Dave grunts) - Come on, come on, Dave! - Come on, Dave! (Dave grunts) - Come on, Dad! - [Brandon] Come on, Dad, let's go! (Dave panting) - Come on. (Dave grunting) (Dave panting) (heart beating) (dramatic orchestral music) When we started this life together, I promised for better or worse, sickness and in health. The thing about love, it makes you push through even when there's pain. It makes you keep going even when you want to quit. It hopes all things and it believes all things, and I believe in you. You persevere and you fight for what you love. I love you, David Horton. I will always be at our finish line. - Dad! - Wait here. (Dave groans) Dave! (inspirational orchestral music) Dave! Come on, Dave! - Come on, Dave! (crowd cheering) (dramatic orchestral music) - Come on, Dave, get up! Come on, Dave! You can do it, Dave. - Come on, come on, come on! - [Announcer] After 2,906 miles from Huntington Beach, California, to Central Park, New York, David Horton! - What take you so long? I've been waiting and waiting. - First place? - Of course, but I know you would finish because your God is good. - [Mike] Hey! (laughs) - I promise this is my last extreme race. - I know. I talked to the doctor, and I know everything that's happened. - It's not just because of that, but for you. I realized on the road I don't need racing anymore to truly live. I don't want to just start well with you like I did 30 years ago. I wanna finish well. - That sounds extraordinary. - I'm so sorry for hurting you. I love you, Nancy. - I love you too, Dave. (crowd cheering and applauding) ("Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot) ♪ Welcome to the planet ♪ ♪ Welcome to existence ♪ ♪ Everyone's here ♪ ♪ Everyone's here ♪ ♪ Everybody's watching you now ♪ ♪ Everybody waits for you now ♪ ♪ What happens next ♪ ♪ What happens next ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ Like today never happened ♪ ♪ Today never happened before ♪ ♪ Welcome to the fallout ♪ ♪ Welcome to resistance ♪ ♪ The tension is here ♪ ♪ The tension is here ♪ ♪ Between who you are and who you could be ♪ ♪ Between how it is and how it should be, yeah ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ Like today never happened ♪ ♪ Today never happened ♪ ♪ Maybe redemption has stories to tell ♪ ♪ Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell ♪ ♪ Where can you run to escape from yourself ♪ ♪ Where you gonna go ♪ ♪ Where you gonna go ♪ ♪ Salvation is here ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to lift yourself ♪ ♪ To lift yourself up off the floor ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ I dare you to move ♪ ♪ Like today never happened ♪ ♪ Today never happened ♪ ♪ Today never happened ♪ ♪ Today never happened before ♪ ("Run" by Liberty Worship Collective) ♪ A joyful sound of praise to you ♪ ♪ You're every promise proven true ♪ ♪ For all my days, I'll dwell in your house ♪ ♪ Oh, Lord, I know ♪ ♪ I am safe here with you ♪ ♪ I run, I run, I run to your goodness ♪ ♪ I dance, I dance, I dance in your presence ♪ ♪ I lift my hands for all that you are ♪ ♪ To me ♪ ♪ Fear may come, but I am sure ♪ ♪ In the Father's arms, I am secure ♪ ♪ The battles raging inside my heart are won ♪ ♪ I know I am safe here with you ♪ ♪ Safe here with you ♪ ♪ I run, I run, I run to your goodness ♪ ♪ I dance, I dance, I dance in your presence ♪ ♪ I lift my hands for all that you are ♪ ♪ To me ♪ ♪ And in the valley all alone ♪ ♪ Lord, you are with me ♪ ♪ And when I'm weary and I'm broken ♪ ♪ Glad you're beside me ♪ ♪ My God won't look away ♪ ♪ Father, my heart will say ♪ ♪ I am safe here with you ♪ ♪ Safe here with you ♪ ♪ Safe here with you ♪ ♪ I run, I run, I run to your goodness ♪ ♪ I dance, I dance, I dance in your presence ♪ ♪ I lift my hands for all that you are ♪ ♪ To me, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, I run ♪ ♪ I run, I run, I run to your goodness ♪ ♪ I dance, I dance, I dance in your presence ♪ ♪ I lift my hands for all that you are ♪ ♪ To me ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ For all that you are to me ♪
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 981,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Movie, Film, theatrical film, motion picture, Deep C Digital Entertainment, Extraordinary Movie, Extraordinary Full Movie, Extraordinary Feature Film, Extraordinary, Karen Abercrombie, Bailey Anderson, Cameron Arnett, Leland Klassen, Shari Rigby, Kirk Cameron, Scotty Curlee, Cheryl McKay, ultra-marathon runner, competitive running, christian movie, faith based movie, Extraordinary 2017 Full Movie
Id: OX4vmjry26o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 9sec (5289 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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