Forgiven | Inspirational Family and Faith Move starring Dean Cain (God's Not Dead)

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[Music] all nurses to the nurse's station [Music] hi can i help you they're ceiling tiles how hard is it well it's leaking all over the carpet look i don't care if you don't have it done by midnight i'm locking the doors yeah both offices make it happen hi william weber i'm flauri william weber my father um [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] dad do you know god [Music] [Music] hey are you family i'm his daughter i didn't recognize you in the pictures yeah i'm not in any of these [Music] the letter i'm sorry [Music] so all right honey oh hey hi we have people to do that i'm fine here i brought you water we we have to go get the kids come to me oh thank you very much [Music] see [Music] allie what are you doing it's my waffle mind your own business hey guys hey mom we weren't expecting you back so soon okay clearly why is that smoking right now what is this that's not a waffle i'm not really sure what that is why don't we try to eat something a little healthier and not have our backpack on the stove thank you for that attitude welcome home mom all right so um what can i then try to make you for actual breakfast a waffle can't make you a waffle your waffle is now a crouton so you get this lovely muffin you are welcome you love it yeah thank you for the stink eye though wow red dye number 40 for breakfast yeah all right we're gonna have grapes much better not a cookie cool where are we at on algebra are we ready for our test today yes okay great today we're going to cover that in a car band for you right what are we going to do over here we got your guitar we're going to be in the car we're going to study your work all right we've got our breakfast you're gonna have a bowl of cereal instead of all of that all right so i know you have a busy day i clearly have a busy morning what is happening here so we're gonna go for five minutes five minute morning yes we're gonna have everything we need in the car five minutes yeah all right teamwork smile looks way better okay love you missed you shake it tell feather all right we're gonna go yeah did you see this apparently we get to have this side parking on magnolia resound cup of coffee i already deal with that on tuesday sure i'm gonna um i'm gonna go do my rounds text me if you need me [Music] i'm going home [Music] give me the key [Music] [Music] listen to me [Music] so [Music] hey mom hey bud how was school it didn't suck watch it have you thought about a car no i have a car so is your dad it's for macy i just hate the bus you know when i lived in chicago i had to ride the bus gosh until i was oh gosh here you go again stop mom why don't we worry about your sister getting a diploma and a driver's license maybe a job and then we can worry about a car okay okay where did you go when dad said you were going to go to chicago for a few days yeah i went he also said you were gonna go visit your family i did is that like your mom or something no actually i saw my dad really how is he he died hey my parents in chicago all of that family out there they're not really my family okay you your dad your sisters us that's my family i know it seems odd but just how it is you can't just pick your own family yeah you can you know i think i was four years old the first time i put money in that piggy bank mom are you okay yeah fine are you sure listen but my dad he seemed to have started a new life i guess he seemed happy so i mean he wasn't that involved with me growing up not like your dad is with you so i just i didn't live with him a lot i lived with him for a few years in chicago but i mean i lived here too so i kind of bounced around a lot weird i know but i just thought why didn't you stay with my dad yeah did they not have a funeral i don't think so i don't i don't know i think it'd be good if you went yeah i'll look into it [Music] i'll go with you mom thanks buddy hey buddy [Music] we should go this year to what the real estate awards and do what well they have a new category this year best real estate investor and property management it's right up your alley oh yeah i don't usually win the popularity contest this wouldn't be a popular economy you'd win based on talent you know what they need to do they should have a category best property maintenance slave because i think i could win that one for sure okay what do you want to do for dinner can we do pizza i completely forgot i've got that woman's group at heather's it's like 7. maybe this weekend you and i just you and i we could have a dinner like a date or a movie or something what are you going to do with your dad i don't work here i went you one minute you go you thought it would be a good idea i agreed with you i went we're good william weber is finally dead [Music] it's like he knew it was coming he had it all planned out there were all these pictures up on his walls and it was it was like i didn't even exist i fixed that did he say anything to you and then like perfect timing he dies she shows up who oh the newest wife oh she looked at me like what are you doing here um he's my dad so you know if um they're gonna have a funeral i don't know do you know if your mom knows okay [Music] andrea hey what are you doing here um i i mean i thought you were in chicago taking care of your dad oh no i did he died so i had to come back oh hey everybody did you guys start without me or i'm sorry did you just say your dad died it's not a big deal at all yeah no it's fine we weren't even that close to be honest with you i know but it's still your dad i'm fine i'm absolutely fine it's not a thing at all i'm super hungry though i'd love so much we're super glad you're here andrea okay super good and we're just getting ready to get started okay okay so you know help yourself thanks we'll go ahead and go into the family room right okay okay thank you what sorry i'm hungry at lunch it's weird that i'm here okay my grandmother called from chicago said that my father wasn't doing very well he was sick in the hospital so i went down to see him and talk to him i mean he talked to me i guess briefly and then you died i'm so sorry and in your mother i don't know what did he die from i don't know what about your brothers and sisters uh have any really really was it from covet i don't know what about the funeral i don't know can we send something no it's fine let us send something to the house what's the address oh we could send one of those fruit baskets does the family like kiwi what would be a good gift for the family maybe a carton of marbles and a liter of whiskey [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] my dad was an alcoholic i mean i guess my mom was too i grew up with that it's what i know i knew that the hitting and the fighting and the abuse and that's not what sucks you guys that's a nobody cared [Music] i mean you know how sometimes people tell a story and they'll say i remember the good old days [Music] i don't [Music] why are these so sticky was she playing with these i never wanted to have children and i promise you i won't be having any more [Music] just like having an extra piece of furniture around that you don't even really want well trust me you're never having another one just the one you know i'm not even sure that one's mine oh shut up bill she looks just like you kick a water head do you think they care kid they don't care but i do [Music] it was christmas day i was seven years old no one came to look for me who did you call i mean my grandparents came that's about the time i moved in with him it wasn't much better grandma ann was also an alcoholic and i mean she wasn't nearly as violent as my dad of course but man could she hurt just as bad with her words what now i think i lived with her for maybe three years [Music] when she had a routine she would drink her cocktails and then remind me of how stupid i was you're a piece of trash i didn't say a word i think until i was four so i mean she had a point [Music] my grades in elementary school were not awesome [Music] no i lived there with them in chicago for i mean a year maybe then my grandma found my parents she found them here they moved here to phoenix never told anybody no christmas not my birthday i never heard from them [Music] so we surprised them and boy were they surprised [Music] i didn't know if i was being dropped off visiting i mean you know there's something kind of about not knowing where you're gonna live or where you're gonna go to school my mom got home and she was happy to see me i felt good [Music] my mom put me in rosewood school and we were one big happy family well until about two weeks later when dad got mad and beat me beat mom [Music] [Applause] went to jail dad gets out of jail and now mom has met another man this entire time she was completely horrible to me but dad now i mean he's been rehabilitated right so he wants custody of me now and so we're going to go to court your honor the truth is miss webber here she hasn't held down a job most of her adult life she's been in and out of jail and rehabs and the only reason that she currently has a roof over her head is because of the boyfriend which is why we're asking for full custody it'll be a cold day in hell order judge mr weber here is a truck driver he's never home he has a sordid criminal record mostly drugs and alcohol he was just released from prison the mother has maintained residence i say we just stay with the the current arrangements and who are these people in the back your honor that is the paternal grandmother and mr webber's sister ladies do you have anything to weigh in on this i think andrew would be better with my son i feel like he's got his life back in order thank you and do you want to say anything yeah i mean he has his issues but [Music] andrea really looks up to her dad andrea who do you want to live with i want to live with my dad what so be it case closed [Music] you are nothing nothing to me you're [Music] why would a mom say stuff like that so what happened to your mother [Music] i was the reason [Music] i was the reason my mom left my dad took me back to chicago of course he had already got a new girlfriend the new girlfriend she got tired of babysitting while dad was on the road so she left i was nine and i was alone sometimes days sometimes weeks dad would leave me with just a few dollars i had to make it last i learned how to do it i learned how to be alone [Music] i didn't do well at school never really did [Music] my grandmother came over to check on me my father was drunk for no reason i watched my father beat his mother my father was arrested and when my grandmother got out of the hospital i went to live with her one time we were late for church i remember and my mom left the keys in the car and we only had one set and my dad got so mad that he hit the bookshelf and it broke not the same thing i know i was just trying to loosen the mood sorry it's okay that's pretty much it there's not much left wait a minute i mean i you're gonna tell us what it is though right yeah we're here to listen i am where was i oh dad beat up grandma that's where she was at right yeah i mean i lived with my grandmother throughout most of high school i'd seen my dad every so often i even lived with them for a year or two you know then the abuse would get started and i'd have to go back to my grandma it was weird it's like he'd get a new girlfriend and everything would be great and they'd break up somehow he'd blame me that's when the touching started what so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] let's just say high school was tough what about your mom i figured she was dead so i moved on and i was just about to graduate when i got the phone call [Music] you told me my mother was dead she is grandma that was her on the phone that crazy woman called here she's dead to me and if you want to stay in this family she'll be dead to you i didn't listen i invited my mom to my graduation she didn't show up [Applause] that's how it's been with my mom ever since i graduated from college nothing moved out here and started my company nothing married ronnie and started a family nothing andrea you know we are so blessed to know you and and to get to know you even deeper it's and i want you to know that i see god i see how god has taken something so ugly and turned it into something so beautiful let me look at you you're you're you're beautiful amazing successful family the things you've gone through are unimaginable and i want you to know i do i do really we appreciate you telling us all of this but how do you deal with growing up with abusive parents like that i mean when my grandma gets mad she locks herself in the closet and now when my mom gets mad she locks herself in the closet that's all they know again grace not the same thing i mean i don't know i guess i could tell you i do know how i don't want to be as a parent but if that's all you ever saw as a kid i mean a mom that treated you this way and a dad that was the same how else would you know at a parent please don't take that wrong oh no ronnie and i've talked about it i mean we have goals in our marriage and in our family you know we have a destination that we want to meet and anytime anything gets in the way of that you know destination that we have we squash it well why don't we uh pray and wrap up the evening yeah okay dear heavenly father we thank you for this time together and um we thank you for andrea and this amazing journey that she has been on father we pray for any opportunities that you would love to bring her for healing and reconciliation just as you have reconciled us to you through your son jesus we ask all this in your holy amen amen all right so next week is [Music] andreas we can switch if you have too much going on no it's fine um and that's what he said he's like oh nope ma'am first class is not going to hawaii [Laughter] thanks how long was this plane run grandma oh my gosh about five hours and i had to do a transfer and there was a man sitting next to me with a really long beard and he snored oh my gosh well hopefully soon i can't give you anything specific but uh hopefully soon this pizza smells so good oh gosh you know i used to take your mom out for pizza when she was a little girl we'd go out every sunday afternoon and her favorite was pepperoni oh me too you too yeah hey what's the matter nothing what's your name my name is owling you're so beautiful ally she's still muggling mom what are you doing here sweetheart we need to talk sorry about that what are you doing here i internet search engined you what computers is this about dad your dad yes no i wanted to see you you know he died right yesterday in chicago yeah i know the boy out there told me your grandson the boy yeah yeah i pretended that i already knew i don't want my grandkids thinking our family isn't close are you serious we're not close none of us are close did you see him yeah so how uh how was he what did he die from smoking drinking i don't know pick one are you sad he was my husband oh my god man you have not changed that oh oh come on turn it on what are you doing here i miss you janice you cannot just change this into my i am your mother my mother died 25 years ago she can stay in my room mom don't you ruin my family too [Music] so [Music] what do you want to do put her in a hotel room don't you dare pay for that room because she is really good at using sympathy to get what she wants for free she's great at it i mean we can't put her in a hotel room you don't know her i know she's not perfect i know she's your mom i know she's here she's not human [Music] why don't we just give it a little bit of time you know see how it works out you have to admit it was pretty cool that ally offered to let us stay in her room she wouldn't let me stay in that room [Music] i'm sorry what are you doing making my bed where's janice janice grandma where's grandma we got up early she started on stairs okay get ready for school what are you doing good morning making breakfast hey i met the neighbors they're really nice people when i went on my walk with allie this morning they were outside oh good morning guys you hey grab your lunches don't be late to school there you go you really think you're grandma material that's an awful thing to say you know how completely jacked this is right what i am your mother okay you're about as much of my mother's fork is oh i just got yelled at for making breakfast you want a cup of coffee no thank you i noticed the flowers could use a little tlc i don't mind uh sure look janice i'm glad you're here well i'm glad that your grandkids get to meet you and spend some time with you but i'm not a fan of all the tension this creates andrea is wonderful and i love her to death she's also the most driven woman i know she gets that from her dad he drove a truck he used to go on runs for like months at a time i know i wasn't always there for her i know that it's gonna take her some time can you give her that [Music] pretty good that's pretty good [Music] [Music] you may see i'm heading to the mall i'm gonna go same as always every day this is not new thank you janice ronnie and i have a routine here an hour of electronics then they go to homework we've talked about this you're going to have to respect it if you're here what it feels like i'm just a piece of furniture here hurts didn't it [Music] me oh yeah can be lucky okay do i have to look at my card yeah okay okay i don't know what do i do same thing every time there we go [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's really nice of you to share your bedroom with me oh yeah i'm just glad to finally meet you me too so um tell me about my mom your mom she's a really special person she was a cute baby she works a lot doesn't she yeah i feel like she's always working yeah yeah she was always a really hard worker well wow mom you look really nice honey thank you i'm not really dressed to stay no yeah yeah okay [Music] hey so cute thank you [Music] andrea this is incredible like when did you have time to do all this i mean i know how busy you are my mother's here [Music] your mother like mommy dearest mother i'm not you have to tell us she just showed up i literally have no idea what to do with her where did she come from no idea the closet [Music] well she's not mad anymore [Music] you know growing up my mom was actually the distant one she was the one that just didn't really seem to care she once told me that i was just like a piece of furniture she couldn't wait to get rid of my dad i mean when he was home was the involved one so i guess you would say he was the the real parent but your dad beat you i'm sorry he was brave and he was strong and [Music] this place is a dunk dad no it's it's an investment i've told you before that old places like this just need a lot of i want to care how's your uh how's your arm it's fine you know i'm sorry about that right [Music] seeing him in the hospital so weak [Music] you know i lived with him for 15 years at one point i just had to go i couldn't i couldn't take the abuse anymore i had to love myself more right ahead i had to love myself more because i didn't want to take any more punches to prove that i loved him [Music] so i had to go i loved him through all of it even when it hurts even though i didn't understand i loved him [Music] and she did nothing nobody did anything i have all faith so that i could remove mountains but have not love i am nothing and though i bestow all my goods to feed the poor though i give my body to be burned but have not love it profits me nothing love suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself so what was that a chicken dish that you brought out after all the appetizers chicken vesuvio kind of a chicago thing you need to eat it's got peas i don't care eat it gonna grow up to be just as useless as your father eat it andrea eat the peas eat it eat it eat have you forgiven your parents yeah how many times remember that uh matthew 18 verse lord how many times do i have to forgive my brother i believe that the lord said 77 times and not seven times because he knew how hard it is for us to forgive but forgiveness doesn't heal them it heals us [Music] yeah yeah keep practicing okay as you can see there can be an option on the property why would we want an option this is a cash deal absolutely not that was the agreement i'll tell them what she did what no option [Music] and i was trying to say that this is not going to be right for the school it is what's going on here oh hello there allie here is trying to define the truth and you are i am principal dale i am the supreme superintendent here at this room what are you talking about she is trying to hush my friends i'm talking about that the fact is your daughter ally here is wearing a meat drift she looks fine what's the problem this is a mid-drift and her belly baton is expo i don't even know what you're saying right now you are still not helping me right now thank you the problem being is that it is an infraction of the wardrobe it is called a crop top and she looks perfectly fine yes she looks fine helping mom can we get back to the business hush this is called a crop top and she looks perfectly fine right now this is not your daughter stop talking it's a crop top and she looks fine well whether you call it a crop top or a mint drift it is illegal wardrobe and it's an infraction of the school's policy you brought me here you brought me here because of a wardrobe instruction when you have teenagers right in the front yard of your school selling drugs i'm still talking you have people outside of your door are you kidding me enough with you we are leaving right now we're leaving what's hey come come back we're not actually done here i'm going off the rails here bye [Music] i need you to go upstairs please so i can grandmother now please you do not get to interfere in my kid's life like that do you understand me you don't get a good come in here and just be a grandmother without being a mother first all right you don't get it just skip that part it's just the way it is i can't make up all those years andrea i'm dying and i just want to make amends you're dying of course you're dying i have a blockage oh you need someone to take care of you no i just want to make things right between us get dressed now the doctor's a friend of mine so don't say a word okay okay oh look there's a cute little baby scale over there i remember when we had you on a little scale like that how much did i weigh mom you know i'm not good with numbers don't hello andrea hey phil great to see you good to see you too thanks for helping out on that blood drive last month we appreciate that so what's going on phil this is my mother janice good to meet you she's just informed me that she's dying so i want to actually see if that's true oh okay are you in any pain at all no i have coronary artery disease my doctor told me i'm i need like a triple bypass procedure where's home chicago how long have you been there my whole life that's right i remember you saying you were born there all right well let me uh let me take a listen all right just breathe normally okay i do hear a slight obstruction maybe but i would need to run more tests or or look at your records to be sure i have some records so ms weber you're you're scheduled for surgery next week mom i don't want to do it alone i wish you the best and if you want to have it here i can recommend somebody that that's not a problem but you do need to have it thanks i have to talk to ronnie okay we don't drink in our house yeah or smoke don't be in the car so i was thinking if we just we brought all the piping around the back side that solves the problem on this side and then the zoning won't even be an issue if that works just have surgery on her heart it is kind of a mystery in itself because i didn't know she had a heart she wants to stay with us i don't know honey if she ever ever hurts you again i will be the first person to put her tail on a plane back to her house in chicago okay hmm [Music] [Music] huh [Music] you were there i was [Music] you told dr webber that you always lived in chicago i have other than the time your father and i moved [Music] why didn't here come visit me [Music] i thought it would hurt you [Music] i didn't want to hurt you anymore [Music] i've been so horrible maybe you could just start with apologies you see that picture over there you made it for me when you were six years old you know what you called it scared angel you were a scared angel we all were scared [Music] i could never be forgiven for what i've done i don't ask [Music] i don't deserve to be forgiven i don't want it like i have learned i think that i think that true forgiveness can be the start of something new and i i always believe in a fresh start you know when dad died he whispered something in my ear that i think that he was you know wanting to tell me for a really long time we said that he said that he hoped that you and i would get along better and heavier than we did here he was sorry and he died do you think he'll go to heaven i mean why wouldn't he he was horrible yeah so was i pretty bad i know that that i have learned the god that i serve is a god of second and third okay so that's worth chances you know i remember once being at grandma's house and she had one of those like the radio preachers on you remember those yes and i remember him saying that even if you were the only person left on earth that jesus loved you so much that he would still come back and go through all of that just to save you you know and so that's how i survived i guess it's so weird it's like i just felt like if if andrea whoever phone call i could survive i just even though i felt like nobody else did i knew that jesus loved me enough that he would still die for me he'd come for me [Music] and i know he'd come for dad [Music] will come for you [Music] will you forgive me darling [Music] [Music] this year's 2021 real estate investors award goes to ronnie and andrea weber-pomenko [Music] [Applause] wow this is a surprise first i want to thank my husband ronnie i look babe and i want to thank my family all my family i've learned through all this that family is precious [Music] and it's not perfect sometimes it's cruel but i also know that god has had a purpose for all of it i've also learned that family is kind of like fixing up that old house you know you have to put a lot into it and sometimes you have to be really forgiving so thank you but thank you god because i know that you're the reason that i'm still here today thank you so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 470,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, child abuse, crimes against children, ptsd, tough childhood, abusive home, Forgiven 2021, Forgiven 2021 movie, Forgiven 2021 film, Forgiven movie, Forgiven film, Forgiven, Jason Campbell, Kristi Lawrence, Dean Cain, James Yaw, Glenda Carol, survivor, overcoming pain, overcoming trauma, turbulent home
Id: tDpkhL7uezo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 2sec (4382 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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