Discarded Things | Full Movie | Karen Abercrombie, Cameron Arnett

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(soft music) - And if God won't turn a blind eye to sin, why are we? Mm-mm. It's time, church. (parishioners exclaiming) It's time that we examine our hearts. 'Cause I know that in that day, when the Lord decides to call me home, I'll be standing at those gates, Holy in his sight. And he'll look at me and say Solomon, you called it what it was. Sin. (parishioners exclaiming) Come on in, my good and faithful servant. Now I don't know about you, I don't know about you, I don't know about you, but I'll be runnin' into the arms of my Lord. Oh. Free and clean. (parishioners exclaiming) My sweet daughter Grace is gonna come up and sing. As the spirit leads. (parishioners exclaiming) (soft, tense music) Girl. I announced you to the congregation. You should've already been up there and ready to sing. - I know, daddy. I'm not feeling so good. Do I need to rehearse this time? (tense piano music) ♪ Amazing grace ♪ ♪ How sweet the sound ♪ ♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪ ♪ I once was lost ♪ (door slams) (tense music) - Powerful message today, Pastor. - God inspired, brother, God inspired. - It sure was, it sure was. (laughing) - Amen. - So Pastor? Why does God give us these struggles if he knows we can't resist them? - Oh. - Why not just take 'em away? - Deacon Henry, it is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come. But woe unto the man to whom they come. It would be better for him if mill stone were hung around his neck and he be thrown into the sea. (laughing) - What about his mercy and grace? Your church need to know they're forgiven. That's what the word of God teaches. - Who is the, um, called and God ordained pastor here, Deacon Jones? - You are, but I'm just sayin' the way-- - Drink up, boys. Let's drink up. (chuckling) Clea. Where is that girl? Go get her. (tense music) Just gotta know who's in charge, boys. (men chuckle) You just gotta know. - [Deacon Jones] They do indeed. They do indeed. (tense music) (barfing) (knocking) - Gracie? (soft music) You all right? You've been in there for a long time. (soft music) - Mom? - Oh my God. (tense music) Oh my... (tense music) - It's not my fault. - What? What happened? Oh my god. - I'm honored to introduced one of our highly esteemed colleagues in the field of music therapy. In the five and half years she's been with this department, she has facilitated an enriching environment for our scholars. In turn, they have gone out and impacted their community with the knowledge she's imparted. Today, that vision is expanding. Please welcome to the stage, Professor Grace Wyatt. (applause) (cheering) - Thank you. I'd like to first thank you all for being here. Without you, we really couldn't do what we're doing. Music therapy embraces the creative and the concrete, and not only are our students versed in theory, instrument, and voice, but also act of listening and sensitivity and oh, monotonous hours of clinical work. (laughing) You are amazing, and I am so proud of you, Olivia. - Thank you. Thank you, professor. - I adore you, Doctor Wyatt. - And Mr. Wyatt, are the wind beneath my wings. - Oh. - Hey, Eric, good to see you. Glad you could make it. - Well I wouldn't miss the opportunity to see my beautiful queen shine. - Ah. - Shine she does. (laughing) I'm not supposed to say anything, but uh, we got it. - What? Are you? How do you know? - Well, they're still counting numbers but I can see it all over their faces. You did it, Grace. - Oh, this is so wonderful. I'm going to have to prepare my proposal, get it ready before I show it to the board- - Yeah, I know, I know, there'll be time for that. For right now, you gotta savor this moment. And I wanna introduce you to some more of the donors. - Okay. - Come on. - Oh go ahead. I'm gonna go back to the office for a little bit. - You sure? - Yeah. - But you'll be home in time for dinner? - Oh, with the most beautiful woman on Earth. Girl, you know I wouldn't miss it. - You're so full of it. - Oh. - I love you. - Love you, babe. (soft music) ♪ Could he possibly know ♪ ♪ Possibly know ♪ ♪ That my heart belongs to him ♪ (door bell rings) - [Officer] Hello ma'am, are you Miss Wyatt? - Yes, I am. - Ma'am, I have some really bad news. Your husband was killed as a result of a car crash, and I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. (tense, dramatic music) (glass shatters) (tense, dramatic music) - Why God? - Who is he? - Solomon, please. Don't do this. Not here. - Train up your child, and the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Do you not have any fear of the Lord? Any fear of your father? - Please. - This the last time I'm gonna ask you, who is he? - He raped me. I tried to tell you-- - No! - You lyin' jezebel! Deacon Henry is one of the finest men I know. A true man of God! Deacon Henry is the biggest supporter of my ministry. His checks keep the church doors open. Why would you lie on a man of God like that? Who you coverin' up for? - Solomon, why would you talk to her like this? Our daughter is hurting. - Well maybe if you would've been a better mother, your daughter wouldn't be in this situation. I? I have decided to walk in the light. (tense, dramatic music) And light have no fellowship with darkness. - Daddy, I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault. - Stop the cryin'. You got yourself into this mess. And I will be damned if I allow it to take away my ministry. Preacher's daughter all knocked up. How congregation will look me in the eyes again? - I'm sorry, daddy. I didn't mean for it to happen. - Yeah. You girls never do. - Please, please believe me. - Mm-mm. Uh uh, my congregation is not gonna see my daughter wearing her sin on her body like a- (Clea yells) FLASHING RED LIGHT! Do you even care what this is gonna cost me? - What are you saying, Solomon? (tense, dramatic music) - We gonna send her away, to live with my sister. She can have that uh, uh, that baby of hers over there. And nobody is to know about her. I mean nobody. (tense, dramatic music) (door slams) (tense music) - I uh... I, I just wanna help. - Can you bring my Eric back to me? Huh? Can you erase this nightmare? Wine? - Look, Grace, I don't know all that you're going through or all that you're feeling- - Oh no, no, you don't. - I want you to know that you've been in my prayers every night since. - Prayers? (laughs) I never knew you to pray. - Yeah, I pray. - Well I don't need your prayers. - Grace. You need help. Let God help you through this. - God? Don't, don't talk to me about God. God took everything away from me that mattered. Everything! My life was destroyed in the church, and after everything that happened to me, he took the only thing that I had left. - Grace, Eric wouldn't want you to be like this now. It's been six months. You've gotta pull yourself together. Look, look, the university wants you back. I can't keep stalling them for you. That's been your life's work. You could pick up right where you left off. It'll be good for you! Grace, stop it! You're not the only person that's lost someone. I've lost, too. - I'm done. I'm done. (tense music) - Well, please consider. I uh, I know a lady there. She's a good person. I know she'd love to meet you. (tense music) - [Clea] Gracie, is that you? - [Grace] Yes, mama, it's me. - Gracie. Have you been gettin' all of my messages? We used to talk every Sunday night and you know I look forward to that. - [Grace] I know mama. - Are you mad at me again? Because I didn't protect you the way that I should have when you were young? - Mama, I told you that that is the past, and there's no reason to- - 'Cause I don't know what else I can do. And if I could change things, I- - Mama. Just stop. Please stop. (kettle whistling) - [Clea] Your father. - [Grace] What about him? - Oh, he's been askin' about you. - [Grace] No. - He asks about you all the time. - [Grace] I said no. I don't think so. - He's really not doin' all that well. It would mean a lot. - I said no. - How is Eric? - Eric, Eric is gone. - Gone? Gone where? When is he comin' back? - Look, I should go. It's getting late. I'll call you back soon. - [Clea] Okay, honey. You take care now. (melancholy music) (door dings) (soft music) - Excuse me. Grace Grant. Uh, no, no, that's my um... - I know who you are, and I'm sorry, but I told you the other day that you have to have your doctor call in a new prescription. - He did. Look, look, you haven't even checked yet. (pharmacist sighs) (soft music) (typing) - [Pharmacist] There's nothing here. - But, He gets busy. Uh, look, all I need is enough to hold me until we clear this up. - No, that's against our policy. - You know me. I'm a professor at a university and you are treating me like I'm some bum off the street. - I am not doing that at all. I actually refilled two prescriptions early for you, but this is, just nothing else I can do about this until your doctor says something. I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do. - You are withhold- You are withholding necessary medication from someone. Now... - I'm sorry. (heavy breathing) (tense music) (heavy breathing) - God, I need your help. I need your help. (sobbing) (man humming) ♪ Amazing grace ♪ ♪ How sweet ♪ - Mm, mm mm mm. (chuckles) ♪ The sound ♪ I told your father that I'd take you home when we was finished since I'd be heading in that direction anyway. - Thanks, Deacon Henry. - My absolute pleasure. You need some help with that? (tense music) Do you even know what a beautiful girl you are? I think about you all the time, Grace. I can't believe how you make me feel. (Grace whimpers) Now I've been good, Grace. But, shh, shh, shh, shh. Don't scream. Think about your father and what it would do to his ministry. I keep these church doors open. You know that this church means everything to that daddy of yours. And all the money I put into this church, you better believe I'ma take back a little something for me. - Please. - Shh. - Please don't. - Ah, ah, don't. Shh shh shh. Don't scream, shh. (tense music) (birds chirping) (Grace sobbing) (phone ringing) - Clarion Call Rehab Center, can I help you? Okay. All right, I have someone coming in. I can call you right back. All right, thank you. Hi, can I help you? - I'm Grace Wyatt, and I need some help. (soft music) - Oh. (soft music) ♪ When the storm clouds rise and the sky is dark ♪ ♪ And I'm pressed with anxious care ♪ (barfing) ♪ A safe retreat in your strong, high tower ♪ (Grace groaning) ♪ For no ill can harm me there ♪ ♪ I'll hide in Your safe retreat ♪ ♪ When the storm clouds fly 'Til they pass me by ♪ ♪ I will hide in Your safe retreat ♪ ♪ When the lightnings flash ♪ ♪ And the thunders roar ♪ ♪ And the storms in fury be ♪ ♪ When they seem so sure to engulf my soul ♪ ♪ Then I'll hide in Your safe retreat ♪ ♪ Soon the storms will pass ♪ ♪ And the sky will clear ♪ ♪ And my rest be calm and sweet ♪ ♪ I will trust and wait with no anxious fear ♪ ♪ For I'll hide in Your safe retreat ♪ ♪ I'll hide in Your safe retreat ♪ ♪ Hide in Your safe retreat ♪ (Grace sighs) - Grace. Amends is not about the other person deserving our forgiveness. It's to set us free so that we can love and forgive ourselves and move forward. (sighs) Have you considered their offer? - No. Random drug tests? Weekly reports on my (chuckles) my behavior? I'm a grown woman and these people are my peers. No, absolutely not. - I think the trial basis is to protect themselves. - I have been on trial my entire life, doctor. Anyway, I've been looking into some opportunities. - You know, Grace, your past, what you perceive is failure, is not the sum of who you are. You can let it define you, or you can take it as a irregular piece of a puzzle amidst a masterpiece. I believe once day you'll see that masterpiece, and you'll understand that without all the pieces, it would have never been completed. (insects buzzing) (soft music) ♪ Subtle lies are shaking me down ♪ ♪ To the hardest, to the heart of it ♪ ♪ Subtle lies are breaking me down ♪ ♪ To the waters ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ All I know is that I miss you ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ All I know is that I love you, yeah ♪ (vocalizing) (soft rock music) ♪ We were walking through the wake of the storm ♪ ♪ We were martyrs when we fell in love ♪ ♪ But in our hearts we were delivered and strong ♪ ♪ There's no wonder we couldn't hold on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ All I know is that I miss you ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ I don't know how to move on ♪ ♪ All I know is that I love you, yeah ♪ (vocalizing) (soft rock music) (vocalizing) (soft rock music) ♪ All my failures, all my mistakes ♪ ♪ How they haunt me, how can I forget ♪ ♪ The way you loved me, the way we were ♪ ♪ Broken prophets, strong but ... ♪ - Yeah, no. Okay, I get it I'm just say- Yeah, just- Uh huh. What I'm saying is... Okay. Okay. (boy sighs) Thank you. Second time this week, Jay. - Look, I know, I know, I'm sorry, but you gotta hear me out. Have you been in the girl's bathroom? (laughs) Funny. No, I mean our girl's bathroom, on the second floor. I don't know what they're doing in there, but it is a straight nightmare. - You're on bathroom duty. You still gotta do it. And you just cut right in front of this lady, didn't you? - Oh, my bad. Look, I don't know, you just can't convince me that guys are dirtier than girls. Like, they have enough hair on that floor to make a wig. You know what, scratch that, I think I could do two. One for my mom, one for my grandma. And if I wanna- - Bring it up at group. And stop eatin' all my candy. I'm sorry. Can I help you? - I'm Grace Wyatt. - Oh. So you found us. - I did. (laughing) And this is a beautiful old house. - Oh, thank you. We inherited it from a beautiful old woman who believed in our mission. It can be a lot to keep up with, but, so grateful to have it. Hey come on, let introduce you to my husband, Michael. It's right this way. - Okay. - All right. Right this way. Michael. Michael? Music teacher's here. - Hey, nice to meet you. (Kimberly chuckles) - Take a seat. I'll get you a cup of coffee. - Thank you, very much. - Uh, Q's getting out today. Reggie's gonna pick him up. - Perfect. (Michael sighs) - So a music teacher? - Yes. And here is my resume. There you are. - So what's your experience working with troubled teens? - Define troubled teens. - I mean I'm assuming you know what we do, right? - Well I viewed your website. Thank you. - You're welcome. - And I've read your reviews. - You read reviews? And what was it exactly that attracted you to our humble place? (chuckles) - Well I was under the impression that your school needed my services. - We do. - I mean, it's not a school. Not in a traditional sense. Most of these kids are repeat offenders. We're just trying to teach 'em the right thing. It's about survival, not academics. They need basic life skills. If we can give 'em that, keep 'em off the streets, that's a win for us. That's the goal. (knocks) - Sam. Oh. Yep, come on, let's get you cleaned up. Mhm, mhm. All right, right here. - Come on, man. - Here, here. Yep, keep puttin' that pressure on it. You got it. - Like I said, life skills. (chuckles) I mean, I'ma be honest with you. Kimberly thought we could use your help. Said we'd be blessed to have you. (chuckles) - Oh, so you're saying that... - When can you start? - When would you like me to start? - Today works. - Mr. Devlin, don't you think that it would be better if I met the kids then sat in on one of your classes first? I mean, I don't know your curriculum or your schedule or... - Curriculum? Schedule? Not what you're expecting, huh? - That stock image on your website was a nice touch. When can I meet the kids? - Stop. (speaks in Spanish) - Man. So somebody speak a little bit of Spanish, think she the mom of us. - Oh my gosh, shut up. (Jaylen laughs) - Guys. - [Jalen] All I'm sayin' is- - Guys. This is Ms. Grace. - That's the lady I saw. - She's here to teach you music. - Uh uh, this is our free time Miss K. - Yeah. (phone rings) - Excuse me, I gotta take this. I'll be right back. - I aint sign up for no music class. - Good, because this is music therapy. - We got counselors already. - Music therapy is a way for you to express yourselves creatively, with all kinds of music. - Like you want us to sing? (sucks teeth) - Nobody asked you to sing. (laughing) - [Jalen] You so rude. - There aren't really any rules to this kind of music. - Sounds like a waste of time. - Well could you please hold your opinion until you find out what it's all about? (laughing) - Yo. Yo? King of Devlin. I'm back, what's up? - My boy, welcome back. - What's up, what's up? What's good, dog? (hits) (laughing) Aye. - That's not funny, bro. - Yo, I'm not cleaning that up. Y'all got me messed up. - Bro, she been here for two seconds. - You act like you don't know me now? What's up, you not gonna give me no love or nothin'? - Nah, bruh, what's good with it? You got coffee in your hair and junk. Let's see that bling, let's see it. - Run it, run it. - [Jalen] My god, yeah, I like it bro. Does it itch? - [Kimberly] All right, thank you. - How do you do this? (sighs) - Okay, look. It takes some getting used to. But I promise you that if you just-- - This was a mistake. - The kids mean well, you just- - And you call this helping me. - Grace, please, what can we do? - Nothing. I'm fine, thank you. - What? She said she's fine. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is it the schedule? - And you think this is funny? I have taught ambassador's kids, and one time a prince. - Look, Jalen's dad used to run one of the hardest gangs on this block, so for real, for real, we royalty too. You know my wife can make a bad cup of coffee, but you aint have to do all that. You could've just thrown it away. They're kids, they're gonna act out. I think someone from where you're from, what is it, music therapy, or whatever, would be more in tune with how these at risk teens act. - My students have taught kids from all over the world because of the skills I knew to teach them, and you don't think I'm qualified enough for you? - Paper says you qualified, but it take way more than that to last. - You don't have a schedule, you don't have curriculum. You, I'm assuming, don't have money for supplies. - All the money goes to the fancy universities like the one you came from. Look, we got a saying around here: meet them where they are at. - And then? Because I'm pretty sure I've already done that. - And that's it. Anything past that is a calling. So where we goin'? (Grace scoffs) (birds chirping) Uh, hello? I'll get these. (birds chirping) - So we don't usually have guests. Oh wow. I thought the kids had it cleaned in here. (Grace coughs) You know what, I could send some of them over. - No, that's fine. That's okay. - You sure? - Mhm. - I really don't mind. I mean, they could clean up some more, really, honestly. (Clears throat) Okay. Grace, I'm really glad you're here. I think you'll be good for us. (chuckles) Okay. All right. Well, get some rest. Tomorrow's a new day. And again, thanks for give us another shot. All right. (door closes) (soft music) - Just meet them where they're at. - [Selina] 'Cause little miss thing over there wouldn't let me sleep last night. - Are you serious? - Come on. - Good afternoon. - [Q] You know it is. - No coffee today? - I can't get with this. - Run that. - It's trash. - What? - It's trash. - That is not trash. Trash is- - So, um, what is good music to you? - I don't know. You just know. It's definitely not that. - What about you? - What about me what? - What do you consider good music? Is it the song or the artist? Do the lyrics move you in a certain way? What do you get from it? - It's not about what we get, it's about what we don't have to get. Some of us don't wanna be in our feelings all day. - So, music is the escape? - There's a lot worse things than music. Uh, the people you use to escape. - True. It's a healthy distraction. But on the other side of that, music can help us feel or make sense of our emotions. - Like, for me, I, I like listening to my favorite songs because it makes me feel less alone. - So loneliness. What else? - Um, music is one of the only things that doesn't ask for anything we don't wanna give, I guess. - [Grace] How so? - We can listen to it when we want to, turn it off when we don't wanna hear it anymore. We can either get something from it, or get nothing at all, it just is. It lets us choose how we wanna respond without telling us how we should. I guess, I don't know. - That's pretty insightful. (scoffs) Do you disagree? - Just don't care. Just wondering if there's a point to all of this or what? - Yo, chill. - Please. Like y'all aint wondering the same thing. This supposed to be our time to kick back and not deal with somebody else talking at us. - Well you know there have been studies that suggest that babies in their mother's wombs can hear and even recognize the music that their mothers play for them. It can be a song, it can be humming a song-- - Don't talk to me about my baby. - Look, I was just trying- - That's your problem. Stop. Like, are you even a real teacher? 'Cause I aint heard nothin' yet that matters. - [Grace] What does matter to you? - Not this. - Well maybe not today, but what about the future? (chuckles) That maybe later, one day, what you learn here can impact your life. What you gonna do when you leave this place, who you're going to be. A life outside of anything you've ever known. Doing big things that you never thought you could do. (scoffs) - Big? That aint us. We just trying to make it through every day. - I can't even leave the house. - Look, Ms. Grace, was it? We know our options. - Yup, and they suck. - Well then I've got an important assignment for you to do tonight. (Jaylen scoffs) - Wait, hold up, now she's talking about assignment. Can someone please tell this lady that we don't do homework here? - Facts. - Yeah. - Are you telling me that if I give you an assignment, you're not- - No, no one would do it. I'm not trying to be mean, but... - Not one of you even wants to try? - I'm good. - No. - You're just happy doing nothing? - We do what we gotta do to stay here. Why would we do something we aint gotta? - Why indeed. (birds chirping) I did what you said. - Yeah? - Yeah. But where they're at is a problem. - Huh? - You told me to meet them where they're at. I did. But where they're at is a problem. - Oh, I see. See, I thought we hired a teacher. But it seems like we just hired a judge. - No, what you did was hire the sitter. That's what this is. - Look, I don't have time to give you a pep talk every time something happens. It's the job. First it was too hard for you, now it's too easy for you. What do you want? - I want to help. - Well then help. - I mean I'll trade you this- - Look, I'm just saying, then keep your door closed. - Hey, if I wanna leave my door open, it's open. (laughing) - Hey. - Are we having a sleep over? - [Q] Come on with your big head. - You can't talk for nobody, dog. Have you seen that thing you carry around? - Will you be joining us? Is everyone comfortable? - Of course. - I could use another pillow. - Shut up. - Yeah. Yeah. (laughs) - I'll catch one. (laughing) - Yes, this is really nice. Ah. And to think, I was worried about what you all thought about me. (Grace chuckles) Racking my brain with what I could do to help you, or where I would go if I decided to leave. And then it finally occurred to me: I don't have to think about any of this stuff. (laughs) - She's loosing it. - Not if I have one of those passes. Oh, you know what I'm talking about? Because you all have them, the passes. - We don't have any passes? - Oh, I'm not gonna tell anybody. Just tell me where you got the passes. - We stole 'em. (laughing) - Um, passes for what? - The passes on life. The free passes that say that all you have to do is show up and that's good enough. The passes that say you don't have to do the work. You talk a tough game. And you almost had me for a minute. You intimidate and you make your threats and you demand respect. But when it comes time to stand up for yourselves, you throw up your hands and you back into the corner and you cry and you oh, I'm scared, I can't do this, it's too hard. - We know how to fight. - Yeah. - No you don't. Not for yourselves. Now, you may have been victimized. No fault of your own. And you may not have family, friends, a $1.50 to your name. But you do have something, something so powerful that no one can ever take away from you. - What's that? Our court records, right? (laughing) - [Grace] Choice. - Most of us were sent here. It wasn't our choice. - That's not how it is for most of us. Even if we wanna move on, the world doesn't just let you forget. - But you still have a choice, to not let it define one more moment of your lives. Just stop believing the lies that this is all that there is. You stand up and fight. Stand up and fight for yourselves! (sighs) Now... You, you, you can just give up. You can let the world, and all of the bad people in it, determine your future, and this class will be your nap time. But if you decide to stand up for yourselves, stand up and fight for yourselves and do something positive with all of that negativity, all of that pain, you just let me know. Now my future is good, no matter what you decide. (soft music) You just let me know. (soft music) Yes. This is good. - You said what? - Michael. - If we only expect the minimum from them, that is all we're going to get. And then they will never, ever know that they are capable of so much more. - Now she's telling me how to do my job. Unbelievable. You don't just walk up in somebody house, Grace, and start telling them how to clean it. - I didn't just walk in. I was invited to stay. - Exactly. Key word: "invited". I should've let you walk that day. - Michael! - Then why didn't you? (Michael sighs) - Look. I know these kids. I know what it's like to be one of these kids. They don't call 'em at risk for nothin'. Last thing they need is somebody coming in here sellin' 'em dreams, tellin' 'em more lies, leading to more disappointment. - Everybody's at risk of something, Mr. Devlin. That's life. But we just can't, we can't grow complacent and not try to do better. - Oh, I get it. This some of that old recovery talk, aint it? What are you, 90 days clean now? - Okay, Michael, that is enough. What has gotten into you? You of all people should know better. Okay, this house would not be in existence if you just settled for less and stopped fighting for more, for yourself and the kids. Now I wanna show Grace their files. - No. - At least she'd know where we started from. - They're private. No! - So, she could just- - Mr. Devlin. You, you've have a problem with me from the moment I stepped inside your door and I don't know why, but honestly, I don't care. Because at this point in my life, I am done with trying to please people. And 115 days sober, if you must know. And you're my boss. And I can respect and accept that this is your house. - Well? - But you gave me those kids. You stuck me in the room with them, and as long as I'm living here, I refuse to let my room be a mess. - Look, you two work this out. But when it all comes falling apart, and these kids end up spittin' bullets, you better hope to God you got something real to give 'em. (clattering) (knocking) - Come in. - This aint me backin' down. - So you trust me, then? - Trust might be pushin' it, but I respect your assertiveness. It's not everyday I come across someone as aggressive as me. (Grace chuckles) - Look, I don't wanna hurt these kids, Mr. Devlin. (soft music) - Two years ago, they sent us a 13-year-old boy. He couldn't speak, he stared at walls, he wet the bed, he couldn't even feed himself. 13-years-old. And it's not like he couldn't. You look at his early school records, it shows that he was a smart kid. But whatever happened to him at his parent's house? Completely checked out. The therapists and all their credentials, they told us to keep pushin' him, keep pushin' him, don't go easy on him. They said if we did, he'd never recover. You can't argue with these doctors, so that's what we did. For a year straight, all we did was focus on results. No visible sign of success. You know what they told us to do? Just get rid of him. Just like that, just get rid of him. Couldn't do it. Couldn't do it. I don't care if he decided to check out the rest of his life, all we were called to do was love him. Dirty, smelly, exhausting, whatever. Just love him. - And what happened? (soft music) You've got a good heart. - Just bring me these back in the morning. (soft music) (soft music) ♪ I've been searching my entire life ♪ ♪ To be seen and to be recognized ♪ ♪ And after all I put myself through ♪ ♪ The only thing I had to do to find you ♪ ♪ Was open up my eyes ♪ ♪ You see who I am ♪ ♪ Even when I don't see it ♪ ♪ You see what I can't ♪ ♪ And I always know you mean it ♪ ♪ When you speak to my heart, to my soul ♪ ♪ And I know you love me right where I stand ♪ ♪ You see who I am ♪ ♪ You see who ♪ - If this is what you want me to do, God, please give me the strength. (soft music) - Hey, wake her up. - You wake her up. - Okay. - Um, Ms. Grace? Get the pillows. - Yeah, let's go. (soft music) (laughing) - Ay yo, Quentin? Take this. Give me the chair. Scoot. (soft music) - What? Y'all can do what y'all want. It's your choice, remember? (soft music) - Well? - Um, before we like, start and all, we just had a quick question first. (sighs) You're not gonna make us like, sing, like we're in a choir or anything, right? - Do you wanna start a choir? - [Jalen] I'm good, bruh, no. - I've heard Selina sing in the shower-- - No. - You can't sing. - Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's okay, it's okay, no, no choir. No choir. - [Jalen] All right. (soft vocalizing) (insects buzzing) ♪ Lullaby ♪ ♪ Lullaby ♪ ♪ Lullaby, lullaby ♪ ♪ Lullaby, mama's baby ♪ ♪ Lullaby, lullaby ♪ ♪ Lullaby and good night ♪ ♪ Lullaby, lullaby ♪ ♪ Lullaby mama's baby ♪ ♪ Lullaby, lullaby, lullaby ♪ ♪ Sleep tight ♪ (soft music) (insects buzzing) - [Jalen] And that, my friends, is a solid jam. Personal opinion. - That was good. - Thank you. I think anything before 2010 is solid. - Facts. - They're throwbacks, yeah. - All right, so who is next? - [Sam] I, actually? - Really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on. - [Jalen] All right, let's get it, man. - [Tay] This is gonna be interesting. - [Jalen] No, it's not trash. - That's why your phone felt it was trash. - [Jalen] You know what? You're trash. - Okay. (girl vocalizing) ♪ Lullaby, lullaby ♪ - Turn it off. ♪ Lullaby, lullaby ♪ What the hell is wrong with you? - Daniella! - Yo. - You asked us to play a song. It's a great song, I don't know why- - Can't you ever just stay out of people's business? - Daniella, I have tried to be tolerant with your attitude, but the moment you put your hands on someone else, that is enough! Now, you wanna be left alone? You wanna sit in your misery? Fine, but you're gonna do it somewhere else. Go, go, get out. We're perfectly fine here without you. Go. - I'll deal with you later. - Sam? - Yeah, no, mm-mm. - Sweetie. Come on, come on, come on. - [Kimberly] We knew this could end up causing problems for us. - [Michael] I don't even know why they care. (Kimberly sighs) - [Kimberly] What should we do? - [Michael] They don't want her here. They don't want her anywhere. - [Kimberly] So should we say something now? - [Michael] I'll figure it out. - I'm sorry, but today she really crossed the line. If you would've seen the look on Sam's face... - What is she talking about? You two figure it out. (Kimberly sighs) - Grace. (Kimberly sighs) We're having problems with our organization. Daniella's case worker is harassing her. They think they should send Daniella to another facility to have her baby. - And that's a bad thing? - Yes. The place they're trying to send her to only cares about the funding. The kids? They don't matter. And I hate to say this, but, she'd be better off at home than at that place. Conditions alone are just, they're horrible. - Well don't you have a say? - Majority of our funding comes from the organization. We do what we love, or what they say goes. - And if you refuse? (Kimberly sighs) - We lose everything. I mean, we went against them once before with Sam and they're still holding it against us. Lucky for everyone, Sam recovered, but had he not... - Does Daniella know? - Michael will be telling her. (melancholy music) (beat boxing) ♪ Got a bowl of fruit, got a bowl of fruit ♪ - Hey, how come you didn't tell me you could write like that? - Um, I was just following directions. - Oh, it was poetry, Jalen. Now you've got a real talent. Do you ever read what you write for people? (chuckles) - Last time I read something I wrote for somebody, um, was my mom. And she slapped me across the face and told me to get the hell out of her room, so that tells you how that went. (chuckles) - Well if I promise you that that won't happen in my class, would you consider it? - You really think it's that good, huh? - Oh, it is that good. - I guess. Nah. Not really, I don't know. - So you will, or you won't, or you... - Probably not. Yeah, I don't know. Excuse me. - "Lift up your eyes and look around. "All your children gather and come to you." - "As surely as I live, declares the Lord, "you will wear them all as ornaments. "You will put them on like a bride." I never realized until this moment the significance of that scripture and how it's playing out right here in our own lives. Michael and I have been trying to have a child of our own for years now, and uh, for whatever reason, it just hasn't happened. I went through a phase where I blamed God, where I doubted he cared and I was angry. I was angry at him, at Michael, at myself, for daring to hope. But uh, these verses really hit me today. So maybe I don't have a child of my own. I've got something just as powerful. All of you. (soft piano music) (laughs) - [Man] That's right- - You're not listening to me. - [Man] Your baby, keep your baby. - No. - Keep it. I don't even care if you're gonna be trash, just like your mother. I hope you don't end up homeless. If you do, it's not my problem. That's your-- (Hung up call) (Daniella sighs) - Figures. What? You always got somethin' to say. Let's hear it. What wisdom do you have for us today, Ms. Grace? - Are you okay? (soft music) Is he the father? - It's between him and four others. It's a joke. He just doesn't wanna be the father, but, I know I shouldn't call him. I just thought maybe... I don't know. It doesn't matter. You hear that they're making me leave? I'm not going to that place. I don't care if I end up in a box behind a gas station, bro, I'm not lettin' them do this to me again. - Kimberly and Michael, they're doing everything that they can to keep you here. - My mom keeps hitting me up, telling me I can come home, that she'll help me take care of the baby. - Help is good. - I know what kind of help she is. I won't let my daughter grow up around that woman. - A daughter. - Yeah, it's kind of crazy what she's gonna have to go through just 'cause of who she is. What I'm gonna have to protect her from, as if I don't have my own problems. - You're not worthless, and you're not crazy, and you are not trash. - What if I am? You don't know me. Look, I don't need you to pretend. I keep it straight and I expect other people to do the same. - You're rude, and you don't have respect for anyone I've seen so far, because you don't have respect for yourself. Crazy? No. Trash? No. And certainly not worthless. - I won't bother you again. I can take care of myself. (soft piano music) - Yes. Yes. Thank you. (soft piano music) (soft piano music) ♪ You're all I need ♪ ♪ To make this life of mine ♪ ♪ More than complete ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ - Well there you have it. All right. (clapping) - Girl just take us to church. (laughing) (Selina speaks in Spanish) - No, no, no, no, no. You shouldn't sneak up on me like that. Come on in, come on in. - What's all this, Ms. Grace? - Just come on in. - Ms. Grace, you promised us no choir. - Hey, no choir. Just instruments. Come on in, come come, come see what we have. See what we have. - Are you serious? - Yes I am serious. I am very serious. Absolutely. - If you say so. (laughs) - Let me try this one. - Now, just pick it up. - Oh my gosh, it's so heavy. - Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And just- - And I hold it like this? - Absolutely. Absolutely. (soft guitar strumming) - Hey. - You look really dumb with that. - Thanks. I appreciate it. (chuckles) You know, I bet you have a really nice smile. Too bad nobody gets to see it. - Yeah, well you don't have to put up with me for much longer. - Yeah, and why is that? - They're sending me away. - Wait, seriously? Who? Michael and Kimberly? - Social workers. - I mean, where are you going? Why? Did they at least tell you when? - I don't know. Could be any day, I guess. (scoffs) - Nah, if it was me, I'd be trippin'. I mean like, we bump heads, I mean, but this is your home. Your family. - People are the same no matter where you go. - I mean, how would you know? You never gave any of us a chance. - Yeah, and now I don't have to. Why you always gotta make everything so personal? - It' snot even like that. - I shouldn't even have told you. - Aye, wait a second, we could talk this out. It's not that.. serious. (sighs) (teenagers chattering) (soft music) (birds chirping) - Listen y'all, we've been noticing a lot of holes in the walls around here. Anybody wanna own up to that? - It was the lizard? - Aye, no snitchin'. - Yeah, that's what I thought. Anyway, Daniella? Any thoughts or concerns over the pregnancy? - I mean, I'm not exactly looking forward to pushing a head out of- - No, I think we got it. - So we're just not gonna talk about the situation? What are y'all doin' to stop this, huh? How is she supposed to prepare for a baby if she doesn't know where she's gonna be? - You're right. We're all family, and if anything has the potential to affect one of us, it should affect all of us. But we're doing everything we can to make sure Daniella does not leave this house. - That's right. - What does she do? Mike, I've been locked up how many times? I literally broke into someone's house. - Q. - No, I'm on house arrest. - Okay. - No one's kicking me out. - Q, listen. She didn't do anything. It's her case workers, okay? They just, they- They just want what's best for her and the baby. (Jaylen scoffs) - By sending me to Heflin Hall? - Look, I don't even like Daniella. But I wouldn't want her to go there. The place is bad. - I thought we were safe here. And now you're telling me that we can get thrown out just by doing nothin' wrong? - See that's why I aint wanna say nothin'. Aint no point of getting all worked up over something that's probably not even gonna happen. Listen, Daniella will not be leaving this house. You have my word. And if you know anything about me, you know my word is good. Now let's pray. (soft music fades) (insects buzzing) - Mind if I sit out here with you for a bit? - Can't sleep? - Nope. - There you go. - Thanks. (insects buzzing) - What do you wanna do with your life? There must be something. - I want my mom to wanna see me. - She doesn't wanna see you? - She told me the only reason she kept me around was for the check. Said if it wasn't for the check, she would've got rid of me a long... long time ago. (soft music) - So why do you wanna see her? - She's still my mother, you know? I still want her to be straight. Anyways, enough about me. How about you? I mean, I see you leaving the house every Sunday afternoon around the same time. Not that I'm a creep or a stalker or nothin' like that. It's just, I see you leave and come back. - I go to AA meetings. I'm a recovering alcoholic. I go on Thursdays, too. (Jaylen scoffs) - You, Ms. Grace? Wow, I don't know. You just to have it all so together, you know? - [Grace] Everybody's got struggles. - You know, I stopped dreaming a long time ago. But since you've been here, I mean, I'm dreaming again. And I don't know what that means yet. But I hope it's something good. - Me, too. - Thanks. For the candy. You have a good night, Ms. Grace. (soft music) - You too, Jalen. (soft music fades) (insects buzzing) (sighs) - I am really tired of you waking me up in the middle of the night, God. I mean, because you don't sleep, I shouldn't sleep either? (sighs) Couldn't we do this in the morning, after I've had my coffee? (sighs) (sighs) "For if you forgive men their trespasses, "your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. "But if you not forgive men their trespasses, "neither will your father forgive your trespasses." Who have I not forgiven? I like the kids, I like Michael. And I like Kimberly. I.. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No, not him! I mean, I was really starting to feel good again. I was really starting to get my foot hold again. (soft music) (sighs) (soft music) - He is such a beautiful baby, Gracie. I'm sorry, but this is what your father wanted. My brother can be so mean sometimes- - But he was my baby. - I know, Gracie. - Mine. - I know. It was nice of that nurse to let you have that picture. Gracie? Whatever you do, don't let your daddy find it, okay? You keep it well hidden. (car starts up) (Michael mumbling) - You don't just give false promises when you can't come through. Givin' people hope. Can't even deliver. - So they won't let her stay? - They don't care. - There's gotta be another way. - We've exhausted every option, Grace. Other than going out on our own, that's the only thing left. - Well then do that, Michael. Go off on your own. - With what, exactly? If we do that, we run the risk of losing everything, maybe even the house. - They can't take your house. - We still got the mortgage. If we lose our funding, for my salary, Kimberly's salary, and our medical insurance... - What about grants? I know that there are grants for communities like this. I mean, the house is beautiful, but maybe you should... - You remember Sam's situation. That's why we stayed under their umbrella. - So you're not gonna give up? - Not on all of 'em. - What does that mean? - It means I broke my word. (Grace sighs) (soft piano music) - Here. - What is that? - I wrote it. For you. - And you're giving it to me because? - It's for you. (laughs) Thought that was implied. - You're not scared I'm gonna slap you in the face like your mom or whatever? - You know what? Forget it. Look, one of these days, you're gonna need somebody in your corner, and if it's not me, fine, that's whatever. But you're gonna need a friend, a true one. - So you find out I'm leaving and all of a sudden, you wanna be my friend? Feels a little convenient, don't you think? - You just don't get it, do you? I'm done. (melancholy music) - Langston, if you just hear me out, you'll see that the Devlin House is everything that we used to dream about being a part of. - The projects that we've chosen have large-scale, global impact. That was your idea from the beginning. You want us to just set those aside and focus on a house with a handful of kids from a dying community? - Just come. - Grace. - Just come. Come meet the kids. See the kids, listen. - This house is just one of thousands of programs that need our help. We can't save them all. (Langston sighs) Look, I'm worried about you burning out. That's the last thing you need during a recovery. - Langston, I've never felt so alive. Nice catching up. (soft music) - Can't we do like a bake sale or a raffle or somethin'? Isn't that what people do when they need money? - I vote bake sale. I could get with some edibles. - Okay, dude, those kind of edibles will get you locked up again. - That's it. - Really? - Okay, Selina does have a point, though. I can't be caught with anything. - Uh-uh, no Q, no. I'm talking about a fundraiser. A concert. - Yeah, no disrespect, but that's a terrible idea. - Yeah, Ms. Grace, and you promised us no choir. - A showcase, then. You don't have to sing. Jalen, you'll write. It's time for you to show this community the power of your words. And Tay, I've seen your paintings. You are amazing. We can sell your artwork. And I'm sure that there's at least someone here who can sing. - Okay wait, let me get this straight. You want us to do all of this for Daniella, right? - [Grace] Yes. - Think about it, you guys. Would she do that for us? - No. - No. - Nope. - Look, you all want to be safe. We can raise enough money to go out on our own so that we're no longer underneath this organization that doesn't care about you the way that the Devlin's do. And, at the very least, we can gain some support from the community. This thing that's happening with Daniella, this is only a small part of a big, big problem. Now, you wanna take your power back? This is your chance to stand up and fight. - [Jalen] I've got you. - We really gonna do this, Mr. Michael? - For real. (chuckles) - All right, everybody. The photographer's gonna be here in an hour and they wanna do a story on the house and the showcase. - [Jalen] That's right. - Are you kidding? - Newspaper bro. We're gonna be famous, my guy, famous. - We're gonna be famous. (laughing) - [Jalen] You'll be famous-ish. I mean... - Whoa, bro, yo. You kidding me right now? - Hold up, Sam. It's all right, it's all right. - On the posters, like- - He can't help it. You guys know he can't help it. - I'm sorry. - It's okay, baby. It's all right. It's all right. How long has this been going on? - It happens mostly when I'm distressed or excited. I don't know. It's just, I guess I'm weird. It does wonders for my clout. - There's something special about you. - Right. - Something rare, and people, you're gonna change people. - Right. - Yes. - Trailer trash with meth head parents. - That's not who you are and your future, your family, it doesn't define who you are or where you're going, baby. Sam. - Ms. Grace, I don't wanna make posters. - What? - I don't wanna make posters. - Okay. So what would you like to do, Sam? - I wanna play. (chattering) - [Tay] Ms. Grace, what are you doing? You know he has- - Shh. (soft piano music) Okay, so he knows how to make a few chords. (soft piano music) ♪ There's so many days that I Feel that familiar ♪ ♪ Ache in my soul ♪ ♪ Thrown away so carelessly ♪ ♪ A forgotten memory ♪ ♪ Guess I didn't suit how you roll ♪ ♪ How could I ever be whole ♪ ♪ You took me from my fantasy of a family ♪ ♪ Abandoned me along with my name ♪ ♪ Oh, no, finding my heart ♪ ♪ In the darkness ♪ ♪ Alone before I could fly ♪ ♪ And searching for you, oh I found the truth ♪ ♪ In the life painted with the lies ♪ ♪ No, life is a tapestry ♪ ♪ Beautifully woven from discarded things ♪ ♪ Like me ♪ (soft piano music) - [Jalen] Are you kidding me? (laughing) - Oh my gosh. Okay, so Sam can sing, too? No, I take that back. Sam can sang. (laughing) - I heard what you guys are doing. I don't get it, I wouldn't do the same for any of you. (Jalen chuckles) - [All] We know. - Face it, Daniella, we got you. That's what family does. - Yeah. - Sam. - Thank you, Langston. Well, I really appreciate you taking the time to call. - [Langston] Well they must really need you there. - I need them. (phone beeps) Langston, listen I've gotta go. I've gotta another call. I call you back later, okay? - Oh yeah, sure, sure, sure. Sure. - Mom? - Um, where are you going? - Oh, I'm going to visit my family. - Oh, for a minute I thought you might be... That's besides the point. Yeah, that's great. (chuckles) Oh, um, you know, my mom called. They told me she wanted to see me, so, I'm gonna go do that. - I'm happy for you, Jay. And I know it's something that you've been wanting for quite a while. - Yeah. - I'm happy. - Well um... Be safe. - I will. You too, sweetheart. - Yes, ma'am. See you soon? - See you soon. - [Jalen] Have fun. (soft music) (insects buzzing) - I wish you had told me about Eric. - Mama, you've got enough to deal with right now. - Here, I'ma give you some more of this cake. - Oh mama. - Come on, you can do it. - But mama. (chuckling) It is so, ooh, so good. Oh, goodness gracious. You know, I can't even remember the last time I got to enjoy your cooking, mm. - Oh. It was a beautiful Sunday morning. It was just a little piece of spring in tHe air and I made apple sauce. I cut the apples up myself. And bacon. And scrambled eggs, the way you like it. I made, uh, hash browns. And ooh, my famous gravy. Oh yeah, it was beautiful, a beautiful day. - Mama, you know I had no choice. He pushed me out. And my only regret is that you wouldn't come with me. - He needs to see you. (soft music) (tense music) - Where is it? What did you do? Answer me! Where is my picture? - I'll take some more juice. (glass shatters) - It's not enough that you took him away? You have to take everything from me? Why? (tense music) - Clean this mess up. Gotta get ready for church. - Mama. - Get ready for church. (melancholy music) - Grace. It is you. Come a little closer. I knew you'd come back before... - What did you do with him? I don't have time to pretend. What did you do with my baby? You know. You tell me who took him. Just give me that. - I don't, I don't know. - You are the most selfish man I've ever met. - [Solomon] Grace. - What did you do with my baby? - I don't know. I signed papers. It said you were to give him away. I'm sorry, Grace. I'm sorry, Grace. I'm sorry for everything. - I'm sorry? You can destroy a person's life, your only child. your daughter, just like that, and then what, one day you see the light and you think that I am sorry is enough? - I don't deserve to be forgiven for what I've done. I deserve this. - I forgive you, Pastor Solomon Grant. I forgive you. (staggered breathing) (Jalen yelling) - You can't leave me in this house, man. - Listen, bro, we love you bro. - Get the hell out of my face, man! - We're here for you. (Jalen yelling) It's okay. - You can't keep me in this damn house! - It's okay, I understand, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (Jalen yelling) - What, sweetie? - Ms. Grace. - What, what, what? - You can't keep me in this damn house. Get the hell out of my face, man. - Jalen. Jalen, what's wrong? What's wrong, honey? What's wrong? (Jalen sobbing) - She's dead. My mom is dead. - Oh, baby. Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. - They told me that she wanted to see me, but she just, she just wanted another fix. She got what she wanted, and it killed her. - Oh, sweetie. No, no. No, no, no, no, sweetheart. It's not your fault. It is not your fault, and as hard as it is, as hard as it is, you're gonna have to forgive her. It's all right. I've got you. (soft piano music) - My father was king of the streets, so I'm royalty. My mother was his queen, but she fell hard. It's crazy how you change and substances get involved. She said she loved me with her whole heart but the love never got to me. I guess it got clogged behind the drugs in her arteries. She left me low while she got high, 'til I was at a make shift grave saying goodbye with her ashes in a can. My dad was in jail, then he was free, then he was shot like the next day, so what's that say to me? By the time I was eight, I was with a foster family, by nine, it was another, until I was put in a house that turned into a home and became a family, so now I'm not alone. To let go of the pain, I put my heart into my writing and I let my soul explain. Now this boy's no longer a child and this man, he will proclaim. I just proclaim someone out there hears what I'm sayin' and they can see the old me is gone and now I'm changin'. Step by step, I strive to maintain it. And that's the story of Harris-comma-Jalen. (cheering) (applause) - I want you to know that we are not asking you to give what you don't have. But we are asking that you pray, and that you give what you can give. That you will volunteer. That you will make this community the community that you want it to be. We're asking you to take it back. Because when we do invest in each other, then we determine our future. (cheering) (applause) - Grace. - Langston. I, I didn't know you were here. - You think I'd miss this? A long time ago, I was just like these kids. - Well thank you for all of your help. - Thank you. You've been a real inspiration. You've inspired me to do better. To be better. (people chattering) (soft synth music) (floorboards creaking) - You go. - What's wrong? - It's past 12. (laughs) You gonna sleep all day? - Michael wants to see you. - Oh. Okay. Go ahead, I'll be out. I'm coming. Ooh. (sighs) - Listen. I know you and the kids put a lot of effort into the showcase, but sometimes God has other plans, and wants to denounce our affiliation with the organization. - You know what, no. No, we won't give up. - Do you know a man by the name of Langston? - Yes. - Well, he called this morning, and he wants to award us a large grant. This grant is gonna last the entire lifespan of the university and the Devlin House. (Kimberly chuckles) You did it. Bring it in, Grace. - Really? (laughing) - We did it. (laughing) (upbeat music) (cheering) (Kimberly sighs) - God's got the strangest timing. - What do you mean? - Three and a half months. (chuckles) - What? - Three and a half months. - Oh, congratulations. - Oh, I just found out this afternoon. I mean, I don't know, I guess all the stress took my mind off wanting a baby so God, he just felt the need to remind me. - Oh, sweetie, that's wonderful. - [Kimberly] Thank you. - I can't think of two people better equipped to be parents. - Oh, thank you. (laughs) Thank you. (laughs) Oh, you hear 'em? All that noise. - I do. - Mhm. Better get over there and see what they're up to. A little bit too much noise. (laughs) - I am so happy for you. - Thank you. You comin', right? - I am. I'm just gonna do a few things and then I'll be right over. - All right, sounds good. (laughing) Oh, Grace. Yes. Woo! Havin' a baby! (door shuts) (upbeat music) ♪ I could not fly ♪ ♪ I'm a sparrow with broken wings ♪ ♪ I could not climb ♪ ♪ The mountain right in front of me ♪ ♪ 10 feet under, the waves of a raging sea ♪ ♪ I dug a grave, the same still left in me ♪ ♪ I tried to win the battles all around me ♪ ♪ I tried to find the life that I was missing ♪ ♪ Yet somehow still you never left my side ♪ ♪ I saw you there, where grace and guilt collide ♪ ♪ I saw you there, where grace and guild collide ♪ (knocking) - Come in. - Hey. Are you coming over to celebrate? Can you believe I'm gonna be a father? - Come in. I sure can. Congratulations, Michael. You're going to be a wonderful father. - I mean, look, I mean I know that I can be an opinionated pain in the butt, and we bump heads a lot. But, Kimberly loves you, the kids love you, and we're a family and even... How did you get that? - What? - Did Kimberly- - Oh, this is mine. This is uh, a picture of me and my son. - Your son? - Yeah. That is my son. I had him when I was 16, and he was taken away from me. I wanted him. He was taken away from me without my consent. Adopted, I assume. But I looked for him. I could never find him. This box is full of birthday cards that I made for my son. - Wow. - There are 37 birthday cards in here. I made one for my son for every, every year of his life. - I'm, I'm sorry but this isn't making any sense to me. I wanna show you something. (soft music) You see this? This is the same picture I've been carrying for 37 years. You know what this means? You? (gasps) - Oh. (soft music) (Grace chuckles) - Wow. You. - You. ♪ Amazing grace ♪ You. ♪ How sweet the sound ♪ ♪ That Saved a wretch like me ♪ ♪ I once was lost ♪ ♪ But now I'm found ♪ ♪ Was blind ♪ (laughing) - Okay Grace, make a wish. - I wanna give my wish to you. - Well I already got my wish. (blows) Woo. - All right, let's cut this thing. - [Kimberly] All right. - You ready, Grace? Here we go. (soft music) ♪ 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear ♪ ♪ And grace my fears relieved ♪ ♪ How precious did that grace appear ♪ ♪ The hour I first believed ♪ (soft music) ♪ Through many dangers, toils and snares ♪ ♪ We have already come ♪ ♪ 'Twas grace that brought us safe thus far ♪ ♪ And grace will lead us home ♪ (soft vocalizing) (soft music) ♪ And grace will lead us home ♪ (soft music) (soft piano music) ♪ There's so many days that I feel that familiar ♪ ♪ Ache in my soul ♪ ♪ Thrown away so carelessly ♪ ♪ A forgotten memory ♪ ♪ Guess I didn't suit how you roll ♪ ♪ How could I ever be whole ♪ ♪ You took my from me my fantasy ♪ ♪ Of a family ♪ ♪ Abandoned me along with my name ♪ ♪ Oh, no ♪ ♪ Finding my heart in the darkness ♪ ♪ Alone before I could fly ♪ ♪ And searching for you, oh I found the truth ♪ ♪ In the life painted with lies ♪ ♪ No, life is a tapestry ♪ ♪ Beautifully woven from discarded things ♪ ♪ Like me ♪ (soft piano music) ♪ Wonder what was wrong with me ♪ ♪ What was I missing ♪ ♪ And what I did wrong ♪ ♪ 'Til the day she spoke to me ♪ ♪ Sweet was her melody ♪ ♪ Gave me the words to my song ♪ ♪ Turns out she was there all along ♪ ♪ She saw in a potpourri of my hopes and dreams ♪ ♪ Gave me a chance to be free, oh ♪ ♪ Finding my heart in the darkness ♪ ♪ Alone before I could fly ♪ ♪ In searching for you, oh I found the truth ♪ ♪ In the life painted with the lies ♪ ♪ No, life is a tapestry ♪ ♪ Beautiful woven from discarded things ♪ ♪ Like me ♪ ♪ Life finally started off on my knees ♪ ♪ And forgotten ♪ ♪ But the gift in return in the fire never burned ♪ ♪ But I learn, I learn to be heard ♪ ♪ Oh, no ♪ ♪ Finding my heart in the darkness ♪ ♪ Alone before I could fly ♪ ♪ In searching for you, oh I found the truth ♪ ♪ In the life painting with lies ♪ ♪ Though life is a tapestry ♪ ♪ Beautifully woven from discarded things ♪ ♪ Like me ♪ (soft piano music)
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 2,256,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Karen Abercrombie, Cameron Arnett, Marcus Flame Gray, Sharonne Lainer, Marcus Gray, Flame Gray, Discarded Things movie, Discarded Things 2020 movie, Discarded Things 2020 full movie, Discarded Things 2020, full movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: kbtU0robJ9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 28sec (6448 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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