I Joined EVERY Minecraft Server.. Here's What Happened..

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all right guys i found out this is the ip for the dream smp so i'm going to go on the server and see if dream will let me join wait this doesn't look like the dream smp what's going on hey guys do you know who owns this server what are you guys doing put me down put me down where are you taking me what is this place what's going on put me down right now so you really thought you could sneak on my server no i was trying to join the dream smp i didn't know it was yours tell it to the judge take him away boys wait what's going on what dang grox really took me to court what wait you have a lawyer that's not fair nah don't worry man we got you one too oh okay good all right man so what's our game plan oh my god i'm going to lose all rise for the honorable judge grogs wait what's going on you're the judge how is this fair at all hey order in the court wait what i'm just saying this isn't really that that's it i sentence you to trial by combat this doesn't seem fair here you're gonna need this what do i need this for you'll see bring him out wait bring who out crocs we can talk about this i was just trying to join the dream as a wither you want me to beat a wither with a wooden sword yeah right all right guys so apparently this is the ip for the dream smp that was my bad i'm just gonna wait this world is made out of diamonds is that preston oh see what how's it going man wait preston i didn't know you were on the dream smp since when this isn't the dream smp this is my personal minecraft server oh my bad i didn't mean to crash your server i was just trying to join the dream sp i'm sorry no worries man i should think i can help you i have the id for the dream smp wait you do dude that would save me so much time i've been trying to find it all day can i have it yeah here use this dude no way preston you're the best this is gonna help me so much all right well i'm gonna go ask them if i can join super easy i believe in you dude preston is actually so nice i can't believe he just gave me the ip to the server whoa wait a second this doesn't look like the trim smp and why are all these villagers here oh my god you have to be kidding dude preston's the worst all right back to the chopping block maybe this is it wait a second now where the heck am i oh dude small ant oh my god i love your videos stay back i'm in the middle of an important challenge oh i'm sorry what challenge are you doing i'm beating minecraft while only walking on obsidian it's really hard i'm finally almost done wait that's awesome is there any way i can help oh yeah my eye of ender broke over there uh could you grab it it'd save me some time oh yeah i can totally do that for you no problem now if you could just bring it up here throw it to me like i said i'm a massive fan dude i love i i've been working on this challenge for three years yeah i actually i gotta go yikes that was kind of awkward maybe this is the server where am i perfect timing see what you can play in my next event wait skeppy this is perfect dude i have to ask you a question about the dream no time for that now this one is simple you have to pick one of these lovers to pull one of them you will win a thousand dollars but the other one drops lava on bad what the heck skippy what's going on how did you get me in here let me out so what's it gonna be i guess i'll go with the left one oof looks like you guessed wrong geppy what is happening there's lava skippy let me out all right anyway skippy i have to sorry you only get one go goodbye wait no scotty ah dang it all right reddit said this was the ip for real this time so i'm gonna join oh yes see this could definitely be it this is a really cool build maybe i'm on the dream smp oh look there's some uh signs technoblade's personal garden stay out oh no wait wait techno listen i didn't know this was your server i'm sorry i didn't mean to break onto it i love orphans wait i mean i hate orphans okay okay i'm sorry i'm leaving take no i'm okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go goodbye i'm sorry wow that was a close one maybe i can just ask my friend ebbo maybe he knows the ip oh nice evo cool to see you on a regular server for once oh this isn't a regular minecraft server wait what do you mean yeah this is minecraft if all the players were enslaved by sheep welcome human you now belong to us yeah bo i think i'm gonna leave uh have fun all right i saw a youtube video saying this is it for real this time okay yeah i mean maybe this could be it i don't see any wait what just happened all right this is a little strange wait i could swear this wasn't here a second ago what even is this thing it looks really familiar i feel like i've seen it before weird all right this is my best plan yet if i go to the official minecraft server maybe one of them will know the ip for the dream smp whoa what the heck lady agnes what's going on hey siwat you caught me right in the middle of working on the next minecraft update oh yeah i can't wait for that you're adding frogs and fireflies right we actually found that fireflies are toxic for frogs to eat so we won't be adding fireflies to the game wait why don't you just have the frogs and not eat the fireflies wait a second how did we not think about that yeah i mean it seems kind of obvious anyway i gotta go good luck with the update all right maybe this one's it i've gotta be getting close i'll find it eventually okay yeah this could be it hey see what welcome to my smp oh is this like the dream smp it's a little different from the dream smp oh how's it different here i'll show you oh okay cool thing whoa what are you doing perichok oh my god all right so i don't want to play on that one maybe this could be something cool yeah let's see what's on this one wow what is all this congratulations you have been picked to play in the new mr beast gaming video oh bet let's go inside two of these boxes is a prize but inside one of them is a punishment do you want to play yeah sounds like pretty good odds to me okay select a box to get rid of i don't really like how box one looks let's get rid of that okay open box number one sorry you just got rid of a brand new car wait what that's a joke right but it's okay there's still one good prize left is it better than a car pick another box to get rid of all right let's get rid of box number three i'm gonna get rid of three and keep box number two i like how that one looks yikes that box actually had ten thousand dollars in it is this a prank are you guys messing with me well let's see what you did win let's see what's in box number two all right let's see hopefully it's something good all right we got a sign what does it say on it wait it says you're banned oh come on wait i can just join hannah's server she's on the dream smp yo what's up hannah oh hey siwa what's up hey i actually had to ask you a question you're on the dream smp right yeah i am why oh perfect you're gonna come with me all right hannah don't make this any harder than it has to be what's the ip i'm not going to tell you the ip it's against the rules all right well you're only leaving me one option i'll be back all right have you changed your mind i already told you i'm not doing it well i'm sorry i didn't want to have to do this hannah wait wait stop fine i'll tell you if you don't hurt that's what i thought all right give me the ip right now and if you do nothing's going to happen to this little guy so go ahead fine you win the ip is and after this long journey i finally had the ip to the server now i could go on and i streamed to make me a permanent member yo let's go she was telling the truth this is really it oh my god everything's wait dream and george this is perfect guys i'm ready to play on the smp i can't wait to do all the lore with you guys it's gonna be awesome [Music] wait what i'm banned you know maybe dream's right maybe i should just make my own minecraft server and play with my own friends i guess wait you're making a minecraft server can i play yeah dude that'd be fun maybe we could make an smp wait you guys are trying to start an smp yeah wait are you guys trying to join we could do it we could make something awesome all right bet let's do it [Music]
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 2,624,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Seawatt, Seawatt gaming, The story of minecraft's first, The story of Minecraft, the story of Minecraft's first PLAYERS, The story of Minecraft's First Raid, The Story of Herobrine, steve vs herobrine
Id: s9fZG230jfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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