Minecraft's Funniest Simon Says...

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in this video i took 19 of my subscribers and had them compete in minecraft simon says for an insane amount of money that's right i'm talking twenty dollars this whole thing ended up being really funny here's how it went so we're just gonna start off with a nice easy one simon says go to the other wall the wall across at the other side go oh that's not going no we gotta get away so he's hitting he's hitting how much time do we give him how much time do we give him he's not going this is bad this okay okay okay okay all right everybody jump uh oh you guys are gonna not be good at this half of you just jumped this is not gonna be good i see how long can we give them freebies i feel like eventually we need to start eliminating right i didn't think i was gonna have to do this but i took a minute to explain the rules of simon says because people were clearly struggling but i thought after explaining the rules we'd have no more problems with people not listening to me right simon says jump until i tell you to stop [Music] wait a second we got another jumper right here we got a non-jumper i mean he's a he's okay he's back okay you guys can now stop jumping oh no two of them fell for it oh no liam liam i'm so sorry liam and middle berkey i'm so sorry you don't have to be sorry you guys tried your best uh you can you can go ahead and ban the bill wait how did he get full diamond armor what the wait what you know what let's put liam in a cage liam you're not gonna be bad come to this corner liam the liam if you can mine through all this obsidian you were the chosen one you can escape to freedom you'll be one of the sole survivors so you start working on that liam and you're definitely gonna escape and go for it yeah good luck liam take your time all right simon says come to this yellow wall do the parkour last one there loses last one there lose it last one out last one to defend the parkour loses if they die they can still go we'll make that a rule too okay yeah yeah if you die you can keep going oh oh wait it's gonna be this guy it's gonna be aiden unless oh aiden i'm gonna pull you aiden do you have a mic do you have a mic can we get some some interview with you i think i either got punched or i just um just might jump really and i fell in the lava and then everyone got past me and i was the last one well you know well you know what aidan i think mike would agree with this yo you can feel pride in that you you passed the stupid test okay you weren't one of the first few people that that lost to the obvious the obvious rules you know you lost on a hard pvp uh jumping around so you know you did you did good aiden wait wait wait wait i gave him another right pick he's making progress you gave him the nether i think oh dude leo liam i want everybody to start jumping in place oh no cows cows and supernova come forward come forward get off the park one of them we'll make them do a competition we're only gonna do one of them yeah all right do we give we give them stories and have them battle it out give them swords to have them all right you each can have another right house is throwing a sword on the ground oh he's picked it back up oh was that it was what's going on what are they doing at this point they tried to pull off some hunger games type coup where they would not attack each other in hopes that i would put them both back into the game and honestly this touched my heart so i sat down and i thought about it for a while and then i decided what i was gonna do was kill them both remove them both from the tournament it's been it's been input all right simon says you must use the boat to race to the blue wool last one there is eliminated bunch of potatoes is disconnected from the kids he might take the elf for you guys a bunch of different oh he's back though he's going there okay bunch of potatoes we're gonna have to talk to you do you have a mic potato i don't know man i just up you just up all right you gave it your all man i tried my best i'll happily take the bag we're gonna have to give you the baby all right here we go simon says you can only use your three by three area you just built for your build build me the best tree you can you have two minutes let's start over here mike we'll go left to right left to right we're gonna say like what we like about them and then we're going to deem we're going to try to together deem the worst a worst one all right lion kings i like this one i like it i like the flower it's a good added i like it i think it's the only one that has grass then they everyone's have grass in there true true that is gonna have to be part he went for very much he just he just bone meal the treat quite frankly is what he did here yeah but you know what i'm a fan of it this one's cool i feel like this is like an island an island type tree like a palm tree i like that one i like this one so i got fences i like the fence yeah i love liam's liam's is so fire is this liam's yelliam's so good liam's liam's is so good i mean you can't call it the worst one liam is that's a little interesting liam you've already had a one-up so this one right here it's unique i did just feel like i saw i see some dude we definitely saw some breaking going on we're gonna we're gonna think of that will come into the judge's factoring on that what we just what is it uh interesting shape it looks like a rectangle yeah it's very rectangular one i don't think it's the prettiest tree i've ever seen i like it though i like what you were going to through wasn't really connected hoggies is amazing i like poggies this is great that's some good she made it matches the wool added the azalea flowers addition i like these plasters classers yup clasters is i'm curious what the uh i don't really get defenses me personally i wouldn't have put them in three branches oh i can't see it i see what you're going for with that this is a very classic tree i feel like this is the standard tree you have right here with creaky yeah oh he went for the only snowy themed tree i do like the snow i think his is really good i think here's really good i would also say enders is actually or depressed enter one of my favorites too the second is the second i saw him grab this wood i knew it was going to be unique i think it fits his like wool coloring he went for it's that i don't think that's the worst one at the barreman one i don't know i think the worst one is between these two right here which two are you talking about let me see two in the corner uh let me see i've also i do agree i do agree i think my i personally feel the worst two is in this corner you see see it's tough i'm gonna be honest nightmare i don't want you to be sad i think you gave a great effort out here i think here's my least favorite mike is that what you would have done i do unfortunately agree okay it's a little too where it's too rectangular do you have a mic nightmare can we get some some post interview from you yeah what do you think what do you think went wrong for you what do you feel like you should have done a different build or do you stand by it that that was a great build i was in a hurry i didn't know what's happening well did you have fun nightmare at the bare minimum yeah it was fun i think everybody was gooder than mine my bet is on him over there with the purple oh yeah you're gonna put in a call you're betting on ender yeah i bet he's gonna win simon says come over to this red tunnel here and complete the park for it last one there loses the last one to complete the parkour wait is there a spot at the top of them okay yeah yeah there's one spot at the top you can make it to another competition oh that band is tough for people the creaky secret might be oh oh oh you probably need pogba froggy let me tell you puggy froggy if there was gambling on on this i sh that might be my my champion how you froggy's killing the game panzer it's gonna be panzer creaky oh no oh real one too all right pants get down here for your interview simon says nobody leave the winning area oh that hands died oh we're down to how many one two three four five six seven eight all right here's what we're gonna do you each have two lives we're gonna play normal do we give lion king the bathroom pass for this round mike that's your call lion king's immune to this round okay nobody else can use this trick okay only he only he has immunity this round go use the bathroom this round ended up being really scuffed and was hard to add into the video but all you need to know is poggy got eliminated all right lion king due to your free bathroom pass you got that gave you an immunity that round simon says you have one attempt to complete this parkour of you failure out whether or not the bathroom pass was worth it was being decided right here could he perform when he had to back against the wall he started moving gracefully through the parkour and it looked like it was gonna go good lying thank you for playing do you have who do you think is going to win here in this final five do you have anyone you want to pass your hopes to [Music] either my brother lunar client or my brother lion are those your actual liberal brothers yes yes oh my god we had we had a triple family alliance still in the end what the heck was the odds of that bro simon says when i say go you can come over here and you have to create a furnace bring the furnace over here and stand on it last one loses go this is a tough one oh somebody there's two crabs the meta could have been awake you didn't have to everyone was a third one they're trolling oh we already have two finishers three finishers there's two left oh you can't let her down russian she put her faith in you oh no he's a little he gave up he gave up russia do you have a mic um well i placed on one of the cobblestones on accident and i found out i didn't even mine enough anyways so hey are you hot do you feel are you proud and how well you did i guess there we go step off the furnace oh they're good they're good they're good simon says jump yeah these guys aren't rookies they're not going to fall for any any crap all right simon says make your way to the bedrock staircase and get on top of the sumo platform and stand on a piece of gold that no one else is on let me make sure you guys know the stakes on this one before we go in before i make one of you lose the first one do you think this is how we're going to run mike the first one to fall off is going to be back first one to touch the floor and i'll watch okay three two one simon says go that was close but i think it was legal will the brothers align here mike that's the strength that's a good point it's kind of a chaos it's kind of a chaos right now though if they don't start knocking each other off mike we'll start breaking blocks a little bit the stages start collapsing on them wow they are all fiercely competing oh the some blocks are being destroyed mike's not playing games he does not want to wait at all hold the inside blocks are going away simon says key oh and there it goes what a battle everybody was giving it their all i did not think they would last that long with no one falling off after that elimination we were finally down to the final three okay simon says boys you're each gonna take turns one by one shooting at that target with your one arrow i'm gonna give you i'm gonna say who goes and shoots whoever's arrow is the furthest away will be eliminated does everybody understand all right we're gonna start with you dank memes you can stand anywhere you want on the uh purple that's goes for everybody simon says you can stand anywhere when it's your turn to shoot nobody can touch him simon says no we can touch the interrupt the the person with the bow alright simon says go ahead and take your shot when you feel comfortable don't be rushed by anything oh my god line racks are it's gonna be your turn simon says get ready to take a shot you may stand anywhere on the purple no rush the clock is yours the intensity is high here take the shot when you feel ready simon says go and you feel good oh where was that one at very good very good very good i do think the pressure of going first was a little little unfortunate but that's just how cookie crumbles ender didn't even need the instructions oh anders is on the target block okay unfortunate you did you did hit target good job dang memes that means you are going to be eliminated this round we're going to give you basic standard pvp equipment and it's going to be a pvp battle to that simon says is basically out the window at this point simon says i don't have to remember to say simon says for the rest of the video we're just going to get into it so lion racks are you go to this wall you press enter go to that wall here we go three two one fight simon says fight early bow shot wait we're not peaceful are we we gotta can you check that one no i think i think we're on hard okay i'll make sure oh there you go they're getting in there with the swords nobody's using the environmental factors an environmental factor has been set off wait did they golden apple oh this is healing oh he took some tnt damage she is healing ender hasn't used this yet probably they each had a golden apple they had one goal now oh and there's trying to use it he's got getting chased he popped it off in time though he probably has health advantage now as he did it right now i think the environmental factors are going to be huge no he's building with a coal he's getting shot at oh wow this is tense this is tense oh every big burning place could go down based on an action that was just performed [Music] that was almost big brain we can admit this oh ender claims victory ender how are you feeling dude i got really nervous at the end there yeah during the pvp you were nervous like mainly the rounds before that when there was like three people left yep no idea what was gonna happen but is there anything you want to shout out anything you want to say about like you know how you felt and you you take it away give us your winter speech right here see what is the best minecraft content creator go subscribe to his youtube right now let's go
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 350,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seawattgaming, seawatt, seawattt, seawatt gaming
Id: C4UTU11C8z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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