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if you could change anything about yourself would you that is a beautiful perspective but i'm still changing something about myself but that's not embarrassing for you that's embarrassing for rainbow yeah i knew he gained so much trouble don't you dare i hate you baby you don't do that it's crazy time to get exposed the tea is hot what's your favorite thing about yourself oh oh this is easy ah okay this is cute um my favorite thing is me not favorite thing favorite that thing is me draco and that's the best answer okay why i hope you guys have better answers than me because i'm wearing two pairs of sunglasses today one on my face and one on my head so vote me [Laughter] wow my favorite thing is my smile it was awesome you guys stop copying each other's homework yeah i can make anyone look pretty oh what the hell my big brain okay so it is facts somebody proved me wrong put anyone in front of me and i will make them look pretty hmm i'm just okay that's wholesome that's awesome but i want to choose me but lunar also copied me so much me did you pick she was one me i don't know who's me that please please let me not lunatic roulette it was me what what a time they're voting for wholesome what the heck wait what you're all selfish what's the best joke you've ever heard oh this is a good one i'm gonna write the only joke i can remember okay the best joke i ever heard was i saw i saw a joke but it's not really it's more of an experience i don't think i'm allowed to write down an experience oh this is so hard there's so many good jokes um yeah five seconds i can't i can't think of anything this is my answer i literally can't think of anything my joke is why did gold cross the road to go shopping of course say a pun rainbow oh my god rainbow has dad jokes wow this is too stressful for me to answer i i can't funny you can't make decisions why was six afraid of seven because seven eight nine no that's your old joke i love this one say upon rainbow the winner come on rainbow i think i actually think this one is the best everyone leave a comment down below and say i'm fine do it rainbow fun what would you do if you want a million dollars oh okay well there's a lot of things you could do with a million dollars you can invest it into stocks you can donate it this is not real financial advice please do not don't listen to me listen you can shop on crewdistrict.com and buy every single thing oh you just did not i'm over negative 10. i think that's a good answer what else can you do 10 million you can buy a bunch of puppies you can feed a bunch of puppies you can buy dracula's clothes one million is a lot of money you could uh pay it for rainbows pines invest into socks donate it you can shop on crudest to different charities easy invest in cryptocurrency wow you guys are so serious i could buy any snacks that i want i'll just go woohoo okay i like which one made me laugh this one made me laugh luna you're funny you're funny today that's not even an answer to the question though what would you do if you went won a million dollars you would go woohoo which is bad at roblox or minecraft no these again why you always put these questions undoubtedly i know what's my favorite i can't choose between both wait why isn't it it's all getting blurred out okay wait give me a second there you go i have my answer i i chose one we got the best of both worlds so i see no one's choosing roblox row craft of course both yes that's cursed i second roblox obviously okay rainbow what was yours lover's winning you will never know is it minecraft i feel like minecraft you have to spill minecraft censored no you will never remember that that's what we rainbow what are you saying yeah expose what is it i bet it was crew eats no it was it was mind blocks you know what crew eats is my favorite game what's your guys oh chris is amazing wow roblox winning it's true you guys it's the best of both worlds i can't pick what is your favorite movie oh this is spicy well is it spicy yeah it is spicy because what is your favorite movie this is really i have a lot of things it's hard because there's like a bunch of genres there's animation there's horrors thrillers yeah i love thrillers we all love thrillers oh let's oh there's so many people i'm gonna have to go for a classic because i don't want to put a scary movie and then everyone goes watch a scary movie that's true that's true rainbow's favorite scary movie is the call the korean one doll it is actually one of my favorite movies but i'm definitely afraid of it okay go ahead pour of course my favorite movie i love it ratatouille you like gratitude yes it's memorable i picked a thriller tucker and dale gold movie that movie is great i picked up one easy i've picked up yeah up oh up team i sent some twins in here yeah i would choose this one because it's totally spelled properly i would choose up opp's a good movie i like up up is a good movie i didn't think dracula would pick ratatouille you're just picking me no rainbow i like food yeah thank you i knew you guys like tucker and dale's good actually rainbow draco nagged us to get ratatouille what makes you the most upset oh this one's so easy who lie is liars lying is probably the biggest pet peeve it's better to speak the truth than to lie i'm looking at both of the people sitting beside me by the way excuse me what do you mean you lie too i lie hey hey don't put me on the spot it was a question for you guys not me waking up that really that's me yes insects i hate them okay jackie oh yeah people oh daddy people mean liars elias pants on fires that's a good one for me it's things that don't go together a match oh wow like mashed potatoes and ketchup i also relate to rainbows rainbow also hates grilled cheese and ketchup so i can't pick rainbows see sorry oh i think i relate to lunars actually lunas is really kind of funny i think yeah but you gotta go with gold medals don't be a meanie [Applause] best gift you have ever received ooh best gift oh so many gifts this is so hard i'm trying to think through the vast variety of gifts that i have received in my lifetime best gift would probably be when our parents gave us a gamecube so memorable or an excellent i did like the gamecube but i picked something else something that i really remember i really remember the game i love all gifts but one full collection of ariana grande vinyl records from you guys not a 50 pack of toy cars oh yeah my favorite was the goofy inflatable punching toy from when we were kids mine is the gamecube wow these are all really good ah these are so good you know i'm gonna close my eyes and fake because i actually like all that i hate toy cars did you know that jack what do you like that wasn't the question yeah you know you hate me i like everything but i hate toy cars what is your favorite game on roblox such mild questions on expose here i've answered this once in a million this is not even enough tea for me i won't talk about like how i love bloxburg and flee the facility i'll talk about my new favorite game the game that we enter every day it's crucial oh wow we're thinking about the same game if we're thinking about the same game then we must throw more robux at it i can't think of one i am so sorry i am i can i like mermaid life beta it's so pretty i like outfit loader [Music] okay this is actually a beautiful game mermaid life beta is beautiful so i'll go for later i keep telling you i want to play he made me laugh luna it's because we have to make a whole a whole little story okay oh thank you yes if you could change anything about yourself would you hmm well that's a good question i feel like a lot of people have they look at themselves and they're like oh i have a bunch of flowers but i think flaws make a person the way they are and everyone is beautiful and unique so what a beautiful speech that is a beautiful perspective but i'm still changing something about myself yeah that's yeah i would like you'll say i don't want to say it yet it's really good i'm not saying it yet oh no i would like pineapple pizza hair infinite i was gonna write um to not get angry so fast i would give myself 20 20 vision oh i would change my hair because you know i would want durable hair that never fries no but yes what the what does that mean it means like kind of not watching myself but like kind of do you know okay you know what she's watching she's in between because of my inspirational saying that's why because i think i think the obvious one is right here the first one guys because think of it i could wake up in the morning and be like oh my gosh is that the pineapple pizza i smell i kind of like 20 20 vision though what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten weirdest weirdest like in our view of the weirdest yeah something could be weird to us but it's not weird to other people i don't know but weird to us i feel like there's nothing weird like yeah i'm not that picky like we technically eat everything i like crickets this would be the weirdest when we ate those cricket packs they're like packs i have yeah remember weirdest weirdest uh mayo and pickles oh wait i never eaten that before someone said they've eaten it oh my gosh i'm spelling everything i don't know okay i got a good one fart jelly belly that is weird kangaroo pie that was it was it was fine though alligator thing i can't remember alligator skewers um oh my gosh really ketchup and rice oh ketchup and rice isn't weird it's good she attacked five how you make me feel rainbow ketchup and rice is so good like it's just like when you stir fry it i'm not choosing rainbows by things that don't matter all right this is gold a high percentage of rainbow your bag doesn't match oh my goodness i've offended the ketchup and rice lovers i am so sorry i will i will take off my second pair of shades and i will glare too because i'm so upset with your answer not just any ketchup heinz ketchup ketchup and rice jack was this a plug wait no actually speaking of is there any other ketchup than heinz yeah that's jackal there's tons of friends of ketchup tell an embarrassing experience can i tell someone's like embarrassing experience like rainbows i can i might it might be too much go ahead i don't care okay why are you laughing sorry now i don't know what oh be as we we're babies oh no it's too long i think i know what you're gonna say and you always say it because you think it's so funny do you think it's it's so funny it's my favorite did you even type it off okay i didn't type at all but i was knocking on a room before and then it was the wrong room in a hotel i told a funny joke well everyone could read it when i say you two to the waiter slash waitress when they say have a meal a glass door sometimes i good i was pointing at something and i poked someone in the cheek okay which one was funny okay uh i told a funny joke one time and rainbow peed near the toilet and we were all laughing my pants but we were just kidding we were kids in my pants that's pretty expensive but that's not embarrassing for you that's embarrassing for rainbow what's something you regret not doing there's a lot of things you know when you say no to every opportunity then you will get it later [Music] i have no regrets that's such a lie i have no regrets wow great not going on the fun roller coaster with golden lunar in sweden because i'm scared learn okay okay all of mine got blurred out funny you wanted to go on the fun roller coaster but not really but not really you did it i think guys this is why you never know now the funny thing yeah that's what i'm saying because i do regret it because like you know we were there but no at the same time we won't go anytime soon i regret it i know see that's why i regret it see that's why sometimes you just have to say yes and then and then think about it and be like heck yeah i did do and then you win later in a game what is the one thing you will never do again wow is it the roller coaster questions i mean the one thing i would say eat a cricket but like that's not that horrible i'm trying to think oh i just don't think purple i think i did something dumb as a kid go on the biggest poster that was too much coaster i will never take a picture with a butterfly again you have one um i ate an apple and my tooth fell out as a kid it hurt never say never what the hell are you quoting song lyrics i don't know going on the roller coaster in sweden see that was terrifying okay so you guys really were scared of that clearly yes rainbow imagine yourself falling out of the sky flipping 360 three times so do you really regret it funny it literally i don't know you know what now i'm scared actually corrupted roblox theme park oh okay well i'll take my uh regret back [Laughter] yes take a picture with a butterfly oh that was horrifying that was pretty funny i need to find the picture of you oh yeah just to make sure my tooth was wiggling so i don't want people to be like oh if i'm just eating apples underneath falling out that's the worst lie you've ever told oh [Music] i feel like i lied a lot when i was a kid i lied so much like if i could get you the list of lies it'd be so bad it was a little liar ah nah this is for everyone i'm gonna expose everyone bro um okay we broke the oven glass and i told the parents it exploded on its own and then when they called the furniture company like they called them they're like yes those just don't explode on their own and then yeah that's like what the heck you guys just can't go lying everywhere and they're like oops i'm paying attention that's i didn't eat it but i did eat it wow the story of the broken ghost glass oven the explosion i didn't write anything because i that that's the same story yeah it um i said i wouldn't buy it but i bought everything okay well well paying attention that's like a basic thing that's not that juicy draco this is like your everyday thing so i think yeah this one is the best answer on your own i think so too because it was a it was all five of us lying yeah it's horrible what is the weirdest thing about you ooh like a quirky trait oh well this is a newly acquired weird thing [Laughter] all right i'm just writing this because i think it's amusing because i can't really think of anything and it's not a lie i'm double jointed on all my fingers oh wow how cool i can make goose slash duck noises do it i can't i can use my feet to open doors does it sound good guys let's get the ambience in okay we're at a lake there's water and then you see it you see a duck go ahead and give it some bread why is this always someone's farting in lake water what does it sound like a duck tell an embarrassing thing you did in public ooh in public oh embarrassing embarrassing i'm [Music] trouble don't you dare i tripped down the path i think it was a path i'm not typing it that's not okay okay rainbow's a liar rainbow hi all crew members i would like to ask did i ever fart in an elevator i don't fart in elevators this is so weird because you're insinuating that every time i step in an elevator i just fart i know i know you don't but it's just a joke because we used to call elevators we would pretend like gold farts i hate you raining you can't do that it's crazy she's trying to start i'm gonna throw my face okay this is like recent recent okay i think everyone could just explain it okay this is actually recent we should just explain it now because okay let's just explain it yeah okay so all of us took a trip to the mountains all right very cool and rainbow you put us in the most haunted hotel in canada without telling us why because then you wouldn't go like we're not going to put the part in the vlog but we're just going to talk about right now there were some spooky experiences like betty yeah that was the one thing that happened to you and dracco oh i kept waking up in the middle of the night because like i kept hearing those those symbol noises yeah i had whispering okay dracula's the creepy very serious nose bleeds which i never yeah luna got i had one i heard i heard someone calling dembe yeah and i had a nosebleed too and alan a dragon yeah but when he had like really bad nosebleeds like they wouldn't so i saw something play with draco's hair and we caught it on cam wait someone no someone untied uh draco's shoes too okay there was something following us okay you guys yeah oh my shoes i forgot so i was like walking in the hallway and then my shoes were tied they were touched super well but stop while i was walking i tripped because my shoes got my shoelaces got caught on each other you know what maybe maybe near the end of the vlog we should put like a little a little dark spooky like a little story time yeah just short short for people to read it because it's not but it's too much yeah it was very it was very freaky definitely paranormal it was confirmed that place was haunted you guys yeah what's your biggest fear i'm afraid of heights i'm afraid of but is that truly your biggest deepest darkest fear i i guess i got over it as the time flies by you know you guys keep bringing me on height [Music] my biggest fear spiders spiders are pretty creepy but like they don't scare me that like they're not like deadly scary creepy haunted places with dark eerie hallways that that has to be like for me not being able to do what i love making videos insects mutating to become giant taking over the world okay never gonna happen mine is creepy haunted places like well to compliment that mine is haunted dolls dolls guys are creepy like especially very scared of toasty ghosties my bad um so let's go for i like i like luna's answer rainbows is so boring no enough except it's true so i'm gonna click it what i want well it is scary if you could live anywhere where would it be i think this is easy if we're talking about realistically i'm not being realistic at all kind of realistic kind of not realistic canada japan i forgot to write it down that's like you know i don't need pikachu pay attention japan on top of a strawberry shortcake mountain wow home anyway now you guys are being realistic yeah in the metaverse okay this one this one made me laugh in the metaverse but rainbows is fun who doesn't want to live on a strawberry shortcake mountain that's it i don't want to constantly smell strawberries that the metaverse could be scary so i'm not picking it thank you thank you wait strawberry shortcake mountain is located in canada if there was an avalanche rainbow what would the avalanche be like whipped cream strawberries whipped cream frosting just eat the avalanche what is your favorite activity um i know rainbows can i all right exercising sleeping playing video games shopping i just scored everyone no i just scored every once i was i was saying what you guys oh my favorite activity is uh i like oh my gosh i have so many activities i have it this is the best answer thinking of what activity i'm going to do if i have time [Music] deals deals deals you beat saber oh i was right i would say brains but i changed my mind it's nothing mine is singing and dancing let's all [Music] all these were great answers yeah these are all fun things to do but i think thinking of what activity i'm going to do that's what everybody thinks yup what is the dumbest way you've been hurt oh oh there's plenty so i'm so good one is it okay um i don't know how to explain this in a in the way that it is defined when i was kid there was like this counter pole and i would swing on it and then i hit my head and then in every kid photo i would always have like bruises on my face because i was just like a dumb dum-dum and also one time there was like i have too many see there one time there was a rabbit in the backyard and i wanted to look at it and then i was on the couch and i loved spinning around on that counter pole and she hurt herself and got too many things two members for me it's about draco because i was playing the airplane with him you know like wee and then i launched him into a cabinet that's not you hurting that's me hurting a scooter and losing my tail i was pushing on the door in school and i sliced my fingertips open oh i was jumping on the bed and i got a stitch on my forehead don't jump on bed um yeah i just explained i was doing many multiple dumb things so oh gold is so gross i can't even read it it was unexpected after i lost my toenail i didn't even use a scooter to go home i just dragged it home crying can we no can we can we can we do another question this too much this is gross please thank you thank you thank you my toe is doing fine though what did you want to be when you were younger oh this is a cute question i remember in grade three i definitely wanted to be this like i was like dead set on being an artist like a hundred percent what kind that was in my mindset you won you won a little cartoon award you would always i did yeah i wanted to do this but there was one time i wanted to be a cashier just because of the beeping noises some people hate that stylist singer chef character designer okay that's sad just kiss pop star artist oh wow international superstar really [Music] oh that's a fun job this is pretty fun okay i mean we kind of did stuff this is the dream job no youtube is definitely the dream job but i thought rainbow's gonna say youtube is like what draco just chose an international super spy i mean youtube didn't exist when we were younger it's true but yeah did i watch youtube all the time talk for you no not when we were like younger like when you were in grade three there was no youtube there was no internet okay we know we had internet don't say that don't say that we had dial up wait was she when rainbow's in grade three you weren't born what's the wildest thing you've ever done for attention um turn off the video just cut it just cut it to intro this is the wildest i mean cut it to outro no one gets to know goodbye i'm not wild i don't know i'm an introvert so i don't i don't really need that attention i don't want it go away that's true i don't like drawing attention to myself repeating words multiple times oh wait luna does do that okay you would like and subscribe like and subscribe like and subscribe like and subscribe and like and subscribe like and subscribe like and subscribe
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,029,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox story, roblox exposed, roblox exposed story, roblox expose krew, expose krew, exposing itsfunneh, exposing krew, roblox drama
Id: 9LiTiXzkSHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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