Roblox Put A Finger Down... TOXIC EDITION!

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hello everyone we are crew and welcome to put a finger down toxic addition we're toxic no no you're toxic because none of my fingers will go down right well none of my fingers will go down well don't lie put a finger down if you think tripping and falling is funny oh no lying guys nah I don't think so I don't think it's funny if I'm falling I don't think it's funny I used to well it's kind of funny it depends like if it hurts then okay if it's painful to someone I don't know because I'm sorry there she goes I still think it's funny it's okay funny put a finger down if you start arguments for fun now that's too toxic arguing is too much energy it's easier to be chill Why argue when you can play gentian impact [Music] you are rudely honest but clearly I am brutally honest right no I'm sorry am I not nah I keep it to myself sometimes uh if it's better not to be honest like don't I say it I say it no matter if it hurts their feelings I'm sorry they're wearing like a bad shirt rainbow and you're like well I wouldn't tell people that their shirts ugly that's enough answer they ask I tell them I don't like it put a finger down if you have made someone cry before I mean in purpose or accidental I mean I think it's pretty unavoidable what yeah yeah it's unable yeah everyone yeah I better see all fingers going down or else I'll be like someone is definitely lying you know when you argue you say things you don't I made someone Cry tears wow what a cool out of here put a finger down if more than one person has you blocked um I mean probably well we are in social media not that I'm aware someone probably blocks we don't know but probably okay did you block us I better I better not be blocked but I feel like I have to put a finger down anyway I have to put her finger down I guess you wouldn't know because you know our social is everything oh a peace sign okay statistically there's definitely someone who blocked you put a finger down if it takes you more than one day to reply a message oh I am so guilty about this I'll take almost a week no I don't reply but like is it toxic or is it lazy I would say because I'm just lazy number one doesn't reply oh is it everybody what I always I get things done wow the youngest ones oh wow that's a lie I'm gonna text them next time put a finger down if you block people once you get tired no no no no no unless they did me dirty then no unless I hate you my block list is zero yeah no not really the only time I would block is probably like spam accounts or like spam callers but never that serious nothing other than that rainbow funny you guys have one finger oh I have one finger left okay me put a finger down if you have given someone the silent treatment oh yeah am I seriously out oh rainbow you're out too yeah yeah both of us I guess you guys are the most toxic yeah that's what that means wait I have another hand yeah we have we have ten fingers remember we have ten feet I think I ignored put a finger down if you purposely leave people on read okay because I didn't put my finger down the other round I'm gonna put my finger down but is it true or not no I don't I don't purpose leave these people on red I'm bad I replied I don't um it's fun it's not purposely if you have all your fingers down you're toxic okay fine can we do a a nicer one um um lazy Edition 21 yeah guilty Edition something everyone should be guilty of okay because that was too spicy that beginning oh that's too much that was a lot but who's the one that lost rainbow rainbow and funny no funny put more fingers down put a finger down if your parents yell at you for turning on the car light what how do you turn on the car lights but like you know like when you turn on the back lights when you were younger oh yeah our dad was like don't turn it on I didn't really understand the question wow put a finger down if you've ever looked yourself up on Google oh heck yeah let's go [Applause] everybody up on Google yeah yeah my finger oh I guess Gold's gonna lose this time [Music] it's easy you can Google me now no I'm joking don't do that yeah you can try Googling all of us just Google no no don't do that put a finger down if you've ever pushed a pull door or push a pull door what if you ever push the pull door or push push the pull door if you ever pushed a door that was meant to be pulled I did yeah yes yes I'm guilty put a finger down if you listen to the same song on repeat for the 50th time [Music] yes I Can't Stop Dancing no oh [Music] I also do it 50 times you don't play songs yeah buddy yeah put a finger down if you've ever said ow even though it didn't hurt uh yep yes yeah you know like you just say ow for no reason or you thought it was going to hurt so you say Al ow ah there goes Luna put her finger down if you've ever left uncontrollably before you could even tell the story oh yes sometimes it's just everyone funny and then when you tell it it's not as funny as you thought yeah true oh great all of us are bad at this um I'm out boom put a finger down if you've forgotten someone's name two seconds after they told you oh man yes yep I wouldn't say two seconds after nah it happens to me and then you yeah you just say uh-huh and you pretend to be I can't remember names sorry hey this is definitely the we're all guilty position and if you have all your fingers down you are guilty like the rest put a finger down if you've ever put a sun in the corner of your drawing I think everyone has done this yeah it is the easiest shortcut and the lines the nice thin lines thing you can do put a finger down if you've ever watched a raindrop race when you watch it on the Windows yes yeah and they race each other yeah yeah which one wins [Music] what am I gonna bet I don't know Candy put a finger down if you tried to push all the colors down on your six colored Peg of course that was so fine and then you break your head we're all gonna lose put a finger down if you ever ran your fingers through the cracks of a wall huh that sounds scary no that sounds scary that sounds dirty put a finger down if you've ever received a badge in this game uh not that I know of wait did we get I'm not checked give me the bag can we get one no I'm gonna assume we got one nope I just checked oh wait no yeah well it's too late well I was gonna put my hand down hey wait maybe it gives you a badge what you can get a badge until just now put a finger down if you laugh at people's jokes even when it's not funny um I am guilty of this I do I'm guilty I'm kind of guilty can't be rude you know yeah that's true yeah even if it's not funny oh who has a fake laugh show me your face that's how you guys laugh on my punch put a finger down if you stood up to someone who's being bullied hmm no the sentence is worded weirdly kind of hard when you were getting bold yeah all right we're just gonna do it we're just gonna do a no for this one I'm just gonna grammatically correct the sentence stood up to someone who's being bullied means she stood up to the person lead which makes no sense Taco are you being bullying are you bullying the grammar I'm bullying the grammar okay do you want bully the TV put a finger down if you tell your mom you love her every single day that's so sweet but no but no not every day that's no no I love my parents if I don't say it every day oh my God I feel like if you say it every day it's a little excessive no it's not just kidding I love you yes oh my gosh we're bad children everyone go say I love your parent right now yeah go say I love you to your mom guess your mom I'm just kidding what the heck put a finger down if you have held the door open for a stranger oh oh yes of course of course even if they're far away I don't know where this is leading is it gonna say like you're a trash bag at that you're rude wait does that mean you hold the elevator door open too yes put a finger down if you ask someone what's wrong when they are upset the of course yeah yes that is the decent thing to do yeah lunar are you good lunar nah I could care less well I'm upset look look at me look at me yeah we're looking at not my business I am now upset I'm upset spaghetti you upset he's now sad put a finger down if you sing in the shower no I do it sometimes I don't think of the shots I know I Sing Because I can hear it they they listen to my music but they don't hear me sing well yeah you were Echo and lunar singing the shot yeah you guys better things so loud put a finger down if you smile at strangers I wouldn't say it depends if someone makes eye contact with me if they smile yes if they cannot give them like an awkward straight line smile I don't do it first I don't do it first you guys know that smile where you like press your lips again and you're like yeah grab the Emoji girl smile yo wait you smile at strangers this is new yeah when they walk past I just go only if they smile at you though no I still smile at them but don't smile too long put a finger down if you made a donation to a charity well yes we love doing that I Feel Like These are nice questions I feel like the more fingers you put down the better oh like it's gonna say you're very awesome right number one honestly hi funny because I'm so awesome put a finger down if you said sorry even though it's not your fault are you [Music] this is if you've done it ah you've done it yeah just to get it over with no wait do I I don't know no you don't I was like I was like a lady I was like it takes you too well as you guys just being too nice and you think you do if you have all your fingers down you have a nice personality yeah all right nice we're all great now let's do clumsy emotional Edition make me cry yeah no let's not cry let's do it too late too late for emotional no no no we're all over here put a finger down if you don't know how to spell unnecessary necessary oh my gosh I know how to spell it rainbow C put your finger down no I don't want to I know it was just confusing my C's and my she's breaking the rules rainbow put that finger down no it's very clumsy you bite your tongue while chewing if you that's my first time I think so I did a once yeah but while I live yeah I messed up the question no I think your tongue uh I kind of do it hurts I probably did once I think I did it so bad like one time you know how do you not remember I remember doing it multiple times I feel like I was eating chicken wings and dumplings put a finger down if you lost your phone not like the time not like losing it but for real losing it for real losing it or like losing it never found it never found gold like you've never found it again that didn't happen be quiet funny a generous person helps me pick my phone and give it back after how did she lose it again on a beautiful comfy couch I think it was at a furniture store and then it slipped right out I put in the back of my pocket put a finger down if you've dropped your phone on your face while lying down oh yeah oh definitely I watch YouTube phones are big now every time it's extra more if you have a battery now imagine if you dropped your tablet on your face I've done that oh okay then you should put more things it was an iPad too by the way what a show off put a finger down if it takes you a while to understand a joke if it's a bad joke yes uh no if it's a tick tock Financial Wing me on her phone yeah excuse me is not a joke it's a funny video but it's not a joke it is a joke and I never get it well I don't know if she's offending the app put a finger down if you sent a text to the wrong person uh uh nope I triple checked no that doesn't happen and it's not embarrassing no no I didn't do that yet thank goodness what okay Gold's a little quiet over there what I did it I was saying we need to be super careful because you don't want to like expose yourself yes what are you exposing rainbow I mean gold nothing like What if I suspicious I'm not gonna talk anymore stop put a finger down if you spilled a drink or uh drink food on someone or someone else did I mean and you guys I mean it probably happened one time wait that happened too fast I didn't get an answer oh anyways I think Jacko spills [Music] live stream during the live stream your desk if you had guns stuck in your hair uh I don't think so ew I don't think no I think it's one cold no wait me you were a kid somebody did and then we had to feel like it's for me no oh it was me I don't remember I was blowing a bubble gum a really big one I put my condition put my finger down wow I feel like I chewed gum that turned really good you were crying you were crying so much heard that someone's like you have to cut it off put a finger down if you choked on Water by laughing yeah but not just in anything oh wait yeah how about like when it's a hot summer day and you just go and you like yeah never breathe and drink water one time one time I know oh man I think I'm super cool drink water don't talk and drink water just drink your water I'm surprised that funny super clumsy because I thought someone else would be yeah look at you lunar put a finger down if you've apologized to an object after bumping into it [Music] what like when you go outside and then you're like walking around and there's like nobody there you're like sorry are you saying if you bump into a trash bin you say sorry yeah oh it's like I think there's like someone around yeah okay that's something new put a finger down if you've broken a bone before I actually don't know why I have more clumsy down than lunar because I am I'm not as clumsy I am quite surprised put a finger down if you walked into a sliding glass door because you thought it was open no well not a sliding glass door it's sliding come on guys yeah there's how it's clear ah there's no handles on sliding glass I walked into very clear glasses I walked into multiple glass I've walked into door handle glass doors not even sliding if you have all your fingers down you're clumsy so who was it was funnier it was Draco me and lunar put a finger down if you like And subscribe no it's not if you it's just if like it yay like you guys subscribe and you guys enjoyed this content and you would like to see more leave a comment down below the button some more put a finger down questions for us thanks for watching bye [Music] thank you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,720,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox funneh, roblox put a finger down, put a finger down, put a finger down game, roblox finger down, roblox put a finger down krew, roblox put a finger down itsfunneh
Id: cBFLuwvb9sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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