How well do we know each other? Roblox Guilty!

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if you don't admit you're evil pure evil who's most likely to end up in prison who is the most likely to get the whole group in trouble who would do something dumb and reckless what no [Music] crew today we are playing guilty a game that is who is most likely it it sounds confusing but we'll show you guys what it means who's most likely to get in a fight okay who's most likely to get in a fight but like a punching fight like punch punch physical fighting like physical fighting or is this just like yelling fighting because all of us are definitely yelling okay physical [Laughter] well lunar voted herself we got some angry people luna's just a little toxic let's just say yeah i have a pinch of toxicity in me who is the most likely to get the whole group in trouble okay so it's either it has to be either it would be me gold or lunar these three bad eggs you're not supposed to say it out loud wow i'm disgusting i'm disgusting i have trouble listening gold likes to break the rules you know she's saying no you're not supposed to do that she's like but nobody i do or the other person did it who's most likely to go to a justin bieber concert from gold gold was able to do this i used wow that's the tea i feel like rainbow or gold i feel like rainbow is that a yes on yummy or no on yummy yes very yummy see we know each other so well i'm a believer who's most likely to be the funniest this uh is okay so um this is easy it's literally in my name if i don't get it i'm gonna be i'm gonna be quite upset guys uh who is it it's gonna be awkward then who's the most funniest of crew i guess we all have a little bit of a i guess we're all it's funny ego i don't know we're all fuddy you guys are funny who's most likely to always tell the truth that's how i know this is a hard question um someone here is a bad liar and you can tell when they're lying and i'm gonna pick them who's most likely no but it's supposed to be who's most likely to tell the truth yeah i know and i'm seeing that person you can eat even if they did lie you could tell oh no i forgot to vote rainbow oh thank you i don't think rainbow yeah i tell the truth i don't like the lie has rainbows hold you up oh yeah rainbow does tell the truth a lot i'm sorry i should have gave it to you who's most likely to make a million dollars how about a million robux yeah let's change it to a million robux okay so a million as we wait for this i want to put in the next question yeah it's it me you guys don't have a million robots track a pop money would if she didn't spend so much i'm spending it right now to write a question oh my gosh that who's most likely who's most likely to who's most likely is a food that doesn't make sense okay i know just because you made that question yeah please i don't deserve it i swear i i shouldn't have put in who most likely okay i discovered i shouldn't i don't understand the question who's most likely to spend all their money on something stupid i think that's like all of us um don't point it towards me i wouldn't spend it on stupid stuff in real life but in robux currency it is questionable yeah what are we talking about i think that still applies no no it doesn't count it doesn't count as robux it's robux please i'd say draco no money jack would bet spence what the heck this is not outnumbered you're ganging up on me no it's because you spend your money a lot in real life and in robux so then that's why yeah you always buy from amazon who's most likely to be the life of the party um huh that's a actually a hard question when you're an introvert a oh wait there is a there is an option for that okay well i'm introvert so i'm just going to sit here um i i'm not sure about everyone else that's exactly what an introvert would do no i'm an introvert but i i can i can talk she can talk put in the position who's the most likely to cry during a movie this is so easy we watched okay i think rainbow didn't i don't rainbow didn't you cry during toy story rainbow didn't you cry [Laughter] guys make sure to leave a comment down below if you're most likely to cry during movies we would like to know and then who's the soulless people who's most likely to see me who's most likely to meet a ghost draco why'd you write it like that oh my gosh i thought it was sensor it's most likely to eat a ghost oh terrestrial experiences no it's too personal who's most likely to be a perfectionist i know you're down hands down easy so all of us could be spending out like seconds on something but this one person spends merely hours even to make it perfect years to make it perfect [Music] even they know that i even i even know i know i'm a perfectionist if you guys are playing with us and you can guess all our personalities we give you a high five who's most likely to hide the fact that they have super powers nope not me i'm a blabbermouth i wouldn't yeah i feel like draco is really bad at lying so he wouldn't be either gold's really bad lying i feel like lunar could keep a straight face and not say it is that true luna i'd better be guessing i don't know wow she voted nobody wait why me rainbow tell me i don't know because i feel like you would hide your superpowers and then like be sneaky and do something bad or prank or something maybe who's most likely to forget what they told someone oh my gosh that's easy who's the forgettable out of all of us it's so good easy vote guys make sure to smash subscribe and like if you love in this context really draco draco what i forget where i put things no luna's way more forgotten luna takes the cake draco whatever yeah i win i don't know if that's what you want to win who's most likely to fart loudly in a public place and pretend it was someone else oh my gosh it's the person who wrote this i don't know why you would play yourself like why would you even put that question in if you know what's going to ask yourself i don't know what the answer is you don't know what the answer is the person that always does nothing no it's draco it's a consensus so if it was me the situation i say it's the baby no i think she fight it right now who's most likely to feel bad after something they've done they've done um i feel like this is like everyone yeah i think everyone feels like that i feel like after you do something really bad you obviously will feel bad yeah unless you don't or not people who don't feel bad at all okay well let's see what you guys voted okay good that was uh that was a unanimous test test to see if you're a bad person or not and you all passed who's most likely to be afraid of spiders oh easy oh well i don't know who's most likely i don't like yes but i know who's more scared i'm scared of spiders if a spider was crawling in my face i'd be scared but i know who would scream and move out of their house who would like most likely burn down their house if there was a giant spider in it yeah that should be the real question [Laughter] yep spiders are gross it's just a spider it's not gonna hurt you they're nice they're not nice who's most likely to invent something useful useful i don't think any of us can invent yeah no you don't ever invent anything i made a spatula before a spatula wait you made a spatula rainbow that's not an invention though i would make a portable bathroom [Music] inventory i guess cereal mixes does that count yes that's right i am a genius i took two cereals and i mixed them together i'm an inventor who's most likely to be the first to die in a zombie apocalypse oh my gosh tough questions between it's between two people for me who would do something dumb and reckless um i feel like okay okay i feel like this person would do it sooner for me because gold might want to like carry too much stuff with her yeah but luna doesn't pay attention to anything that's true i say dracula because jocko is loud because she has too much stuff to carry who's most likely to watch a horror movie alone at night huh i definitely wouldn't like hands down i watch it with people not by myself i think everyone's a scaredy cat i would have bought an anime cow no i guess yes i think luna okay fine by yourself wait dracula you would watch it by yourself i would watch like a children's horror movie watching silent hill by yourself yeah oh no uh uh i watch haunted who's most likely to rule the world me well that's an obvious answer i want to rule no i'm kidding um who's most likely i feel like i know who i feel like this one because this one's logical yeah and if it's it's wrong of course it's dracula and luna it's either okay it looks like an even split spooky i would not rule the world that's too much work okay fine me and gold get kicked out who's most likely to be a horrible boss [Music] a horrible boss draco rainbow no rain would be a good boss gold would be i think a sassy boss luna would be a a boss that doesn't care what you do draco definitely would be the worst boss i think rainbow because she's a perfectionist yeah but i'm not gonna be mean to anybody yeah but you're gonna be annoying that someone's working exactly that's why you're a bad boss who's most likely to overthink a situation oh this one's easy see you would think that it would be me i know who this is somebody else actually oh i wish i could change my vote someone who overthinks darn it pretend i voted for gold outfit choices yep me i'm dramatic yes gold is dramatic you should see her when she's preparing outfits she's just like i have nothing to wear before a trip it's horrible who's most likely to take control of a serious situation that one's also easy oh yes easy rainbow are we right wow i am serious woman you can call me you can call me serious woman from now do you see her who's most likely to leave a text on reid are any of us guilty who if someone he got admit to it if you're guilty if you don't admit you're evil pure evil i feel like sometimes but not really yeah you get worried when you don't reply i think me and cat just don't reply and we don't care no i care well i care but i'm lazy guys it's who's most likely to not have you done it who's most likely to get kicked out of a cinema well kicked out for what like let's see kicked out for sneaky snacks kicked out for being obnoxious loud um snoring i don't know i can't really say on this one i chose luna what the hell hey why did you vote me gold cause because that one time you left and you didn't stop laughing it was just the commercials and you were literally going like like okay that's true who's most likely to get hungry me okay no just kidding i know who this is yeah i know someone mentioned 24 7 day and night yeah never stop literally eating every five years you'll find them in the pantry just munching even on chips eating something right now hey guys the question is who's most likely to get hungry not who's most likely to be hungry no you're constantly eating that doesn't mean i'm constantly hungry who's most likely to look out for their friends the most what happens if you have none better question i look out for family i look out for family over friends um let's see um this one if you're a good friend though i'd look out for you i feel like this one's a good friend i forgot to ah i was gonna pick either funny or gold why well while your answer is wrong oh who's most likely to probably be a hoarder yes they won't let go of things i feel like it's this one for sure [Laughter] i'm sorry i love collecting things it's in my natural habitat of blueberries but funny collects cool things yeah i collect collecting coins who's most likely to break the world record in sleeping there's a world wait what's the world's record right now yeah i need to know that fact draco since you put it down but i know who i know who's going to be okay you have to certain 64 consecutive hours that's insane no and can you convert that to days it's lunar oh i know that's sleep deprivation that's not sleeping oh that's crazy no but yeah lunar sleeps a lot if she could sleep she would sleep a long time i can sleep anywhere i want who's most likely to skip chores ooh ooh i know i know between two people so easy it's uh it's definitely no he does his choice does he do his chores i don't know no i think two easy one please wonderfully unanimous can you guess it it's chores it's funny this is funny chores who is she i'll do it tomorrow don't worry and then i'll do it next year what is chores who's most likely to eat french fries from mc mcdonald's every day an emcee yeah it was mcdonald's fries um definitely this person would get sick of it this person would get sick of it i love potatoes but i would get sick of it i know who won't get sick of it someone right there i can eat them every day if i wanted rainbow like soggy mcdonald's fries which i think is gross they're my favorite yeah the trick is you dump them all out and then you eat the soggy ones who's most likely to end up in prison it counts on what you did um out of all of us i can see never this one maybe this one maybe this one maybe this one and maybe this one uh i'm just going to go ahead and throw it to gold wow who do you guys know where jack nobody we're all angels wait we could have been good siblings i i see how this was who's most likely to be paranoid paranoid i kind of have paranoia i feel like everyone has paranoia sometimes like after watching a horror movie um who has the most paranoia [Music] paranoia from white this one i guess from like running i don't know like what if there's a spider in my door okay there there you go we guessed right why gold guys i feel like gold is the best too i don't get paranoid by anything i don't know who's most likely to get away with murder talking about prison now talking about who's smart enough to get away with murder who would be the cleanest and like detailed careful the neatest person well i already have my answer because you have to wait you have to be perfect for this it's so easy what no i feel like you've just been across i mean yeah draco probably could too nobody because nobody could get away with murder who's most likely to shower in the rain why would you no what what kind of question is that well i guess unless you're living outside um i feel like rain is acidic so i would not shower in it um i'm gonna make this person and they're gonna get mad you shower in the rain and bye bye your hair i would not shower in the rain i take baths you [Laughter] dude a pond is dirtier than rain guys i hope you learned a lot about us because we sure did we have some bones to pick after this but yeah kill them all smash like and subscribe if you enjoyed it and please let us know if you thought you knew the crew that's it thanks for watching
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 6,187,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox krew, roblox guilty, roblox who is most likely to, who is most likely to, who is most likely to itsfunneh, who is most likely to krew
Id: fNymMwFL1tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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