Star Citizen - DANGEROUS Mission..

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so uh in my last video we were in star citizen and it was actually really really awesome how many of you play this game and uh commented on you know how much you enjoy it or you know you share the same sentiment that i have of it just has come a long way since it first came out guys in the comments section and if you play this game please let me know the sort of thing that you like to do in star citizen whether it be mining or just messing around with friends or touring or finding grind ground vehicles or i don't know let me know i'm really curious to see what you guys think uh and what you do in star citizen personally i've been huge into mining and i've been mining a resource called quantanium which if you don't know is a rather explosive material unstable you might say so uh we today are going to head over to the mining district that i like to mine in and uh we're gonna do that in my mole ship which is pretty nice large mining ship vessel and uh yeah i'm just gonna talk you through it and it's not really a tutorial although you know if you wanted to learn i guess you could kind of watch this if you want me to do an actual tutorial you know step by step then uh definitely let me know with a comment uh otherwise it's just you and me in space so yeah don't worry i'm not gonna make you sit and watch every single moment i will edit this like this for example saying i'm going to sit here and wait for 30 seconds if you didn't know i was waiting for the train this game is pretty immersive and one of the most immersive things in a video game is actually waiting for a virtual train like it could just be here all of the time but no it actually goes on a route and you have to wait for it it's kind of crazy anyway i'll see you guys when we get to the star port i'm gonna get back into my constellation phoenix which i showed you in my last video now if you haven't already this is a great time to make sure you've hit the like button which is down there and then if you fancy it you can hit the join button which i believe is just about there or like i say you can look at the connectation and uh watch my previous video it's pretty good anyway i'll see you uh once we've got my ship these videos are great elevator thank you right so here it is uh the constellation phoenix i mentioned it in my last video but i use it as a cargo to cargo ship to transport my quantanium yeah it's highly explosive and uh once we mine it we've got literally 14 minutes usually to get it back to a refinery otherwise my entire ship will explode so there is a bit of drama to that it's really good fun though and it's worth a lot of money so it's definitely worth it right landing services uh let's make sure we've room veto here look at this best freaking ah so good i remember this game when this hangar was literally just a box that's how long ago you play this game it's a little bit more high-tech these days there we go lovely let's go so nice right landing gear in yeah look at that oh come on tell me that isn't satisfying okay so while that's spooling up let's show you where we're going so this is where we are arccorp we showed you this last time and we are going to head over to crew l1 to get our mole and then we're going to mine up her l3 which is an asteroid sort of area so we're going to set the route and then yes we're going to [Music] head that way all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to well you haven't gone anywhere i i've been sat here for 10 minutes because it takes a freaking long time but here we go we're arriving at our destination uh obviously we went up at the atmosphere selected crew l1 hyperspace super quantum speed i don't know what to call it all the way to crew l1 i still need to buy the xl1 or whatever it's called to speed up that process should take around five minutes i think uh but i haven't got around to that i've got it on my mole though uh one little tip here if you do come to crew l1 um you can actually get closer so at the moment i'm 70 kilometers away you can do a mini jump if you just wait for the cooldown i think it's faster i haven't actually timed it uh but it definitely feels faster if you kind of wait for the cooldown and then do it again i definitely do this when we're on a mining run by the way you'll see this again in a in a little bit once we return um yeah no it's definitely a fasting uh faster way of getting around so you see it will just line up and do a little jump there we go so this is a little i don't know what's called it really um floating space station i don't know it's quite a cool little place i suppose um we showed it in the last video actually i'm gonna slow my speed right down to about 400 or so we're gonna i know don't need to call in just yet but usually they make you park just down there the only thing i don't like about the ship by the way is like it's really really blocked in the front um there's like a freaking bar right across your middle so you kind of have to fly up and down so you either fly up a little bit or down a little bit it's just really annoying i don't know if anyone else who has the ship feels the same but i really really felt feel like it's really obnoxious those two bars in the middle of the screen so we usually yeah either i don't know it's giving us up here today okay fine not a problem um which is cool all right so i'm gonna park up here and then get the new ship the mining ship which if you've not seen before is actually really awesome it's more industrial than this one obviously this is more of a luxury cruiser so it's a definite different vibe but it's really nice and it looks awesome and you know it's orange so what more do you want slow down here such a cool game isn't it um i did mention it in my last video at the very very end but if you want to get into this game you can get some extra in-game cash if you use my code when you sign up i don't really get anything notably for it so it's not really a sales pitch but you get some extra money so i don't want you to be missing out on extra cash because you can only sign up once so yeah it's in the description if you're interested anyway there we go nicely landed turn it off with you why make sure i've got my helmet on always when you go out into a vacuum of space make sure you've got your helmet on it takes two seconds and it stops you dying my top tip of the day i'm gonna start a series on youtube olly43's top tips for space that's my tip just make sure you got your helmet on alright let's go cool elevator i'll see you inside okey dokey right here we go so let's put that away so store the phoenix and we are going to retrieve the mole and the molar it's one of those words that you can still tell i'm slightly ill see if you would like to give this video a like and subscribe if you haven't already uh to make me feel better that would be greatly appreciated okay thank you very much okay here we are here is my mole i broke my own raw i didn't check my helmet um it is quite the substantial little beast if you've not seen it before so it's a mul it's meant to be multi crew miner um but it's actually really useful for mining quantum because it has three mining i don't know what you'd call these arms or um i don't know yeah i don't know what to call them arms i suppose uh which is really good because on when you're mining quantum uh you to attach certain modules and these modules have limited uses so what can happen and what used to happen to me before i kicked out all three i'd be out mining and then one of the modules would break and then i couldn't finish mining and it would be a huge waste of time and then i'd have to go back and get another module and that would take another half an hour but yeah so um yeah you can get to the two i'll just show you quickly the ship um so you've got a mining thing here and it all opens out i'll show you that later uh but this is the into the main cockpit area it's really cool you can tell it's like a lot more industrial can't you so this is the like living quarters back here bunk beds and stuff armor uh areas kitchen a table and then down there we'll show you that later that is where you mine with the front mining tool arm as we'd call it and this is the cockpit so let's get involved let's get involved let's get in the seat and head over to wherever it's we're going so yeah this is cool you're gonna like this if you haven't seen it before so press k to go into vtol oh yeah at the front and the back it's really nice looks awesome right um we cool with that landing gear oh yeah it's a very cool ship how freaking cool is the ship guys oh it's awesome so one thing i didn't actually check and i should check is how we doing fuel yeah so we've got plenty of quantum and the normal fuel whatever it's called high hybrid fuel or something i don't know anyway that's not important what is important is where we're going and that is her l3 my map's been a little bit buggy today um but it does seem like it's worked so that's nice come on cruise control and it's usually on the left which it is nice uh spool up and it's not far so i will see you beautiful people when we arrive at the asteroid belt see in a minute quantum travel complete i love it it's so cute right so the first thing i'm gonna do and i did say this isn't a tutorial um but i'm gonna do it anyway uh is make sure you set the destination before you go any further because when it's bugged it's really annoying and the last thing you want is to have a ship full of explosive material and unable to set your waypoint so i always set it as soon as i come out of quantum um just fyi right we're gonna turn on our targeting computer and we're going to set our actually first one i'm going to set our speed here there we go and we are basically looking for a little clue if you like to where something might be so we're going to send out these pings and it's going to kind of glow on the rocks there and you'll see in a minute what happens i'm also going to narrow the search a little bit there you go so you can see it kind of scanning the rocks making them all blue and this could take a while honestly it does completely depend on how lucky you get sometimes you can find what you're looking for straight away and other times you can be here for half an hour obviously i'm going to edit the video down so you guys aren't watching me do this for half an hour but i do want to show you our first glimpse if you like at searching for a signal and then we know what we're looking for oh no here we go actually speak of the devil so you kind of get this kind of like cluster of cubes it's kind of weird i'm not gonna lie um but you keep scanning it and then it will move and eventually it will lead you to a rock that you can mine which is awesome and when it gets to about 5 000 you want to give it one more scan and that will be the rock there you go so there's a rock here and you want to basically wait until that white bar on the left goes up pretty high and you want to scan it okay have we found it already on the right hand side you can see it says quantanium but it's only four percent so i'm going to ignore that because i want at least 30 percent of the rock to be the material we're looking for because otherwise it's kind of a waste of time so now we just there we go we found another one we'll basically keep doing this until we find a rock that has quantanium in it over 30 that's the strategy all right we've got ourselves a rock now it's not quite what i would normally want to do but for the sake of me recording the video uh i'll this is fine like 21 of the rock is i mean it's not great but it's it's fine i'm going to whiz past here cool all right so now we just need to um kind of uh mine it and uh yeah well i'll show you the stages so first of all we need to get a lot freaking closer so [Music] let's turn this down there we go and we want to line ourselves up here you can see like it looks like we're really close but we're actually not there we go there we go nice get out here and we will enter the mining dock [Music] so yeah normally 20 is normally the lowest i would actually mine um but there we go it's good enough for a youtube video and it will be actually fairly quick to mine as well for that reason right here we are so what we've got here is a little thing here if i go into this view and i do this you can see that's me moving around it's pretty cool you can see there's the actual door that we came through so it kind of moves out it's pretty neat actually uh so yeah let's uh let's do this so it's got a instability of eight which is pretty bad um that's fine anyway so let's get up the laser power a lot of this isn't going to make a lot of sense if you have never seen this before but just bear with me it will kind of make sense as we're doing it so i'm trying to break the rock here into separate pieces and you can see on the right hand side we've got an optimal section i'm just trying to find a spot that will make it go up there we go it's going up there we go so i just gotta keep it in that green section come on come on come on and then it will once it gets once it fills up that green section there it will explode into separate rock pieces whoa easy and i'm kind of scrolling up and down to keep it in there does that make sense it probably makes sense so i'm kind of adjusting the power of the laser uh oh over charge over charge over charge calm down calm down a little bit of overcharge doesn't matter too much don't want to lose it though basically overcharge i didn't really explain it before is if you were to do that it would like explode really quickly and like be it will just basically could go in your face it just will go a million miles but because we maintained it without the instability kind of going crazy um like it kind of broke off into this mannerable manageable chunks right so now we've got a scan and find out where the quantanium is because it's not all going to be containing so that is percent quantanium uh it says scanning but it's already got the composition there there we go that's contanium and i think these two parts down here won't have any quantitamine uh this oh that does actually okay interesting this bit yeah so okay so this has zero point six one percent of quantanium in it so i'm not going to bother with that really there's not really much there okay so basically every piece has quantitative which is kind of annoying right so now we basically have to do the same thing again um but instead of searching it you can see on the left hand side we're going to use brent modules which will make it a bit easier for me so here we go there you go so it's the same process we're going to make this into smaller chunks as well nice and easy the easier this time see how much more stable it is with the print module and there we go so then it breaks off into these pieces that glow purple rather than yellow and that means you can mine them so in a minute we'll be scanning all of these which bits are quantanium and which one so this purple this rock here for example we don't want because it's got no containment a lot of containment 69 nice so yeah so now rather than extracting it and trying to do more i've got to try and break all the other modules so let's do that right same again so i said at the start of the video but you see on the left hand side how that says the branch module has got like a minute left that's kind of this uh more stable laser uh activation thing turned on and i've got five uses of it so that's why i've got two because i'll need it a lot more than the surge module and i really wish it told you how many uses you have left on each thing but it doesn't that's that one done nice do the next one here so we're not gonna bother with this one 14 and 25 let's do this one first i guess i'm doing this right by the way i'm kind of pretending as if i'm an expert but the reality of it is i'm not so this one's 14 we've got about 50 seconds left of this module oops whoa see if we can get it in under 40 seconds here ah talk about ollie and chill it's a very relaxing video for you today i hope that's okay it's very oily and chill i hope it's not boring i hope it's just relaxing you know it's certainly a vibe of something i don't know what that vibe is but we're space mining right so this is the last rock that we've got so what we're doing now is we're extracting so i've got to try and make a mental note if there's anything i don't need it doesn't really matter the other thing i've got which you can't see is a timer by my side like an egg timer and basically when i get to a certain stage um i will you'll see it in the bottom right it will give me a timer but once you get out of the seat the timer isn't there anymore so basically what we'll have to do is we'll get out of the seat and we will try and then go to the refinery before it explodes because it will explode at some point uh so we need to do that quick anyway here we go let's start right so not that one here we go let's go so you can see what we're mining there on the right hand side and at some point there'll be a timer that pops up and at that point i'll start my timer so you can like it takes a while to scan but what you can do is like watch the numbers and see what is going up and as long as the quantum is going up you're fine right i don't think we're gonna get much quantum in this run but that's fine so there you go there's the timer that's popped up so now we have 14 minutes to finish this and get back and store the ship otherwise it's goodbye us hopefully it'll be okay got 14 minutes which is plenty of time really hopefully as long as nothing goes wrong don't get me wrong things do go wrong it's worth it though good money 13 minutes remaining it's pretty nerve-wracking there's quite a lot of all right here we go last little bit here that's not going up that's not going up here we go this one's going up we've got one more i think the one above doesn't have quantum so we might be finished yeah i know this okay right i think that's done right let's go we've got 12 minutes to get back we might have missed some but we got to respect the timer you know and no messing about dude all right get in the seat and this is when you know setting the map coordinates beforehand comes in really handy just gonna back away from that get the spool going and we are gonna aim for this place and luckily i do have the xl1 module so we're gonna get there as fast as we can 11 minutes remaining this is scary all right so we're getting close and we have about 10 and a half minutes left and every minute counts now also you see that uh thing here that will start glowing yellow if we're really running out of time and then it will glow red and then you explode so that's fun all right now we're gonna do what we did before wait for the cooldown get a little bit closer save us a bit of time all right we've gotta wait for cooldown three two one uh wasn't that working okay that's worrying i'm gonna start speeding up in case that doesn't work not sure why that didn't do anything then oh thank goodness all right we haven't got much time about nine and a half minutes and so i'm gonna set this to cruise control at about 300 or so and that'll be basically if you go too fast you won't be able to slow down in time uh so you really need to kind of pick up in between speed of getting there in time but not overshooting it so yeah we will have to request landing as well there's no special permissions if you're uh you know if you've got explosive material so yeah take it nice and slow and i predict we will get asked to dock just there so that's usually where they asked me to dock all right let's slow down a bit right request landing sometimes it doesn't proceed there you go told you like clockwork so i've got i've slowed down to about 200 now as we're approaching uh get out veto uh go into landing gear out as well got eight minutes remaining there's also another player there which is kind of cool just getting in their ship so the other thing you got to do as well as be quick is not crash uh because obviously volatile uh cargo you want to take it easy you don't want to go too fast you don't want to be um throwing your ship around because if you do you will die right here we go all right nice sweet alright there we go seven minutes left every little thing takes ages in this game check helmet come on open up ah explosive materials even the ladder climbing is slow all this takes time okay good such cool space station isn't it it's awesome go it's not over yet at least we won't die but i don't want my ship to explode almost missed the elevator to the lobby what painful weight this is come on it takes so long painful weight okay cool right so we get to the machine and we hit store and there we go we did it so it didn't explode and we've stored it and once it's stored it doesn't explode we had about five and a half minutes left uh which is plenty of time for just basically one thing to go wrong so i'm gonna head over to the refinery now and show you what we do next which is select it to get refined and uh we'll see how much it is i don't know how much we took actually if we wanted we could just sell it straight away but um yeah it's much better to like refine it and then sell it like transport it to a planet so either i could sell it to the refinery for a lower price or i could double my money and take it to the next point so it's definitely worth doing that the other thing as well i should say is i i think i talked about in my last video but each time i take the cargo to our corp i do this three times so this is one of three and that usually just about fills it up right so what i could do is i could sell what i've got here for 70 000 or i could double my money and get like i don't know 140. so refinement center it wasn't a very big haul uh i will say that much set work order we want to do the quantum yeah so quantity is pretty embarrassing honestly usually it would be two to four thousand so this is a very small run we're going to go fair on exchange get quote and basically you have to wait 13 hours and it costs you money and there's a yield involved so if you were to go with a different one for example there's less yield so you get less of what you mind but it's quicker so you could do that if you're in a rush but i'm not in a rush so i'm gonna get more of it and confirm and that will just start doing it in real world time so what i'll then do is you know go out do it a few more times and eventually take it all down to arccorp so yeah thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed it drop a like subscribe for more and yeah get in the comment section let me know what you think about star citizen if you've got any opinions on it i'd be interested to read them anyway thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Olli43
Views: 286,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen 3.17, star citizen game, star citizen news, star citizen guide, star citizen 2022, star citizen ptu, star citizen alpha, star citizen update, star citizen ships, star citizen mole, star citizen mining, star citizen quantanium mining
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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