Exploring Every Version of Ao Oni

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a lot of RPG Maker horror games have released over the course of the last two decades starting with Corpse Party back in 1996 followed by the original Kinder in 2003 which I can barely find any information on then 2008 rolled around and we were given a little game called Ao Oni Ao Oni is credited as setting many standards and tropes for the RPG Maker horror games to come created by no props it follows a group of students exploring a mansion that supposedly haunted before encountering a creature it spawned adaptation after adaptation novels manga films TV series they really had it all the game had four major updates Each of which was vastly different from the others by the time the final version was released dozens of well-known old-school let's players were covering the game it was popular enough that even though I didn't know anything about the games until starting work on this video I knew what the main antagonist looked like today we're going to be talking about all four major releases of out Oni and to do it as effectively as possible we need to call in an expert might help a bit sooner I'm not just the hour only guy I'm the RPG Maker guy and then includes horror which he then played this with a tree and a half so I'm excited to talk about it it's not hard to talk about this beautiful mess so I'm going to jump straight into talking about it wait that's my thing foreign we begin with a quick story about a mansion on the outskirts of town rumor has it that a monster lives there two school boys named Hiroshi and kazir are walking down the street talking about Pokemon Platinum kazuya walks forward but is knocked back by a group of four bullies takuro Takeshi megumi and ryota they take the boys with them to the mansion from earlier the bullies insist on going in it's remarkably clean almost like someone's still living there then we hear something shatter from a nearby room takura insists that kazia go investigate but Hiroshi steps forward to do it himself he moves to the kitchen finding a broken plate but nothing more that is until a door opens up behind him back in the main room takura is going through a stereotypical bullying monologue he finishes and tries to leave only to find that the front door is locked and they are trapped inside something with thermal vision appears to be closing in on the group specifically Mega me we cut back to Hiroshi where it's revealed that the door was opened by a cat when he heads back to the main room nobody's there he looks around desperately for kazia stumbling Upon A suspicious shadow it seems that the silhouette was the monster after a quick save reload Hiroshi heads upstairs to explore the rest of the house Takeshi is cowering in the closet of one of the backgrounds shivering and refusing to respond after searching through empty room after empty room Hiroshi accidentally finds a hole underneath the bed that he can drop down through to reach a locked wing of the house full of even more useless rooms easily half of this playthrough was spent aimlessly wandering around there's no indication of where to go next so after something new happens we had to re-explore the entire building while examining every single thing we've unlocked a useless Corner oh my God so that's uh the back half of the monster at least I'm not really sure why he can appear here when you examine the door especially since we haven't been properly introduced to the monster now that it's clear the Oni is no longer in that bathroom Hiroshi heads downstairs to scope it out the bathtub is full of a dark liquid which when drained reveals ryota's body with the key to the library Hiroshi heads off to use this key there we go it's him [Music] ow Odie is he actually roaming uh yo you'll probably find out that's so so they thank you Aaron I mean I don't how do I answer yes or no is he actually roaming like is he in something that's roaming yep there he is my fan noise he scared me so let's talk about two things first the design while this may look like a heavily photoshopped face of some random guy the Creator said in an interview that they drew the face themselves I'm sure this was probably a lot more terrifying in 2008 but it's honestly just funny looking nowadays there were quite a few moments with the Oni where he appeared and I couldn't help but laugh second the chases it took us a while to figure out how the Chase has worked in this original version in every other game you either have to outrun the Oni for 10 seconds or find a hiding spot in this version you have to run from the Oni for 20 seconds and you cannot hide in the closet that Takeshi used this time we had to use the bedroom kiwi picked up in the library to find the room that Mega me is hiding inside foreign lock the door now how I think you were supposed to tell her Hiroshi locks the door behind him joining Mega me inside he wants to leave and find a way out but megamy is too scared and Alexa stay behind Hiroshi moves to the room from the first encounter but the Oni quickly appears initiating another chase the bedroom Megami is in seems to act as a safe room so whenever a Chase Whit occur I would just Sprint over to there and wait for the music to stop Hiroshi finds the tatami room key which contains literally nothing so he just gets back to searching after over 15 minutes of aimless wandering we gave up we googled it apparently we didn't look underneath this table from the correct side wonderful Hiroshi moves to the attic using the key from underneath that table inside is a flashlight and a wardrobe he uses the flashlight to search inside of each of the closets and wardrobes the attic wardrobe reveals another key gaining us access to the archive room we checked every single shelf one by one finding nothing inside shocker Hiroshi walks outside stumbling into takura who is worried about megamine wants to check in on her Hiroshi hands over the bedroom key so he may do so before instantly getting bodied the second walked out the door Hiroshi loops around the building going back to grab the bedroom key from The Corpse The Chase music stops so he can search around again in relative peace in a nearby room there's a hidden switch underneath a desk that you can only access by pushing a chair out of the way it reveals a hidden door behind a bookshelf Hiroshi walks inside discovering a cell just in case he closes the door behind him which proves to be a good idea you notice how tight it is sorry sorry if the Fable oh my God this is great oh there it is are you okay Ben it's kind of it's kind of he's sort of like an animated cutscene that was not real after the Oni leaves Hiroshi used the basement key downstairs finding an assortment of hallways and doors one room has a shovel as well as a photo inside Chase music begins playing and Hiroshi bolts to the closet thank you foreign [Music] moves downwards finding a cavernous tunnel there's a gate blocking the path but a slight breeze can be heard on the other side indicating an exit of some kind Hiroshi takes a shovel to an indent in the wall to reveal A New Path a room with a single door this is actually a mirror of the second floor meaning that there should be another room to the south after using the shovel where the door should be the key to this gate is acquired this is the only kind of puzzle in this version of the game the other three versions are actually all full-blown puzzle games Hiroshi moves through the gate finding a rope ladder to use as an exit he realizes that he can't go with mega me still trapped inside so he returns to bring her with and Escape they begin their Trek to the basement when everything cuts to Black we see kazia sitting in a bathroom alone groggly wondering when he fell asleep he walks out of the bathroom then straight out the front door with no issues we cut back to Hiroshi and megumi who are almost at the ladder unfortunately the Oni has taken matters into his own hands or I guess teeth in this case he destroyed the rope ladder forcing the other two to run away kazia searches around for his friend finding a well with a destroyed rope ladder he grabs a replacement from a shed nearby descending to try and find Hiroshi who's still being chased by the Oni they run into each other in the hall with Hiroshi screaming to run away the three survivors run into the night finally free of the Oni [Music] 1.1 was kind of a mess the map is huge and largely bloated with little to do and almost no directions to follow it doesn't help that the keys never disappear from your inventory making it easy to forget or miss new keys that you've just gotten on multiple occasions I picked up an item but a Chase started immediately so I had no clue what I had grabbed both of these issues get fixed as the series goes on but the second game's map is still needlessly big I think the concept of this game is cool if a bit silly in execution but a lot of the game design makes it something that I don't plan to revisit I chew through the ropes but you had duct tape on your mouth I chewed through the duct tape while I do agree with Ben for almost everything I also have to appreciate this version for setting a lot of trams to the rest follow what I call the owl only consistencies which of our favorites include the bathroom and the Celsius but there's something funny about that it's such a little Trends but it's also completely different that this was the one hour only game I never experienced myself it was really strange the two extra characters kazia and Skinwalker Hiroshi the different personalities the shape of the mansion and so on I have to say if you own played or watched the final version and saw this for the first time you'd be barefoot whereas with the second which we're about to get to you'd recognize a lot and with that wonderful experience out of the way let's move on to the good ones we enjoyed the next full release was version 3.0 we begin with a complete stranger standing in a familiar house a shot of the oni's thermal vision implies that he won't be living for much longer we cut to the group from last time entering the house on a different day the character lineup has changed quite drastically the original Hiroshi is gone replaced by ryoda who has taken his name kazia is nowhere to be seen Megami has been renamed Mika and our group is no longer a group of bullies their new personalities from this game are the basis for the rest of the versions thank God they changed this but if you notice the text boxes aren't following whoever is talking this time while it was kind of unique it was hard to follow and disorientating as Ben said their personalities are different chakoro the leader isabikaki has strongly confident Mika is very one though basically only being there to be takara's girlfriend takishi who I got to voice The Long play I did a great job with her is a cowardly worse who hides and has a hysteric episode and lastly the real Hiroshi is a nerd type he talks a lot about wants to not possibly being real and mention some other science nerd stuff something else of note is the inconsistent portraits in both this version and the next version for some reason every single one is in a different art style takarus is in a relatively normal anime art style while Takeshi's looks like clipart Hiroshi looks like Norman from the promised Neverland on steroids and Mika's bit crushed to hell and back other than the fact that the kitchen is to the right this time not a ton is different plot wise they remodeled the entire house but it mostly has the same rooms the shadow still passes the bathroom door so this is a great segue to mention what and I'll only consistencies are and our only consistency is when ouroni has something that shows up in all or almost all of its versions I mentioned before about the bathroom itself but that's not all what also follows through is the library Takashi in the wardrobe falling through the floor plate smash meeting takura near the middle of the game the tatami room the rope ladder the rope ladder getting eaten I might have missed a few because there's a lot if you want an example of an almost hourly consistency think of something like the screwdriver or the Albany Twitter they order you pair in three versions anything that appeared in two or less not an almost ironic consistency but the timing room has moved to the original location of the kitchen with an extra locked room to the right they also forgot to give this wall a hitbox Hiroshi heads upstairs and has the same exact encounter with Takeshi in the wardrobe after leaving the room and waiting for a bit he disappears leaving the library key behind inside we experience the same encounter as before this time with the ability to hide in the wardrobe Takeshi was in my favorite part about this is the switch to a first person perspective for these scenes when you enter the Wardrobe you cannot see anything you have to use sound cues to determine if you are safe and the Oni is smart enough to realize where you are and wait if you've used the same hiding spot too many times Hiroshi moves to the attic finding a wooden box and a wardrobe and two indentations in the wall waiting to be filled by something in the bedroom with the hole in the floor there's half of a note with some unusual shapes on it after dropping through the floor Hiroshi finds himself in a piano room the piano has three numbers written on some of the keys what oh to be fair you're probably staring right down at the key like the the keys of the piano he could have easily have snuck it behind you that was a great scare since the player was fully enraptured in the puzzle in front of them after reloading the Escape is pretty easy there are multiple ways you can just flat out Loop the onion in this game you can run through the archival room over and over again getting the Oni stuck in the hallway alternatively you can just run to the room with the hole drop down to the piano room then run back up the stairs until the timer runs out Hiroshi moves to the bathroom this time the tub is lacking the corpse and has the bedroom key instead of the library key takura is inside of the archive and Mika is in the bedroom although the group remains split up to cover more ground there's a matchbox under the table in one room which can be used to light a fireplace and burn the wooden box revealing the hallway key inside the hallway key opens the locked door to the right of the tatami room where the Oni is politely waiting for Hiroshi from inside a closet one quick Chase later and we can combine the paper from earlier with a second piece from the same room now this this right here is pink and I mean Peak our only puzzles it's simple it's satisfying to figure out and has a little bit of a Twist to it too how the puzzle works is that you have to figure out the shapes on your note that you picked up are the same shapes as the piano keys which means what's on the note is a code but here's the twist I was talking about two of the symbols are flipped so you've got to Envision in your head what notes that would be unflip this for me is the most iconic puzzle in our only besides one later that's it funny but it's stupid in the room above the kitchen there's a hidden safe after inputting the code from the piano puzzle Hiroshi acquires the study key the study is the new version of the room with the switch from before meaning all we have to do is move the chair and reveal the door behind the bookshelf the cell is still here with the same key and the same cutscene the basement starts off exactly the same as last time with the exception of us just getting the gate key right off the bat upon moving downwards Hiroshi finds everyone else all huddled together in one big room before the conversation can get anywhere Beyond Takeshi being a dick a meanie head yeah a meanie head it's revealed that the Oni was behind the text box he bites off takura's head while everyone else scatters bang comes across a room after the sad oh so sad death of top around the entire room is taken up by a table in 4chaz the chest being movable the problem is the only way to get through is by pushing the bottom chat into the way of the door blocking it there's a door above behind a bookshelf that's blocked now what you have to do is move the bookshelf Inferno that door and backtrack to a previous room that will be above the table room on a map and then find another hidden door behind a bookshelf and then go through the unlocked door in the table room and they go through it and lock the door in the table room and make it through so you we are good close threads grieving Beaker and scaredy cat turned Rudy cat Takashi while they weep behind the bars of a cell for safety Hiroshi moves forward the next room is a good example of an odd game design Choice see the odd borders on this room the small black bits in the bottom corners are actually interactable this game does that sometimes just hiding doorways and items in places like that it Blends in perfectly with the background of the game making it somewhat of a pain to locate through the door is the same tunnel as before with the same rope ladder Hiroshi goes back to get his friends when they return to the rope ladder the Oni has destroyed it once again Takeshi face plants like a bumbling during the chase leaving a healthy margin for Mika and Hiroshi to escape in just kidding he somehow didn't slow down at all and saw us as we hid inside the Wardrobe after looping the Oni in the archive Hiroshi finds a piece of metal on Takeshi's corpse that can fit into one of the indents in the wall upstairs but uh-oh Hiroshi feels a little bit sweepy better go catch some disease in the fluffy bed after Hiroshi falls asleep and wakes up the craziest reveal happens it was all for hiroshi's birthday now he was in the hourly costume all this time a lot of his friends died and they all sing Happy Birthday what a happy ending it's so nice of her never mind it was just a dream after waking up to the sounds of thumps I really followed the noise and fights what though the only smashing leaky to paste God while Hiroshi runs for his life you might be wondering who naoki is so there's another piece of metal next to amiga's corpse once inserted into the final indent a staircase drops from the ceiling outside I completely missed this fact and explored the entire house again before Aaron pointed it out I am smart I promise the staircase takes Hiroshi to an odd circular room full of blue scribbles Above This is a simple blue pressure plate puzzle solving this results in access to a room full of a ton of onies in different forms I like this one and a room to the left were greeted with blob Oni he very slowly chases Hiroshi when approach to making grabbing the front door key from this room very easy now we just need to get outside there's going to be a final Chase for sure Hiroshi dashes away during one final Chase escaping as the Lone Survivor now this was an hour only anyone could enjoy not as good as the final version but the sheer amount of improvements and fun all of us had and that PC was immense compared to the first but the first felt like a slug at almost every moment did we feel like we had something to do in 3.0 the addition of puzzles gave us a good break for the Chasers and the new cool only is we got to see were interesting the fact almost everyone had personalities and this one gave us the most fright so far if I had to rate 3.0 I'd definitely give it eight squatters out of ten Clark odors other than a few Visual and hitbox glitches I really liked 3.0 the story was more interesting and I loved seeing the unique deaths for each character they're morbid but cool it was such a drastic improvement from the original that I'm sure I saw it through slightly Rose tinted glasses but I'm alright with that fact the next full version is 5.2 which was let's just get through it [Music] this version starts off the same as all the others Hiroshi walks inside he finds a broken plate his friends disappear we try to get into the bathroom then he finds Takeshi in the wardrobe the only appears in the library and Hiroshi finds the key underneath a book this time wow really spicing up that gameplay during the Chase he tries to hide into keshi's wardrobe but this handkerchief took up far too much space to hide forcing him to run instead we find a key in the bathtub like always then grab a map from the wall the house layout is a lot more compact this time which I personally think is an improvement everything has a purpose now instead of just existing for scale in the archive room takuro barges in on Hiroshi they have a quick chat about the whole being trapped in a mansion with a murderous monster thing then split back up at the bottom of the archive room there's a photo that acts as a puzzle there are five holes and five spheres with text on them th if MF RF and LF they clearly have to be put in the correct order whatever that might be wait I can now be removed revealing a paper that says pass accompanied by an assortment of holes this is an infamously frustrating puzzle due to the inability to properly translate it for other cultures the files of this game literally have a text document entitled please do read this or you will get stuck giving a partial explanation my view is your favorite product salesman here Aaron ioniitis cures or Aaron for short I've got a question for you are you suffering from audiitis or Abacus fever well have I got the word document for you after I've done reading it not only will you understand the pain we felt during this but you'll also be safe from what we've got I'll read it now in general so far I've not been able to come up with a satisfying idea of how to translate this puzzle into English or German version I consider the way it is now too hard and basically on translated since the game refers to a very special cultural item and context which needs to be translated however I've not been able to come up with for example any similar tool that is used in the English or German speaking world the positive question is concerned with an item quotes on top and full foreign the hint at the bottom explains that we're basically just screwed we had to Google The Tool in question a suraban which is described as a Japanese Abacus and learn how to read it before proceeding with the puzzle the translator couldn't just put the answer at the bottom because it's entirely randomized and they didn't have the time to chart out every possible outcome which is completely Fair thankfully someone on the out only Wiki did have the time and patience for that we found the answer a code but it's not usable until later for now we move on Hiroshi finds a memo in the bedroom with a hole in the floor seemingly for the piano puzzle once again this time the piano keys are caked in red paint definitely not blood and Hiroshi needs to wash it off using some detergent from the bathroom and the handkerchief that almost got him murdered Hiroshi scrubs away the paint revealing three numbers the Oni appears and initiates another Chase [Music] it's gone you can come out the closet now get out the goddamn closet no get out the goddamn closet no get out the closet he didn't interject again before the new and cool stuff that came with this awesome version I would say that Ben loves staying in the closets for longer than necessary because he always believed the hourly would be waiting everyone comment better or worse for a prize the prize being my appreciation in a nearby room there's some oil atop a cabinet which Hiroshi uses to fill his lighter before moving to the tatami room the onions waiting inside the closet once again initiating a short Chase we do the piano puzzle for the nursery key then find Mika and a screwdriver the screwdriver is the more useful of those two options so Hiroshi grabs it then moves on feroshi can use the lighter on his map to reveal a hidden passageway using the plate Shard we cut open the wall where the entrance should be but a door is in the way without a doorknob the screwdriver can be used on this door in the attic to remove its handle and unlock the next area of the house Aaron and I both really liked this puzzle it made you think without being needlessly elaborate yeah us this door leads to the basement where a Chase immediately begins you need the code from the Abacus puzzle so I hope you remember it off the top of your head otherwise you're dead we finally made it to something new after we get chased a bit we find ourselves in a basement we explore a bit and find three important things one a circuit breaker that's a surprise tool that'll help us later who an equation that doesn't work unless you look it upside down and free a torn note that seems like the beginning of an equation we explore around a bit and proc a random only event where he shows up behind I think a bookshelf the spray isn't very clear after dealing with that we explore for a bit and find a book with a twin page we attach the torn node to the book and it becomes an unsold equation we explore again but this time we're lost confused scared until I remember that there's a hidden door at the bottom of one of the rooms which leads to bed's favorite part of this game after heading through the hidden doorway the lights flicker off Hiroshi needs to reach the breaker but the only way to see is using a lighter that illuminates the eight tile directly surrounding you unfortunately the second he steps outside the Oni spawns and snaps his neck like a twig I will never understand the section they took the basement made it into one of the longest and most maze-like areas in any of the versions of the game then took away your ability to see anything before throwing you into a Chase Aaron could actually see the map even in complete darkness using what I call his Omega gamer vision and what he calls his melted retinas I'm fairly certain our monitors just have different settings so maybe you can see the map on your device too just keep in mind for me it was Pitch Black in the end we found the breaker and we moved on moving back to the hidden room Hiroshi uses a screwdriver to remove a plate from the wall revealing a safe the code from the equation puzzle can be used here to unlock the next area the annex oh my God it's the best puzzle in the game the dull puzzle is a true Masterpiece above all puzzles what I said about the piano puzzle forget it so how the doll puzzle works is that you don't do it you have to figure out a bunch of other parts to get a dull head so you can set it into the spot instead somehow sliding the doll into the hole itself because here's the funny part if you try and do the puzzle it's impossible it's a troll a prank even by God did everybody love this puzzle by everybody I mean only because I was the only one laughing after that living nightmare we head upstairs finding a note on the wall with some incoherent nonsense scribbled on it this will be important later at this point we need to talk about the sheer density of the Oni appearances in the rest of the house there was a Chase every so often so it would properly catch you off guard in the annex he appears so frequently that it's not even a surprise it's just expected it only acts as an inconvenience as you Dodge Broken floorboards and return to the basement to get rid of them as roshi explores a new room a being known only as roach only smashes through the window if you get even slightly close to it you're dead using a plank with some holes in it to cover up the paper with the scribbles we find a new code to jot down for later use next we take the same plane can use it to cross a gap in the first floor there's a bookcase in the room that this leads to with a gray book on it you can take the odd one out but there's nothing written inside Hiroshi burns the book Finding a key within roach only is in the corner of a room with a light bulb inside and Hiroshi has to sneak in to grab it but where do we put a light bulb in the decapitated head of one of those wooden dolls from the doll puzzle of course after turning it on it points to a hidden safe with a lattice key inside unfortunately there's nowhere else to go from here just kidding you have to put the book from the basement into the bookshelf within an empty slot to reveal yet another hidden passageway Hiroshi unlocks this new area with the key entering the first room on his right and discovering a puzzle where you move a piece representing the Oni around a map while trying to kill a piece representing a victim [Music] foreign Hiroshi returns to the room beating the puzzle and revealing another Hayden bookshelf passageway this time to a cell it's time for the infamous scene yeah what what foreign since the Oni has super speed Hiroshi moves to a different room instead there's a puzzle on the wall where you have to fill in these shapes with four colors to make sure that none of the tiles of the same color are touching upon completion it drops the moon piece that slots into this ominous black rectangle in a room to the north underneath the rug is a key to a padlock which we can use to lock ourselves into the cell so Oni can't go Barry Allen on us Hiroshi takes the star piece and places it into the slot before moving downstairs even further he turns on his lighter revealing Takeshi in a small room all alone Takeshi begins feeling remorseful for telling everyone to explore the house prompting him to run away cry screaming there's a safe left over in the room Hiroshi uses the board from the hallway on the Four Color puzzle revealing the safe combination inside is the sun piece which completes the indentation puzzle this reveals our millionth and doorway leading to a very familiar rope ladder something unique about this version is there's two different endings actually one way you just leave now and miss an air when he consistent leaving your friends to die like the monster you are or go back to find them if you decide to leave now not much happens Hiroshi just kind of forgets it all happens and goes on with his life but if you go back to find them then you better be ready to put in the word because it is easy sorry took the views with the idea that it's hard but it really wasn't first you either find taco or Takashi because if you try to get Mika she won't leave without a boyfriend Draco is waiting in the library where Hiroshi says doggura and takura says that properly joins us you think with that kind of response he was the OD all alone kidding okay I have to get a talker you can either get Miko or Takashi we got Mika first she's waiting in the same spot now to find Takashi you have to search every wardrobe to hope to find the right one because he's in a random one after all three are gathered you return to the ladder to fight that gosh God Odie eating it again please Mr ODI you just want to leave this version already so after escaping the OD we escape through the window to a shed where the only ambushes us there we loop around and Escape through Russia and finally escape the hourly Mansion for the almost last time this version has an epilogue showing the survivors sharing traumatic memories Takeshi has night terrors and has been skipping school while Hiroshi and takuru hope that it was all just some sick dream we cut to a group of new characters entering the Mansion as the Oni watches in the background I did not like this version it took everything from 3.0 and failed to develop it further many changes felt needless like an excuse for an extra cheap death or a quick startle it subverted expectations for those who had played the previous versions but these changes made some of the puzzles convoluted for newcomers it felt like the Creator was trying to make things as different as possible without thinking too hard about what that meant from a game design standpoint now I know Ben didn't like it and I don't either but I honestly think 5.2 had a lot of decent ideas that it just didn't play out properly the way to Escape the Mansion was cool some of the newer puzzles besides two were fun but overall I didn't like it I over a fact the final version will make all these ideas Feel Complete and finish the series of versions in a great way [Music] version 6.23 is the most recent update in the final version of the game if you've seen a Let's Play on YouTube covering this game it was most likely this version it starts off essentially identical other than one major thing the character portraits are actually fixed the Creator drew them all on their own creating consistent art style that ties everything together I love the thin liner and soft colors for this playthrough we even had a full group to do voices for all of the characters what's wrong Takeshi you scared blah blah blah the intro is all the same until about the basement one important thing to point out though is the bathroom is back already consistency we'd love our existencies oh my God yes the Mansion layout has actually changed one final time making it harder to Loop the Oni and easier to navigate they even cut down on the needless Chasers and removed some of the worst puzzles they did actually add one more puzzle which is a combination of ones from the past there's a crayon drawing of a map on the wall showing a secret entrance near the tatami room you cut it open to retrieve the doorknob like last time leading to a darkened room your lighter still doesn't work very well but they fixed this issue by adding candles to the centers of dark rooms that will fully illuminate them even though Hiroshi doesn't look buff in his portrait anymore his strength prevails as he pushes this entire three-segment bookshelf out of the way to reveal a door hey look a cell the key to the basement is in the cell Hiroshi moves to unlock it but here's a scream from Mika upstairs that's right we're back to the gruesome deaths from the second game Hiroshi runs off and hides in the closet before heading to the basement to explore they improve the layout greatly removing all the fluff and reducing the rooms to only what was necessary Ben do you think you could take alanina foot I have questions oh she's the eloni I was joking that's right I wasn't technically trolling the irony could be anyone it could be you it could be me it could either be bad how dare you oh sorry Hiroshi moves to the next room in the basement locating a cell with some blue writing on the wall this is actually one of my favorite puzzles from up close it looks like complete nonsense but when viewed from the other side of the bars it reveals a code there's a drawing on the side indicating that this is what you're supposed to do did I somehow completely failed to connect the dots until re-watching this footage to write the script this code opens up to a safe with the annex key inside when Hiroshi goes to unlock the annex Mika only appears once again for another chase the annex is just about identical to version 5.2 save the obnoxious chases every few minutes the only real difference is the addition of a basement but before we go there Hiroshi finds Takeshi in a darkened room on the first floor he runs away in fear per usual and Hiroshi continues to the doll puzzle Takeshi is practicing his gymnastics using a rope Contraption in the doll puzzle room so Hiroshi leaves him beat he seems a bit busy after completing the puzzle Takeshi takes a Rough Tumble poor guy Hiroshi leaves to go get help but it's okay Takeshi is completely fine if a little bit more purple than usual with Takashi Oni of our tail we continue on deeper into the addicts leading us into a new area we explore around a bit finding bits and bobs for all different kinds of puzzles until we reach a dead end with the door we had to use a bookmark add the screwdriver to figure out a code for the door using colors way better than the previous puzzle the following room has both Mika Oni and takeshioni Hiroshi hides from this double feature using a wardrobe in one of the two newly unlocked rooms in the other wardrobe Hiroshi finds takuro he claims to have twisted his ankle handing over a bottle of vinegar because it's dangerous to go alone thanks this is actually quite useful when combined with one of the previously aforementioned bits and Bobs a rusty key making the item usable the basement has one other room a bathroom with bookshelves in it for some reason Hiroshi uses a sleeper build to push the bathtub out of the way revealing a staircase downwards this was another one of those situations where you really have no indication of what to do leaving experimentation your only option the staircase leads to a barred off room that our Rusty key can now unlock inside are three paintings with buttons underneath one blue one red and one yellow another one of the random items we found earlier was a disc with these three colors on it it has six notches with an arrow pointing to where you have to start after noticing that it's a simple matter of inputting the color code to get a metal rod when combined with the disc this creates a Brand New Key leading to the room with the rope ladder it's hourly consistency time we grab a good injured friend takuro and head to the rope ladder but of course it's being eaten by the owner you think it tastes damn good given this is the fourth time he's eaten it but who am I to judge I suppose Tucker Falls dies probably and will chase after doing The Safety Dance despawning the only we head back to the rope ladder room and get the back door key similar to the last version Hiroshi places a light bulb in the empty head slot for one of the Dolls indicating a hidden passageway that can be revealed with the plate Shard the back door key unlocks the door leading in allowing passage to some kind of weird backyard passageway thing that is completely blocked off on all sides a door at the end leads into an entirely new building containing an assortment of random rooms as well as a prayer room of some kind Hiroshi explores but he isn't safe from Leoni yet one of the remaining rooms has blue scribbles all over the walls although they abruptly stopped part way down cutting off this section of the wallpaper reveals a door to another room the second Hiroshi steps in the Oni Chase music starts playing and he Sprints into a wardrobe to hide upon exiting the entire room has been covered in the same blue scribbles as outside hero she grabs a die from the desk and moves to an adjacent room with a dice portrait on the wall there are five dice as well as one open slot when the new die is added all six dice begin to Glow the glowing dots are representative of the rows of seats in the prayer room Each of which has a switch beneath to press Hiroshi presses them in the order of a dice indicate moving this Shrine thing out from on top of a hidden staircase down below is a hallway with a locked door and a painting on the wall with three empty slots the first piece is found by descending through a hole in the floor the second is found by unscrewing a painting in this study room cat Oni cat Oni okay then um now this this right here is beautiful that's my handsome football team he's a sort of Oni he's described in the novels I guess there are novels as being in an evolved version of aaroni the way he works is that he moves a bit slower than the normal honey but occasionally God's forward trying to catch you off guard oh I love you fish King Hiroshi finds one other room the Ao Oni room look at these Rascals go I like this one Hiroshi walks inside but when he gets too close to the gate the oni's escape the only way out is to spam the open door button on the entrance until it just eventually Works Upon returning the Onis are all gone and Hiroshi can retrieve the final blue piece takuru appears behind him safe and sound somehow it seems he managed to escape the Oni after all he immediately joins the party and our Duo hits to the painting room to insert the final piece here comes a predictable but well executed moment obviously takora is dead but he's in the party well when you insert the final piece the puzzle book try to you might notice two things the chase music is playing and topper and the party is looking a little purple and Tall after leaving the menu you better be quick or takoroni will get you after escaping takura Oni Hiroshi returns to the room and moves through the newly unlocked door this leads outside where a final Chase takes place before Hiroshi escapes through the woods after a brief explanation of what happens to him we get a clip of the oni's next victim that concludes the base game of our only 6.23 but we aren't quite done yet by changing your name in The Starting screen you can Enable cheats in putting South Park results in a short 5-minute bonus experience with all of the characters in the South Park art style yes that includes the owning what oh God oh my God they imitate the vulgarity and violence of the show slowly killing off every single character hey stop it dude don't put a message window on top of me boom I love her oh my God they killed Takeshi okay we'll wait it's me dude takes you take cashew it seems so it wanted to talk to the last survivor there's some questions what are you people what do you exist here who sent you here I didn't do anything to you but now I'm all alone you ignore me then I guess it's bye bye upon escaping Jimbo appears and shoots the Oni straight in the face why did they add this the Creator absolutely brought back the quality in this version with tighter design all around the game is a lot more fun to play adding the ability to make the Oni wear the hairstyles of each deceased characters felt like it was embracing the comedic side of the series unintentionally or otherwise the majority of the puzzles were enjoyable and I got quite a few scares because they properly spaced them out this time I can absolutely see why this was the most played version It's hands down the best one and the one that I recommend you try out it's a very dear series for me it much started my obsession with RPG Maker and essentially the hardest side of it while it's quite bad compared to the rest it's still very charming and a fun experience to see where a lot of the tropes started my heart goes out to you no props and we'll leave the fun specifically only this version though because there are only two and three looks like woof if you want to see the full gameplay recording for all four versions of the game it's linked in the description below on my second Channel I also have a Discord server and a patreon for those who are interested I hope to see you all again have a great rest of your day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ben Again
Views: 1,470,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bhBxBRjwo8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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