Hotel Dusk - The Mystery Game that Changed my Life

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when the Nintendo DS first came out game developers quickly realized the Hardware's potential games immediately started to be created with the touchcreen in mind with games like Ghost Trick Phantom detective where movement was entirely controlled by the stylus ports of older games would even bring in new additions to take advantage of the hardware the original Ace Attorney only had four cases but the DS Port included an entirely new fifth case with touchscreen compatibility for thoroughly examining all of the items in your inventory using 3D models they even added in fingerprinting where you could remove excess powder by blowing into the built-in microphone the thing is that's only scratching the surface of what you could pull off and a little company called Sing decided to use the device to its full potential on May 9th 2006 a trailer for the game Hotel dusk room 215 appeared at the video game convention E3 but something was different about this game the DS was held on its side like a notebook allowing for a multitude of different possibilities each speaking character appeared on their own screen with remarkably smooth animation created through rotoscoping traversal was done using a top- down map on the the right screen and a 3D modeled environment on the left the second I saw the notebook feature allowing you to freely use the touch screen to keep track of information I was hooked I needed to play this game that was one of the best decisions I've ever made introducing me to two of my favorite DS games of all time and now to celebrate 50k 60k and now 70k subscribers I think it's time we talk about it Hotel dusk follows Kyle Hyde a 30 something-year-old ex cop turn traveling salesman as he tries to hunt down his partner from the police force the game is all about unraveling the Mysteries and deceptions of those around you learning how their stories intertwine learning what they've done and connecting the information you get back to Hyde's own dark past I can't explain much else without delving into spoiler territory so let's just get started with the plot overview we begin in New York 1976 a 30-year-old Kyle Hyde is at his desk when he receives an alarming call something happened regarding his partner Bradley Hyde tracks him down to a river standing on the docks he pulls out a gun asking a single question why when met with no response he pulls the trigger and Bradley falls into the water below hide jolts awake it was just a nightmare but that doesn't make the events any less real 3 years have passed since that incident it's 1979 and Hyde now 33 has quit the force to work for a Los Angeles sales company known as Red Crown he's on the road when his boss Ed gives him a call there's a new job for him at a little rundown place called Hotel dusk a package is already on its way there with an order sheet inside i' hops in his car and gets moving driving past a young woman in on the side of the road Hyde's job isn't only selling household goods it has a side business that lines up a little better with Kyle's skill set a business finding things that don't want to be found without saying a word to anyone else that's what this new job is at hotel dusk it's not long before he arrives at his destination making his way inside the hotel is pretty rundown and nobody's Manning the front desk hide trudges over ringing the bell to try and get someone's attention a kinly man Stomps over confusing hide for someone named Rosa he seems quite shocked that there's a customer in the lobby apparently Rosa is the hotel Hotel made and this chipper young Soul harping on the other side of the counter is the joint's owner Dunning Smith he's a bit upset that he had to stop watching the game but he enters customer service mode relatively quickly the two begin their transaction with Dunning handing over a pen with a form for hide to fill out you actually have to take it from his hand with the stylus and scribble over the form to fill it out I love small things like this they add an extra bit of immersion each time they pop up which is more often than one might think Dunning hands over the keys to room 215 but he seems off-put by the name on the form double-checking to make sure that his new customer is really named Kyle Hyde Hyde can't get a reason for this H's out of the man instead filing this reaction away for later consideration Kyle takes a closer look at the key noticing a small engraving of the word wish at the bottom it turns out Dunning names all the rooms in this hotel and 215 is special it got the name wish because it supposedly grants the wishes of those who stay there Hyde laughs this off dismissing it as nonsense but Dunning insists that it's all true he claims that if there's something Hyde wants something he truly deeply desires he might might just find it tonight it started with a young girl then an older gentleman both showed up at the hotel looking completely beat down with no hope to spare then they stayed in the wish room for just one night coming out beaming both made the exact same claim room 215 is Magic granted their wish and they were ready to tackle whatever lay ahead Dunning hands over a hotel brochure with a map in it before he leaves Kyle asks about the package he's expecting apparently the bellhop will bring it to his room later but Dunning warrs hide that he better not have anything dangerous in there there was an incident years back in involving a package that led Dunning to adopt a strict no Crooks and no cops policy I'd better keep his pass to himself with that interaction over Hyde starts to move upstairs behind him an old woman with an eye patch enters asking Dunning about staying in the famous wish room I takes this as his chance to leave on the way to his room the path is blocked by a little girl playing on the stairs little brat won't move out of the way until she finishes her puzzle so hide does it for her the kid freaks out throwing the puzzle all over the floor because she wanted to do it herself H uses an old-fashioned cop super power called Pure intimidation to get her to pick up all the pieces and get the hell out of his way she starts fake crying before bolting off laughing the little jerk drops a puzzle piece during her Escape which Hyde takes for himself there's a weird pattern on the back but he pays it no mind heading down the hallway a man exits room 213 some kid in his early 20s claiming to be named Jeff Angel Hyde doesn't believe this is his actual name for even a second Jeff seems concerned about something but he puts on a snarky grin the second Kyle starts talking to him seems everyone in this hotel is a real piece of to work hey finally manages to get into his room throwing down his suitcase and taking a quick breather why the hell is Dunning spewing nonsense about fairy tales why did heid's name set him on edge where's that little girl's parents and what the hell is that Jeff kid hiding I love this opening I'm not going to lie Kyle Hyde is an absolute Unapologetic douchebag here he's lazy he's rude and his nosy habits from being on the police force never left him but this is the perfect kind of character for a game like this hotel dusk thrives off of it character interactions every single person has something to hide but the more you learn about them through Kyle's investigation the more you grow to empathize with them every single character develops heavily over the course of your night at the hotel including Hyde himself which is a major part of why I love this game so much the phone in Hyde's room starts to ring it's Rachel at secretary she's very openly flirtatious with Hyde despite his lack of a response to it she's worried about him and wants him to open up to her but he won't bite what Dunning said earlier starts to get to hide and he strides downstairs to try and get answer Dunning explains that he had another guest with the name Kyle hide 6 months back blonde lanky around the same age too sounds like Bradley but he couldn't have been here right upstairs Hyde runs into the man staying in room 219 Kevin Woodward he's the father of the brat from the staircase he doesn't exactly say much excusing himself to his room after exchanging only a few words Hyde returns to his room to wait for his package tries to open his suitcase with the key but it snaps in half after a failed attempt to pick it with a paper clip there's a knock at the door seems the Bell hop is finally hair with his package something is off though this guy looks familiar Hyde recognizes him and it seems he does too despite his attempts to hide his face behind his curtain of hair Hyde grabs the guy by the chin and gets a better look it's lisis denono someone Hyde knew from his NYPD days Lou was a smalltime crook a street pickpocket from Manhattan turns out Louie left his life of crime behind him fleeing the state and getting a job at this rundown Hotel he switched jobs around the same time hide did it seems something happened in New York 3 years back That Shook Lou up pretty badly he used to check the hotel guest lless every single day out of fear that someone he knew would show up but he never saw a name that he recognized funny since a guest named Kyle Hyde was here 6 months ago Lou doesn't seem to know much about that Lou asks what happened to Hyde he's a mess compared to his past self string around the city in a black suit keeping the peace even Lou admits he was cool and hid's the one who busted him time and time again now look at him crappy leather jacket loose tie messy hair the difference is night and day Hyde brushes off the question trying to get Lou to spill what happened to him back in New York he says he won't talk about it with a cop so Hyde reveals feels that he quit the force Lou asks why before quickly backpedaling when he sees the severity of the situation on hid's face he can barely believe that the Rough and Tumble copy knew from back in the day is now some shoddy door-to-door salesman before they part ways Lou asks side to keep his past as a street Thug on the down low which Hyde agrees to if Lou really is on the straight and narrow there's no need to ruin it for him with Lou gone Hyde opens up his package finding a notebook labeled the secret word instead of his expected supplies in Ed's order list looks like Lou got the packages mixed up well damn since I doesn't have anything to sell I guess I'm going to have to step up and do it for him thankfully this video has been sponsored by gamer Subs I'm a full-time college student on top of being a YouTuber so my sleep schedule is less consistent than my upload schedule and gamer Subs is the perfect thing to keep me going through those long work days it's a delicious no sugar No Nonsense source of energy with essential vitamins 100 Mig of caffeine for serving and zero calories they even have caffeine free Alternatives if you just want something tasty to drink right now if you use the link in the description with code Ben again you can get a free sample pack without even been putting in a credit card so you can try it out and see if you like it with absolutely no risk all you need is to put in your address and the code gives you completely free shipping they have a ton of different flavors ranging from something relatively normal like black cherry to the absolutely insane Grandpa's ashes or anime girl thigh no I am not joking and they are delicious anime girl thigh is literally orange creamsicle and it is my favorite one I made my parents try this flavor but I didn't tell them what it was called they are watching this video This Is How They are finding out that they consumed a product with the name anime girl thigh sh code benan free shipping big thanks to gamerss for partnering with the Shanel hide heads outside to find Dunning running into Melissa the kid from the stairs apparently her father told her that she asked to do what he says with no back talk otherwise she won't be able to see her mom so she's not going to be a brad anymore sounds like the parents are split up Hy learns that Melissa's dad Kevin from earlier is a surgeon and her mom Grace works at an art gallery Melissa loves her mom so much she even draws a picture of her and Hyde's notebook Hyde Returns the puzzle piece to her learning that the puzzle was a gift from her mother maybe that relates to the markings on the back Kevin steps out of the room yelling at Melissa Hyde finds this reaction really odd Melissa wanders around on her own talking to a lot of strangers throughout the game which 99% of the time no one blinks an eye at even her own father results of a different time period I guess upon reaching the lobby a familiar girl is standing in the corner all alone this is the girl he passed on the side of the road on the way in but that was half an hour back by car did she walk yourik herself she doesn't respond to any of Hyde's questions the hotel maid Rosa appears letting Hyde know that she's not deaf but that she seems to be mute apparently her name is Mila at least that's what Rosa is calling her because of the bracelet she's wearing H examines it only to realize that it's the exact same bracelet that bradle used to wear Rosa will gossip about just about anyone which is a helpful trait in our current situation with minimal probing we learn that Jeff Angel picked the girl up dropping her off Ros is convinced that he picked up Mila because she was pretty before abandoning her because she couldn't speak because because of this Rosa was left to take care of her the conversation is interrupted by a phone call it appears the person who received our package has just discovered the mishap they arranged to meet at Hy's room to exchange packages momentarily before Kyle can say anything Rosa drags Mila away to show the girl where she'll be staying while they try and figure out her situation as they leave Kyle reflects on the bracelet once more noting that Bradley's younger sister was named Mila for now he should get to his room to meet the other victim of the package mishap but first HDE wants to have a little chat with Jeff turns out Jeff doesn't even know Mila's name he brought her to H tell dust because she had a brochure for the place with her before Hyde can get back to his room a woman steps out of room 216 across the hallway her name is Iris and she's the worst she immediately starts complaining that she specifically requested nobody stay in the room next to or across from her she's openly judgmental egotistical and entitled after she finally leaves Hyde takes about two steps into his room before getting a knock on his store it's Martin summer a famous author and the man who received Hyde's package Hyde immediately pegs summer as the kind of guy got to talk your ear off using the fanciest terminology possible to try and sound smart turns out the notebook in the Box HDE received is actually the manuscript for Summer's first published work after exchanging boxes Hyde retrieves the order sheet from inside it seems Ed's client needs a small red box in a copy of a magazine with the model sesily Lee on the cover Hyde takes a mental note reports back to Rachel then gets ready to begin his search at the end of each chapter Hyde takes a moment to gather his thoughts this mechanic is essentially just a small quiz to make sure you remember the important information from each chapter there are no consequences for getting the question wrong you just have to hear Hyde's monologue for it again so it encourages you to pay close attention to seemingly insignificant details that will become more important later on sometimes we even get a little bit of extra Exposition here we learn that Ed used to be on the police force and was friends with Hyde's dad he's the only one that knows Hyde is still looking for Bradley Hyde runs into Rosa in the hallway he tells her he needs to talk to Mila about a missing person he's looking for but Rosa refuses to let him until she's gotten some rest they agree to let him talk to her around 8:00 p.m. in Rose's room before parting waste some whistling is coming coming from the end of the hallway upon further inspection Hyde finds Louis sitting in the linen room looking at an adult's magazine when he takes a closer look Hyde realizes that this is the magazine he needed to get for the client not only that the woman on the front looks remarkably like Iris Lou mentions that he got the magazine from the lost and found section of the office he asks Hyde what he's doing all the way in La prompting Kyle to confess that he's looking for his missing partner from the force Lou tries to bring up that being missing for 3 years means Bradley is probably dead but Hyde doesn't believe that for a second he knows his partner is still alive Lou lets Hyde know that 3 years back he had a close friend die too he doesn't elaborate much before heading out supposedly to get some work done Hyde grabs the magazine as well as a crowbar and a pair of pliers from a toolbox upon leaving he stopped by the old woman from earlier her name is Helen Parker and she just wants to know when the restaurant opens i' lets her know before walking back to his room with the pliers his suitcase is still locked and the paperclip didn't work so instead he uses a coat hanger apparently people steal these often enough for Dunning to permanently attach them to the railing but that's nothing our handy dandy pliers can't fix hies Snips off a good portion of the wire successfully using it to pick open his suitcase he grabs his cash from inside to play Dunning then heads downstairs after a swift knock at the back of the office door Dunning pops out and accepts Hyde's payment he heard about the package mixup and is apologetic offering a free meal at the restaurant tonight Dunning says that he's going to close up the office and head off to his room for a bit so if hide needs anything it'll have to wait fortunately closing up the office doesn't include locking the door hide walks right in rumaging around the small space in search of the last part of the order he finds a registration card proving that another Kyle Hyde stayed at hotel dusk 6 months ago he also finds a birthday card addressing someone named Jenny and a calendar with the date December 5th circled finally there's a note underneath a locked filing cabinet Hyde uses the Crowbar to gently lift the cabinet up pulling the paper from beneath and revealing the code to the lock inside is the red box which hide takes before returning the room to its previous state outside Louie catches him on his way out of the office he wants to know more about why H left the force Kyle admits that 3 years back he and Bradley were investigating a series of art thefts by a criminal syndicate called Nile Bradley was undercover pretending to work for Nile I tells him that Bradley was shot without revealing who pulled the trigger Lou clearly recognizes the name Nile and mutters under his breath about everything making sense now but Rosa barges in before Hyde can get any more information putting the Bell hop to work Rosa appears to have overheard Lou used the name officer Hyde and she wants to know how they know each other she hates Louie and thinks she can get dirt on him from Hyde unfortunately for her HDE isn't that kind of person he tells Rosa that he's disappointed in her for assuming that Lou used to be a criminal claiming that he just used to work at a pizza joint went back in New York then hides pager goes off so he calls up Red Crown apparently Ed has some new information on Nile since he has friends working on the case he was out drinking with these people when they let it slip that Nile is looking for one Lewis denono apparently 3 years back a guy named Danny was working with Nile he died on the job while carrying some of Nile's cash and the money was nowhere to be seen when Nile found his body their only lead was a close friend of his lwis denono who disappeared soon after Nile is dead set on finding Lou and getting their money back they've managed to locate him at hotel dusk but they don't think he's smart enough to be heading the operation ation that took the money from them that's why Lou hasn't been killed yet and the cash that went missing they got it from stolen art could be connected to the case that Bradley was working on when he turned it seems Hyde needs to have a little chat with Louie downstairs Dunning directs Hyde towards Lou's room sure enough there he is just loafing around this is where we do our first interrogation interrogations are an awesome mechanic where you finally confront a character after gathering enough evidence from them to pry out the truth you have to be careful which choices you pick but most of the time they're fairly obvious here Hyde confronts Lou about his dead friend Dan and their connections to Nile he reveals that Nile is looking for Lou Lou reveals that he and Danny wanted to make enough money to leave the city and live in Comfort Danny would work with a man named Jay from Nile who was an insurance fraud expert he would get art collectors to insure a piece for a lot of money then Nile would steal it and the insurance money would roll in now would even sell the art back for more cash Danny and Jay came up with a plan to steal a painting from an angel from Nile but Jay was an undercover cop he shot Danny then made off with both the money from their recent job and the painting Louis watched his best friend die before his eyes learning the truth about Jay through dying breaths Louie connected all the dots after hearing why Hyde left the force he pulls out a photo of some men one being Danny and one being Jay i' recognizes the man in the photo Jay is Bradley Lou believes that the police used Danny as a scapegoat before disposing of him after his use ran out he tells Kyle that Bradley must have accidentally revealed himself and gotten shot by Nile that's why Hyde was let go right Kyle corrects Louie telling him that Bradley betrayed both Nile and the NYPD taking off with the cash and never looking back back Hyde chased him down and confronted him before shooting his own partner Bradley fell into the river but the body was never found leading Hyde to believe that he is still alive Hyde took the heat for the shooting and quit moving to LA to become a Salesman under Ed while trying to find Bradley after hearing his story Lou wants to team up with Hyde to find Bradley so they can turn him over to Nile either way they'll find out the truth so hide agrees he leaves pondering why Bradley would have betrayed everyone over a simple painting Hyde receives a call from Rachel she asks who Bradley is apparently she heard Ed muttering to himself about giving up the search for Bradley Hyde tells her to forget it telling her to have Ed page him when he's available it's now 6:00 and Hyde wants to try out that free dinner Dunning promised in the hall Kevin is yelling at Melissa for back talk she runs off and Kevin apologizes to Hyde finally formally introducing himself apparently Hyde's name sounds familiar to him but Kevin dismisses it as having had a patient with a similar name inside the restaurant Lobby Louie takes Hyde's order and invites him for a drink later since he's the acting bartender he makes sure that Hyde's room doesn't have any problems with it revealing that they've had vacant rooms for months waiting for repairs and that Dunning isn't willing to pay for heck Room 217 has been out of sorts for 6 whole months this catches hides attention he tells Lou about breaking into the office drawing attention to the fact that the guest register from the other Kyle Hyde said he stayed in Room 217 6 months ago Hyde's gut is telling him that the one who stayed there under his name was Bradley outside the door to the seating area iris is visibly upset apparently she saw Melissa holding a homemade doll and asked who made it Melissa threw the doll at Iris and ran away H literally could not care less so he pushes p F and enters he notices the Doan question sitting on a chair and grabs it intending to return it to Melissa after dinner but for now he doesn't have to worry about that Rosa just brought him a delicious steak and he intends to join The Clean Plate Club as Hyde finishes up his apology dessert he's interrupted by Martin wondering if anything else was in the package from earlier supposedly there should have been a bookmark with an angel on it inside I agrees to check for it the next time he's up in his room as Martin leaves Rosa comes in to collect the dishes she asks H about him learning that he's the same Martin summer that penned the secret word Rosa loves his novels well she loves his first book anyway the rest aren't nearly as good for now that does not matter Rosa needs to get back to work before Hyde can leave Louie runs up to him with a pen HDE doesn't recognize it but apparently it was sitting underneath his table in the restaurant there's an engraving on the side but it's no longer legible due to aging fortunately Hyde can solve this problem by covering the engraving in flower and blowing off the excess it reads to Allan with love Lou doesn't remember anyone with that name on the guest register but he promises to double check upstairs Hyde Returns the doll to Melissa she wants help with her puzzle again but her dad is elsewhere so she asks hide instead hide indulges after all maybe you can figure out what the marking on the back of the puzzle pieces were after assembling the puzzle you have to close the cover of the DS to flip the puzzle from one screen to the other that's why I will always recommend that you play this game on physical Hardware the entire game just looks and feels better that way to record this video I had to emulate the game on my computer which was not only uncomfortable but it also ended up soft locking me there's a puzzle coming up soon that I'll talk about later which is just physically impossible to do when emulating the puzzle has a message written on the back goodbye Melissa if her mother wrote this then she wasn't planning on coming back Kevin returns to the room being substantially less upset than one would expect when finding your child alone with a man in his 30s Hy tries to ask more questions about why Kevin's wife left him but he side steps the question and asks Kyle to leave hide heads back to his room shaking the Lost bookmark free from underneath the bottom flaps of the package he knocks on Martin's door returning it Martin explains that the angel on the bookmark is a recreation of a famous painting called Angel opening a door door by a British painter from the late 19th century named Oster Zone hide here's some crying coming from down the hallway the sobs are coming from Melissa who got herself trapped inside of room 218 she's terrified of the dark and the room is pitch black so she can't unlock the door Hyde rushes downstairs and runs into Louie who reveals that he was just in there and must have forgotten to lock the door Lou directs him to the breaker room where he can reset the power so Melissa and see unfortunately this puzzle is impossible on a computer to reset everything you need to flick both of these switches at the exact same time on the DS you can just use two fingers but you can only have one mouse cursor at a time the group I recorded with ended up having to hunt down a save file online that takes place right after having completed the puzzle Hyde rushes upstairs to direct Melissa on unlocking the door but she can't get it to work so Hyde uses the coat hanger from earlier to pick the lock and free the girl now it's time to interrogate an 8-year-old the Woodwards came out to Hotel Dusk to see Melissa's mom Kevin claimed that it was the location they could visit to find out where Grace went Melissa lost faith that she would see her mom breaking down and running away that's when she locked herself in room 218 Hyde learns that Kevin and Grace were constantly fighting and he assures Melissa that nothing was her fault Hyde believes that Kevin wouldn't have taken Melissa out here if he didn't have a plan for finding Grace it turns out Melissa still blames herself when she grew sick of her parents always fighting she told her mother that she hated her and then she didn't need her then her mom left Hyde encourages Melissa to go back to her room which she does when he leaves room 18 he runs into Kevin who just returned from the roof Kevin is completely unaware of the panic that his daughter was just in he swiftly Retreats back to his room asking very few questions hide is curious as to why Kevin was on the roof so he heads up the stairs to see for himself iris is standing there alone he tries to get more information but she leaves before he can make any progress Hyde makes a phone call to Rachel requesting she dig up as much information as she can on the painter Oster Zone when she asks why he shockingly agrees to give her an explanation later Lou knocks on the door with the keys to Room 217 in hand HDE uses this to break into the room there's a painting on the floor next to a photo of a man and a young girl in the drawer he finds a very familiar lighter there's no question in it now the guest that stayed here 6 months ago had to have been Bradley as hide steps out he notices his door is a jar upon further investigation the carpet outside the restroom is soaking wet he pulls off the lid to the toilet tank finding 20 grand inside accounting for inflation that's over $150,000 nowadays someone must have snuck in and stashed it but who and why Rosa is sitting in the hallway outside of Martin's door but he appears to be out she requests that Hyde get a signature for her shoving her copy of the secret word into his arms before for scurrying off without taking no for an answer downstairs hide hears yelling from the front desk Jeff is complaining to Dunning that someone robbed him he demands that Dunning starts searching everyone's belongings before storming off Martin Waddles into the room asking for a copy of the morning paper which Dunning provides he mutters about a story in the paper a friend of his Larry Damon was apparently robbed of 20 large and a firearm after a quick inquiry Martin agrees to sign Rose's book but he needs to do something in his room first in the meantime hidde heads upstairs finding Dunning angrily muttering to himself not only have some items gone missing from his office 20 grand went missing from Jeff's room most likely the same cash found in Hyde's toilet Martin is now free to sign Rose's book but he seems to be missing his pen Hyde pulls out the pen Louie found earlier and Martin identifies it as his own Hyde brings up the inscription prompting Martin to claim that his name isn't actually Martin summer it's Alan Parker Martin excuses himself to use the restroom and hide snoops around his room examining the manuscript for the secret word once again sure enough the author's name is Alan Parker on his way out hiy is stopped by a complaining Iris she claims to have been stopped by Dunning on her way upstairs to have her belongings searched for stolen items this is not good Hyde stashes all of his Contraband in his suitcase before heading downstairs better safe than sorry Hyde walks into the kitchen delivering the newly signed book to a delighted Rosa she explains that she can tell it's authentic due to how the ER is written at the end of summer in interviews he has claimed to have written that way since he was a child but the name Alan Parker that Hyde noticed in the manuscript wasn't written that way at all he knocks on R to 11 instigating the next interrogation Hyde claims that Martin summer is not a pen name and that the manuscript proves it he demands that summer sign his supposedly real name Alan Parker before comparing the handwriting between the manuscript and the sample they're distinctly different leading Hyde to a summer of stealing the secret word summer breaks down demanding to know who Hyde is working for and to tell the boss that he refuses to let someone extort any more money from him this little Outburst confirms that Martin is a fraud and that someone has been blackmailing him Hyde convinces him that he has nothing to do with his blackmailer and that he just wants to know the truth Alan Parker and Martin summer used to be close friends with the same dream to become novelists the difference between them was Alan's fervor he pursued his dream ruthlessly and endlessly improving by Leaps and Bounds because of it he created a story the secret word with the hopes of entering it into a contest he asked Martin to proof fre it and it was brilliant a true Masterpiece summer was so jealous of Allen's work that he stole the manuscript and submitted it to the contest under his own name kickstarting his career his assistant eventually discovered the truth blackmailing him for as much as possible Summer's been trying to find Allan for the better part of a decade but the man practically fell off the face of the Earth the only clue he had to go off of was a single anecdote from Allen's past Hotel dusk is a special place to him something very important to him happened there so summer figured it would be his best bet to further search for his friend Hyde gets a call from Rachel who has information on Oster Zone he was a painter that died in his 30s he was completely undiscovered during his time decades after his death about 10 of his paintings were found and they started to sell for ridiculous amounts of money his most valuable piece is called Angel opening a door the painting Hyde keeps hearing about someone stole it about 3 years back Bradley most likely Hyde opens up to Rachel about his past everything including the situation with Bradley she agrees to help him as much as possible thanking him for opening up Hyde moves downstairs to take Rosa up on her agreement to let him talk to MAA at 8:00 he crosses paths with Jeff who's slipping out of the employees only door by the stairs he looks distressed but Hyde can't get any more information out of him before he scrambles away after he arrives at her door Roser requests that Hyde watch over Mila while she gets some medicine upon entering Hyde gets the idea to try and talk to her using his notebook he asks where she got her bracelet and she writes down that her father gave it to her his name is Robert Evans before Hyde can get any more information Rosa kicks him right out the door Hyde heads back to his room but he's interrupted by Melissa one of the Wings on her doll ripped off so Hyde helps her out and sews it back on while he works Melissa asks if he's friends with Jeff which Hyde denies when he asks why Melissa claims that she saw Jeff come out of his room earlier with that bombshell Dro Hyde decides to go into the employees only section to see if he can find out why Jeff was acting so Shifty he clearly put the money in the toilet so he may have done something else when they crossed paths before hide searches the place eventually settling on the laundry room where he finds a gun in the bottom of a linen cart that's when Lou walks in asking what he's up to and he can barely believe it he tells Hyde that Jeff is the only one who's used the laundry room recently Hyde brings up the stolen cash and where he found it and Lou agrees that Jeff is trying to set him up the advise of a plan Lou is going to go into the empty room next to Jeff's while hide breaks into room 2113 to gather evidence the plan begins and Lou starts screaming for help Hyde manages to find a duplicate key for room 215 and a student ID for someone named Jeff Damon not Jeff Angel Jeff walks back into his room and the next interrogation Begins for some reason we aren't allowed to progress the confrontation with Jeff yet and he doesn't make much of a commotion when we leave you have to get all the Contraband evidence that you put away as well as the newspaper from downstairs and Jeff just lets you do it and come back without telling anyone Hyde shows Jeff everything the article detailing attorney Larry Damon having $20,000 and a gun stolen the student ID showing that Jeff's real last name is also Damon the gun from the linen cart and the cash from the toilet tank finally the master key for room 255 Jeff can't deny anything anymore and he fesses up Jeff hates his father a defense attorney with immense Talent it doesn't matter what you've done if you have the money to pay him Larry Damon can get you off scotf free tax evasion murder organized crime you won't even see the inside of a jail cell if you hire Damon upon evees dropping one night Jeff learned that his father is deeply intertwined with the criminal organization Nile he keeps them safe from the court system and they keep his wallet fat when Jeff learned of this he took only a fraction of the money that his father earned and he ran with it his father knew exactly who took the money but he called the police anyway Jeff doesn't want to come crawling home with his tail between his legs so he plans to get the police to come to the hotel where they'll find evidence of who he is and what he did they'll arrest him and the name Damon will be dragged through the mud when the media asks him why he did it he'll tell them everything about his father's corrupt actions Hyde scoffs warning the boy that if he goes through with this plan Nile will hunt down and murder both Jeff and his father he tells Jeff to go home and sort it out behind closed doors for the safety of his family which he agrees to do back in his room Hyde gets a call from Ed Kyle goes into detail about Bradley murdering Dany explaining that this shared motivation to get to the truth has formed a partnership between the two he talks about the other Kyle hide that stayed in hotel dusk 6 months ago and how his room had Bradley's lighter in it Ed asks why Hyde made Rachel do research on Oster Zone prompting him to explain his theory that Bradley betrayed everyone to steal Angel opening a door the bar is now open and Hyde could use a drink he heads downstairs finding Lou Manning the counter he's even nice enough to give hiy a drink on the house Lou has some new information the day Bradley stayed at the hotel Dunning was the only one working Louis and Rosa were on paid vacation Helen enters the bar buying a drink for hide and starting up a conversation apparently she wanted to stay in the wish room because this hotel is a special place to her she used to come here with someone she cared about quite a lot in the bar you can have conversations with three other Hotel guests in between these interactions there are some simple puzzles to complete while hide weight's around Helen provides one during the current conversation you get a pile of coins in this setup and must find a way to put four coins in each row while only moving a single coin all you have to do is grab the only out ofpl coin and set it the top of the center one Helen is escorted back to her room by Louie who leaves hide in charge of watching the bar the other two puzzles he can do are some relatively simple match puzzles they aren't at all memorable but they're a fun little distraction Iris busts into the bar inviting Hy to have a drink he outright rejects this idea so she grumbles off to the corner to drink alone after leveling a few insults moments later summer makes an entrance of his own wanting to talk to Hyde again since they left off on such awkward terms Hyde has absolutely no interest Iris grows bored and leaves after her exit Martin remarks that she seems quite familiar but he's unsure of where from he promises Hyde to let him know if he figures it out leaving the bar as well after a little PE PE and quiet Louie returns from Helen's room his duty now fulfilled Hyde steps out for a minute for a breather outside he stumbles into Dunning who informs him that Jeff gave the front desk a call claiming that he found all of his belongings and to call off the search further down the hallway Rosa is in need of some assistance Helen Parker had a bottle of wine with dinner and she wants to keep the label for sentimental value Rosa requests that Hy bring it to her in exchange for a free breakfast not one to say no to some free food high degrees to help out Roser remarks that Helen said that she shared a bottle of wine with someone here before about 10 years ago on a hunch she believes it to be Helen's son Hyde moves to the kitchen removing the label and bringing it up to Helen's room she's very thankful inviting Hyde to sit inside and talk Hyde takes this opportunity to satisfy his curiosity regarding Helen's guarded past he asks about what Rosa claimed about having a drink with her son Helen confirms this hunch claiming that she has no clue where her son is currently she betrayed him and wants to see him to make amends but she can't find him anywhere the boy's name is Alan Parker hide immediately draws the connection between Helen's son and Martin's friend asking the older woman if she ever gifted her son an engraved pen Helen is shocked how did Hyde know Hyde excuses himself for a brief moment knocking on Martin's door and demanding he return the pen from before timid as he is Martin gives it back and hid storms off without explanation once he returns to the room Helen recognizes the pen immediately as the one she gave to Alan on that fateful day 10 years ago Hyde reveals that Alan is missing and that one of his so-called friends has been looking for him he tells her all about Martin the secret word and her son's disappearance Helen TR truly believes that Alan will one day forgive Martin that's just the kind of guy he is she tells Hyde everything Helen used to be a magician but she put that part of her life behind her when she started a family eventually the draw of show life was too much to bear and she abandoned her husband an infant child to pursue the glory of the stage once again things were okay at first but she soon began to feel an emptiness inside each day she cared less and less about her performances and more about the family that she left behind one night she was invited to perform at the opening party of a little place called Hotel dusk a party that Alan Parker happened to be attending to her surprise Alan was delighted to see her forgiving her and having a wonderful evening they promised to meet once again at this exact Hotel 10 years later when that day came they got to truly meet each other for the first time in almost 20 years Alan spoke of his dreams of becoming a writer and how close he was to achieving them Helen gifted him an engraved pen in the hopes of helping him along his journey it was the first and last gift that she ever gave him after that night they never met again i' let her know what Martin said that Allan treasured this hotel more than any anything in the world because it brought him back to his mother Hyde gives Helen Back her pen in the hopes that one day she can return it to Alan Hyde returns to the bar where he and Louie Have a Drink Louie admits that he's wanted to run a bar of his own for quite some time now ever since Hyde told him a story after busting him one day even though he knew Hyde was lying it really touched Louie they were at the station Hyde asked Lou what he dreamed about becoming as a kid then he got real serious he claimed that his father was a safe cracker and a good one at that but he didn't want to live a life of crime when Hyde was around 10 years old he decided to put it all behind him taking one last job before hanging it up unfortunately he lost his life during that operation he didn't want to be a thief he wanted to be an artist don't make the mistake he did don't live a lie unless you're looking to do hard time you better find what you want find it grab it and never let it go Lou almost cried that day even though he knew deep down that it was all just a ploy to straighten him out when Lou started working at hotel dusk he couldn't sleep he would stay awake each night just staring at the ceiling then one day hide story popped into his head it reminded him that he has something even if to most people it's small and pointless to him it has meaning it gives him meaning after a moment of silence Hyde reveals that he wasn't lying to Louie that day every word of that story was the truth and he didn't want Louis to have to ever experience something like that they have another round and Lou invites Hy to do some bowling right here in the hotel somehow at 11:00 p.m. sharp Martin re-enters the bar to talk with Hyde after some antagonizing Kyle learns that Martin plans to report his story to the nearest news station he'll use the media to search for Alan Hyde reveals Helen's identity and that he told her everything this shocks Martin but doesn't anchor him before taking his leave he reveals that he figured out why he recognized Iris she Bears a strong resemblance to the actress sesily Lee shortly after HDE steps out stumbling into Melissa in the hallway her father is missing once again so the two get to talking Hyde learns that Melissa didn't get a Christmas this year no celebration no family she didn't even get a tree Hyde tells Melissa to go back to her room and wait for her father Rosa is standing in the lobby she tells Hyde that Melissa asked if the hotel had a Christmas tree Tre but unfortunately it's already put away in the back of the storage room Hyde reveals why she was asking in the first place which breaks Rose's heart she leaves to go check on the poor girl while Hyde makes his way to the storage room maybe he can give Melissa a tree after all after sorting through the boxes Hyde finds the tree at the very back as he pulls it out Melissa walks in it seems Rosa saw right through him telling the young girl that if she went to the storage room she and Hyde would see a Christmas tree the two sit down and get to work decorating the whole thing together after they finish both Lou and Mila arrive as well the four of them all have a nice short celebration Melissa begins to fall asleep so Lou brings her back to room 219 in the meantime hiy tries to get some more information from Mila he learns that she doesn't know where her father is and has no other family left her father used to own an art gallery in Santa Monica called Gallery May before he can learn anything more Rosa returns retrieving MAA to bring her back to the room to get some rest Hyde leaves as well noticing that the door to dunning's room is propped open he sneaks inside stumbling upon a photo of a young girl his investigation doesn't last long as Dunning returns to the room and kicks hide out in the lobby hyra runs into Kevin the doctor is clearly intoxicated and completely incoherent he was drinking with someone but refuses to say who it is before stumbling off so hide checks the bar to see for himself iris is there alone and she quickly makes her exit according to Louie those two were definitely drinking together the only Lou picked up from the conversation was that they talked about Gallery May and Santa Monica hi brings up that Mila's father used to own that place just another thread to follow hide heads up to room 216 to have a little chat with Iris he asks about the gallery learning that Iris has a friend named Grace who used to work there supposedly Kevin was familiar with it as well Iris actually has a problem and she's desperate enough to ask Hyde for help she invites him inside revealing that someone broke into her room and stole an envelope from her she promised the person who gave it to her that same friend Grace that she wouldn't tell anyone what was inside Hy agrees to help her out since he has a hunch it'll help him unravel some mysteries of his own Kevin is waiting outside of iris's door but upon seeing Hyde exit he turns tail Hyde isn't having any of it and chases him down to the lobby where he instigates the next interrogation Kevin admits that his wife worked at Gallery may he was shocked that Iris knew about it Kevin had never met Iris before tonight but she seemed to know Grace it appears that this friend of iris is the same Grace that left Melissa and Kevin behind after Hyde tells him that his wife left a goodbye message for Melissa on the back of the puzzle Kevin cracks and Spills the whole story The Woodwards have a good life well-paying jobs that they were good at a loving relationship and a daughter that they loved with all their hearts and one day Kevin lost a patient in the operating room the patient's family sued for malpractice and won there was no way that he could afford to pay off the debts so that night he asked Grace for a divorce he didn't want her to suffer because of his mistake she refused promising to stay with him through anything she promised him that she would get the money but that he could never know where from and that wasn't an empty promise Grace Woodward acquired every last scent Kevin begged her to tell him how she got such an exorbitant amount of money but she refused to say a word then they started to argue day in and day out screaming match after screaming match she finally snapped she couldn't do it anymore and she disappeared I really feel the need to take a moment here to talk about these interrogations before they were fascinating segments but these last two really took things to the next level they sent chills up my spine they truly emotionally affected me the way that the writers have tied every single detail together is masterful somehow they managed to make me feel deeply empathetic for each and every person here no matter how awful they act at the start that takes truly skillful writing the best part of this game is and always will be the characters and I implore you to try this game for yourself to get the full impact of the [Music] story Hyde gets a call from Ed who agrees to use his police contacts to get as much information as he can on Mila her bracelet in gallery may as soon as he hangs up the phone hide Hears A noise at the end of the hallway he checks the trash can in the utility closet find finding a discarded and Unwound cassette tape he makes his way back down to the bar to ask Louis if he has a tape deck he says that there's one in his room and that oddly enough Dunning asks to use it not 20 minutes ago could he be the one who took the tape the rewind button on Lou's tape deck is broken and the tape is completely Unwound so Hyde uses his pencil to manually reel it back in so he can listen to the contents Hyde hits the play button hearing an illegal recording of a shady under the table deal it's hard to make out what's being said but that doesn't really matter right now what the hell was Iris doing with something like this he knocks on her door confronting her about the ents the tape he refuses to give it back until he gets answers prompting her to invite him in when Grace sent Iris the tape it came with a message stating that if she didn't hear from her by Christmas she needed to bring the envelope to Hotel dusk she's baffled to hear that the man she'd been drinking with all night was Grace's husband and that the girl who threw a doll at her is Grace's daughter Iris hadn't been able to get a hold of her friend in months and she'd been searching relentlessly Hyde tells Iris that Grace's tape is clearly being used to Blackmail someone the message that came with the tape instructed her to bring it to the man who painted the angel that may not mean anything to Iris but it rings quite a few bells for hide he tells her about Kevin Melissa the lawsuit and The Disappearance she had no clue about any of this and agrees to tell hide everything Grace and Iris are sisters well step sisters their mother was vulnerable and easily manipulated she fell in love quickly and always with the most despicable of people she would enter a relationship the girls would get a new father and then she would take Relentless abuse until taking the girls and running away to another place this would happen over and over again Grace and Iris were incred L close to each other but when Iris was N9 and Grace was 13 their mother died from a plane crash they were left under the care of their current stepfather who took all of the money left behind for the girls before dumping them at two different orphanages Iris started taking any job she could to make money it wouldn't be until years later that they would run into each other while Iris was working at a diner they reconnected and Iris learned all about Grace's new life she had gotten an education and was working at an art gallery she was even engaged to a doctor Iris was embarrassed that she was so much worse off in life so she ran away way to pursue acting and prove herself years later Grace tracked her down the light had left her eyes she was begging and pleading on her knees for help getting an incredibly large sum of money they talked and Grace revealed that she didn't really need help getting the money she just wanted to see her sister again so she could muster up the courage to do what needed to be done for her family Grace then left iris's life forever leaving behind nothing but a tape in Louis's room Hyde relays everything that he found they agree that the cash Grace managed to get has to have been dirty money he talks about iris's instructions to get give the tape to the man who painted the angel Louie promises that he'll sneak into the office again once Dunning lets his guard down to try and get as much information as possible on if Grace had stayed at the hotel that's a problem for when Dunning is out right now they Bowl I love this mini game it's a little bit clunky but it's fun and there aren't any consequences to losing during the third round Lou accidentally throws the ball backwards sending it kening into a potted plant they both notice that a key has fallen from the soil onto the tile floor and Hyde snatches it up quickly just as Rosa barges in wondering what all the noise is she's obviously mad but she's more concerned that Mila is missing the boys agree to help look around with Lou covering the first floor and hide covering the second before they split up Hyde asks Louie to keep the mysterious key safe and see if he can figure out where it goes Hyde finds Mila on the roof when he questions what happened he learns that Rosa realized that Mila was looking for someone and told her that she knows her father hide escorts her back to Rosa's room in the hopes of getting more answers Rosa agrees to talk with Hyde so he asks her about the conversation with Mila revealing that he's been communicating with her using his notebook she tells him that it all stemmed from the brochure Mila had been carrying around with her she had seen it once before in dunning's room it's from a Time far before he owned the joint so she once asked him where he got it Dunning claimed that he took his family there once but never really elaborated Rosa connected the dots in her head realizing that Dunning must be M father unfortunately for her i'de knows the truth he reveals that Mila's father is a man named Robert Evans and that she's given the poor girl false hope Rosa claims that the two have to be familiar with each other since Dunning has been adamant about getting her out of the hotel he's demanded that Rosa take her to the police first thing in the morning so they can sort it out instead of Rosa finally Hyde asks Rosa if she's ever seen a painting of an Angel at this hotel she says no complaining that the only art in this hotel are a bunch of paintings of apples who needs five nearly identical paintings of apples seems ridiculous to her hides pager goes off so he leaves to call Red Crown Ed has some new information for him Gallery May closed down 7 years ago it was inherited at age 23 by Evans and made a ton of money at the same time it mysteriously closed down Evans disappeared off the face of the Earth Rosa's comment regarding the Apple paintings scattered around the hotel is beginning to bug hide they really are everywhere there's even one in his room he decides to take a closer look at it noticing a small letter painted into one of the Shadows he writes it down in his notebook before heading outside to examine the others sure enough every single other painting has a hidden letter but for some reason Hyde can only find four of the five paintings one and 25 one and 27 and one facing each end of the main staircase so where's the fifth painting Hyde runs into Louie and tells him about The Disappearance of Mila's father 7 years ago upon being asked Louis claims that he has no clue where the fifth painting is but he did find out more about that key it goes to the hotel's wine seller he checked out the office to try and find out if Grace Woodward stayed here but all of the records from more than 2 years ago are completely absent Hyde returns to Rose's room to ask her about the fifth painting she lets him know that the final one is in room 111 agreeing to help him sneak inside once he reveals that there are hidden letters in each one they split off with Mila following hide up the employee staircase to avoid a patrolling Dunning Rosa heads into the office to steal the keys to 111 meeting the others outside Mila and Rasta stay near the door while Hyde moves to the back room to examine the painting after getting the final letter Hyde puts them in order the letter from the painting with one apple first then from the painting with two apples so on and so forth until all five letters are in place once completed it spells the name Jenny Hyde steps back into the main room to tell the girls finding Rosa in a panic with Mila on the ground unconscious Rosa begs Hyde for help and Mila is no longer breathing here the character portraits are on each side of the screen and you must close the DS to make Kyle perform mouth to mouth resuscitation Mila begins breathing once again she stands up and begins to speak entering this room brought back her memories when she was a child she was in this room playing with a girl named Jenny Jenny was crying and screaming terrified as a strange man took her away Mila then blacked out waking up in Robin's Memorial Hospital they told her she was asleep for a very long time afterwards she got up to begin the search for her father Rosa rushes Mila back to her room as Hyde watches them go Kevin walks over he claims to remember that girl Mila Evans she was in the hospital that he worked at a real scary case too she was brought in without a scratch onor and then proceeded to enter a 10year long coma her father visited her every single month like clockwork the month she woke up was the only time she ever got a different visitor a man who went by the name Kyle Hyde Bradley Evans never showed up again after Milo awoke Hyde's pedri goes off prompting him to call in Ed has some new information 10 years ago Hotel dusk was bought by Robert Evans before selling it to Dunning 3 years later it used to be quite the popular location but Dunning shut the the place down the day that he bought it Ed War's hide to be careful as something feels Shady he's interrupted halfway through a sentence by a knock at the door Rosa is outside in a complete panic she told Dunning that they don't need to take MAA to the police anymore because she can speak again Dunning grabbed Mila claiming that she was completely correct and that the police didn't need to get involved he disappeared immediately leaving Rosa in a blind panic Lou and Hyde agree to help search in dunning's room Hyde locates a marked up map of the hotel the wine seller has an area behind one of the shelves circled underneath it is an article talking about Oster Zone hide searches around some finding some paint in the refrigerator and a drawer full of birthday cards addressed to Jenny with Dunning and mil nowhere to be found hide runs off to the wine seller to check on the area marked on the map Kyle opens the door finding Louie unmoving on the floor he Sprints over to check on him to see if he's still breathing but before he can even get there a bursting pain shoots through his skull shattering through the rest of his body as he falls to the ground Hy desperately tries to stay conscious to turn and see who attacked Louie and now himself his manial attempts at coherent thought are drowned out by the inky black of unconsciousness this is your final spoiler warning for this game from here on out there is no going back for the love of everything good in this world if you are at all interested in hotel dusk go play this game you will not regret it if you want to keep watching without spoilers please skip to the timestamp on screen and in the description hide is shaken awake by Rosa he and Lou are hurt but they're alive Rosa stumbled in on their bodies praying that they were still alive and trying to wake them neither of the men saw their attacker Rosa using her infinite empathy tells them to quit whining about the insurmountable pain therein after being assaulted Hyde starts to look around the cellar he has a hunch what the markings on the map mean there's a four-pack cardboard case of whiskey on the Shelf in question only three of the slots are filled Hyde takes a look around finding two half empty bottles and combining the contents into one before slotting it into the open section a mechanism activates with the Shelf sliding out of the way to reveal a hidden staircase going downstairs hide starts towards the passage with Lou close behind Kyle tells him to stay back it's too risky and Lou doesn't have the training that a cop does rosa holds Louie back agreeing to send him down if they don't hear anything in an hour the stairs lead to an L-shaped brick Corridor at the end of which is a barred door hien bars it revealing a small office space with some shelves he steps inside for a better look while someone behind him pushes the door closed slamming the bar down and sealing it this would already be problem enough if the door wasn't an airtight seal this is one of my favorite parts of the game the escape room I wasn't joking about it being airtight you have to solve an assortment of puzzles to escape before hide runs out of oxygen and yes you can actually die here I personally love how they set this section up for years I thought you were racing against a timer but it's actually a lot more simple than that the game counts how many actions you take so you can't Brute Force any of the puzzles I honestly think this is a great idea as it retains the stress behind having limited time in Universe by giving you limited actions in real life it's the perfect way to allow you to think through your choices while still having consequences hide searches the shelves finding some books and assorted Hotel documents one book describes an old trick where sprinkling graphite on an electrical socket can help make a non-functional appliance work again another book details the life of this auster Zone Hy has heard so much about the most unusual part is the author Robert Evans within the pages are a photo of a man and his daughter dated May 18th 1967 it's clearly a young Dunning presumably with his daughter finally a box containing the guest register from 2 years prior confirms Hy's suspicions that Grace Woodward was a guest at hotel dusk Hyde moves to the desk pulling open the drawers to find both a locked box and case File he puts the code from the photo into the lock popping it open to reveal a letter addressed to Dunning this is your last job finish it and you're free I won't ask anything further of you however our secret must never be revealed keep silent and I promise that Jenny will one day be returned to you go back to hotel dusk be patient the letter is signed by Robert Evans at the bottom a jumble of random letters sits haphazardly there's a computer of some kind to top the desk but it won't turn on hide Ducks underneath noticing that the plug isn't making enough contact with the outlet he uses the file to grind down the tip of his pencil creating a pile of graphit that he sprinkles on the outlet he notices a toolbox next to the plug containing a hammer which he quickly grabs before testing the computer sure enough it works like a charm Hyde tries to put in the jumble of letters from the piece of paper but there's an empty slot for a number on the right side of the screen this is clearly some kind of code but Hyde doesn't know what number to input to break it and keep in mind you aren't limited by time you're limited by number of actions meaning that you can't Brute Force this the solution to this puzzle is one of the few complaints that I have about this game there's a blank sheet of paper sitting at top of the desk that has the number that you need to input hidden on the surface the only way that you can see this number is by using a black light on it but where are you supposed to get a black light there's one inside the storage room that you can pick up around the time hide puts up the tree but it's so easy to miss that not once in any of my playthroughs have I ever picked it up this thankfully doesn't have to be a soft lock by tilting the DS screen you can barely see the number in question as a slightly different shade of white I have no clue if this was intentional or not but it's how I've gotten past the puzzle every single time after putting the hidden number into the machine it unscr scrambles the message on the bottom of the letter Oster zone is Dunning Smith while Hyde sits in stunned silence at this Revelation Lou starts banging on the door he got worried and came to check on Hyde discovering the locked door and freeing the man before he could suffocate the two head back towards the stairs stopping as they noticed some bricks on the ground next to one of the walls there are matching holes in the wall so hide takes the hammer from the toolbox and breaks the rest of them down revealing a hidden doorway inside are tubes of paint canvases brushes and just about anything else one would need to paint HDE tells Lou what he's found out Dunning is a painter and his daughter Jenny was kidnapped 10 years ago while playing with MAA Dunning knew Robert Evans long before owning Hotel Dusk and they shared the same secret Dunning is no ordinary painter he's aerone the man who painted Angel opening a door the Masterpiece that Dany died trying to steal and easel is sitting in the corner with a blank canvas resting a top it but something about it seems off had grabs a pallet knife gently scraping away at what he suspects to be a layer of white paint sure enough colors appear underneath it's Angel opening a door hiy and Lou Leaf determined to find Dunning and at the end of the hallway Hyde notices that part of the wall isn't flush with its surroundings it's not a wall it's a door he pushes it open finding Dunning and Mila in a small room Hyde demands Dunning explain himself not only to Hyde but to Milo and Louie as well the both of them are deeply connected to the story and deserve to know the truth Hyde needs to know what happened to Bradley Mila needs to know where her father is and Lou needs to know why he watched his best friend die before his eyes Hyde tells him that they found the painting and that the Kyle Hyde that showed up here 6 months ago was a partner Bradley when dunan questions this Louie formally introduces his boss to officer Kyle Hyde after learning that Mila has been in a coma for 10 years and has no one left Dunning finally agrees to tell the whole story to reveal the truth behind Robert Evans Oster Zone Nile Bradley and hotel dusk Evans and Dunning were united through tragedy a plane crashed in the year 1960 the same one Iris and Grace's mother was on both of their wives were on that flight they saw each other widowers each with a daughter to take care of of and began to talk they had lived quite similar lives both grew up wanting to be painters but they took different paths Evans took over the family art gallery while Dunning worked relentlessly to become a famous painter they became Fast Friends Evans was baffled by dunning's Talent claiming he would do anything to make the man famous that's when he got the idea he started to write a book about a dead painter named Oster Zone while Dunning created a fake man's work to be displayed at the gallery May the combination of Evans Tales at the gallery and the warm reception to his book caused Oster Zone to become a renowned artist the money started to roll in with Evans and Dunning making more than they could ever imagine Dunning wasn't happy Evans loved the scam thriving as he tricked more and more people but Dunning was losing motivation all of his hard work and dedication was being credited to a man that didn't even exist this mental state caused him to put down his brush he' lost his talent he couldn't paint anymore one day Evans invited him to Hotel dusk with their daughters all the girls went off to play Evan and Dunning had a chat Evans wanted Dunning to paint again he bought the hotel and built this room just for him so that they could be partners again he said that with the money that they would make he could give Jenny the life of her dreams anything that she could ever want in retrospect Dunning doesn't blame Evans for what happened to Jenny at some point during their operation he had gotten mixed up with Nile they built this place not him and the entire place rre of criminal activity Evans had no choice in the matter but that didn't change what happened next Dunning told him no that he didn't want anything to do with ostra Zone anymore in response Nile took Jenny Evans told Dunning that the only way he could get Jenny back would be to begin painting again to bring back uster Zone in an attempt to get his daughter back he complied then 7 years ago he received a letter in the mail the same letter that Hyde found in the office it contained the Deeds of the hotel by this point Gallery may had closed and Evans was gone Leaving Without a Trace Dunning couldn't track him down so he did the only thing left he waited he waited at hotel dusk for seven long years hoping for the day Jenny would return to him Dunning made up the the story of the wish room spreading it to the media and trying to keep the hotel up and running for 5 years he did his best to run the business with minimal issues until 2 years ago when a woman named Grace Woodward showed up she was nervous and D asked what was wrong she told him that she knew his secret that he was ostra Zone and that Robert Evans had forced him to create all of the paintings then she blackmailed him telling him that she would reveal his secret to the media unless he painted something for her he completed the painting never seeing her again I suppose we know where the Woodwards got the money for the lawsuit 6 months ago Bradley showed up claiming to be named Kyle Hyde he and Dunning had a few drinks together at the bar before out of nowhere Bradley revealed that he knew everything he spoke of their entire operation proving that he knew every single detail Dunning listened without saying a word then Bradley got serious he began talking about himself he got involved with one of Nile's men while working as an undercover cop Nile had a sister and they were holding her hostage they wanted him dispill everything that the cops knew about their organization in exchange for his sister's life feeling he had no other choice Choice he told them everything betraying the entire force in all of his closest friends when he went to get his sister Mila she was already dead as he cradled her body someone spoke from behind him they told Bradley that after what he did he had very few options left the person told him that the only choice he had was to work for them whoever they are Bradley accepted the offer it was the only way to avenge Mila to make Evans pay for killing his little sister after a moment of silence Bradley's expression hardened he turned to Dunning saying one thing you won't see Robert Evans Again Bradley checked out the next morning having removed the painting from the wall in his room in its place hung Angel opening a door he left two other things behind a photo and a key the photo was the same one Kyle found in 217 a photo of Evans and Mila that Evans always kept on him to this day Dunning doesn't know what the key goes to but one thing is for certain Bradley was telling the truth Evans was working for Nile Dunning hands the key over to hide his story finally [Music] complete [Music] Hyde told Ed every single detail of what happened he finally had closure after all these years the Reus left all over the hotel almost as if Bradley knew that Hyde would be here then tells him that he just got off the phone with the client who wanted the box he settled the bill but said he didn't care about retrieving the items it was Bradley the entire time it was Bradley at tells Hyde to get some rest hanging up the phone Hyde pulls out the key opening the small red box and finding the note inside hey partner I'm writing this in the hope that you'll find it and give it a read 6 months ago I heard that you turned in your badge and left Manhattan I figured it was my chance so I arranged for you to be here you know why I did it don't you partner because I know you because I knew you'd solve all the riddles here in this dump of a hotel I knew you would discover what happened here what happened to me you're a damn Bulldog hide I knew you wouldn't let it go I had to believe that 3 years ago I betrayed you I put your finger on that trigger and I made you pull it you know Hyde I can still hear your voice asking me why you have any idea how angry you sounded of course you always were the crazy one but every time I hear it in my head I see Mila I see the way Evans killed my baby sister and I remember the day 6 months ago when I took my revenge I know you understand Hyde and so I'm on the run now Nile wants me Dead Cops want me dead some life huh partner stop looking for me Kyle my way is a dead end Street let me go I'm a ghost now Bradley I'd imagines Bradley hearing the name of Evan's daughter standing by her bed watching her sleep all the while thinking of his Mila then taking off his bracelet and slipping it onto her wrist and waiting for [Music] Evans in the morning Rachel calls hide Kyle tells her that he's going to take some time off for the first time in his life he packs up a suitcase ready to hit the road Jeff knocks on his door apologizing he caused a lot of trouble and he's truly sorry for all that he did Jeff's plan is to go to the police and turn himself in it's going to be a hassle but he committed a crime and needs to take responsibility for it even if he can't tell the Press about Nile HDE tells him that he respects that choice before noticing that Jeff has a letter with him Martin summer already went on his way but he left a message behind for Kyle last night he got to meet Helen Parker they spoke at length and he promised her that he would find Alan in the meantime he's determined to start his writing career a new creating a new novel with a protagonist based on Kyle Hyde himself he promises that Hyde will be the first person he'll show it to him in the hallway Hyde runs into Helen she thanks Kyle for everything from showing her so much kindness to helping her learn the truth about her son she plans to return to Hotel dusk in the hopes of getting the wish room next time they part ways and hide heads to the roof to have a word with Iris he learns that she and Kevin have talked he now knows everything about Grace excluding the contents of the tape that's something grace can tell him herself when she returns and Iris truly believes that Grace will return downstairs hid spots Melissa standing by herself she looks Overjoyed this morning her father told her good morning right away and let her know that they were going to drive to the beach before heading home he told her that her mother loves her more than anything else in the entire world and that's why she's going to come home someday Kevin joins the two thanking Hy before taking his daughter's hand and stepping into the next stage of their life Lou and Hyde meet up in the lobby Louis is sad to see him go but is happy to hear that Hyde is going to take a well-deserved vacation he tells Hyde to go to Rosa's room to say goodbye to Mila she didn't get much sleep after the night's events when he gets to the room he can hear them talking through the door Rosa is assuring her that she can stay at the hotel as long as she needs to and that she and LS are here for her she lets her know the bad news that Kyle doesn't work here and that I'll be leaving soon after hearing that hi doesn't have the heart to say goodbye at the front desk Hyde greets Dunning he turns over the key to room 215 chuckling to himself he tells Dunning that maybe the rumors were true a few of his wishes were granted last night after all they wish each other a happy New Year and hi exits the building on the way out to his car Mila runs after him she asks to come with him to wherever he's going with a smile and a nod he and Mila get into the car and leave Hotel dusk but that's not all there are an assortment of different things you can do to get variations of the sending some you can do by never getting a game over others you can only get through a new game plus or by beating the challenge posted on the side of the vending machine but I'm not going to say much about it I actually ended up cutting a lot out of the script both to avoid making this video too long and to encourage more people to play this incredible game for themselves just know if you do things right maybe just maybe Dunning can see Jenny again Hotel dusk is a game that is very close to my heart it's and its sequel last window truly mean more to me than I can describe I first found it years ago recognizing a photo of Kyle Hyde online after seeing a drawing of him in the background of my YouTube hero Nitro RADS videos for years the soundtrack is incredible it's emotional relaxing intense sentimental everything that you could possibly want from a game that's why I use the music so much in all of my videos I love each and every one of the characters and the fact that each of their endings is ambiguous was one of my favorite choices the writers could have made they've all gone through hard times but they aren't going to let that stop them using the hand they were dealt they're going to make the most of it and that tugs right at my heartstrings I have never been more emotionally affected by a video game before so please truly consider checking out this game Sing may have gone out of business bu but it is not hard to get your hands on a copy or home brew a DS Hotel Dusk and last window are the games that I go to when I feel the worst when I need a reminder that when things are bad you can get out of them nobody is perfect you just need to do your best and things will work out in the end that's why I wanted to make this video to celebrate 50,000 subscribers to spread this game to as many people as possible thank you all for the support you're actively helping my dream of having a creatively fulfilling job become a reality I hope to see you all again have an incredible rest of your [Music] [Music] day
Channel: Ben Again
Views: 286,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6w4lbvd8hIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 45sec (3885 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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