All the Cool Kids Have Snakes - Bloodborne: Episode 7

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[Music] that was bad and we're setting on with more bloody Barney please please I hit the button by accident and that's why you did like a previous oh did you see me hit the button with the snow I I mean all the viewers will see it because I literally like I sneezed and I hit the button at the same time and so I rolled when I sneezed that's why I do that in real life that's wrong all right so just to catch everyone up before I go into the no one's chasing me right okay just to catch everyone up before I go into Amelia's room again um I leveled up we're at level 28 now so I leveled up a good number of times I also upgraded my weapon to the fullest that I can get it with um bloodstones or whatever blood shards by itself um I need twin blood shards now in order to level up which I'm not gonna look at in this area too much without like looking for them um I so both my weapons both my saw Cleaver and my gun are at max level for that is feasible right now and I finally put blood gems in them which I forgot to do earlier and so that gave them like a huge boost of power as well so I think there's a good chance I can kill him her yeah it it's Amelia right yeah well not anymore yeah I don't know what it is now immediately so let's see um what the damage I do looks like has that compared to earlier I think it's a lot better I think yeah it feels like it's going faster I mean it's not super fast but no I mean but it's a boss so they're never gonna go super fast um Amelia's also got some tricks though that we haven't seen so it's very possible that this will end poorly um one thing about bloodborne losses that you need to know like immediately is you need to pretty much always be on the offensive against them like the idea of like wait for an opening yep no not a good idea it's like make your own opening or get out of the way Dutch okay I didn't know that oh oh yeah so that's why you might see like literally every time she attacks I I go for the the I try and get behind her and just start wailing on her thank you okay we're doing all right okay we're actually doing really well look at this you better have done almost core health this is going much better [Music] now she's gonna start so um most bosses have different phases that they go through so once her health gets to a certain point she's gonna start acting differently yeah Amelia doesn't have particularly huge changes if I remember correctly prayers are very subtle um but oh oh but she's gonna get a little bit more aggressive yeah and she's gonna start using different moves that we've never seen her use oh oh oh well please please okay um now I could keep fighting her but I think it would actually be better if I kind of start cheesing her with some fire bombs yeah it's over nice is she dead oh she's dead pretty slaughtered wow that was better than I expected it to go wow 15 000 blood Echoes she gave me it wasn't that that hard it seemed like no it wasn't I mean like that wasn't easy but no I mean I I definitely did a lot of preparing yeah yeah of course and now we get a cutscene yeah that's her uh vicar Amelia skull that's me that's a really good point Michael am I will that's Willem Dafoe nope well you think it's someone else it's John Cena but I can see him please don't what do you mean it's just a fact made men by the blood undone by the blood that's right it's a really famous quote from this game we find out where the play came from yes yeah yes that is the end game gotcha potentially there's three endings to this game oh really okay and only one of them do you actually kind of get to the bottom of the blood we're gonna try and get the best ending so okay all right um it might require a little finagling but this guy is telling you to fear the old blood okay I do as you should it turns people into werewolves yep yep understood on it got it fearing it okay so now I can go into that next area that I was just talking about with the um the grinding no I mean we could do that if you want to go fight The Blood star of Beast oh no I mean what was the other thing you're gonna say um gamer I went there a couple episodes ago maybe one up I don't know how many episodes It's been um but it was um everyone gained up on you in America there no I went to a big door and I couldn't open the door I don't remember that I kind of did it really fast I went up to the door and I I said oh I can't go through this door yet I don't know because I don't have the password uh yeah it was very it was very quick now I have the password okay let's do it let's open sesame it was open sesame um want to deal with I just need like a tiny bit more money maybe I shouldn't have sold that I kind of feel bad selling that um oh well you gave me only 500 more I need 500 more echoes what else can I sell I want the torch I want those also 500 is going to come out about 2015. I wanted to 2015. oh you got it I I don't have anything to sell so I guess we're just gonna go for it I had the blood trunk on oh um I have the DLC that's what that was people um I have the DLC okay um and so if we wanted to we could play the DLC probably gonna skip it for the channel yeah because it's it's pretty tough and not necessary I'm reading about um when this thing came out right now how is that more than one sentence long well I mean like uh there might be is there's a sequel to it as well oh no they've never not that they've ever heard I thought I heard I thought bloodborne too really that'd be awesome I'm hoping I haven't heard that if there is this was originally dubbed Project Beast that's not groundless um so the next boss that we have to fight is I believe called the shadows of yarnum I love the Shadows yarn and now we're starting to get into the point when the bosses are gonna get kind of tough well they have been kind of tough yeah they happen oh I deal with that guy they have been um but they'll get worse they get worse Shadows are kind of tricky and you'll see why when we get there oh it's our friend Alfred hello no just tell I don't want to talk to you so let's see can you guess what the password is um bloodborne really good guess silence my brother fear the old blood I don't know why that's super creepy because he was just talking to us then when you open the door he's just already reminds me of the night mode oh he is a little night mother-esque that's gross my mother was gross anyways then we had to hide in the coffin with her yeah I didn't like that scene I'm not gonna lie to you Forbidden Woods um did we have to hide at the coffin we couldn't just put a cup to the door and listen to him that's what I'm saying where you going now um so now we need to get the shadows of yarnum oh these are the tough ones yes well they're kind of special that's kind of why they're tough okay um it actually this is probably going to be okay hello not an easy okay really bad really bad really bad already really bad already really murdered what oh my gosh whoa yeah I mean there's a fig okay so this guy's I need I need like okay I really kind of need to get to a torch actually because um I have enough to level I think there's a torch right up ahead though I don't want to die I have exactly yeah or a lantern not torch okay so this is a really violent dude yeah they suck um this is actually kind of funny because um I literally I know this area kind of well right now because I literally just guided my roommate through this whole area to get to the shadows of yarnum very nice so hopefully I still remember it this is the most confusing area of the game because it's a giant woods and there's like a million branching paths very annoying I don't want to play on the channel too but I think my next one will be well for this time oh wolfenstyle be a good one but as I can play it it's tough though so I can't just take it yeah oh that would actually be really fun a kind of violent it would be fun to watch yeah we should do that so now I upgrade my saw Cleaver to plus four even better all right it's been a long time since I've played it too it's been like three or three years or so yeah I mean I I I'd watch that I've never seen Wolfenstein I actually know and it's hard very little about it other than like the basic premise it's it could be like on the super high difficulty it's impossible which which one Wolfenstein then the New Order and then uh New Colossus I think which one would you play though huh which one would you play the newer the one there's a there's a two that like there's a 2015 like 2017 when I played those two very cool those two I've played they were really really good I'm gonna try and gun through this area as I as I am want to do check this out this is super annoying oh that's yep there's just new there's a Fiat contrast traps in this area trying to kill you kill you dead I thought guerrilla warfare was named after gorillas until I was about 14 years old you know I don't want to say I thought the same thing until right now but the thought does occur to me that I don't know why it's called that I don't know why it's called the ice notes spelled differently yeah that's what I was about to say is but I still kind of thought it was based on the same idea maybe it is well now I'm curious it can't be you would oh look at why it's called that I think it's like one that owns surprise though you wanna see a cannon huh check out there's a cannon here I like cannons do you I do actually I did his body really freak out there or did I have a mini stroke you might have had a mini store that is a recurrent theme now you want to see another really scary thing no take a look at this guy totally normal dude right yes he's got snakes in his head I don't he would have what if he didn't have sex in his head though that would probably be consider that that would be really helpful for me yeah I couldn't agree more not having snakes in your head yeah really cool only cool kids have not snakes in their head the Spanish word gorilla is the diminutive form of the of Guerra which means war I'm sure gorilla Warfare Means War Warfare I hope not it means little war Warfare I hope so I don't think you do [Music] it's used to really just mean like that like it just kind of means that kind of warfare like this is all where does the word come from it's like Spanish for war like it's the only thing I'm getting it's like really light so it just it literally it's War Warfare kind of yeah and like the gorilla well it's it's diminutive right what does that even mean that usually means that you're talking about something small it's like yeah yeah small Warfare so it's it just means small warfare that's interesting very interesting small Warfare small word Fair huh a small world I said Warfare instead of world do you like that is that clever okay now this is a hard part because this is the part where the forest gets really confusing and there's a lot of snakes why don't I said I kind of like snakes I don't think you're gonna like these snakes in particular here's the baby version no I don't like them at all and uh more than monkeys yeah that's fair I guarantee you we will run into the grown-up version at some point that's another snake head dude um I was gonna say something oh you know what's another one if you don't like um little Warfare Warfare well there's a big one over there um you know what the worst one for that is come on the the Los Angeles Angels I know their name means the the angels angels it's pretty bad huh it's really bad how about the scientific name for gorilla gorilla gorilla yes of course it's terrible it's a durable gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla okay Tarzan is it really yeah I remember that it's um I love Tarzan I don't know if I've ever talked to this Tarzan is is quite possibly my favorite Disney movie really yes like twice use it a really good movie um but there's there's a part where Clayton is trying to Tarzan doesn't know how to speak English at this point in the movie um and Clayton is trying to ask him where the gorillas are and so he just keeps going up to him and goes gorilla oh gorilla and then like Tarzan just keeps echoing it back at him I don't remember that at all no it's not really a particularly memorable look how the movie starts that's why oh Michael we got something interesting here look at these guys um that's just an alien it is really it is it's an alien that's just straight of an alien okay well where did he come from space but this is what about the bloodborne alien so so like as the cities fall into the blood poison yup aliens and millions are also here okay cool as long as we're on the same page um the way it turns in starts I hate with his parents dying well and then the gorilla's baby it's eaten by a cheetah okay that's a tough that's a tough start ever like it's brutal and they're like this this human child will make up for it it's in a I said parents if they're babies eaten by a lion they're like this this small bird will fill the void kind of raise it to be a human that is a weird way to think about it um I I haven't drawn attention to it because we've just kind of been doing other things and I was just really gunning through it but I just opened like three shortcuts and cut the time to get to the boss down by like I don't even know orders of magnitude good we are at the shadows of yardom already good I just need to run past a couple things up here but I would have to do this every single time I'm gonna fight this one right now I'll give it a shot all right might as well right oh hello Piggy I hate the pigs the pigs are one of my least favorite enemies in this game um Tarzan yeah I love Tarzan um one of my favorite my favorite line from Tarzan is the one at the very end when he fights Clayton I don't remember that um there's a park so I mean the whole point of Tarzan right is um Tarzan doesn't know who he is yeah he's yeah he's like trying to figure it out and he's trying to like the Shadows are right here unsimilar movie to elf foreign but yes um the Shadows are hated him because he told the truth okay hold on all right I will I will I will describe why I love Tarzan after I show you the Shadows oh hello and this is why there's they're tricky because there's three shadows Hello friends so you have to kind of split your attention between three different shadows gotcha I did a lot of damage to that shadow you really did okay so the most important thing is to not get hit by the Fireballs like I just did stupidity loser really good point Michael very helpful and you might think to yourself Michael oh I get it it's hardest at the beginning because there's three of them but then once you start killing them it gets a little bit easier and uh you would be wrong oh Am I Wrong do you see what they're doing right now uh snakes just erupted out of that man's chest and that guy just started throwing Fireballs vertically instead of horizontally oh my gosh how am I still alive um the longer you fight them the stronger they get okay so they get easier because there's less of them but each one individually gets stronger yeah yeah that makes sense oh my gosh I don't know where that came from oh my gosh I don't know where that came from either game over Sub-Zero wins Sub-Zero did not win am I Sub Zero yes oh then no Sub-Zero didn't win no you didn't win um I think I can actually take them I just need to play a little smarter than I was doing right there how are we doing on time um 21. Perfect all right we'll go to the next episode and I'll explain Tarzan in the next episode thank you guys for watching this is and we're signing off bye-bye
Channel: Apollo Network
Views: 34
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UzkD8y38aTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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