Don't Escape - The Anti-Escape Room Game

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Escape rooms are a fascinating concept I love the idea of being trapped in a fairly small area and only using what limited supplies and clues you have at your disposal to solve puzzles and get out it adds Stakes to a normal puzzle solving situation but today we aren't looking at an escape room at least not a traditional one don't escape is a Trilogy of games that are essentially anti- Escape rooms your goal is to use your resources to keep yourself locked up whether that be because you're infected with a virus or because the apocalypse is going on outside and you need to be locked away safely in a bunker the trilogy were all originally released in the early 2010s on Newgrounds this means that they're relatively short but it honestly Works to their advantage by creating these thrilling experiences that you can pick up and complete on a whim I'm stumbling my way through the final weeks of an internship as of writing this so I figured it'd be the perfect short series to cover in between workdays let's get right into it in the first game you play as a man about to turn into a werewolf a full moon is approaching soon and you don't want to kill people so you set your resolve to use everything in and around your little Shack to restrain yourself before you can harm anyone the game is shockingly elaborate you have a lot you need to take into account to succeed there are many different endings most of which are different variations of you failing and killing people I'm gonna walk through the thought process my friends and I had when we played through it we spun in a relatively isolated cabin starting off by shoving this bookshelf in front of the door and grabbing the rope from the wall to tie the player up unfortunately tied up people can't really do a whole lot so we removed the restraints and looked around further the house has four sides the entrance with the front door and a shelf a cooking area with a fireplace and a pot a seating area with a table wall hook and chest and a sleeping area with a dresser bed and window you can also exit and look around which we will try out later your inventory is a bar at the top of your screen whenever you find an item like this flask here it'll go straight to the top the player's face is in the top corner and you can use items on yourself by dragging and dropping them the final icon is an hourglass which you can use to skip ahead to night time when everything goes down I quite like that there isn't an actual timer on this you get the stress of not knowing if you've done everything you need to with no time limit to indicate how long it should have taken you it creates stress through self-doubt instead of through a time crunch the second and third games will change this but not in a bad way for now let's keep searching around this cabin has a lot of stuff laying about we find a key a Tinderbox and a dried herb I haven't introduced The Gang of miscreants that I tend to record with nowadays so let's do that real quick these are the friends joining me for these escapades first we have Geno our resident lovable lunatic that is better at video games than the entire group combined very awesome guy next we have Aaron our master of obscure media who is simultaneously one of the kindest and most hilariously sarcastic people that I have ever met absolute Champion finally we have cyan Cora one of the most incredible artists I've ever met and genuinely the most thoughtful person she was doing taxes the whole time we played through this so I'm sure our incessant screaming helped a lot Gino suggests that we try and open the locked chest with our key but it unfortunately doesn't work then Aaron suggests we lock the front door with it which works like a charm Geno mentions that we've been getting quite a few things that look like potion ingredients but it isn't much use to US unless we can find some firewood to get that pot boiling we maneuver outside grabbing an ax some firewood and a mushroom for our witch's brew we use the wood to start a fire and throw in the ingredients drinking the resulting mixture it tastes bad but there's no sign of if it worked or not after taking our ax to the table we have an assortment of scrap wood left but nothing to secure it with and board up the window or door at this point we are completely stumped we don't have a hammer or anything else to interact with so I made the executive decision to end the run and hit The Hourglass to see if we could get any other information from a failed ending we tie the player up and press The Hourglass our herbal mixture didn't work but we learned that it's supposed to be a potion of weakening the werewolf easily tore apart the rope and smashed through the window going on a killing spree after murdering seven victims a group of Monster Hunters arrived ending the slaughter once and for all we did end up getting some useful information here first and foremost we learned about the stamina bar during the ending a bar is displayed at the top of the screen that goes down the more that the werewolf struggles we only got it to 75 capacity with our rope in the window lock so we have some serious planning to do to make security four times as effective during this next attempt upon restarting Gino noticed an extra item right off the bat there was a chain on the roof with somewhat of a finicky hitbox so we didn't see it before inside we discover a loose floorboard hiding a secret storage area with a piece of meat and a spice for the Post we then find the key to the chest under the bed which reveals the hammer and nails that we need to board up the window I think we should put the meat on the hook yeah no the meat on the hood yeah and then go get the potion and then see if you can pull the potion onto the beat Aaron brings up a good point here if we drink the potion and then wait for night time to transform its effects would most likely wear off before it can be truly useful however if we drench the meat in it and hang it on the wall the werewolf would willingly consume the potion of weakness to get to the meat we mix all our potion ingredients into the pot hanging up the meat and pouring the potion on top of it we lock the door cover it in the bookshelf lock the window Hammer the planks over the top of it then tie both the chain and the Rope around ourselves it's time for attempt number two this time it takes substantially more stamina to get rid of both the chain and the Rope the laced meat worked like a charm it took the last of the werewolf stamina to get the window unlocked preventing anyone from getting hurt with that we have won I like this little game a lot it was short simple but fun it's everything you could really want from an older Flash game every mistake that we made was 100 our own fault which is exactly what you want from a puzzle game this was only the start of the series though the second game would make some pretty big changes that the series would follow for the rest of the trilogy in the second game you play as a Survivor during the zombie apocalypse you have one friend with you Bill Who Was Bitten during a recent attack and will be turning any day now you find an abandoned building to hide in but the zombies will arrive by evening and you need to be ready unlike the first game there are five separate locations around the map this one is actually timed but not in the bad way instead of having a timer you have a certain amount of hours until Nightfall and each action that you take will take a certain amount away from that if you get tools or the help of other survivors you can greatly speed things up and get more done let's say it takes three hours to set up an electric fence if you have two friends with you it'll take 45 minutes we start off by grabbing a shovel from the corner and searching through the dumpster outside finding a key and some wire there's a generator for an electric fence nearby there are four other locations to explore there's the gas station the shop the church and the site of a car crash we went to the store first and found a guy named Jeremy alongside a chained up shopping cart a drawing on the wall and a rolled up sheet of fence inside inside the store there's a camera without batteries as well as a bottle of alcohol there's a room in the floor with a zombie inside we take it out with a shovel but the tool breaks in the process however now we can get a pair of glasses from the floor giving them to Jeremy and adding him to our group of survivors we move on to the crash site finding a gun next to a car crash next we go to the church finding a bag of concrete and a stack of bricks both these and the fence from earlier are too cumbersome to carry without equipment to help us but the shopping cart that we would want to use from before is still restrained so we just don't have access inside the church is a pastor who has lost all of his hope after offering both violence and alcohol with no success we moved to the gas station at the gas station we find a gas can as well as some ammunition inside there are batteries a coin and some painkillers that will come in handy for Bill we break down the door with an ax to find a rubber hose that we can use to siphon gas into the can we go back and give Bill the painkillers as well as some alcohol so he passes out peacefully we siphon gas from the police car in the crash for the electric fence we try to take a photo of some religious memorabilia to show the pastor but no faith is restored we go back to the original building fueling the generator and attaching the wires to the electric fence before returning to the store sure you could take a picture of something wait take a picture of the [ __ ] drawing of the straw and the thing and show to the priest I'm a [ __ ] genius you have such a big beautiful brain you know and now we can get the praise this worked like a charm earning us the trust of the priest who can now help us cut down the time it takes to do things even more Aaron suggests we shoot up in the hatch in the abandoned building revealing a bunker that we can hide inside to stay safe from the zombie horde using the ax and our newly acquired Manpower we go to the forest by the road and gather some pointy sticks to create a trap with we set them up outside of our base before moving back to the shop to try and get our hands on that shopping cart do we also still have that coin yeah wait oh my God you're supposed to use out of the cards because that's what you do you put money to which is made vibrate is that not like a British thing I think that's a British thing this is probably made by a British guy okay so what you do is uh shopping carts nice trolleys you put a coin in to unlock the chain so you can take it out and then what you do is you take it back plug the chain back and you get the coin back sure enough Aaron is right we grab the card as well as all the heavy supplies we would have used the shovel to make except the sand and concrete to create a barricade but we broke our shovel earlier when taking out the zombie because of this it takes a lot longer to break up the window we don't have enough time to set up the electric fence so we move to the building for our final stand one gunshot later bill is no longer a threat and we can lock ourselves in 50 Undead arrive because of our gunshots 10 more are added to that count the zombies started to invade our base and we took out most of them there were still some left when they broke into the bunker we were hiding inside now I would love to tell you what happened but the text goes off screen and we couldn't figure out how to see the rest from what we can tell the Zombies Ate both Jeremy and the pastor while we ran away barely escaping so that was our first attempt the sequel is a lot better than the original for multiple reasons having a set amount of time but not a real life timer is a great strategic game mechanic and I love how many different ways you can try to survive the larger scale was great to explore and interacting with the other characters was fascinating we had such a good time with this entry that we played through it for a second time to try and get our other friends out alive first we grabbed all the materials and set the wires up on the electric fence we were more efficient with our time getting all the materials and survivors we needed far quicker this time we shot the zombie in the store to save our shovel from breaking up the window we give the bill the painkillers but not the alcohol so that he can help us set up the Trap bricks and fence we activate the newly rebuilt fence giving Bill the alcohol so that he passes out before taking an ax to the skull we lock ourselves in the bunker this time escaping with all of our Lives intact Don't Escape 3 handles a fairly drastic change in scenery this one takes place on a Starship The uefs Horizon we play as the Pilot We awaken an airlock with the computer counting down after fiddling with the controls for a bit we activate a safety protocol and we are able to enter back inside there are digital Mission logs scattered about the Starship detailing a mission locating another ship that was torn into pieces the only thing remaining aboard were corpses covered in mysterious glowing crystals it seems that the team aboard the uefs Horizon took it upon themselves to investigate this matter one of the crewmates Rick said that a single Crystal was left there we'll have to check it out later on this time we have a map which is super helpful reference material this this game is in a first person perspective so having this helps you keep track not only of your location but of what rooms will be affected by your actions down the line we moved to the lab finding a fuse box with a missing fuse outside of it the lab contains another note some antibiotics and a system that we can use to combine materials together to make solvents we have the recipe to make a crystal dissolvent as well as an explosive amplifier we only found one flask though to the left of the lab is a locked door there's a manual release valve but we need to cut through the metal to get to it there's a corpse in the hallway outside the crew quarters that we choose to ignore for now the crew quarters are pitch dark so we move to the navigation room instead here we find the captain dead and we don't have his key card to gain access to the consoles we can however turn on the lights in the crew quarters inside is yet another corpse we take the knife from their back raid the vending machine of food and alcohol then move to the bathroom where we pick up some detergent we find that what looked like a rubber hosed next to the corpse is actually a freaking plasma torch we use the knife to pull a vent cover off the wall discovering a key that we tried to use in the navigation room we weren't able to find anything though you are turning into a psychopath what are you talking about I didn't do anything you just try to stab a corpse I didn't do nothing of the sword I don't think he did that oh hey champ we find yet another mission log describing the damage to the ship it's so severe that all we can do is take the Escape pod to Freedom this is when we noticed a new panel on our data pad next to the map is a security camera section but it's currently not functioning we return to the lab and use the key on the locker retrieving a bottle of acid and some protective glasses putting the ladder on we actually missed a section of the room in the crew quarters containing plant cells and fuel for the plasma torch there's another door here but it seems to be locked another door oh 7575 no shut it down try it try it all right try it all right all right oh maybe there's a mistakes oops with our newly fueled plasma torch we use the manual release valve finding some toxic fumes permeating the room behind we grab a spacesuit from the airlock and use it to get through safely here is a life support control system that we can activate to quadruple our survival time there's a 3D printer here as well which will come in handy later we use a toolbox to fix the ventilation system and clear out the gas we return to the airlock with our suit on and leave the ship tying ourselves to the craft with a rope here we find the crystal mentioned in the earlier Mission Log and we take it back with us back in the crew quarters we fill the flask with the stabbed man's blood returning to the lab and mixing it together with plant cells and the antibiotic to create the crystal dissolvent this can then be put in the sprinkler system and used to dissolve the crystals blocking the door in the room next to the lab not all of them disappear but we can get inside now to grab a mission log and some explosives the new log details that the crystals are alive and will attack attached to a living host replacing the organic material with more of itself over time they're most likely what caused the destruction of the other ship we head back to the printer creating an igniter and attaching it to the explosives then gel popped in the chat hello I didn't don't escape yeah Ben's recording right now yeah oh Jesus Christ gel is our resident living breathing cartoon character he's a super talented writer and content creator and you better go follow his Twitch in the description right now next we use the lab to create an explosive amplifier and pour it onto the bomb finally we throw that Crystal we got from outside into the room where they were originally contained we hop into the Escape pod and leave the ship behind but by doing so we failed we didn't see what was behind the keypad door we didn't find the truth we didn't see an option to detonate the bomb after we left so everything was still intact and most importantly we escaped in a series called Don't Escape something's clearly wrong here we started the game over to determined to get into that final room this time we made an interesting Discovery remember the security system we tried it out in the Crystal room wait go into the Crystal room and use your pad just use the security cams [ __ ] everywhere yeah that's what I was gonna say with those cameras there you go it's like a fiber night oh it is oh they're hugging oh I don't think you're talking anymore oh you can oh defined every single security recording to get the rest of the digits to this code now we have our code and we can enter the final room as we go inside we see the astronaut that has been killing everyone except the suit is empty heck the suit has our name tag on it after letting out quite the bloody cough we learn that the crystals are growing inside of us they took our body over and used it to kill the crew we can't leave this ship alive this time we detonate the bomb with ourselves inside the ship leaving absolutely nothing behind every crystal every body every ship fragment all gone the world is now safe I honestly think that these are a great series of short games they don't overstay their welcome and each one has a good understanding of what it wants to be the first game was a simple parody of an escape room it seemed like more of an experiment with a small map and the shortest overall run time the second one stepped things up quite a lot and it's my favorite out of the three being forced to keep track of your time through what activities you doing being able to use other characters to your advantage was great to keep things interesting while I absolutely miss the game mechanics of the second one I really like the narrative aspects that they added for the third as a standalone game the third is a great new grounds title but it's one of the weaker in the series mechanically I will absolutely come back to these in the future if I'm ever looking for some small games to play in a voice chat they're Charming interesting and efficient if you want to check them out and try and get all the endings I'll leave the links to all three of them in the description I hope to see you all again have a great rest of your day foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ben Again
Views: 653,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ilaiu_AUcvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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