The Darkest Movie You Haven’t Seen

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the most widespread Danger from nuclear explosions is fallout Fallout is dust that is sucked up from the ground by the explosion Fallout can kill you can protect yourself and your family and later on we will show you what steps to take this is the cover for Raymond Briggs graphic novel when the wind blows and I think it's about as perfect as a cover can get we see an elderly couple stood as though they are posing for a photograph smiling and happy but just behind them looms a mushroom cloud from a nuclear bomb with white flames and black smoke burning so hot that the window they're looking out of is melting but despite certain Doom still the couple are smiling so are they just very very hopeful or are they incredibly naive well let's join this couple on the brink of nuclear war and take a look into the radioactive horrors of when the wind blows after all you'll be over in the flesh now if you know about Raymond Briggs you know he was kind of famous for creating these sweet magical Christmas books so when he came along and wrote this heartbreaking story of how Innocents are affected by nuclear war it was the last thing which many were expecting if you were someone who liked the snowman or any of his other stories and you saw this you'd be very surprised with how dark it gets now even though when the wind blows was created as a graphic novel it was later adapted into an animated film and both are incredible in their own way most of the time the film is essentially a word for word copy but there are a few sometimes pretty strange changes that I think make the film stand out as its own Masterpiece come back you stupid and get in the shelter very quickly you realize this isn't your average animated movie because well for one it doesn't open to animation when you press play you might be caught off guard for a second as we see real-life footage of the military assembling in the streets of 1980s Britain among threats of incoming nuclear war so what's going on have I put in the wrong movie well no the sleazy DVD salesman behind the pub has in fact not ripped you off when the wind blows is multimedia meaning some things are 2D animated like the characters and the landscape some things are 3D stop-motion models like the house and the objects within and some moments like the opening use real-life footage it's a way of reminding you that even though this is an animation and at the end of the day a fictional story stuff like this has happened and very easily Could Happen nuclear war is a very real threat and so when the wind blows always has one foot in reality it doesn't let you get lost in the fantasy of 2D animation for too long this opening footage is dark and grainy things are far from calm as the low rumbling of of engines seamlessly transitions to a song from the late great David Bowie named when the wind blows that's the name of the movie a song made specifically for this film and this song Perfectly foreshadows the story which is about to take place it's a song about Hope in times of hardship from the perspective of a loved one who's passed away or is at least on the brink of death saying his peace and goodbyes opening with don't be down it's all in the past the song then gets darker with Bowie singing about how he's never felt the Sun and his dread for when the wind blows the language starts off hopeful in the first verse but by the time the second comes around the wording is much darker Bowie talking of savage wounds anger spitting and taunting and ending on the inevitable no matter what and although we're only at the beginning of the story and this song holds little meaning at this moment as the film progresses its relevance becomes morbidly clear like The Mention Of The Hidden Sun likely blocked out by toxic clouds or his fear of the wind because of the radiation it carries along the land as the song plays out the darker anxious footage of the military turns out to be from a newspaper which our lead fella James is having a little scroll through the film has finally transitioned into the animation we expect and it's all a bit more peaceful at least for now as he returns home on the bus we get a good look at the beautiful British Countryside we see a young couple joking around of each other having a nice time everything about this First Act feels like a fairy tale they want to paint this picturesque world full of life and color so it's as devastating as possible when it all gets taken away and it's the same with this man's home a cute Cottage painted in many colors to make it feel as vibrant as possible when he arrives back we meet his wife Hilda hello dear hello love it also goes by Ducks this couple clearly care a lot for each other and have been together for many many years they do jab and moan at each other but it's not in a malicious way it's more of a oh you what are you like sort of way I'm not going to ruin the paintwork James oh don't worry all right you soon touch it up after the bomb's gone off life is good for them but just like the opening clips from the newspaper signs of incoming war begin to bleed into this fairy tale International situation is deteriorating rapidly and that war could break out at any time in the next two or three days now the importance of war in the graphic novel is shown by setting up patterns and then breaking them the whole book has a pretty similar look small square panel side by side usually around 30 a page and the speech bubbles are contained within these squares but when the radio announces that war is likely coming soon the speech bubble cuts out of this box and into the white space it draws your eyes to the words and makes them feel more important and when they cut away to the nuclear bombs submarines and planes off in the distance they take up the entire page not a speck of white it really makes this couple feel insignificant in the grand scheme of War another sausage dear now if you heard that a nuke might be dropping down in your country over the next few days I assume you might Panic just a little bit but our couples seem oddly calm given the situation after all you'll be over in the flesh obviously there's always threats of nukes being tossed around so I feel like we're almost used to it at this point but here this isn't just warnings we've seen the military assembling and the public are being told to prepare people are Panic buying there's no bread Ducks sold out there seems to be some sort of panic purchasing but you see our couple have a special tool which will see them through any trouble that a pesky nuke may cause and that tool is government advice a few years before the graphic novel was released the British government rolled out the survive and protect scheme which contained a guidebook as well as instructional videos on how to best prepare yourself for a nuclear strike you can protect yourself and your family and later on we will show you what steps to take as well as surviving the Fallout and nuclear winter which follows and whilst we see nothing of the instructional videos in the story the visual style of the film is heavily inspired by these videos they both use a 3D model house combined with simple looking characters and if you look at the objects within their home like the bottles of water food and wooden doors some of these shots are identical it feels like the couple are living inside one of these instructional videos and the husband's approach to the government's head of ice in the form of these guidebooks is one of the more interesting parts of the story he has complete faith in them no I'm not saying we've got to stay in that plane for two weeks well yes dear ours not to reason why now we must do the correct thing even when the advice is questionable and contradictory if there is no solid cover lie flat in a ditch or a hole and cover your head face and hands as fast as you can with some of your clothes I think it's kind of a blend of patriotism and Trust in his country as well as a defense mechanism in a survival situation you want to believe that those in charge are going to have it all under control tell you what to do step by step and if you follow these instructions that everything will be fine after all the couple have survived World War II and the instructions and government advice helped get them through then so it's no surprise that they feel this way Churchill Roosevelt and Stalin but this is a different kind of War one which no kind of guide will help truly prepare you for and the advice hasn't had time to catch up with the advancements in weapons technology the guidebook seems more like a tool to help ease the Public's concerns rather than actual advice you can follow every word in this book and it'll still be a half measure there's actually an article by The Daily Mail discussing these guidebooks and how experts have claimed that they were insufficient one reason being people won't stay inside for long enough they'll want to leave you must not go outside until it is absolutely safe it tells them to take the doors off their house to construct a refuge with the kind of Refuge that might help with a shell bomb and might just protect you from the shock wave of a nuke but will do nothing to protect you from the radiation that follows it's clearly outdated but the couple believe it'll be enough and the reason the couple are still thinking in terms of outdated Warfare is due to their past experiences there's a scene where the two recall their time during World War II when both of them were just young children and they seem to have actually enjoyed their time during the war because well they survived but also they had fun in their shelters it's funny to think there's no shelters this time we had an old Anderson in the garden I can see it now they look back at it with rose tinted glasses while sweet lullaby music plays they weren't old enough to be involved in the war so they don't comprehend the true horrors of it so it's no wonder they think it'll be similar this time around and one of my favorite things about this story is how it explores the differences between traditional war and Modern War at times it can almost seem as though it's glorifying the old but this is more the characters in the story than the story itself and it helps to show how hard it would be for an older couple to come to grips with it all I don't even know the people are these days expect it's all done by committees dear Churchill with his cigar old Stalin with his mustache you knew where you stood the husband is so knowledgeable about old war poems leaders and tactics but now he doesn't even remember who they're fighting sometimes let alone why who's in charge now then and this difference between the old and the new is even more prevalent when the husband picks up the phone and calls their son but when his son answers it seems he's not worried at all about the threats joking around and singing what do you mean we'll all go together when we go it's not funny and I think it's a smart choice to only show us the farther side of this call because it leaves the sun's words and actions more open to interpretation the father thinks his son is being a goof a silly fellow but it's much more likely that the sun unlike old pops does understand the gravity of their situation he knows he's going to die knows they're all going to die and is having a nervous break down after all he's a young man so the chances are he'll either be drafted to go fight or he's within the radius of where the nuke is likely to hit but still the father soldiers on no but it duty to carry out governmental instruction to time of War Sun talking about Duty and Country when in a short while none of these things will hold any meaning both the husband and the wife seem to find comfort in different ways that both kind of stem from denial James finds comfort in the government's advice and the plan whereas darks just wants to get on with it finding normalcy in their usual routine it's like nothing is different when she goes outside and blows the dandelions she begins daydreaming this fantasy fairy tale of dancing butterflies [Music] this isn't the attitude you'd expect from a couple preparing for a nuclear strike and all this calm and peace they approach the situation with makes the inevitable destruction on the horizon hit so much harder if they were anxious and panicking the whole time it would be a constant reminder and you'd be more prepared for it as the husband continues to follow the government advice it begins to contradict itself on one page saying to take the doors off the house and construct a fort and then on another recommending to close the same doors to prevent the spread of Fire Keep doors closed to prevent the spread of Fire but you've taken off half the doors James and yet this is what the husband is staking their lives on but I guess what else are they gonna do you couldn't just look up the best way to survive a nuke this guidebook is all they have and the saddest part is that if the couple hadn't have followed it so exactly they likely would have been better off because they own a seller I wonder if we'd have been better off in the cellar oh no dear too damn the one thing that might save them in an emergency like this keeping the radiation out and providing enough room to hold their supplies and more importantly move around and in the guidebooks defense some things should be common sense according to that article from earlier the guidebook does say to use a seller or basement if you have one but they didn't publish the entire booklet so I can't find the part which says this there's a chance they might have been talking about the video guide which does mention basements but it specifically says to use a room closest to the center of the house or a basement the best place for a Fallout room is the basement or ground floor whatever room you choose remember that the further you can get away from radioactive dust in or around your home the safer you will be so even if they had seen this I can understand why they won't move their room they went with and just looking at the Refuge you know it's not sufficient it's exposed on one side and this again is actually not the fault of the guidebook because it says to cover both ends which the husband doesn't do across the two open ends of your Refuge you should make thick walls of bags and boxes of Earth or sand so the way it works is you have a designated room which is as close to the middle of the house as possible and then inside this room is this little fort your Fallout ROM will protect you but you will make it even safer by strengthening a small part of it this part will be your inner Refuge during the worst of the attack and I love the framing change as soon as they step inside the tiny and claustrophobic space the pair are cut off on all sides taking up the entire screen with no room to stretch out it's hardly the place you want to spend two weeks which was one of the main criticisms brought up in that article from earlier as the couple will finish up their preparations the husband prances around the living room acting out exactly how he thinks the war is going to go in numerate Russian hordes will sweep Across The Plains of Centralia one man one vote and women too now those of course Progressive King and whilst there are ups and downs back and forth ultimately he has complete faith it'll end well for them and it tells you a lot about his idea of War it's all strategy calculated decisions battles for territory but a nuclear bomb involves none of these things there are no territory battles because afterwards there's no territory left but none of this seems to have settled in the whole time they're planning out what they'll do if a bomb does come it sounds like they're planning a picnic sipping down tea whilst reading off a massive list of items they need but despite it not being on the list the husband remembers something about paper bags he believes they need them but he can't remember what for I wonder if it's true about the paper bags or is it a joke his best guess is to deflect the heat an extra layer of protection against the blast but more on this later on because finally it happens the radio announces that an enemy missile strike has been launched on the country and they have just three minutes until impact and the husband really took me off guard here come back you stupid and get in the shelter keep in mind up until this point he's so passive and calm and I gotta be honest I let out a cheeky chuckle but this Outburst is really the moment it turns from this ideal fairy tale Countryside couple to the more serious tone throughout the rest of the film and the last words before impact are the cake will be burned it's so ironic because well everything's about to burn People Trees livestock half the country is about to be set Ablaze and still the cake is all that matters it shows how personal this story is most nuclear disaster movies focus on the chaos the survival the Panic the incomprehensible scale of Destruction but when the wind blows is small scale and so the metaphor of the cake is so much more fitting [Music] as the radio gives off more advice that ultimately won't make much difference the couple will feel silent and we get some calm still shots of the peaceful home and Countryside one last little glimpse of what's about to be lost and this is probably my favorite sequence in the film the way they show the impact of the nuke is so well done a quick white Flash before an overwhelming cloud of pure black approaches on the horizon and with each second that passes the color is drained from the landscape from green to black and white to sepia until the screen looks muddy and stained the animation is sketched in a hurry with little consistency it's chaotic and full of energy you can almost feel the heat in the air of this sequence and the sound design is incredible [Music] sounds like an aircraft flying overhead looped over and over whilst drums bang rapidly overwhelming and that line the cake will be burned plays again but now it's distorted [Music] even the audio is falling apart and then the shock wave reaches our cute little couple and this is where the house being a real model didn't just look interesting but helped to elevate the story it feels like you can reach out and grab everything in their home like you can step foot in it so the devastation of the shock wave has so much more impact because you can see every single detail in the destruction because of the heat all the color is now gone it's so far from how it looked in the beginning they've had all these years together even surviving through the war as children going on to have a happy life only for it all to be taken away in just three minutes [Music] now the blast in the book plays out a bit differently for one he doesn't call his wife a you stupid and get in the shelter he calls her a fool and the last haunting line of the cake will be burnt is the same but instead of focusing on the destruction of the town and Countryside around them you only see it from their perspective and even though I enjoy how the film approached this I think keeping the reader in the dark is the better choice because it means that throughout the rest of the story as the pair are cut off and fending for themselves wondering where everyone is we are wandering with them of course our best guess is probably that everyone is dead but because in the comic we don't actually see it it's easier to fill a fraction of the hope that the couple have their mindset that everything is fine and continuing as normal so how do they show it at the moment of the strike you turn the page and see a blast of white with hints of pink around the edges you see nuclear explosions are many times brighter than the sun Turn the page again and we see what is probably my favorite page in the novel The Blast from the previous page looks like it's carrying over and you get this gradient from the Y right to blood red layered over the same panel of the couple hiding in their shelter repeated over and over and the closer to the blast the more distorted and warped the panel is from the heat as though the blast is washing over them and then the next page this Blood Red Fades back to the white background we're used to as the heat subsides and the panels go back to their usual shape by the end things seem to be back to normal and this is the same for the husband's mindset the shelter stood up well didn't it I constructed it in compliance with governmental specifications he's back to Hopeful and calm after his yelling Outburst you stupid I mean now the blast is over and they're alive everything should go back to how it was right the blast is just the beginning and now the real Horrors are about to begin the most widespread Danger from nuclear explosions is Fallout you must not go outside until it is absolutely safe from this point on it really does feel like a different movie their once colorful house is trashed burnt and covered in rubble it's a constant reminder of the dire situation that they're now in because from their attitude you wouldn't be able to tell it and it catch up dear when the Medics get through they're probably just spray us with some empty tooth give us a couple of pills and in no time we'll be right as rain now if you've seen HBO's Chernobyl or are familiar with the depressing side of YouTube you'll know the effects of radiation poisoning and have an idea of how it works in three days to three weeks you're dead granted Chernobyl was a nuclear power plant disaster that was continuously emitting radiation which is different from a nuclear bomb where it's one big release that then reduces over time but the devastating effects of the radiation are the same after the explosion the radiation is in the air and is then carried by the Wind and Rain hence the title and the Grim nature of the opening song when the wind blows is your worst nightmare you want the poison rain to be carried elsewhere or remain in the sight of the explosion as the radiation contaminates everything it passes those who were killed by the initial blast really are the lucky ones and I think there's very few things more terrifying than radiation because well for one it's real this can happen and has happened as of recording there are estimated to be around 12 and a half thousand nuclear warheads out there just chilling good morning good and also you can't see it you could have been exposed to it and not even know so your death sentence is already signed and you might not even realize it for days to come and even if you manage to survive the chances of suffering at some nasty complications later in life are very likely you all right yeah after the initial shock the pair's Minds start to wonder about what's next a bomb has been dropped so it's only natural to assume the country is now at War and so to ease their worries about their odds the husband lists off all the different Western forces War groups whilst military parade drumming drowns out his voice prcs Korean seven rocc [Music] such overwhelming force and power but it all means nothing in the face of a nuke and even with all these organizations they could do nothing to protect their own civilians it's likely that many if not all of these organizations are now gone disbanded or scattered after the strike we learned from the book that the town the couple live in is called Clayton which funnily enough is really close to where I grew up so I would probably be dead and this town is pretty far from London it's right near the coast so if the strike did hit the capital then everything in this circle is likely gone or ruined and although we only know about the UK the fact it cuts away to three different forces a submarine a plane and a rocket is a good sign that once the first nuke was fired all the nukes were fired and all the countries involved in this conflict are in a similar situation the official term for this is mutually assured destruction also known as mad mad yes mad and this is actually the reason why nuclear weapons are seen as somewhat beneficial by many people the idea is that powers can go well if you nuke me then I'll nuke you and if I nuke you then he'll nuke me and they'll nuke them and Willow just die so no longer will Nuki dookie the wife understands it as some kind of insurance I think my old dad was in the mutual assured insurance which leads the conversation in a darker Direction you don't pay any taxes now you're retired James no I'm fully paid up my funeral is fully assured even though he says this with a lot of Happiness his face quickly changes and you get the feeling that At The Mention Of a funeral the gravity of their situation sets in even if just for a second and from this moment on his denial just continues to get worse and worse the emergency service should arrive today I'm surprised they've not come before the way he talks is as though everything is going on as usual outside their home surprised that the water radio and television aren't working and this is one thing but even the Milkman and paperboy's absence puzzles him [Music] of course we've seen a glimpse at the level of Destruction but they're still in the dark and maybe their expectation that everything is fine is because of their son who is almost certainly dead we never see him or find out exactly where he lives but my guess is somewhere closer to London nearer the strike but they never even have this conversation their son being dead doesn't even cross their minds and I guess if they're gonna be in the dark about his situation either way it's less painful to believe that he made it I hope Ron and Barrel got back all right oh yes they'll be all right our owns a very careful driver and this mindset carries over to their own situation the husband continues to have a logical explanation for everything really exhausted well dizzy nervous exhaustion due to unaccustomed lifestyle or at least one that sounds logical but are really just providing Comfort through denial the couple will then make what is arguably their biggest mistake even though the inner Refuge isn't sufficient being exposed on one side and located right on the edge of the house the guidebook and video say to stay within this refuge for 48 hours and then once out to not leave the shelter room for 14 days both of which the couple do not do after an attack you may have to stay in your home for about 14 days so make sure to store plenty of water and food for your family I forgot we're supposed to stay in the inner core or Refuge well it's too late now we've been out for ages they make a note to show them grabbing and touching so many things each time contaminating themselves more and more but the final nail in the coffin is when they step foot outside exposed to the toxic Wind and Rain the sunny warm Countryside turned to a dead Wasteland a grim sign of what's to come and to be honest it probably wouldn't have made much difference in the end because the windows were blown in during the blast and there's one right next to their inner Refuge so their Fallout room is already compromised not to mention their water supply is knocked over so they have nothing to drink now I don't know if this was intentional it could just be the time period it was released but the static and pixels that keep popping up make it seem like small dots of radiation all around them like they can't escape it the film then begins to introduce subtle hints that the pair are suffering from radiation poisoning it begins with headaches and feeling a little bit nauseous I was sick three times in the night my headaches even worse wish the husband chocks up to shock and nerves no still it's just news everything is falling apart but the pair are still trying to March forward continue on with their happy life they lie sunbathing surrounded by a wasteland everything around them just screams death the whistling wind hammering home just how empty and lifeless the countryside around them has become [Music] no more singing birds just black trees and dying leaves still it'll be lovely in the spring it is spring deer things just go from worse to worserer even if there was a minuscule chance of survival it snuffed out when it begins to rain the husband sees it as salvation as now they have something to drink rain yes we can save it when in reality it's the complete opposite the same wind which has always been there in the background has boned the radiation directly to them they are the Unlucky ones and this sequence as great as it is is actually quite different in the graphic novel where instead of the landscape being just miserable it's actually a sunny day and so that naivety is a bit more believable I mean the page is quite bright and warm apart from that deadly purple Cloud just a small smudge of Darkness on the horizon but I can understand why it was changed from Sunny to cloudy because after the nuke strike every scene is dark and colorless so there's a case to be made Aid that the way it's shown in the graphic novel clashes with the feeling that everything is dead and destroyed but to be honest I quite like them both and I'm glad the film took a different approach now they've drunk the rainwater it's not long until the inevitable happens their character designs begin to shift and just a few simple changes turned what was once such a friendly design into something so hard to look at before how do I put this they're quite dumpy [Music] and then as the radiation poisoning gets worse subtle red patches appear around their eyes and they're once plump cheeks become gaunt and a detail I really like is how the screen begins to pulse and vibrate kinda like your vision coming in and out of focus very quickly it's disorientating the pair are beginning to hallucinate as their eyes and other organs begin to fail and even when the sores begin to appear the husband still has an answer for everything various veins that's what that is it's just nothing to worry about still fully confident that the guidebook will see them through and the government will come save them the Emergency Services sprung into action the first alarm signal and I know I've talked a lot about their naivety throughout this video but there is something beautifully morbid and kind of respectable about their positivity once they've drunk the rain water and stood in the toxic fog their death has already pretty much been set in stone and it's not exactly a nice way to go so the fact they stay so hopeful despite their bodies literally decaying and their home being destroyed is kind of sweet you know what's happened has happened if they're gonna die anyway I guess it's better to go out with a smile and at least they have each other they're still cracking jokes and acting just as they did before the strike Mr dazed trade oh not him he'd rather die they never changed their personality throughout this entire story even when staring in the face of death yes they could have spent more time researching and preparing and the right decisions may have led to their survival but they're not those kind of people they're trusting and patriotic right until the end whether they know they're dying or not the fact they never give up hope is while you're rooting so much for these characters and why it's so much more tragic to see what happens to them and it's believed the couple are based off the author's parents so I don't think he'd write a whole graphic novel just about how naive they are even though that's a part of the story I don't think it's the point it's not supposed to be a criticism of this elderly couple who make a few mistakes it's a criticism of those in power for failing to provide sufficient advice but more so for even getting to the point of nuclear war in the first place almost as if to say these nuclear weapons won't just hurt these government leaders and officials who go back and forth but also Everyday People most of which are so disconnected from the tensions and conflict that they don't even know what they're dying for they're the enemy oh yeah I keep forgetting now this is probably a good time to mention that there's actually a theory which points towards the husband being aware of what's happening to them but acting like everything's fine because he doesn't want to scare Ducks letting her go out peacefully after all he is quite knowledgeable on nuclear warfare and War in general he talks about megatons and the different scales of nuclear weapons Megadeth and the number of casualties so many millions of people dead per bang any ketchup dear he knows of Hiroshima and Fallout and has a vague recollection of people dying at days after the explosion but he can't remember what of and whilst this Theory definitely has legs there's a lot of stuff which I think goes against it for one it's his idea to drink the rainwater his idea to use the living room as a Fallout room on the edge of the house rather than the seller and I don't think he would have been so relaxed had he known the gravity of their situation but it's interest thing to think about if this is true I think the moment he makes his decision would be right here let's have a walk around the garden dear I've just read it's only 48 hours in the inner Coral Refuge not 14 days you see they've already left the Fallout room and exposed themselves to the radiation so there's a chance that he has read further into the booklet or remembered what happened to the poor souls of Hiroshima and knows what's coming next and just doesn't want to spend the little time they have left cramped into a tight Refuge but if I'm really being honest of myself I think it's more Theory than fact but still let me know whether you think he knows or Not by this point in the graphic novel almost all color has drained from the page it's as though the ink on the page has decayed and melted away exposing the whites behind the panels and this drawing of James I think perfectly sums up his character with a single image singing a jolly song about smiling arms outstretched with a big grin on his face but pale with blood dripping from his mouth so clearly near the end but still looking on the bright side now remember those paper bags from earlier well the wife suggests they get back inside them shall we get into those paper bags again in case another bomb goes off while they're asleep because remember they still believe the bags are for Extra Protection from the blast even though they're so thin you can rip them with your fingers really what he'd struggle to remember earlier on is how you are recommended to use whatever you could to cover the deceased and a very common household item which would do the job is potato sacks if anyone dies while you are kept in your Fallout room move the body to another room in the house label the body with name and address and cover it as tightly as possible in polythene paper sheets or blankets like a makeshift body bag same goes for the medical and ID cards on the list the reason you want to keep these nearby is because if you're injured it's useful to know your medical status and if you're dead they want to be able to ID you medical cards and birth certificates and kids the pair then climbed into these sacks showing how they're already dead essentially walking talking corpses still laughing away no no it feels like to be a potato still completely unaware of the context of what they're doing still following the government's instructions up until the end without even realizing it how is to be will get to us in there notice how earlier on the bags were animated in the same smooth cartoon style as the characters back when things were less serious but here the bags are 3D dirty and realistic covered in Shadow like the devastated house behind them and they're completely covered so there's no more 2D animation the fairy tale is over and realism has set in the talk of being buried and the wife asking if they should pray a clear signs that subconsciously they've accepted their fate the room is so dark now that you can barely make out the wooden doors of The Refuge but it's not a completely dark ending the pair then Ascend Into the Blue Sky they likely passed away the very same night and whilst they also pass away in the graphic novel the ending is much darker because there is no Rising into the heavens for the sweet couple No Return of the Sun and blue skies instead we end on page full of dark gray panels the couple not even visible in the shadows and the last lines are haunting the husband recites a calming prayer you got dearly beloved comfort me I shall fear no evil before ending with lay me down in Green Pastures you know nice final thoughts to have but after a pause he continues with a poem instead into the valley of the shadow of death and suddenly his words aren't so comforting anymore Ducks crying out for him to stop but he continues and that's the last panel now these last two lines are from a poem called The Charge of the Light Brigade and despite being written in the 1840s it has many similarities to when the wind blows the poem pays tribute to a group of British soldiers who obeyed their Commander's instructions to attack Russian troops but unfortunately their orders were misinterpreted and the men were sent in the wrong direction resulting in a massive it's a poem about following those in charge no matter what even if it leads to your own death and even though it focuses on the vague instructions and failings of those in charge the takeaway is The Bravery of those following the orders instead and it's likely a coincidence but I do find it quite interesting that it happens to be about a British and Russian conflict but whilst that battle and that war ultimately had a winner here no side is Victorious but even so in both cases there is a devastating loss of life which could have been avoided with the way that when the wind blows is presented it's easy to get lost in all the decisions and guidebooks and think the chances of survival come down to the couple but really they were dead the moment the first faceless man pressed a button somewhere far off in the distance and we assume it's the Russians who have killed the couple but who knows it's mutually assured destruction we can't know for sure or which country fired first in the terrifying standoff that is nuclear war thank you so much for watching if you made it to this part in the video you have no idea how much that means to little old me um we recently hit 20 000 subscribers that is honestly insane let me know in the comments what I should cover next and as always thank you I love you goodbye
Channel: Water Wave
Views: 2,713,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Water, Wave, Dark, Side
Id: 7lEhcCvuLys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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