Exploring an Abandoned Island with 2 Homes left behind (15 years after people fled)

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] So today we're going to be exploring two abandoned houses as the drones coming back in we are going to two abandoned houses one of which is on an island both on the same property you want me to catch us drone thank you I got it okay I got it you're taking off with me on it I'm about to let go okay there you go this house was built in 1941 by a very wealthy man and he built a property there he built one house he built a tennis court and then he built a bridge that goes to an island here on the lake that he had his house on we're gonna be exploring everything I'm gonna be explaining a little bit more history once we're there and we're going to be learning the history when we're there as well so hopefully you guys do enjoy this is a super unique place and I'm very thankful to be going inside here today so let's go I'm gonna enjoy today hopefully you do too there's two things you need before every explore boots and bug spray specifically ticks and now we're ready to go so currently we're in the middle of nowhere there's not really an easy way to get to this house so Chris is gonna drop me off and he's gonna drive a couple miles and he's gonna actually scooter his way over here because we can't really be seen in a neighborhood like this it's there's no walking area so this is like what behind the scenes of urbex is sometimes all right it's coming up any second now nobody's behind us all right here's my stop I'll see in a little bit all right all right so we made it on the property gonna be waiting for Chris for quite a while so before we head inside I'm gonna go towards the water I just want to show you guys the island this guy had and we're going to be exploring that one last of course but let's go check it out this is the main house here it's just a two-story brick building then we have tennis courts right there and we have another couple of houses over here I didn't even know about I did a work shed and we even have like a greenhouse yeah totally a greenhouse you still even have plants in there in the pots and everything is this guy had an enormous property I'm sorry if the wind is too much at any at any time this is really windy today imagine owning a little side house like this you have a little Trail you can walk by really nice especially on a lake look at that you even have a little Cove here and they put a bench and everything so this man really had is on public park in his own backyard that he kind of created himself for him and his family here's the bridge we're coming up to it looks like a tree fell onto it but it's still holding up pretty well wow so windy but right across that bridge over there is another house here a part of this property also left abandoned something super unique that I've never explored here and I'm excited to check it out but before we head to the island we're gonna check out the main house see what we could find meet up with Chris and get the heck out of this wind check out this old Sundial next to the tennis court just it put into this rock how unique is this I haven't seen one of these in a really long time I wish it wasn't overcast right now we could actually see this thing in use I got the back door wide open you have trees growing into the house at this point [Applause] foreign immediately got a little Pez dispenser left behind the first thing I notice on the floor as I'm getting my light out to start recording is I see a flag with my name on it even though it's spelled with an A and not an e the guy's name is Devin maybe it's his Devin though unique that the guy here shares the same name as me though so immediately we're sent into a children's room I guess a boy by the looks of it got race cars and trucks on the bed look at this little tiny [Applause] little jacket for a kid it's like 90s varsity jacket Style and we have a Chips Ahoy pillowcase these are in pretty good condition but once I turn around see that the roof is caving you could see how much Grime and bits of the ceiling are actually on the floor so there's a bit of water damage in here but we're going to be giving the best little tour we can a bunch of pictures Left Behind as well wow this could be the property this is 19.95 on it now this isn't the property this is like a family vacation but we know they're here in 95 I'm not sure you know when they abandon this place but we're going to be using Clues left inside the house to figure out when and why they left you know all these photos are from like a family vacation they took check out the interior of that little cabin there so retro got another picture little uh Lakeside Cabin just gotta send it cool I know immediately we're in a little kid's room how is this place it's pretty good I mean I've only been in this room so far but I know what the kid's name is okay look David all right time to explore the rest of the house the weird setup in here this looks like it could have been an office I haven't seen someone do that in a long time look how depressing this Nemo is here it's a Finding Nemo balloon completely deflated oh it's Nemo and his father yeah so this like weird wood paneled office was I guess a bedroom a guest room at one point too a bunch of furniture in here clothes pictures of family and kids already I'm seeing things left behind from the owners like tickets to concerts just laying on the desk here I'm not going to show the tickets because they're kind of local venues but just crazy to see things like this just laying on this uh this dresser here but this room isn't that interesting so let's keep it moving foreign still got the towels hanging up stuff left behind in here too whenever you find things left in the kitchen mirror you always know they think that people left in a hurry then bring the stuff that they could use oh my God this kitchen is insane there's a tripod in here still that's weird look at this kitchen table wow doesn't that look like you're in your own little restaurant that's so cozy I love that there's crackers still on the table should I try them still packaged even has one of these little mini TVs these little mini satellite TVs these are so cool many personal television with AM FM radio let me know if you've had one of these back in the day can't believe this is still chilling here on the on the table this place must have been abandoned pretty long ago just like that we actually have a calendar here 2008. 2008. so with what we found so far we could assume that this place was definitely abandoned in 2008 so only really sitting around for 15 years the decay in here is pretty serious um not sure why the people left it was probably a family death I would say but everything's Left Behind like I'm looking into this storage room and everything's here it's overwhelming sitting in a room with so much here you just don't know where to start and there's a whole story here as well that we haven't even unfolded [Music] foreign [Music] Pepsi logo doesn't look like this for a while still got some memories left on the fridge drawings from children and photographs of kids as well people love me opening the fridge in these videos but I'm gonna save that for last because I have a feeling there's probably food in there so Chris just called me over because his camera just died we don't believe it believe in the Paranormal anything like that but he told me that he was recording and this door swung open and as soon as he turned around he noticed and then he went to go look back at the footage and his camera turned off and now it won't turn back on I just wanted to make a comment about that and how weird the hallways here in this house are you see how deep this hallway is and how deep that hallway is look how spooky this house is like what walking around here at night it'll be crazy oh you got the footage so I just took my battery out and put it back in and it came back on luckily because I'll be really mad if I couldn't film this place but check this out there goes oh I see it's slamming that's wild if I can't see it on here I'll have to plug in your clip yeah I was recording and I saw the door open I'd be scared too I'm not gonna lie I wasn't scared it's just weird that my camera was turned off it won't come back on yeah that's definitely strange you hear that noise there's a lot of noises in the house you know most places we go people leave it because they die in the home and such but I'm not too sure this person here left but how is this going right now in this dark hallway which I was talking about before we have the vines just reaching their way into the home so people definitely came in here and trashed the place oh look you still got all the mugs left behind and pretty organized fashion this is a huge microwave oven oh my God the microwave oven is about the same size of that huge oven right there that's wild very disorganized kitchen we even got some peanut butter left behind some orange marmalade peanut butter more peanut butter this is labeled June 2000. still packaged probably wouldn't be that bad yeah so we got the whole kitchen here pretty large kitchen behind us here basement and this looks like just a storage room little uh pantry if you will just use the storage closet though just glasses in here plates collectibles oh here we go here's the pantry we got syrup we got beans oh yeah here's all the good stuff oh my God there's a can of Seltzer here not open never open Seltzer you could see it it's empty what happened to it it's like only filled up to here where does it go there's no holes I found a bunch of bubbles never opened oh there goes my camera [Applause] got the bubble liquid in my eye These suck these must be expired I tried so I just met up with Chris again he gave the perfect comparison he called this place a doctor's office because that's kind of how it's it's weird it's just a bunch of hallways long hallways oh yeah the exterior wall I mean the place was probably built yeah places probably built for AC so open all the windows and get good ventilation in here but this place is just like a doctor's office is just long hallways and just rooms on both sides like this nothing comforting about this home look at this this is totally what you've seen in a doctor's office oh yeah 100 that's art you'd see the doctor's office common art but other than that we got some old uh computers here yeah and Obama so this was the office I guess we got all the electronics here you see those old boxes of phones oh yeah Verizon look at these anybody have the LG VX4 4500 I love that they're like showcasing Tetris oh yeah you're right state of the art man fun and games download cool games on your phone and personalize your ringtones I can't imagine over here on the storage shelf we have some more 90s Electronics we got a Panasonic printer it's mainly like a office setup we have some manuals here telephones answering machines it's just different things I'm thinking the people that lived here maybe they used these as their business they made like Signs and different sort of things for people before it was so accessible for everyone just to make whatever they wanted on the internet these people were specialty makers of signs that's what my guess is back in the kitchen just for a second oh what is this oh it's a washer dryer this is so old this is the oldest washer dryer I've ever seen KitchenAid oh wow it's still things are still in here that's how you know people left in an emergency I mean there's dirty dishes or clean well there's already now but they're still here is what I'm getting at insane beautiful kitchen appliance though love that little wood paneling they have this is super cool I just noticed by moving away the Decay a bit you could actually see it says basketball four to six Claudine there's still appointments left on this calendar no games that Saturday but yeah games the next Saturday just the entire schedule for I guess the guy's kids team still here so they actually had two microwaves in here I didn't even notice this one Samsung microwave with that big boy it looks like we're heading into oh this is like the living room and dining room maybe wow oh what oh my goodness this is beautiful this is like a a castle what the heck I have no idea this is here this is ridiculous oh my God you could see where the original fireplace was they kind of took it out Once Upon a Time kind of ugly but what a beautiful room and look you have all the you got the TV and the audio reels hidden behind here this was stay at the heart of the time I can't close it because this is in the way but you can completely make it disappear and on the other side of that we have glasses and drinks so this would be such an amazing social room it's all chill out here next to the fire there's even a little upstairs people can hang out in this is an amazing chill room it's so different from the rest of the house and this little trap door has to be the craziest part of this little room because obviously there would be like a hatch here but it's completely missing but there was a hidden staircase that they just put Stone on top of that's ridiculous I mean if you have a hidden staircase in your home you're cool I mean I'll just say it what a beautifully impressive room though oh I just noticed look at this all the Heights of the kids still here on the wall That's so special that's so special that's amazing finding little remnants like this inside old homes is so special to me because his memory is all right here there's a whole family worth of memories here and nobody tell it yeah so you'd be able to close this and get a really good amount of privacy here before room this would be my favorite room here double couches in this very strange centerpiece of the owl guarding this room old little Fitness bike looks like it's from the 70s or 80s nice Orange look how beautiful the front door is too it's like a castle what an entry to a house and right outside this main room here we have another room look how big this vintage Hot Point refrigerator slash freezer is look at enormous this is I mean these people had money because of appliances like this at the time were certainly pricey and it's just sitting here it's got to be in good condition too it's just a few thousand pounds I'm sure speed freezer yeah so this is these up here were the freezers and the rest is just Refrigeration also have an old TV sitting down here as well really cool stuff the RCA Victor New Vista color it's a color TV probably one of the first of its kind so far this house is absolutely amazing there's still a whole other house to see as well so we're gonna keep moving I think there's only a couple more rooms here in the basement and the second floor actually so we still have a bunch to see it's just crazy to see how much is Left Behind in this house [Applause] so yeah we're jumping into the living room now not much going on here we do have a huge hole in the ceiling right up there but pretty spacious living room with some shag carpet yellow how many houses have a courtyard like this so this was their Courtyard slash Garden here yes around the other side of their kitchen table they had this Garden here see some of the pot still left behind a little bird fountain now we also have a Buddha I don't want to glance over the living room we both have the two doors leading to the courtyard another beautiful fireplace big open room over there is the little castle room and the dining room between the room I'm about to step inside is decaying not only beautifully but amazingly check this out check out this Library here this is ridiculous places falling apart with the most water damage I see here but just take a look at the decay and the natural beauty of this room the Shelf over there is completely falling apart due to gravity and water [Music] so many books still here in this in this office here on nature just coming in right there [Music] got the 1998 Sears fall winter catalog sitting here in this office let's see what they were selling at Sears in 1998 cats all 90s fashion here foreign taking us right back here oh demonetized now we're on to the electronic section here apple or IBM commodore 64. oh here we go camera section wow wow that's actually pretty good yeah I wish they were still around that price point and shoots it's a surf shot it's cool oh it's funny because everything on this page everything on this page everything on this page they all they all fit into this now look at that everything on here and this is why Sears is abandoned wow the TV is bigger and better for 99 those are still old looking could you imagine something bigger and better at a 25 inch you hit 25 inches of nothing a little bit down with a shirt on her yeah it's so interesting [Applause] oh my God oh here we go how much are these 35 monthly oh my God 1400 in 1999 for one of these this is all the games these are all vhs's that's Nintendo Nintendo that's neat and that's it so cool going down memory lane yeah wow this room is thrown around some pictures over there on that on that shelf but we have two couches just stacked on top of one another this might have been all the furniture for the living room just thrown in here for some reason let's take a look at these photographs wow look at that it's a whole shelf of memory still here so sad seeing this crusty Shelf just filled with all these pictures of Children and Family all loved ones it's the only thing happy in this house look how bad the water is over here there's like no ceiling at all I'm thinking fire could have been the reason this place was abandoned wow look at this closet entirely filled with clothes the floors and the ceiling is just so bad in here I don't want to step inside there's just rusty metal pointing down everywhere yeah but this room is pretty unique I'm going to say this might have been the master bedroom here giant bed got a little curved window there and we got our own little fireplace here as well definitely the largest bedroom in this house definitely the Masters check out that artwork here on the tile all the ties still here clothes everywhere on the floor and I guess this was the master bathroom here wow enormous bathroom look at that you have moss growing in here because of that open ceiling we sold the towel just resting on the door I mean this place is creepy it's creepily abandoned it's been sitting on touch for decades even got the toilet with the reading material behind it completely covered in dust can't even make out what it says from the bathroom you can get a good look at the tennis court slash basketball court and more rooms over here somehow this is filled with just a bunch of beach stuff beach chairs towels umbrellas [Applause] and that's another bathroom here nice little green and red one so when the when the people of this home built the house you have the dad's footprint here and we have the baby's footprint still in the concrete that's insane I would have just missed over that so not really a not really a traditional upstairs just an attic historic right there's a lot of storage up here oh yeah yeah nice view up here it's actually higher than it looks it's pretty cool yeah it is and look check out these railings I saw this from down there they are um they made out of shotguns yeah check out the railings for this upstairs area they're real deal shotguns welded together all right now it is time to go into this trap door see what's down there just a single beach ball in the corner it's a boiler room it's creepy down here though yeah a little tunnel weird thing to have a trap door for it's like a Fallout filter oh yeah it is kind of reminiscent of a fallout shelter does it keep going yeah they had a little workshop washer dryer ping pong is there a ball the problem yeah I don't know a bit of the handle just got on my hand yeah oh there's a motor but I think a boat yeah oh yeah wow there's a garage here I didn't even know that yeah this place keeps on going and going oh we got more storage down here some food a freezer oh that's filled with a lot of rust water wow this is a real deal Workshop so much paint primer power tools wow you've got a whole boat in here usually we find carbs yeah usually it is a car but here's a boat the whole room just smells like battery acid some sort of chemical leaking out of this boat nice boat does it got a name no name so I thought I did the entire house and I'm walking around taking pictures there's a whole hallway filled with rooms I didn't even check out check this out this place is such a mate got the long Corridor there got the kitchen in there and then this is the section I missed did not see this at all three four more rooms this is just storage what's over here yes this bedroom is cool and all yeah check this guy up oh look at that it's a little dove that's beautiful it's got a little Nest here it won't disturb buddy but look at this room another kid's room here is definitely a really small child got the Bob the Builder bed sheet I got this little homeschool desk here too hey buddy protecting your eggs yeah I know there you go guys it turned into an urbex video but instead you get the gift of life so when one one family leaves the next family comes in so these abandoned places work then you got this bedroom here look at this this is in great condition you got some glass on the floor here broken window but beautiful beautiful room look at this this old uh suitcase Left Behind wow [Music] okay I'm gonna open this up it needs a needs two locks two keys beautiful little room just kind of reminds me of a little beach house nice little bathroom nothing too crazy can't believe I almost missed this spot though it's crazy to explore the whole house and see how much destruction is inside how much water damage after 15 years can destroy a home but in this room you could see how preserved the location could be for 15 years be for 15 years excuse me all we have is some dirt and dust and grime in this corner here nothing you could really see on camera but we have a beautiful time capsule here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all these plants here next to the bed we're all dying we're dead nothing left now another little bit of Decay you could see a little peeling of the uh the paint very creepy and Eerie room though for some reason the one with the least amount of Decay gives me the weirdest Vibes for some reason all right we explored this side finally now we're gonna head to the island and explore the rest of the property I feel like I've been here forever I think we've been inside documenting taking pictures and videos now for about two and a half to three hours just taking in the ambience of this Home Learning a little bit about the family and just enjoying it enjoying the home it's a beautiful place I definitely think the part that looks like a castle that part was definitely built hundreds of years ago and this part of the house we're in now was added in the 40s so pretty cool house but uh yeah we're gonna check out the rest of the property all right so we made it outside I'm gonna check out I'm gonna check out the shed here see if there's any anything interesting okay this kind of looks like a horse stable kind of looks like there'd be animals living in here I don't know this kind of has a horse stable feel to it a little small for horses though yeah I don't know this is just storage foreign the one thing I love about these old houses is they always have these stone walls that are so common in this old part of the country you got to think that hundreds of years ago people laid down these rocks here just like the rocks we see over here for the property line I just love the look of stone walls or stone fencing all right here we are coming up to the bridge here it is you ready wow yeah let's do it okay hopefully we don't fall in bridge that hasn't been do you feel that Chris the whole thing is swaying left to right whoa careful there last step dude look it had its own like concrete Boardwalk this is so cool Let's Walk This Way first this is a natural water pump it's all working anymore this is so so cool this is so cool exploring an abandoned Island like this wow right there yeah do you see how thick it is it's a fake camera you got him right there let's see oh it has a red light it flashes too which is probably still be out of here soon we were pretty soon yeah let's walk around this little cabin here how beautiful is this little feel like we're in the middle of the woods now I feel like we're on a little cabin getaway here super spacious and very cozy nothing left though besides the stuff they can't move even a pencil sharpener here at that kind of dates the house [Applause] and this is like just the one bedroom here just a really Rinky Dink mattress with some life uh some life vest on top there's a bathroom area I think this is the porch yeah oh yeah it would make a really good Airbnb this would be a great Airbnb such an amazing home so peaceful abandon Island House pretty sure I could speak for everyone when that I could say maybe everyone wouldn't mind living on an abandoned Island how cool would that be they built their own stairs right into the water and look right here is like a little like hot tub refreshing refreshing area you got a little Bridge here how peaceful is this location look at this spot that's so cool I wish I could have a home like this you just walk right in any time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that was here on the property demolished so at one point there was three buildings on the property here three old buildings on this very vintage and old property beautiful beautiful place I sincerely mean that one of the most beautiful properties I've had the pleasure of stepping foot onto that's going to do it for today's exploration what an amazing location amazing property historic property with so much age what a beautiful house abandoned sometime around 2008 definitely a lot of medication around certain rooms set up easily for maybe a loved one that was in a pretty bad medical position so I think elderly parents passed away kids maybe moved away never claimed the house the property's still here but everything's Left Behind no vandalism and the place had its own Island I mean I could speak on and on about how beautiful the property was but you guys saw it hopefully you did enjoy and if you did leave a thumbs up it lets me know right away you know the Spiel and that's going gonna be it not gonna hold you guys for too much longer I'm just super thankful and gracious I was able to explore that beautiful place so until next time guys peace out and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 328,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: l4_GKgRe-NA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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