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[Music] it's just unbelievable the amount of sure work put into this must have been a lot like this has been a goal of mine to explore for a long time and one of the reasons why is because there's this one crazy room that's like a secret library yo jeremy you gotta come here i open the drape and there's a door behind it [Music] so [Music] we're currently making our way to this abandoned mansion at the moment this abandoned mansion dates way back to the 15th century and was once a medieval fortress the mansion has overgone several redesigns which are very distinct as you explore inside its architecture is mostly built in renaissance style with three floors and several bedrooms and rooms are absolutely incredible with stuff still left behind from its previous owners [Music] now it lies in secret deep in the countryside of france where only explorers uncover the truth as they walked the halls and unraveled the mysterious home that is now called the chateau secrets what's up ronin fam check this out if you're new on the channel my name is steve roden i'm going epic adventures if you haven't yet subscribe and hit that notification button bell now this abandoned mansion has been here since the 15th century it's very very old not much is known about the previous owners except for the last two owners or the last family that used to live here the last family that used to live here was a very wealthy businessman and he owned a wine company he lived here for many years until he got very old and passed away and then around the 1990s or the late 1990s his son inherited his property and his wine company as well but the son he wasn't that great of a guy he ended up owing a lot of taxes and he eventually took as much cash that he had and ran away from france after she ran away you know no one could find him and eventually this place was up for grabs and a very wealthy indonesian couple ended up purchasing this place in around i would say 2003 or 2005. but here's the thing they didn't buy it to just live in it they love collecting castles they just went back to indonesia it's been said that they own at least five abandoned chateaus or castles they just love collecting them and i can see why they would buy this place because this is probably one of the best castles left abandoned in the world right now i'm really excited let's try to see what else we can find but i'm going to give you guys a tour take some photos that you have to check out on all my social media at steve ronan social links down below but before the tour begins i want you all to smash the like button and let's get on with the adventure yeah it's absolutely amazing and this is the grand entrance can't open the door but this is how it looked like stepping inside immediately you have this amazing looking rug not sure what this little dent here could be but we're thinking that a fountain used to be here so imagine that and you look up on the ceiling there's i don't even know what to call that thing if you happen to know leave a comment down below but i've seen this before in other places let's look at the cabinet like i said everything is still left in here and this is the main stairway it's huge guys it's like really big in person i don't think the camera does justice to show off its size but sad to see that there's a little bit of graffiti here i mean this place has been pretty well known over the years i think i knew about this place like three years ago if you haven't been following we're here on this france road trip this is my second trip i guess you can call it france 2.0 playlist is right up here popping up go and watch the videos we've been exploring a lot of crazy places just like this but watch it after this video is done this has been a goal of mine to explore for a long time and one of the reasons why is because there's this one crazy room that's like a secret library and that's why they give this name chateau secret i think that's the main objective right now is to go find that library while i give you guys a tour so there's a little book here it looks like it's like adding up some money maybe it was part of their business and they're just tackling how much money they made i'm looking at the total amount since like 2 000 per day not bad looks like at one point there must have been like a deer head mounted on here that's it for the main hallway i really don't know where to go i think we should go to the left side yeah we got big banks just chilling what you doing here bro take a nap yeah bro yeah you're here already before you film your video yeah i came here like two months ago yeah and it's still just as good it's not a bad place to chill i mean look at this how's the couch bro how is that couch it's actually not bad yeah this is nice this actually looks pretty clean i'm not gonna lie apparently there used to be like a grand piano here as well but i guess that's been stolen yeah it's either been stolen or like i don't know maybe somebody came to preserve it right here it was like sitting right here in the corner [Music] jeez we've only explored one room so far and already i feel exhausted from the light it's probably because i also got perhaps four hours of sleep last night we've been on the grind every single day non-stop filming and it usually takes us like six to eight hours to get done filming a place so we put in a lot of work and this is probably gonna take another eight hours to finish so this was definitely the formal living room over here it's kind of like the regular family living room it's not really much as you can see it's not as luxurious huge cupboard is still here it's definitely worth a lot of money look at the carving i bet the wood is quite rare as well [Music] and it's not that empty there's still some cups that you can see laying around up there let's just talk about the walls in this room because it's just unbelievable i mean the amount of sheer work put into this must have been a lot like usually you know the stuff i see sometimes with this design it's just made of wallpaper but this is actual carving you see that real carving so much detail and woodwork put into this in this one room gosh look at that we got a deer head right here [Music] right next to it is this this incredible marble fireplace look at the mirror it's gigantic you can see up close and personal that's just like this bronze thing right here this bronze template i love the design this is probably one of the only pianos in this mansion is a br i don't know what the last one is that you brew paris i guess that's the brand the curtain is right here and it can be a little tiny room for added privacy it just goes straight down there into another i think it's a bedroom and we can get around for there to get inside instead of having to like hop on top of that table yeah although windows were boarded shut by these giant metal things we open them up because we need the lighting for the tour i think right over here is an organ i don't really know how to open it i can see the keys right here there's a lot of dust it's pretty creepy probably use this for a photo get the typical cradle shot this looks like just a plain old living room cupboard has a bunch of things [Music] yeah here's the room oh there's another cupboard and look how nicely set it is as if it never moved an inch now let's go to this room right here nothing so crazy it's like a private living room area [Music] we got like a little mini bookshelf right here check out the other rooms i think there's a door here almost missed it wow this room is very secluded i like it a lot nice that it has its own little fireplace here there's a little closet has some paperwork in there looks like they could have been just magazines and random books now on the opposite side over here has the same looking door what now this is an actual closet oh that cuts across i think that's the main hallway [Music] this is incredible what the even the table set up and the cupboard over there on the wall it must be the husband the wife that used to live here i feel like it could have been hung up right there but i think it's too small actually now i think of it but definitely a painting list right here and over here too i guess they must have been stolen definitely set up by nurbaxer look at the chairs on the table such a sick design definitely makes you feel like you're in a castle and this couch my gosh looks so comfy what i really love in here is this the inbuilt cupboard on the wall look how nicely set up it still is you can tell it's like a set because all the cups and plates they match together i also love those tiny details on it especially right up there it's all carved in this is amazing yeah there's some more cups and plates in here let's see the chandelier still standing it must have been amazing to just have dinner right here you know this also leads to another room over there there's another door right here another door right over there these doors just lead everywhere it's like a little tiny hallway that goes to another stairway you know there's probably mostly for like the servants and maids to have easy access to the other rooms but i say we just go straight through there what's here oh it's just a closet i'm always fascinated by mansions because you'll find like hidden doors like that one and they sometimes lead to really cool places and i can just imagine they probably would keep like secret hidden stuff in them yeah change of scenery looks like we're now entering a little kitchen area of course you're gonna have the kitchen right next to the dining room right dang and look at all the pots and pans are just still on the wall gosh they must have been cooking something good in here back in the day looks like we got some urbex tags on the mirror and i think my fair side of this room is definitely the one with the green cabinets sometimes i wonder like how did they reach the ones that are just like 10 feet tall might have been a pain in the butt to always have to like grab a ladder or someone tall to help you out anyway that kitchen definitely has like this home feeling vibe to it it's nothing so fancy but i bet the food here must have been great and check out the oven on this thing it says deville 1846. the symbol looks so sick like whoever designed this logo was really good yeah so old school i guess there would be like a railing and there would be like maybe charcoal underneath to kind of heat up the food i guess there's like a beast nest at one point close up with the wallpaper i guess this is what really gives it that home feeling like i'd be in a happy mood cooking in this kitchen and pretty much wrapped around this it's back to the main hall some random room over here doesn't look too crazy because it's mostly used for storage yeah look at that [Music] this is a pretty cool fine it's a real shell as well whoa but yeah that's there's not much the coolest thing was that clam shell you know we just checked out the kitchen over there came back here to this checkered little room and now we're in this pretty cool little lounge room i love the green color in this one i feel like this type of green color really matches a lot of things you know [Music] a little typewriter no i just always like to check what's inside these things you could find something interesting to see there's a pretty plain bookshelf i think we've pretty much seen the first floor i've been down here before and trust me this just leaves another stairway upstairs but we're gonna take the main stairway for that let's get back to the main hall [Music] we just made it right inside to the chapel wow this is just incredible guys the ceiling the wall the stained glass like these are the rooms i love to see inside an abandoned building i think this might be the third chapel i've seen in an abandoned mansion everything matches here even the red seats and yeah this has been my favorite room so far for taking photos are these pictures i think these are pictures that's pretty neat right here in the corner got this tablet here um if you guys can please translate let me know down in the comments what it says you just pause the screen so this is how it looked like from this angle you can see the message right there on the wall um yes in french if you happen to be able to translate it or speak french leave the comment down below yeah this is so beautiful i think it's just unbelievable that this family had their own chapel they didn't have to take their car and go to church and just walk right in here to prayer this was the confession booth you know the priest would sit right here someone would sit here and confess their sins i didn't see this let's walk past it but it's a newspaper let's find the date it dates back to 20th of september 1962. right there this paper is old all right everyone so i think it's time we check up the second floor we pretty much are done and covered with this floor um i hope you guys have been enjoying the video so far if you have do me a big favor ronan fam and you know share this to a friend share this to anyone you know that might find this interesting and also i've been taking so many photos definitely going to my facebook or instagram at steve ronin let's head upstairs guys look at this that's a huge frame for an art piece or a photo like that's crazy it's even hanged on chains literally chained up to the wall this thing was way a ton looks like there could be something underneath this little drape i thought it'd be like a secret vault who knows there could be something behind that wall but as of right now it didn't seem like it oh here's a grand piano bro you were here before you didn't check behind that there's a door dude it's like insane i tried climbing up it but i'm not late i can't really yeah wait wait yo jeremy you gotta come here i opened the drape and there's a door behind it oh [ __ ] yeah bro no cap no cap sorry guys sorry i just had to like come on dude i thought we were about to find like treasure gold yeah but actually what if the what if it is something like why is it cut like that you know i just don't know i mean that is weird there's probably a window there at one point maybe or maybe it's higher up i imagine there was a window and maybe like stained glass or something at one point oh and they were like you know what let's get a 15 foot painting right here yeah yeah i bet they put a painting of like their dog or something something really lame actually it was it was a uh it was a girl and i think she was cooking or something cooking yeah okay random wasn't a dog though still equally as lame in my opinion it's time to check out the rooms now this floor has a lot of bedrooms and they have and they're filled to the brim with things and like i said in the beginning the goal is to find the secret library it could be on this side i think we're going to try this side first let's hope it is because i really want to see it [Music] well we got bedrooms on both sides whoa dang look at this check out that wallpaper definitely has more feminine touch to it so this must have been a female's bedroom now this room is hands down probably my favorite room or bedroom so far that's a lot of mold wallpaper is probably one of my favorites too in this abandoned mansion take a look at the fireplace but yeah the black mold is really bad up here i guess these boxes are really cool i guess you can call it a chess there's nothing inside doesn't really hurt shoe wooden inserts on the counter you have this really old sketch it could have been one of the previous owners of the place but man this this guy looks powerful i look at that gaze like i feel like you can just like kick anyone's butt looks like right over here we have a portrait you know one thing i realize is that a lot of bedrooms you'll always have a portrait at the top of the bed i'm not sure why it'd be like that anyway it's just a random thing that i've been noticing yeah the bed frame is beautiful looks like a super comfy bed but i think the best is he has to come because this is not even the master bedroom so we gotta find that too let's see if there's anything in here let's go across there's another bedroom this one is uh very yellow the wallpaper is also another favorite of mine can't go wrong with this design it's pretty lovely i love how everything matches the couch the bed it's a small bedroom it's not as good as the right one in my opinion well you still have a lot of things here get all them books [Music] i guess every bedroom has an attached bathroom because there's one over here too that's pretty nice little closet as well i think it wraps around to another bedroom you can cut across yeah both these rooms are quite small so far on the side of the mansion here it seems like the red bedroom is winning but there's one more bedroom let's see let's see if we can beat the red one and like this is a room [Music] that's in the tower it's very circular i kind of prefer a square bedroom to be honest the circle design is kind of awkward to me especially when you have like a desk like this and you have like that extra bit of room left on the wall yeah i'd be super annoyed by that i feel like this could have been like a kid's bedroom looks like i found a letter faucet was this is the tiniest bathroom ever how does this even work i think the toilet seat you were able to like move it right now what's this that's just the bathroom so we've seen all the bedrooms on this side of the building no sign of the secret library so let's check out the other side now all right now this is definitely the darkest part or the darkest room in the mansion here is the fireplace in this bedroom now this bedroom to me does look like it could have been the master bedroom got really picturesque to me in my opinion i can't really get a good photo but one thing really nice is this mattress this is a california king bed it's huge you could fit like four people there it looks like it's just the bed sheets it's the fireplace i got this little sketch it's a cool painting i always love seeing the artwork so i always want to show you guys it speaking of which the wallpaper ain't that bad here too let's see what this book is about whoa it's about like castles and chateaus like different kinds imagine if like some of these are abandoned too this is a neat book wow these shadows look incredible i tried opening this up and there's literally like clump of wasp right there they're like sleeping they look freaking scary oh my god it's a little it's a nest they're starting to build it oh gosh i hate wasps i hate loss so much all right bro where the heck is the secret library you're about to find it it's down this hall i think it's down the hall correctly okay damn carter you're supposed to keep it a secret man supposed to keep it a secret listen we're friends trying to don't keep secrets you're right you're right okay so that's a that's a true friend right there look at this what i guess this is part of like the tower too but yeah this is an attached bathroom it's massive so i think the bedroom explorer was definitely the master bedroom bro it's a bathroom there's no secret library in here oh wait wait wait wait you're right i didn't even notice the handle notice how it curves with the wall too yeah bro blenson so much oh it's just jeremy playing on piano i'm like gonna scare me for a second too oh my gosh no way i feel like this is not even part of the mansion like you're walking in it just feels like you enter like another dimension [Music] this is absolutely incredible [Music] i feel like i'm in like harry potter like a wizard's room right now look at all those vintage sewing machines damn i bet this can still work it's just so strange how like there's four of these sewing machines here i'm not sure if they were originally like in this room it just doesn't make sense for this to be here inside a library where it needs to be like nice and quiet i feel like these machines will be super loud but i do love the entire setup here like the photo i just took was absolutely insane like everything just fits and matches together to create this amazing photo i'm so happy to see this place after four years that it's still in pretty good condition if this was in america this entire castle or justice room would be destroyed within like a week if people knew about this but you can see like throughout the france series like every place respected very well in the urbex community here and it's just amazing to see and it's not just the sewing machine but the tables too are really amazing show you the fireplace looks like the mirror has been broken it would have been nice if it wasn't for the photo but oh well still got some wood here hasn't been used yet so if it looks pretty comfy here the red really matches well with the green color oops let me make it brighter for you guys to see i'm gonna take notes about the color the color combination in this room red and light green who would have thought it's like a christmas color actually this reminds me of like santa claus uh you can look at the bookshelf here it's built right into the wall and there's some cool little details right there [Music] yeah every bookshelf is filled to the brim and the books are like not even in bad condition at all here's a stained glass window [Music] this would be amazing to work in imagine just like studying here it's crazy to me like i wonder if this person that lived here actually read all of these books i personally don't really read books but maybe it's because of this day and age we can just search online nowadays to find information back then you kind of had to read a book in order to like learn about things but now we have every knowledge at the tip of our fingers so it's a whole different ball game if you think about it let's see what this guy has on the table here looks like a map i think it's somewhere in france and right here is a stairway leads back downstairs and then goes upstairs but i think we can take a different route it's another state where back over there through that door to the left straight up straight ahead i think this will take us to the third floor and final floor [Music] that's a closet full of paintings yeah wow this is a bedroom doesn't really feel like it especially when you got stairs right there the floor is kind of caving into this is the worst room ever inside the mansion [Music] here's another bedroom this was not that interesting to be honest but i want to make sure to show you everything about this place and give you a full walk through [Music] oh man the mold is pretty bad let's get out of here and yes i know i should wear a mask guys um it's just hard sometimes when you're constantly traveling we've met some pretty sketchy people coming in here yeah like three of them and it was just so strange they didn't know what urbex was i asked them what why are they here they said they're just traveling and there's traveling and they're like yeah we i mean they're like we sleep in abandoned castles i'm just like what that's pretty badass but like what in my opinion i've experienced people like that before what they do is they sleep in the band places they pack up the things they sleep overnight kind of nearby and then early morning that's when they grab the stuff and pretty much steal them so i don't know i shouldn't assume but from my experience that's what they do like i said nothing too crazy yeah what are you what's that this is the church bell no way yeah but we don't want to pull that no in case i think it will pull it just to learn everybody around us does it actually work i i don't want to find out yeah it seems like the third floor really bad is yeah this room's not that bad but but since we explored the best rooms it's just like it's just like it doesn't compare to them you know yeah i feel like these rooms are like hotel rooms now look at that oh my gosh that window that's the craziest cobwebs i've ever seen here's the last room all right i think that's it guys let's head back downstairs group up and see what the next plan is i think we're gonna fly our drones now it's uh absolutely amazing outside the sun is just about to set oh wait guys we forgot to explore this side let's see really quick [Music] oh wait this room is probably the best room on the third floor yo this room was locked when i came here really yeah wow so i didn't even see this room dang boy i mean you're not really missing out but it is the best room on this floor handstand yeah it's kind of funny this room was locked this room was literally locked when i came here wow it's cool i mean this is this is the best room up here hey man the portrait is like the same guy from downstairs this could have been his room interesting yeah i feel like [Music] i feel like that could have been the sun there's some documents here oh it smells like fish in there bro what is making that smell yeah pretty neat wait man there's another room here that's a tight squeeze just like a little bit oh this is in one of the towers yeah all right so we pretty much explored every tower room so far all right guys now it's time to head out let's go all right everyone so that's a wrap i hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button bell to be notified of the new france series let me know down in the comments your thoughts and let me know what your favorite room was i think for me it was definitely the secret library room but other than that all the other rooms were also very very good but yeah guys stay tuned for more there's so many videos coming out from this series that i think you guys will enjoy and are just as good as this one so be on the lookout every saturday at 5 p.m eastern time that's right i'm changing the schedule from now on to 5 p.m and without further ado i'll see you on the next adventure peace and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 144,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, abandoned, millionaires, famiy, mansion, the, secret, palace, family, went, missing, abandoned steve, abandoned mansion, abandoned millionaires family mansion, abandoned secret place, chateau secret, family went missing, mystery, unsolved
Id: Vrca2r53LFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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