Fine Minerals International - What's Hot In Tucson: 2020 - Program Sponsor Series

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[Music] hi hi how are you doing i'm well how are you hello daniel i don't believe it what don't you believe i'm sorry you didn't see it you you have a she light in the exact same spot that the she like that i fell in love with it it wasn't really right there it was exactly right there you're joking no i'm not joking it was right there it's a little smaller but that one's superb yes definitely and there's even that's amazing that you remember that that's oh that was honestly one of the biggest milestones in my collection collecting life i mean there was a big big jump there in my collection i remember that whole transaction but i didn't remember it was right there it was right there because i came right in the door and it was oh boom i just gravitated towards so cool and the fact that there's pyromorphia here which the tribunes of which actually ended up paying for the she light that i bought from you so you gave me the trimmings that you paid for this for this assistant that i bought from you there you go it all worked out very well that's it and here we are a few years later a couple one two three four ten i don't know well she was 11 at the time so oh my god figure out how many it is yeah it makes us much older but one thing i can't say the gallery is still absolutely amazing thank you like just presentation is impressive really impressive these are just you know we always look for things that fit this certain sort of aesthetic in this size and this is probably i say it every year it's one of our most popular cases this case and the next one it's just because they're just these little cuties that everybody loves they're absolutely aesthetic and i love that and it's you know it's it's just so much fun exactly or you know this piece right i mean just the setup adorable little calcite perched on top of the metallic it's great i love this floor right over here with the dark purple border that entire style is just great having it on that pyramid like that that's your favorite well yeah i'm an orgy ologist so i that stannite on morningite is uh that's pretty sweet yeah and the algonquin oh i mean that's just the way it's set up with the big cube and the smaller cubes coming off the side really yeah those were fun those were coming out when we were all in china yeah yeah i'd seen some and was like oh those [Laughter] so what about this next case i don't know dad i think i like this oh that yeah yeah i would go for that one too that i think is the best for sure and that tourmaline what's the story with that thing up there with isn't that crazy with the zoning it's got just an awesome color very unique color and almost has like a colorless zone around the color zone so it's where i guess the trace elements that give it the coloring sort of were no longer available it's hard it's hard to see how you how it grew that way and i love this little guys he's been in there once or twice but you know just such an oddball for fluorite oh i think we're amazing i really like the contrast and the color and the texture luster really it's fun that's a fun one sort of a deer trail color on a spherical floor sort of an inverse and over here we have some of our larger pieces this is great this is for me that's the best i've got i've seen a million of these things most of them don't do a whole lot for me that one you go because you need to see this it just has a brightness yeah this the luster is spectacular and the balls are pretty large well it's also really cool too because you've got the lighter colored balls that are that are in sort of the forefront yeah the darker polar balls which really makes it feel makes it three-dimensional it gives it some depth yeah which is what a lot of this lack yeah they lack a little bit of depth and a little bit of form and the fact that it's able to distract you from these two it's very impressive it's impressive yeah for sure this is great great composition i love those ones with the greens and beautifully lit too backlit so you can see the colors on asian in there and someone told me a theory about this so i've we've had this piece for a couple of years it's from arkansas and i spoke with cyan fraser and you know they love quartz obviously yeah and they said you know this is great this is a quartz that proves there's cleavage in in courts right and i said oh cool and the interesting thing is then i spoke with marco amabili who's a good friend of mine and he was here just yesterday and he we were all commenting about this piece and he goes you know this is something that shows that if you know we this is something that proves that quartz can be cleaved and has a cleavage plane but you can't do it in room temperature so he's like it is not it is not a it's cleavage in quartz is a is a thermal function it is not a function of a blow or striking it along the cleavage plant okay so it has to be under pressure and temperature takes thermal pressure thermo thermal heat takes heat and pressure to make that plane go and and what you'll see is that the plane of the cleavage is parallel to in this case a not very well developed rom face the one that's up here on the top but uh cleavage in quartz is always parallel to one of the rump rhombohedral faces of the termination ah that's super cool see you already knew that i learned that yesterday not about the rhombohedral face though well well not you know that's the cool part about minerals you always learn something absolutely that's really good for it's an old old laparoscope but that habit and that size is impressive absolutely and the striking makeup of this elmwood with the golden orange tip those things are crazy because those are are the rock is totally a floater and it's like it's got a crystal drews on it so it's like these shards you'd think they'd break and that stuff is super hard yeah that rock is super high i think it's basalt i'm not sure is it no it's it's it's dolomite it's very very fine-grained dolomite goldstone though it's been ridiculously solidified which is why it's so hard that's why it rings like a bell yeah if you hit a piece of stuff and your shoulder hurts afterwards and the calcites don't like that the calcites go exactly fuchsite phantoms and that quartz really pretty color but usually they're kind of mushy and not quite that sharp and well defined those came out i guess three four years ago maybe more and they were they were the best ones i'd seen this was one from that group i had about two or three larger ones but they're they were the best that's a story rock because that's that's telling you something about the genesis of the deposit that it was in i mean you you developed you developed a bunch of ore sulfides and then you had these big rhombohedral dolomites growing on top of it and the ciderite replaced that so it's telling you that this thing went through multiple pulses and is it a long term or is it an epi well you know it's hard to see se how many angels can dance on the head of a pin and how do you you know where do you drive the golden spike right it looks like it clearly started as an epimorph but on the other hand if you look inside the cavity you can see the siderite is actually working its way into the cavity and there's two ways it could have done that one there could have been a shell and the ceterite kept growing or the cidrite was actually replacing the calcite it was cannibalizing the carbonate from the precursor rhombohedral mineral in which case it's a its replacement so it's so it's it's a combination well that's not uncommon that things start from the outside and work their way in so an epimorph essentially morphs into a replacement pseudomorph got it cool that pyromorphite is silly that one there yeah yeah all that green that's got a lot of punch it's got a particularly strong color even even though this one you stare at this one but when you see that one i just noticed here standing at yeah it's hard to tell whether it's the lighting but that one just got that intense green that goes all the way to the bases of the crystals without any darkening it's great yeah it's an awesome piece domino ps is insane yeah that's that's in the wrong place that needs to be across town across town there's a place i think there could find a home you can find a home there's a nice one in the vault you'll see from the same pocket a really extremely fine one look forward to it yeah and this little purity and quartz is just that's just so sweet purity is one of my favorite minerals for all kinds of complicated scientific reasons but really yeah well a lot of our deposits that maybe i shouldn't ask that question well no but a lot of the ore deposits that make the bright colorful secondary oxides that we love okay the paramorphites the wolf effects all that stuff a lot of those are products of oxidized lead zinc silver replacement deposits okay a lot of those deposits contain paratite and a lot of those deposits show a transition from paratite to pyrite so you'll get those replacement pseudomorphs of pyrite after peritoneum and you've seen the ones that are the size of a dinner plate from down the gorsk well kinetically and this is where it's getting scientific and boring probably to some people that's a very slow process so you don't need to understand anything more than it takes a long time for that to happen so the only place it can happen is a place where the the hydrothermal event that made the ore deposit lasted a long time so those tend to be the big deposits those also tend to be the deposits that make the big mines and if the tops of them get oxidized there you go and on top of that you now have material to make even cooler colored minerals right very cool those are nice that came out from a pocket about three years ago and uh they had just a really good color and lustre for nogger you know most of the time you think of aqua from sure sugar being the ones but these this particular find had three or four pieces that were they were fantastic they look like they've got a sheen to what am i thinking of uh not chatoyancy but it's when you have like fibers in what makes a cat's eye in in tourmaline it's got the same thing going on is are they asteroid do they do they are they do they have asterisms so if you cut them perpendicular to the c-axis would you see a star i don't know i don't know you don't have a broken one in the back room that you talked to but if i i'll go through my inventory i'll see if i have one start away that's a good test to do for sure i've ever seen a star aqua but that's what i have to be pretty crazy yeah yeah you want to go in the ball yes definitely is that your one to go to you can fight over it but you're gonna win no no you'll win because it's not from mexico oh true so i i reserve my choice for something that is there's i don't have a lot of great mexican minerals this year i don't think they're hard to find i mean other than the milpilis there's a few of those but and i like this christmas tree style right or whatever kind of tree it's fun that's really wild cause that's not an etch that's i think it has been it looks like a husband yeah i think it has been i think there's probably calcite in there and they etched out yeah but it's still super cool i have to say the copper is remarkable i like the copper it's great it reminds me of an indian chief head with a like a headdress on i always see that in that piece the shadow you actually see it so like the big crystal over there is like the face and then it's i don't know i just always seen it in that piece but i love that copper it's a great copper i would go for the night first i mean that color to see one that big that's still coherent and hasn't lost its color or its luster do they lose coloring well they go to metatarboronite so they they do actually change formula they you know over time and so if they're not properly cared for yeah they can that's been around since the 80s yeah and it's been just like that so yeah that's what what is setup i mean it's just got exquisite geometry yeah it's got great form and then the the white setting off the yellow that's fun i'm going to jump in and go for the organic almost mold or i want old no i'm not some kind of plant that you'd find or some kind of organism that that grows with their little mouths coming off the sides like that some sort of variety of mushroom or more coral coral coral yeah but coral is usually a little bit uh it's uh oh my god yeah the shiny brown bow okay okay oh i actually really like the fact that it makes an l yeah oh yeah i actually like it i actually like the fact that it's not just perfectly linear i mean if it was if it was just the three i think i think the the the one that comes off to the right just gives you okay we got a bit of a left right turn here and uh makes it more breaks it up makes it more interesting cool oh that's a really lovely mango quartz that's set up with everything the tips all point in the same direction is that what you guys call them mango quartzers yes that is that sort of become the name for them that's my understanding is like that's the sort of you know you've got the kiwi calcites and you've got the mango quartzes because everyone's about fruit these days there you go um but yeah that's my it's my kidney calcites oh is that the super green things okay yeah that came out this way it's a vanadium green that gives them that yeah distinct color color and that's got to be one of the biggest invisible fluorites i've ever seen yeah yeah you didn't see it you looked you missed it i mean it really it really is invisible wow oh that's a good start what else you got yeah i got a couple other rocks i have to say so do we get napkins or lobster bibs or something so we don't well we should do that like next year we should have like little like bibs and like spork and knife well well i mean also i mean definitely gonna end up drooling here i mean based off of what i know well our experience in this room historically has been has been good yeah well when she was nine you had mark weil here and you were digging into this i was like before the party was it the night it was the night of the party and you were bringing the pieces out and handing them mark i had the stip night out yeah and then the other aqua and the night and you handed them to mark right mark was holding them and mark was nice and he was handing them to lauren who was nine years old holding these things rock steady looking at them and there's a crowd of people in the room all going do i get to hold it next and then you can put your hand out and you put your head in my price back to you and back in the fall oh my gosh yeah that was a fun night i remember that was a lot of fun okay here's the one just speaking of aqua speaking of aqua wow wow that's a medina really beautiful one now when would that have come out oh that was that came out probably in the 80s oh wait no uh 90s 90s early 90s my turn i love the faces on this yeah they're so gemmy and yet there's that texture to them that's the thing is they didn't all have a luster and this one has the luster this one's got great luster and beautiful little step faces this small face it's all down the sides yeah i figured out that things that have vicinal faces just have better luster it's like a thing we've just noticed it on all mineral species anytime you have vicinal vicinal faces on a crystal somehow the luster is just popped out the wazoo you've got multiple planes and so the light is bouncing off of the individual planes in a way that really catches the eye and uh and brings it forward god that thing's insane the color too the color is just lovely because it's not that like sky blue it's more of like a sea foam see what this is oh this is nice to say at least so this is really unusual the combinations yeah that's a great oh look at the garden the garden's trapped right under the and look at the helix too so this was a pocket uh a year and a half ago and it was garnets and aquamarines and albeits and not al bites yeah i'll bite um and i'd never seen this before in this kind of combination with that much garnet mm-hmm you know you always get like one little one or two but with the dramatic coverage it's so cool too because you can see on the surface of this that there's obviously garnets that were on the side and have vacated the situation yeah beautiful little facets and i like the ones that are dropped in from the top yeah if you look down and you see they they like i don't know if you can see that can you see that that's cool is it better with the lighter without the light oh it's better with the light is it yeah okay so that was cool but those have drops down and it's at the end stage and that's why and then it goes around them and just runs into something yeah it's weird yeah that's probably telling you that crystal grew in that direction because otherwise they wouldn't have yeah stuck you got that thank you peter oh wow is this why i can use my wilburism of holy cow you could use the holy catholicism yeah okay that would work and this is from yagan shin young the accent of the calcite what more could you ask for i love these two penetrant twins on the top here there's two there's two well there's three that's penetrant no i mean on this one oh on the piece yeah yeah that's a double penetration wow we talked about trimming it taking all of this off to focus and make that the front of the piece but then i like it like this too all right so we left it a little larger you do it really makes the rest of it stand out more at least in my opinion cool oh because you know the avion bottles that have those do you know what i mean yes and every time i see this i think of it and i'm like that's like an avion bottle and also the fact that i can see the pattern of your shirt right right here hold it you could read a newspaper through that without any difficulty it has a unique color too oh that's a choice and i like that it has the cloudy aspect at the bottom and then it goes that's totally clear especially these little veils that are coming up off the base and then fading out and then completely jimmy and it's like the whole base of the crystal it's brazilian from a really unique mind that does not produce a lot of material it it's um but apparently it went big one time at least yeah [Music] in the yeah that's wild it's just super fun do you want to hold it too absolutely absolutely father only sacrifices so much for his child [Laughter] this is really strange growth in here in the audience yeah do you think it was like yeah well i'm sure it's one of those there's some sort of twin it's this thing this thing this thing is twinned about five different ways yeah you can see yeah yeah twin surface coming through here they're beautiful the quality is just just unparalleled for and it's quartz but i mean i love quartz i don't know if i can let peter touch this one because he might leave with it with it uh oh this looks like milps watercourse pocket earlier i mean you can hit it to me sure isn't that crazy the color on that is insane well that's that electric blue effect at milpias is just it's absolutely distinctive and you just don't see it in azure it's anything oh this one you can actually you know here on the side you can see the fact that it's this thin layer of azurite on the malachi which is what gives it that there's actually been a fair amount of discussion about why it has the electric blue effect oh really and it appears from what we can tell that these started off as as azurite right they got replaced by malachite right maintaining the pseudomorph so they maintained the shape and then you wound up with a thin shell of azurite growing over that and there appears in some of them there appears to be a gap very thin gap between the azurite and the malachite and some of them actually look and this is looking at things under high magnification like the sheet of azurite is actually crystallized on the malachite side as well so what you on both sides so what you get is light that goes through the azurite it's hitting a gap it's hitting a mirror face a gap bouncing off the malachite and coming back through the azurite through the same thing and that and that seems to be the electric electric color what gives you the characteristic stupendous blue lps yeah this is that color is just to die for it's set a new bar for the species i mean yeah you're not going to get an argument for me yeah i've been saying that since fairly early days with before when they started coming out here's one of the mango quartzs that you like a pin cushion oh that one is not great i just love the fact that you got like the more robust ones and you have these little delicate noodles but just almost jeffrey cory like solution quartz down in between the big ones you can't ask for much more in terms of aesthetics no for me that's one of the the great ways you could have a big japan law twin in the middle true we could have a big japan left wing right up here but we're doing designers we're doing designer minerals why don't we just throw a big born tonight behind it another here's another speak of the devil oh it's just crazy formed i don't know what's going on here you know you have the the geometric side and then you have the dissolution side it's just i don't know well it's not just dissolution has to be dissolution and regrowth yeah exactly you wonder maybe it was growing against the wall or the crystal was growing and then it fell down into some kind of muck in the bottom of the pocket and the top was attacked and then it regrew preserved the faces on the bottom it's just got just a cool sculptural aspect to it you know oh the the the sculptural aspect the aesthetics on it it's a variation on the theme that people think that they know well right it's very reminiscent of what you see in a lot of barrels a lot of the the especially the helia doors and things like that exactly it looks like a totem pole cactus this is this one looks like it's going to make the grade i think this one makes the cut am i allowed to say i'm gobsmacked i guess so i'm not sure what that means but just like that that's british for being holy smokes blown away isn't that crazy where's this from down the door it's the only worse old down the gorgeous old town very old beautiful do you see this there's a teal colored phantom in there it looks like an aquarium oh my gosh that is that crazy i think so that would have come out in the 70s 80s 80s mid 80s midazzy's pelopenko collection okay i i think i have just seen my all-time favorite domino gorgeous chloride just to be clear like that is my favorite color and i love the phantom that's super can you see that do you get it yeah yeah is it better with a little light or no or the same that looks nice this little guy up in the front too yeah it's a great thing well it's something that associated with anything else would not be considered the little guy well and the little guy has a phantom in it that shows up at a really nice angle compared to this phantom oh it really does isn't that great downgrade is such a cool location yes this is you know these they had the find of veneto night uh this past year or really big ones it was like a year ago yeah this was oh a good one of those and here i thought we're going to talk about the ones from san carlos but this is clearly moroccan i'm sorry it's got great fire look at the word hopper growth normally you see the hopper growth just in the faces but here it's on the other side of the prison faces too it's one but it's multiple or this one which has got the frill around the edge and then it goes away from that i like this crystal i love that some of them have that yeah they do i like how the cores are more of a burgundy and the edges are that bright persimmon red orange color great venice this is a cool mineral that's a hedinburg that's a heddenberg eye isn't that cool for edinburgh sweden and i'm forgetting it i'll have to get it to you but it's uh oh god it's where they all come from and it i feel like it begins with a b [Music] maybe he speaks swedish yeah yeah cool i love this little guy coming off the that's something else that's something else it's something that's been pseudomorphed and it's it just adds some great character to it but very fun for you know not what's a common mineral incredibly common mineral it's just very seldom sacrificed in terms of mineral specimens yeah a nice heliodoor from bolodorsk same kind of yeah oh yeah it's a dt yeah it's got the same vicinal faces all over it that give it the lovely luster yeah that's great one of those ones where you can't put your hand behind the crystal because it's so gemmy um great problem to have that's a good problem to have we like that thank you this is a tourmaline this needs a little bit of backlight thank you i don't know if you can see the color i think that's that's definitely watermelon let's see nice brazil saturated green cap i love the transition between the green and the pink there's just this line of pastel that gives the bottom part of the green almost a blue tone to it it's really cool very cool so this was what they looked like so this is when they got the amazing one yeah and then if we i love seeing it on the hedenburg guide included quartz so you can understand the the green that should be you see the green that you see it was like frozen with your mouth open i just you know you see you see quite a bit of this material and there are ones that just leave the others in the dust yeah not sure how i like it i forget but i think the other direction you liked it the other way i have two that's the one that drops my jaw so i have to look at it oh this is how i like it i like it like that and then like this yeah now just like the contrast too he's got the luster contrast the color contrast that floret is i mean it's interesting right like we think of the you know swiss and the alps red fluorites as being the bar the bar and then china goes crazy and i was like oh yeah hold on hold on a second wait and no it's it's it's it's hedenburg it's the same mineral that we just saw in those great big crystals but it's it's a common mineral and in that type of ore deposit and it gets it actually gets hydrated to um an amphibole which turns the color just a little bit paler a little bit whiter so you go from the deep forest green of the clean hedenbergite to a slightly whiter green and that's what that's that's what makes green quartz and that's what does it at sarah fawcett what does it nica it's what does it in where where were those scepters we got in china from nepal from nepal it's the same kind of principle i love how on this one like the red is the core but there's this rim around the edge that's totally clear which is probably why this one has such amazing luster yeah not had good luster very few and that one definitely is yeah uh this is a fun emerald oh just completely terminated from nigeria oh yeah you know what i love about these they've got kind of a blue undertone to them which i think is chromium related i don't know i mean i thought the green and emeralds was generally considered to be chromium to begin with but there's some that have the green vanadium too which makes it more of the like the blue or the more of the grass green color that color is amazing have you put a black light on that does it go red uh no you know what i'd have to try that and the the purple or ultraviolet laser pens okay do that beautifully okay like a brilliant red spot oh really would run right along the crystal i'll have to play with that i guess you can see it yeah this i'll show you next but this one we can't have in so but we can look at it for fun sorry i'm just i love the scepters but the fact that they've got the inclusions that make them sparkle yeah and just it's scintillating glitter yeah i don't remember what it is it's a hopper faces it is is cooperate so it's probably not probably hematite i thought it was hematite but yeah look at that the hopper faces is amazing the combination holy guacamole holy guacamole i love it that's a good one it's elongate rods so they're probably good tight girth you think they're orange they're funny though they got they got funny little balls at the end of the of the elongate rods looks like the stuff john white's been working on off and on for years i can just say i love this one good for you i love it too oh yeah this is great i love this those calcites from there but it's on fluorite and it's got this super sparkly fluorite that it's on which is cool most of them don't come on matrix no so i love that and on top of that i mean this one's dt yeah the juxtaposition of the crystals is really cool and the fact that you can see the elongate and the cool termination like usually you have to pick one or the other yeah you get both here you get to have your cake and eat it too there you there you go yeah that's now we're back to that food analogy though we're doing the mangoes you know mangoes and beans people people can connect kiwi yes they do we relate to food well we do that's an awesome objective true sea faces are they really really shallow rhombohedra i'm not sure yeah there are there's a little one there yeah and a little one there and a little one there so no this is just sculptural just sculpture i love that just because it's so fun with the little helix me inside too isn't that great i also really like the fact that you've got one two different types of terminations and it's a fun specimen that's a really fun specimen that's great and this is from where shigar sure amazing it survived as a specimen instead of being chopped up gem ruff yeah it's super fun yeah that's a great sculptural aspect is you gotcha and then speaking of ilvites this was one of the great ones the luster of this is just stupendous the lustron that is yeah insane when you compare like with with the the quartz and the quartz is nice the needle quartz you know yeah again with the hidden burger the hedenburg inclusions yeah but i mean just the way that it wraps around the elvi makes it look so much more impressive yeah it's a great thing there were three or four of these that were fantastic that was one of them scarns can do wonderful things i just get technical again on you no okay no no this was me agreeing with you you can do incredible things and meanwhile waiting for you to pass it over here so i can enjoy it you're just making idle conversation and say give me the rock dad give me the rock dad hand it over that nice balance just with the window and the and the fact that they're both pointing in like this really draws your eye a little guy in the back that you can see through it and it has a contrast on the matrix and everything i love that and all the crystals are so sharp and chummy that must have made some stroller's day oh yeah can you imagine you know the thing that always impresses me with the strollers is they find them way up there which is impressive and of itself but then they have to pack them well enough that they can get them down yeah because because the places that they're collecting are places that are like known difficult recreational climbing routes oh yeah so they're i mean it's one of the reasons why these are and some of them are not you know climbing routes they make their own yeah yeah and what's interesting with this piece is it almost has and and maybe it's the lighting here but it almost has like a purple undertone to the smokiness that just they have like a lavender hint to them yeah only swiss quartzers do that really i've never seen that from anywhere else with that hint of color no i think it's one of the reasons that really sets them apart um i agree i mean then they do the gwendoles and all of that that too oh so but they're really cool here just put your hand under and then you're good but for wolf and knight for there that's pretty cool it's remarkably orange for there usually usually you see red deep deep red gemmy the contrast which color light looks better well just that yeah just right just like that you're like all right wolf and i love her i guess you can have it too i like how there's like the big crystal bunch is on one side it's funny the way it goes from thin window panes to thick crystals on top that are slightly sandwiched it's interesting you even see like little window panes over here on the left side yeah it sort of goes from looking like san francisco to looking like tiger to uh it's really cool when you like have something that is both aesthetically brilliant and scientifically interesting at the same time strange matrix a little uh like zoning on the outside of the the crystals down here where they get more yellow there's this rim of the darker red yes some of them almost hinting like if they got a chance they do red dots like the 79 there's some other varieties from here the crystal habit is so strange it's like they're cubic and then truncated and like the ends are cut off i'd have to show you some other examples i think go right ahead this has luster for days for days and days and days and it has color i guess is it looking good not great and the two little babies coming off the side wow a special tourmaline and from where arie conga which is near to cruzeiro and paginaire it's in the same belt just such a rich color i love that and then competing it's competing with something it's competing with this this fluorite has like the goofiest color i don't know if it comes out on the camera grass green yeah it's like like it's like a seafoam green core grass green light blue and then purple yeah you got it that amazing and the luster is just staggering and and just that adorable quartz accent one side it needed one little quartz and it's interesting because here on this one you've actually got a corner that's the purple mm-hmm just the corner yeah you can tell from the matrix on the sides you see arsenal pyrites yeah right in through here you're trying to light right back in there there's there's there's there's there's the color right there there's the grass green that you're talking about coming through beautiful interesting because i mean obviously it's a phantom but which one is it coming off of i don't know i guess it's off of all of them but because these group together it gets really dark here not pretty that is that is you should like that no i do already know this is mine [Laughter] what's nice about it is most of the times they they develop a crack or something in the border night and this is really truly just perfect yeah even with that that one single crystal of the quartz coming out the the middle there and you've got the calculators and you've got luster like you very seldom see on board tonight i'm pretty sure i could do my makeup using that christmas probably you could pull that off i could probably do mine too yeah no i mean it is it is that near finish oh thank you god that's awesome i love that porn tonight same as the fluorite that we just looked at you know what's crazy is how deep in the mind these things come from um did you go under there did you guys go in there oh i didn't have that opportunity but you know i was talking to one of the miners and they they come from like 1200 meters deep really and a thousand meters in and that's where the pouring knights come from and the good ones they have to use like hike out themselves wow um i didn't know that i didn't know it was so deep yeah these come from like deep which which honestly kind of increases the value in some ways because people have worked so hard to get these and obviously they understand that well you look at so many of them that are not right there's something wrong this doesn't have the luster or something like that and then you look at something like that and you're like wow it's got everything you want it's got everything you want and this is interesting because we commented earlier about those fluorites and this one just has you know the deep saturation of color which you know most of the time you don't see from this pocket you saw most of the smaller clearer ones but this has a big crystal size for there and it's really nice how it's perched up at the top yeah kind of the culmination of it all what is the inclusion that are in these i don't know honestly the phantom and that's actually very well defined you look good which inclusions the the fibrous inclusions they're easy them better than the small ones where they're not [Music] i think it's you know it makes like a it kind of adds to the the saturation of the green because it it's running into something but they're still so down the doors had something like that and these clear ones a long time ago that i i remember seeing and they look like a ice cube inside an ice cube do you know what i mean it was like white phantom that was similar to these inside than a clear cube i don't know if you can get that brian but if you look right down that face you can just see the the stacked is that how phantom zoning in that crystal then you've got the brush down in the middle this is a really nice gold from the eagles nest there you go it's got our clutch mount on there right here lovely crystals nice crystals great luster it's really nice too that it's got like the you know there's the gaps within there that kind of give it more give it some shape yeah gives it a little airiness it looks ethereal good word i like that descriptor it's substantially heavier than most things that you think of as being ethereal rapper that's true i mean it is gold so it's definitely got it's really interesting because you see these delicate little almost wire-like and then the sheets that is there's a special thing oh wow isn't that cool also a starburst this is more like a crashing wave that must be so heavy it's quite heavy get these little guys under here furriness yeah aspects and the contrast between the colorless early stage and then the blue came in and then the blue faded out in the very final stages and i love this sculptural aspect of it over here on this side has the same kind of feel that like a great waterfall does where there's something truly powerful about sort of the way that it's shaped and the way that you know everything's kind of chaos and yet at the same time it all works together because it's all kind of coming in this way and then the color yeah it looks like white color wiping out on a surfboard in a caribbean in a caribbean colored water and just yeah and this is so cool at this first generation you were pointing that out and there you go right yeah but you can actually see it's not the first generation because here's here's blue here and then there's the colorless stage and then then the blue stage comes back again i really dig this shape right here this flaring group of elongate crystals yeah it's fantastic it's great aragonite and the deep blue at the center makes all of the sort of lighter colored tips i mean just it has it has all the elements that you could want in a specimen like this except gold it doesn't have gold we've been over the fact we're talking about elements and i'm getting a little i'm a little overly scientific here if you said all the elements that you could want well you know it's got copper it's got calcium it doesn't have any gold you know what i was thinking more of like i thought we weren't allowed to do like imaginary like you know designer mineral specimens why do we have to with the stuff he's bringing i know that's why i was confused while you were bringing in the gold element there's there's no need for that well that's the show you guys happy very very happy thank you thank you daniel very much you
Channel: bluecapproductions
Views: 446,427
Rating: 4.8222404 out of 5
Keywords: Mineral, collecting, quartz, fluorite, calcite
Id: cMLkXySP_4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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