Exodus Chapter 18 Part 2

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson we know that the Bible says that our God is a God of order and that is a personal promise meaning that God primarily through his word and his spirit the Holy Spirit he will bring order into each believers life now we need to submit we need to have that desire to obey and obey what well we're gonna see that in our study tonight but God's orders not just for the individual but it's for the family it's for the community and it is for the nation and realized that God's nation will become an eternal Empire a kingdom where his truth will ring and it needs to begin to reign first in your life in my life well with that said to get your Bible and look with me to the book of Exodus and chapter 18 the book of Exodus and chapter 18 we began this chapter last week we saw that there was a reunion between Moshe Rabbeinu Moses and his his family and I'm speaking about his family with you throw his father-in-law sapore his wife and his two sons and we'll find today that getro in fact as I mentioned last week the portion of Scripture and we know that there are Torah portions that are read throughout the year on Shabbat on Mondays and Thursdays and holidays and this Torah portion which we began last week is entitled get Roe or Jethro we're going to see that he has several names this yet roe he is called a KO hen but that word simply can be a a servant and he was someone who was known as a servant and what does that mean someone who wants to make things better one who is willing to help to assist in order to comfort help benefit someone else that's his nature and we're gonna see that demonstrated early on in the portion of Scripture that we're going to be looking at to see evening so look with me as I said to chapter 18 where we left off last week in verse 13 after this reunion it says in verse 13 and it came about on the next day that Moses was sitting to judge the people now that is an important concept this judging and the purpose as will clearly see the purpose is to bring godly order in order when their disputes and conflicts and in society there's constantly as in those days so - today historically presently and in the future there will be conflicts until that new Jerusalem that Kingdom in its eternal state is established only then will there be perfect unity but here we see that God through his judgment brings unity he brings together nests in order that his will can be maintained so look again verse 13 and it came about on the next day that Moses he set to judge the people and that people stood before Moses from the morning until the evening now remember that men have bokor odd ha err from the morning until the evening this phrase is going to be repeated in a few more verses and it speaks of two things it speaks about how many conflicts how many issues matters that that were within the children of Israel that needed to be settled meaning needed judgment and one of the foundational truths that we can say from this passage is this we need judgment and here judgment it has to do with setting things in order according to the truth the revelation the the laws of God so judgment is a good thing we're studying on our weekly television show the book of Matthew we're doing that both in Hebrew and in the other languages that our show is translated into and we find here in Matthew chapter 7 it says do not judge but this word has in that context a sense of condemnation this is not what Moses is doing when he sits to this boat at harm to judge the people it is not about condemnation so when it says do not judge that you lest you be judged obviously it's that idea of don't condemn someone else because you'll be condemned and the same measure that you use that is that perspective that standard that you condemned someone else it will be used back at you this is not the purpose of judgment this is evaluating a situation in order that God's standard might be maintained so there's order not condemnation it is not for the purpose of punishment necessarily but putting things in a right order and this is a requirement a necessity if a community is going to be established that that manifests God's glory so we read and Moses set to judge the people and the people stood before Moses from the morning until the evening and then we see look at verse 14 and the father in law of Moses now it could simply be the word yet Roe but it's specifically by honoring this man it says the father in law of Moses Moses is seen as a respected servant of God I've mentioned often times how the Bible emphasizes his humility that he is God's chosen one to lead the congregation and therefore when the scripture speaks about the father in law of Moses it's a way of of lifting this man up that if Moses if he married into this family if he took the wife or the daughter of yet Roe for a wife this says something about this family and therefore this man yet Rho so the father in law of Moses he saw all wet he and the he hears Moses what Moses was doing for the people now all of this it reveals to us that this judgment was for or the people to bring unity to bring order to bring a situation that manifests God among the people second part of verse 14 and he said what is this thing which you are doing for the people why do you sit by yourself and all the people stand before you once more men a bokor out her air from the morning until the evening now what we are to conclude here is that Moses his primary position now in this time in the wilderness they have formed a community they are a nation on the move with an objective with a purpose now we know else were from the scripture that God is preparing them he is leading them he is bringing them as we have seen through many different circumstances situations they have problems obstacles and such and what God is doing is that he is growing up his people maturing them he is preparing them to enter in to the land now in one sense there's that that nation or that generation that came out of Egypt they are not walking in faith and for the most part that nation or that generation is going to die out now these 40 years in the wilderness this is to prepare the next generation and here again we won't go into it now but this concept of the next generation is so important biblically for understanding a kingdom perspective and being ready for that kingdom establishment so he says why do you sit and by yourself and all the people stand before you from the morning until the evening he sees this spectacle and he's bothered by it he's confused by the and Moses verse 15 and Moses said to his father-in-law for the people come unto me the Desroches Elohim the drush is a word of seeking but it's a strong word it shows an intensity that the people they wanted to know God's judgment his mindset his perspective in a given situation now this this statement little rosh elohim well we know that a synagogue for example is called bet Knesset a house of gathering can also be called bet Fila a house of prayer but normally we talk about another name bet Midrash now this is usually seen as a a house of study a place of learning and the word Midrash it's the same word that appears here different for this is the infinitive it states to do something the infinitive Midrash is speaking about what is done so what is done is seeking the Lord this place and what they're doing is an order that they could request in a very strong way God's will knowing that it's only his purpose his truth that is going to bring a good and proper reconciliation to an issue that it would be settled properly so he says ladouche Elohim Elohim because this word for God speaks about a judging God a God who is the the rule the authority verse 16 for if there's a matter to them meaning to the people the people come unto me and I will judge between man and between his neighbor that is the one that he has a dispute with and what does he do he doesn't take sites this is what the scripture says and they end of our first 16 is very important notice what Moses says very ho dotty I will make no there's a key he is imparting knowledge I will will make known who que ha Elohim the statutes of God or the laws of God and Toro tough now this is important because we know that there's only one Torah one law of God 613 commandments but one Torah this is a word Torah in the plural and when we see it here and I think many Bibles in English might translate it as teachings but it's probably better understood as instructions I will make known his laws his statutes and he's going to make loan the instructions his instructions and that's what we should realize if there's going to be order in my life if there's going to be order in my family in my community in my nation it is a requirement a prerequisite that the laws of God are are known and his instructions are followed it's only through the instruction of God in knowing his laws then and only then is your going to be order in my life now again I'm to be teaching in the Hebrew study later on in the book of Matthew where it speaks about it has a phrase where it says to do to others what you would have them do to you this is the law and the prophets now this would cause many to believe well there's the proper the solution I don't need to study the law and prophets I know what their intent is and that is to do to others as I would have them do to me well that is an impossibility without knowing the commandments of God the revelation of the prophets they assist us in knowing how and what is our responsibility to others this is a summary statement meaning in the same way it is natural for a person to to want their best but sometimes we don't know what our best is we want the best we want the things that that will make us joyful make us pleasing to God but oftentimes we are utterly confused about what they are so it's a summary statement it is not a replacement well I'll talk more about that when we get there in the book of Matthew but but notice in order to have the will of God his glory manifested things being administered properly we need the laws of God and we need his instructions verse 17 oh 10 mâche the father law of Moses said to him lo topa devar share Tao say it is not good the thing which you are doing now yet crow he's observing and he came to a submissiveness before the God of Israel last week we saw that and him making offerings and such before the Lord God of Israel and and God is using him in order to give counsel to Moses who was up on Mount Sinai previously where he saw that burning bush called in that context Mount Horeb and we see that Moses could think well who are you God didn't choose you God didn't speak to you face-to-face God didn't didn't have you lead the people out and who are you to tell me but remember Moses is humble and he realizes that God's wisdom his counsel it can come from a variety of sources sometimes and I can remember teaching and it was a mixed group meaning there were people of all ages there and I remember this this little boy I asked the questions not thinking at all that the small children would give an answer and I asked this question and sometimes when I teach and especially in a study setting not so much as a lecture but I'll ask a question because you know what I want to learn and I'm hoping to hear revelation from those who have gathered God may speak to them much clearer than he speaks to me and they become my teacher and I remember this little boy probably five six years old he gave just a great answer to that question and none of us would have derived that on her own and therefore God used this young man to instruct a much mature group and this is what we see here God's using a Gentile a Midianite in order to bless the children of Israel to give them insight rather common sense but in sight in order that things might might bring about a fulfillment and we'll see why say will bring about a fulfillment in a moment so he says in the verse 17 the thing that you're doing is not good verse 18 niveau teabowl this is a word for two words speaking of utterly wearing out and he says you and also the people this people will wear out and it's been with you in the same way that you from morning until evening people or what they're standing before you and they're waiting all throughout the day in order to get their turn before you and he says this this is not going to end well it will end in a poor manner he says for heavy from you is this thing it's too heavy for you to do this you were not able to do it alone verse 19 now and this is the Hebrew word in the Tanakh for now usually we think in modern hebrew the word akshatha this is word attack with an EIN not with an Aleph he says here verse 19 now listen to my voice and I will counsel you and if it shall come about that God is with you meaning if God agrees to this then you shall be were the people meaning you shall be before the people and and before God and you will bring these things to God verse 20 and you will caution or warn them and he says the statutes and the the instructions or the teachings you are to make known to them why so he's saying here's the the order you need to stand before God and and the people before you but he's gonna show one in a moment a very important difference and he says you know what you've said that the purpose of what you're doing I don't want to change that he agrees he affirms that people need to know the statutes the law of God's and his instructions but there's a better way to make this known and it's about empowering others giving them responsibility and also recognizing how God is raising up others in order that they can do some of the things that the leadership is doing so yet wrote he says here look at verse 20 he says in you warn them caution them in regard to the statutes and the instructions you make known to them the way that they should go now what's important is this and it says the way that they shall walk in it and it is the word way the word Wayne Hebrew is Derek and it's feminine so it's via who by the way that they should walk in it now two things are going to be said we see that it's only through and this is so simple but we ignore it we overlook and that's this I will not know the way to travel the way to go if it's not based upon making known to me first the laws of God and his instructions I will not be in the right way and if I'm not in the right way notice what he says further on not only that you will know the way to walk in it he says via Thomas Ayush area soon and the thing to do he says also the deed which they will do so he reveals something in order for me to do the right thing I need to be in the right location first and it's only when I take hold of the instructions of God having the knowledge the the understanding of the laws or the statutes of God only then am I in a situation where I can be where I need to be and do what I need to do in order to maintain the order that's in my life or re-establish that order for me or for my household my community or even beyond that verse 21 yet Roe is still speaking and he says and you Tech has a tech as a usually this is a word that we we get vision from has owned this is in the verbal form so you need to have a vision most Bibles I would disagree with this but but many talk about discernment he says Moses you need to function behave with discernment with the vision of the Lord so vision having a godly vision from God gives us discernment he says you with discernment from all the people and the implication is choose out a point a point who on che hail people of Valor now this is a word normally when we talk about hail we're talking about valor or a concept of virtue says in the scripture who can find a virtuous wife same word as you Kyle speaks about those who want a victory there is a connection between because this same word if you just look at it the powwow pointings are different but same consonants same root it's also a word for an army it's a word that that manifests power so it's only when I'm behaving in a virtuous way when I'm behaving according to valor only then is God going to supply me the power in order that I can accomplish it's a word of authority and power for the purpose of results godly results and that is maintaining or establishing the order of the Lord so what are some of the characteristics in order to be a man or a woman of valor or virtue well first it talks about those that have the fear of God meaning this that they want to behave demonstrating God's priority it's not my priorities not what I want but it's God's will his priorities that's where we learned that there's a connection between the fear of the Lord and the will of God being established it says if you are fearing God you are also on che Emmet on che Emmet people of the truth so significant how many times the word Emet truth appears and in the context --is where that word appears truth all of this relates to the knowledge of God the statutes of God the instructions the laws of God the commandments of God truth so we have to be people of virtue and foundationally that virtue is is manifested because the fear of the Lord because we apply the truth of the Lord to our life that's found in the Word of God and notice that next brace sewn a Vatsa now Vatsa is often times its beta and it's different Val pointings but what is beta it is a prophet it speaks about wealth some Bibles simply translated as money but it's not a normal word for money but it speaks about excessive that they can be moved or manipulated because of their desire to have wealth and what he's saying here and this is so important it is highly problematic that those who are going to be judging those who are going to be in leadership that they are people who like money no what's the qualification well look at this word it's a word for hating that's literally what it says haters of Prophet haters of wealth see if they're motivated by that then their judgment can be influenced they are candidates for what candidates for a bribe so if they're going to have authority they cannot be individuals that that seek that seek wealth so haters a prophet and he says you shall put them over put these individuals these on shake hail these people of value you shall put them over there meaning the people and you do so making them ministers of of a thousand of a hundred ministers of 50 and ministers of of tens meaning maybe dozens so we have what with discernment we see some they can be given a little authority over a tens of people others 50 others hundred others thousands so it's a hierarchy all under the authority of Moses who himself is under the authority of God and notice how this works in greater detail verse 22 and they shall judge the people Biko at all the time see Moses can't do it day in and day out from the morning until the evening so it says they will do it at all times vary according our God all and if it should come about a big thing a large matter something of great issue so if a big deal comes up they will bring it unto you but everything that's small they will judge and they will lighten meaning what's placed upon you they will lighten it from you and they will lift up it says with you now this phrase at the end of verse 22 they Nestle eat ah here it says they will lift up with you and the implication here is that they are going to be participating in lifting up the people that's what vine is full Atok means some Bibles get it wrong that they're lifting Moses up no they're lifting up with Moses the these standards the spirit shuh ality the order of the people that it draws closer to the will of God verse 23 now you throw not a prideful man he is not one that assumes he comes before his son-in-law in a most humble manner and respectful look at verse verse 23 in attentive are as they toss a if this thing you will do and then he goes evades sits sits Baha Helene and God commanded you so he's saying bring this before the Lord and if this thing you will do bring it before the Lord to see if he commands and the implication is if he commands it he approves it if this is according to God's order his will if he agrees to it he says then he says you are able to stand and also the people upon its place so it says you'll be able to continue to stand and the people will be able to be in their place meaning there'll be order and notice the end of verse 23 yea though vish alone and he meaning the people the people will do what they will come to Shalom this is a great example the word Shalom referring to the will of God Shalom also is a term of destination that you'll get where you're supposed to be and that you'll also you'll also be individuals that not only get to where you're supposed to be but you're gonna be fulfilling what God would have you to do and now verse 24 we read here and Moses heard the voice of his father-in-law now hurt has an implication here that he took heed he obeyed what yet ro told him and he did all which he said verse 25 and Moses chose on shaking men of valor from all of Israel and this also teaches us an important principle and that is men of valor people who have the fear of the Lord who are our candidates to be used by God among our myths they may come from a wide variety of places from different families so it's significant Moses looked for them sought them out from all of Israel meaning all of the tribes each of the family he imparted what yet Roe had told him throughout the congregation of Israel look again at verse verse 25 and Moses chose men of valor from all of Israel and he set them as heads or leaders over the people in the same way that yet wrote said leaders of a thousand leaders of a hundred leaders of 50 and leaders of tens or dozens of people and what did they do verse 26 and they judge the people they call at at all time every moment this allowed the people to wait less time that there was a availability when there is a problem to get the revelation now this also according to the sages had a benefit because oftentimes because they had to wait for such a long time from in the morning till the evening for their turn to come up so Moses could hear and give a ruling based upon the instructions and the laws of God it could very well be that individuals would get tired of waiting and they would take matters into their own hands and they would act without this revelation and it would damage the community damage the nation but now when it says Bicol at at every moment they would judge the people it meant that people could come get a response and not waste as much time that there was and the principle here that some sages derived is swift justice that's what people want and that's what now they were being given verse 26 and they judged the people at every moment but a difficult thing they would bring to Moses and everything that was small every matter that was small they would judge so we have a distribution a delegation of authority based upon the issue at hand if it was necessary Moses would do it if it was a simpler issue those who had grown and learned and matured they could step in and bring that same perspective that same judgment that Moses would give they were able to to also provide it so things moved more efficiently and remember this was also going back up to the end of verse 23 where it says ya vol Vash alone that the people that they would go in peace meaning three things we talked about two of them one was that they would move a fort they would arrive at their destination secondly they would arrive there in a proper state and the third thing that we need to see is that this would bring about the revelation the will of God the glory of God within the congregation that they would have that Shalom and Shalom is a portent word that that reveals the the emphasis of God from God for a situation what is right what is wrong what is important and what is least important verse 27 our last verse in my opinion verse 27 raises more questions than they asked and sometimes a good student of the Bible they will be led to see here are important issues and perhaps look for those answers in a different location when similar things are taught and discussed let's just read verse 27 and then we'll we'll summarize via schlock ma che at coq know which means Moses sent his father-in-law now where did he send him well it tells us at the end via left low l art so and he went to his own land now the questions that it raises is this why didn't get roe stay with the children of Israel why did Moses seems as though he took the initiative and sent yet row back to his own land now one explanation I don't want to go too deep into this because it's not in fatica Lee said but the primary response from the sages is that yet Roe he had shown a a commitment in the first half of this chapter when he worshipped the God of Israel he has shown that he has a sensitivity for administering things knowing the will of God and perhaps now Moses is sending him back to Midian and ordered to influence the people there some would say that the fact that it says vias luck he sent a apostle is called a Shelia so some would say that this is perhaps the first Shelia the first apostle from an Old Testament the perspective of the Tanakh in in history and the first Shelia its yathra so Moses sent him and he noticed you throw he went it manifests submissiveness that yet Roe even though he was older even though that he was the father in law of Moses and therefore would have a a place of greater respect within the family yet Roe submitted to Moses why well even though Moses always spoke of him as that or that as his father-in-law a term of respect it also shows us in the Torah that the man of God the one that God chose to lead his congregation has the ability that called the authority to to give assignments and that's what Moses did he sent yet Roe back to his land and yet Roe being a humble a submissive individual he went and did what Moses said when we look at this we see in many different descriptions things showing submissiveness obedience so when we look at this passage we see there's a call for us to hear listen and learn knowing that we'll never have the order of God unless we have revelation of God but just having that revelation is not enough we need to be willing to submit to it and this is a requirement if we're going to remember that important phrase at the end of verse 23 V evolve is Shalom if we're going to arrive at the proper destination in the proper way revealing the proper glory of God well I'll close with that until next week may God richly bless you Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 1,328
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Exodus
Id: 1qu63FLgyUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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