Exodus Chapter 18 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson our God is a God a provision our God is a God of insight and when we come before him in a spirit of submissiveness God will move to provide he will give us insight he will give us revelation so that we can move in the right direction and accomplish the things which are pleasing to him and we never know whom God may supply in order to be a source of counsel to us well with that said to get your Bible and look with me of course we're studying from the book of Exodus and we're now ready for Exodus chapter 18 the book of Exodus and chapter 18 and this is the beginning of a Torah section known as a parsha which is portion called yet row and what's interesting is that you throw was a a one from Midian we know and we're gonna hear over the next two weeks over and over that he was the father in law of Moshe Rabbeinu Moses our teacher and we're going to see that this one is going to come to Moses he's going to bring his family which are now the family of Moses there's going to be a reunification and this teaches us something this teaches us it lays a paradigm for the reader to understand by means of redemption and always never lose sight of the fact that the exodus from Egypt this Passover experience this is about unity unifying God's people and also bringing a reunion and this is exactly what's going to happen here so look with me to the book of Exodus chapter 18 we're going to study the first 12 verses tonight beginning in verse 1 we read and yet Rho and that's what his name is in Hebrew you might happen to your Bible Jethro but say name just a different pronunciation and Jethro heard and who was Jethro he was the priest of Midian now the word in Hebrew is a word Cohen and normally we think of that with religious overtones a priests a religious position but the Hebrew language their word cohan simply is a word for as synonym is Misha rent a servant so he was known as a servant that lived in Midian and what's important about this is he was not Jewish who was not of the Hebrews and we see something because he heard what God had done done for the Hebrews for the sons of Israel he responded and this one you throw is kind of a paradigm for us of a righteous Gentile that sees God's activities and responds and this is what we study tonight at our study Center in Israel from the Book of Isaiah in chapter 16 we're going to see that when Messiah returns and they're the context is his and coming there is going to be a great influence by his return upon the nations that survive and they are going to recognize Israel and they are going to come in an obedient in a loving in a generous way and notice the transition because if you're a good student a prophecy these individuals and we see this in the book of Zechariah and chapter 14 these nations went up to Jerusalem kadai Lesotho , which means in order to make war but God he defeated them and the remnant of those they came to to believe in the God of Israel by sight in the same way that Israel came to believe by sight and now they are responding in the same way that we see here an example a foretelling of what the nations a remnant is going to do in the last days so look again when yet Rho the priest of Midian when he heard and notice who he is he's called Houghton O'Shea the father law of Moses now if you are taking notes or or making marks in your Bible I would circle or underline this phrase Houghton muche the father in law of Moses why well because we're gonna see over and over and over when yet Roe is spoken of he's told to us it's called to our attention over and over that he is the father law of Moses and this one is responding correctly one of the things that we can learn from that is that Moses he had an influence upon him and this is what Israel's supposed to do Israel's supposed to influence the nation's that they respond correctly and how did Moses do that through testimony and what God had called him to do and when Moses was obedient to that testimony it had impact upon the life of Jethro the priest submitting the father in law of Moses and all he heard all what God had done for Moses and for Israel his people and this is underscored we see that yet Roe and again we need to understand that he is an example of what the nation's should do when the nation see God's covenant efface fulness to Israel and and where should the nation's be seeing that today very simply and the fact that the Jewish people are returning to the land fact this week with a an organization that that we work with we see that they have been been working to bring Jewish people to the land and this week a Jewish man from the Ukraine 81 years old in a wheelchair handicap but never less God put upon his heart and God provided the means remember insight and provision that's what we're speaking about and God gave this old man 81 insight and gave him the provision in order that he would make citizenship and emigrate make aliyah to the arts to come to Israel and it's fulfilling his word so yet Roe he saw what God did for his people and it influenced him it impacted his behavior his thoughts it caused him to behave differently and that's what the nation should be doing they should see how God is moving according to his covenant Allah promises what the prophets said would happen and the promises of God little by little are happening at an ever-increasing speed things are chain the land that was desolate is blooming you only need to come to Israel to see this how the building is going on it is in a massive transformation it is paradigm of what we see by doing here great things he has done so when getro saw what God had done for Moses for Israel his people how it says for he that is the Lord brought forth Israel from Egypt now no one would have thought that that God could have brought about a release Pharaoh he thought of himself he proclaimed himself a god but when he came in contact with the one the one true God Pharaoh was humiliated he was devastated and ultimately he and those who fought against the purpose of a god they found themselves as we saw a few weeks ago destroyed at the yam stove the Red Sea look at verse 2 and yet Rowe took who's yet Roe the father in law of Moses he took sapore the wife of Moses after he had sent her now here's the key we see that there was this union between sapore and Moses interesting some of the sages of old speak about Moses representing Israel and support representing the nations in this unity that came because of God's work of redemption we see that it Herald the redemption that was coming and when Moses went back he was with support and then he sent her back to get Roe his father-in-law for him to go to Egypt and bring the children of Israel out a course through that mighty hand of God that outstretched arm and now God has kept his promises and through redemption and here's there is a reunion be aware of something if you experienced the redemption the redemption of Messiah Yahshua that is Christ Jesus if you experience his Redemption by accepting the gospel confessing your sins acknowledging that payment all full paid by the blood of Messiah with his death if you acknowledge that you are going to be reunited with every other believer especially those in your family if they're believers there will be a reunification but that reunification only comes about because of God's work of redemption and this this manifests that there is a reunion look at verse 2 and yet Roe tuck yet Roe the father in law of Moses took sapore the wife of Moses after he had sent her and also not just her but also we see that that next generation the children banaba Sean O'Shay the children the sons of Moses says and the two and her two sons who the name of the first one was gear shown why gare show well we're going to see what that name means for he said a sojourner that's gare a sojourner was I in a foreign land so Moses he soldier there he was a guerre Chomp dare Sharm a sojourner there so he remembered God God who brought him to that place and now we see that God brought a a unit unity between him and that next generation also look at verse 4 and the name of the the other son was called el le Azer Eleazar means literally my god helps and it says for God of my father was my help when he saved me from the sword of Pharaoh so Moses is doing something he is proclaiming the faithfulness of God and not only is God faithful but he's also able very important not only does he have desire to keep his promises he has the ability to keep his promises and let me say this it is very offensive to God when we doubt when God has said something and we go well I'm not sure or we may not vocalize it but our life does not reflect faithfulness because we doubt the Word of God we don't focus and not driven by the promises of God what Moses is saying is this he's saying I was a foreigner in a strange land and God preserved me I was in that place and God God helped me and he delivered me and God moved according to his purposes look if you would to verse 5 and yet Rho once more the father in law of Moses he came and his sons and his wife meaning Moses sons and Moses wife they came to Moses to the wilderness when he was camping there at where har ha Elohim the mountain of God and what is that mountain of God well it shouldn't surprise us it is Mount hor F or Mount Sinai two names from one place and realized that God did something that God told Moses he had been there before this is where he saw that that burning bush and he was moved about how could this bush be ablaze and engulfed with but not consumed this is a God who preserves and we talked about that message fire normally we see that as a a depiction of God's judgment but that fire did not consume the bush and we see God's ability to to preserve and have his people overcome judgment overcome his wrath by what his work of redemption that's why Moses was called so he remembers that place and what God told him he says that you and the people are gonna worship me on this mountain and what happens God brings them to this place where they're going to receive as we'll see in that weeks to come they're going to receive a seared had he broke the Ten Commandments and then ultimately all the commandments the Sinai is a place where they receive the Torah Torat mache the laws the commandments that God gave Moses and all of this is coming about because of God's redemptive work and it's so significant that this family is reunited at that place so once more you drove the father-in-law of Moses he came and Moses sons and Moses wife they came to Moses in the wilderness where Moses was encamping there at the mountain of God verse six and he said to Moses I am your father-in-law Yitro and I've come unto you with your wife and her two sons with her now the language is unique because you would think it would be in your wife and your two sons but it's it's your wife and her sons now why is that well most scholars believe that this is the situation back to the the Brit Milah when Moses neglected to circumcise his son and what did support do she remember Moses was about to be put to death by God and she acted in honor of that covenant what covenant the marital covenant she responded and here's a good news she saved Moses and the point is her son's calling our attention back to that event it's reminding Moses you have a faithful wife and isn't it wonderful that there are faithful wise so we read about this reunion verse 7 and Moses went forth to meet his father-in-law and he bowed down and he kissed him and each of them each to one another asks the well being that's the Shalom so what do we find we'll look again it says Moses went out to meet him his father-in-law and I would say that it was the father-in-law who bound out who recognized God's work in the life of Moses why do I say that look if you would it says they asked the well-being of one another and they went into the tents verse 8 while in the tent Moses told his father-in-law all what the Lord had done to Pharaoh and to Egypt and concerning what he did concerning Israel and all what all the difficult things which which they found upon the way but here's a good news and the Lord saved them he delivered them from all of these things now what is Moses doing Moses here is speaking about the faithfulness of God over and over in this passage of Scripture what we are being admonished to realize is that our God is truth what he says he will do and he's got the ability to do it and now because of Moses submissiveness to the things of God that brought about the provision and the insight and that is speaking boldly to a throne and this is also a message to the nations about how God is a God of deliverance a God that is a keeper of Covenant what does that mean he is faithful he keeps his word to his people and Moses is testifying to that and yet Rome he has heard about it from the other nations as well all the people around about they heard what God had done we're going to come eventually to a study of the book of Joshua and in Joshua we see how on shayera hol that is the people the inhabitants of Jericho they heard all about this but what was their problem why did God destroy that city the difference yet ro when he hears he responds he comes and he wants to be part of what God's up to he wants to be a member of faith and he is going to as we see become next week we're going to see according to one interpretation that he becomes a Shelia what's that what's kind of like the word apostle he sent back to Midian to be a proclaimer of the redemption of God but let's continue look if you would to the end of verse 8 word says Viad Salim Hashem which means and the Lord delivered them over and over through all these difficult times and Moses speaking about this and what happens via had yet ro now the word via Cod here unique Hebrew word I had to do research on it but it's a word that speaks of gladness of happiness of a very very intense variety when it wrote heard what God had done he rejoiced now I'm gonna be teaching elsewhere about a very different event and that's on our weekly program in the Hebrew that airs throughout Israel I'm coming going through the book of Matthew coming to the place where Yeshua he goes into the region of the Gerasenes and he Hills he heals two men that were demonically possessed and when the people saw these individuals who were demonic who wouldn't let anyone pass by the way they were amazed by that but instead of responding with joy for great things has God done through his only son in bringing about an exorcism and peace and restoring these to their right mind what did the people do they didn't rejoice they sent Yeshua away from their region so we need to contrast that act of disobedience with the act of faithfulness of yet room that would he heard of God's faithfulness God's provision God working in the life of the children of Israel look again at verse 9 yet Rowe was glad concerning all the good he saw this as good all the good which the Lord had done lathe Brown which means for Israel now this is a question that we need to see our people today because God although for the most part in this paints me the Israelis are a people of faith lessness meaning they have not received God's permission they're not looking at the scripture with the eyes of of understanding and because of that they're not reaping the benefits that they could be and having the effect in their nation and in their region and throughout the world that God wants and will bring about through Israel but never less that does not mean that God is not at work in Israel he is he is doing mighty things great things for Israel and the Jewish people and the question is is this a and cause of joy and blessing let me share with you where I share tonight we have a very close friend she's a woman who is 82 years old and she's been in the same congregation for for a long time and the leader of that congregation he gave some advice for people he said to those who were members of his congregation he says you know whenever you come across the word Israel he said replace it with the word Church now when you do that what you're doing is saying God isn't a God that keeps covenant 'el fidelity that God is not a God who's faithful to his word one of the things I'm going to be teaching in a few days is on the book of Romans chapter 11 at a conference and there we see but Paul underscores is this God is faithful he did exactly what he said he would do with his people both in if they were faithful and if they were faithless and this faithlessness brought about God's judgment God's punishment but don't think that God is finished with Israel I want to go to a place that I I taught from tonight look it's with me we mentioned one scripture but I want to go to another one from that same passage look with me to the book of Isaiah and chapter 60 the Book of Isaiah and chapter 60 what we see here in the scripture that God is going to do something we see here that God's going to move to bring about blessings upon Israel for all the sadness and all the suffering that they experienced because of their own disobedience so God is going to bring a change to the people and how is he going to do that what's going to take place to bring this about well when you look at the scripture we see something God is talking to them and he says look if you would to verse verse 17 says here in exchange for copper I will give you gold in exchange for iron I will give you silver and it's changed for wood copper and exchanged for four stones iron and here it is I will sit upon you these are these officials and they will bring about Shalom peace and upon ear and this is a word no guests in the book of Exodus the word no guest means taskmasters and he says upon these he said I will bring forth righteousness and what God is speaking about here is this he reminiscence back to Ezra knee says remember those those officials that oppress you in the end they're going to bring about peace the fulfillment of my will and those that that oppress you these taskmasters they gave you hard burdens to do they are going to be instruments in the end for righteousness and he says elsewhere he says I'm going to pay what you suffered your sorrow he says I'm gonna turn into joy so God is showing his faithfulness to his people and a change that's going to come about because of God's commitment now if God just said I'm done with the Jewish people I'm done with those covenant 'el promises and therefore forget about Israel and just think about yourselves the problem with that is this why couldn't then God say to to the church you know what you haven't been faithful you haven't been doing what I want you're not walking in obedience you're not being a proper testimony I said greater things that I had done you will do and that's not taking place in large measures today so why doesn't God just throw away the church well why we know that he won't is because he's been faithful and will be faithful to Israel and that all is a testimony of the faithfulness that he will demonstrate to both his old and new covenant people and the good news of the gospel is that one day he is going to bring a remnant of Israel and a remnant of the nation's he is going to bring them together and this is going to be his eternal congregation and make no mistake about it he only does it in one way and that is through faith in the gospel by means of means of His grace tonight we were talking about something that brought about the change and that is raha Mothe which is the Hebrew word for his mercy Rock Amin is mercy raha mauve his mercy and we saw tonight that all these things happen this this transformation to Israel God moving to bring about the fulfillment of his promises it all was initiated by God's mercy and we said you know if someone isn't a recipient of God's mercy nothing good happens they don't have that eternal Pope but what we learn is that God is going to extend mercy once more to Israel through that same message that the church responded to the gospel it's only by means of the gospel it's only by means of the gospel that one can't be recipient of God's mercy and it's his mercy that brings about the transformation of his people and the fulfillment of his will in your life and in my life so we see God is faithful look now if you would to 2 verse verse 10 God did many things for for Israel how he saved him I'm reading at the end of verse 9 from the hand of the Egyptians now verse 10 and yet Rowe said now this is this Gentile and What did he say he said borough has ten meaning blessed be the Lord some have had translate that kind of as an idiom e means praise the Lord and the word baroque means just that blessed but it also has a a degree of praise unto God for he's the source of all blessings so I love this verse here is this yet row from Midian a Gentile but because of testimony because he heard and faith comes by hearing he heard what God had done for Israel he is rejoicing and he says Hashem because he has saved you from the hand of the Egyptians from the hand of Pharaoh whom he saved the people from under the authority of Egypt now pay attention to that last phrase I want to read it carefully he's blessing God for rescuing delivering saving it's worth not steal today a a paramedic is is called by that same root word one who saves deliver and that's what God did for Israel but notice what it says at the end Mitaka yad Mitzrayim batad is from under the hand of egypt but the word hand in this context speaks about authority or power in other words god broke the power of egypt he rendered his authority now the word some hood or Exodia in Greek some hood in Hebrew it has the concept of power and authority and it's a ruling power its authority that enslaves and what God did and Pharaoh or excuse me yet Rho is rejoicing over this is that he delivered Israel from that Authority and let me simply say tonight there are some who perhaps are listening or perhaps you know that they are submitting they are in bondage to a wrong Authority and it's only the Lord that can deliver one from that people today are full of anxiety and stress you ought not be God's able God if you are a follower of him you are with him he is with you in that covenant relationship and in the same way we can go back up to something we read earlier where it spoke about all of these difficulties go back if you would to a very important scripture look at verse 8 where it says all the difficult things which you found meaning Israel found on the way the Lord he rescued them he delivered them he saved them that same word that we're talking about now and and God is not a respecter of persons what he did for Israel he will do for you but here's the important point Israel was under the influence the leadership of Moses who was under the leadership of God when you're under godly leadership one who's listening to God studying his word then you can be assured that God he is going to deliver you God is able look now to verse verse 11 now and who speaking well this is parshat yet row yet row is speaking and he says now and this is the Hebrew word a tie in modern Hebrew we use the word a chef and I've heard individuals much smarter than me that understands Biblical Hebrew and modern Hebrew much better than me they say that a tie is a chef about Bey they opened the hoof which means the word attack in in Hebrew means now like the modern Hebrew word a chav but with more intensely more urgency the word the hoof urgent so he says now I have known it's you Dottie if your Bible says I know what it's doing is this it's trying to translate things so that it makes sense to us you ought not do that we need to understand what the Word of God says it doesn't say at ah I need your damn but it says at I know Dottie I have known now when the perfect is used in in Biblical Hebrew or the the of our in in modern Hebrew and that terminology what it teaches us business that he knows completely he knows in its entirety he has come to an unshakable knowledge concerning God he understands correctly what he's going to say now I knew that great is a Lord than all gods now Elohim can be used as well for the modern Hebrew le lien idols other gods now there's no other gods but there are other gods spoken about named people worship for example the Muslims Allah but what Etro is saying is that Allah's not a God of course that religion didn't come about for about twenty nine hundred years after that but the point is this that's probably not right it's probably about twenty one hundred years after that but the point is there's only one God that's why we say the Shema we pledge our faith to the one God so he says now I have known that great is the Lord or greater is he than all gods for in the word which which and here it is it's the thing which they did unto them meaning this he's speaking about how God was faithful and greater than these other false gods speaking about the pagan gods in Egypt that Pharaoh personified a name and the word here's a word du Zi do well many of you might know the word mazeed mazeed means a sin there's two types of sins Mishka got means I did something wrong but I didn't do it with intent I either did not know it was wrong or was not my intent to do that it happened I'm guilty but I didn't do it with intent that's bish Gaga the word mazeed means I did it I knew it was wrong and I wanted to do it something very bad and it speaks here about how the enemies of issue they didn't do it out of ignorance and this personifies something it's a a paradigm a typology because we learn a lot about the future what's gonna happen in the last days we learn a lot from the exodus from Egypt and we know something during those 10 plagues God manifested himself pharaoh attested to that that that god is righteous and he's not that he is the one true God and Pharaoh's not and none of his gods are either but yet they rebelled against God and in that same way this shows that in the last days those who rebel it's not out of ignorance it is a willful disobedience the the bad things that they did now some relate this word to the word gava which means pride they acted pridefully against them meaning israel verse 12 our last verse it says here and yet Rho the father-in-law of Moses he took a burnt offering and other sacrifices to God now this is important because we see something this last verse that we're going to be talking about has to do with you throw he said Baruch Hashem but that was a oral Proclamation and now he's going to show his faith in action you know that's the the normative thing if you have faith it will demonstrate itself in action in behavior in deed and that's what yet ropes going to do he is going to and don't make any mistake about it he is going to worship God and he is going to do so through sacrifice see worship let me say this again worship involves sacrifice worship involves giving I don't talk a lot about giving because so many individuals of the faith that's oftentimes all they talk about and I don't agree with their theology and I want to be different from them but that also can be problematic because we see that the Lord loves a joyful Giver and what we see here is that yet Rome yes he praise God he said Baruch Hashem but now he's going to demonstrate his faith by sacrifice he's going to make an offering notice what verse 12 says and yet Roe the father in law of Moses this is coming from the influence of Moses he takes a burnt offering and sacrifices to God and we read here and Aaron he came and all the elders of Israel to eat bread what's that fellowship now eating also in the Bible we see eating oftentimes is related to the praise of God why well in Deuteronomy 810 a hot evasive active rata attetion and Oaxaca you've eaten you're satisfied and you bless the Lord God and this is what is being depicted here he makes these offerings and this brings him into fellowship with Aaron the high priests who will be the high priests and through the elders of Israel he comes into the leadership and this may explain what we see at the end of this chapter we'll have to wait until next week when when Moses sends you throw back to his lame to be in my opinion a shalyah a emissary an apostle to take that message that he heard and that faith that he had received and that worship of the one true God that he proclaimed earlier and that brought him into the leadership of Israel they ate bread with the father in law of Moses and they did so lift Naha Elohim before the Lord and isn't it great that we can shall fellowship with one another and to do so in the spirit of worship and we see an example of how a Gentile is brought into the family of Israel how they become one people with one purpose and how they worship God and here's the key the same way did you hear that how yet Rome who returned to Midian but how he worshipped the same way and let me conclude this study with a a stern warning and that is those against those who want to make a improper distinction between Israel and the nation's now is there a distinction yes I'm talking about an improper distinction and that is to say oh there are certain things that's only for the Jewish people and other things only for the Gentiles no not when it comes to serving God the word and the commandments that God gave to Israel is for them to be a light and instructor I mean look at the context Moses and the elders of Israel did not say to yet Rome no no no this is for us not you you you you go back you only have a few things to do we've got 613 you've got get a handful they didn't say that they went when you throw came to believe in the one true God the God of Israel and when a Gentile comes to believe in Messiah sure in the son of the God of Israel well we should see that although a Jew remains a Jew and a Gentile remains a Gentile they should have a walk a walk that similarly reflects the Word of God the truth of God and manifest the glory of God that's what the Word of God brings about in a believers life well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 1,867
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Exodus
Id: gawGNSyECt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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