Mid-Week Study

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doing an impromptu and unannounced livestream we're calling this a midweek service in collaboration with love Israel org and the congregation of the word now last matzo Shabbat that is last Saturday night our live stream failed and that was because of what I was told Network issues whatever that means so we worked with the company everything was good on our end and now we're doing a test but I thought well let's just not do a test let's do a midweek service now this is not going to be from our normal series from the book of qohelet the book of ecclesiastes we will continue on this coming Saturday night matzah Shabbat with chapter 8 of the book of ecclesiastes what we're going to do tonight is to look at another piece of Scripture but before we do let's go before the word and also before the Lord in prayer father God we exalt your name we praise you because you love us we praise you because you redeemed us we praise you because you are intimately aware of everything in our life and you move in our life to bring about that which is good that which is pleasing to you when we submit you begin to transform us grow us mature us when we obey we experience your presence your power your guidance so father God we praise you for the things that you do but also we praise you Lord for the fact that you are the Living God that you are worthy of praise because if not only what you have done but because of who you are so we exalt your name we glorify you we give thanks to you that you are our God and that you have revealed yourself to us through Yeshua your only begotten Son our redeemer and savior the lord of those who have named him that you have also revealed to us through him your perfect and abiding power of your people that you are God that delivers us and has caused us to be overcomers so we exalt your name we also pray to seve nning for fellow believers those who live throughout the world those who are are being persecuted those who are challenged those who are alone in communities where there's not congregations or other believers Lord we pray that you would strengthen them and grow them and mature them and assist them to be faithful servants and influence others for your name's sake with your gospel with your holy spirit that they might be born again as well and father we pray not only for fellow believers who are suffering but we pray for those who are in leadership that you might move them along and according with your will that they might have insight wisdom guidance so that they can bring others to worship you that they might lead others according to your truth that we might see more and more servants and warriors for your sake in your purposes in our communities and father God we also pray for those who are sick those who are struggling disease those who are sad this the dejected despaired whatever it might be we pray encouragement for these individuals and Lord God we also want to lift up tonight those who are in governmental positions of authority Lord God that that they would turn to you that you would move in various situations to capture their attention that they might not only be leaders in this world but but but also your sir and lead according to your truth and be sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit in their lives so we pray as we are instructed for leaders and government authorities and finally God we pray tonight that we might hear from you that through your word of truth you're in errant scripture that we might be impacted and forever change through the anointing of Scripture for this we s in messiahs name Amen well we're going to turn now to the book of Judges and chapter four and we're going to meet a judge and the judges name may surprise you because it's a woman's name Devorah and devorah she was someone who God use and the scripture is going to share with us why that he uses her in such a mighty way so with that said look with me to the book of Judges chapter 4 and we're going to begin our study in verse 4 in a moment but yesterday I was traveling from the southern part of Israel where we live to the northern portion spent the night and as I was going up there we traveled through the various places that this scripture names and as you go through these locations they are given named small villages and communities they are given names from what is recorded in the scripture and likewise when we came back today we also thought about this story and therefore both last night and today we were studying it my wife and I went over it and I decided to share it during this time of worship and study so we're looking at the book of Judges and one of the things that stands out is this cycle in the book of Judges that the children of Israel they did what was right in their eyes but they did seek God's counsel they weren't looking for his leadership they did what was right according to their thoughts and whenever we make decisions based upon our human intellect how things seem in our eyes were going to choose unrighteous ly we're going to choose foolishly we need to live as people who are submissive to the revelation of God people who hear from him people who encounter truth in the scripture and apply that to their life and want to obediently carry out the purposes of God well this woman Devore was an exception in her time period the children of Israel because of disobedience they were sold into slavery they were going through a difficult period of time and not just for a short few months or a couple of years but 20 years they were in bondage and now God in His Providence in His mercy and renewing that covenant 'el relationship with his people he wanted to move but there was not a man who was willing to stand for truth and to be someone who was obedient to the revelation of God and notice what the scripture says and it's very important that we learn the context in order to understand what God is communicating properly let's begin as I said in verse 4 judges chapter 4 and verse 4 we read here and devorah and then we have a phrase that describes her it's the word ishshah' nivea she was a female prophet now what it was a prophet someone who heard from God and not just heard from God but had the boldness who had a commitment to speak the Word of God exactly as had revealed it to this person so we read in verse four and devorah this female prophet she was the wife of a man by the name of LEF p-doped and she was judging israel at that time now it's very important that we see her methodology of judging she was not in the government seat she was not someone who was advising someone in a particular fashion as for example Isaiah did with the king or some other leader no she was a very submissive a very humble woman who did not usurp authority of someone else but she simply sit down under a tree notice what the scripture says in the next verse verse 5 and she was sitting underneath the palm of Devore that is the palm tree of Devore so this was a place that she would go and sit down now that phrase for sitting down shows submissiveness she was not trying to exalt herself but most of the sages of judaism sees her as submissive someone who God was revealing things to and in her submissiveness in her humility going to a specific place now some of the commentaries make a emphasis upon the fact that she was under a palm tree a palm tree is strong a palm tree has a very strong root system where it puts a strong foundation and it grows high but it's only because of its willingness to put forth that system of roots that it's able to grow as high as it does so she was submissive her foundation her strength was in the willingness to go low meaning to be a humble woman and because of that God spoke to her now she didn't go from place to place some governmental office or such but what she did was to simply sit under this palm tree which became known as the palm tree of Devore and it was between Rama and between beth-el in the mountain of Ephraim so she was at this location and notice what it says concerning this and the children of Israel they would go up to her now the language is very important here they would not go to her but what the scripture says is that they would go up to her now we've just been taught that she's sitting down in a very submissive humble manner but her words that she's sharing is going to lift up the children of Israel she did not make herself to be a public spectacle she didn't I call attention to herself but very quietly but people recognized that God was speaking to this woman and this idea of prophecy has to do with revelation and speaking what was necessary at that time prophecy is always relevant for the period of time that it's given and also into the future so she is judging Israel in this manner not like the other judges who were men she was doing it differently but never less the children of Israel went up unto her for judgment now this term judgment in this context speaks of discernment they wanted to know what was right she was not giving judgment in the sense as a judge sentencing people she was not in some official capacity rather she was giving rulings as what was the right thing to do in a given situation there is a connection bibley speaking between prophetic truth and wisdom and wisdom is not just knowledge but but wisdom is the ability to take knowledge and apply it to a given situation so she was judging Israel she was giving insight to Israel she was revealing truth to the people of God in order that they might behave properly in their given situation now look at verse 6 and she was doing this God gave her a new assignment because he or she sends and she calls to a man by the name of Barak now this word Barak it is the Hebrew word which means lightning it is not the same word as my name comes from which has to do with blessing it sounds similar but the last letter is different one is a cuff that has a guttural sound to it baru and this is Barak it's a harder case out so she sends and she calls for this man who is the son of AVI know'm and he's from Kadesh of Naftali now that means it's not the Kadesh that we speak about in the days of Moses but this is in notice it says Kadesh Naftali and Naphtali x' allotment of land was in the Upper Galilee in the Lebanese mountain range that comes into even Israel today and if you're in Israel you can go to this location this general area in the Upper Galilee so she sends she calls for this man and Barak was the military leader and notice what she does she calls to him and she to him look at the last half of verse 6 and she says into her him surely the Lord the God of Israel has commanded you so there's revelation she has heard a message from God for this military leader and those what she says she commands him from God - and the word here is to draw forth now some of your Bibles might say to deploy but this is really gathering drawing up soldiers in order that they might be deployed but initially they are being drawn and it she says draw up from mount Tavor and take you shall take with you ten thousand men from the sons of Naftali and the sons of Zebulun now these are course are the two tribes that come from these two men that are called by that name Naftali and Zebulun the sons of Yaakov and their allotment of land was in the Galilee and we also see that these two tribes are mentioned and a very significant location where these two tribes allotment of lands comes together along the Sea of Galilee well this is where the prophecy from Isaiah Isaiah chapter 8 at the end and the beginning of Jaws a chapter 9 speaks about the place where Messiah was going to begin to be revealed that light Messiah being the light of the world that shines in darkness so here in this passage of Scripture he is calling Barack to take 10,000 men from these two tribes in order to go to war notice what he says surely the Lord has commanded you that you go and you draw forth from mount Tavor and you take with you these 10,000 men from these two tribes look now to verse seven and God is speaking Devore is is communicating what God has said to her for Barack and in quoting God she says and I will draw unto you at the Naha kiss run then how is a river and the Shoshone it's kind of a brook in the lower Galilee area so he says I will draw unto you Sisera who is the captain or the military leader of the army of Yavin and levine he is an enemy of God's people his one who has his hand a strong hold on the people of Israel not for a good reason but for punishment God has used him but the time of that punishment is coming to an end God is raising up new leaders within Israel in order to bring about a new time of renewal for the children of Israel so God is promising to bring up the enemy in order that Barak might fight against them and notice that Barak it speaks about his chariots and the multitude this large multitude that he has and if you read earlier in chapter 4 he has nine hundred chariots and the point here is that that represents a very strong military that they have a great number of weapons a great number of soldiers notice that it says his multitude it uses the Hebrew word jamón which is a large number so there's only ten thousand not much to go against this vast are me but notice what God says at the end of verse seven there's a promise this revelation from Devore and one of the reasons why a woman is being mentioned here is because what God is providing is a form of redemption and I've spoken many times how when a woman takes the center place in a passage it gives a context Redemption so God wants to renew his redemptive purposes with the children of Israel notice what he says it's a promise he says and I will deliver him into your hand so God is going to bring about the victory and knows what he says into your hand now that speaks to the fact that God wants to use this man Barack in order to be victorious for him that he is the one who is going to bring about sistera this mighty military leader this one who has been enslaving for Avene but it is sister that is carrying out your veins desire to enslave these people if you get rid of Sisera you're going to find that hevene is not going to be very strong or able to carry out this this bondage any more for the people of God so the opportunity is for sistera to be victorious to be a champion to be a hero for the people of God and notice what happens in verse 8 Barak says unto her if you go with me I will go but if you will not go with me I won't go so what he's saying here is this he wants to really test whether this is God's Word now here's the problem we have seen that there is a history devor has been judging people have recognized her leadership that God has spoken to her and in a very humble way in a way of submissiveness she has been taking God's truth not preaching it in some Tabernacle not asserting the authority of the priests or the Levites but she has simply set down and here again I cannot overestimate the importance of the fact that it says and the children of Israel went up unto her normally would just simply say that he went they went to her but this idea of going up means that her counsel is is as part of this upward call it lifts up the children of Israel it is a blessing it draws them closer to God whenever someone speaks about going to Jerusalem it's always going up why well it's not just speaking about actually going up because Jerusalem is elevated but the emphasis is on approaching God and through her words and it's been supported person after person year after year have taken her counsel recognized that she's hearing from God that she is a a prophetess and therefore why did not sister and the answer is a lack of faith so what he does here is to say this you know I'm not sure if you're really a prophetess I'm not really sure that you've heard from the Living God so if you expect me to go out and wage war against our enemy I want you there right with me if you're not willing to risk your life well I'm not willing to risk my life so he did not accept the Word of God he had doubt and what does he do well he puts her in the position next to him and notice the outcome of that look now to verse 9 she speaks and she says I will go go the word go or or a walk is repeated twice here and it's a way of emphasizing you could say and translate it this way that she speaks and says I will surely go with you but notice the next word now most English Bibles translate this word as nevertheless speaking about something that is one things going to be done but never less this is the outcome but this is not the proper way to translate that phrase it's actually just one word and it's a very easy word it's a word Efes in Hebrew and what is FS nothing zero now God has called Barak to be a hero to be the one who the enemy the main obstacle for the Jewish people that God wants to deliver that enemy of Israel into Barack's Han but because he doubts because he does not accept the Word of God and respond to it with faith but he doubts what does she say she says nothing meaning nothing is going to be to you in the sense of and the next word is the ferret meaning splendor you're not going to have any splendor upon the way the way that you're going for into a hand of a woman the Lord will sell Sisera now this word sell and I don't know if the English Bibles translated this way but it's a word limb core which means to sell and the ideal here is this in the same way that God sold the children of Israel into slavery because of their disobedience because they did not act out of Revelation because they did not submit to truth now he's saying I'm gonna do that same thing with Sisera I'm gonna sell him the idea of here is deliver him into your hands but because he rejected it what does God say he says that he is going to be sold into the hands of a woman so Barak instead of being victorious we're going to see that it's a woman who is going to receive the glory and the honor of defeating this man Sisera and the ideal here is if you defeat him well everything else is going to to fall down as well in regard to that enemy so look again at the scripture she says here well into a hand the Lord God will sell sister Anne Devora got up and she went with Barak towards Kadesh now verse 10 and Barak it says that he yells and this is simply calling to Zebulon and to Naftali to come to this place Kadesh and he went up on his feet meaning he began to move forward and with him were those ten thousand men and and devorah went up with him so we're coming to the battle now God has promised that the children of Israel are going to be delivered that they are going to experience God's Redemption and what's Redemption well this concept of redemption has to do with a couple different things first of all it has to do with a change of ownership when one is redeemed he will move from under one Authority to a new Authority so when we experienced the redemption of Messiah Shula by his blood and his death upon that cross we become redeemed by that blood and we are now submitting we are now under the authority of not sin but of the spirit of Messiah we're under his authority we who are redeemed recognized not just in word but deed as well the lordship of Messiah in our life but when we look here and let's do so we find that divorce going up and she's with Barak as this war draws closer look now to verse 11 here we're going to meet another individual his name is Xavier and he is a tonight now that's not a cannon it-- but a tonight a different word and he separated from this people and he was from the sons of Koval who was the the father in law of Moses now who are we talking about here who was the father in law of Moses get Roe or Jethro so he was from that and notice what he did keep reading in verse 11 he pitched his tent at a place called alone which was in sanh 9 which is with Kadesh so he is very very close to where this battle is supposed to take place where this enemy resides where his army base is his headquarters and the implication is this one because he was near when Barack was approaching with his men he knew this and he took that information to Cicero in order to give him a heads up well move on now to verse 12 we find here and they told that is this one with others they told sister that Barack had come up and who was Barack the son of Avena WOM from Mount Tavor Sisera he yelled out in the same way that he called that is the same way that that Barack called for the soldiers to come the same word is used now in regard to Sisera that he called all of his chariots 900 chariots of of iron and all the people to be with him from her oh huh gleam to now how he shone now this term now how or the river or brook he's shown is significant because this is exactly where God said that that the victory was going to take place and what we should see and emphasize is God's providence his omniscience that God is going to be with his people for his purpose and he's going to do so with perfect knowledge nothing surprises God when God reveals something is going to be we can trust in full agreement full assurance that that's going to be so everything is coming together exactly as God has promised well look now to verse 14 and devorah said to Barak now here again he is the leader he's the one who should be giving orders it's shameful remember what the scripture says see we need to let the scripture form our interpretations all too often people think they have the freedom to interpret the Word of God as they see fit as it makes sense to them no it's only when we use the proper methodology it's only when we utilize the rules of biblical interpretation and here what we find is this we've already learned and devorah is speaking for God it's not her opinion it's not her thoughts she has said you are not going to have the glory there's not going to be any splendor for you because a woman is going to be the one who brings about the death of Cicero not you now God has promised that because this man is faithless he did not take in fullness partially yes let me tell you God wants perfect obedience he wants us to fully apply his word to our life and not take a portion because a portion signifies doubt and what does the scripture say in the book of James you know the doubtful man don't let him expect or think that he's going to receive anything from God so this partial obedience is not going to bow well for for Barak the fact that a woman is going to be used by God instead of him he is being shamed so once again look here verse 14 divor she she speaks to Barak and she says rise up now let me just pause for a moment and point out to you that this word rise up is used so many times in the scripture and it is a synonym of that same word where it speaks about the children of Israel going up many of you know the word alia meaning going up well that's used earlier but here's the word which is the command form so now we find that Barak he is taking orders from a woman and that is to show his unwillingness to trust God respond to God's revelation in order that he might rightly do what God has called them to do and that is to lead Israel and victory but that's not going to happen a woman is going to lead Israel to victory and the idea here is that this is shameful for the man so verse 14 Devorah says to Barak for this is the day now god I love this how God has days of deliverance there are specific times where God he enables us and if we miss out on those opportunities if we doubt or we partially respond to him we're not going to experience what God had for see God's will was this it was that Barak would lead Israel to victory but because he only took a portion of that word he heard it and he had a doubt well notice what God wanted to happen what God said could be that system was going to be delivered into his hand well because of doubt he wasn't going to experience this this mighty thing that God wanted to do in his life and the same thing is said for us when we hear partially and we don't respond in full obedience it is gonna have serious consequences we're not going to be possessors of the things that God wants us to have our decisions really mean something you know many people are wrongly teaching today it's almost like a fatalism that that what God wants to happen is going to happen not the case because God wants all people to be saved but that does not mean that all people are going to be saved God did not want the various things that happened to Israel like Israel going into bondage of Egypt that was an outcome of disobedience it was the outcome of sin and because God's holy and because he has these spiritual laws when we doubt when we disbelieve when we partially carry out what God has said there is going to be because of the righteousness of God a punishment a consequence God does not delight in that but his glory his power and the truth of his word is manifested through that so divorce says raisa for this is the day which the Lord will give Systrom into your hand surely the Lord has gone out before you and Barak went down from the mountain of Tavor with these ten thousand men after him so there's this same statement that God wants to do this but Barak he has a problem with trusting God he he hears this but he does not fully comply are you fully complying with the truth of Scripture when when God leads you when God moves in your life to reveal to you something do you doubt or do you do see doubters don't do in the way that they should so verse 15 and the Lord and it's a word which I guess we could translate it into English as routed or defeated or destroyed God said he was going to provide the victory that we just have to be faithful vessels so God routed Sisera and all of his chariots now I translated in the plural but it's really in a singular meaning that he destroyed all these 900 as though they were one that's implication and all the camp what did he do it says here according to the sword meaning to the sword he placed these people before Barack and Sisera says he went down from his chariot now Barak was there but Sisera he escaped he went down from his chariot and he fled on his feet and Barak pursued after him after the chariot and it says and after the camp unto her ohshit gleam there fell all the camp a sister to the sword and not one of them remained now this is a powerful statement because this army of Sisera was large and we find here that there was a total annihilation not one of the soldiers of disre survived they were all put to death but Sisera he this leader instead of being a brave man and fighting till the end what did he do he came down from his chariot and he ran away on foot for his life hey a fearful weak individual so Barak saw that and he wanted to defeat him now there was no fear Barak understood and he was pursuing Cicero but the question is would he be victorious and put this one to death well we already know the answer because devorah had already said because of his doubt his partial compliance there was going to be no splendor for him rather that this man was going to be delivered into the hands of a woman now verse 17 and Sisera he fled on his feet to the tent of a woman by the name of yah who was the wife of Gewehr who is the Canaanite for there was peace at this time between naveen the king of cats or and the house of Hvar the cannot so they had this this agreement but in this agreement the children of Israel were suffering but we find another example not of air but rather his wife she was going to be used by God so this is the second time that a man acts in faithlessness when he warned sister but the woman is going to be the one that God is using to the shame of both of these individuals look now to verse 18 and Yael she went forth to meet sister and she said to him turn aside idly now this is a word I don't need for for Lord it's a term of of respect so it's also a term of submissiveness recognizing someone else's Authority it's the same route where the word Adonai comes from which can be master or Lord so she says to him pay attention to these words because we need to realize that God's Word does come to us and expect us to have some common sense now she is going to be used by God to bring Sisera to death and she desires to do that but here's the key if she says oh by the way I'm going to kill you but anyway coming to my my tent and lie down and you be there so I makes it easier for me to kill you let me ask you a question do you think Sisera would do that he'd probably kill her so she says turn aside my master my lord turn aside unto me do not fear well she's saying these things but he should really feel fear her and he turned unto her and to her tent and she covered him with a blanket now this man was so fearful that he's asking her hide me from those who are pursuing me verse 19 and he says to her you know give me a little bit of water to drink for I am thirsty now that makes sense because he has been running for his life not knowing where to go and he comes providentially to this location where there is a woman a woman whose name is Yael now Yael that can refer to a specific type of animal like an ibex but it's also and the rabbi's see this it's also speaking about going up and this idea of going up is is rich in the texts see God and Paul speaks about this how he has an upward calling speaking about the Lord through Paul Paul reveals that God has an upward calling but that upward calling can only be accessed when we move in faith when we take seriously not partially but completely God's revelation his truth through his word through prophetic revelation so we find here that he says give me a little water to drink I am thirsty and she opens up the skins this is probably elsewhere in the Bible it refers to wine skins but here the wine skins are probably old it's not fitting to put new wine in old widened skins so it's being used for Holle of milk and she gives him a drink and then she's covering him up now that's almost that's like the language of a little child you give someone who is immature milk and then you covering him up tuck him to sleep and that's exactly what he's going to do he is going to lie down and he believes in a false security well look now to verse 20 and he says to her go stand at the door or the entrance literally of the tent and if it should be that a man should come and asks you and he should say is there any man here you are to say there is none verse 21 and notice what she does she just said to him a few verses earlier you're my lord do not fear turn aside into my tent everything will be well well is that her intent no because no sooner does does he say go outside and if anyone comes say there's no one here what does she do well look at verse 21 we read and yell she takes and she's the wife of Kaveri she takes a tent peg and she sets a mallet or a hammer it's a different word from hammer but it's like a large mallet and she sets that in her hand and she comes to him quietly now this just really mean quiet it means almost secretly she does so in a way that she doesn't want to be recognized for what she's about to do covertly would be the modern way that this word is translated into Hebrew today convert me covertly so she's doing this and what does she do look at the middle of verse 21 she drives that template into his forehead and it is fastened to the ground now think of this for a moment how many women do you know that half the strength to take a tent peg with a mallet and drive it into the temple of a man and it goes all the way through and fastens his head to the ground now here again if you look at the rabbinical commentaries this is a show God's action through her the power is not of her own but it's a and what's the principle that we learn from that when we participate in the plans of God we can expect God's supernatural provision his strength to do that which we could never do on her own that's what Redemption positions us to receive but it's faithful obedience that causes us to be a recipient of that power of the Holy Spirit did not say to be the recipient of the Holy Spirit but the power or the guidance or the insight that the Holy Spirit wants to give us so here in this text she a woman is one that puts Sisera to death look now if you would to to the end of verse 21 we read and he fell asleep and he and the biblical word is yes now that word means in modern Hebrew to grow tired but in the biblical hebrew it's it's parallel to the Hebrew word gose s which means to to pass away to be at that point where you're more dead than a life you are in that last stage of dying and therefore it's followed by the fact that he did die verse 22 no sooner and the timing is so important no sooner does Sisera die the one pursuing him the one that wants that glory to kill the leader of the enemy Barak comes and notice what takes place verse 22 and behold Brock who was pursuing sister says that yell went out to meet him and she says to him come and you look the man which you are seeking he has come it says the let me translate it again for the man whom you are seeking and Barak he comes unto her and behold Sisera had fallen dead and the tenth plague was still in his forehead and God now verse 25 or 23 it says and God subdued that day yea Veen the king of the Canaanites before the children of Israel and what we find here is that that victory came about because of two women one who heard God and the other one who will beat li serve God and this is to teach us what true redemption is remember women when they're mentioned gives the context of the passage to be redemption redemption positions us where we can hear God and secondly obey God that is the purpose for which we have been redeemed that we might carry out the purposes and the plans of God through our life and here both Devorah and yell did just that verse 24 now verse 24 begins with the word here Tala it's a word that we've encountered in several different places it's a word that go it means to go or walk now some Bibles translate it in a an idiom which means to prosper but but nowhere do we see that in the texts it's kind of interpreting this word based upon the context rather than the literal meaning of this word what the scripture says is this that the hand of the children of Israel went and the idea here is went forth and it was hard upon the avene the king of the Canaanites so what we see here is through this Redemption their hand became strong and was was hard upon their enemy and this enemy of theirs this King called hevene who was the leader of the canaanites law it says that it went so forth the hand an order that had brought and it literally the word to cut down it brought about the destruction of the avene the king of the Canaanites now this scripture has victory but what we find is this the men who did not act in complete faithfulness the men who was not submissive to the call of God who did not recognize the people of God those individuals these men were put to death or had no glory and it was only the women who heard and obeyed that brought about victory deliverance renewal the outcome of Redemption and we find two women Devorah and Yael great examples of what it means to be obedient servants of God so as I conclude this this live stream tonight I want to ask you are you that people are you the type of people who are listening to God listening for the purpose of obeying wanting to be used by God to carry out his purposes and do you believe that God if he calls you to do something do you truly believe that he will sustain you and power you provide all that you might need in order that you can carry out the work of God in a way that manifests his presence in your life I'm sure that when cisserus saw that the all scuse me when Barak saw that the only one who was in that tent was a woman yeah and he saw this mighty what he thought was a mighty warrior having his head fastened because of a tent peg driven through his temples when he saw that I don't believe that he could imagine this woman did that well the actuality is a faithful woman or a faithful man a faithful child whoever when we obey God we can expect God's provision his power to do that which we could never do on her own well let's conclude with prayer father God we love you we thank you for the encouragement of a story like this a story that is historically accurate God we want to be the people like Devore like you l that you use for your plants to manifest your glory to bring about renewal to do what you would have done for your people that we might be transformed into the people and into the state where we can serve you and bring about your kingdom purposes we thank you that you are calling people today we thank you that you are speaking to people today that that prophetic truth that you give to your word continues now to those who are listening those who want to obey those who want to bring you glory and honor for this we pray and that blessed name of Messiah Yeshua and we all say Amen well before we end this life casts I'm going to remind you that you to join us this coming Saturday night as always for midnight from Jerusalem and that's five o'clock Eastern Time it's Greenwich miniature time plus two hours and what we're going to do is that we're going to continue once again our study in the book of Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes chapter eight so join us this matzah Shabbat as we can our weekly live stream our virtual worship service of the con
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Rating: 4.9432626 out of 5
Id: bIw833RiHmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 56sec (3476 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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