Exodus Chapter 16 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson well we see that only with God are we going to experience the leadership that moves us where we need to be as the scripture says that it's with much tribulation that we must enter into the kingdom of God so when things are difficult when they're hard we shouldn't be surprised by that we shouldn't begin to lose faith and become people of despair but we need to have within us based upon the Word of God understanding recognizing where we are in this world of darkness in this world of evilness where there's a prince of this world and it is the enemy of Messiah we call him square HaMashiach the enemy of Messiah also known as the Antichrist the scripture says that that that spirit of the Antichrist and those who belong to him are already working in this world in fact the word of God speaks about a mystery of wickedness and lawlessness that is going to be manifested more and more in these last days and that's why it's so important that we walk under the leadership of the Holy Spirit knowing how to hear and one of the things that we need to do is be people that experience and demonstrate this confidence this assurance that comes from faith knowing him knowing his promises unfortunately the passage of Scripture that we're going to study to seeping is a bad example of how the people of God behave so with that said take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Exodus chapter 16 the book of Exodus chapter 16 now we're just gonna look at a relatively small number of verses tonight but we want to pay close attention to what is being said in order that we measure ourselves up not based upon those who are not walking in obedience but those who are trusting God notice what the scripture says Exodus chapter 16 and verse 1 and they traveled from a lean and they came who's they all the congregation of the children of Israel and remember I mentioned this previously that this word for congregation is a word for a witness one who bears testimony and the question that we need to ask ourselves is this are we a good witness is our life manifesting a testimony that is pleasing to God that's the key a testimony that's why we're here one of the things that we should strive about one of the things that should be the focus of our life is our testimony that should be an issue of great importance and a major part of our prayer life that we have a walk a lifestyle a testimony that is in line and pleasing with the will of God so we read here and they traveled from allene and they came all the congregation these witnesses called the children of Israel and they came to the wilderness of sin now this word sin is not related to that English word sin as in NIC wa t or transgression it's simply sin having no relevance whatsoever to to disobedience it's a name of a place probably not even a Hebrew term but one that was known by by other nations they gave it that name and notice what it says here they came - and here's what's important in this case the wilderness of sin now this place wilderness I've mentioned many times what that word means it's a place of emptiness it's a place where there's nothing there for sustenance it is not a place that you would choose to be but remember something God is leading the people so understand that when we are walking under the leadership of the Holy Spirit many times we find ourselves in places that we would never choose that we would never go that we in our flesh don't want to be but nevertheless it's God that's positioned us there and he's done so for a reason to see if we're going to trust him and learn this important relationship between trusting relying depending and having a proper witness so the children of Israel were brought to this place which is we're still in verse 1 which is between a lien and between seen I the Sinai now that is in we know in Arabia what we would call today Saudi Arabia and that's where the children are that is where God has led them to come to this place known as Sinai and the scripture says they were there and they came there on the fifteenth day of the second month exactly one month out of coming from Egypt one month now that is significant because when we look at the scripture and we see the fifteenth day when we look at that number from a biblical standpoint well we could write it we don't traditionally today because we want to have respect for the name of God but the number fifteen should be written you'd hey yeah relating to the Lord God and God brought them out he redeemed them that they might be where he would want them to be and manifesting him so that fifteenth day significant they have spent 30 days under his leadership and his provision and knows what the scripture is going to reveal it says here on the fifteenth day of the second month from coming forth they're coming forth from the land of Egypt and what did they do it says Co a dot Bani Israel all the witness or every witness of the children of Israel what did they do well we have this word VY Li no no they complained if you want to be pleasing to God if you want to be people that fill the anointing of the Holy Spirit learn something stop complaining complaining never turns a situation better quite the contrary complaining will take a bad situation and in comfortable position one where you don't want to be in and make it worse so stop complaining and here again we need to be praying to God God helped me to realize that where I am is not by accident it is by Providence if I've been walking with you you've brought me here and I ought not complained but what did we talk about trusting your relying making yourself dependent upon God but but these group of witnesses didn't do that every witness all the congregation they began to complain complain against Moses and Aaron we're in the wilderness now we can understand this from the eyes of man when we look on it in the natural they have been left or LED for 30 days and where are they in the midst of the wilderness and the people did not want to be there they never asked himself well why has God brought us here why did he bring us out to dislocation now remember something we've talked about it several times God told them originally you are going to come out on a journey into the wilderness a three-day journey remember that term the third day three days speaks of victory God wanted to show them victory but they weren't mindful of what God was up to they simply looked upon this situation based upon their eyes and the shortages the emptiness what they lacked and they complained first and foremost against Moses and Aaron verse three and the children of Israel said unto them me ye 10 retain him now now it's who would give us to our death what they're saying is why would someone want us to die they are all thinking about the same thing they look at their situation through the eyes of man what they can see with their own perspective and what do they see death now again we've mentioned this our God is a God of life I like what it says I believe in mark chapter 12 where Messiah says hey God is not a God of the Dead but haven't you heard he's the God of Abraham and Yitzhak and Yakov he's a God of the living there's so much significance with that statement Messiah says he come that we might have life and have it abundantly they're being led by him and what are they thinking they're thinking why have we been brought to die in this location by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt now what they're thinking about is Egypt Egypt a very very prosperous place a place of great provision a place that had abundance of food and they looked at their current situation and saw emptiness but do you know what they forgot God was with them this God who says with me all things are possible this God who's bringing them out for a testimony for a purpose to go into a land of milk and honey but they're not interested in the journey and seldom we are but it's that journey where God prepares us for the reception of what he has for us so once more they say here basically you know we're gonna die but what they're thinking about is when they were setting by the pot of meat and when we ate bread - satisfaction or - fullness so they're thinking not about the call not about their testimony but they're thinking about that's right their stomach they're thinking about food a physical food and they are associating food with Egypt food is for the flesh Egypt is a place that nourishes the flesh nourishes that carnal nature and that's what they're thinking about second part of verse three for you have brought us out to this wilderness do you see over and over what are they thinking about wilderness wilderness wilderness they're not thinking about what the promise where God's going to take them and here's some practical application for us don't miss this we need to be Kingdom minded it is only when we are convinced believing faithful that there's a kingdom that's going to be established and that is our eternal heritage you know what bothers me I hear this word all the time from supposed believers and they talk about destiny destiny destiny and what they don't realize is and whenever they they speak of that they're talking about usually what what someone wants what I want to achieve what I want to receive what I want to do where I want to be all too often this term destiny is trying to make spiritual the desires of the flesh now what we need to realize if we're going to use that word destiny properly there is an inherent relationship between destiny and the kingdom that's our destiny so if we're not focused on the that Kingdom character that kingdom quality that Kingdom behavior if that's not what we're focusing and on if we're not thinking about the day that we're going to arrive there if that's not our greatest joy then what's gonna happen we're gonna be like then we're going to lament we're gonna remember what it was in the world what the world has to offer that's what we're gonna want and is so dangerous it is exactly what our spiritual enemy wants is when we take the things of the world and we try to repackage them into something spiritual and say that's my destiny that's what they were doing they wanted to be back in Egypt they wanted to be near that part of me they wanted to eat that good bread until they were satisfied they did not want to be where over and over you're gonna see how many times just counted up how many times a word mid bar wilderness or desert appear sir they didn't want to be there they weren't interested in the journey that God had for them and they didn't understand that that journey was part of the preparation we'll see that undeniably what did they think they said Moses and Aaron you have brought us out in order to kill all the caja now the term here is really congregation remember when I talked about that term earlier when it says that Israel oftentimes in English we say the congregation of Israel by upset over and over it's the witness of Israel the testimony of Israel no it's not until we get here at the end of verse three that we find layha meet at kohaku how to put to death all the congregation this congregation how with hunger with famine so they're looking and they're saying there is nothing to sustain us God is a sustainer if I am in his will and if I'm where he has led me to be I can anticipate I can be assured of his provision the scripture says and we hear this so much but never enough he will never leave you or forsake you he's faithful if he did not withhold his only begotten son but gave him to us how much more will he give to us together with him what's the key all things let me ask you a question when you hear all things what goes into your mind do you start thinking about material things shame on you when we think about all things we should think about those provisions that come from God in order for us to accomplish his will to bring glory to him so we're talking about spiritual provision the fruit of the spirit the things of the Spirit in order that we would have here's the key a godly testimony in the journey on the way so the Scriptures quite clear here they were thinking wrong and here's a problem most believers we think wrong most believers we don't have the perspective that God wants us to we're not thinking as we should we're too wrapped up in the provision for the flesh not thinking about what the Spirit needs he says if we seek first the kingdom he'll give to us all these other things that we need for survival but they're thinking you are going to bring us to death with this famine with this hunger verse 4 and the Lord said to Moses he Naini behold I am reigning for you bread from the heaven so dot he knows what he's going to do the people didn't have to complain they could simply praise God saying God I don't know how you're gonna do it but we know you're a God of miracles we've something this we know that you are a God that that provides so we praise you we thank you for how you're going to provide for us you've led us here and you have a call on our life so God that we praised you for this coming provision that's coming and notice what's important it says here hey nanny mum tear lehem now I don't know if your Bible translates that accurate but it's in the present tense he says here behold I am raining down for you bread from the heavens and the people will go forth and they will glean devar young bay yomo they'll gather this thing each day or a daily portion they'll glean it a daily portion so God has a plan God did not come to this confuse unsure not knowing what he was going to do he had as he always does a plan of our provision so he says I'm gonna do this why Lebon honest a new on account that I will test him meaning tests the people whether he will walk meaning key it's the people it's singular in Hebrew whether they will walk we would probably say in English bait Torah tea did you hear that BAE it's in Torah T hot wash Allah in my Torah that's what it says now notice the people are here and what God is saying as I want to test to see if they will walk in my Torah in my instruction now he's not talking about here the Mitzvahed the commandments he's talking about Torah which literally means not law so much but instruction and instruction means listening whether they're listening and listening means praying so God says very clearly I'm testing them testing is part of conditioning preparing someone so he says on account that I will test him to see if he meaning that people will walk in my Torah or not and God he's the same God yesterday today and forever it's not oh this is how he was once but now he's different the same thing can be said for you and me God is moving he's allowing circumstances or causing circumstances sometimes he allows him sometimes he causes them to see if we will walk in his instruction or not now notice that implies a decision God knows all things none of this is good a surprise it surprised him but he is wanting to demonstrate not act based upon his perfect for knowledge but based upon the choice of the people and this is a great scripture that speaks about biblically this this reality of a free will verse 5 and it shall come about on the sixth day now why not on the first day second day third notice he begins with the sixth day the sixth day a day of what preparation preparation want for Shabbat bob was related to the kingdom and so many times I get letters from people saying I don't see that well you should because when you look at the New Covenant read for example Luke chapter 14 you'll see that there's a collect correlation between Shabbat and the kingdom so often in the Bible we find that so Shabbat is a foretaste it's kind of a day of preparation for the kingdom of God but notice it says here the sixth day now this should speak loudly to us because God created man on the sixth day so god made man he formed man and now this is what he's doing he wants to form us as his new creation he wants to to create us to be a faithful people as we would have seen a few few weeks when we get to chapter 19 that we would be a kingdom of a priest a holy nation servants of the Most High God so look at verse 5 and it came about on the sixth day that that you shall prepare what you will bring and what is that and there shall be a mission a mission a is two kind of a double portion upon which they shall glean yom-yom so what he's saying here is that there's gonna be a double portion out there compared to what you glean what you take every day so God is teaching them something on this sixth day he is going to all of it's supernatural provision but he's going to do something extra special in order to show that he fulfills based upon his time did you hear that see Shabbat God says I'm gonna give you a double portion I'm gonna give you that that extra that special provision for what for Shiva and you're going to see the distinction that I make on that day a day of preparation for Shabbat well what the people are going through is that same thing preparation and God saying I'm able to provide I know what I'm doing there's a purpose between what I'm up to now and what you're experiencing verse six and Moses and Aaron said to all the children of Israel Arif ere is evening now many of your Bibles will say at evening time but it doesn't say act or in it just says Arif what's Arif ere is a transition time from the day to the night it is that in-between period so in the text he says airf to show he's wanting to bring a a transfer he's wanting to bring a transformation to the people a change Moses and Aaron spoke to all the children of Israel evening and you will know that the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt now why does that say that well it's dealing the Exodus we should always think of Redemption but he wants to remind the people he's done this see they're complaining against Moses and Aaron but it's not so much Moses Aaron it's not their plan they're not leaving the people we've seen for for several weeks God is leading the people will see that more and more in the future he's the one that's brought them out of Egypt everything is according to his plan he has a purpose fort so verse six and Moses and Aaron said to all the children of Israel evening and you shall know that the Lord brought you from the land of Egypt verse 7 and morning you shall see the glory of the Lord in his hearing or when he has heard your complaints concerning the Lord they not know MA we would say today they not know and what are we that that you shall complain against us they're saying we're just men like you what are we that you should complain against us it's God who is the leader he's the one that is behind this now Moses and Aaron are not trying to to get away from any complaint but they are trying to teach the people God is sovereign in this circumstance he is causing these things making these things bringing us into this situation having us have these feelings so we learn that we go through this transformation this transition in the life where we learn to trust depend rely and expect his provision if we are where he wants us to be verse 8 and Moses said that the Lord shall give to you now it says in the evening meat to eat and bread in the morning to satisfy when the Lord hears the complaining which you have complained against him now this is a very very important verse we see that God is moving despite the complaining of the people now why is this very simply God is aware of their short sightedness God is aware that these people they were in bondage for a long time they have not been trained how to walk with the Lord that's what God's doing so based upon their immaturity God is going to respond to where they are now doubtful lacking no vision no hope no awareness that God is a God who fulfills promises that God can do all things that his provision can come out of nothing not from what we see but what we do not see so Moses is telling the people very clearly you're going to see the glory of God the glory is related to revelation when God reveals himself there's a manifestation of his glory so look again at verse eight and Moses said the Lord when he gives to you in the evening flesh meat to eat and bread in the morning for satisfy satisfy when he has heard when the Lord has heard your complaint is which you have complained against him and what are we second time they've said this what are we not against us you have complained but rather for against the Lord now Moses has said this twice he understands Moses in there it's not about them don't take this personal when you are serving God and someone complains against you it's really they have a problem with God therefore Moses he's not just you know all upset worried losing composure he says you know this is between you and God where we're just like you we're his leaders we're at listening to his voice but but he's the one who is in charge verse nine and Moses said to Aaron speak to all the testifiers of the children of Israel the witness of the children of Israel that they draw near before the Lord and and here's the solution this is what's going to cause the situation to change and bring about what I said this solution what's the objective drawing near to God God put them in this situation so that they would understand that unless they get close to God their situation is not going to change so take that as counsel as scriptural wisdom if you're at a problem you're having a hardship you are in a dire situation when you're feeling pressure and xiety and stress and and you don't see how that situation is going to be solved in a good way all of that is for one purpose the purpose is to get you to draw near to God don't think about what you're lacking don't think about what you don't have don't think about these problems don't think about the enemy what people are saying doing don't think about any of those things think about drawing near to God all of these things were to move the people closer to God that's the solution God can in an instant bring about change God can speak change and bring about anything out of nothing so what we need to do is not worry and fret be full of anxiety but what we should do is draw near to the Lord that's what he says look again at verse nine Vaio Marimo chay our own a more elko a dot venereal care Voula flesh em and Moses said to Aaron say to all the witness of the children of Israel everyone who wants to testify bear witness of the Lord among the children of Israel draw near before the Lord for he has heard your complaints verse 10 and it came about when Aaron spoke to all the testifiers all the witness of the children of Israel they did something now the work here is a word vai if new I say that because I believe the new American Standard it translates it the people saw it's not the people seeing something they did something they turned very important check it out they turned and that's why it's so important to have a resource a good steady software like Bible study company like the discovery Bible in order that you can't go and check out these words see if you look in a multiplicity of different translations you're going to see in places where there's kind of not unity sometimes there's unity in the wrong translation but but here we see it's very important it says in the scripture look at verse 10 they turn to the wilderness don't miss this this is what the scripture here this passage is emphasizing see they didn't want to be in the wilderness if they had their desire they would go back to Egypt they would say you know we don't want to be slaves we want to do our will here and we enjoy all the good food than me the bread you know how they talk all the cucumber's and such that's what they were were desiring but but what does God do God moves to bring a change a transition where they did something they turned where to the wilderness now if you circle remember how many times this word wilderness has has surface appeared in this text count them you know when words appear over and over and over in a text it's for emphasis and now God through this situation has caused them not to what be focus be facing Egypt but to turn in order that they face the wilderness there's a reason for this verse 10 and they turn to the wilderness and it's when they look to the wilderness they turned their it says Vahini and behold you were to ask me what's one of the most important Hebrew words he nay behold it is in the Bible because it always points to something exciting something significant something of great relevance in the text that's happening and behold the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud now they saw the glory of the Lord when they turned to the wilderness what's the wilderness well if you study that word and see the significance of it it is a place that that demands trust in God faith in God dependence upon God relying upon God and it's only when they turn to the wilderness that they beheld the glory of God it's not that they just saw it but the glory of God appeared to them in a cloud verse 11 and the Lord spoke to Moses saying I have heard the complaining of the children of Israel now another thing that we see here is that God's been listening that word to hear repeats over and over he's heard the complaining of the people but notice something God didn't change God didn't say well you know what they're complaining they don't like me they don't want me they don't want to follow me so I'm gonna be different no God moved to bring a transition among them he didn't change he's perfect they change God moved so that they would turn to the wilderness where God wanted them to be where God is taking them do not be so foolish to try to negotiate with God to try to do something that is not part of God's plan foolish and painful painful oftentimes physically but certainly emotionally and spiritually last verse verse 12 I have heard the complaining of the children of Israel speak unto them saying been ha are by him at Twilight now this is after the noon we had the expression high noon then the Sun begins to set when the Sun beget sunset we have earth and we divide that into two portions from when it begins to set and then when it sets until what until darkness mama Koscheck ma mush so at this time at Twilight he says verse 12 speak to the children of Israel and sand to them at Twilight why is that important because this was the time of the pacer of the slaughtering of the Lamb of redemption and redemption gives us a different perspective that's why God's using the same word at that same time we read at Twilight they shall eat meat and in the morning they shall be satisfied with bread how God is going to produce it super naturally now we're going to study more next week in the same chapter the same account of giving the quail and the mana the the bread from heaven and what's so so vital that we see is this I can remember being an intern while this would have been more than 30 years ago and was asked to speak at a fellow congregation meaning that where I was doing my intern that pastor was gone and another one was gone at a sister congregation well we had an earlier service and I went over and spoke at the second place as well and it was kind of providential in my mind because the other leader he had just spoken about this and how he saw God's provision in the natural meaning he said you know you know quail just they kind of migrate and the miracle was that something that God did but the timing of it and he was talking about how man and you can go to manna today and find it it's kind of a a a SAP that comes out of a tree and make something and falls to the ground and how ridiculous well honestly I did not know that he would believe such ridiculous things be such a faithless individual one who was important or called to to an important role to tinsel faith in his conference well he had taught on on this passage and the next week I came and I was teaching on a similar passage later on and I disagreed greatly with them and never received a another invitation to speak there but understand this is supernatural provision God speaks and he doesn't stop thinking about the natural believe in the supernatural God moves in mighty ways now can God use the natural yes it can't did he in this situation no he did it is ridiculous to think that that man he says I'm gonna rain bread from the heavens didn't say he's going to to produce from Treece doesn't say it's gonna come on he is going to rain down bread from the heaven that's supernatural and therefore the manifestation of those Quell that they might have flesh me to eat also super natural so he says here at twilight you shall eat meat and in the morning you shall be satisfied with bread why why is God doing all of this he says VDOT 10 and you shall know that I am the Lord your God that's what he wants us to understand that that our God is you'd Hey Vava that we can trust in him we can be assured of his provision God is they low below he is without limitation hooha and so he is the one who is eternal he is limitless there's no borders No Boundaries no limits with God all things are possible and that is what God teaches the people because it's only when we believe that only then are we going to be in that transformation see it's not what we have to become it's first what we have to affirm and believe about God and when we do that we are changed we become what God wants us to be it's all an outcome of the right understanding the proper belief the right doctrine that originates in the Word of God well this chapter is an exciting one and we're going to see next week how it manifests itself in meeting the people's needs not just their physical needs but imparting to them spiritual truth and giving them a right understanding of the identity of their God the sovereign one who rules over all things well I'll close with that until next week may God may he move in your life may bless you may teach you and may he bring you on that transition until then Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel not bow RG there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
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Keywords: Book of Exodus
Id: QNRc613uh-U
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Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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