2019 Perth Conference Session 2: Dominionism

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[Music] before we begin this is such a nice venue usually when we do conferences at various places they're rough very simple and stuff but this is really really nice and I know that a lot of work went into it I think Christian and Margaret there's Christian right on time oftentimes they get up and I speak and I get so focused on the scripture I forget to to recognize individuals and rific and I are so grateful to CVM group which Christian heads up with his wife margarita and Vanessa I think in regard to this conference Vanessa and margarita flew from Sydney here to to meet with Paul and Claire and and others and I'm just really grateful for what what a venue what usually never have refreshments people go so thank you thank you all very much it was it was really nice so thank you and in speaking here we I just kept everyone said no Vanessa's the persons in charge and that's the Vanessa Vanessa so we're so grateful for Vanessa especially who did so much in order for our work here in Australia to go through along with her her parents but anyway where to begin and before we do I want to say that last night after arriving I was finishing preparing and I decided to really put the two sessions into one because I felt very and I don't know why but very inclined to to share this passage it can be related to what we're talking about but there's a message here that that we need to hear that we need to understand how the scripture and Foltz hopefully will encourage you to to look maybe a little bit thoroughly slowly with great care of God's words so before we begin let's ask God to bless this time father God we we come before you knowing that the juror word says that you are the author and the finisher of our faith that you are faithful to to have begun a good work in our life to bring it to its fulfillment and father we thank you that you do take notice of us that you are aware of every aspect of our life did you have promised not to leave us nor forsake us that you are indeed doing a good work through us and Lord we want to submit to you we want to be individuals that demonstrate our commitment that manifests our love for you our Thanksgiving that you took each of us when we were far off still dead in our sins and through your revelation you spoke to our heart you gave us your truth and Lord you have received us into your family we thank you for that certain hope that one day we will stand before you enjoy being recipients of your goodness your kingdom blessings that we will confess that you are a God of truth and what you have promised we will receive Lord we ask that you pour out pour out an anointing on this place that we might see your word that we might understand it that we might be wise and humbled to apply your truth to share it to be your instruments for this we pray in your shoe's name now we're going to see that that prayer is vital not just asking for God help me God provide me but prayer is also a useful weapon in this spiritual battle Messiah is coming and one of the things that that he said is this when the Son of Man returns will he find faith upon the earth and he's speaking to me are we going to be about faithfully the TAS obeying what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us to get your Bible and Luke with me to the book of Merck and chapter 11 now this scripture it is more relevant more appropriate for for Passover I mean we are in a time of the year when we're preparing for the fall festivals remember these festivals Hebrew word mo Adeem God's appointed time don't think of it as Jewish festivals but the scripture says they are my God is speaking my festivals and they are sources of revelation we learn more about the king of King and that kingdom through these festivals but nevertheless when I was thinking praying considering what what we were going to be doing today God drew me to this passage and hopefully we'll see the correlation between what we have studied and discussed earlier and how this passage of Scripture ends but we'll only get to that right conclusion and understand what God's message is concerning prayer if we rightly understand how the context how we arrive at that final section so again Matthew or excuse me mark the book of Mark and chapter 11 Messiah says here and when he or they he and his disciples when they drew near to Jerusalem and before we go any further realize that Jerusalem was in Gordon to God in the past it was at the center of messiahs work his death burial and resurrection it's also foundational for the last days when God brings about a conclusion of this age and this transition into the kingdom of God don't believe those individuals that say that Jerusalem and the Land of Israel is not of significance for the future so when they drew near to Jerusalem and he's very specific to that peg a and Bethany to small communities insignificant during those days why do I say insignificant Bethany which is going to be emphasized by itself in a moment Bethany was one of the poorest communities around Jerusalem the name even says it Bethany house of affliction that same word is used to describe in modern Hebrew poverty it is where the poorest of the poor dwelt isn't it significant that Maasai didn't stay in any of the leaders the high priests the wealthy ones probably not in a hotel like this he went to the poorest of the poor because his mention message first and foremost for those who were spiritually and also at times physically but spiritually oppress those who are not thriving in the things of God so he went there to this place Beth Peggy and Bethany and then he helps us if we don't know where they are he says to the Mount of Olives now I would surround that with a circle underline that highlighted because the Mount of Olives are important we know that when Messiah ascended he ascended from there we mentioned that we know that when he returns according to act 2 Zechariah chapter 14 and verse 4 we find that the Lord God says is going to stand on that place but but rabbinical Judaism people of faith we understand that that it's not the Lord God the Father but it's God the Son Messiah who is going to visit that mountain in the last days and it's significant that once again not just in Matthew 24 but here in Mark Levin he is with his disciples and the context is Passover now when you hear Passover something should come into your mind and that is Redemption Passover biblically the festival of redemption so we have the Mount of Olives and we know that when Messiah is coming to manifest the outcome of redemption you see redemption you need to understand it with two components there's the payment for redemption and then the outcome of that payment and the outcome of redemption is seen as victory they went this way the book of Exodus the payment we all know what it is the blood of the Lamb right and the outcome of that payment was coming out of Egypt going towards the land of Israel and in that same way we need to think about a final redemption for the final Redemption the payment is stilled the blood of the Lamb right but the Lamb of God Messiah and the outcome of that is entrance not into the Land of Israel but ultimately into the kingdom of God so the context here Passover Mount of Olives the return all this is foreshadowing his return but he's doing it the first time in order to teach the reader this one who's coming to the Mount of Olives for a kingdom purpose it's the same one now who's going to his death so death is not the end death is necessary for a kingdom experience for a redemptive relationship and that word Redemption it's not only a kingdom word but it's also a covenant 'el word Redemption brought about a covenant 'el relationship between Israel and God before that it was different for example I share this frequently but because of Redemption Israel learned a new name for God did you know that let me give you the biblical citation Exodus chapter 6 and verse 2 Moses hears from God God says you know my my sacred name that you Dave of hey what we sometimes pronounced as Jehovah God the patriarchs didn't know did you know that they didn't know that word they hadn't heard it it was only because of Redemption that God revealed this new this transcendent this name of God without limitations that's not my view that's what Judaism teaches because this name Jehovah God speaks about the God who was isn't will be he's not bound how did they know him before this by the term and many of you heard this phrase el shaddai el shaddai has to do with God revealing himself but here's the key revealing himself in circumstances we know God because he provides we know God because he delivers but it's all based upon what I'm experienced in this world but through Redemption we have a new a greater relationship with God that's not based upon circumstances situations but based upon his revelation a special a new and eternal revelation to us so we read here and we find that he's at the Mount of Olives great significance we'll talk more about that and it was at this location that he did something he sent two of his disciples why not three why not four numbers are important to speaks usually of of two different opinions so we got to see here that there's two things two things different things that God wants us to learn about this passage in other words there are two purposes and I would would suggest to you that one is a purpose for that time and the second one is a purpose for a future time for the last days and we'll see why and this is just not an opinion there is biblical evidence and I'll share with you the reason why I'm telling you this now that it has a last day context we'll come to it but again Mount of Olives remember that's where he's coming to last day significant so he sent two of his disciple and he says to them go literally go away go into the village which is before you now the word here I mean it's so hit break and it's character it's Greek but go into the village which is in front of you but it's stated in a unique way going to to this village and he says immediately upon entering into it now the way the language is is comprised here there's an emphasis on location if we're going to find a fulfillment of the things that God once to experience we need to be in the right location we need to get where God is leading us God doesn't move he may you say meet me where I am that's true in your spiritual condition but you need to respond to his revelation you need to move to where he is and especially having come to faith we want to participate in with God's doing we want to be work he's moving and it's very hard to anticipate it we have to watch we have to listen and we need to be able to recognize the spiritual clues to see where God is and what he's up to so he says here upon entering into it you are going to find very important word your Bible probably says coat a young young donkey and this word well most of the people back then and this may surprise you but oftentimes we hear many people talk about Aramaic oh the language they were speaking was Aramaic but Paul and we have this in the scripture he addressed them in Hebrew Aramaic is kind of the modern I'm putting this way the ancient Yiddish we offered of years right Yiddish is kind of a European dialogue that has Hebraic qualities written with Hebrew letters many of the the Hebrew words make their way into Yiddish but it is a European dialect in that same way we find that Aramaic came from Persia its origin was not not Hebrew and what I want to share with you is this that Aramaic remember they had come back out of that Greek was much more much more common and how do we know this historically well if you go back to the Second Temple Arreat even late second temple period approximately 40% of the tombstones what is written upon them is in Greek rather than Hebrew did you know that furthermore you can go to a place called bet sorry you been to Israel perhaps you've visited bets our aim is a important place for rabbinical history the history of Judaism things change there and we're talking about late late 1st century early actually late 2nd century early 3rd century we're talking about the early 200s AD so 500 years after Alexander the Great and there we find a burial chamber of many tombs and did you realize even five hundred and fifty years after the destruction of the Second Temple they're still using what language Greek very significant and this stands out because the word here for a a coat this young donkey it is the Greek counterpart of what we find in zechariah 9:9 we all know this passage where it says rejoice o daughter of zion because your king comes in a lowly way right riding upon a a a coat the foal of a donkey so this word when I look at it here in the text it stands out it is a prophetic word it speaks about Messiah but when we look at it we know that it fulfills when he came the first time but when we look at the original context it seems to have a Leste context so there's a blurring here of the text between his first coming and his second coming and the reason for the bill of blurring is simple is because why he came the first time is for what he'll do the second time there's a relationship if he didn't come the first time he couldn't accomplish what he's coming back to do the first time was necessary so he's speaking and he says upon entering into it that village you'll find a a cult having been tied now if you just look at this in English or even in Hebrew you miss it because we look at them we said okay there's a a coat there that that young donkey and he's tied up right but we see a grammatical change because now he begins to use something which I wouldn't say is altogether rare but it's infrequent and when it appears their significance he uses the Greek perfect tense and that speaks about something that was true in the past something that's true now and something that has a future consequence so when you're reading this in the original language that construction stands out it's it's peculiar it's odd it is though we can conclude two things it's as though this donkey has been there for a long time and waiting for a specific reason that he has been designated in the past for a present reality that will have future implications I think that's great don't you it's significant so this is why it's so important not to say oh we don't need to study these languages grammar note we have our preconceived theological pet doctrine and we will make sure that the text that we look at support it whether the grammar or the words or the simple or the literal meaning of the text leads to that conclusion or not what we're seeing today is people forcing their views on on to the texts you ought not do that it's not pleasing to god it's not dealing with the word of God correctly so this this young donkey he has been designated in the past for a present purpose that has future implications so this young donkey haven't been tied upon which no man has ever sat now we know in a few minutes Messiah is going to sit there but it's also in the perfect tense so it says not in the past not right now no one it's to emphasize that this donkey has been designated for a purpose and remember when we look at this word it should drive us back to prophecy back to Zechariah chapter 9 and verse 9 once more Yeshua's go to ride on it for a future outcome for a message because the Texas that Messiah is coming in a lowly way now let's pause for a moment what does the rabbi's of old the sages of Judaism says well if we go right to the Gemara which is the second part of the Talmud I mentioned that in our first section the mission attends to be very short abrupt and the Gemara it explains it goes through case studies it's very long and when we look at the Talmud in regard to this passage it appears there because the Talmud is not a biblical commentary it is based upon the oral tradition and Bible verses appear there but but not in the same way that it's a commentary but it's interesting they use zechariah 9:9 to tell us that messiahs going to come in one of two ways now I had planned to go into this in the first session but we didn't but just one brief word Judaism interprets prophecy by a scenario methodology what mean by that well you and I believe right that if God has said it it's going to be all prophecy is going to be fulfilled it's very common today in the heresies that that we had been mentioning to embrace more of a rabbinical way of dealing with prophecy rabbis also tend to be very symbolic looking at text in an allegory manner not dealing with the shot the simple meaning but at the heart of what I'm talking about now is this scenario they will look at a scripture and say well it's these prophecies if this is a scenario that God uses but if God does a different thing if it's a different scenario then it's these prophecies and this is a classic example now we know something you look for example at Daniel chapter 7 and speaks about in the book of Revelation speaks to this in Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 Messiah when he would before before the high priest Caiaphas he quoted that scripture about Messiah coming in the clouds right so the question that Judaism would say is this we have to answer whether messiahs coming in the clouds or coming upon a donkey what would we say both comes the first time as a donkey second time in the clouds Judaism says no no only comes once it's two different possible scenarios if Israel is unrepentant if Israel is in pride if Israel's far removed from God then he'll come on a donkey signifying repentance but if Israel is Zakai which means in a condition where they merit they deserve Messiah then he'll come in the clouds now from the position of the vast vast vast majority of the rabbi's I would say all but maybe there's a few that do not agree with this but I haven't come across thing they believe that this prophecy of Messiah coming upon a donkey has been cancelled out that's not the right scenario he's coming in the clouds because we are our people who married it we deserve it that's a view of Judaism today so we look here and we see this this donkey having been designated with future implications no man has set upon it now it means not in the past not at that moment and not in the future Yeshua did but that's the exception what it's saying is that that this donkey has one purpose alone and that purpose is to be used as Zechariah taught that the king is coming in a humble manner he's coming calling the people to repentance that the people are not in a spiritual condition that they deserved that they merit the kingdom but they need a spiritual transformation it says here that you find him you loosen him and you bring him bring him to Messiah look now to verse verse three and if anyone should say to you what are you doing this and we would say why are you doing this right but it's literally what are you doing this now that sounds awkward but the reason is it makes this emphatic this is important this is the emphasis them at that time for a specific purpose why this dog has been designated it's to call attention to with Yeshua's going to do anyone says anything why you doing this you say because the Lord that stands out well this work to mean a term of respect like the term sir but in this this context see if it means in that way like I would address someone sir in Hebrew we use the term adone meaning like master but it's a term of great respect that's not what's being used here because it has a definite article before it and usually when the definite article that is the word duh not a lord needs this this is for Asura a man of prominence no it says the Lord has need of him and immediately he will send it meaning he will return it back verse four and they went away they obeyed they went away and found this the stokke this young donkey again it repeats having been tied that same unique construction to the the door the gate outside upon the road now the implication we see this in so many places in the scripture the image here and I think what the rabbinical commentary says about about the donkey is interesting that this donkey has been there waiting waiting waiting for one purpose we see for example there's angels that has only been given one assignment waiting for year after year decade hundreds centuries millennia waiting for one purpose I don't know how God's going to you you but if God just has one small thing for you to do rejoice and do it well do or Thanksgiving don't get all caught up why does he why does she if God only has one small thing prays and forth and do it faithfully because you never know how God's going to use that small thing what does the scripture do it warns us not to despise what little things God can do great things with small things so he says this donkey has been tied up outside in the street and loosen him and we find that there were certain ones as they went there were certain ones standing there that were saying to them why are you doing why are you loosening this this young donkey now the implication is that this this donkey has been tied up there and he's always tied up there I mean no one ever does anything with it just their day in and day out and now there's a change there's an interruption in the norm and the question is are we able to perceive when God brings about a change to that which is normal that's what he's doing here there's a difference happening so they say what are you doing by loosening this donkey and they said to them just ass now remember the change let's say that we weren't able to discern that phrase hope correos the Lord means God but what's interesting is this when we come back to it it says they did exactly as the Lord had instructed them is that what it says no there's a change right we would think it would say the Lord but what happens we have the name don't we Yeshua and this is to tell the reader when we look at all the scriptural indicators the first time there's this reference it's the Lord and now here that term is replaced with his name it's to tell the reader about his true identity that he is God incarnate that he is indeed the Lord of lords so they said to them just as Yeshua commanded them and they what they allowed it they agreed for seven and they brought this young donkey to Yeshua and he cast or they cast upon him their garments and he set upon it and many their garments they placed upon the way now we see something here all of this is behavior these are things that one would do before a king to make his way special in order to honor him and in order to Humble oneself and this is how that Yeshua is coming in and all of this is to prepare us remember the emphasis of this passage is not back then nearly 2,000 years ago it happened it's real he did it but the implication as we'll see in a moment what we should take from it as a last day purpose a last day anointing so we see here that those many they were humbling themselves by honoring Yeshua who came as a king but not on a pawn a great white horse as Kings would do as we learned for example in the book of Esther and other places he comes in a unique way on a donkey this is how a poor traveler travels one that is simple one that has no honor from an outward standpoint but yet the people are recognizing this humble one this servant and acting and behaving before him as though he is not a servant but rather that he's what a king now that's important because this lowly servant this humble one is going to return how as the king so many they spread their garments upon the way but and that's an important word but others now in the Greek language they have two words for others others of the same variety or others of different for example fruit to apples we use one if we have an apple and orange we didn't use a different word this is the different this has a different purpose some were laying their garments spreading the mouth right in order of recognizing him as king so as to honor him glorify Him praise him but now there were others and it's not an either/or it's showing us two things that we should recognize others did something that took branches which they had cut from trees what type of branches are these we know in another gospel what type palm branches now this is significant now some of the rabbis that look at the New Testament for critical purposes they would say you had it all wrong because palm branches well if you know anything about Jewish tradition biblical Commandments we're talking about what the laughs it's also mentioned in the book of Revelation and chapter chapter 7 about those who were in the kingdom of God they had pomp wrenches in their hand right and the palm branch shows dependence a pump in Sukkot the Feast of Tabernacles we take these palm branches with other branches from a myrtle tree a wittle willow tree and a glorious fruit and we wave them as a way of proclaiming the grace of God that's not me talking that's what Judaism says the grace of God during the feast of Sukkot the Feast of Tabernacles we proclaim it to the nation's now that's done on the seven days of Sukkot the Feast of Tabernacles but on the last day after we're finished with it you know what's done in the synagogue we go and we stand before the ark now the ark and the synagogue we call their own our own ha'qodesh it's kind of a closet in fact in modern hebrew the word for closet is our own and we go one by one and we take that lulav and we cast at the Holy Ark as a pledge of obedience as a pledge of submissiveness as a statement that we are going to obey the word of the Lord now also by the way we also take this lulav on Passover right on Passover day what do we do early in the morning no later than 10:00 a.m. usually we burn what the Hammett's any unleavened any east anything made of that we make a fire you go to my wife's blog every Passover she'll take a picture of people burning the hummus right this year I don't think but most years sometimes they have to discipline right yeah we take that that lulav and we put it into the fire so it makes sense that they had these branches that they had cut not they were cutting but they had cut why they are a pledge of obedience so they take them and it says that they they deal with them they spread them also upon the way verse nine and the ones who went before and the ones who are following after they cried out saying well this is not right this is not proper because we know something we know in Matthew 23 Yeshua says something right he says he looks at Jerusalem from again that Mount of Olives right what does he do weeps because he at that moment wanted to give him up he wanted them to be in the spiritual condition that he could receive them he's always wanting don't miss this he's always wanting to establish that kingdom it's not though that we are in this world waiting for him no we don't see that he's waiting for who Israel Israel he says Matthew 23 just what we could've read I will not come again until they say baruch haba b'shem i don't know well wait a second they did it didn't they this this remnant this first fruit we might say there were those look at the text they spread out their garments they took their palm branches and they spread it upon the way those who are going before those who are following and they cried out saying oh sure meaning save us and that word na means please it's a term of great requests with great respect this word na ho Xie na two different Hebrew words put together save us and they say it with respect a great request save us bless it is the one who comes in the name that is in the character of the Lord now it should be a period and that's it that's all that needs to be said but notice the additional part now they get it right but this is to tell us they missed out on something what does it say blessed is the coming Kingdom this one who comes for the kingdom purpose in the name of our Father who David now is he the son of David yes yes but is he coming for the purpose of mashiach ben david no he's not now when you realize something judaism it gets it right gets it wrong they understand that when we look prophetically at messiah we see a suffering servant do we not a humble king that caused the people to repentance who lays down his life we call that mushiya ben yosef you all know this but there's also a second expression mashiac ben de vide this this King this ruling King this mighty king a warrior who defeats the enemy now when he comes back to second time he's coming as who mashiac ben de vide there's not two messiahs there's one but two distinct purposes two distinct roles and this tells us something it tells us why the kingdon did not begin see many of the rabbis who who work against the work that I do rifki does others they look at the New Testament to find fault to find things that are inconsistent and because they are not trained in how to understand Scripture as they should they've reached false conclusions they say wait a second they've read Matthew 23 if we say blessed is he who comes in the Lord Israel these are Jewish people right he's going to come to establish the kingdom that's why they call him you're coming in the name of our Father David this is what they were expecting the kingdom to be established but they were wrong he was not coming to establish the kingdom and they weren't even ready for it why where's the repentance had Israel repented at this time no they didn't understand his call the first message he gave repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand they didn't respond to that message because of pride now now don't point your finger at Israel don't we struggle with that same thing you need to repent I'm doing pretty good I'm doing okay you're messing up I'll pray for you I'm doing pretty good isn't how we think the sins of others are always more grievance and than my sin I mean everyone struggles like I everyone does what I do but yeah yeah you're pretty bad that's how we think our sins are never really so problematic so burdensome to us we just make a quick prayer thank you God for the more seed this was Israel this was the disciples they thought that they were ready for the kingdom and they were not I would say to myself I hope you listen self are you really ready for the King no I'm not and neither are you neither of us we may think we're ready but God wants to do much more through us he has much more spiritual change that he wants to bring in your life are you aware of this are you seeking that are you understanding that God wants much more of you what does John the Baptist say he gets it right I must become less he must become more I think too much of the teaching too much of what what Paul was sharing what he was experience around the teaching is the emphasis upon we're ready to dominate the world take control we are perfect no we're not no we're not this is what the heart of this passage is saying they may have got the words right you may have gotten the words right Lord God forgive me I'm a sinner I trust in Messiah show of his death upon that cross the shedding of his blood I'm but you may have got those words right praise God that you did but do you understand the implications of them they get their words right broke haba b'shem adonai but when they say our Father David that's who you are you're the son of David he is but he didn't come that time to do the work of mashiac ben david you see what I'm saying and therefore he didn't respond the kingdom did not come they end it look at the end of verse 10 hosanna in the highest now I've always been confused by that maybe some of you can help me save us please in the highest it seems here is to be a praise right hosanna in the highest but the nature of this word is save me I'm in a desperate position and I think perhaps it shows that that they were praising him because they thought the kingdom was was come a shows confusion it shows they really didn't understand why he had come first Levin and Yeshua he enters into Jerusalem into the temple and he looked around at all things now the temple he's looking at the spiritual condition of that place to see if he likes what's going on there or not I think he does that to every congregation every synagogue every every church he goes in and he looks with scrutiny now not only does he do that in the place of worship you know else I think he does it ed your home and my home in your marriage in my marriage in my luck he looks around to see does he like it is he pleased is he glorified is he ruling or is he not so he comes in look carefully he enters into Jerusalem into the temple he looks around at ponta that means all things but evening already was for that hour so that hour was already evening time and he went out into Bethany I noticed the change before when the Mount of Olives these communities were mentioned it was Beth Peggy and Bethany right Wow just one and it's emphasize this place of affliction he's uniting it with the spiritual condition of of the temple they weren't showing freedom Liberty that is obedience to the things of God but they were a afflicted place and notice what it says up until now it's always when they came to Jerusalem when they were going about their business it was always in the third-person plural they write always they they they now there's a change it says with who the twelfth twelve disciples but when we come across that number twelve what should come into your mind is the 12 tribes of Israel this has a context a connotation to Israel that's why the number 12 appears at this time verse 12th and on the next day he went out or they went out correct they went out from Bethany and he was hungry now notice the method here he goes in and he scrutinizes the temple and because it was late the implication is not much what's going on there right where are the Watchmen on the walls see the temple wasn't supposed to sleep you know if you go and you can check this out but if you visit Jerusalem I would encourage you sometime about 12:00 1:00 if you're still up if you're not get up and walk to the Kotel walk to that area you can be surprised how many people today are praying reading Psalms but the implication is this day remember it was a place of corruption so corrupt God destroyed it through the Romans but he was the one nothing was going on at that place and it says that he comes forth from Bethany and what sin fatik is he is hungry he's not getting fed I think this relates to worship praise he's not satisfied and therefore to help us understand that he's hungry and those what it says and seeing a fig tree realized something Matthew 24 verse 32 were called to watch the fig tree everyone understands based upon the book of Hosea that is Hosea right Hosea the defector if you look at the book of Hosea the fig tree is who Israel so very important language terms are being used to help us understand and seeing the fig tree at a distance having leaves that means it's a life so it's a life what if you're alive what should you do if you're a tree produce fruit if you're a fig trees you should have what figs so the tree outwardly looked alive it had leaves so he came perhaps to find something upon it and coming unto it but he found nothing literally it says nothing that's what synthetic did he find except for what leaves it looked a life it gave that impression but it had no FIGS only leaves and then look at the end of verse 13 now if you look at Colossians chapter 1 who created the heavens and earth and everything in it Yeshua Messiah did God but God the Son now would you not agree that the one who was the creator he would know how fun things function right so weren't you ever been bothered by this here he is the master of the universe the creator of all things and he goes there it says expecting that there would be things but there's not because it's not the season for figs I guess he didn't know that is that the right conclusion know whenever something in the scripture doesn't make sense highlight it that's where the wisdom is Yeshua knows all things none of these things are surprising it's being emphasized in the texts now I want to pause for a moment because see we need to realize that God evaluates you not as I'm just a sinner saved by grace I'm just in this body I can that's not the attitude if you have been redeemed with the blood of Messiah if you have the Holy Spirit in your life he expects what perfection fruit but perfect fruit that's what he expects he never evaluates based upon your fallen condition he doesn't look at this world and say you're stained with sin therefore you get a pass god marked this down God never ever ever changes his expectations and he says be ye perfect that's what he wants and that's how he's going to evaluate that's how you're gonna be judged now he judges in other words based upon a kingdom reality why do I say that well if you go to the book of Revelation and you study about the New Jerusalem you're gonna find that there's going to be a tree there right and that tree produces fruit once in a while no all the time every month every you you go to that tree there's going to be fruit that is the kingdom character that is a kingdom reality if you are born again into the kingdom of God through the blood of Messiah what should you have in your life always fruit fruit that is nourishing fruit that is pleasing fruit that is perfect and if you don't there's a problem if you don't get ready for something understand what the Texas so he comes there and he's judging that fruit expecting based upon a kingdom reality there should be fruit you say that it's not the season that's the fallen condition in the Garden of Eden that was in the case in the New Jerusalem that's could not be the case so he's not looking at the sinful condition he's looking at a kingdom condition and and why do we know that we'll keep reading it says and Yeshua answered verse 14 and said unto her a fig tree Greek is is feminine he says unto her mean to the fig tree no longer from you for ever that anyone will eat fruit is that what it says but here again the word for eat there's not going to be any eaters from you ever again but it's not the normal word for eating and that's why if you're going to understand Scripture if you're going to teach the Word of God be patient it involves time it involves listening to God prayed to God and carefully carefully going over all the scripture and what you'll find here is that this is not the normal word eat it's a word that normally describes outside the Bible it describes animals how they eat I like these shows on you have National Geographic here I like those shows I like when the narrator says this line hasn't eaten for four days really I can't believe that I eat four times a day not once if it doesn't make a kill it's good to be in jeopardy so animals eat not because a line doesn't say to another lion lunch time they don't say they eat out of a dependence out of a necessity and what's interesting here is he uses not the normal Greek word as Theo but the word Fagin which means to eat because what's a matter of life and death it is dependence it's the same word that he does when he speaks in John chapter 6 when he says unless you eat my flesh intrigued my blood stands out other times eat a steel here it's an absolute necessity the words are so important and he says here to this fig tree you in this present condition you're not going to be used and the disciples his disciples they paid attention they heard that verse 15 and coming into Jerusalem you see the change in location he's taking that that truth that he shared at the fig tree and he's bringing it into Jerusalem and he entered into Jerusalem Yeshua did and to the temple and in that same way that fig tree that represents Israel was not pleasing to him there was no fruit guess what we can almost understand anticipate what's gonna happen right he's not going to be pleased with what's going on in the temple he came there the night before everyone had it closed up why we only worship between 9:00 and 5:00 right evening time we're off no worship all the time pray without ceasing well that's because at that time the temple wasn't so much a place of prayer place of worship it was a place of what Commerce and see that's why I'm concerned too often we find that ministries become a organization of business of Commerce rather than putting forth biblical true for the sake of putting forth biblical truth alone it's not a business it's not an occupation it is a calling to share what does was the scripture say freely I've received so freely what I guess that's that's the the desire that's what we see biblically knows we took the offering before I said that but anyway put that aside verse 12 and he came into Jerusalem and he entered into the temple and he began I love this he began to cast out one man no God himself he began to cast out and the work here s bhalo we get the word ball okay he throw out those who were selling and those who were buying in the temple and the the tables of the moneychangers now why were there muddy chambers changers in the temple because they didn't have the normal currency they had a special currency so in order to buy a dove to do anything in the temple you had to convert the normal money to the temple money and let me tell you the conversion rate not so good not so good so it all about what not righteousness not holiness not looking at those in need and being a blessing it was all about profit and when that becomes whether we're in ministry or not if it's all about profit if it's all about accumulating things we've missed it what does the scripture say it's more blessed what to give to give to be a blessing this was in the spiritual condition at that time so he cast out the sellers and the buyers in the temple and their tables he overturn of the money changers and their seats of those who were selling doves he he overturned and he did not permit authority one man he did not permit that anyone should carry a vessel through the tents trimble now we see a different Messiah he was very strict and stringent why because he knew the potential that placed the power and instead of using it for righteous purposes ministry purpose it became simply harness ax which is a Hebrew word for for income that's not what it's about it's not about a earthly purpose but a kingdom purpose verse 17 and he taught saying to them has it not been written now what I like here is how always always what he taught he always pushed them where to the scripture now I'll repeat myself and I apologize to the barrio nuevos because they have been coming with us taking care of everything and they have to here me at each place and occasionally occasionally I repeat but one of the things that I shared in a different message different context everything but I watch a lot of messages I listen to a lot of teachers many of which I don't like and Rifkin will tell you because she says kind of that the teacher begins to speak and I always have I love my watch here it has a stopwatch so she hears and I time how long it takes before they refer to the scripture just I'm interested in that and what we see here we don't have to go too far for you Shu it says here look at the text he began to teach saying to them immediately what it's been written he immediately connects his teaching to what the Word of God and he says my house now it's God's house but he makes it personal because he's the son of God my house shall be called a house of prayer for the Jewish people so what it says my house shall be a house of prayer be called for all the nations why that was Israel's calling to impact influence affect all nation every nation tribe lung with language every ethnic group every color of skin god wants to join them to himself and he says but that's a word of contrast but you have made it into literally a cave of robbers thieves and he's not happy about it not happy about it and the scribes and the high priests they heard and they were seeking how him now I'm reading in the order because the orders usually changed in English and when we do that we lose the emphasis the the emphatic part see it wasn't that they were committed to destroying him the emphasis is on him and they wanted to destroy him see the difference it was all about him and they wanted to see him destroyed for they feared him why because all the crowd every one of them they were amazed at his teaching they were jealous they didn't want the outcome of truth and therefore today when we talk about dominionism these other false teaching they are moving the people away from the scripture into some special revelation that they have heard that exalts itself and that fulfills their desires rather than what the scripture has said but see he was pulling them back to the right teaching and they were scared of that why they might be exposed they didn't want the light the illumination of truth being shined upon them verse 19 and when it became evening he went outside the city and we see here what does it say and in the morning as they passed meaning the disciples they saw that fig tree that it had dried up from what the roots now that's that's unique it didn't die a normal death but it died quickly from the very foundation from the very roots and Peter he remembered saying to him meaning Yeshua change rabbi now don't answer this unless you want to be wrong what does the word rabbi mean everyone says what now you can answer teacher it doesn't in a a colloquium but literally the term rabbi means if we want to say thank you we say toda raba thank you very much the term rabbi arrived in Hebrew means the great one the abundant one so I don't like that term rabbi I don't ever use it he's the only rabbi he is the great one and notice the context it's not teacher here but it's rabbi my great one why he says behold the fig tree which you have cursed now a lot of people have problems with us Messiah curses yes he does because he's the Living Word is he not Moses when Moses received the Word of God to give to the people he says I set before you this day both blessing and curse life and death that's what Messiah is going to do he is going to look at you and he is going to receive you for eternal life or eternal death he is already going to bless you or you're gonna be curse don't think that it's only blessing it's oh no he evaluates he's gonna separate separate those sheep from the goats those who are blessed and those who are going to be curse and you show answers and says to them now we get to an interesting place every Bible will translate it have faith in God right okay now if you do a good study of that word see I like precision I like being precise I could tell a story about some contention we have but I'm not going to do that now because we bring it along good so I don't want to keep that the message is this when we look at that word f80 it is impossible to know whether that is in the indicative or the imperative it's the same same construct you can't know it when you go to the helped if you don't recognize you don't know Greek well there's websites there's books that you can check it out and most of them in fact the ones online that I checked they always have it in the imperative have faith in God right now that that may be correct it could be but it's just as legitimate to put it into a question do you have faith the faith of God it's not in it says literally you have faith of God and it's a question can be do you have the faith of God this construction the genitive can be belonging to do you possess the faith of God that is what he has given you now what do I say that it's a question because if you do notice what he says verse 23 were almost done for truly I say to you that whomsoever without limitations anyone can say to a mountain is that what your Bible says no it doesn't - Thank You pool to this mountain now here's the problem these individuals they love to use this scripture to say you can say to amount you can do whatever is that what the scripture saying no when the scripture says all things are possible it's everything according to what the will of God I mean is that what you want do you want anything or do you want God's will see when you get what you want it's not going to be pleasing it might have a momentary measure of of a fleshly gratification but it's going to leave you empty and damaged in the end what the will of God so it's very significant that he says you can say to this mountain what mountain are we talking about the matter of Olives thank you now we know something this is prophetic if you don't know prophecy you're gonna miss out and you're to come to a foolish foolish conclusion that if you have faith in God you can get one whatever you want I've heard so many people teach this passage that God wants to give you whatever you want no he does not no he does not he wants to give you the things that he wants you to have those things that are good my father used to do something and at the time I I didn't understand it he would say to me it was a birthday or something he says this is what I want to give to you it was always money just simpler right he says this is what I want then give it to me I would say no what are you gonna do with it what he wanted to make sure that he was not giving me something that in the end would be used what - my decrement not so he said this is what I want to give you but there's conditions same thing it's not that our God is a stingy God he's a blessed God he's a generous God but he wants to bless us and be generous with good things not just anything and certainly not what perhaps my fleshly desires can can conceive so he doesn't say any mountain he says this mountain why is that important because Zechariah chapter 14 tells us that when Messiah returns that mountain on the Mount of Olives it's going to be split and one's going to go into the sea on the west and the others gonna go on the east there's gonna be that great splitting that mountain is gonna what move push into the sea when Messiah comes to establish the kingdom of God so what he's saying here is not I'm gonna give you a blank check you can pray for anything that you want and I'm gonna do it that's not our heart what I want is what the kingdom I want the righteousness of that kingdom this is what should motivate us and what he's saying to people right now if we pray for kingdom things kingdom purposes he's with us so check yourself your prayer life is it really Kingdom connected now he knows that we have earthly needs he understands that but is there primarily a kingdom connection you could say to this mountain get up and be cast into the sea and if you do not doubt in your heart out what kingdom promises that's the context here but believe that that what is said it will be a kingdom outcome it will be to him whatever he says whatever I want a Rolls Royce I want to participate in a synth what No it's a kingdom purpose for those who have a kingdom mindset that's the heart here so I'm we're out of time but let me just simply say that we need to look at the scripture so we form a right understanding of what is right and what is wrong what is pleasing to God what is displeasing and it's only when we are set and motivated by the kingdom truth then things are going to happen God's going to be mighty in our life he's gonna move us and as we seek the things that God wants us to seek he's going to move us up spiritually and as we move up spiritually it's all for the purpose of seeing things differently that we might see things from his perspective and make wise decisions and here and I'll leave you with this what God wants to give us more than any other thing for right now today for serving him is discernment what was last time that you prayed god grant me discernment that I might see things from your perspective and make the decision that you would have me to make it's that type of blessing being blessed with discernment that is going to empower your life change your life and gave you the ability to carry out those things that God wants you to carry out and you know what the greatest outcome of that a joy a joy that I tell you what we could go to the wealthiest people of the world what they're seeking is joy interesting I don't care for this this individual politically but I heard him interview and he said and he's a billionaire think he's in the top five wealthiest people and this is what he said he says the greatest satisfaction that he finds it's taking what he worked so hard for and he says and giving it away he says knowing that my life is impacting others and I thought to myself what he's really describing this ministry and it's not that you have to support a ministry do ministry allow your life to be used for the things of God and I'll tell you what it becomes in a good sense spiritually addictive when you realize when you realize that in some way God it's he gets all the glory but he used you as a vessel all of us broken vessels that he mends with in order to touch someone else there's just a joy that comes with that the world doesn't understand it but it's real father God make us being broken he'll us mend us that you might use us for the kingdom purposes that we might know your kingdom truth and that we might be faithful to it in the Blessed name of our Lord and our Savior Messiah we pray I thank you for coming we're gonna turn it over to Christian in a moment but again those of you and and we really didn't know what to expect in Perth but we're so thankful correct rifki so grateful for the the work the preparation the effort that costs everything that went in and it's it's such it's a blessing for us that we don't have to deal with any of these things and we're just very grateful for for the labors for the humble servants that do and we we thank them so anyway thank you for looking we've got a little bit of time for some just some quick questions I'm sure some people have some city you like to put your hand up I'm sure Brock will answer a couple of questions and I'll take the microphone to you or has it been that intense no you do live in obedience to God's revelation do his will he'll help you he's going to conform you he's going to change you so what he wants you to do you do obedience brings about perfection I'm glad you had that concern because that shows I'm sure he right I appreciate you using the name Yeshua I'm passionate about that because it has a meaning in it how do you feel about the name Yeshua versus Jesus in the teachings um whether it's Yeshua or Hayes's I like your show because just what you said it has a meaning to it I identify and collect more and connect more with it and I found whether you're Jewish Entel when people hear that I don't know what your background is I know you're from Chicago Stephanie so that's one good thing yet going for you but but I've talked to many people who are not Jewish and they find out what your show means and they like doing that because they don't find that same connection with whether they're Spanish and Hayes's or or whatever so I prefer that but but I never scold someone or say you're wrong or something because you say Jesus or Hayes's or aces or however there the language refers to him thank you see this side I think the better side of the room than this one and you mentioned earlier on about I think it was Rambam and they don't believe in the supernatural and yet the Orthodox Jews do the Kabbalah or do they not see that as a supernatural thing well I didn't say they don't believe in the supernatural what iswhat Rambam said is do not think that Messiah has to do anything supernatural to prove that he's the Messiah so I'm not saying that Judaism doesn't believe in the supernatural butBut Rabanne teaches that the kingdom is not different from where we are right now there's not going to be any change other than no war people are going to keep the Torah they're gonna love God those type of things which potentially could happen without a transformation of our spirits or our physical condition into becoming new creations we need that new creation change they don't see that part but they don't denying miracles altogether thank you two more questions Benjamin thank you he talked about the olive tree a few times today in a nutshell if you can can you just describe or explain the concept of the olive tree in regards to being grafted into the olive tree if you can summarize that that would be very appreciative very briefly the olive tree is used for Israel in the sense of a kingdom remember there's branches Jewish branches and Gentile branches natural branches and and wild branches that are grafted into the olive tree so it's Israel's a kingdom word it speaks about victory if you do a good study of that word yes Royale it talks about we could say ruling with God or victory with God dominating with God overcoming with God so Israel's a kingdom word that's going to have a Jewish and a non Jewish component and that's why a question we received at another location they were talking about Romans 11:26 all israel will be saved and many times people see that as every Jewish person that's not the right way to understand it if you look at Romans chapter 11 and those who are grafted in and the natural branches that are going to be re Bri assembled right if he if he can cast them awake and bring them back if he can graft in an unnatural branch he can grant graft back in a natural branch so what he's saying here is that there's a time for the Gentiles of fullness of the Gentiles but there's also in the last days going to be that remnant of Jewish people coming into a kingdom reality and when we have Jew and Gentile together a kingdom reality this is all of Israel having been been saved we have pre-trib post-trib and for the rapture where do you place pre-trib post-trib and in relation to the millennial reign or if there's no trip rapture I think you heard today that I certainly believe that there's good to be tribulation where I place the rapture in fact I don't know if we have any books here but I saw this right this is the first time I've seen it yep thank you Christians you hold it up biblically we are gonna be removed believers prior to the wrath of God falling so when we look at many people want to say tribulation the word is ellipsis and many people say the whole seven years those final seven years is a time of tribulation well I don't have a problem with that but we're not promised to be removed from tribulation we're promised not to experience the wrath of God so there's a short booklet there I don't know if we have any more here that but you can order it well we'll get it to you some way or another but what that does is in 86 pages it goes through all the scripture that relates to it and deuce does so with trying to prove it from a scrip scriptural point of view so where I am I am pre-wrath prior to the wrath of God falling that takes place within those seven years okay you look at well the the rapture very good question the rapture happens what the scripture calls the Blessed hope prior to the millennial kingdom he removes believers because he's going to turn his attention back to Israel he's going to remove believers prior to his wrath falling Israel's going to be sealed remember revelation chapter 7 but they're there they're sealed because they're going to go through God's wrath but they're also going to be persecuted to the extent that the scripture says two thirds of the Jewish people going to be put to death the worst time for the Jewish people is in the last days read Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 also Matthew 24 beginning with verse immediately after the abomination of desolation talks about the great persecution tribulation for Israel so it's before the Millennial Kingdom [Music] you
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
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Keywords: LoveIsrael.org Dominionism
Id: x54sdodAqBM
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Length: 92min 21sec (5541 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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