Exceeding Growing Faith, Part 8

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Turn with me, please, to Romans the fourth chapter. Romans four. We've been on a series for some weeks now we're calling exceedingly growing faith. And this is one of our main texts here, Romans chapter four, beginning about verse nineteen. Talking about Abraham who was one of the greatest example of faith in the Word of God. We are called the children of Abraham, by faith in Jesus. It said, he, Abraham, "Being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead," we have gone over this more than once, but you see it so clearly right here. What is the key to being not weak? Not considering your problem. You can't focus on, think about, talk about, your lack, your symptoms, your marriage problem, child problem, whatever the case might be. If you think and talk that problem night and day, you will be weak in faith. You won't be able to escape it. But you don't have to consider that - even though it's there, you don't have to mind it. You don't have to think about it all the time. You don't have to talk about it all the time. You can consider him. You can look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith. He could remind yourself of what he told you about these things. He, "Considered not his own body now dead when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb," I mean if you look at himself and he looked at her, he looked at their age, she couldn't conceive when she was a young woman; then, he's going to be discouraged. He's going to think, this can't happen, this is not happening. So he didn't look at that. He didn't look at that. He considered what God told him: I have made you a father of many nations. Hallelujah. And he agreed with God and he called those things that be not as though they were. He started calling himself a father of many nations before they had one child, he and Sarah. That's how faith does. Faith shouts while the walls are still up. Faith thanks God for healing when you're hurting worse than you ever have before. Did I lose somebody? Faith thanks God for meeting all my needs when you just got some new bills you didn't know anything about. They're piled up on the table. You don't have a clue how you're going to pay all this, but faith thanks God and calls every bill paid and every need met. Call my body healed. "You're not going to make it very long like that." Yeah? "With long life He'll satisfy me and show me His salvation." Faith doesn't talk and think according to what it sees and feels. We walk by faith, not by sight. "We look not at the things that are seen but the things which are not seen." These are not just nice phrases, this is how you're supposed to live. Are you a faith person? Do you want to please God? Then you have to be a faith person. Do you want to overcome? Then you have to be a faith person. What else did it say? "He considered not his own body, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb," but he was what? Back up to verse twenty. He was what? "He staggered not," now notice he considered not so he staggered not. That word "staggered" could also be translated "waver." Waver. Why do people have trouble not wavering? Because they are still considering their own thing. If you want to not waver, you have to not consider. It's all right here in these two verses, two or three. It's all right here. He staggered not because he considered not and that made him not weak in faith, but, he staggered not, "At the promise of God through unbelief; but," he, "was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised," what God had promised, He, God, "was able also to perform." He didn't see it, he didn't feel it, nobody around him knew how it could happen, but God told him. He heard from the Father and so he considered that instead of all these symptoms. Instead of all these contradictions. It's up to us what we consider, so it's up to us whether our faith grows or wanes. You could feed fear, it will get stronger. You could feed faith, it will get stronger. Whatever you feed gets stronger. So let's starve our doubts. Let's starve our fears until they get so weak they don't bother us anymore. And let's feed our faith. That's what this studio is about. I may start off the broadcast, "Hello class! It's time to feed our faith." Is that right? Your faith needs to be fed every day. Is that right? On a regular basis. That's why you need to read your chapter every day. Anybody been reading your chapter? Ecclesiastes. For the last bit. Some people might say, "Why are we reading that?" It's the Word of God. It's inspired. A thing to keep in mind is all of it is talking about under the sun, stuff down here. He's not talking about the kingdom of God, He's not talking about spirit - we might say flesh. And everything He's saying is right about flesh. I mean, vanity of vanities. But, it's not vain to serve God. Amen. Thank God we have a revelation of the new covenant and we have the Holy Spirit. Come walk in the Spirit, live in the Spirit. What's done at the direction of the Spirit is not in vain. But anyway, you need to feed your faith with that chapter, with other things. And you know when you find something that really fed you and stirred you up, you were in a service or you watched a broadcast or whatever it was, if it really ministered something to you, get that message, get that file or that CD or DVD. Listen to it again. Feed on it again. Because if it fed you one time, it will feed you again. The Bible said, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing," and, "Man doesn't live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." How many have the potatoes more than once? More than twenty times? More than a thousand times? And yet, if you eat a potato today, it will help you. It will strengthen you and minister to you, just like potatoes did back in the seventies or sixties, is that right? We'll see, the Word of God, what food is to your body, the Word of God is to your spirit. And so when you find something that really ministers to you don't say, "I heard that. I got that." No, eat it again. Eat it again. Eat it again. That's one of the reasons why we invest so much into the Word Supply is because you want to get these things into people's hands and lives where they could feed on them, many, many times. He said, "He was not weak in faith but was strong in faith." And I want us to go over now - you're right there in Romans four, but go right over to the tenth chapter, please. The tenth chapter. "He wavered not because he considered not." He didn't focus on it: the problems. He focused on what the Lord told him. In Romans 10:6 notice this. "The righteousness which is of faith speaks on this wise, Say not in your heart," everybody say: "Heart." So you can speak in your heart without making any sound audibly, physically. He said don't say in your heart, "Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) But what saith it? The Word is nigh thee," we would say "near" or "close." The Word is close to you. Did you know the answer is close? The miracle is close? The healing is close? To everybody. How close is it? It's closer than you think. How close is it? Let's back up. He's talking about salvation. He's talking about being born again. We're in Romans eight, what comes next? Romans ten, nine and ten. It doesn't get much more salvationy than this. Are there many people in the world that are lost? How close are they to salvation? "Man, they look like they're a long way from God to me." Well, that may be, but how quickly could they get to God? How quickly could they experience the miracle of the new birth? Where all things pass away, and all things have become new. Where you are made the righteousness of God in Christ. How close are they? He said, "The Word is close to you even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the Word of faith, which we preach," did you know Paul was a faith preacher? Somebody said, "That Word of Faith bunch. I don't know about that." Watch out. Do you don't know who you're talking about. Word of Faith is right here where Paul preached. Verse nine, "That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus," which is action, "and you shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." How many believe this? You believe it a hundred percent. Do you believe it? You do this, you will experience the miracle of the new birth which is a far greater miracle, if you want to compare them, than a healing or a deliverance or a financial provision. Why? Because that's dealing with things that already exist; repair work on an existing structure. Moving some funds that are already in the earth, but the new birth is taking a dead spirit and re-creating it in the likeness and image of God. Hallelujah! That will exist throughout eternity as a son of the living God. This is no small thing. How did it happen? How quickly can it happen? Well, every one of us that has been born again, we were there, we know what happened. Quickly. You believe it in your heart, you say it with your mouth, you mean business with God, here He comes. Hallelujah. You won't have to wait on Him, He will be right there. And the Spirit of God will work in you what you could not do for yourself and what nobody else could do for you either. Well, that's not just true concerning the new birth. That's true concerning all manner of things that God does in human being's lives. It works by the same principle: you believe it in your heart and you say it with your mouth. We just got through reading about Abraham. Did he believe it in his heart what God told him that his seed was going to be like the stars for multitude, like the sand on the seashore and did he say it with his mouth? Yeah, he changed his name. Is that right? So he would have it in his mouth every day. They have no children, he and Sarah. They have no natural children, and every day he is saying, "I'm a father of many nations." They would come and say, "Abram, this is it?" He would say, "No, no, no, no. Abraham." Abraham we might say in Arkansas and South Missouri. Abraham. But either way, "Abram?" "No, no, no, no, Abraham." Which means something. Father of many nations. Is he saying it? He's got everybody saying it. Don't let people call you broke. Don't let people call you down. Don't let people call you victim. Don't let people call you sick. Don't let people call you terminal. Incurable. Come on, are y'all listening to me? Don't let people - don't accept it. Now they'll say what they want to in their own time and place, but don't accept these titles, even if it's completely different than what they see and feel. You call those things that be not as though they were. You give yourself a new name. It's not my bad knee, it's my healed knee. "Boy, I got that tennis elbow." No, I have a healed elbow. "Got a bad heart." No, I have a healed heart. I call my heart healed. And you can rename your car. It's not a Ford, it's a paid for. "What model is that?" It's a paid for. "What style house is that?" It's a paid for. It's paid for style. You ought to get one. They're great. See, walking by sight, they're going to rejoice after it happens. And until then, hope, wish, imagine, but no faith. But faith calls it that way when it looks like there's no way. That's how it works. Well, when you believed you received Jesus to become the righteousness of God in Christ, did you look like the righteousness of God in Christ? Or feel like the righteousness or holiness of Christ? No. But you went ahead and confessed Him as Lord anyway. And when you believe in your heart and you say it with your mouth, it opens the door. It gives the Lord access. Hallelujah. Thanks be to God. He said in verse nine, "That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Verse ten, "For with the heart," now this is the fourth time he has mentioned the heart. He mentioned it in verse six about speaking in your heart, verse eight he said the Word is close to you in your mouth and in your heart, verse nine, if you will believe in your heart, and verse ten, with the heart man believes. Everybody say it out loud: "With the heart man believes." "Man" refers to male or female. Talking about you, me, all of us. Say it out loud: "With the heart I believe." I believe with the heart. This is very significant. There's other parts of your being you don't believe with. You believe with your heart. It's quiet in here. And - you're going to shout about some of these things today. I'm telling you. I'm stirring the pot, getting ready - I can smell it from here, it's good. It's good stuff. You're going to want two scoops of this. The devil is such a liar and some lies that have hindered people, we're going to unmask them in the next few minutes. And it is going to take the power of it to hinder you. Faith is of the heart. Heart. Now when he says heart, what is he talking about? Don't be too quick to answer that. Even those who are the most studied in the body of Christ have differing opinions about what the heart is versus the mind, versus the spirit, versus the soul. I have studied it some, and one of the things that is interesting, is some of the words, the same words are translated two or three different ways. I mean, the same word might be translated heart, soul, or spirit. It's the same Greek or Hebrew word that's translated three or four different ways. So don't be too adamant until you get further into this. But let's keep it simple today for practical purposes. When we say heart, we're not talking about your physical blood pump. You can't believe God with your physical heart any more than you can believe God with your kidneys, or your lungs, or any physical organ. That's physical. And yet, it's graphic. What is the heart to your body? The heart is the primary organ. I mean, it stops, you stop. I mean, it is what sends life. Somebody said, "Is it blood?" Same thing. The life is in the blood. It sends life. Somebody might say, "The brain is the most important part." You cut off the life flow to the brain, boom. Just seconds it shuts down. No, the heart, out of the heart flows life. Go to Proverbs four and you'll see this same thing here. We're getting into a big subject. Can you tell? But you can handle it. Proverbs four, this is a very familiar passage of Scripture to many, but oh, there's so much light, so much truth here. Proverbs 4:20 he said, "My son, attend to My words; incline your ear to My sayings." Do what? Don't, "Let them not depart from your eyes; keep them," where? "In the midst of your heart. For they are life to those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep your," what? Your, "Heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." That's true physically, it's true spiritually. The life flow of the physical body comes through the heart. But there has to be spirit life, or there's nothing to make the heart beat. What makes the heart beat? What makes the lungs breathe? What gives the brain its light? Well, it's life, life. Where does life come from? First Peter refers to the hidden man of the heart. That phrase is used. The hidden man of the heart. This is the part of your being that you believe God with. Now you're right here in Proverbs four, go back to the third chapter - maybe on the same place there or close by it. Anybody remember this? Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord," what? "With all your heart," with what? To say, believe God with the heart, have faith with the heart, trust with the heart. Similar things. What part of your being do you trust with? Your heart. What part of your being do you believe with? Your heart. Notice, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding." Now here, we are seeing a very clear distinction between heart and understanding. You don't believe God with your understanding. Now we're getting somewhere. You do believe God with your heart. Your heart is not your understanding. If it is, how could you say, "Trust in the Lord with your heart, but don't lean to your understanding?" Your understanding is different. So when he's talking about heart, he's not talking about your mind. He's not talking about your thinking. He's not talking about knowledge. He's not talking about understanding. Let me read you another couple things about your heart. Won't take the time to go through the scriptures; I have multiple scriptures for each one of these. Your heart is a part of you that can grieve and sorrow, or, rejoice and be glad. Being glad is not just mental. You go, "I've thought it all through and now I am glad." Glad is not a deduction. You're not glad with your head. You are glad with your heart. Sorrow or grief, you're not just hurting in your head, it's your heart. And your heart is the part of you that can be broken or elated. Ecstatic. Over the moon is not a mental condition; it's a heart - is that right? Full of joy, overflowing, glad, not mental. Not head. Y'all with me? Your heart can be hard, or, it can be humble. Right? That's not a condition of mind. I'm just saying some things to help us identify what part of our being we're talking about. But, I think this is clear: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean to your own understanding." Now, go with me to James, please. James the first chapter. Glory to God. With the heart man believes. It would do us well to meditate on this the rest of the week. Just as we think about it - with the heart I believe. I believe with my heart. I believe with my heart. Well, before we go to James, just put up Mark 11:23. Jesus said, "Verily I say to you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and," what? "Shall not doubt," where? Where? "In his heart, but shall believe," well, we already know what that is, in his heart. With the heart man believes, we have Scripture for that. Shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe in his heart, "That those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatever he said." Some people said, "Well, y'all are just that confess it, possess it bunch. That blab it, grab it bunch." Well no, Jesus didn't just say you would have it if you said it. Did He? People take a half of a phrase and say something the Lord didn't say. He didn't say you would have what you said, if - don't skip that part. If you don't doubt in your heart, but you believe in your heart. So people can say all kinds of stuff they don't believe. That doesn't mean you're going to have what you said. "Well, I said it and it didn't come to pass." You're telling off on yourself. You either didn't believe it to start with or you started off good and got to where you didn't believe it or something. You quit somewhere along the line, right? Don't blame it on God. "If you won't doubt in your heart, but believe in your heart that those things which you said will come to pass, he will have whatever he says." Everybody say: "In your heart. In your heart." Which is not the same as your own understanding. Go to James now, please. James 1:5, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him," stay dumb? No. "You have not because you ask not." Oh man, we need to learn this lesson. Do not assume you know this. I'm looking at the folks in the back. Do not assume you know this. And in the front and in the middle and on both sides. And I'm reminding myself. What? It's so easy to get in a situation where you're going, "Ahh, I just don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what I'm going to do. Man, I don't understand, I don't understand." Shut up. And ask, ask for wisdom. It is so simple, but people will go through months and years of torment and go, "I tried everything I knew to do. I talked to everybody and finally, we just had to pray about it." Oh boy, it has come to that. "Finally, we just had to pray about it." What if we would have led with that? What if we would have started with that? Might it have been possible to prevent and avoid months of torment? We need to be quick. Somebody say: "Quick." We need to be quick to ask for wisdom. You're in a situation you don't know what to do, how long does it take? "Lord, I'm asking You right now, give me wisdom for this. Give me understanding on this. Show me what to do. I'm asking it in Jesus' name, I believe I receive it." And most of the time when you pray that, you're not to know any more when you get through praying than you did, but we walk by faith. Is that right? So now, every time something reminds us of what we need to deal with, what do we do? Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord for showing us what to do. Thank You for giving me wisdom, giving us understanding about this, and if you are in faith, you're not in fear. If you're in faith, you're not in vexation and torment. You're calming everybody else down. "It will be okay, it will be okay. The Lord will show us what to do. The Lord will show us. We will get there. Has He not helped us ten thousand times before? He will show us. He will help us. This is going to be alright." And as surely as you talk like that and you believe that way, next thing you know... ding. Ding. The lightbulb goes off and you go, "Oh, well, of course. Yeah!" And you know what to do, and you know which way to go. It's supernatural. It's revelation. But you have not because you ask not because you think you can do it by yourself and you don't need any help, and you're going to exhaust all your resources until you finally have to pray. No. Let's stop doing that. "If any man lacks wisdom," do what? "Let him ask of God," and what will happen? He gives to everybody. Aren't you glad He just doesn't laugh at you go, you are one dumb guy? You need some wisdom. No, no, He won't upbraid you. He won't make fun of you. You say, "Lord, I know this is a dumb question, but..." No, He's a Father. And He looks at us like you would look at your two-year-old. "It's not a dumb question, baby. Come here. Let me show you. This is how this works." "Oh!" Ask. He gives to all liberally. He's ready, He wants to show us. "And it shall be given him." Verse six, "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering." Now this is a Scripture that the devil quotes and uses against believers who don't understand it. See how quiet it got? He uses it. "Let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord." The devil likes to quote that verse. "Don't let him think he'll receive anything. Don't let him think he will receive anything. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! You wavered. You wavered. Forget it then, forget it. Forget it. You know you're wavering, you know you did. I know it, you know it, don't try to play like you didn't waver. You wavered so you're not going to get anything. Don't even think you're going to get anything." I'm seeing looks all across the crowd. You've heard it, you've heard it. You heard it. Did the devil quotes Scriptures to Jesus? Yeah. Did he quote them the right way? No. He had it twisted up, trying to misapply it. Is that right? Trying to mislead, trying to tempt. So when the devil quotes a scripture to you, you should never take it seriously. He's quoting it out of context, he's twisting the real meaning of it. You should never take it seriously. Consider the source. "Let not that man think he'll receive anything of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." Okay, I'm going to help you out now. Go to Mark the ninth chapter, please. Oh, praise God, and get ready to shout. Thank You Lord. I got so many Scriptures here, I'm picking and choosing. Mark nine, we looked at this earlier in our study, but you're going to see something that's shouting ground, hallelujah. In Mark nine about verse fourteen it tells the story of the man that brought his son to Jesus and was having seizures and fits. And he described it, and the man that brought his son to the disciples for them to minister to him and get him delivered, and they tried, and they didn't succeed. No results. You know, just because somebody prayed for you and you didn't get it does not reveal the will of God. "Yeah, but I've had several people pray and I prayed." That doesn't prove it's not the will of God for you to have it. It just reveals for some reason you didn't receive. And so when Jesus came, the father came to Jesus and he said in verse seventeen, "Master, I have brought my son," to You, "which has a dumb spirit." And he described all the things that happened, and verse nineteen Jesus said, "O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you?" Verse twenty-one, "He asked the father, How long is it ago since this came to him? And he said, Of a child." And the father said, "If You can do any thing," verse twenty- two, "have compassion on us," he's trying to put it all in Jesus and say it's up to you, but Jesus said, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes." Now what part of your being do you believe with? Your heart. Not your understanding. And verse twenty- four, "And straightway the father of the child cried out," and what did he say? What did he say? "I believe; help my unbelief." What does that mean? Can you believe with the heart and doubt with the heart at the same time? No. No. You're either believing or you are doubting in your heart. So what's going on? What's going on? "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief." And the next verse Jesus said, no, you're wavering. You're wavering. And if you waver, don't even think you're going to get anything today. No. That's not what He said. That's not how it went. Then what's going on? What happened? "Lord, I believe." That came right out of his heart. See, he didn't understand. He brought his son to the disciples, they did every prayer and every confession, everything they knew, nothing happened. Nothing happened. He's thinking, well maybe nothing can be done. Of course you know the enemy is telling him that. He brings him to Jesus Himself and he is not anymore convinced in the beginning, and then he said, "If you can do something, have compassion on us," help us, man. And Jesus looks at him and says, it's not if I can, "If you will believe, all things are possible to him that believes." Come on, now you're standing there and Jesus is looking you in the eye and telling you this, you know what happened? That hit him, glory to God, and right out of his heart he said, "I believe!" I do. And then something else hit him. "Help my unbelief." Here's something that's a wonderful thing to know. I didn't get this - I got this from the Lord through my father in the faith, Kenneth Hagin. He said, "Faith will work in your heart with thoughts of doubt in your head." Faith will work in your heart with thoughts of doubt in your head. Or feelings, or any of that. Now, you can't just yield to it, but when it comes to you, you have a choice. Just because thoughts come to you and feelings come to you, that does not mean you have chosen to believe that in your heart. I told you you were going to like it. The enemy has robbed people by misquoting and misapplying the scripture in James. Oh you waver, you're not going to receive anything. You waver, you're not going to receive anything. He's talking about in your heart you stop believing and start doubting. You're doubting in your heart instead of believing in your heart. But no, this man says, "I believe!" Then immediately something else is bugging him. "Help my unbelief." What is he talking about? Jesus did not going to long spiel with him and say, no, no, now we have to get it fixed. You can't receive anything. No. As far as Jesus is concerned, we got it. We got what we need. All He heard was that first part. "I believe; help my unbelief." All he has to do is stay in this gear in his heart, and not let this stuff in his head change what's in his heart. Oh, hallelujah! Hallelujah! Fighting the good fight of faith - what's involved in that? Thoughts, feelings, suggestions, reasonings, reminders of failures and bad reports and every other thing. They will be brought to you, they will come to you, they will try to oppress you and permeate you and push in, and that's why Jesus said, "Don't let your heart be troubled. Don't let it be afraid." You can't control what comes to you. You can control what gets in you. Glory to God. Glory to God! And even if you catch yourself having sat there and thought about the wrong thing for longer than you should, which is any time, what do you do? You catch yourself and you go, "No, no, no. No. I don't believe that. This is what I believe." And so you stay in faith. I said, you stay in faith. Faith will work in your heart even with thoughts and doubts and feelings in your head. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don't lean to your own understanding." Don't let that sway your heart. Oh, it will be there, stuff will come and go - are you kidding? Most people's heads, if their forehead was a TV screen and you could see what's going on in their mind, it would be too distracting. It's like some kid with a remote changing the channel. Would be like whoa, whoa, whoa, what's going on. You're over here, you're over there, you're up here, you're down there. And that's not good, you need to learn to control your mind. But whether you can get something from God or not is not all based on you never having a wrong thought or a wrong feeling come to you. That's a perversion and distortion of Scripture. That's a lie of the enemy. You see it perfectly with this man right here. When Jesus looks at Him and says, no, no, and no, don't try to put this on Me now. "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes." I mean, faith comes by hearing and hearing - he had heard out of the mouth of the Master. He's standing there looking at Him in the face. Those words hit him, came into him, and his immediate heart response was, "I believe! I believe! I believe!" That's his heart. That's his heart! That's his heart! And you will find this, this is a good lesson to learn about being led by the Spirit. Again and again when God gives you something, it's so clear, it's so real, it's in your heart, and then maybe ten minutes later all this stuff starts coming to your head: why it can't happen, what's wrong with it. Don't let that confuse you about what you have in your heart to start with. Tune that out, turn that off. Casting down imaginations and every high - go back to the simplicity that's in Christ, what you know He told you and I don't have to see it, I don't have to know how it can happen, I don't have to understand it, I just believe it. I believe! Somebody say: "I believe. I believe!" "Yeah, but how in the world could that happen?" I believe! "Yeah, but there ain't no way." I, I don't have to know how, I believe! I believe. Then he says, "Help my unbelief." Help my unbelief. I mean, the Lord didn't require one more thing out of him. Next thing you know He cast the problems out of that boy, picks him up, hands him to his dad free, hallelujah. He didn't need one more thing out of this man. Then it is true, faith will work in your heart with thoughts of doubt bothering your head. Oh, can you say, "Glory to God? Glory to God." Let's lift up our hands and thank Him for this right now. "Lord, we thank You. Thank You. We thank You, we thank You, we thank You. Thank You, thank You. Glory to God." Go ahead and stand up on your feet. I have a lot more that we could talk about, but I think we need that big tree just laid in your heart. And we need to let it lay there. Is that right? And get established. Glory to God. Y'all come on, guys. Thanks be to God Who gives us the victory. Let's lift our hands and just tell Him right straight from your heart that you love Him - love is of the heart. That you esteem Him, that you revere Him. That's all from the heart. And that you believe Him. Just lift up your hands and begin to say it out loud: "Oh, Father God, I worship You, Lord. I worship You. I reverence You in my heart. I trust You with all my heart. I believe in You with all my heart." It doesn't matter the thoughts that come, the feelings that come, that's not what I choose to believe. They are there, I hear them, I see them, but that's not my heart. It's also true that you made mistakes, you can yield to the flesh and do dumb stuff, but that doesn't have to be your heart. You can say, "Lord, forgive me, but that's not my heart. That's not who You made me me to be, that's not who I choose to be, that's something I yielded to that was - but that's not my heart. Not my heart. My heart trust You."
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
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Rating: 4.4666667 out of 5
Id: _q7eoljUVUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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