Thursday - By Faith, Moses - Pt. I

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[Music] [Music] [Music] good morning class hi I'm Keith Moore and this is faith scope faith school is the place where our spirit is fed our faith grow stronger and we learn how to be overcomers you can because of the greater one inside you you can overcome whatever is in front of you today I know the enemy he's he likes to practice what I call the pile of technique you know just keep trying to pile up worries and concerns and fears on you until you just feel like giving up and and quitting but he's a liar and things are never as bad as the enemy makes them out to be I've found he's always well he's a liar that's an exaggerator right he's always exaggerating the you know how bad the situation is and tries to get you to forget how big God inside you is so you can't overcome there's answers you can come out of it a lot quicker even than you thought to you it's amazing how you can go from just seeing no hope at all to being completely free in a short amount of time and and the things that happened just seemed like a bad dream that happened to somebody else that's what God will do and that's what faith in God will do so let's agree together let's pray and release our faith to get exactly what we need in our spirit and minds and lives to help bring that to pass today father we thank you for the privilege and opportunity - no you to feed on your words to be ministered to by your spirit we ask for utterance and anointing we ask for the eyes and ears and heart to see and hear and receive and we purpose to walk in the light of it thank you for doing great things in our life thank you that you're greater than any problem that we could ever face and we confess it so and we thank you for the victory in advance in Jesus name Amen thank you Lord somebody say thank you Lord for the victory they're thanking him in advance Hebrews 10 if you'd look at again Hebrews 10:38 says now the just shall live by faith if you look that up were that's quoting that from it says by his faith so the judge will live by his faith or by her faith but if any man that's in italics if anybody draws back my soul I have no pleasure in him we're not of them that drawback to perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul we're not going backwards we're going forward we're not quitting we're overcoming now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen verse 6 says without faith it's impossible to please him free that comes to God must is it's not optional must believe that he is and you must believe that he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him you must believe that God exists and that he's God are you know why even pray you must believe that but you must go beyond that and believe something about his character about his nature God won't leave you hanging you know what I mean by that you you reach out to him what's the Bible say draw near to God and he'll leave you hanging huh you you go to high-five God you know what's gonna happen he's gonna meet you is that what he said Joe near to him and what he will respond to faith now not not to fear but to faith he responds and you must believe that he is a rewarder reward is something good so you you know brother Oral Roberts popularized the phrase something good is going to happen to you today and some people you know act like they didn't like that phrase but it's obviously he knew something about the Lord he's he's believing this right here isn't he he's believing God is that he exists that he's all-knowing he's all-powerful but also he's a rewarder that if you're seeking something Goods going to come to you if you'll obey Him something Goods gonna happen to you right so let's let's let's join brother oral in this they say now that's something good it's happening for me today hallelujah well how can you know that can you say that well I can read I can read and God never changes he's the same yesterday today and forever his will is always the same he's no respecter of persons of what he did for one what he did for all these in this 11th chapter of Hebrews he does for us today same thing same spirit of faith the same God same faithful God so we saw Abel we saw Noah we saw Abraham Sarah we saw Isaac Jacob Joseph we've talked about them and we're down to verse 23 now by faith Moses when he was born was hid or hidden three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child or we said that that can be translated a beautiful child or no ordinary I think the word special could be used here they they saw something special about him and they were not afraid of the Kings commandment the faith that came their hearts helped them to overcome the fear of them all being slaughtered by not by failing to obey Pharaoh's command to kill all the male children and so we spent some time talking about how that strong faith overcomes all fear that faith works by love how can I be so strong in faith well faith works by love it's what we just got through looking at not only do I believe God is real that he exists and that I believe he's if he's God he's all-knowing he's all-powerful I believe in his love for me we talked about that in a previous class how we believe we're gonna make it not just because we've do everything right but because of his love and faithfulness to us he'll never leave us he'll never forsake us he'll never let us down he'll always be there for us and if we won't quit him we're gonna make it because he's not going to quit us and they obviously became convinced that God would protect them in this situation in the middle of this country with this oppressive regime killing off the children this is this is terrible and yet they kept him day and night day and night day and night three months but apparently there came a time when they knew we've got to we got to get him out of here and you know living by faith notice the phrase the just shall live by faith the just shall walk by faith every day is a new day you can't separate living by faith from hearing from the Lord how does faith come by hearing being led by the Spirit so if the Lord tells you okay you got to get him out of the house today yeah but Lord you said we could keep him yeah and you have right but when the Lord says you got to get him out of the house you can't have faith to keep him now are y'all with me friends men you can only have faith to obey God now I'm getting a little head of this but it all flows together so skip down to the 29th verse and it says by faith they passed through the Red Sea is by dry land which the Egyptians are saying to do are attempting to do were drowned this has been a source of confusion for a number of folks but they see somebody do something and get a miracle and to see somebody else try to do the same thing and and die or fail well what's the difference they did the same thing well these these guys did the same thing right the Israelites passed through the middle of the Red Sea on dry ground the Egyptians endeavoured to pass through the Red Sea on the middle of dry ground middle of the Red Sea on dry ground why is such completely different outcomes because faith comes by hearing right faith is not a matter you just decide I'm gonna do something and believe to do it know if you're counting on God to help you you have to have heard from him about this then you can trust him to do what he said you know be like kind of like me you know if you say well I'm gonna believe that brother Keith comes and does my laundry because you know I have faith and all things are possible to him that believes well don't wait on it because you you can't have faith yes I can I'm leaving no the only way you could have faith in me to do your laundry was if I told you I would do it and you believed I'm not a liar and I have the ability to do it and I'm faithful to keep my word then you could have faith you could trust and say and somebody said well he's not gonna come to your London oh yeah he told me that he was so you could believe it right you could believe it but if you're just gonna try to reach out in the air and grab this and so I'm just gonna believe this to show people how powerful I am in faith and whether brother Keith wants to or not he wound up over there doing my lung well not you're trying to show off your motive it's wrong and you don't have anything to base your faith on faith is not just believing something I don't know where faith in me can only be based on what I told you faith in God can only be based on what he told you which is why Romans 10:17 says so then faith comes how not by wishing not by wanting not by needing faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God the anointed word that's thus Christ they're the anointed word and so you are the Israelites had faith to cross the Red Sea because God told them when they got down there you know it looks like they're in a bad play that they're in the proverbial between the rock and hard place that he got to see in front of them they got Pharaoh and the army closing down on them they're in a bad spot and Moses cried out to the Lord and the Lord said what are you crying to me for go forward and so then again you see how faith is not passive he had to speak he had to reach that right out and praise God when they stepped that way it split and so because they're obeying God they had faith to do it well here comes the Egyptians behind him we're gonna do the same thing but what had God told the Egyptians did he tell them to go through the Red Sea no you know what he had been telling them for months let my people go so the only thing they could have had faith in God for was that they could let the people go and God would take care of them they can't have faith to go through the midst of the Red Sea because they didn't hear that from God they heard something else so they're actually rebelling against what God told them because he told them let my people go and they're not letting these people go they're trying to chase them and get them they're rebelling against the Word of God you can see why they got in the middle of this and the walls of water collapsed and they all drowned and they all perished and this you've seen even with among people that are call themself faith people word people you'll see somebody said the Lord told me to do this and they did it and had a miracle and somebody says well I'm gonna do that too and you'll hear people sometimes saying well you know I'm gonna I'm gonna quit taking my medication I'm gonna throw my glasses away I'm gonna do this for that look if throwing your glasses away would correct your vision right if not taking your medicine would make a healing land offense then that's all you'd have to do boom it happened everywhere that's not how it works that's not how it works you shouldn't do anything that you didn't hear from the Lord right can you say this for you to do and he knows where your faith is and he's gonna tell different people different things I've known situations of people that had strong faith in different areas and the Lord told spoke to them and said get up right now and go to the doctor so this is what well could don't they believe in healing they sure do well don't they have faith yes but our faiths at different places at different times and they and and they weren't going to go initially but he told him restaurant get up right now make an appointment get over there and when they got there they began to check their vitals they were in a serious condition if their to waited another day or so they'd probably died they didn't know it they didn't know what was going on the Lord did and so they were able to get help lived scores of years after that somebody say thank you lord but if the Lord tells you go over there and do this and you say well no I'm just gonna sit here and believe if God you can't you can't ignore what he told you you can't so I'm just going to sit here and believe this and do nothing no when he told you to do that the only thing you can have faith in him to do is what he told you you can act on that and in that you'll see miracles so faith is not just believing anything faith in God is believing what he told you faith in other people's believing what they told you back up if you would the verse twenty-three again they hid him for the three months they saw he was special they were not afraid somebody say not afraid not a not afraid of the Kings commandment and so we mentioned it before but I think it's it's worth referring to again something happened that they knew he couldn't be hid if you look at the other acts we'll look at that in a little bit you'll see acts and Exodus 2 where it describes how that they somehow know they came to the knowing but we can't we can't hide him anymore and you know what I'm talking about this I'll just touch them a little bit further you've read the book of Acts perhaps and you'll notice that Paul and his company this was true with other of the apostles and disciples there were times that when something was going on of persecution they would get out of town I mean just believe basically run did you know the same thing with Jesus there were times that he just slipped through the crowd and got out of there and there were other times where Paul stayed and got persecuted and their even times he stayed and got stoned and there were times when that time after he got stoned he got up when God raised him up went back into the same place where he got stoned now how does you reconcile that times when you stay when it looks like you should times when you get out of town and go you know reading the book of Acts it says that they'd get to a certain juncture in place and think about ministering to these people over in this area and the Lord would say no no I thought you said go into all the world yeah but you're not the whole body of Christ you can't go everywhere where are you supposed to go another place they thought about going and preaching and said the Holy Spirit for madam said no so whether you go whether you stay people so I'm just I'm just gonna trust God that nothing happens well that's great unless he told you to get out of town you know with me friends then if the Lord said get out of here tonight you can't have faith to stay and be protected now I know a lot of folks don't like to hear this because it puts responsibility on us to seek God to pray to hear from him but this is reality you can't have faith beyond what he's saying to you and like they kept him for three months and they had faith to keep him and not fear the king's commandment but at the end of that three months his mom his dad I don't know who all but they just knew we can't hide him anymore they knew we got to get him out of here and when they knew that they can't keep believing they're gonna be okay do I go to the doctor do I not go to the doctor do I have the surgery do I not have the surgery do I take the medication do not take the medication the answer to a thousand and one questions in life is Oh y'all heard this before yeah they said be led be led by what not just by anything be led by the Spirit of the Living God that's on the inside of you nothing will take the place of a regular daily living communion with the Spirit of God who's in us always checking let's remember the Bible said trust in the Lord with all your heart don't lean to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths in all your ways what does that mean all your ways that means morning noon and night you're checking in with him you're checking your your heart and I don't care if you've done something the same way a hundred times in the past you know the Bible said David he had gone out to war time after time after time but every time before he'd go it's a he would inquire of the Lord he would check he would ask and it's good that he did because there were times the Lord told him to do completely unconventional things even though he had success doing it a certain way many times every day is a new day and thank God we don't have to just rely on what people call luck and forget about all that we don't have to rely just on our wits I don't care how smart you are you're not smart enough to cover all of that and certainly you don't know the future but we've got somebody in us the greater one inside us he knows everything he knows the plan that God has for us he knows he's aware of all the traps and tricks of the adversary and the enemy and there's no substitute for us seeking the Lord daily you don't have to you know necessarily be prostrating the floor for 4-5 hours to get this you can be going along in your car and just turn off the radio maybe and just check your heart a little bit and when you think about that be open to him and say Lord which which what on this where should I go and I always be checking I always be checking in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths because you can't have real faith on anything other than what he told you can you see that class you can only have faith for what he told you so should I do this should I do that well we know all things are possible with God all things are possible to him that believes but our faith is at different places and the Lord knows where our heart is for our faith is today and he'll tell you the exact right thing to do and when you do that you can believe him you'll have favored things of work things will be expedited think you'll prosper in it and you keep growing and developing he's liable to lead you a different way next year are the next because you're developing you you're growing but you don't just get hard-headed and go I'm gonna do it this way and I'm gonna believe God well believe him to do what what did he tell you he is the big boss how many know God is the big boss the Lord he's the king of kings he's the Lord of lords and we should continually be checking in with him submitting to him go in his way so when they they they just knew we can't have faith to keep keeping him here at the house so they made him a little tiny boat they made him a basket and they took slime and pitch and made it they waterproofed it and he put him in there and they covered him up and put him on the river you know they were supposed to have thrown him in the river three months ago with no basket but they kept him but they're still in faith and they sent him sailing down the river and his sister Miriam she couldn't take it she she had to follow and she followed and watch demon it would have been interesting to see maybe we can watch the video I don't know what here of what happened I mean no God was involved in this right and so the crocodiles didn't get him and hippopotamus didn't get him and I mean this this river is a dangerous place and the swells and Eddie's and all that and he winds up in some we'd call him weaves or rushes or and just happens to be at the same time pharaoh's daughter comes down now it was a setup and they noticed him and brought the basket over and opened it up pharaoh's daughter and she sees him and he cries and boy something got ahold of her heart and she said you know this but she saw that he's special and Mariam his sister pops up bingos oh look there's a baby of course you know this baby's obviously nursing and and says do you want me to go find a woman a mother to nurse this this baby of course you know there were a number of mothers Israelite mothers that had had to give up their babies and were capable of Nursing and so and and the Pharaoh's daughter said yeah yeah that's good idea so she runs home and gets mama Moses mama brings her and I guess they pretend like oh wow what a pretty baby you know can you nurse this baby for me yeah I can't I can yes I can and paid her the Bible said paid them paid her wages to take and nurse this baby and then when the child is old enough came into Pharaoh's Palace and these people the Pharaoh was considered a living God you talk about opulence you talk about affluence you you talk about power they had people for everything and all at once he's a prince he's a prince in the house of Pharaoh and that's where he grew up and that's how he grew up until he was 40 years old somebody say 40 that's that's a long that's your that's a lifetime lot of people's mind right and so he was even at one point was somebody saw him to know who he was they called him an Egyptian well he didn't look like an Egyptian he dressed like an Egyptian he was taught in all the ways of Egypt but we're going to see in our next class that he chose to leave all of that and follow God and he did it by faith hallelujah it takes faith to go God's Way well that's it for the class today everybody sit out loud I live by faith walk by faith I overcome this world by faith we're strong in faith giving glory to God hallelujah we'll see you next time in faith go [Music] thank you for joining us at faith school class is dismissed for today but you can watch this and other episodes of faith school free of charge at faith school org for more information visit our website or call us at 9:41 702 seven three nine OH [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 2,580
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: htj9LZ9ag-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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