Defending against an ENDLESS Invasion of Stickmen in Stickman Trenches

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welcome back to Stickman trenches today we're going to try out endless mode the objective is simple survive as long as is humanly possible let's actually convert our first metal get a machine gunner up and running upgrade our trenches and from here what I want to do is just pump out more men now the objective in this is right now it's like survive as many waves as possible we also have a timer but I'm wondering if the timer is a little bit redundant and having a little bit of time in between waves could be pretty good but we'd have to stop the whole economy which makes things a little bit tricky needless to say we're still tinkering with it now this is going to be a key First Choice we don't have machine Gunners unlock we could get the metal to unlock them or we could summon one I think in the early waves it's very key to make those choices the right choices there is a little bit of RNG So that obviously affects things I think at this point I want to exchange and upgrade this trench and then pop out another machine gunner and a shotgun Gunner and since the enemy is only sending in about four infantry at a time I think that sort of favors us two medals is definitely a good idea we'll save three so that we can get five and unlock quicker Rifleman production which was something we covered in the more recent video now shotgunners have also had a huge update as you probably saw in Friday's video but as you're watching this I want you guys to be thinking well you know what are some fun ideas and ways that we could update this game in this mode specifically there we go I think we might be in business except the enemy that wave just kind of decimated us we need more units that can be spawned in other than rifen although we are running out of money relatively quickly we're at a minute 40 and I've noticed that if I can survive two minutes I have a really really good chance of going far so this is gonna be the key wave um let's summon a sniper those shotgunners running up man shotgunners are just so dang deadly let's convert all of our money oh we should have converted one and use the other two to unlock Submachine Gunners not having Submachine Gunners I think is definitely not good interestingly enough shotgunners are helping to hold the line once we feel very secure in our first trench we're gonna move out to the second one but I do not feel very secured quite yet oh my goodness getting five medals is exactly what I want that means I can get faster shotguns and convert the rest oh my gosh guys I'm done what am I doing I need to use two metals to unlock another unit I want you guys to be thinking and use your creative muscles right now on what we could do to make well quite frankly endless mode more interesting right now you can only really upgrade your trenches the machine guns in your base and the base upgrade is relatively straightforward it just kind of increases its hit points but I want it to have like material things on it like maybe after you upgrade it first it gets a sniper or maybe you click the barracks similar to how you click the research tree just thinking out loud right now obviously we want your guys feedback because it's freaking awesome we just unlocked artillery and we've got three medals let's convert one and start getting some snipers out here so we can hit a few guys before they fire granted once they get up close they'll be able to hit snipers and maybe having snipers in a back trench and all of these Riflemen in the front trench would be the better course of action we are fully upgraded in terms of our infantry at least with what our placeholder research tree has available for us so I'm thinking now that we've survived almost four minutes I'm feeling pretty fresh and maybe after this wave we go and take the next trench let's summon another sniper all right we gotta upgrade this one as fast as possible so we're gonna need money I think now that we hold the outer trench I think we just lost the sniper we're gonna have a better chance it's kind of cool you can sort of see where the snipers are just by looking at their helmets every unit sort of has its own helmet except for maybe like shotguners and Rifleman share the same sort of British style helmet snipers have the little camo pattern on them we'll take an artillery barrage not that we need it the first shot did a decent amount though all right we're doing we're doing decent but the idea of like how tanks work because right now if I summon a tank they just sort of go and attack and then drive off the end of the map they don't like stay and continue fighting here I'm gonna I'm gonna get one out when I can actually I should be able to with this money now he'll probably die but if you time it right he can help on a big wave like right now he's in my trench which is great and he's tanking a lot of damage well that is what tanks do right they tank damage but sometimes if you're not careful the tank will attack the enemy wave install them and it may be long enough to join the next wave let's summon a poisonous gas and if I can time this right maybe now is it too early oh no okay it's perfect the enemy's gonna be running through it they had enough officers though with gas masks which definitely affected things let's do a Precision artillery Shark look at how many sub machine Gunners they have and so like determining what an enemy wave consists of how often they attack do we want to have time in between waves to sort of like upgrade how does money work because right now it's still the basic Skirmish economic system whereby we get certain money every couple seconds but right now like I'm feeling pretty good some of the other things I could do is continue upgrading my base but this is the point where I've always wanted to add like static defenses like minefields let's unlock some things and then convert the rest Into Cash use some chemical Weaponry right now hopefully there's not too many officers can gas a whole lot of them but yeah minefields barbed wire maybe little mortar installations that just kind of fire passively like I don't have to directly control them here our first tank is and it's immediately destroyed because my trenches are well they're freaking beastly is what it is we'll fire a little bit of anti-geneva convention juice out there summon some snipers another machine gun tank comes now as we get a vehicle update in and we add some of the bigger land ships I think we can have some really cool boss waves like depending on who you're fighting like British Mark IVs or Mark fives French Char two bees and Char 2cs German a7vs you know the big baddies of World War One maybe even flamethrower tanks we I mean these are things none of these are promises these are just musings out loud for the record let's see if we can't summon in two tanks to attack we're at seven minutes in 30 seconds I am feeling great right now and I think like the way the enemy comes in they sent that tank in immediately without infantry support and as a result well they weren't very effective so we're gonna counter attack with two tanks at wave 39. we need waves to feel meaningful and impactful now do these tanks survive that machine gun tank is about to go down Cannon tank is about to go down will someone in a sniper there's just so many different things that we need to do in order to balance this let's do our exchange rate which is still probably too favorable now the base has a machine gun so what we could do is after this wave Retreat and let the outer trench get overrun which is a waste of military resources I understand but one of the things that we need to do is I believe that machine guns have a they don't fire far enough yet so actually I don't think that the machine gun on the base is gonna fire and the one right behind my trench rarely fires so let's go back and take these trenches and re-upgrade right in time to to oh my gosh that Tank died quicker than I could put Precision artillery on it we are losing some men but at this point like you sort of reach critical mass it's like how many men can you can you have well I don't know a hundred maybe that's a lot of men in that trench like these are things that like you don't really get to experience in the Skirmish mode but in Endless mode they do come out let's take a sniper now we've got everything unlocked so the Infantry are going to come right behind this tank so let's drop gas now but I'm thinking like your base back here could have some passive stuff like maybe the machine gun fires overhead at greater range by increasing our machine guns range maybe you can get snipers once again leave your ideas for Endless mode below because it's still in a very early place and that is good in that a lot can change so yes Barons Brigade we are recruiting you to help us refine and make this game as fun as it can and oh we've got two tanks by the enemy how cute you are artillery another thing is visually a lot of people have been saying that no man's land it's kind of bored visually there's not a whole lot going on and you're right I mean it's it just looks like sand because that's what it is right now I feel like using artillery and having craters would be really cool man my snipers are crushing these tanks oh I'm out of metal so I'm like why can't I build snipers well duh snipers are so freaking powerful yeah and at this point it's like the enemy's just getting wrecked absolutely destroyed so what wave are we on as we exceed the 10 minute marker wave 48. I just gassed a tank because I wasn't really paying attention whoops you know Precision artillery maybe having I like the idea of mortars maybe or that's where your artillery is and they just fire passively and maybe like do you have direct control of your artillery in this mode how many men do I have in this trench let's see how many men do I lose during this tank see right now at this point you're like okay I feel invincible and I kind of am but you gotta remember that the enemy is just gonna keep sending more and more and more and more and more men oh my gosh I think I'm actually having a slight frame rate drop I'm kind of excited by that actually this is good to know three machine gun tanks I think our lack of vehicle variety is definitely negatively affecting the experience of endless mode so at this point we're not gonna build any more men this is something that you do you know when you're balancing right now we can use artillery and we also need to be able to right click to cancel artillery orders which would be great our base is fully upgraded we'll take the Stars oh Canon tanks are coming now if all the tanks attacked at once with infantry right behind them they would be significantly more effective so once again sort of like musing out loud and saying well we could change how the enemy attacks because if you sent a few cannon tanks like one on top one in the middle and one on the bottom with a bunch of shotgunners behind each of them they would probably be devastating man yeah most of these tanks don't get a fire much at all snipers are taking shots I'm not sure what caliber rifles were using let's take the medals and convert them right now it's just like how much money can we accrue 6 000 almost 400. wave 54. but I gotta say that uh it's been such a great experience so far sharing off Stickman trenches with you guys remember that you can wish listed on Steam right now and please do that and hit the little follow Tab and if you want to go and another step further in supporting go ahead and hit the big play games steam page and hit follow there too I'm pretty excited to say this Ambiguously right now there's actually a number of other projects and games currently in development by myself and my team so I can't wait to share that with you some of that might be coming to you guys very soon and by very soon I mean you know end of January early February is we're thinking and you may be thinking wow it's almost the end of January right now and you would be right let's see if we can't get up to 10 000 resources my experience right now is pretty incredible but like I said endless mode is still early in development early in refining and balancing and early in concept and I want your feedback I also want land ships in this right now these poor Germans some of the shotguners get in there but like we're so heavily upgraded it's kind of impressive shotgunners probably should have an increased chance if they get in close and get a shot against an upgraded trench to hit some of these guys we're so densely packed one shotgun should be able to kill multiples at least in real life so we've reached over 10 000 currency we've survived over 15 minutes here in Stickman trenches endless mode I can't wait to add more units more features more ideas more research more Tech teams working hard guys the team is working hard wave 58 our goal is to get to wave 70. having tanks attack in a swarm with infantry right behind him if I was the enemy and I could determine how I attacked this just insanely fortified position that's what I would do now that we've got all this money I'm gonna do this strategy called spamming my number keys and queuing up as many men as fast as I can at this point what you'd want to do is send out your waves and take the enemy trench we have critical mass all we need is the officer to blow the whistle we're over the top we're through no man's Lane in no time at all hopefully the enemy doesn't have as well fortified position as us this is hilarious wave cleared we are on Wave 60. now the enemy is bringing in multiple cannon tanks if they get off shots though they could do a lot of damage but they're not getting off the shots snipers are damaging them so much so that the first Salvo rifles which has got to be probably 100 Rifles in there just insta kills them yeah look at those like the snipers I feel like it's a revolutionary war and we've got a little musket line right now oh yeah the shotgunners get hits off I mean shots off let's say two cannon tanks coming up easy and we're also experiencing definite frame rate drop which makes sense although I have a good computer give me the money I want to get over 10 000 gold again we're gonna start our own Swiss bank over here and start lending to the enemy we're so rich oh I wonder if that would be an interesting thing like send money to a bank and get a little bit of interest on it I mean it just it's just so many ideas that's the fun part about developing your own game is like well we can do whatever we want just takes time and resources to do it but we can at least think about so many different things counter attack with tanks we'll have a tank battle in no man's land come on tanks our machine gun and Canon tank are doing the business let's summon up sniper some of the snipers are actually getting shots off too so they're definitely helping us otherwise I feel like one of our tanks probably well there you go there's the first one down and we are almost of 20 minutes yeah right now the way balancing Works uh if you have a very hard time surviving two minutes and then over that it's easier wave 64. we're gonna go to 20 minutes but ladies and gentlemen this is Stickman trench's endless mode can't wait to read over your thoughts constructive criticism and ideas make sure to wish list Stickman trenches on Steam and I will see you in the next one I'm I think I've uh I've reached invincibility right now see you next time
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 239,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, stickman trenches, stickman, stick man, trench wars, trench, stick war, trenches, ww1 game, world war 1, ww1, wwi, stickman trench warfare, stickman war, stick fight, stickman fight, stickman siege game, stickman war game, new stick, new stickman, new stickman game, stick man games, stickmin, stick, stick figure, stick figure fight, stick wars, stickman trenches endless, endless, invasion, defense, wave, waves, stickman trench wars
Id: Z1LuCNf4wkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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