THE FRIENDLY ROBOT! - SPORE: Modded | Ep 1 Season 9

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yo what's up guys this is daryl hd and welcome to season nine of sport modded can you believe it season freaking nine that's a lot of as a lot of freaking seasons so to keep things interesting i came up with a little theme that we're gonna stick to this season it's the friendly robot theme meaning that we will always get the green card always we will always choose the peaceful method always i say always i mean most of the time like 99 percent maybe 95 90 maybe 85 percent of the time but we are at least aiming to get a green card for every every state so in the cell states we're gonna get the uh the uh the vegetarian option and for the creature states we're gonna get the peaceful thingy i i have no idea what they're even called because i have never gotten a green card why would i but this season we're gonna get all the green cards and we're gonna be playing as a little little robot guy so i found this nice little planet in my little galaxy thingy and i kind of like it i really like it the really nice teal color of the ocean and the atmosphere i think i'm gonna enjoy it and then the very autumn like uh planet surface i like it i like it a lot now anyway since this is the robotic season we of course need to make ourselves a robotic cell eh so how what is that that's a penis i cannot believe i just dragged that up what is that is that really the body shape that we start out with uh okay you know what hold on let me just let me just there we go anyway yeah a robot cell how would that even look like well i don't know i'm i'm on the same boat as you guys i have no idea what i'm going to be building right now all i know is that it's supposed to be a little robotic cell now the issue is that all these parts they serve no purpose in the cell game the only parts that actually serve a purpose are these no wait these parts right here they are the only ones that actually have a use in these cell states but we will be using all of these parts just to decorate them and make him look like a robot but anyway enough stalling i'm just gonna get right into making our starter cell [Music] [Music] um [Music] okay so yeah i don't i don't really know what we got here you know i love to read all of the little lore comments you guys leave like the backstories of the creatures that we encounter and the creatures that we make but i got a little backstory of my own here my idea is that this little robot was sent to this planet to investigate its life forms but then its memory got kind of whacked out and it completely forgot his purpose so he's now just living on the planet like the rest of the uh of the living life forms and just trying to adapt he doesn't even know that he's a robot that's i think that's a kind of cool backstory right yeah i like it i like it a lot anyway i found this little thing abilities in the audio and visual section is one of the mods that i have installed and there are bunch of cool little abilities like the electron sphere the plasma column the lightning orb and of course we got all the normal abilities here but i think it's a little cheaty to take some of these the those were the uh the charm the dance you sing and la la da da da da da now what i'm interested in are these abilities i mean we got the web slinger you guys all know about the web slinger we've used in the last two previous seasons but i'm trying to find like a robotic type of ability that we can use let's just choose one let's just choose one of these abilities that we can give this little robot guy okay we got some pink wave purple wave what are these waves are they lasers oh wait a minute oh we got lasers here pink glitter laser red laser heavy rabbit blaster mini rabbit blaster sniper blaster ooh we could go for a nuclear missile we could just be a robot that drops nukes let's go for the mini rapid blaster maybe let's hope that it's not too overpowered actually we need a gun that we can shoot out of then luckily we got a bunch of guns right here and they all fit the theme how beautiful is that oh my god those are some big ass guns oh man wait a minute i just hold up no what are we doing we are supposed to be the friendly road no we're not we shouldn't grab those then although maybe hmm i did just say that we were gonna be the friendly robot so maybe it doesn't make too much sense to add a huge gun with a very uh powerful attack but maybe okay listen to this maybe it makes more sense to have a gun powerful of such destruction if you're a friendly robot because then then it's really because you choose to be friendly it's not because you're weak no you choose to be friendly and that is precisely the point so maybe his creators equipped him with weapons but he chose to be like a wally type of a robot anyway so this is our little robot guy although i just remembered that i still haven't given him any stuff like he doesn't have a mouth or anything yeah he has the mouth but he can't use it in the cell states because we need to add one of these guys oh my god it looks like he just ate someone and that's the tail of the creatures he just ate look at that and they're still alive oh that's nasty that's disgusting there we go fantastic we got sight we got speed and we got a little mouth right here it looks like he just ate some fizzies but there we have it there's a little robot guy i love him i i freaking love him man i was not i was not expecting him to look this adorable honestly oh my god it's transparent that's not good okay so there we go that's the final design i'm not going to change anything more i need to stop myself because i've already been working on it for an hour and guys i haven't even started playing the actual game yet so he also went ahead and named him fr 3d so friendly robot 3d i don't know what the 3d stands for do let me know in the comment section down below what the 3d stands for maybe the fr doesn't stand for friendly robot maybe it stands for something completely different let me know but anyway we will be calling him fred for short but i i think i'm ready i think i am ready to enter the game now i am done i am so done with tweaking that creature there we oh my god he look what is that really our cell oh my he does not look good in the top down view that makes me nervous because he looks it looks awful but anyway i am choosing hard because we gangsta like that and for the name of our planet nine topia because why not hold up nine topia there we go that's that spell correctly okay i'm ready let's do this guys let's get right into season nine baby [Music] okay so like i said before fred comes from another planet he's a robot sent to this planet to investigate his life forms let's just pretend like that meteor over there it's not a meteor it's a rocket ship yeah it's a little rocket that sent fred on its way to this little planet and it's just crash landed in the ocean that is our backstory and i think it's a freaking brilliant one at that okay here we go let's see how fred actually looks like in the oh no okay you know what at least you can still see the little light thingies i put in his eyes but man he does not animate or look very good in the hold up can we eat we can eat we can actually eat fantastic our creature works but we have no weapons so we cannot defend ourselves and our speed is incredibly low okay let's not be killed right away let's just not do that i've been thinking about it let's just not nah leave me alone oh my god i need to i need to remember that i'm going to be friendly this season so that i i can't i can't be looking out for war i cannot look for conflict please leave me alone leave me alone i don't want to die as soon as i freaking land on this planet can you not oh my god yep there we go and i'm dead see i i've only been playing for like a minute okay fred we got this we got this man we're playing peacefully so all we gotta do in the cell stage is just eat food just that's all you gotta do just eat some food we've been training our whole life for this fred come on hold up we actually you know what would be fitting for our little fred guy person thingy the electric thingy so we definitely need to kill one creature during the cell stage and that is the electric boogaloo whatever the the creature is called oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die you know what there are some upgrades we could do to fred that beings wait hold up i want the food i need the food one of those three that's a lot of dna that i could have used on my little fred guy okay fred time for some upgrades i just love the way he looks man he's so derpy okay let's see where are these cell parts we got them right here fantastic so we definitely need some more speed now where did i put those i think that's the flagella right there yep the speed just increased so let's just wait a minute they cost nothing that's new okay so uh no issue here wait a minute this feels wrong you know what i'm just gonna have speed four because i i don't really fully agree with the whole not costing anything so i'm just gonna add four okay i think i had enough dna to have bought four flagellas it's okay it's okay and our name seems to have been erased so let's just add that again fred there we go uh you know what i should have done i should have put the uh the carnivore mouth on the hands so like it could be like the little grasper thingies but then i would have to be very careful not to eat any meat just use them as weapons so i'm not really oh my god we're so fast look at look at us go leave me alone leave me alone stop it stop it they're they're biting my butt and i don't oh my god there's so much food here oh my god this is amazing yes yes yes yes give it all to me oh my god beautiful thank you there's another one right there okay these guys are taking over my little eating kitchen thingy so i'm just gonna move over here i need this stuff now i do want the electric part but i'm still trying to think of how we're gonna get it now that we can't kill anybody i mean we got no weapons let's but let's be very clear on this i am allowed to kill creatures during the season that's i'm just not supposed to kill enough creatures for me to land and oh my god we got a part we got a part we got a part without killing anything that was beautiful thank you what was i saying so my goal is always to end up in the with the green card but i am allowed to kill creatures just as long as i don't kill enough of them to end up anywhere else but in the green we got it the the rules are established fantastic oh my god hey we got other fridge look at that wait a minute that kind of goes against the whole backstory of there was only one thread uh okay we need to we need to think of a better backstory but you know what guys oh my god we got another part right like i was saying we need to find a better backstory since we need to include all the other threads that are gonna be in our tribe and whatnot so you guys are a creative bun so i think i'm just gonna leave the backstory for you guys so make sure to write your little backstory in the comment section down below and i will read it and i will enjoy it no really i actually really enjoy reading all the little lore comments you guys leave man there are still no electricity guys oh wait wait a minute oh part part we got a part we got a part see we are getting a lot of parts without killing creatures but they are killing me and i don't like it i don't like it oh we just spawned right next to food beautiful thank you for killing me leave my food alone could you not just go just go you're not invited you're not wait a minute he dragged me along with him i don't i didn't enjoy it oh stop it stop my god you can't eat in peace without somebody coming on oh we got another part oh that's the omnivore mouth beautiful look at that we i think we're gonna be able to get all the parts without killing a single creature this is incredible how many parts have we yet to collect we got four out of six that means that we have two more parts to get see i can do math oh we got the electricity guy let's just wait for this guy to die then okay we need to hang around this guy long enough for him to die that might take a while wait oh that guy might die soon no no no no no no no he targeting me instead that's not good let's leave let's leave let's leave not good not good kill somebody else please stop targeting me i didn't do anything i'm made out of freaking metal you wouldn't like eating me wait what one of those little electric dudes just died and it didn't drop apart that's not cool that is not cool what about this guy will he die no i died okay cool yeah fantastic why is the only part that i wanted to get okay this guy yes he dropped it he dropped it he dropped it yes fantastic thank you very much i am going into the cell crater and we are going to deck ourselves up if we find a lover there we go we found a little lover another fred that we can hold hands with look at that isn't that beautiful see that's wholesome that is wholesome right there that's the way the threads make babies they just hold hands and they they make a baby oh my god we got all the parts look at all the parts they're so beautiful okay so we need the electric boogaloos let's see where should we put them i kind of want to put them on the little rocket thingies oh look at that they kind of stick out and look all nice looking i like that i like that okay fred i see you with your little electric butt man i didn't realize that his butt would release those particles and it doesn't i mean hey that guy has some butt particles too so it's it's cool butt particles i never thought i would say those words together they sound disgusting oh my god we just killed the creature that's not good we need to eat some fruits or vegetables to make up for it forgive me forgive me i'm eating my greens okay you know what the electric things do come in useful but i am close to death so that's not go oh my god i am so close to death oh that's not why do i bleed let's just pretend like it's gasoline or something like that i don't know pink gasoline pink lean pink lean yes that's that's that's the uh that's the fuel source we use pink colleen there's not a lot of food for vegetarians in the cell states in the late cell states there's not a lot of food for the vegetarians so this might take a while it's taking me forever just to find one food is there really no option oh oh my god we got a big one we got a biggie we got a biggie the notorious seaweed we got the biggie oh we got a few left we got a few left right here oh baby give me that oh i think this is going to be enough to make us increase in size there we go is it yes it is you know we are actually killing a lot of creatures right now hold up how are we doing we're doing good we're doing very good we're just a couple of good boys good robot boys oh my god we are very low health we need the food we need the food instantly give me the food you cannot have any food this is mine oh my god stop it stop it leave me alone oh come on come on oh we got food right next to us oh oh part we okay we got a part we got a part oh my god if i can just reach it oh my god it's going to be dangerous but we did it we did it we got the spit poison thingy oh whoa what is that what just happened did you guys see that that was a really weird crisp that was terrifying actually i got like a cold feeling in my chest that actually terrified me what okay we are going to die we are going to die if we don't reach those little vegetables right there oh thank you very much amazing oh wait apparently we can eat the eggs so those little black things apparently we can eat those if we get there in time ah they're all hedging okay we guys stop go coming okay that was suicide right there i did not kill them they ran up to me and killed themselves in masses they drank the kool-aid it wasn't my fault oh look okay look at this look at when i eat that wait okay he actually hatched right before i ate it and i accidentally killed him but look at that there we go see i can eat those eggs let's see where we are we are doing very good okay we don't need to worry can you please stop look at that that's it's insane it's kind of like the electric thingy it's like one of those little bug bug thingies you know the the little electric light that bugs fly to and then die i don't know it's kind of like that let's see some eggs see look at that they are so attracted to my butt and they keep on dying oh okay now i died oh did we do it we did it we freak oh my god this is our first time ever as a cell that we get the green card and that is amazing congratulations you are on the path to sentience oh baby it's time guys it is time that we advance to creature and step on to land look at that we got the green card meaning that we will have the siren song use this ability to temporarily enthrall all creatures in your vicinity this makes it easier for you to socialize with them well that's gonna come in very useful since we are going to try to get green on every single face so that is beautiful fantastic let's click on the green little button and advance to land hello fred okay let's see how are we going to make you ready for land can i click on your body yes i can beautiful let's straighten out your back real quick let's see let's grab these little feet put them on there get rid of the other thingies let's actually start out with removing all these cell parts see what's that all of them now we got a few more over here and over there and over here is that all of them no we got a mouth right there there we go that should be all of the cell parts also we can now remove those little effects it's not really we don't really need it anymore since it's no longer a jet pack [Music] [Music] okay there we go we got upright fred right there okay let's see uh we already got sprint oh we got sprint four okay that's something we already got jump we got jump two we got sneak do we have sneak we don't have sneak yet so we might add a flagella somewhere let's see where should we put it now i do have this rule if you get oh my god look at that backpack that kind of looks like a creature on its own oh this could be like a ratchet and clang kind of a situation huh we got we got a we got a little robot on his back i don't know maybe that could be part of the little backstory that you guys write i don't know anyway uh i do have this little rule about not hiding parts but i think i'm going to abandon that rule during this season because we're trying to make a robot and those things are not robotic although we could just for now use them as an antenna for our little backpack boy what should be the name of the backpack boy should it just be the backpack boy i think that's a pretty cool name honestly oh what if we hold up yes oh my god yes let's make it okay so here's here's my idea for the backstory during his time underwater fred became attached to a creature that he actually took with him to land which he keeps alive in his little backpack there you go look at that it looks like a little creature he took with him and just placed him in his backpack on life support that is adorable i love it i freaking love it okay let's see where were we uh do we have charm we got charm five okay that's going to be very useful oh my god we got spit level five we got strike level five and we won't be able to use them ah man okay charts you know what since we got those things i'm not going to be adding the charts we are already too overpowered okay so we should have all of the stuff that we want to have at least there we go we got fred and man i oh i cannot explain the happiness that i feel when i see that little backpack boy right there are you freaking kidding me that is brilliant little backpack boy i cannot wait to find out what his real name is from the comment section i don't know maybe you guys want him just to be called backpack boy i don't know anyway fred is looking amazing and i am so ready for him to walk on land so that's i mean there's no time like today so let's click on save and exit and release our boy oh it's time it's time baby look at a little fred calling his little buddies and we got backpack boy of course we got backpack boy oh that is amazing i love the planet the planet looks amazing as well everything is perfect guys it is the beginning of a new day and for you a whole new strange and wondrous world air fills your lungs as you stretch into your limbs and in your new home dry land the race to evolve has begun oh baby and look at our fred look at that i love him so much fred baby boy i love you and i love backpack boy oh my god look at how majestic our little boy fred looks let's get a look at backpack boy look at backpack boy over there oh my god he looks so at peace he likes this okay kinda looks terrified of the fact that he's now on land oh my god it's beautiful so this is what we will be looking at for the entire creature stage we're gonna be looking at a little backpack boy it's not even gonna be about fred fred is just the we called backpack boy though backpack boy is the real unsung hero but man i like this planet i love this planet i kinda wanna just explore right now i mean it is time to oh my why are we so small we are smaller than this little bush right here look at that why are we so freaking small oh my god i cannot wait to start exploring this planet but that is going to have to wait for the next episode i hate to do it but this is the time where i have to wrap up the episode but man i haven't felt this excited in such a long freaking time i can't wait to record the next episode guys and i hope you guys are excited for the next episode just like i am but anyway i hope you guys enjoyed today's episode of spore modded make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you did and i will see you all of you lovely people in the next episode have a good one guys
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 521,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spore, Spore Mods, Spore Modded, Let's play, modded, Spore Creature, Creature Creator, dark injection, dark injections, forgotten spore, dark spore, mods, spore mod, spore robot, spore cyborg, robot
Id: Uyi91gwOskI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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