Evolve Angry Review

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Tend to agree with Joe on all of his points which is too bad as asymmetrical gameplay (especially to that extreme) is so rare.

👍︎︎ 564 👤︎︎ u/arandompurpose 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

This game gave you every chance in the world not to buy it. I had emails from the devs to play on ps4 and PC every day the beta was out. 2 separate beta tests. I played enjoyed the idea and had fun for a bit but learned it wasn't going to hold my attention. People need to stop buying blindly.

👍︎︎ 471 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Here is my statements on the game as someone to whom bought it, not just played beta/alpha, I will list the pros and cons with my thoughts to help clear things up from people to whom are going to give you a review after playing just the beta.

So Evolve has had some poorly done PR, the DLC while cosmetic at the moment still rubs people the wrong way, which of course is completely understandable, but to the people saying why not just let you unlock it a lot of the major reviewers did not mention there is a master skin for weapons once you have done all the characters mastery to 3 stars.

Now this brings me to my first con of the game, Mastery System. Quite frankly its incredibly lame because it gives you a boost to that weapon/tool/monster ability its a flat out buff and forces you to do it, also you need to complete all the one star mastery's for each character to unlock the next, not hard just tedious as hell and it makes you play badly. For example I primarily play trapper, while my friends were on 3rd tier characters I was stuck on the first tier trapper because I did not need to follow the dog, it was just pointless so I started going into games and just following it without actually trying to play. I found a rather lame solution to this according to my friends by just going into a bot game to level up all the classes so I could play any character I wanted and not force the team to be at a disadvantage ( which isn't much because all the characters are good) but I still felt awkward.

2k and TR studios dropped the ball big time with a issue no one can talk about because it was not in the beta, Evacuation mode. In this review he seems to shit on it but honestly, its quite fun, ill show case what it is for those who just saw shit campaign don't play. With Evacuation mode you play a 5 day campaign cycling through different maps and game modes ( to which I will list) in order to save the colony and stop the monster, this is also a dynamic campaign so the next map changes based on who won or lost the last match. So for a Example I will list one

  • Weather Control (Map)
  • Hunter Victory Condition- The weather station comes online, clearing the sky's making the map brighter and forcing all hostile nocturnal wild life to not spawn for the next Map
  • Monster Win Victory Condition - With the weather station down a monsoon sweeps the area causing significant rain, making more carnivorous plants ( these plants will in-cap a hunter and force a team mate to shoot them out of it or they die) to spawn on the map, trust me there are a lot of those plants.

There are 12 maps right now, and not all of them are just dark jungle like what was showcased in beta, 12 maps with 2 different outcomes and 3 different game-modes that can be on them keeps the game fresh to me rather than just playing hunt all day like a lot of people have informed the masses after playing the beta, which again is 2k and TR fault for keeping Evacuation to Xbox exclusive in beta. Now moving onto game modes we have 4 different games modes one having its own map set Ill list them below

  • Hunt- Standard mode that was showcased in beta is always the first game type played in Evacuation, can be fun and exhilarating, or can be a wild goose chase (looking at you wraith)

  • Nest there are 6 monster eggs on the map, the hunters must kill all the eggs and the monster must defend them, he may also hatch an egg to make a baby Goliath to help defend, but if the Goliath is killed it will count as a kill for the hunter, this is by far my favorite game mode, it makes it to where its a race to kill as many eggs and has a lot of tactics behind it i.e splitting up to go faster so he doesn't get stage 3 strategic picks on hunter ( one of the hunters has mines, another has turrets etc.)

  • Rescue- by far my least favorite because of how its spaced out, the hunters need to rescue 5 civilians to whom are down on the ground and protect them until a drop-ship arrives, the monster must kill 5. I feel as though this mode was made a little poorly, since the survivors spawn 2,2,5 so the monster doesn't really have to bother with the first 2 sets and can instead just rush to level 3 to wipe out the poor colonists because there skin is made of paper and their bones balsa wood.

  • Defend- Last game-mode of every evacuation campaign Monster starts at level 3 and must destroy 3 power relays, the hunters must defend the relays for 6 minutes using the given destructible turrets, or kill the alpha monster (player controlled one) every 45 seconds a wave of 2 AI controlled monster minions spawn and go straight for the relay and will only stop attacking it when they are at 25% health or below,the monster can play this out like a MOBA i.e go for the turrets with ranged attacks or melee them while the hunters are distracted with the minions, each relay the monster kills till his final one adds 5 minutes to the clock. Monster perk for winning the 4th map, his minions have armor which make them even harder to kill since the turrets suck without the buff. Hunter perk- Turrets get the mentioned buff making them chew through monsters and minions, so both perks are pretty good, I rate the monsters better though

Last point of evacuation mode to which I am torn on is, each time one side wins, they get the map buff while the losing side gets 10% damage, which is that losing side wins it takes down one bar of the buff of 5 so for example winning the first map as the hunters you get the weather buff, but the monster gets 10% damage, he uses this damage to win the next map then goes back down to 0% buff, so its a bit of a tug of war with winning and losing to ensure fair play, so why am I torn? It creates a lot of cheese Strats, because using the damage boost you can just effectively kill the hunters level one with one of the monsters then go on the win the last mission using the 30% damage boost and super minions.

Now we get to the question, is the game worth 60$ dollars? Well if you have been reading my overview with how much I've shown you, I'm going to say to the standard person, No. To some people money is tight and things like this cannot fly for them, its understandable to for some people it is just way to much, I agree that it should of been 30 or 40$! For my personally I feel as though I've gotten my moneys worth though, I enjoy playing the game, love the character design and banter, and have over all loved playing the game with friends and pubs alike. What it comes down to is, its a fun fleshed out game that's getting a lot of PR problems ,circle-jerking from people whom have not played it or played the betas one game mode, Which I understand people want it to fail, but there are people who enjoy it please be mindful of that. If you guys want anymore questions answered I'm happy to oblige!

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Skynz 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I don't get why this game is so polarizing. Maybe its its stupid pr and DLC, but if you ignore the existence of cosmetic dlc, it doesn't impact the game at all.

I'm really enjoying the game though.

I think a lot of people have trouble with the pacing, but I like the fact that it's not 100% action. The tension of the chase leading to the crescendo of the fight is a cool mix that doesn't exist in many games today.

👍︎︎ 265 👤︎︎ u/llevity 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

My friends and I were very potential buyers, we had basically followed the development for quite a long time. We were very hooked on the asymmetrical gameplay. After they announced the price and DLCs, none of us wanted the game anymore.

There are so many F2P / lower point of entry experiences out there today, that none of us could justify spending that amount of money on something, when there are so many other games available to us.

It's pretty clear in my eyes that their pricing model killed the game.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Mr_Snail10 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'm gonna go against the hate bandwagon on this game and tell you about my positive experiences in the game.

I'm someone who loves co-op games but don't have a lot of friends to play with. Weird, right? I've bought Evolve on release day and have been playing since. I've played Evolve for a good 40 hours now and I still very much enjoy it. Evolve is not a game for casual players. It's for people who like extreme skill-based games and love teamwork. Even though I usually play with randoms, I have found myself a bunch of friends to play with regularly. From my experience it's really easy to make friends in this game because A) almost everyone uses a mic and B) the community is extremely friendly.

While I agree with some points like how amazing the design is of the monsters, I disagree with most. Joe finds the game to be repetitive, but what game is not repetitive? Joe also mentions the best strategy is to always stick together, another point that is not true. Splitting up is a really good way to get a sight on the monster fast. Joe also says the hunters don't have a lot to do most of the time which is also not true because there's always track to follow, sounds to follow and with experience you know what sounds to recognize. I see myself a decent at the game and I always see the monster within the first minute of the game. So I guess Joe just didn't seem to understand the game that much and just didn't bother to learn it properly because he already had some prejudice about the game.

The DLC... well, it's DLC. What can you say about it? 2 dollars for a blue skin? Yeah, I agree it's expensive but haven't we already established that cosmetic DLC is just that? Cosmetic DLC. You don't have to buy it to get the ''full experience'' of the game. Down the line there will be more hunters and monster available that also have a price tag. The thing is, you don't need to own the DLC to either play with or against these DLC characters. It follows Payday 2's style of DLC as ub you don't need to own anything to get the full experience.

So I found Joe's review to be somewhat lacking. I felt like he didn't really gave the game a chance because of his prejudice towards it. At the end of the day, it's his opinion and I respect that but I am criticizing his opinion based on my own.

👍︎︎ 170 👤︎︎ u/pleasehelpmath 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I like how AJ goes batshit crazy when talking about the review scores. He's right.

Also, the concept of this game sounds like a wc3 custom map to me. And those were free.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/Monkeibusiness 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I really hope a new game with respectful pricing, quality content and with few bugs makes its way forward soon. And somehow manages to set a "standard" The recent "huge" games we've seen have been such disappointments.

If no company teaches us, the customers about what is OK and what is not, this shit will continue. High purchase price, tons of crappy and expensive dlc, lazy content etc... is a future in gaming no one wants.

I like valves approach with Dota 2, the whole game is completely unlocked to everyone, only cosmetcis is locked behind a pay wall. Even if I play, do enjoy and have spent quite some money on League of Legends, I don't like their way of locking champions/heroes behind grinding/money. Because it is so popular, every other moba game will follow its "standards".

Well I hope 2015 will fill up some of our empty gaming space in our hearts because so far, 2014 and the beginning of 2015 have not been looking great.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I feel like this game could be so much more successful if it launched for 10 to 20 dollars and was more upfront about its Dlc. Why does every game have to be 60 dollars?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
closing in no huh [ __ ] it I run it no more god damn it but this Roman Romanenko runnin like any valve is the first big disappointment of 2015 why because evolve is tedious and that's not a word you want to associate it with your game you want to know what else it is evolved is repetitive and these are two things that nobody seemed to mention when it was getting high praise okay it lacks so much content it's rather insulting especially since the lack of content has been supplemented with some of the most extensive DLC I've ever seen I mean look at this [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] what are you where we get what is this is it is that blue is that is that [ __ ] blue is this is [ __ ] blue you're giving me a gun that's painted blue and you want to charge me two dollars it's not even good DLC it's not even good cosmetics kids look at this [ __ ] they didn't put effort into it what the [ __ ] it's not a full game they're trying to sell us a platform it's like a platform for asymmetrical gameplay that's not filled in I am NOT impressed I am NOT happy oh no [ __ ] way man this is not worth a hundred dollars that I [ __ ] is robbed in they give it a no [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] liar and the game itself doesn't earn this 85 for $100 worth of extra purchases in the game it doesn't war in it it doesn't earn it alright this game has the most confusing special editions I've ever seen like extended edition here and and none of them had all the content that was gonna come out with this game there was always at least something missing no matter if you spent a hundred and eighty or sixty whatever the game cost I'm sorry you've all pissed me off alright then it got such high [ __ ] praise and everybody freakin ignored that it has no [ __ ] content it's one game mode essentially hunt and the other way to play as evacuation that has a few other modes in it okay but Oh Joe it's got rescue mask and defend nobody plays those molds online everybody votes for [ __ ] hunt it's the majority of the time one way to play what you're gonna be playing that's not to say that the concept of evolve isn't spectacular alright or that you can't have the occasional great match because you can and you will and it'll be fun and you'll be like wool [ __ ] [ __ ] is [ __ ] cool and furthermore the emphasis on asymmetric gameplay is a breath of fresh air in our PvP military shooter dominated market and it's done by a team that knows how to rock Studios the guys behind left for dead the idea of this 4 vs. 1 game is awesome it's an incredible challenge to the turtle should be commended for but there's just some things that are missing ok I mean this really does feel like like oh free-to-play game it's like warframe there's more content than frame had more out date one which is mind-blowing considering how small that company was but it had more day one yeah yeah this might have better graphics and you know asymmetrical gameplay but I don't know that's just not enough not a nice it doesn't justify the money and it looked so paid the blatantly cash grab it was like I honestly I don't think they even tried to hide it like all their money they spent on PR and designing skins and all this other [ __ ] you know instead of making $86 of cosmetic DLC you could have [ __ ] made a campaign one player essentially gets to plays the box right this brings five massive hulking monster wrong who wants escape route right and then yo wild my right and get bigger and then stock and eventually evolved from the hunted into the hunter and this cooperation between the four hunters all with unique abilities and designated roles is exciting it's tense it literally is one of the best hunting experiences today's I'll give it that especially considering the low effort redneck crap that came before it Nats rock is worse let's talk about the roles every player has distinct roles okay the ax Sol class my favorite axes the tank of the group right not only soaking up damage but dealing out most of it the support class shields other players buffing their health and can lay down turrets or call upon supporting fire but why the gods damn [ __ ] airstrikes do team damage I don't [ __ ] know Lee not everybody around the goddamn map throwing everybody everywhere sucks stop using it I hate it when people use it it [ __ ] [ __ ] off how did I get [ __ ] thrown so far I think your support bombs are blowing me up please stop using god damn it that [ __ ] thing sucks medics obviously keep the team alive and are usually the first targets for smart monster players while the all-important trackers holy [ __ ] smell that yeah what are you doing oh god no why did you do that not only do they trap the monsters in a dome so that the team can fight them at the right times but they are also responsible for the most important thing in the game which is the task of finding it in the first place right keeping its whereabouts knowing through Mark's pings darts and hell even sounds you hear that no I don't hear anything exactly this way all this [ __ ] is great sounding on paper the issue is that if you just have one shitty team member you are [ __ ] out of luck buddy okay even more so than other games right there's no ketchup mechanic here there's no carrying mecanic if you have one shitty person your play experience is pretty much determined to be bad okay we all know how good pubs and Randall's and newbies are at role-playing okay trappers won't use stones correctly and when they do sometimes it seems like the monsters are able to evade the dome when they should have been able to write in app medics immediate spell defeat okay and then gung ho of course these Call of Duty players who play as soldiers run off okay separate from the team and often end up in snared in the jaws of one of them many hostile plant life or wildlife in on this planet right grab no turn around I'm [ __ ] in the plant del right and dooming the team to peashooters when they go up against the behemoth when he's [ __ ] dead right and the game encourages you to play one way stick together use one [ __ ] strategy if you deviate from that you're gonna get [ __ ] killed okay and if your team isn't talking about were the mic good luck on coordinating or finding a particularly good monster player it's not gonna happen all right unless you're playing with four or five friends and the game is [ __ ] amazing dead right but that's like 240 or 300 dollars where the game copies unless you do that okay you're guaranteed just as many lame-ass boring matches probably a little bit more than you are bursts of intense minutes in average matches if you don't have a ton of friends okay on Steam or your console in my opinion don't bother those solo experience in this game just isn't as fun as it needed to be to be worth all the effort in between now I'll admit it the AIS are extremely good in this game okay he immediately came to me this monster is hitting me for like all my health he's just going full balls deep on us in fact Dai are we wanted a eyes on our team instead of players let's rather rare in these types of co-op games because the AI usually [ __ ] sucks but no the AI is really good in the monsters and the players because they don't [ __ ] miss they literally don't miss they know how to fire off their abilities now the monster AI you can sort of exploit its movement if you're real tricky writing you know how to move your hunters check it out what is he doing he's [ __ ] bugging out I think I [ __ ] him out we bugged him out what are you doing yeah give a viable path okay see the brakes and that's cuz he was trying to run but for the most part the AI is pretty damn good now I'll say this I love the monsters in this game they are their design is so [ __ ] beautiful they look like [ __ ] kaijus from Pacific Rim but you're so [ __ ] cool I especially love the little baby Cthulhu do these electricity is flying around and when you kick ass with him you feel so [ __ ] awesome the Duke just doesn't give a [ __ ] look at him [ __ ] the Wraith is just as awesome to slaughtering players and they suck as the monster alright but if I'm [ __ ] slaughtering people as a rape which to me and felt a little pay to win since I paid $100 to have all my [ __ ] on lock from the beginning so I was just murdering tier 1 hunters with the rape they couldn't do [ __ ] about it because of the [ __ ] beef boy ability there's nothing you do about it anyway you know what I'm talking about it you've gone up against Ray's old p210 too much Wraith dude when you play against players it's pretty much all you fight right now it's it's pretty crazy so there might be if I was winning that much for the raid there might be some balancing issues needed there but apparently not because Truman Rock Studios has put up stats that say roughly 50/50 percent win stands for monsters and hunters which is really surprising are you including like the AI modes and solo offline stuff yeah because it's probably the rate okay okay I'll believe you if you say so I'll believe you but I gotta say jazz thing it just it just sucks the game always feels the same the gameplay it's either gonna end within five minutes when you have a new monster or a player that's like god dammit I don't want to play the monster who didn't want in then he gets trapped at level one and [ __ ] killed right away or it devolves into this long 15 plus minute session of grueling chase and just cat-and-mouse the [ __ ] matches start the same the hunters drop in they track the monster who just ran off and if the monster reaches level 3 by eating the wildlife then the hunters are doomed so what does it translate into just 90 percent searching just running back and forth back and forth and back and forth and just not having any fuel and and and then ten percent of intense battles right the same thing for the monster just running and then getting the wildlife and eating the wildlife and just running it's like a [ __ ] running simulator now that's our affectionate name for the game it's running simulator yeah no keep following him I'll catch up with you I'm tired of running simulators especially when you're playing against really good monster players it's just extremely tedious and repetitive as the core of the game and there's literally guys two ways to play it hunt an evacuation hunt which is probably the weakest of the two but most well-known and played an evacuation which is essentially this five mission campaign where sides earn bonuses in between matches some of them useless like this [ __ ] guy the hell's going on who the [ __ ] is this wait is this a cutscene right is it back are we good is this like this story yeah we're getting one guy okay this is our one guy he's a badass a pair of a mo he's got one magazine a bass assault rifle and he's ready to help us Wow who shows up to help you right thanks or others they're really powerful and frustrating like [ __ ] ribs for the monster you're just [ __ ] dull them and getting a ripping [ __ ] just flies all over the goddamn map oh my god it warps 200 meters away what oh my god that Wharf is so [ __ ] annoying there's also a balancing mechanic so that one side doesn't steamroll the next and you keep going but [ __ ] if I know exactly how it works or just little to no information conveyed here but if you look at this mode here it's just flashes that could have made for an amazing co-op story right or even an online made a game with capturable territory over the planet service multiple planets right the world no it's 5 quickly strung along matches with no context where the [ __ ] that these monsters come from didn't these idiot colonists notice them before building all their shitty towns and [ __ ] die any idea what these creatures are no one seems to know no ones now I sarcastically called evacuation a campaign because it barely qualifies as one all right it's less than a mini campaign as a main offering in a triple-a game this is what we give this is worse than the strung together story mode online story mode of titanfall can you imagine that worse no semblance of story whatsoever and even shorter than that mess what is this [ __ ] here would this happen growth your share you saw that too right oh oh sure in Hunt matches with those one-off so you get some talking back and forth between the hunters but that quickly becomes repetitive since everyone is always saying the damn [ __ ] same thing because everybody picks the same on ters thank you the bucket man says tonight you are cooking for us yes sir Bukka does a bang-up job of keeping us fed but nothing beats a good old-fashioned cookout yes and whatever shitty beer ain't constrain job this is a good plan this is the best that's all that they can muster for world building all right survivors let's find some if I don't give a [ __ ] what I'm doing chances are I'm not gonna want to do it very much and the ending oh my god the cutscene is perhaps the most incoherent laughable lazy piece of [ __ ] ending I've seen yet that's the end that's [ __ ] that's what what the [ __ ] that's the ending cutscene of this [ __ ] game yeah okay so I guess we die why didn't we just go up in the [ __ ] ship with everybody else what the [ __ ] yeah I spent I waste a bunch of [ __ ] time for a stupid-ass conceit and then not only that but apparently the losing version is that exact same cutscene but we died anyway we just get to see it wow that that was the lowest effort I've ever seen that's great what what the [ __ ] was that why did you idiots stay on the ground he could have got on the [ __ ] ship we won didn't we or do it [ __ ] lose and get stranded to the planet off the [ __ ] die this is my reward for winning triple and gave my ass eight out of ten really nine out of ten my ass who he what get the hell out of here deep Gabe Blake character what game would you what where is the rest of the game hiding I'm gonna go find it what the [ __ ] this is not no hole no I couldn't find it I couldn't I find it no it's just it's three monsters and twelve hunters which will take you about ten to fifteen hours to unlock unless you paid $100 pre-order of course ruining progression like meat like for me and there's a total of four modes on twelve maps that are so same feeling it's ridiculous no single-player campaign or storyline to speak of and while most everyone else ignores this in the reviews I won't okay you are going up against so much competition every single game of evolve feels like the last it's designed that way it's built into its DNA it's its limiting factor for better or worse but you guys knew that so you had to supplement it with something else but you get it otherwise it ends up feeling like a free-to-play game that would pay $60 for up front that's exactly what it feels like to me and why I just didn't have as much fun I mean progression is what's supposed to keep you playing right but it's totally [ __ ] broken backward and unfun even counterproductive it's a terrible system terrible that should have been scrapped or redone completely it's just awful and it forces you to use these these things that you otherwise may not want to use or worse that are completely [ __ ] useless to use so you're busy using a useless ability losing the mats when you could have one but no you [ __ ] lost so you're gonna lock the next monster or achieve mastery in that character thanks thanks a lot for progressing your character you [ __ ] jerk you see that's what happens that's why it doesn't make any sense for that to the progression system to be like this no I don't want to follow around Daisy because Daisy is the most mentally challenged dog I have ever come across okay so maybe not the most mentally challenged dog okay just one of them I'm not arguing Daisy isn't cute because she is but god she's done I'm down Daisie Daisie Daisie save Jamie she's helping you there you go don't follow Daisy Daisy's under the mat I would rather play destiny or tied fall okay it's absolutely no surprise to me then that the publisher has so aggressively front-loaded the marketing of evolve oh my god it's almost as if they knew full well it's running on borrowed time and it has less than a shelf life than Eventide and fall dead I mean why else is it so jam-packed with this much DLC just asking for all of the money up front for the season pass the unlocks a fez monster an insane amount of cosmetic DLC from the start without even earning it to me that tells me they know what we know and we're squeezing as much money from people as early as possible before things settled in the truth is evolve isn't worth any of those prices it feels like one game mode a damn good one but just a single concept stretched about as far as it can without completely breaking which it does in terms of balance a few times - you know as a free-to-play game or a twenty dollar arcade game or hell a free-to-play game with three times the amount of cosmetic DLC it has now it's still it would have been amazing but at full triple-a prize it just comes up woefully short the final verdict for evolve is a disappointing 5 out of 10 it is an average game it's not particularly bad as but it's not particularly good at it's got enough flaws and [ __ ] and limited scope that it can't rise above itself it feels like half a game to me hence the score I just didn't have all that much fun aside from these short bursts which is what it feels best for it feels like one mode on a few generic maps front loaded with DLC and in-game microtransactions and lacking in serious content that they're not even done selling us yeah $15 to play as a new monster what so I could do the same thing I've already tired of doing now no thanks if 2k wants this game to be a franchise more effort is needed and pretty much every aspect I said that for titanfall I sure as hell said that for evolve you've got 1 awesome mode now build around it as it stands now though the player base i predict is going to fall quickly I mean since launch it's already been cut in half I'm just I'm done I'm done with evolve I'm done evolving ok I have reached final form after this [ __ ] okay until then I'll see you guys on the next and we Joe show [Music] [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 4,219,605
Rating: 4.8286963 out of 5
Keywords: Evolve, angryjoe, angryjoeshow, game review, review, fps, 2k, monster, hunter, parody, playthrough, walkthrough, impressions, gameplay, lets play, comedy, funny, glitch, Reviews, Game, Spoof
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 23 2015
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