Bratz Fail | Bratz Series Full Episode

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[Music] everybody now time to show the whole world what we're all about [Music] [Music] what a trip i am ready for some rest and relaxation [Music] welcome home ladies oh dylan you scared the daylights out of me but thanks that was sweet anything happen while we were gone well let's see hmm oh i know while you guys were relaxing in paris the rest of us had to take finals hey we weren't relaxing yeah we were on assignment for the magazine and it turned into way more than an article about a fashion show we had to hit the runway for jean paul when his models ate some bad mackerel hello my mother just canceled prim is the bratz then byron found out we were in france so he brought us over to luxemstein to help bust some phony baloney bavarian barons who were plotting to kidnap the queen the queen was so happy she requested a live rock angels performance [Applause] then she got kidnapped anyway so we saved her again to make a long story short we didn't do much relaxing well not to worry while you were away i took care of everything my rubber plant oh it's all wilted well i did pick up your mail including report cards read them and weep hey i'll uh i'll i'll i'll be at the rubber plant store get this of all the classes to fail i flunk pe hey me too maybe it's a typo and so you see miss porterhouse clearly there's been some mistake there certainly has what a relief by you [Music] what you heard me you're all a bunch of failures fail bail phil now go curl your hair or put on a what do you call them some high-heeled shoes or something but i can't fail sure you can cause you did way to go i don't understand missing the last week of school wasn't supposed to be a problem we arranged with you before we left oh we arranged i don't remember arranging do you have witnesses well there was us right a bunch of failures suck it up failures you failed but you can't do this to us no indeed ms porterhouse you cannot do this to them yes all right thank you principal affleck of course i can do this to them what the heck are you talking about um as the girls have explained they were called out of the country on business but while they were gone they were delayed by an international incident you mean that lame old dilly bob with queen prissy pants oh come on according to district rules students who miss their final exam because of an international incident are entitled to a makeup exam makeup exam i don't know so much about makeup no um you must devise a physical education test and give the girls an opportunity to pass in and i got no choice in the matter i'm afraid you haven't the test is to consist of two simple games played against other students and one complex exercise that combines multiple movements stupid rules oh fine then i'll devise a test you bet i will and i'll see you little ladies first thing in the morning on the field i mean field tabitha oh can a gal emphasize anymore sheesh like your thing magazine huh hey don't i know you don't ask me questions you little pink pipsqueak put her on the phone right now hey burdeen there's some lady on the phone who sounds like my gym teacher it's about a top secret arrangement ah excellent take five you two uh take five what ugh must we always do this the hard way royale show them the door hello fashion plate this is bunza titanium come in over dispense with the code name's porterhouse and let's get down to business i presume the girls have taken the news badly yeah only there's a hitch you see the school district has these things they call rules and turns out i can't fail the girls not yet listen queen kong i'm counting on you do you want to be your thing's new health and fitness editor more than a refreshing sports drink after 200 push-ups then make it happen the story's already gone to press not to worry ma'am the brats start their makeup test in five minutes and let's just see i've twisted the odds in our favor excellent report when you're finished who dares call me on the pink hotline control my temper you're the one in the family with a short fuse bernice well maybe you wouldn't be so hostile if mother hadn't declared me her favorite and your fourth grade recital i don't think you're my favorite now sit down you're blocking my view was being sarcastic now what do you want what am i doing oh nothing just preparing to publicly humiliate the brats in my magazine mustaches that would be even more humiliating mother of pink they look like our four ants from dusseldorf play me some accordion music bernice i feel misty [Music] hey angel where you been warming up getting the blood flowing you know well come on guys get limber we have to pass this or else settle down chloe we just have to play some games against some other students i mean i was flipped out about the f2 but when you think about it this ought to be easy i wonder what she's gonna make us play morning losers ready to sweat we're ready for anything you can throw at us according to the rules you'll be asked to show proficiency at two sports of my choosing kickball and dodgeball i haven't played those sports since grade school exactly then comes an obstacle course and how exactly do we show proficiency by winning you mean we have to win at all three events in order not to fail you got it flunky brewster ms porterhouse that's enough no more menacing language directed toward the students and furthermore i find your rules far too stringent girls you need only win one event to erase your grades what well the rules allow me to overrule you once and really they're just teenagers one out of three well i guess that won't be so bad which students are we playing against oh girl [Music] i i i i i don't think i've seen you around campus ms porterhouse i can assure you my little sisters are still in school they're running with their barbed wire we've fence held back a lot for busting stuff team porterhouse kickball get do it [Music] i don't [Music] uh principal affleck [Music] oh [Music] when pitch angel you're on fire two out bottom of the ninth we leave seven to six one more out and we pack time out time out time for a huddle what's the matter with you huh you're playing like a bunch of cheerleaders oh they're tougher than they look especially the blind one you said it matilda no kidding listen to you we are on the verge of losing everything here i never thought i'd have to stoop to this not with the principal watching anyway [Music] put it on and let's put this game behind us diamond [Music] shhh [Music] [Applause] game over bratz lose better like a dodge ball this is no good i can't get an f i can't i can't i can't [Music] bernie maxwell the founder president editor-in-chief of your thing magazine and the reigning queen of fashion this is the iron duchess the brats just lost a kickball oh good code name but there's a wrinkle in our plan i won't tolerate wrinkles that blonde girl is a dynamo out there chloe since when is she the athletic one well she almost beat us so how do we iron out the wrinkle permanent press no you lughead chloe what's your plan oh the dynamo i think there might be something i can do about her that could create a permanent split in the group hey uh chloe way to go on the kickball field but you might want to slow down yeah save some energy for dodgeball yeah chill angel i can't chill okay cause i'm on the verge of getting a big fat f understand f i've never had enough before we know we're all in the same situation no we're not chloe what's going on my mom and dad lean on me really hard to get straight a's keep those grades up chloe make us proud if i come home with an f on my report card they'll flip they'll freak they'll well they'll ground me for sure but worse they'll be ashamed of me hey angel i'm sorry i didn't know you were under that kind of pressure we're with you okay we'll beat this thing together i sure hope so [Music] they crossed the line that's against the rules i didn't see anything did you see anything sure how can i when you're standing in my way [Music] not again do rebounds count yes two down get him girls i'm out you gotta get us back in angel [Music] come on chloe you can do it i can do it yeah you can't i can't believe it we lost again yes you did but you impressed me and for that reason i'm giving you a pass you mean we're not gonna get an f we're through i'm not going no i mean you're through you're an uber girl goldilocks so take your a and go hit the showers what about my friends on to the obstacle course with their big fat f's can't i stain help them sure you can and if you lose at the obstacle course then you're back to an f but but nothing angel we know how important this a is to you you have to take it make your parents proud uh okay thanks guys and good luck well well well and then there were three on an obstacle course built for four third and final challenge the obstacle course the rules are simple you four excuse me three failures we'll race against team porterhouse over under and through a variety of obstacles first across the finish line wins excuse me go [Music] hi mom dad it's chloe call me back as soon as you get this message i have some good news oh hi chloe got those pictures developed from your trip ah thanks dylan you're the best hey what are friends for uh speaking of friends where is everyone taking their pe makeup test i got an a hey great yeah so how come i feel so crummy you probably had jet lag but hey have a gander maybe these will perk you up check it out byron's doing bunny ears on that queen of luxenstein [Music] special times [Music] everything we do [Music] so want any double prints no dylan i want to hug you you're a genius if my parents call back tell him i spoke too soon these girls are too much i'm thrashed we're not gonna make it come on ladies we're almost finished all you gotta do is climb this wall that thing's gotta be 15 feet tall there's no way we can climb it three of you can't but four can chloe what are you doing here i had an epiphany we can do anything cause everything we do we do together except this angel no this too you guys have always been there for me i was just too freaked out to remember that but your parents if i get enough maybe they'll be ashamed of me but if i let you down i'll be ashamed of myself now come on come back for more punishment have you blondie fine you'll all fail together build a pyramid quick come on [Music] chloe [Music] ah now you got her tire up we don't got a rope oh that's too bad cause i do everybody up one two three need a lift just like old times but but such teamwork such such precision they can't lose unless [Music] ms porterhouse why if i didn't see with my own eyes i would not believe it you you you're trying to cheat but i've seen enough you're fired save i care and young ladies congratulations you get an a so she was behind this i i i have no job i i'll have to go back to scraping barnacles yes bernice they passed no bernice i'm not bothered at all in fact i've decided to finally cast my troubles away and sail forth to dusseldorf because i miss them so dear auntie gertrude auntie helga auntie giselle anti-raw well on my own ship of course yes it's still in dry dock you jealous twit i'm busy scrubbing the barnacles from my bow right now bow of my ship enough with the chit chat you're just filling time i must get back to work back to work [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bratz
Views: 407,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, high school, coach, teamwork, dodgeball
Id: osoW1oZUlhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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