EVIL NANNY Takes Child As Her Own [SHOCKING!] | Dhar Mann

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Leah what do you think you're doing oh just eat you're hurting me stop your whining you have coloring books for this why would you be the best I go like oh that is it you are getting a Spanky I won so you got to take me okay I got you we're home [Music] what's wrong Talia she's gonna hit me she what that can't be true what actually happened Talia was upset because I wouldn't let her have a cookie so she threw a fit and she threw all over the wall I've just been trying to calm her down these past couple minutes honey you know you can't have sweets before bed she's lying she grabbed me it's not nice to make up stories about people not another word Jesse here you go thank you for helping out as always why don't you tuck in Miss Hoppity in bed I'll be in there in a minute okay [Music] good night Talia and good night Daniel Maura thank you you too good night [Music] good night Miss Hoppity are you okay you seem upset earlier snow that you can always talk to me okay okay I'll get some rest and tell Jesse to keep this window shut it's not safe [Music] are you installing a nanny cam yeah no more we've known Jesse since Celia was in Pampers she's like family we can't make her feel uncomfortable by installing a camera she's gonna feel like we don't trust well do we I hate to say this but people aren't always the way they seem you should be careful who you trust Daniel I just want to make sure our daughter is safe and according to Talia Jesse has been trying to hit her I'm sure she was just being dramatic no or throwing attention no it didn't look like a tantrum it looked like she was scared I'm not about to keep talking about this we're not installing this yes we are we're returning it no we're not yes we are you're ridiculous you are you need to wake up okay sorry to interrupt is that a um you know what must have came to the wrong address I'm gonna return on my way to work right and just a reminder we have mac and cheese in the fridge for lunch I don't want her eating any red meat and her gummy vitamins on the counter or to later take today of course not a problem all right well we should get going yeah we'll run away uh before you leave I was actually wondering if I could ask you something what's up I really hate to ask but could I get in advance I didn't know what you're going to ask um yeah see we're like what do you mean about a hundred dollars ten thousand [Music] ten thousand dollars ten thousand dollars that's that's that's a lot of money um I'm sure Jesse wouldn't ask us was an emergency all right let's let's talk about it when we get back from work all right thanks yeah bye oh um one more thing you forgot the wrong package oh yes yeah sorry okay [Music] foreign together um no I actually need to make a quick pit stop okay I'll see you at the work yeah [Music] Talia Talia honey there you are sweetheart you hungry good I made my special meatloaf for you I thought Mom said we were having mac and cheese oh no no no you're having this and trust me you're gonna like it so much more please take some vitamins for me but I don't like these ones I like the other ones no these are much much better for you okay trust me do you trust me good because you're my sweet little princess and I will always take care of you okay all right go take some of these by the couch and I'm gonna go warm this up for you cease oopsies oopsies you are you are clumsiest little girl in the world I sorry Jesse do you know what little brats like you get they get spanked what do you think you're doing Maura this is not what it looks like at the end I saw everything you'll step away from my daughter get out of my house you're fired you can't do that I practically raised time no [Music] it's okay [Music] I need you back home now [Applause] and you should be all good thank you here you go foreign how you holding up I just can't believe we let her into our home then we find out that she's been hitting Talia I knew something wasn't right about her I'm sorry I should have listened now we have to change the Wi-Fi passwords in our pins and she had access to everything I agree honestly I don't feel right hiring another name no me neither I could check with my job and see if I can work from home or take her to work with me for now we can alternate take it into work until one of us gives me okay to work for me speaking of the way is she asleep right now I'm not sure she has been awfully quiet she was in a room [Music] Daniel what is it it's so big [Music] where is she who it's Jesse what is it what is it the ten thousand dollars but we'll never see a little girl she has an address and she says we have until midnight we're not playing these games I I'm gonna call the cops and I'm sending them to this address no what do you mean no we're gonna send them somewhere else what are you talking about come on let's go come on let's go do you have the 10 grand you're not getting it done you realize no money means no to Leah right I can't believe you would do this you practically racially and this is how you treat her over some money what do you even need 10 grand for anyway it's none of your business you take our daughter for ransom and it's none of our business let me guess shoes clothes a handbag a vacation are you kidding me no no I would never do that for that then what is it I want to have a baby that's what the money's for see before I started working for you two I was married and I wanted nothing more than to be a mom and we tried for years but I just I couldn't get pregnant so we went to the doctor and they said that it was my fault I was the reason I couldn't get pregnant [Music] but the doctor said that there was a possibility if we used IVF and we were so excited [Music] until we found out how much it cost it's way too much husband didn't take that very well and he left me so since I couldn't have my own kid I figured I could at least be close to one [Music] that's when I decided to be a nanny over time I started growing attached to Talia in a way that I didn't anticipate she felt less like some kid I was nannying and more like my own [Music] it drove me so crazy whenever you guys would try to tell me how to parent her so you see that's why I need the ten thousand dollars not for handbags or shoes or vacations to fulfill my lifelong dream to become a mom I'm sorry you had to go through all of that Jesse I really am kidnapping our daughter your daughter she's more my daughter than she is yours you are just her nanny we're her nanny that's it I am more than that so I suggest you give me the ten thousand dollars so that I can have a baby of my own or you will never see Talia again [Music] freeze put your hands in the air oh baby oh I'm so I'm so good you're okay we love you so much I don't understand how did you if you know anything about Talia said Miss Hoppity is her absolute favorite toy and I wanted to make sure she never loses it so I put a tracker in her bunny and luckily when you kidnapped her she took her bunny along for the ride while you were trying to get money from us we were just stalling until the cops could get to Leah how could you do this she's my family not anymore I've come to realize people aren't always what they see so you should be careful who you trust after we put her in the car we'll come back and get statements [Music] are you ready to go home I'll make you some mac and cheese [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 10,778,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: eQaeXgOyvzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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