BILLIONAIRE Falls IN LOVE With Poor Boy Ft. Alan Chikin Chow | Dhar Mann Studios

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[Music] happy birthday thank you girls dude if you want to get Jim achan to notice you then try not to be such a dork Jordan so what has Ryan given you I don't know I haven't seen him yet I think he's in a computer though on Happy Birthday [Music] Jimma [Music] Ryan Hey Jemma I didn't see you there what's up with the crown of the oh my gosh is today January 13th I totally thought it was tomorrow I can't believe you forgot about your girlfriend's birthday and flirting with another girl I wasn't flirting with another girl Gina is just a friend and I didn't forget about Jemma's birthday either I got to roses your favorite happy birthday jenma ah you know it's not just my birthday it's anniversaries holidays every special day it just feels like you don't have time for me Ryan your mind is always somewhere else are you even listening to me huh see this is exactly my [Music] point [Music] look look I can't do this anymore I'm sorry we're done I'm breaking up with you breaking up with me Jama do you have any idea how your dad would react you know our dads made a Packa a long time ago that we would be together to combine the Chan and park Empires you can't just break up with [Music] me oh yes I can because the truth is I'm seeing someone else who you don't know him does he go to the school what's his name what's his name Jordan Jordan [Music] Gates we'll see about [Music] that what did you tell him that I'm seeing someone else oh my gosh I didn't know what else to say who' you say you're seeing Jordan Gates who even is that I have no clue let's hope he's cool and more importantly [Music] rich 99s got to be kidding me that's too expensive why not um hey uh do you have any idea who this guy is his name is Jordan Gates our friend jechan wants to meet him no sorry yo Jordan hey dude what's up oh disgusting no dude don't try to touch me with that hand after picking your nose what are you doing in here anyways classes start for another 20 minutes I thought it'd be early plus I've got time to kill before I get more credits dude what did I tell you about being such a dork man now listen you really got to pull it together okay because Jim Machan Jordan Gates [Music] ladies so so let me get this straight you want me to sign this contract be your boyfriend mhm just for 30 days so Ryan will get off my case all you have to do is meet up with me every weekend take pictures with me on my insta and of course you can't see anyone else or it'll ruin everything so you don't want me to be your real boyfriend just a pretend one I know it's weird if you met my dad and in you'd understand like I said I'll pay you 1,000 bucks at the end of our agreement can you please do this for me and I get that it's odd because you don't really like me don't really like [Music] you [Music] hello can you help me or not I got to go talk to Ryan please Jordan sign the contract you'd honestly be saving me you so how'd it go she wants me to be her boyfriend wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait what Jemma Shan wants you to be her boyfriend please tell me you said yes trust me there's nothing that I want more but it's not real it's pretend I don't know I feel like if I do this then I'll lose any real shot that I have with her she'll just always see me as her cont contract boyfriend yeah yeah okay contract boyfriend all right so uh what are you going to say you know we have to ride home together or both our dads are going to be asking us questions I already told you Ryan we're done come on Jemma stop being like this look I got you some black Pink concert tickets to make up for it I know they're your favorite K-Pop group it's so sad that after all this time you don't know me at all like I said I don't want to be with you anymore why because of this new guy you're seeing look I did some digging and I found out your supposed boyfriend Jordan is like a complete loser his dad abandoned him when he was young his mom works at some d and he's probably the biggest jork in school there is no way I believe you're dating him it's real Ryan and the sooner you can accept it the better I'll accept it when I see it in person if he's your boyfriend then where is he huh Jordan huh it's what I thought just admit it that this is all one big line huh see told you now if you could please leave me [Music] alone all right I'll sign it but on two conditions one I get to walk you home from school every day and two we wear matching outfits sometimes deal uh actually could we shake with this one absolutely not I'm not going to take it easy on her just wait until she gets home yeah oh thank you it's not fair to her that she has to be with some someone just to help your business my business what do you think pays for all your shopping huh and our staff this house with the Chan family Hotel business and the park Family transportation business combined a [Music] me Ryan's dad just called me what is this I hear that you broke up with him I don't want to be with him dad he doesn't treat me right who cares about that after you two get married you'll have enough money to treat yourself well look you know the hotel business has been struggling lately this will help make sure you're set for life and who said that's all she cares about she should be with the boy for love not for money my father chose you and I married you it wasn't for love and look where it's gotten us that's really great Kevin you know what I'm saying Susan we're one of the top Asian families in La now because our parents decided we should be together parents always know what's best and what's this I hear about you having another boyfriend is this true do you know how many boys will try to date you once they find out you're the daughter of a billionaire what's his name honey Jordan Jordan Gates I don't care it doesn't matter she's going to be with Ryan Park I don't want to hear anything did you say Gates as in Microsoft [Music] Gates so you really told your dad that he's the Air to Microsoft you do realize your dad's going to flip out when he finds out that Jordan's just a broke loser right by then the 30 days will be over and I'll just tell him Jordan and I broke up it wouldn't even matter they ran on of Cheesecake again G I'd rather die than eat school lunch I don't know why wouldn't you just ask your Chef to make you a cheesecake I like the one they have here plus it's vegan that'll be too 19 hey Jimma how's it going uh do you have anything smaller I don't have enough change aren't you going to offer to pay for her Jordan oh uh it's just I spin it on something you seriously don't have $219 how broke are you ew I'll pay for you Gemma since obviously Jordan can't keep the change so what are you doing here you know we're not really trying to be seen with you well we Chang this sorry Jordan I can't I'm busy oh now do you mind leaving us alone [Music] come on Gemma I'll give you a ride cuz clearly you're broke boyfriend doesn't have a car I'm fine Ryan just please leave me alone what kind of guy lets you walk home all alone by yourself huh he should be treating you like a princess Jordan over here I'm glad you changed your mind uh I got you something it's sort of like a late birthday present I think the first one kind of got lost in the mix you did I know how much you love cheesecake so I I asked the school Chef to make you one don't worry I I made sure it's 100% vegan I'm vegan too oh thank you so much and I know how much you love K-pop so I got us two tickets to the BTS [Music] concert they're my favorite group how did you know well you listen to them all the time plus your bag is covered in their stickers so how could anyone not know this is all really sweet of you Jordan now I feel bad wait was these tickets what you spent all your money on uh no actually I I got those for free um I I won a radio contest spend all night calling every 30 minutes to make sure I got them I actually spent all my money on these I know how much cherry blossoms mean to [Music] you in a world full of Darkness and Light sorrow sadness and despair all I have is in loveing light and I'm not going anywhere I never thought that I would fall so hard but that's exactly what I did now we're together and I can't wait to start the rest of of my life here so will you take me and will you make me the happiest man in the world said can I take you and can I make you can I make you my forever girl I can't explain how you make me feel but I can show you anytime that you like I was nervous but I know that it's real and I know because it feels right you're the one my mama told me would be waiting when I'm ready and I ain't going to lie I didn't believe but she was right and I was wrong and now you're he and with a l girl now forever is a long time and I'm must spend my whole life trying to make a smile and I make us both the happiest that we youve ever been I'm committed I'm all in so will you take me and will you make me the happiest man in the world say can I thank you and can I make for you cold here take this thanks Jen you're really sweet you know that hey can I ask you something so tomorrow's Valentine's Day well I was [Music] wondering did you draw this for me it's so cute thanks so does that mean that's a yes everything okay yeah Charan you do know that the 30 days are up tomorrow right yeah I know I just kind of figured that this wasn't a pretend relationship anymore what's wrong Daddy what are you doing here you told me he's related to Bill Gates now I find out he's the son of a waitress how did you answer me Gemma is he or not the son of a [Music] waitress he is you think I the head of a hotel Empire would let my daughter date some poor boy no chance dny please don't be mad it wasn't even a real relationship it was all fake so I didn't have to be with Ryan you know i' never be with a boy like that get in the car we'll talk about this at [Music] home [Music] Jordan honey someone's here to see you hey can we talk about what our contract is over and like you said you'd never be with a a boy like [Music] me I'm sorry Jordan I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I'm just scared of my dad that's all I don't get what you're so afraid of I mean what's he going to do if you don't listen to him disown you pretty much he'll kick me out of the Family Trust if I don't marry someone he chooses okay so what I thought you wanted to go off on your own and start your own art gallery I do but I also don't want to have to worry about Jordan so you're going to spend the rest of your life with some rich guy just to make your parents happy I don't I don't get what you think money is going to do for you I mean haven't you heard the saying if you choose money over love no matter what you'll always be [Music] poor look I understand that you're upset at me I just came here to apologize and to give you this I know I said I'd give you a thousand but my dad wanted to give you 10 he's introducing me to someone today some billionaire son and he understands none of this was your fault he just wanted to P me off no he said you probably only wanted to be with me because of my money so is that really what you think all of this was about for me the money I mean why else would you agree to date [Music] me my gosh are you in love with you yes Jimma I have been in love with you since the the first time I saw [Music] you you know what I don't understand is if you never cared about me why'd you kiss [Music] me well to be honest to make Ryan jealous you know it wasn't meant to be anything serious people kiss each other all the time wait was that your first Jordan jma's dad is here Gemma we can't keep this family waiting we have to go now you should go I am so sorry Jordan wait Gemma come on coming and then I had hold up I don't care if it's my dad's company right you're still fired oh sorry about that at least you have some extra protein so Gemma did you know that Brian's into K-pop too oh yeah BTS or black pink m definitely black pain who likes BTS losers so Jimma your dad tells me you're into the Arts Yes actually my dream is to open up my own art gallery well when we get married you wouldn't work what after I take over my dad's company there's no need to I know but it's not just about the money art is something I'm really passionate about oh well that's too bad because my wife is going to stay at home and take care of the kids that's a woman's job right pops Gemma Gemma stop don't embarrass me like this do you have any idea what I had to go through I can't be with a guy that I have nothing in common with dad do you know how much money their family I don't care I don't [Music] care what I've come to learn is that if you choose money over love then no matter what you'll always be poor you don't know what you're talking about oh and you do we got married because our families wanted us to yes we have money all we do is argue what kind of life is that huh do you really want the same for a daughter we should let her make her own choice her own choice would be a boy who's using her for the money why else would I give you $10,000 to give to that Jordan boy to show you that all he cared about was the money well I guess he proved you wrong dad because he didn't even take it [Music] sorry you went through all that man but you know try not to beat yourself up about it got would you be my valentine Jordan absolutely come on [Music] go so does this mean that I have to sign a new [Music] contract [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 9,011,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: GOpvq3AWrAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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