Evil Gaster? "Don't Forget" Undertale Fangame

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long ago two races ruled over humans and monsters one day war broke out between the two races after a long battle the humans were victorious they seals the monsters underground with a magic spell [Music] throughout the years many humans climbed Mount Ebal and they all met the same fate except for one one a human named frist befriended the entire underground in the end the barrier was destroyed and all monsters were freed it seems like a new beginning for the future of humans and monsters but little did frisk know that yet another journey yet light ahead there's still someone else who has yet to be freed from their suffering I to tell you their name but I don't think I should ask Uralla it's rude to talk about someone who's listening and with that what's up guys welcome to don't forget an undertale fan game and this is a fan-made sequel to undertale like the intro said frisk befriended everyone in the underground we had a true pacifist run and now we will see what happens after that how it will be on the surface but there is also a big focus on the man who always listens WG gasps sir if you want to play this game yourself the link of course is going to be in the description there's even a multiplayer version so a lot of stuff going on but for now we will focus on this story I hope you like it and let's begin with don't forget made by Ricky FG a few seconds after the end of undertale alright so right away only seconds after it and we are here on this cliff here toriel come along Chris I'm so excited to finally be on the surface it's been so long well anyway the others should be up ahead let's go and we are in the game this is frist can we steal oh nice we can still do the moonwalking that's the most important thing in any fan game so we are here on the surface already we can see in the distance the Sun the like city or town or castle I think it's a castle actually it and we have to follow Tori Ella and Ola that's nice like it's the entire area just rebuilt or feels newly for this fan game and assignment warning do not go past this point the cave up ahead to the right is dangerous if you pass we are not responsible for death if you die it then you have no one else to blame but yourself although you technically wouldn't be able to blame anyone because you'd be dead anyway turn back now thank you what the hedges decide who the heck wrote this but ok so this is the warning if anyone climbs the mountain and falls down they're going to die it so I just saw humans have a sense of humor a kind of black humor but that's kind of funny yet let's follow Torrio here all the way through these paths so this is the way if that frisk went back when they climbed this mountain warning once again do not climb the mountain past this point banks mountain climbers Association so there's an entire freaking organization or group that climbs mountains or maybe it climbed this mountain in particular and we see some grass and the little piece of grass here okay so we're getting into a forest it looks like the music is stopping okay now it's only looping we can't go up here we do have to follow toriel let's not try anything silly it Iraq is that's a rock back from the ruins just stop the thoughts or is it just on ya silent rock this diamond well I guess the rock wouldn't talk because monsters aren't here yet only yet like the main group we Tori Ella and everyone else there we go everyone else like I said can we okay özgür here you are we've been waiting ahead of us lies a human village already are we going to encounter the human risk are you ready to introduce us to the human you are wonderful let's hope they like us let's yeah let's hope maybe it'll help if I tell some of my amazing jokes yes please apparently humans do have a sense of humor like to sign this oh that's a great idea well maybe it might be best if we keep our jokes to ourselves alright everyone it is finally time let us enter the village try to make a good first impression this is very important off we go hopefully I'm leading or frisk is leading that would be the best over a few months later okay okay so we're gonna skip the first encounter oh nice okay so this is like the pacifist ending where we live together with toriel right so this is our room you don't really want to have a bad time seriously freaking seriously oh my god a bad time you opened the closet it's full of striped shirts because yeah children only wear striped shirts okay I'm already liking this this is starting great it's a convenient lamp yes oh please tell me no it's not the same yeah because it's not shaped like us but yeah we have a convenient lamp that's amazing feeling the warmth of your small cozy room it fills you with comfort oh and determination sua your file has been saved thank you very much okay nice looking room so far pretty basic but it works let's go through the door is this maybe toriel toriel room and this never as gore's i have no idea who this is yeah to anybody yet however it might be as girls if he manages to get back with Tori oh I'm sorry but that's still the OTP I need those two together currently is living on undines couch until we sort everything out which is funnier because an undertale Undine lived on stanzas and papyruses Towson or probably couch so that's nice for you what are you doing good morning my child I hope you slept well it's a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming you should really go out and play it's so beautiful have fun settle all right good morning toriel can we interact with the kitchen there's white fur in the sink of course yes there's chocolate in the fridge oh thank god most important thing ever chocolate a nice little red carpet and let's go outside into I write a nice little village nice music sir Oh what okay okay okay Oh for a second I thought I messed up but okay I just I'm not even sure what happened back there a vegetarian are you seriously hanging out in the garden can I interact with the vegetable yes don't forget to eat your greens sure can we go into other's houses the door is locked you here spooky humans okay so I guess that snaps the blue a youtuber lives here Pat math or something like that okay I guess that's a reference or a shout-out frogadier of course the Frog is maybe our gonna guide us ribbit no okay the frogs are just happy to be on the surface happy croak anything here any secret no that is no way okay that is so brilliant that is so nice that it says that the pirate ourselves right and it's still snowing it's locked however there is a note on the door which says at the lab be back later okay you can written awfully yeah so it's definitely bye Sam should you go check on him at his secret lab this will progress the game oh no no not yet but yeah as I was saying it's feels snowy yet which is a nice reference to the century station that fans had we can't go down here grill B so they just rebuilt their entire little snow dinner on the surface and they're still here oh it's that hiya I'm Sam septic Sam Oh God so many references and shoutouts I'm a giant eyeball that surprisingly fit so well through the undertale like universe as a monster that's awesome I can't blink so I'm constantly in pain what it burns it burns oh god grill via dot dot dot hi what's up can we change the chook yeah no it's still broken of course the dogs what's up rutila we're not sentries anymore but we still wear these outfits because they look pretty cool I'm not complaining they do look cool be careful kid that big guy will still try to sit on your lab and give you lots of love and attention really I'm still thinking about getting a swag trawler nice cargo and this guy here can I wait can I interact somehow or do I have to go from the right side I have to do my ethical next bit no I can't go here I don't think so all right good bye crater dog I'm sorry I can't give you love and attention this time so what else it's gonna if everyone can that be here Elvis I'm dying an indie dev lives here their name is deke Ryu Ricky gu all right so that's the creator the little house of the creator I like this like if you take the time here you can just check everything out the doors lock funky music okay marathon I guess yeah oh yes that's marathon it's even purple of course it's marathon what's going to be in here you hear someone watching anime outfit that has to be Elsa or I'm dying I guess they both can be the anime watchers or maybe together maybe sir own house together you hear someone shout okay there we go that's a nine of course the blue house since the last one was yellow yeah I really should kind of realize who these houses belong to that is too way back right or not what's that thing like it appears somewhere in the underground and it's so weird can I talk to you but not only our puzzle is getting worse video games are - there's less original games out there now there's a bunch of poorly made fan games they're literally just copying other games what a disgrace it's a good thing we are not in any stinking fan game sheesh if we were I'd really lose hope for this world don't lose hope whatever you are save sermon I right so there's an entire area with papyrus looking out yeah into the beach risk isn't it a lovely day outside I just love the surface it's beautiful I'm currently enjoy babbling you if you're looking for Sens I have no idea where he is whatsoever click the door to our house he might have left to know if he did if you see him remind him to clean the snow off the roof I told him to do that months ago I see you later for its goodbye papyrus thanks for the talk to my screen salesman business is booming here on the beach I'm so happy yeah yeah can we buy something I would love to buy some ice cream we can't go less than right you know I'm just a bear the grill B bear I heard some weird people are running for president one of them wants all of monsters to wear specific tags or something but why to make us different aren't we all were different enough we're monsters that's politics well I guess the monsters are so different that they have to be separated just imagine a Vulcan or assume the airplane walk around in the city that cannot end well and it seems like that was everything we could explore now the defenses pirates rumor now we have to progress the game yes or no let's go inside you decide to go to the lab no one knows about it but you and sans really are we at a special one it's around the back all right yeah yeah so this is the same secret room as an undertale with the same music still such a nice Aloha it's not to say music it's the creepier music the suspense for who's there oh it's just you hey kiddo sorry I uh wasn't actually expecting anybody to come in since well nobody besides you and me even though this lab exists I would have thought if someone came by they'd read the note but not where the lab is so they should come back later I forgot that you knew though actually so uh say you're probably wondering what the heck this thing is behind me yeah well oh you know frisk we've been through a lot haven't we you're the reason we're all here on the surface and you're one of my closest friends I'm pretty sure I can trust you can't I sure tell us tell us everything I know this is out of the blue and all but maybe it's time I told you something I've never talked about this to anyone before not even papyrus I think it's time I told you the truth kiddo promise me you won't tell anyone else no all right all right well it's getting harder and harder to remember now but I used to be a lab assistant so this is all going off the idea that fans and gasps sir we're working together yeah I worked for the old Royal scientist his name was WD gasps sir he was a great guy one day though he discovers the most powerful thing in the universe determination he then built this machine that's behind me which is powered by determination it's sort of like a time machine except instead of going to different times you go to different timelines there we go all right however it can also be used to bring things back from other timelines for example a person for example gasps sir anyway dester was a pretty curious guy he had to test everything so he gave himself a bit of determination he even gave me a small bit too oh nice I guess that explains why Sam's is so freakin powerful and clever and he started jumping from one timeline to another using this machine it was fine at first until one day daster thought for himself what would happen this if he started killing monsters in other timelines all right so almost kind of like us in a way I like a player who does pacifist first switches timeline at those genocide kind of like that how would it affect other timelines and of course you just have to try it I tried to warn him that the more you kill the more you distance yourself but it didn't listen you really wanted to find out what happened to remote he started going through with different timelines killing innocent people his reasoning was it's not in our timeline so it doesn't matter but over time he started to become less sympathetic he started to distance himself determination is powerful but apparently a very dangerous power then one afternoon when he wants to go full of genocide on another timeline I had to stop him he was going way too far which I can't really well I can't judge what seeing as I did the same thing I kind of feel terrible ow I uh I think I remember now Oh a flash bag and there's Katsura what's up all right the sprite does look like the one in undertale which is probably gaster come on Gia this is stupid and you know it you can't just go to some random timeline and kill everyone in it that's crazy now step away from that machine please no sense I will not all right interesting sound for the boys I must do this for the sake of science besides it won't affect us will it it only affects other timelines that's good I'm kind of liking how that's pretty much how a player Act it's genocide so it doesn't matter I must find out what happens besides I would never harm anyone in our own timeline this is creepily accurate I like it no one Sam don't you trust me dot-dot-dot oh god don't you trust me nah I couldn't he wasn't the same guy I used to know sans did you do something if you would do something to gaster no way I could trust him hopefully when I bring him back he won't hate me okay so with this machine that's the plan why would he be mad at me oh well yeah the thing is did you scatter him across time and space after I tried to stop him Gasper had activated the machine then just when it was about to take him to another timeline I quickly used one of my attacks ah to destroy him of the machine so he got stuck in the timeline this cost the whole thing to go horribly wrong okay and Gasper became corrupted the timeline fell apart due to this a new timeline was created where gasps sir didn't really exist which was our timeline this new timeline ended up being the one were currently in but he would still know about this which is interesting maybe because of the determination that was injected into sands maybe he gave him the memories gaster was stuck in the old timeline which I can only guess as an empty void now so basically if I'm the reason he's trapped in a dark void I wouldn't be surprised to be hated here but maybe he's had a lot of time to think and he's come down anyway with this machine behind me we could attempt to bring him back we will see if this fangame goes with the route of making gas for a good guy or a bad guy I've tried to fix this thing so many times there were too many times to count but I've got a good feeling about this SM do you want to try it out with me yeah all right sure you might want to stay back there though alrighty then let's have a dramatic countdown three two one go it didn't work it didn't work nothing happened don't tell me it's still not fixed what has to be fixed where else we won't have a fan game I worked so hard this time I didn't even fall asleep come on work at yesterday's and bam it worked a little bit of delay but it worked nonetheless oh boy what's going to happen whoa whoa whoa so this must be the corrupted timeline and everything is purple which I guess is mettaton sona like dream here that's creepy like the purple one oh god what the heck okay fence does have a phone here we have a phone sewer are you a rescued oh where are you are you safe the Machine sent me to some weird dark version of Snowden and we are in a start version of pot lamps I think it must have separated us gee in that strange it's a good thing I remembered to charge my phone anyway uh the machine is actually right here next to me but there's a bit of a problem I think the machine is broken for real this time and I can't fix it but now that I think about it this place seems like the void where gasp sir would be yeah gasp there has to be around here somewhere maybe if he isn't too mad at me we can ask you to fix it and then he can come back through the original timeline he was the one who built the machine after all you know I'm really confused as to why the Machine separated us for drama and suspense I have no idea why that happened but uh anyway I need to look for gas there you should probably try to look around see what but be careful all right it doesn't look really friendly here I wouldn't want anything to happen to you you're one of my best pals frisk fans it's so nice through year after I can't hide run well anyways I might call you again in a bit so listen out for your phone ok alright talk to you soon click and that's it yep no one it's not the heartland music it's the core music but it's still hot Lance we can see the lava definitely so this is a corrupted version of the hot lab a nice music reminds me of the genocide slow down song this is so much weird in a way oh that's like a building or now we're in a castle and a sign you are now entering the desolate ruin only those who wish to die should for see it it doesn't matter if you're brave or not you're still going to die someone put their sleeping signature at the bottom but Oh hands and weird symbols which I guess are wingding so maybe gasps sir don't say I didn't warn you you shall die here you shall die in this miserable void I don't think gaster is exactly happy about being here where no one can hear you cry no one knows you even exist life sucks get used to it oh God faster you're here to help you were here to save you with encounter again remnant Shiva sister pooja is apparently the new name for a froggit the poor frog it was a trip from the timeline you can we save it shake we don't know anything be too awesome yeah yeah Babar we don't know one okay we even have to be corrupted flies but that wasn't the bat attack I guess we could fight which is awful we don't have items we could spare but we still have to I assume we just have to complement but it doesn't understand anything you say it oh it's this one whoa that was a lead can we threaten you threaten this thing it senses your anger and it's frightened oh this okay it's surprising that the attack starts immediately which catches you off-guard trying to flee okay let's flee yeah we don't get anything are they even matter do they actually exist or is everything here just a glitch in the timeline okay a switch and that was the puzzle you use puzzle ever another switch I guess we just have to keep hitting the switches keep removing the spike and another encounter Oh God is that the same it's not the same name but it's like a different part of that the poor woman's on approaches meekly I think every time we have to pick a different choice the opposite of the original yeah panic I'm so shocked whoa whoa okay women son got an upgrade but we can spare it now thank God naughty mr. if we're helping if we're doing anything through these monsters but let's keep going it @gg 9va it doesn't seem like it wants to fight okay so we could just fear but I want to see what happens let's check it at least okay just weird to you WVU okay I guess we have to spare it just doesn't want to fight Ashu pacifist monster this is a puzzle this puzzle involves filing your way through an invisible main ignore the cracks on the wall by the way good luck getting through what okay ignore the cracks the cracks are obviously the past okay that's museum gasser if that's your puzzle up you have to step up your game you can just see the entire way here it's not even damaged so it doesn't matter if you mess up and now the spikes are gone a year all right easy enough so far a dark door a dark rumor the logical thing is to enter it and we have a safe thank God finally it's the feeling of having no way to go but forward it fills you with determination and a little bit of nervousness another sign what by jasper is turning insane now there's no going back the only exit in this place is blocked you will be trapped here forever just make sure that when you die it's in a corner or something I don't want to have to fear decaying corpse on my leisurely walk all right wait oh it's locked it appears the door is locked itself behind you is that a master trap made by gasps sir so gaster is kind of evil after all he turned crazy and evil okay a vegetal came out of the earth normally we have to do dinner but I guess now we have to talk ignore you oh that's so rude but do we have to collect our greens or are there no greens in this universe nope we have to actually dinner maybe check ok that's I think always the same that's a little difficult because you don't have a lot of time to see when and where they spawn so we have to dinner you pat your stomach yeah remember something now give me a green and give me agree in it or not I'm not sure nope okay we don't have to collect greens we just have to spare an hour there we go goodbye a vegetal aid or like the corruption of vegetal agent which is a bit sad another encounter before the door a mega right Janice amigos ignore or talk let's talk you talk to twin business it doesn't listen yo with dancing let's dance with it bam bam nice but where we wait what crawls up close alright ignore this diamond it pretends not to care but it's still dancing it doesn't cure but it still dance who stands like no one's watching lost the will to fight thank you it didn't even fight in the first place it was just standing around I think we're going to go through all the monsters of the ruins or the hot buns or all the monsters of everything the Slimer the most smaller flourish maybe this time we have to flirt wiggle your hips no it ignores our hip wiggle okay so here the attacks aren't anything too bad I just be a beginner standard attack we have to threaten this census your anger and no longer wishes to fight so what we do have to intimidate the monsters to spare them which is a little unsettling it it's not the pacifist way it and let's go into here this seems like a more complicated fossil here a switch buttons and a sign for this puzzle you must press the correct button if you press the wrong button you will have to start over with the switch yeah press the switch all right only the buttons that have a shadow I assume whoa well an enjoying counter another biggest can we know where that will work I'm afraid but I have to try I just have to try fighting how it works no no no I'm so afraid it's a pacifist run but I still want to know like just for science like a stir this is for science it's horrible horrible justification but I want to know it we can and now I feel even more empty inside because it didn't give us anything all right so that was a puzzle activate the ones with a shadow and there's a switch for the spikes at the bottom the next two puzzles there will be buttons all over the floor you must only step on certain buttons if you step on the wrong button the spikes will go up and block your way and then reset with a switch yeah Oh what what yes therefore every button and then press the switch this will allow you to see the correct path easily and quickly yes why am i yeah why are you telling me what it's a sign desperate I think gasser went so insane that he even lost all sense for common sense and common logic alright and now we just know which one is going to be the right one right because if we have it like this we're going to do it like this and yeah there we go okay I see it nice little I messed up nice little puzzle nonetheless it's the same puzzle that's a switch that's what which look stays up all right I have to get the switch at some point so we're just gonna do the same thing we did before really okay I'm just going to quickly activate all of these things here I can't do it kind of fast when I go up and down like that and there we have it so uh I don't even need that because I was just able to activate the switch the switch doesn't reset so that's kind of pointless there but okay we first the puzzle gasps Sarah you really have to make harder puzzles you made it through congratulations however at the end of the next room is the exit once you enter the room a door will lock behind you you will not be able to go back to this room the exodus block you will not be able to pass good luck trying to survive and dancers you will last there Oh are we going to meet fans is what I'm expecting that we will meet sense again you can faintly see something or someone up ahead either its caster or sense or maybe both that's also a possibility you're filled with determination oh okay nevermind it's the dummy here so maybe behind the door there's going to be sense or gasser but first we have the mad dummy it's a dummy it blocks your way fight it no we have to darn it let's go oh okay oh my god don't do that to me why why is that so effective why is it so creepy if you just remove the Meuse because all you need to do and it's effective um check it still like lychee it just text okay boys this push push out of my way yeah did it work can we spare no longer blocks that was easier gasser if that was a trap that was a little lackluster another super long hallway the door also looks like it has a smiley face on it which is also a little creepy in a way with that eight don't forget at the end no it's not oh my god we were in the corrupted ruins now we are in the corrupted Snowden area oh crap we're still filled with determination can we go back there's no going back we are now in the corrupted snowy forest no one is fans going to trick us here is Sam's going to be creeping up on us or maybe gasps sir or maybe someone completely different maybe a corrupted version of fans I don't know what in what way yeah is going to be corrupted no sense is that you yes hello hey yeah it's just me yeah I just wanted to let you know was that I think I'm getting closer to gasps sir I just got out of an empty Snowden village you'll wait for me I'm right behind you and now I'm somewhere that looks like waterfall I'm guessing that after this wonderful area I'll be in a hotland area but we were in the heartland area so is it like a circle it goes around and there might be a lab there which means gasps there might be there too anyway where are you right now yeah you just got to the smell in the forest area okay so I assume it's the same as Sam that's all I've got to say really stay safe kiddo thank you sense I'm gonna try my best why distorted slow music it's creepy we have Snowden Encounters we do that's icecap right where I packed it wants to be called iTap ignore a compliment we have to I think ignore it undertale so maybe compliment this time yeah no it can't feel positivity Oh God pepper cessful w what are these things okay so we do have to ignore it just yeah don't look at the Hat I'm sorry for making you feel depressed now I feel terrible this is not pacifist at all this is a corrupted pacifist oh god the music whoops I didn't mean to do that this is the XO puzzle you must turn all of these X's into OS however be warned if you step on a circle again it will turn into a triangle so like in the original you will have to press the button to try again but once they're all old you can proceed either um I think I want cancer that's even easier than papyrus puzzles no oh and now press the button there we go and another encounter is going to be it yeah it's children right children am I I hope I'm remembering that name heckle you heckle it gets the pressed that's what though dude nice starching but i'm is that trying to tell me something I don't want to make everyone feel depressed here it's already bad enough just an empty void and I'm just being even more terrible I think I have this get this one and those two for and I can go back there we go perfect oh these are getting a bit more difficult sorry gasps or maybe I underestimated you let's think about this I have to stop at the button so maybe I want to start at the button yeah I think I messed up I messed up because if I do this now wait a messed up again because now I can't get to the button oh my god I think I finally have this that's was way too long but I think I finally have it first activate this okay encounter which one Oh a new one I've never gotten sherry before sherry yet do I still have oh my god that is beautiful thank you for that still the same in the way guy it even in the corrupted void man the Wi-Fi sucks in here but yeah sure I think we have to ditch sherry but it doesn't work you can't ditch me um what do we even have to do boar you talk about really uninteresting topics Jerry looks disgusted you're so boring go away Jerry is bored of you yes now is your chance to leave him sorry Jerry and goodbye okay so what now I hope Jerry didn't make me forget don't forget don't forget to the answer to the puzzle I think it was just yeah go like that there we go finally that took so long impressive puzzle that was pretty difficult for me to figure out finally it ah finally oh my god NoHo another one that seriously Artie's going to get harder and harder that was very easy that solution okay that is much easier than the one before us actually I wasn't stuck on this one for like 10 minutes I think almost and ice at the end is that going to be the bridge to snowed in Tallinn it it should be a Snowden town now or the corrupted snowed in Tallinn welcome just welcome that's creepy it's a welcome sign you don't feel very welcomed oh yeah so that's the shop but it's locked looks like the shop the door is locked no one is inside you look through the window for a brief second you thought you saw black figure looking at you when you blink it was gone don't turn this into a horror game yeah they're in from Snowden the door is locked no one is inside it but someone is still moving around and we have arrived at the machine oh my god Noah don't don't just ignore it first come on it's the machine it must have taken fans here and he left it behind to go find gas sir the whole screen of skills was error so it's definitely broken all right so we can't use that anymore unfortunately Noah that's freaking disturbing that was freaking disturbing I assume that's gas sir why is gas or following sands and we are following gas sir if that's what's going on here oh my god now I'm a bit on edge a bit tense something might happen why is this music oh god save coins you wondering what that black figure was the feeling of wanting to find out it fills you with determination ring rings Sam hello hey yeah it's just me again I finally reached gaffers lab I suppose the sniffing I made it I just need to go in but I have no idea what it'll do when I go in I think sense caster is actually following you and watching you listen for is if anything bad happens no don't say that fans I'm not even going to reset we're not going to lose you here I'm just uncertain as to what gaster might do when we meet again anyway I'm just putting this off I need to go in Phil I'll see you when I see you kiddo and you will see me again Sam wish me luck yo you don't need luck you have determination inside of you you're going to handle this well long ago two races ruled over earth is this the intro it is the intro maybe something is going to get corrupted the monsters have turned the underground into their home the king has hired one of his closest friends to become the Royal scientist it's the story of gasps sir that's interesting the Royal scientists started experimenting with the power called determination there we go on using determination the Royal scientists created an amazing machine the machine was capable of traveling to and from different timelines one day however while attempting to perform an important test the Royal scientist assistants tried to put a stop to it fans the assistant destroyed the time machine the machine which caused a terrible accident the whole timeline became horribly corrupted savepoints no signs the story they're killing it sounds so familiar it does you're filled with determination Oh three ways only one is right maybe that's wrong I'm going to assume up is going to be right know up it's also a bit in so it's going to be right we just have to keep going straight another sign due to the corruption a new timeline was created and to make sure the same thing didn't happen again the Royal scientist was not brought back into the new timeline he wouldn't be able to remake the Machine and have history repeat itself the Royal scientist was struck in the corrupted timeline so it's gaster telling us this and like trying to explain what happened or is this just someone else talking to us many people believe that the Royal scientist was the evil one but that is not the case that a system did no one notice to kept smiling even in terrible situations did no one make the simple connection it's obvious he's a deranged maniac common sense can help it it's a skull sure he tells funny jokes but on the inside he has a dark darker yet darker intentions he knew the timeline would get corrupted he knew I would get trapped here and get erased from existence who knows what he's doing in that new timeline he could be a genocidal maniac for all I know sans is definitely a little darker than he appears not just a random skeleton there I suppose gasser tries to blame him for being like genocidal even though gaster himself at least sense it it's that gasser wanted to become a genocide er the next area up ahead is a corrupted heartland my lab is there maybe someday you will find its way here and I will meet him there and what will happen he's in for a big surprise upon its arrival oh god no I'll be waiting I hope sense also read the signs and knows about that surprise we have arrived in hot land which is interesting because I was so sure that we started in Hartland there's nothing but silence you feel very unsettled by this place but still determined but you stay determined there we go let's go into the quiet heartland oh my god the black abyss up there is very unsettling so alpha slab which was of course previously owned by gaster well probably yeah can we go up here no it does not work it's an escalator but it doesn't seem to be working so well couldn't I just go up or is it blocked there it's a giant monitor it's not powered on okay I guess we can interact with everything here it's a computer the screen is blank so everything is dead you look inside the drawers there's nothing in them yeah everything is empty nothing is working switch can we go up here it's an escalator yeah okay doesn't seem to be working can we go here we can't we have to go into the true lab we have to go into the true lab that is scary because the true lab was already frightening in the original oh no what is this now this blackness just a completely black corridor and I don't even know what how long I have to go on no it's the gastro door ah that's so clever it's the gasser door the secret gasser door oh my god is here oh my god no I can't go back please don't scare me like this is actually creepy I'm going to run No oh my god I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or happier Wow end of beta the ending is almost done just be patient and stay determined thank you for your continued support it really means a lot to me now I'm so interested man I don't know I'm so afraid what will Gasper do or what will he say what ok it's the end of the beta that was pretty good press C or enter to quit alright and that closes the game ok so that was the it don't forget beta that was pretty cool you know that was actually really interesting it did starts slowly you could explore everything on the surface and then slowly make your way through this corrupted version but it all pretty well it led up to this gaster encounter and now I can't wait to see what gaster will do to me it to frisk to sense and how all of this will turn out it seems like the Creator is also really working hard on this and like a multiplayer version like a lot of stuff is happening with don't forget and you know I might try out the multiplayer version I'm not sure how it works I guess you guys can tell me how exactly it works if you can record a lot there but for now guys thanks for watching I hope you liked this video and until next time take care you
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Views: 1,562,326
Rating: 4.8948803 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Fangame, Fan, Community, Fanmade, Don't Forget, Don't, Forget, Sequel, Fanmade Sequel, Prequel, Story, Lore, Surface, Humans, Monsters, Gaster, W.D. Gaster, Doctor, Royal Scientist, Sans, Bad Time, Gaster Blaster, Void, Corrupted, Time Machine, Machine, Secret, Secret Room, Mystery, Creepy, Pacifist, Genocide, Let's Play, Playthrough, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Awesome, Amazing, Music, AU, Alternate Universe, Mod, Reference, Toby Fox
Id: 3zEg7wAMe6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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