SECRETS in Create Your Frisk | UNDERTALE

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What's up guys welcome to create your frisk which is apparently an improved version of Unitale now you can still play other fan games download mods and all that but it seems like there's an entire game waiting for you here as As well, I'm not sure how long this video is gonna be Maybe just a little bonus? and I'm gonna show off my first experience with create your frisk I'm gonna enter my name and then we're gonna go to down this name is correct and I Already tested it a little bit we can already do a bunch of stuff at the beginning For example, we can select our character and we have five characters here. I guess Azrael is pretty cool With the little Super Saiyan Animation, let's go Azrael. And here we are so to the left unit tail normal and to the right test combat Not sure what that means. I haven't explored much more than that. There's a character right there. Where am I? I don't know where we are in the create your frisk universe and This I tested this music kept equals false. Why did you go here with your 20 hp? I'm not sure if that's a warning if we're to weep if you go to the statistics We need to level up before we go to the right. I'm not sure about that But I guess we can say if no we can't Hello??..error in script to monsters you add it to any items. Umm.. Okay, I guess we found a bug or an error right away..and We are back and I guess the game doesn't like Ezreal. Maybe we're just gonna go with Cara What the heck? Calm down Cara. Okay, let's save immediately. I'm testing such a magnificent engine fills you with determination The HP was restored. Thank youuh. Hotland the test map. So this is just a test I'm gonna go get the pie. Yeah. Yeah pick up the butterscotch pie and and save again Now we have our first item. Can we info on? One slice testing. Okay. Whoops. Whoops. No, I didn't want that. I'm gonna go to unity normal. I guess. I'm not sure what that means We are in Snowdin! Okay, we are very slow. *This large stretch of snow is so beautiful to the eye.. Seeing paths the background is finally here fills you with determination..* Parallax universe. Okay, you can just chill across the bridge with Chara Can we do the dance? Noo! yes we can kinda?.. okay. Hello? Oh! It's an actual encounter This time! *select ACT commands to see different bullets in action* Umm, the..-the poser? poseur?? I don't know what that means. But okay, I guess a poseur :/ um, Regular green orange combine let's start with combined all at once all behaviours combined uh-oh..! Poseur: Check it out. Oh! Is that heal? That's heal. That's blue.. white and orange. Okay, so that's the color of course, the attack colors of the original Undertale.. what about..? Green, let's just Heal, *they heal you for 1 HP* Let's collect all the doggies!.. Hello!..Hello!.. Heal me! Heal me! nice! The *pausers limbs shouldn't be moving in this way*Oh God! that's bright. Can we attack? We can, interesting pauser: You're strong! Thanks! You're still healing me though? I appreciate that :D Can we flee? oh! Chara: I've got better things to do.. and I guess that also is part of the new Create your Frisk normally just says the overworld was missing, but this is Basically, like a full Undertale fan game just a very slow...slow walking animation there How much of the skin..? like was put into this? *goes to a fight* EW!! *It's an animation!* of a very derpy looking sans.. hello! is the skeleton.. *check* *1 ATK 1 DEF* the *Check message goes here* Okay. oh God!..whoa! (homing?) doggo..! I think that's a dog at least.. *is that ketchup? no, that the sans!..we're gonna ACT 1..*you selected ACT 1* Selected ACT 1.. what's happening sans?! XD You're just a robot!. You're not a real! (but he's a skeleton..maybe he's a robot in this fan game) Does that mean I can attack you without feeling bad about it? 18 DAM, I guess I'm just gonna ATK this time. (why can't you just flee?)*gasp*, it's a new attack Umm.. (what happened ;-;) that was.. easy because it didn't go on for too long.. 20 DAM that time.. and it's gonna be you ah! just like the attack we saw before just with all white attacks normal a regular ones Just dot . . . sans doesn't want to talk to us or I guess the animations not actually sans The only one or two more and we have this one again ah that's not gonna be Ten it's gonna be 20, oh my god, so close Okay, the homing one to finish it off and then we will fight and then we will beat the animation And That's it.*YOU WON! you earn 30 XP 40 gold your LOVE increased* Does that mean I can go to the right now? I don't know if I want to go all the way because.. (cuz your too slow right?)oh! look! It's the..the thing again? ???: Hello there.. ???: May I help you? Yes, please I--*pushes* ???: Hey! back off! ???:What are you doing?! *punches* WHAAT?!.. Chara?..*frisk glitches back* WHAT?! frisk?!.. Are we actually playing a--... a Game?...(I'm freaking out too!!) WHAT...wait..I am so freaked out!.. is that only gonna happen with Chara or what is this I'm gonna go to Asriel Once again, I am a bit spooked. Do we have our statistics and stuff or is everything ne-- We do! We are level 3 I think.. Okay, can we go here now? Huh? No, I can't For Nate this is gonna be an error!.. Ah! Come on, that's annoying.. |:( That is also kind of cool!... We can change the name, Reset or just continue.. That's what I want to do, and now quickly leave this terrible crashing area.. and now with Asriel That's kind of adorable we can save here and now is anything in the change if we are Asriel now or not No, I'm just gonna flee yeah, Chara: I've got better things to do. like talk to that.. I don't know like Fox or kangaroo. It kind of looks like a kangaroo in my opinion..(I think it is a kangaroo) Okay, is that gonna be the animation No? Oh, that's a two!. So that's only an error in the first area but now we have the two mannequins the poseur and the posette um... Pose *you pose dramatically* ah! poseur: not bad. Thanks! You're not bad. Either you - you're looking awesome I guess this is an example of like a double monster and counter Pose *you struck your best pose, but Posette remained unimpressed* Posette: It's alright. oh no! it's a new attack! Oh no wait it's the same attack nevermind.. okay I mean, I guess how strong are they? that's the question.. Not very strong, We can damage them both and then defeat them.. hopefully level up and maybe eventually go to the right side I'm still a little bit freaked out.. Inside about that Chara thing that we saw Posette: give me a break. Nah, no breaks. (nnnope)We're gonna keep fighting. *slash* Are you stronger or weaker? Might actually be stronger?.. I'm not exactly sure we're gonna see if it's gonna be a two-hit skill as well or if it's gonna actually take three Yep three. Okay now I'm angry Doesn't seem like a very angry attack posette I'm sorry, but that's not good enough and that's it! *You earned 160 XP you love increased* real level of 5! And now we're gonna talk to our buddy again. No, don't tell me They're gone oh now I feel terrible can we do that little now we can't play the game another encounter It's an animation. Are we stronger now? or is this still gonna take some time? ah, we might be stronger. I'm gonna just go through this fight real quick *slash* (again cuz i love subtitling it :P) Yo only 3 hits! *you won! 30 XP* *and our LOVE increased once again*, okay, thank god to say thank you for that Yeah, that's always the same the test map oh No hear what oh It loops around that is very good to know, uh, Um, what if I go down here though, like can I now go right? That is so strange papyrus, just let me go through no it's gonna crash again. Ah And Here we are. Let's go as real quickly now quickly go down, please. Please please no encounter. Oh, Thank god And we are in the core. Uh, uh don't wind encounter immediately. It's just a poser. We're gonna attack. Oh My god, we're getting so strong. We're not--Oh We're not even getting any more XP or gold What's gonna wait for us here? Another save point that's fine for lift What dude? What are we doing? Are we doing it? Genocide create your frist playthrough? Can I just walk around here? But awesome as real I guess we have to kill more for more posers Or we're not gaining anything for a LIF no one ever mind What oh now we're here so it loops around like the entire thing is this all we can do here maybe that's already it But I kind of want to reset I kinda wanna reset and like try something else Now we're gonna attack Because here we can actually fight it's this one gonna give us XP Oh, there's no attack That means we win. I'm sorry poser. You show mercy. I don't show mercy This is okay the bridge we're probably gonna get an encounter. Can we do the dance? Yeah Ezreal dance. Oh, yeah the moonwalk Can we do like? Now we can only do this moonwalk. Really. Yeah, maybe if we um, nah. Nah. Nah, it's gonna be this. There we go That's the only thing we can do. That's all the dance moves Ezreal knows who is that? What a library example that randomizes a monstrous voice for lettera. Oh, that's cool. I want to see that But it's so cool, I like that you can a kind of figure out a towel up some dev work works I guess you can say it smells like the work of an enemy Stanga That's a score I think I heard flowey and sans But that was it poseur thanks for the little example and we are actually level 7. Oh Okay, I'm So confused what's happening? We're gonna try to go to the core again and check out that four left thing. No encounter Thank God. Oh wait, that's not the core. I'm damn low down there Oh a little four. Oh, no, it's gonna crash Okay, we're gonna reset yes, yes, that's the right name this time Cara's probably gonna be available again But I don't want to go on with Cara No offence Cara. I guess we're gonna go with frisk and then I want to see if something changes how we're gonna get the paya Thanks, we're gonna quickly leave this area before it crashes again, we're gonna save here because why not We are level one now. So I guess in a way we're still a pacifist right is the kangaroo Fox? Orange red whatever character is still gonna be in that area or not, and we will get an encounter It's the animation Can we just like flee you? Do as if you've what do as if you've never saw them and walk away, okay? That's a good tip when you meet random animations of sands on the streets. Okay, so the character should be here Um what? Hello Frisk what the heck dude, I Am I am so freaked out, but I kind of love it at the same time. Oh My god is this cooler So the secret do it laughs. Hello We're still not gonna genocide though. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope So frisk is like possessed by car I guess Cara gets evil but then possessed back by frisk something really strange is happening What what did it say? You're cute something you're cute or something, but I assume There's like a secret per character, maybe yeah Yep, look at that You can unlock all the characters. Hello there. May I help you? Hey back off. What are you doing? BAM whoa And then this and then that's terrible like that looks terrible like frisk that actually breaks my heart a little bit So we have unlocked - now we're gonna try to unlock the ground our kid ouch falling down we're gonna save And I'm guessing it's always gonna be in unity of normal Oh Noah You know what? I almost feel like the secret might be that Connor kid Who leave me alone? That Connor kid is just gonna drop down off the bridge or something I'm afraid Oh Connor kid Still no arable accidents, maybe the accidents not gonna happen if we do the crazy walk bamm-bamm Okay. No, I was wrong fair enough What about here anything we can do there is Connor kid, maybe gonna fall down here now we can just go across that That just leads back to the core was it or was that back to the normal area Yeah that it's the core three lip, oh my god, those are the characters Those are the characters three left we need to find the secret for a character now I understand how it works Okay, what can the goner kid secret be? Yeah, I Don't have a cell phone. Maybe we're gonna get the cell phone eventually banner key. Do you like that little thing or no? No oops, whoops Didn't want to spare I wanted to flee it Maybe here No, no goner kid Doesn't seem to have any problems with this area Yeah, now we're here That's so strange still please no doctor no Dammit I'm gonna walk across death. Yep The core is a nice place, but I'm very far away from home. I told my parents I went exploring the world But man, this place is scary. Yeah, I better move on. Yep. I knew it. I knew it was gonna happen what I Tripped no, let's go Frisco elbow yo-yo Please help me. I I'm slipping No low risk You're not serious. I Don't even know what to say. Oh Look, if you wait long enough, you can see all the directions. We're gonna go with this character the blue soul Okay, we're gonna save What could the secret be with this one? Hey Hey Carl, oh look at that. I was running after you you know, Hema you're a human right? Oh, uh, I guess so. Oh cool You know, I came by not a long time ago - I know the place a bit now Would you like me to show you around? No Excellent. Follow me um Wow are we dead seriously? What the heck dude we only have a three left, but that's Super Saiyan power Let's go Ezreal. You're the only one left. What could it be? We're gonna go to the core first Because Is it gonna see one laughs? it should say one left right we only or maybe Ezreal has to select the save One left Ezreal I'm not sure what to do with you though because I think we tried everything. How can we get the secret? What is there to do with Azrael what could as really uh-oh We found it hello frisk There's a human here all alone howdy. Do you need any help? Uh, no. Oh Yeah, of course we help Don't worry everything is going to be okay. I know it red. It's gonna flash red No What is this game Those are wingdings, I'm not fluent yet. I'm gonna have to I guess translate that. Oh Okay, I can't do anything Do we have to translate it? Right? Well away. Maybe it's like a message to tell me what I have to do. Oh Never mind okay, so I restarted and All of the characters are back. So I guess if we go with Cara, for example, that's the secret. I think that was the secret I'm just gonna check if it says the same thing like five left right since we have five characters, okay and encounter again Also cooled at the encounter music what? Hey, you look kind of menacing be good alright Wait, I'm so confused Huh Can we can we do that. Oh wait do we have to maybe ya know? Is that just a tip I think it's just a tip for the Kara thing. I hope guys I did not expect that I mean I've been recording for a while now. I did not expect um create your first to be so crazy This is the same though. I Guess we're gonna see that one more time What are you doing And now frisk and the terrible sprite, okay, but I think that's it I'm gonna try to translate that gaster thing for myself So I know what's going on and I guess that's gonna be the end of that little bonus video Of course if the secret isn't too big if it's just like a little message like saying congrats you found me or something like that I guess I'm just gonna end it here. So in that case, thanks for watching guys I hope you liked this round a little video and until next time. Take care
Channel: Merg
Views: 951,798
Rating: 4.9126434 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Fangame, Undertale Fangame, Engine, Unitale, CYF, Create Your Frisk, Frisk, Chara, Secrets, Easter Eggs, Asriel, Monster Kid, Gaster, W.D. Gaster, Encounter, Animation, Programming, Tutorial, First Time, Chara Secret, Awesome, Amazing, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg, Community
Id: pv16F3rfiuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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