SAVE FLOWEY! "Save Goatbro" Undertale Fangame

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what's up guys welcome to save goat bro an undertale fan game and made by blushy magic you can played with unit sale and it's apparently supposed to be a true pacifist flowey battle so this might be our chance to save our goat bro we are Karim level 1 and we have some dialogue I told you to forget about me but you still came back you know I can't feel anything for anyone right you still think you can save me don't you you really are an idiot there we go that's the flowery we all know and are you really gonna do this no Chloe Chloe 1 HP 1hp have mercy have mercy flower I know there's some good in you yeah look at that face oh and that was the first attack alright that was a nice little transition game over asgore are you gonna say something you cannot give up just yet Cara stay determined I will ask or I'm always gonna stay determined if you tell me and here we are back to the encounter so we can kind of skip this flowey you really are an idiot I know I know but I'm gonna be able to convince you so these three attacks are not avoidable and that's where the battle the real unit tale battle and encounter begins flowey kind of feels bad for us oh this is difficult it's not too difficult I just kinda have to know which pattern comes first already two deaths what do we need to stay determined you can't afraid of flower yeah but I can't give up just yet just like as grow says so okay I think you have to stay in the middle and then react to that what happens why why can't I bring myself to fight you and it starts all the music unknown such an emotional track wow he looks like he is confused let's check flowey 10 attack only zero defense oh my god I don't want to try it but there might be a genocide ending Kara's best friend case it's the same one again ok can we heal the test stock I don't think the test stocks actually no they do actually heal ok and now we oh you can't heal you're always gonna be put to one HP of you healer oh ok and I died again darn it and before we go for the emotional real playthrough I just have to try stuff like fleeing I'm out of here but the overworld was missing that's like the default unit tailed thing I think ok I'm here I'm so bad I'm sorry guys so we tried to flee a spare is probably not gonna work yet and now what did we fight I need to know if it's only gonna be a Miss yeah it's gonna be a mess ok you were unable to muster any intent to hurt flowey that's actually nice because once you are in the true pacifist part you can't actually kill or hurt any monster anymore so all that is left for us to do is say about it just just leave me alone Oh orange and then blue and then blue ok so you need to remember the pattern orange blue blue so orange blue blue so we're gonna move over and then blew up okay that's simple enough flowey looks like he is confused let's savor why are you doing this to me I'm sorry but we need to or we need to heal we need to heal Green is Sheila Green is Sheila and white is gonna hit me okay that's easy too right wait so how he's actually healing me that's interesting that's kind of nice flowey looks like he's confused and now we can just keep on saving huh how is how is this possible I I don't even have a soul I shouldn't be able to feel now flowey you can feel I'm gonna save you that was bad I should have gone here and then left there we go and I'm not gonna try to heal Oh orange now when I absorbed everyone's Souls I hadn't felt those sorts of feelings in ages they all love you so much even now I remember how it feels I can't muster up any intent to hurt you like this which is the exact same thing that we have both of us can't attack really if you really want I can go to the surface with you even if I'm stuck as a flower what do you say I will spare you this is not it this feeling is it relief you can go on up to the surface now I'll be following you but first you seem kind of beaten up sorry about that I know I'll heal you please accept my apologies what is this run into the green bullets no no I got tricked but it worked before flower you actually healed me that was all just a setup how awesome it's not that easier I never thought that even you could be this much of an idiot now I kinda wanna try to avoid them in an attempt and see what happens the rules have been reversed so Green is bad now but we still have to save you already know how it was killed by the humans right but still uh I woke up in the garden as if nothing happened until I couldn't feel my arms or legs at first I was scare them blue blue blue um wowie that's what all the rules have been changed up Oh what everything is reversed flowey cackles maniacally oh god somehow I had been revived as a flower I called for mom dad for anyone to help Mia but nobody came okay so Green is bad I can't actually do this oh my god this is complicated everything is reversed I need a few attempts probably to understand this I'm gonna use a test on Noah it doesn't work using the test dog it's just setting you to 1 hp immediately ax interesting mechanic I happy now for a second I thought it was actually it but it that couldn't have been after a long time dad finally found me crying in the garden he took me in promising to take care of Mia she looked so happy hopeful and relieved all at once okay and white gills Mia oh no I can't touch those I need to heal to even survive healing is not just an extra you need to heal or else you're just gonna die Jesus were always gonna be at one hpf you stay determined for your final task flower let's go I couldn't feel anything I was alive again I was reunited with bad but I didn't have a soul okay so move over stay at move move stay move or rather what wait that what's wrong I didn't move did I I'm pretty sure I didn't move so I'm not sure what that was about please accept my apologies and not actually beat up and this time I'm gonna try to avoid them hey buddy you missed them do I have to get it could it be you're rejecting my apology flowey I know your true nature right now you know what's going on here don't you and it begins the rules have been reversed and I think we do need to save that's back to the normal thing okay back to the humans here now move wait move over okay the rules have been reversed but we did it we can't feel so I need to try my best um green is bad oh no I forgot about that this is move I know this is wait this is gonna take so many attempts I hate things that reverse your controls or mechanics that's so difficult for me what is this this is the easy issue one it heals fire and it hurts five okay so I'm gonna get out of here with 15 HP I guess come on heal me oh no I got hit twice that is terrible stop cackling flowey or destroying Mia didn't have a soul so move that move [Music] I can't do this I actually can't do this I'm sorry it's mixing up when your heart is red it's normal and when your heart is orange its reverse I don't know if I'm coming they're gonna be able to handle this but look at myself rambling on while you're all hurt and tired here just take this then please leave me alone I hate you flower you're smart wait this is you because it's red this is he'll this is HeLa don't forget that flowers actually being nice Jesus thank you and now it's back to this friendliness pellets fill the air you really should have seen this next attack coming yep yep okay this time it's bad I already understand the heart mechanic flower yeah I'm not that slow um I apologize you can't get me in you stay determined let's go I wasted weeks with bad hoping that I might be able to feel something but bad old fool was useless so I ran away I ran far far away from new home as possible this is new over this is wait dodge the green ones this is move through this is wait if that was kind of bad then in the ruins I found mom I thought that of all people surely she could help me a bright turns out lower not even toriel I was able to help you flower Jesus I need anything you anything you what is this this what is this fight this is actually super difficult so now we're here and I'm a little confused there are two different versions of a fight there is the normal one and then a colorblind battle and I don't see any differences right now maybe I'm not sure if that's like an easy mode which doesn't do the color thing with the reverse but I don't think so I think it's actually just the for colorblindness but I still tried it out I want to see what it exactly does so this is this again okay white is bad wait wait oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this is still the same right or is this that new motor i canna look now it's different now I am a white heart a white soul and how is this gonna change the entire the entire fight it's still greener so when I'm a white heart dodge the white ball at their green bullets is this easier for me I this might actually be easier because orange and red is hard to you know see the difference quickly I think that might just be a much better way to do the battle okay let's go for it save again you'll Renault yeah yeah so this is different now so movement and stance Tara okay okay nice nice nice right move move wait our Jesus how did I do that that was actually a little bit of luck as well that was not just Gila Jesus man this fight okay we are ready so we can get the other heal heal all the yummy yummy green friendliness pellets give me all of them flower I love you for this thank you and now it's getting switched up again alright dodge dodge don't get hit so you need probably full HP for the next attack good good good flowey cackles again I will waste the weeks and now it's toriello not toriel time the next one okay wait um this is move through this is wait and then go here or here and move thriller go here go here and move through it nice 20 HP okay Tori Ella this one so should I stay down I need to find a good safe spot [Music] I don't understand the pattern I'm sorry I don't understand the freaking pattern still don't know how exactly I'm gonna do the toriello tagging I call it the toriel attack because that's when flowey starts to talk about Tori Ella do we have this one first which I should be able to do again without a hit I just move through quickly and then you kind of want to not fall behind yeah like that that is terrible our knit how to do this now [Music] okay [Music] I can't it's it's so hard [Music] can I survive this I've only if in in one space I'm never changing sides I'm not gonna change sides that actually works that's what I have to do never go left or right that is just a death sentence unless you can do the pattern perfectly holy moley please and believe me I was trying my best to feel all I wanted to do what was to love someone to feel compassion Alma stand still [Music] I can't do what bank this is such a hard fan game and I think it just crashed oh now I don't want to be salt to you and like blame the game but there is actually one problem when you get a hint sometimes it lacks for a little bit maybe that's just my fault maybe it's the game but especially with these intended necessary ax hits it gets a little annoying sometimes but still this strategy that I found does actually work wonders it's amazing I can just chill here get hit a few times give me that one no I didn't get it five HP you um which one was it now just the crazy one right where you have to really okay so I'm okay wait [Music] no I actually moved I moved but it was one second too late okay I actually think this is gonna be my final attempt I'm sorry guys I honestly did not expect this amount of difficulty this is a very challenging Fang game you don't have a lot of HP the attacks need a lot of damage and the attacks are super complicated so I do want to do like another episode eventually yeah because I don't I don't feel satisfied if I just give up but yeah Jesus Jesus flowery is not messing around this is like super evil flower yeah and I'm just afraid okay we got a heal Darwin you won't be able to get this one can I at least get past that crazy next attack maybe if I can healed here can I please get a heal nope unlucky I'm gonna be there with five HP again unless I get one now oh my got it oh my god this might actually get this might actually be it come on flower this is that this is this is the time okay so move I need to move and wait maybe move damnit I had to wait you stayed determined I don't know game the point I'm trying to get at is there is nothing you can do to save me so just take this and leave me alone ah oh it's you again it's feeling ok kill me you me nice nice nice that's nice [Music] give me ok friendliness pellets once again through the era well if you're going to be so determined about this then I have no choice but to kill you over and over and over again until you finally give up oh when I would sis now it's this one just actually damaging you oh my god how am I actually surviving some of this um you stay determined if mom and dad were if mom and dad weren't able to save me even when I was trying my best to love what makes you think you can do any better I don't know wait oh god ok no no I'm messing up everything up I'm messing up my parents oh my god I somehow did it can I get a heel again I don't have a soul Allah I don't know what you're trying to accomplish this isn't like last time when I had everyone's Souls uhm wait wait wait this is I can't do it and you know what I can't confirm it but I actually think this might just be half of the battle or something I think I need to stop here which is crazy that's gonna be that difficult but at the same time you know maybe look forward to a second video where I'm gonna try my best to beat it but I've been trying for so long and it's only getting harder it is an awesome battle but it's got a bit frustrating dying so many times but thanks for watching guys I hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music] [Music] Oh
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,716,329
Rating: 4.8754263 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Fangame, Fanmade, Save Goatbro, Goatbro, Goat, Asriel, Flowey, Battle, Fight, Dreemurr, True Pacifist Flowey, Pacifist, Ending, Tribute, Hard, Difficult, Challenge, New, Lore, AU, Alternate Universe, Saving Flowey, Awesome, Amazing, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg, Community
Id: Fkl2vi42JAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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