MAD MEW MEW Fight | UNDERTALE Inverted Fate

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[Music] what's up guys and welcome to soul splitting fury an undertale fan game made by philip this is based on inverted fate the alternate universe made by dork and this time it's a fight against mad mew-mew and it starts off with some dialogue man this feels way too easy ring ring oh god that face huh where's that ring coming from ring ring more ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ah fine whatever hello undyne undyne please let me in i want to talk to you no i can't but undyne frisk is all alone in there exactly away from you it's better this way how can you say that for instance my i don't want to hear it papyrus click oh boy you know what you're disgusting here he is pouring his heart out to you and you cut him off bull wolf what keep this up and you're right you ruin every friendship you've got papyrus deserves better than you that's enough let's just keep moving oh do the drama immediately ring ring more ring ring that's it whoa super saiyan what the what is happening is way too much ah this is delicious who knew that bone brain had such good taste in weapons [Music] what run jump jet pack oh we can jump okay i don't know oh you think you can just walk away hello there do you think that this was over i still have one last trick up my metaphorical sleeves it's the dog [Music] what a dog i'll do smug frisk is that seriously the only thing left what kind of idiot does that skeleton take me for well perhaps the door the dog absorbed the weapon oh oh no it's the fight against toby dog dude no it's sans dog what it's actually super saiyan i was right no all the music dude yeah stupid dog this is why cats are the superior mammal thank you nice dude oh thank you buddy goodbye goku what i'm not fully convinced that was real but it was great the sheer power of anime of course fills you with talk termination what the heck and here we are the final boss the dummy here we are yeah exactly just me you your pretentious partner and the locked door after all this time after all these humiliations there's nowhere left to run no more distractions no more cheap toys just a robot without any legs i don't need legs to kick your pathetic human posterior in fact let's cut it let's cut the small talk this is the end for you both and here we are matt dummy blocks the way okay okay okay calm down we're gonna check 45 attack defense of course yes after fighting us through so many different bodies it'd be mad to think this will be any different i know what you're thinking there's no way this body could compare to those other robots your armor quickly okay okay okay calm down can i shoot oh all right this oh sorry [Music] all the music can i can i do the thing oh i'm ready again of course okay i was so afraid of the laser but look at this you're back to your puny weaponless self how the tables have turned great and now your phone's sorted out so much for that plan all right we can't engage we can't change mode okay hug or talk let's hug surprisingly hugs do not seem to be the solution to this ordeal unless you have a death wish i might be small i might not have legs but this body was built to last okay you again so we just got a loop-de-loop come on ah oh nice okay quick quicker loop no no actually wow that was that wasn't great and heal up okay there we go it smells like explosions i'm talking probably aren't you going a bit overboard i mean it was just one snarky comment so it was an insulting scathing infuriating comment pogoing pogoing forgive me for not wanting to prance around like a showboating idiot the loop again oh dude the loops are all over the place come on come on and now ah no that's too much of a loop and the jumpers and now we're blue oh no i thought blue mode now the actual lasers this time sparks are really flying now so now we can just keep talking okay but he's family right ever considered i don't know asking to be in one of his shows and become cheap eye candy for the masses anyone can strike a stupid pose in front of tacky sets anyone can wear those idiotic costumes speaking of costumes i wanna i wanna see one soon come on come on nice and jump whoa that was lucky kinda [Music] there's a jumper again okay no no watch out yeah you idiotic robo dummies stop firing at me um looks uneasy so here we can't do anything let's check a little bit we got an ice cream the bunny the the cycle sickle whatever spider don't spider don't starfade junk food carrots coffee cannon and a strange shroom oh god mercy of course and then i guess we could fight but i i want to see the dialogue honestly then why don't you if it's so easy why are you holding this stupid grudge instead of beating mtt at his own game fool fool fool that's exactly what i'm doing are you the snatcher i've seen the way mettaton keeps bending the rules for your sake he's too soft to really play the hero he'll only make a fool of himself if he keeps this up all the other shooters and one jumper beautiful absolutely beautiful and not that good that's a jumper yeah jumpers end up even more and move perfect mechanical warriors fill the room you know it's actually a good point but if you feel so strongly why are you bothering with me shouldn't you be there with him he's too committed to his season finale and besides it's better if i'd cut to the chase i'll take the glory i'll take your soul and undyne sweet undyne she'll finally see that she doesn't have to face this alone oh dude no run ah dammit nice one [Music] and we we missed every shot it's this one damn okay that's kinda hard and i'm missing like crazy oh they're all rockets dude my okay i mean i gotta heal my aim is all over the place um what is the best here 11 is almost i need nine is there nine no i think 11 was the was the least really really really is it too much to ask for some recognition don't worry i can recognize that you look cool i love your i love your current look nice finally these are easier to handle [Music] beautiful thank you and that's a jumper okay that's an easy one ridiculous ridiculous must i do everything myself well human i hope you had fun because from this point on i'm done using others to fight my battles besides who needs friends when you have knives no stop stop oh no you actually have too many knives judging by the vibrations i'd say your phone's good to go okay sure let's i guess talking now over now shooting modem it takes real guts to face undyne's full of fury i'm a pink cushion for spears i've been suplexed through walls more times than i can count and here we go can i i wanna shoot your little thing here get out of here okay it smells like explosions i guess engage now you engage the dummy you can now attack it directly thank you i was made for combat and unlike him i'm not afraid to get my hands dirty okay oh the baby hello there can i destroy the cannon no okay i gotta go now oh no it goes back i mean that was a bunch of damage i think points of its eyes and directly at you oh threatening me that's a gauge again you're close enough okay i'm sorry sorry mettaton he hasn't changed a bit look at this arena right now i still remember that ridiculous fan club every step of the way he's been helping you so why is he even here okay now we gotta actually i'm i am scared [Music] i'm gonna hide now we gotta go up damn it oh this is okay this is a little bit this is too much multitasking for me i might die no i got saved is that actual from familial concern i'm sorry i can't be concerned with you right now i think junk food can be yeah good enough he's supposed to be a human annihilator a weapon to bring about freedom and justice [Music] wow calm down please okay we're still dealing damage though i think it's fine okay um so maybe now we can talk so you're just gonna roll with what undyne's doing no matter how much it's hurting everyone else even your own family shut up shut up shut up i have had it with your whining i know it's not pretty and so does she but that's exactly why i'm doing this for her so enough chitchat human it's time to meet your maker let's go whoa no not this okay you're coming from all sides you know from down below yeah whoop oh i can do a lot of damage here throw yourself coward oh smoke fills the room i don't know maybe him [Music] i'm gonna go for the donut real quick what a joke what a joke what a joke and we're still going dude we haven't even [Music] seen any cats technically [Music] the music is so good though music is god-like oh despite the damage does the robot disco look at this dude looking so angry frisk enough okay okay sorry if you really cared about doing the right thing he'd be working with undyne but instead he keeps humiliating her on live tv oh jesus i'm no i'm dead okay but at least that's kind of easy even though uh dummies hiding down there up there come on come on come on and that's it thank you okay now talking doesn't matter so i just gotta do my best 14 i think is the star fans he and sans both don't they see how much he suffered let's do this oh you're being destroyed little dude matt dummies body twitches yeah you have no chance and i i don't even need to do anything engage change mode i mean do we need to we're still pretty good i think maybe a hug this time no i've been there through it all her best and her worst and if i kill you i'll be the one who has to answer to her friends [Music] are they aiming is this really difficult to keep track of everything there we go ah no no no stop stop stop i need this body it's my only chance to oh you know i never expected you to take it this far undyne what were you even thinking there's a reason they brought only robots here and what about mettaton what does he have that i don't look i get it you deserve way more credit than i've been giving you i mean sheesh you withstood freaking lava you made great use of the season dudes it's not that i don't trust you or care about you then why why is it always about him because this isn't what you really want what are you i mean this body nonsense i'm don't play dumb i've seen you sneaking peeks at my manga this whole tough aggro look it's not really you is it i wanted to surprise you later but since you're already here oh boy go ahead oh kill them out i'm dying get out of here you're crazy oh boy oh boy oh boy yes yes yes do it a full-on cutscene i can feel it his body is perfect perfect i get it whoa let's go full on anime oh no this one you're oh no oh no well well undyne you're just full of surprises oh no this is going to be so much fun hello there no i can't don't you [Music] understand dude i've never had much practice with this week week week are you even trying and and i have to continue the dialogue at least attempt to give me a challenge of fools i cap why didn't you tell me you were now is not the time for this okay i need like 20 fingers for this fight right now madmu makes her w debut the view whatever oh dude um i guess we can check this new body 50 attack still yes defense the dark edgy reboot legs now included incredible it's about time your little friend showed up i bet you just loved insulting me you must have thought your little clips were so clever but now i'm the one with the leg up on you mew whoa whoa okay i'm getting oh no no i can't okay blue is blue is wasd and red is arrow key is so far so good are you all right frisk i know this is a lot to take in you think cap you could have told me you're a human or used to be i still don't know what your deal is i'd highly call this sorry stayed human but we can discuss this later after we've dealt with more pressing matters being in a separate body as its perks i suppose we just have to keep coordinating okay yeah i know this is terrible i i don't think i gotta heal fighting i mean i don't think we need to do anything hugging probably i mean hugging could work because now it's a full body consider that she's armed with a cleaver so what dude no risk no fun okay and to think undyne was hiding this whole this the whole time oh it's cute stylish sleek and deadly it's everything i ever wanted and more okay [Music] oh my god i'm stressing out okay thank god so far it's always blue is left but it might change she licks her cleaver then pointed at us creepy very oh dude i'm sorry but i got it you ever heard the definition of insanity i'm sorry you can change your body all you want it's not gonna change a thing that's where you're wrong after all this body split your souls and it's the perfect representation of my true self but go ahead keep throwing your petty insults maybe if i laugh hard enough i'll merge right away look what is this how oh wait wait oh no [Music] i am so dead but not really the tail twitching i need full please cinnamon bunny thank you i just need one final push a surge of raw emotion i mean i'm still pacifist i'm not gonna push you literally that's why it doesn't matter if you insult me anymore anger conflict revenge they're a recipe to change everything for the better whoa oh cool life new life oh you are fabulous mad meme you hum some peppy anime tune let's um talk just talk so uh you like cute cat girls huh oh are you looking for ways to mock me human go ahead laugh make your stupid quips all you want it'll just bring me one step closer to my dream oh finally me finally mew finally whole finally free other face what was that you can't hide that face from me and now it's getting hard and blue okay madden you headbangs to the intense music that's what i'm doing wait first you wig out over a few snarky comments and now you want them all those other vessels were just glorified tools no class no personality but now i've got power and appeal i just need the perfect emotional cocktail to seal the deal oh no no it's menacing but then not doing not even doing any oh no this is hard so of course if you move if you move it hurts you but if you keep in the spot even though you're holding down the keys it doesn't hurt you only if you actually move this doesn't feel right look i just think you're going about this the wrong way haven't you ever heard of being the bigger person well haven't you you haven't made an effort to see things from undyne's perspective or mine you only care when monsters are nice to you but i can see through your hero act you just try to talk your way out of battles to save your skin okay oh no but it's actually oh this is kind of cool because i mean i'm just gonna stay together no i can't oh my god oh still head banging i don't think i need to heal yet with all due respect frisk i don't think she's in the best mindset for conversation we should try something else or wait for her to blow off some steam okay so i guess you know insulting doing nothing attacking or due to eyes not that my life hasn't had its perks i've enjoyed being undyne's trainings dummy it's a badge i wore with pride every day taking spear after spear all the adrenaline the conflict it was also thrilling and yet oh it's not enough so you gotta kill me i see how it is [Music] oh now it finally happened okay no i can't it's over you do look at this it's too much for my brain oh hesitates yeah thank you it's a little bit of a coffee break [Music] i realize everything oh i realize what am i saying i regret everything hey hey hey this is a battle to the death not a tea party what really fine i guess we'll eat the grains dry yay speed up haha no matter how hard i tried something was just missing is again [Music] easy madmu is mewing madly wow alliteration you do realize saying this in a pink cat girl body isn't doing you any favors right shut up i'll have you know that pink is a powerful color i second that a representation of love and purity something you two clearly lack oh boy oh no it's orange dude we got a wreck right there how do i keep moving it's too much for me for my brain there we go this is crazy i love it though um okay i need to heal again all hp 15 okay so we we we have a bunch still left but but i'm not ungrateful even with mettaton soaking up the spotlight even with ingrates like you mocking my appearance [Music] okay this might be an easier oh it might be an easier one again i oh no oh my god i don't know how i did some of these but i did it let's merge again and orange is the easiest one i think actually blue would be easier smells relatable first petty insults aren't going to solve anything let's just wait for some sort of opening okay i spent so long pretending to be something i'm not i thought it was the only way i could get i thought it was the only way i could get close to undyne the only way i could be useful to her corner middle down and here middle [Music] okay and then up probably no it tricked me [Music] over there um i guess now it doesn't matter now i can heal even though it's getting scary you ate the chocolate cannon but knowing that she saw through me that she understands and accept me means i have to see this through i have to be myself what ah okay okay gotta dodge that no no no no i can't i don't have two brains how is this possible you need two brains dude it just doesn't work let's just try something different so maybe i like you things and maybe i just want a little acknowledgement for once hey dude i i oh i unders totally understand please don't kill me okay that was that was nice that he's here one step [Music] no it's blue i'm so dumb i have two hearts oh my god my brain looks at a fancy pink mirror then turns to us with the same expression nice one let's hug no fine is that really a crime well or this again you tell me oh it's this again i oh no i might die because i forgot i i'm not oh dude thank god i think i know what to do yeah hurry up please we're actually dying literally you read the strange room did not turn giant rip answer me you seem so eager to talk before okay orange or orange [Music] i hate that i always i always lose my two heart shapes madmu is mewing madly yeah finally dude there we go is this the end look what i said was wrong i see that now frankly i should have known better what you were struggling and i didn't even see it but i do understand i also had difficulty accepting myself cap you're lucky you know as a ghost you can pick any vessel you see fit you can be whatever you like and like us pitiful humans your fellow monsters are sure to accept you with open arms what are you doing why are you being nice no you're still crazy but this is a relentless desperation attack it's not gonna help ah there we go apologize more i should probably apologize too all those wise cracks must have really sung and i didn't even see it stop it stop it stop this already no oh i saw your shades that was pretty awesome oh what are you doing vengeance i need it all whoa okay i just need no you don't need any of that believe me my hatred used to fuel my every waking moment but in the end it only brought pain and besides if anger really was all it took wouldn't you have merged already but what else could possibly compare mimi looks lost dude finally a hug of acceptance you you i can't undyne just gave me this body i can't just get cold feet i have to make her proud but what do you want i don't know i never thought that far ahead well look at it this way alphys didn't stop me but undyne still cares about her so the way i see it if she holds this against you that's her problem not yours i see you know it's kindness it's making me feel something after all i don't know for sure but anger hasn't gotten me any closer to being corporeal so maybe i do need to try something new sorry undyne i tried but but i'm sure you can take it from here all our training has to pay off somehow and there we go look at you human you've given me a lot to consider so i'll let you go it's obvious you won't stop anyway but if you do anything to undine or mettaton i swear i'll come back and rip that sorry soul right out of your chest cap thank you for what for keeping me in check don't know what could have happened if you didn't yank me out of cesstopia ah well somebody has to keep a levelhead around here but to your credit you really have shown remarkable growth at the very least you're a quicker learner than i was but i digress knowing undyne our spats only added fuel to the fire so let's save the heart to heart for a more opportune moment seems this one's normal now might be a good time to stockpile resources just in case way ahead of you cap oh i'm sorry shoot melaton we have to frisk breathe this is not the time to act rashly but what if undyne did something to him i swear if that freak brainwashed him i calm down please i don't want you acting reckless and even if you can reload another death is hardly ideal i just i can't offer much reassurance it's never been my strong suit but still lux favored us so far so just stay strong alright oh no baby hey cap [Music] frisk what are you doing oh my god this whole time you've been sticking up for me but i've barely done anything for you [Music] but i'm here for you too so don't try to act tough for my sake okay all right well you got your point across but you know we got going all right you big cactus i guess all we can really do is hope for the best and there they go oh no i knew it oh no that's it inverted fate and we got the credits of course torqued everything the universe philip lol the the game the programmer jimbo games art and expression oh some scrap ones riley audio winter melon audio music credits oh a bunch of songs here and even more music credits beta tester smart ultra and samson thumbnail art pearly mint and philip lola and then fms and revi for vending machine and visuals and special thanks of course toby fox and tammy chang in memory of off topic a great contributor who brought laughs and entertainment to many oh oh no the music dude what up sans heya tori yeah the kids still headed this way pap too yeah i know but they ain't a bad kid this whole time they haven't heard a fly it's crazy right almost makes me think they'll pull through but that flower yeah i know you don't want to do it again but tori if you at least talk to him right no i ain't getting cold feet t you know i got your back if this is how you really feel then that's that besides it's like i said i got a little weed to uproot this is why i hate making promises the man himself oh boy password kissy cutie i'm afraid but i guess i can try it out and here we are this is the main menu password it was just kissy cutie right act select okay so that makes sense so this is like if you continue i guess what up dude what kind of password is kissy cutie i don't know hey listen you sure do like your passwords huh well what if i told you i knew where to find another that short tempered fur ball has some special attacks there are three she only uses them if you dodge all the attacks prior without taking a single hit trigger them survive them spare her wait till after the credits and then maybe you'll see something new and different or just some smug awkward loser wearing questionable clothing wouldn't that be something and here we are load safe load safe load safe oh i guess load save here as well so this is the crazy crazy this is the dummy and this is crazy what is this good luck or maybe that's just [Music] wait wait wait what i mean good anyway i've got okay so this is just the skip this is just a skip right or right and this is this is where the where it's where we're throwing oh that's spinning where it turns horrible stop stop i just gotta leave me alone well oh well okay okay you you shut i okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we need we need we need yeah right here madmu makes her debut and i guess we can we can leave it at that but interesting so there is i guess is secret again if you if you do some no hits for some certain special attacks but for now guys that was soul splitting fury the inverted fate fight against mad mew mew which was pretty awesome even though it broke my brain sometimes to have to go through the the double souls because i never got much practice with that still very fun though thanks for watching i hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Merg
Views: 672,017
Rating: 4.9365706 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Soulsplitting Fury, Soul splitting Fury, Mad Mew, Mew Mew, Mad Mew Mew, Inverted, Fate, Inverted Fate, Inverted Fate Fight, Ending, Full Boss Fight, Mad Mew Mew Boss, Merg, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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