Disbelief Papyrus! REVENGE - Undertale Fangame

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what's up guys, welcome back to Disbelief. an undertale fangame now with a name change and just the entire game has been remade it's now called a revenge the unseen ending with a nice, fancy title screen but it's still made by the one and only samuel and the first version i played was already pretty awesome but this seems way more polished a lot of new stuff is here and also more mysterious because as you can see right here we have gaster himself in the main menu but we can check out extras and stuff at the end maybe now let's just start a new game we can only press continue but now we start with some story lighter... yet lighter the light keeps growing the brightness cutting deeper papyrus... can you hear me? we must go on you must wake up, we cannot stop the experiment musn't stop not... yet... alright! so gasterd is talking to papyrus talking about some sort of experiments, act 1: a plan, and this is so weird hello papyrus! like this is already so creepy but now I think this is actually where you start to play you don't recognize this place do you? is it the void since we're actually talking to gaster? this is your brain's deepest layer this is the papyrus's brain we need to find what stops you from unleashing your full potential. Dude! the music is really good i love it. And we need to destroy it okay this is really cool we don't have much time let's move alright so this is WOAH! gaster's head is following me so this is completely different already here can we yeah, we can jump so we have three Hp. I guess three lives and we actually control papyrus at first so very different from the other version and Okay, we can yeah, we can shoot if we just press Z Is that like a froggit monster something like that? We have to jump some platforming at first And I really really like this. I think it's just the intro is that like a bug or something an insect? Just can we hold down? no.this is just going to be the intro or something and then I guess we will end up controlling Frisk..? But now let's destroy this one um how high do we jump okay pretty high I think those spikes will kill us So I don't think we can actually go to the right. We're just going to wait for the platform and jump for it. Oh The controls are nice. It's not too weird.oh, I actually have to jump over to that Let's go. Oh we did it that was kinda risky. The music is so good The menu screen music was awesome. This music is great. We can't duck or anything so we can only jump and shoot But yeah I'm loving this, even the colors are kind of creepy since we are in papyrus's brain for some reason Papyrus is thinking about insects or frogs Or whatever those things are let's jump up onto that platform. Oh, oh do we need to jump or just run I'm just going to run, yeah fall down I mean maybe it will be really hard, should we go to the left or to the right? Oh... Flowey? Here it is. Oh Beca.. is it because flowey is like The manipulator of Papyrus in undertale and this time we have to destroy flowey. your pity. Your kindness. or is it just a flower that resembles all of papyrus's nice things. That's what makes you so weak Destroy it and make sans proud. I don't think sans would want that, but we are naive Papyrus I mean, I do want to check out the right side, okay, nevermind nothing on the right side Flower or maybe flowey I'm so sorry, but... oh no We need to destroy it, since Papyrus. This is disbelief. Oh god, we need to become strong. We need to become evil Maybe..? and with flowey do I need to do it myself? Or no, papyrus Did it himself and now uh kjvndijvijHfkjevvjEokfemvoevoLinbijnrbnrgP Interesting, act two: payback, yeah and now We are frisk of course now or chara or whatever you think the genocide run entails But yeah, now we are in the final corridor. We probably can't leave or something the exit is blocked by some bones There is no way out the box, the box is locked Okay, cool that that never happened in the original undertale just a random locked box. I could imagine that happening dot dot dot Cara Yeah last corridor level 19 file not saved?? Really? sans got killed by us, I guess. I think it's the same story, where sans Sacrificed himself for his brother papyrus and now papyrus is in his place in the final corridor And we will have to fight him, NYEH HEH HEH Look who we got here Mr.. Spaghetti friendship Brothers hater oh, God Papyrus is going crazy You aren't satisfied yet, I see! you really want to complete the job don't you I? I, Have to man. I don't want to but it's an awesome fight, it's an awesome game. I want to experience it. Oh well I did not read that I'm dumb I really like to be the final boss or something which I guess you are now And I want to avenge all the people you brought away from me so. You will be you will be the final boss you want to be since you are so bad and so rotten inside Oh, no fade to black fight begins Or what's going to happen Papyrus? I'm ready. Yeah, you need someone to teach you good Manners I'm guessing it still the same old papyrus in a way Just corrupted or something that eye is creepy, the great papyrus Will teach you good manners? yeah, will be your teacher, sure so I think that's kind of what disbelief papyrus is about Obviously kind of evil looking, and I will give you a lesson you won't forget WHOA. Okay, wait a minute. WHOA! And now we're red. Oh my God its sans. It's literally sans. Oh, what wait a minute Okay, the lesson has begun, and I have like FL. 16 out of 184 Hp. Aww the music, awesome That was a pretty terrible start, but yeah, we have Papyrus standing in front of us here Let's begin the lesson let's continue the lesson is Papyrus's name Turning into gaster for a split second? I think so uh that's creepy, but let's check out 45 Attack and 1200 defense Papyrus is really strong his weapon is really strong and the lesson has begun oh, Mercy will most likely not work. We can't even select this so nevermind we don't have it.. Oh, we do have items We have the legendary hero.. two of them, the pie and the glam Burger but I think since the disbelief genocide we just have to attack papyrus with all we have but no we just missed And now what are you going to do without your knife? Did you take it away? I know what! DIE! Oh, no always so happy too. This is not good once papyrus is evil and happy. You know you're in for a bad time Maybe an even worse time than sans Because now papyrus has sans's abilities and his own defense. Your attack dropped Do we have to do anything can we still? Okay, we can still attack this time. Yeah that attack was kind of easy to dodge. I like the wing-dings in the background Okay, I don't want to Focus on whether they're blue or not. I'm just gonna yeah going through the middle. I think that's the best way Oh, no, that is so unfair You have to actually move around what retry or quit? We have to select um retry of course we need to keep going papyrus is strong, but we won't give up Let's go. This is going to be the final yeah, okay, so first there, and then I think we need to jump Yo, this is hard, and then we just need to follow it it goes so fast This is crazy the lesson is begun once again, so this is always going to be blocked. Yeah, okay this is always going to be blocked he just Deflects our attack and removes our knife and now we need to die. We're most likely going to die papyrus I'm scared, but this wasn't too bad and he even said it himself that attack is pretty easy to Dodge You just have to jump up a few times But then the second one where it even hit you during just the menu time how much damage can we deal 35 okay? So we are still pretty strong. Let's go so this time I think That is the right thing to do and then as soon as you are in the menu, You really need to go crazy with the dodging or just, No! to stay on the right side That's the best thing a strange figure stands behind papyrus it reminds you of someone Gaster or Sans maybe like the spirit of Sans watching over papyrus cheering him on But you'll see. I learned some new techniques. Yo its faster this time. Oh what? Was that was it supposed to jump yeah? I'm supposed to jump left and then right okay as you can see this is already kind of crazy and really difficult But I love it Okay, so now just go to the right side immediately and then we can just attack and now we get to the hard attack but I think I know how to Avoid it. Oh, that's not the one That's the one yeah kind of like that and then jump in the middle and then again jump like that jump like that And once more even with the hard one. No, you felt your sins crawling through your backbone. That's Horrible, but let's go. I gues I deserve it we killed sans we killed all the monsters. Hey human ever been in space? NO? perfect! Why are you going to launch me to space? Oh? This cool. I can if I press Z I go up and down But I can't jump like I only stick to a side Distracted you look distracted. You look kinda crazy right now, but it's genocide and don't forget we can heal I forgot about the healing items let's increase the difficulty shall we?sure Whoa! okay? What was that? What the heck was that? No way, I actually avoided it without a damage. That's so good And we also avoided this. this is going really well.I'm just going to continue fully seriously now We might even be able to properly avoid this next attack so just jump and then jump left jump right awesome oh This is actually pretty possible for me to do a no hit run because the hit boxes are very generous You felt your sins crawling through your back bone and not just on your back this time, but yeah now's this space thing again So that wasn't too bad It was just kind of confusing when we got to the next attack, but this is just really straightforward All right now. I need to I'm just going to start with pressing nothing and see if anything happens Yeah, okay, so I'm on the block, and I need to always change sides like this go up again, and then go down Okay, that's not bad at all. I like this.. Oh? Is that it? Seems like the game crashed name of the frame cause of the crash, okay? I think I'm not sure I think this actually yeah the demo ending if Gaster Demo ending is true Okay, that was kind of shorts. I mean it is still a demo so we don't want to spoil everything And I'm not sure how many acts there will be like two. Maybe three I have no idea, but I guess that was the game, but it's not over yet We still have two more things to do actually because they are the whole extra and credit stuff But there is also something. I already found while I looked around in the menu there is a secret encounter Now we are back in the main menu and like I said we can go to extras and we will actually get a little fun extra menu with flowey dancing left and right He's so happy. I love it and here. You can find challenges characters information extra content, so let's go to the credits first of course Toby Fox Obviously liquid and samuel himself and then ideas Samuel neko Lord alohasheep and the animatorguy Music and sounds the main menu by Jack Devil main Menu is beautiful And then we have howdy which might be this one. by 1D striking the Demon down, by playbee And then of course all the undertale songs that were used let there be light by amIevil Backbone? evans lone start menu by Toby Obviously judgment, Hella by Samuel and Then special thanks Neko Lord nekoko jacobzooa Mad Discordia animator guy again aloha Blue pixel other friends, and you, the player. Thanks for playing. there We go, and then we also have some challenges get a life. You can't see your HP Why can't I see a black soul that's kinda crazy and then one HP which we actually kind of did you can't heal We didn't even take a single hit of damage. I think on that final attempt. Which is crazy to me. Yeah here We have the characters we have W.D. Gaster We have no idea about attack or defense, but he wants to be free then papyrus He's too cute and nice for his own good But then revengeful papyrus who is much much stronger then Chara Oh, God that's actually kind of cute and creepy at the same time It's you you monster and sans He would die for his bro as we know if you've seen the first version where sans heroically sacrificed himself Samputer. Memes. he loves memes. What the heck and then you can also just customize your soul. Which is kind of your cursor I'm not sure if it, I don't think it, yeah Definitely not. It doesn't change the fight since you kind of need that o nice We have a golden one. I love the look of that with the shiny Cursor and then we can also just select the two acts, but now if this works again, we're I think we yeah a a scrapped challenger appeared flowey looks like you found a secret encounter I just randomly clicked on flowey before and found this one. So now we're actually going to fight against Flowey ax over the music in my way, we're still Cara and As real so it's azrael flowey alright check. We have no idea about flowey either He just wants his friend back or Azrael don't say flower the entire time Yo, whoa don't give up lair complete your quest, okay gasp, tura What the heck? What is happening, please don't don't kill me if I can be helpful. I swear We can accomplish what we were planning. Oh No ok we are the yellow? I'll wear the yellow soul and we can actually attack flower Is there a way to spare now of course not act? We already did that and guess we have to attack even more? Woah flowers awesome interests me. Let's me Miss remember We wanted to let the monsters free. Yes And we canceled it free the few remaining ones are because we are Karan our So oh goddess azrael stopping to his old best friend Okay, dot-dot-dot. So it doesn't matter if we fight or not yeah, Lobby will always avoid the attack Just let me your soul. I will break the barrier with the other six, whoa you oh God that is previous, but I still have to attack don't forget that. I can't just ran like that once the heart is here Come on, okay umm. I guess I just I can't just Do this the entire time that's interesting, so this is just a full Hp item er why do you want to destroy it by the way, I just Noticed Cara's face in the background that is so creepy Look at that the eyes and everything blood-red that is actually scary Destroy your own soul just to complete your quest I mean, I guess we have to do that, but that's really just a secret encounter I'm gonna attack the heart the entire time and of course always heal instead always works for some reason. That's awesome You are insane Cara no with this one again and a lot of damage perfect I don't want to attack the heart until it dies because I want to see all of the dialogue So I'm just going to wait now up and see what the dialogue is Gonna Tell me it maybe even more information this won't bring you anywhere Come on. Let's just Let's end all of this Stop being so hostile you want to kill your best friend Dot-dot-dot is it's gonna be the ending and the final boss will tell me - a cute flower yet And so oh, what are we now fighting in Saqqara in the background maybe Noah flower is still here That's awesome. Alright flowery or Azrael But now we actually have to fight even more I didn't expect an even harder phase here Come on Bambam knife you can't do a lot damage in this phase So we just have to hope for one of those friendliness pellets one. Okay? A lot of God now. We might give envy it Kinder oh God bored with us. What is happening? I'm too fast for my own good, but it's working come on Keep shooting is there going to be an even third phase? Yeah, okay? All it is is hargeon I thought and I was just waiting for more dialogue, but this is getting so difficult even Harder totally kind of Craziest But this is actually easier than the other phase because it's so fast that you can almost always hit the heart So this should be the final phase though I'm just spamming and I can't always feel I might sign our no no oh, God I might actually die come on three Hp. I'm gonna focus a lot on avoiding now. It's actually one of the hardest attack I Suck so much Alright halfway there. This should be a pretty soon the end Analysis, but uses attack. I think also the one where you can do the most damage because it's so long that was actually short I'm not sure the attack Depend on how much damage to deal or just a timer probably a timer? But this is by far the hardest one for me to Dodge But now this should be its we have the vine effect so yeah, we can deal a lot of damage. I'm so sorry as real I'm so sorry there we go and We died - no and that's going to be the ending right? I Think that was the ending I think that's just where you're supposed to stop it is just a secret and calendar so it's nothing serious But okay that was revenge the unseen ending the new version of disbelief Papyrus And it does look a lot better and more polished of course It's still just a pretty short demo, but I do think that it's being worked on a lot And I do want to play more because the devil is perfect to give you just enough to get you really interested But not enough that you see everything and it is already seen too much, but alright guys Thanks for watching. I hope you like this video and until next time take care
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,767,863
Rating: 4.896162 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, Fangame, Fanmade, Community, Disbelief, Disbelief Papyrus, Papyrus, Genocide, Ending, AU, Alternate Universe, Chara, Sans, Revenge, The Unseen Ending, Undertale Fangame, Toby Fox, New Version, New, Demo, Secret, Encounter, Easter Egg, Mystery, Gaster, W.D. Gaster, Special, Flowey, Asriel, Story, Lore, No Hit, Damageless, Hard, Difficult, Challenge, Must See, Amazing, Awesome, Insane, Crazy, Let's Play, Playthrough, Merg, Blind, Commentary, Reactions, Live, Family Friendly
Id: s_S8v4VZHZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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