ENDING + SECRET BOSS | Undertale: Battle Mode

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[Music] hey what's up guys welcome back to undertale battle mode at the fan game that started off pretty cool and chill but then just got completely ridiculous and amazing ever since we got to the gastro portion of duration modem and we left off last time in the battle it was really difficult and all over the place the window was flying all around and it is of course the second battle against WD caster and i remember i should not like go down because that kind of ruins things even more so we're just gonna encounter and challenge gastro and we're gonna have this again and it's kind of interesting like you can I think you can skip it like every time I do this I press the button the continue button and then you just slash and that's the real beginning of the challenge let's go so the figure steps before you I don't think I need to fight right I just had okay it's already starting goodbye a window um okay okay I remember the to gas your blasters happen a lot this one isn't too too long maybe I just wanna fight but it's always a miss so it doesn't really matter oh dude I remember how it raised it is is the window please stop okay let's heal because healing always works right and gives you a lot of HP right these are the the gastro blasters which literally are just the weapons and they don't even do the blasts you feel of the housing eyes by the way that was creepy this is difficult but you just want to run away was this worth it I mean it kinda is I'm not gonna lie it will be the entire like the gut the feeling you get when you experience this is honestly crazy like I definitely recommend trying this out for yourself if you haven't this is so cool [Music] always here [Music] that's it please okay perfect let's item I remember I got hit here because I don't exactly know what to do like maybe here [Music] this why I did it okay very good a very very good right in here you want to look them up always ah damn it already got hit 94 HP still good window went away for a bit but now it's back alright [Music] and the game title is just six six six six six six just endlessly oh Jesus alright this this is so difficult because you vanishes and you need to remember how the pattern goes okay whoa whoa sorry you guessed Reliant erupt the viewer wingding doc that's gonna be the devil okay we should be able to heal next turn perfect full of bull HP dammit the window completely wrecked me there the window was like freaking out let's just keep healing I think this is already the last attack right before the phase two now I'm still not sure what to do in Phase two I'm gonna be honest [Music] let's try this dammit give me one where he lowers to save no it's it this is face Tara and alright they need to open the window there we go got the music this is just so crazy dude what what even sans papyrus and now we're playing gasps rutila gastro mode let's go [Music] and it's a mega gastric can I even act like can I even know what this is it says Hell itself it's not even like a disaster it's a normal attack then a few bones right okay oh my god this is difficult but I remember that the entire screen light goes yeah like this and now I don't even know like um stay away from the buckets or wait the heel look the Gila anything you I need the green bone dude the window is flashing all over the place look at her place you [Music] oh this is actually like the Omega flower fights [Music] I can't see anything the window it's it's nonstop and it green I need the green boner can I get this one no I'm too slow and too slow this one or this one this one yeah yeah give me give me okay okay we're getting there we're getting more HP than we're losing right now stop my eyes I can't see what is it Oh gastric don't even tell me the soul this is it wow that was insane that was literally like a mega flower continue just immediately who's next who is even left like I think that was actually the end of dancer so Kyra haven't I already fought against you is this also a rematch now against Cara okay or maybe it's the same Karma it was foolish of you over now that it's interesting is this the same that we had oh no wait now that's so strange and Britisher it ended even earlier than last time what okay Oh willow I can't even go down do I need to click the door duration or 0% genocide okay it's just dog what well you're quite a rarity most players would just give up after completing the duration mode but you think you're an exception someone who doesn't have to obey by the rules those kinds of people I was told to punish I am Manta bro okay whoa oh okay we're gonna fight okay we're gonna fight the game literally manty appears okay I have a feeling this is gonna also ruin the application because already you can see that the file itself is crazy hello mandir the game's left-wing okay but we have two creators right like two main so maybe we're gonna have two fights rahiba permission to run get out please [Music] no mercy we have to fight this is really it do you want this this is going to be a total glitch vest I I was thinking that was the case but this doesn't seem too bad wine okay I need to stay in a pattern though oh they move left and right I see how it works so I'm just gonna keep fighting because this is actually a fight battle apparently I can't just kill the umpire at Iowa by the way this is not a place you are supposed to be in and what the heck they're moving around like crazy Oh Noah the music though the music is really good [Music] is there any strategy to that can i view the quiche okay 24 oh no oh no this is terrible I should not have done that maybe I'm the safest just in the corner just don't move them oh my could look at that it was so close let's fight quickly so we can get a different tack and then maybe he'll after a and easy Juana how did you even get here I don't know but I like your shades your glasses you have something you have somebody I saw a fight oh it's fast now no okay um I guess we can fight I could have healed it that was not too bad of an attack an average player cannot get past all these fights hey thanks for the compliment though [Music] I have no idea what's happening now I don't think I deserve your compliment anymore what the hell is this oh dude okay I need to fight I cannot I kind of kill doing that you probably armed an average player than huh oh okay now you're just checking grenade it's glitch grenades stop it [Music] or that was close but it's not too bad you have a lot of time to react might even want to heal now a perfect dumpling not that much HP unfortunately maybe I want to steal the right-side up perfect [Music] are those your manatee blasters the Liberty Kula for the Gooch blasters and B laughs they're laughing at me every time great so we've been hit in the middle it's also ten okay so it doesn't matter took a lot of skill to get here right all this again this might be it this is getting too difficult and I don't think I can heal okay the groan no not okay okay okay or this is karma for saying it was an easy attack now I'm getting the crazy buff version [Music] stopstopstop you have no more items left a lot of commitment it did okay if it's just this one if there's no like we can literally just stay here know waited homes in art but I can't stay in this pattern them oh oh thank God I wasn't sure if I was gonna get hit there and here you are [Music] this is the hardest one and I'm dead or oh my god look at the face who let that was that was creepy like though the game is quit by the way it stopped be careful a special pass away so is this already the special boss okay there we go I can't do anything else I can't go down like a no I can no don't click reset accidentally I don't even know if you can go back at this point but I'm not gonna risk anything I'm just gonna be here I thought like you you're gonna fight against a daughter because there's a creepy amalgamate dog sounds but no we're gonna fight against Monty [Music] this one is so crazy what am I gonna say best part of the song again can you believe that this place is the reason behind you exist in this program no you're crazy oh my god okay okay this might be the special attacks now so this might be it sooner think of this place as your Creator this is easier okay this is I think this should be easier than the previous one and I think I have enough HP to even thank some damage so we're good we're good let's go now you expect me to say something along the lines of you weren't supposed to beat me or no I was i but think for a second if I wanted to kill you you would have been dead long before this fight even began but now you must go forward you've proven yourself eligible to go sorta oh but that was expected of you after all I'm not the one in control Oh dargon you know do you believe that you arrived here on your own free will do you believe you discovered this place on your own well no I mean the the door literally appeared right in front of me I was guiding you every step of the way I was with you observing you and whilst observing I know it's something something peculiar do you believe that this is a game that this game follows a formula don't lie to me I saw you remember every step of the way come on dog I hear you in the background you can't fool me do you think you are prepared for what is to come next probably not that was too short it's gonna be crazy at the end because we both know what happens next the truth is you cannot possibly be here this is no longer a game please tell me your name pipe it into the docs box below for us enter when done oh wait whoops I I didn't whoops oh no no what am i doing I didn't know I messed up I am this game's creator I am angry pack what what what where's my other face is this meme central again hello oh hello you look unhealthy there is something about you you managed to get past every defensive line in a unique way and like one seen before I have seen many of you but this is not normal the place after this it is a serious matter you definitely must never go there and well it is my job to protect it and that's something I would risk my life on but if by any rare chance you do get there do not touch anything all right are you ready don't hold anything back here I come what um I see you oh it's Toby Fox what's up or the that bad that Toby Fox face that I connect to Toby Fox oh Jesus do what happened it's too many faces what the critters here oh he's gonna die tonight mister is the window is the game window title that's unsettling it's a thingy okay okay as much as he wants you know the sense that your game okay Oh as much as he wanted Boris can I just joke a cheesy internet Palmer the creator can barely hold back from laughing hell yeah we're doing it guys well I guess we have to fight as usual oh the window just went crazy this is it the true showdown are those Smiley's okay we're meme meme central guys his name's idiot stop shaking we'll win the creator for his creation [Music] what is is music not that it matters the battle has already been decided whoa oh my god the window is now going to complete I can see anything is shaking like insanity [Music] okay okay what's good enough I expect having two healing items again you don't send a chance and you never will I would know I'm dying okay I'm dying let's go oh no that was that was a trick oh my god they're just getting faster I see I created you remember what [Music] oh I think you I don't actually know let's just try the what can't not eat seriously why are you okay it's probably not till during this one is way too difficult [Music] I just need to find them it was a bad mistake there was a reason I brought you here oh I need to okay please seriously you're true it's a new one okay this is not too bad I know it like this pattern is used so often I'm good at this by now after all the years of bang games oh wow oh thank god that was it how would happen I'm already in half HP and this is still taking so long the cycle starts were you playing the game and then you beat the game calm down Ezreal that hits your lightning bolts after oh whoops okay I shouldn't I'm sorry I'm used to now skipping [Music] well there will always be something left and that something is immediate [Music] damnit oh no this is not good at this falling apart again the final obstacle the last guardian of the special rule why do I have to shield myself from some airplanes or just normal airplane what airplanes what is this fire attack this special room you must never find it and it is my job to guard it okay this is going to be a problem nice and then writes everyone who go to the right oh no they're not even doing at this time okay goodbye my friends however if you do find it let's just say you'll have no fun there damnit I need to do this no hits like this is an easy issue wanna but is it true that I'm not taking that much damage anyway maybe it's getting easier because the boss has so much HP em it could destroy you and if it does no one can help not even me in the pattern pattern right down left up right down left up right down left out [Music] okay anyways so boy you really are persistent aren't you oh no oh buddies I needed that so badly fam at six HP I needed the healer if you don't hurry up and die I'm afraid I'll have to use my special attack and I'm dead yeah but this one is like a troll it doesn't help you now I think just up and down no one [Music] and now wait you say oh my god I didn't heed to be fast what the hell so uh just give me the special attack but heal me first now it actually hurts what what I didn't hit what way does this come to the glitch now Oh No cuz this is supposed to be happening I cannot lose it here this again I'll thank God thank God I remember the pattern whew this is good oh no it's a new pattern we're gonna fount the pattern like it right away behind now we're faced my special attack [Music] oh well here was my special attack that was needed oh um um okay that was rude it's that was rude it spammed open windows you're gonna die right now hanky no more fooling around you you Oh Oh Oh al you were not supposed to see this ever but uh I can explain this all of it please just give me a chance nah now it's personal now it's personal huh huh I see what this is about but I'm not going to give up that easily there we go holy crap but it's not gonna be that easy is there is it well this is it huh I don't believe you you liver land determination the other guy you mean him okay yeah hey what would you need me I'm not supposed to be a part of this well I guess they aren't supposed to be here either so what's going on hold up where is your spooky coats aren't you mul Nura be like this actually you look like you already took a beat wait are you sweating or something yeah what you okay that you're gonna fuse you few in huh let's go yeah oh no it really is an amalgamation of the two creators you can come here is this this the finale is this the real final boss both of them at once man T&N Jian Ren GE [Music] and my name is Chris okay should you stab it I mean I can try and poke it I know it works you're Muslim right okay okay okay not too bad so far we must stop you I mean we gotta try oh my god the music to remix up the boss such a good song the amalgamate song okay should you stab it I mean I guess so dude that's right is creepy please understand you can continue I'm not even gonna trust you you guys with the healing item not even gonna use one because it might just end up damaging the egg and you have lost my trust you too now I'm gonna get my revenge bad things ahead what I've already gone through with the window spam the gastro window just ruining everything ruined I've been through enough I want I want my oh I want my victory you won't be able to help you a why is this still going on ah tip-up this again is it only these few attacks I mean in that case it's gonna be easy I'm not gonna complain oh my God look at the sprite what's happening now not after what will come okay no hope but we are past the halfway point so I have a lot of hope No [Music] okay half half right now ah but they are losing them the code will be different they're losing HP faster than I am time is on my side - not anymore not anymore definitely not let's keep fighting it I'm so afraid of viewing unprotected void of coordi I need to heal I need to try it oh my god you recover 25 that's a true [Music] [Music] oh my god and talk [Music] haha this is scary now Oh No the undying spear one with the blasters that's actually the hardest one produced a bit I guess I just have to send them Oh No speak of this attack and it shall appear my god No yes okay oh my god am I gonna my god I'm nervous now just use these worms please never use the plaster one again and I definitely cannot get hit during this one this this is highest priority to stay safe and to always feel damaged man oh it's this one I messed up oh my god power I'm probably dead like it's a hard one now yep assets I think that's it you know no way [Music] okay this is where I die is this is this always going to be the last one or something because the hardest one that's gone Oh Noah we can't fruit stands by the way oh maybe a little bit a little bit weird but not really what's here is this the area that I was not supposed to be in am I gonna destroy the game let's go hell yeah this machine has a tag on it sink for a second do you really want to push this button will you push the button let's think about it yes uh-oh did I mess up did I glitch it Oh No Oh undertale battle mode seriously kid stop you contemptible a-sun chamois ball or undertale do you see my eye I need more is this is this a special you still alive huh oh I think we just broke it are we undertale corrupted undertale this is literally undertale interrupted wait maybe maybe that's actually what happened maybe it literally does what the undertale corruptor does to your undertale I think so I think it literally corrupted itself okay that is hilarious what the heck wait wait let me oh no look at four elf is when I get hit Oh No okay let me let me actually restart and maybe it always is random oh no no it's good again maybe there was just one Easter Egg like a little secret they don't do duration now what happens okay that's still the door oh oh okay and now I guess you can always fight against the bosses but I think I'm done I mean I I don't think there was anything that I could have done at that point so what this might be it guys this might be the finale I guess now it's what's up my my Scylla Bros cruising along awesome I guess I can go to arcade now we just see enjoy the traditional culture of conquering the enemy is okay Oh shoes your opponent random selection click to reveal a pacifist sergeant let's go with this one and now we've lost guys so this is just the mode and there is actually something you guys told me to do it you want me to attack in pacifist mérida or neutral no no so that works in me that's so terrible and it always works like you can just attacks but sans is gonna hello sans is just gonna dodge No we don't want to hurt anyone right can I die here [Music] I thought you we didn't want to hurt anyone G oh get G you get drunk okay what I'm sorry okay customer just go choose out of all the enemies pacifists six bones okay neutral oh oh maybe if you all look at this if you did neutral then if you do pacifist you get six bones and sands and if you do neutral because you can't attack sands if you do neutral huh you you would have gotten Kara the real Cara yeah okay let me let me restart John wait what okay wait first of all I want the Goomba why Goomba what's up something about this isn't right Goomba noises whatever a Goomba makes meow-meow I don't know I would look at the Goomba dancer um jump over right yeah surprise exactly don't don't jump on goombas just let them live they're just weird mushroom things I don't even know perfect aren't fonder points what I don't want to kill Goomba no yeah John okay hello jontron makes this big premiere we [Music] don't get it Oh No oh my yep okay we're meme city again stop stop don't what is it what stop you wings were clipped Oh No try not to die okay okay okay okay we'll get me central again I do like it [Music] try again over dresser oh no just a miss what [Music] what blasters you're still alive well then do I win I guess I just have to fix that you that I is a little disturbing seriously what are you Am I is this are we really doing this I [Music] have a bad feeling about this of course we have this well this is hard this is hard I need to fight our our Jesus oh wait I can I can like hide a little bit at the bottom you still alive post-race huh what's that with what you think you can defeat me hell yeah Oh No you really are a goblin oh okay we're starting again those hands though look at those majestic hands [Music] [Applause] this is a mess but I know that those are the lasers yeah I have a sense I can't attack though I can't do anything [Music] no I'm gonna dye it he's gonna be it Olivia maybe to survive why are you so resilient I'm full of determination it could all end for you right now you could finally feel the gentle embrace of death that you have longed for no am I wrong we're gonna go inside of you I don't care I'm not oh my daughter either way it no okay okay okay okay i'm okay i can't-can't it this is it Jesus Christ what is this game right now okay that was undertale battle mode I think by ng or NJPAC and man - bro who we both fought against in this episode and that is just okay duration arcade custom we checked everything else the duration is the main story mo do you want to do arcade is just oh oh what's up you two hope you're having a great old time doing that okay let's um go go back to here for a little bit so we're not gonna interrupt it so you have duration the main story arcade which is just if you're a feeling you know what feeling like it you can fight as many bosses or enemies encounters as you want and then custom you can do all of them as much as you want but guys that was a very interesting fan game started off slow and like okay a pretty cool idea and then it just turned into complete memes and craziness and ridiculous fights and I kind of loved it I have to say there was a really fun experience thanks for watching and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,652,356
Rating: 4.8835893 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Gaster, W.D. Gaster, Chara, Genocide, Pacifist, Duration, Final Boss, Boss, Boss Fight, Boss Battle, All Bosses, EngiPak, Mantibro, Finale, Ending, True Ending, Secret, Secret Boss, Awesome, Amazing, Chill, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Highlights, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg
Id: cXcyK8LN4U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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