RimWorld animal guide 2023, pen guide, feeding, farm animals, breeding, hauling, taming, and more

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this is an animal's guide for rimworld I'm going to teach you everything you need to know about animals in this game how to tame them use them and all the little details that matter so let's go ahead and get right into it so in order to tame an animal you're gonna need a pawn who has good animals skill if they don't it's gonna be tough because animals Can Only Be Tamed if your animal handling skill is high enough for example elephants are really hard to tame they take seven animal handling skill so it's not something you'll be able to get right away if your animal handling skill is very low if it's like zero then the only thing that you will hand obtain are certain farm animals if you even see any because they're kind of rare to find organically so a duck for example zero minimum handling skill in order to uh train it now in order to train an animal this one's already tamed or whatever say this one over here if you go and find an animal on the map you can click it and then click tame this will mark it for Tame and when your animal Handler is available and food is available to tame them with they'll come and tame them there's a few things to know about this so if it is an herbivore your Pawn will need some kind of vegetable Source like rice or kibble or something which we'll talk about kibble in a sec in order to tame it if it's a carnivore you'll need some type of meat in order to tame the animal your Handler will then grab whatever resource and then go walk out to them and attempt to tame them now in order to make this happen you either have to right click and manually do it so I would have to I guess this person's already taming right now so okay we would right click and say tame and then your person will do it right now or if you want it to be a scheduled task at the appropriate time go to the work Tab and if you use the advanced priorities find the person who you want to do The Taming and make sure their handling is set very high priority so whenever they have a moment they can go ahead and tame whatever animal now we talked about kibble kibble is an efficient food source that you can use for most animal I think wargs are the only ones in the base game that can't take it so you'll need a butchering table you'll have to butcher a creature and then also you have to add a build a butcher creature and add a build to make kibble and then kibble uh uses one uh one source of like one vegetable Source or one I mean and one meat source so you'll need to butcher animals and you'll need to have berries or hay grass or um you know rice corn something like that and it's more efficient than just feeding them anything else because it takes one nutrition of each it makes a product that gives 2.5 nutrition also if kibble is under a roof and in a storage area like this it will never rot so you could stockpile thousands upon thousands of kibble instead of having meat and stuff that rots which is very helpful in a playthrough where you don't have electricity like a tribal start or something like that but anyway you could take kibble then in order to tame it or you can take in this case vegetables for this one like rice or if it's a carnivore like a panther you'll need meat or you could also feed it kibble now being able to tame an animal again requires the skills like that the panther takes eight handling skill very difficult to tame but even then it's not a guaranteed chance so the higher your animal skill is relative to what you need in order to tame it so if it's zero and you're like it needs zero and your skill is nine then there's gonna be a good chance every time you try that you're entertainment like a 30 chance or a 40 chance or something higher maybe but if your animal skill is nine and this one takes eight in order to do you're gonna have a low chance of taming it maybe a 10 chance or something like that and some animals don't like that some animals don't like being tamed so if you look at the information there is a Revenge chance on team fail so basically with a thirty percent on a panther if I like one out of three times that I fail to tame the panther it will then try to kill me well me being you know whichever person is going to tame it so this is why it's also important if you can to have your Tamer have a very high melee stat ideally have a trait of being a brawler which this person does not have but you know that's not everything's always ideal and have them with some good armor like a long sword or something or some crazy melee weapon so that way if they do get uh the Revenge chance triggered on something they'll defend themselves but if they don't have that keep them in mind and don't necessarily go try to tame something that could kill you uh that's not a good idea then if depending on where you are in your playthrough or something like that now and we'll have other stats in here they have their move speed their trainability which we'll talk about in a moment uh they also have a filter which is how quickly they dirty up an area that they live in they have carry capacity they have whether or not their pack animal which we'll also talk about a minute blocked by fences and they have life expectancy which is really important to see you don't want to waste your time taming an animal that's 12 years old if its life expectancy is 13 or if it's like right on the end of its life cycle it's not necessarily worth your time depending and then uh they have the Revenge chance on harm which you might already know but if you played this game talk about how long it takes for him to grow from a baby to an adult and then there's also much damage they do speaking of the baby to adult if you have multiple animals a male and a female of the same type so we have a male elephant and two females here they will randomly breed and they will become pregnant and you will see in health pregnant now they can't have a miscarriage so make sure that don't get starved or injured if they do there may be a miscarriage but animals will reproduce and slowly um you know you'll get more and more and more of them basically so another thing we need to talk about before moving on to anything else is tameness so animals like farm animals like ducks and chickens and dogs they're not really farming I'll put dogs and cats they have zero wildness which makes them easy to tame and it makes it so their tameness never goes away they literally Will Be Tamed forever they don't need any maintenance once you get them they're done you're done you have them uh and some of them can be trained more advanced some can't so ducks have trainability none and this means the only thing I can do is just tame them at all they can't be trained to do anything so animals like this you only want to get for specific purposes like pack animals like alpacas or something or farm animals because they give resources so animals can give resources ducks can lay eggs which you can use for food and you can sell um some animals like alpacas can be used for alpaca wool every 10 days you'll Shear some wool you can make clothes out of it or you can just sell it or make clothes and sell the clothes um and then some and well some animals can be milked for milk and one animal boom rats can be milked for chem fuel which is a really interesting concept now not all animals are the same in how that that you manage them so for some of the advanced animals you can go to zones and you can make an area like this so I have area one and then I can go to my animals Tab and see my tamed animals and restrict them to that area and they'll hang out there so that's how to like you know take care of elephants make sure they have enough room to graze so they don't starve to death and stuff like that but you know it's these animals it doesn't have that it says not in a pen but what you have to do is you have to go to structure wooden fence and make a whole fence like this with a gate and then eventually a um pen marker once it's done and then then once you have a marked pen then your Handler will take just randomly grab them and like bring them over to the pen and put them in the pen and then from there you're good if you don't put them in a pen there's a random chance that I'll just randomly roam off off the map and never come back so you definitely want to put pen animals like ducks into a pen you know it doesn't have to be a pen because pens are efficient but you could do it inside of a structure with actual walls like you know what we have here I already have one but you know we have this structure here so you could just put them in here and Mark that as a pen with a pen marker and that will take care of animals going into a pen you know if you want to put them in there but just costs a lot more but someone you want to do like boom racks you want to put them into a stone pens because they can blow up and Catch Fire uh so it just depends also to be a little more specific about this uh pen marker in case you're confused once you build a pen if you have a gate the gate is what you need well even the fans can do it too uh but you can put it on once you click it it'll bring up an option at the bottom says wooden pen marker and you'll need 30 wood in order to build it so then you'll be able to do it from there which is kind of awkward and then tell your person to go build it and once they do that then you'll be able to take your ducks and prioritize roping them and you can actually get multiple at a time take them all in and now all the Ducks are inside the pen now that was probably a bad idea for me to make such a small pen because they're all going to starve to death now because there's not enough grass but yeah you can put them all in a pen like that now something else to know about animals is that you can uh once you do their tamed you can see their needs and stuff their food their sleep make sure they don't starve to death but also under their health I always recommend putting changing them all to doctor care but no medicine so don't waste all your medicine generally animals are gonna be okay without medicine the only time you really want a medicine is that they have a serious thing like animal plague or if they have multiple injuries that need to be healed rapidly so they don't like bleed out that would be the time to use a medicine instead because medicines will heal multiple wounds per um time per like attempt or if you just want to save time you have tons of verbal medicine then that's also another time you'd want to use medicine make sure you swap all those down because not always a good idea to have them all like that all right so we talked about these tabs in this animal tab we can see everything from here we also set the doctor care from here which saves you a lot of time instead of finding all the animals you can also set the tameness things that you want to do from down here and stuff which we'll talk about just a second and uh you can also set the pens from here you can also set whether or not to sterilize them so they can't have kids whether to slaughter them for food in case you have too many or just don't want them anymore more or to release them into the wild if you just want to get rid of them without killing them now these painless things so we talked about this uh tameness goes down she's ones at four or five if an animal has wildness that's more than 10 they'll have a a Decay on their tameness so it takes maintenance to keep them from just turning wild and just roaming off so in order to do that your Handler has to every day uh go up to them and train them now you can't do when sleeping you do it manually or they'll do it automatically if they have no other taming jobs to do but that's why it's important to have a Tamer full-time dealing with things if you want to keep things like elephants because these will go down over time and if they go to zero the annual roam off but they all do stacks so if you train some of the other ones they'll Decay one at a time so if they're tamed to everything it'll take a long time for them to go wild again so in order to do this stuff you can turn it off and they'll only all your Handler will do is keep their tameness up but if I Mark guard then it will take three attempts successful attempts and guard will then be three of three and then the animal can be assigned a master who will follow and defend whenever you draft your Pawns after guard is done that allows you to train any one of these ones that you want you don't have to train them all you can pick and choose attack allows you to release the animal temporarily to chase after enemies and fight them rescue allows your animal to try to pick up down to pawns and then bring them back to a bed and save them and then hauling makes them go if they're in an area that will let them do it like if these elephants wouldn't be able to do it because I'm restricted to a Zone but if they're unrestricted or if it was in their Zone they could go and just randomly grab this rice and put it in a stockpile randomly pick up wood and put it in the stockpile stuff like that so that is what hauling does now again if you have all these checked and your person eventually gets all of them maxed out then it'll go it'll start I think starts and bottom so you'll see hauling goes six of seven five oh seven four of seven every seven days or whatever it is based on the wildness and then all the way through so if everything's marked everything's done and your Tamers actually tamed them up like that it'll take years in-game years for them to eventually go wild again so you can kind of stockpile tame this by going and getting everything like that so anyway when you go to tame them it's not a 100 chance it depends on the animal skill of the person so this person has animals nine and when they try to tame it with these elephants for example that the already tame ones there's like a 30 chance of success or so and to do that also takes food you'll need kibble or you'll need uh hay grass or rice or berries or something and every time you attempt to tame them but costs a lot of resources to keep them tame so be careful with what you tame uh it's not a good idea to have this many animals with no Rhyme or Reason like wraps are actually terrible because they have wildness they don't really do anything so you know keep in mind rats are actually really good though for training tameness I guess if you're in your level four or whatever but there's so many on the map but you know keep that in mind when taming if you just want to train time maintaining maybe you just tame the animals and then slaughter them immediately it just depends but yeah do you mind having too many animals without enough handlers is a bad idea they'll all just go wild eventually also not all animals can get these things like I said the Ducks can't be trained in any way the rats can't be trained monkeys have intermediate trainable ability so they can be trained to guard and attack but they can't rescue or haul things so keep that in mind it's also important to know when trying to figure out what animals you want to tame also pack animals are a thing so pack animal yes or it'll say no here so alpacas elephants horses uh muffalos I think lots of other animals and what this means is that when you go to the world map and you click on your Colony form a caravan choose somewhere to go except then you can take your colonists and you can also take these pack animals and each one will increase how much carry weight you can carry in your Caravan now this is really helpful when you want to move colonies or you want to trade large sums of goods to another place or offer huge gifts to another colony and also if the animal is rideable there's a staffer rideable then if you have one for each colonist it'll make them move faster so the three colonists and three of these I can my moose beat can be much higher than because my economists can ride on them when in the Caravan and so that's important to know riding and pack animals are a huge part of the game uh so definitely uh if you I know that's like the number one thing to do just get like a couple alpacas or something or an elephant or two or something because it just makes life easier when you actually use Caravans also don't forget you can go to the wildlife tab we only we talked about this and see all the animals that are currently on the map and then click one to see where it is and uh you can also do a lot of stuff from here you can mark them for hunting or mark them to be hunted or mark them to Be Tamed from here you can also see their Revenge chance and they're they're from being attacked and the Revenge chance from being tamed you can also see if they're a predator you can also just click the little I from here to learn more about that that species in general without having to actually go over to it so that's really helpful when you want to tame a bunch of animals and see what's going on on the map see what's available and so I can go here and say I want the elephants I could just say tame these three uh you can all see their gender so I could be like all right I want you know one male and then two females go and tame them when you can and then also has life stage you can Mouse over it to see how old these animals are which is also helpful so you adult team ones that are on the verge of death basically of old age and uh yeah and if alpacas for example those ones are really pack animals they give alpaca wool make a lot of money by selling alpaca wool you can also see grass to maintain and other helpful information in there and then one last thing I've never I haven't tested this myself but there was idea if there's not enough uh grass in the zone that they're feeding in apparently you can do a Grow Zone and then plant uh dandelions and apparently at 10 dandelions can be eaten and it actually is more efficient than just letting wild grass grow I never tested this myself but I've read this and thought that was really interesting also don't forget you can grow hay grass which allows you to stockpile large amounts of food for animals that can eat hay grass or you can use the hay grass as a material with meat in order to make kibble so hay grass is also an important part of animal handling so keep that in mind as well consider making hay grass if you have the Growers available for that and then one last thing here that's really important to know so The Best For Last some animals are really hard to tame this Panther for example extremely dangerous to tame and extremely hard to tame because it has wildness 80. thrombos are even worse thrombos are the main one that you're going to be doing this too is because they're so hard to kill so what you can instead do is you could draft all your colonists and go and try to kill the animal once the animal is downed I mean you may just die but you know based on your luck but if it's not dead and it goes down you can go to furniture and you can go to animal sleeping spots place down animal sleeping spot and after there's an animal sleeping spot on the ground you'll be able to right click rescue on the downed animal and someone will take it back to be mended then what you can do is you can patch up the animal and then you can go and you can check its Health to make sure that no body part no yeah no body parts are going to actually break because like you can see the health on an injured body part I don't know if we have any here yeah uh well we can't see the health oh yeah we can the tails at two of four two HP points out of four HP points just make sure that none of the body parts that are important are gonna you know hit zero because then they'll break forever so you lose a leg or lose a brain or something but anyway you'll go there and you'll tend to the animal and heal it up give it a little bit of time to heal like a few hours and then you'll collect the columnist draft them and then click the melee attack button and melee attack the downed animal and beat them up some more but don't kill them so while you're beating them up you'll keep an eye on the health make sure that nothing's gonna break and then once they start getting really badly injured again you stop attacking them and you heal them again and you do this over and over and over and over again and there's two reasons to do it one is it's a good way to train medical XP but the real reason you do it is every time that you tend to an injured animal there's a small chance that you'll build a bond with that animal and a bonded animal instantly gets tamed so you can force a tame with a dangerous animal like a thrombo by just beating it up and healing it over and over and over and over again and sooner or later you'll you'll form a bond with it and then you'll have a tame thrombo or Panther or a Warg or a grizzly bear or whatever else it is that's you know dangerous as hell to try to tame normally so that's like one little trick that can make you allow you to tame some crazy dangerous animals so keep that in mind that's a really good thing to know but yeah guys I think that about wraps it up this has been the animal guide I hope you guys learned a lot hopefully not a better a better idea of how animals work maybe in the future I'll make a guide on what the best animals are and why and why you'd want different ones but this one was just a crash course to get you started so you know how to do it yourself I hope this video helped you out check out the description for other helpful stuff and also if you want to help me check out this game that I'm making a steam I'll have a link to in the description this video below the first paragraph uh called Art Gallery simulator check that out that would help me out a lot but anyway guys this has been my animal guide frame World hopefully helped you out now you know how to tame and take care of animals and how to use animals in real world
Channel: Kibbles Gaming
Views: 49,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld animals, rimworld animal guide, rimworld taming guide, rimworld animal pen, rimworld animal farm, rimworld animal pen guide, rimworld animal feeding, rimworld animal army, rimworld animal farming guide, rimworld animal zones, rimworld animal breeding, rimworld animals 1.4, rimworld animals tutorial, rimworld guide, rimworld animals pen, rimworld breeding, rimworld breeding animals, rimworld pen guide, rimworld how to feed animals, rimworld pen marker, best
Id: y4mmpLJA7yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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