Everything Wrong With The Sims 4: Strangerville

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I look dumb, be nice. But this rant was made possible by EA game-changers. Is this how everybody else felt about My First Pet Stuff? And I just didn't really care, and now they've crossed a line, you've crossed a line, Sims Team. I am so upset right now. I just got early access to this new pack. Checking out Strangerville, you know, I already had pretty low expectations I don't really care about this kind of content. I was like story-based? Occult stuff? Like, not really for me But I was excited to see like what new stuff they're gonna do. I was so excited about the world, and the build mode stuff, because I love to build in the Sims, I love new worlds. Most of my time playing The Sims is spent working on like my simsie save file where I rebuild the worlds and like add in new lots and new townies and stuff, and so I was really excited for new lots. And then I went in, I checked all the lots out. I was like exploring I was seeing cool stuff I think that some of the builds are a bit disappointing like as far as these like upper Victorian houses go I was like I don't know The interior is kind of empty like I click on this one first and I went inside and there's literally an empty room in this house. Like you come in and you're like, "oh there isn't really much furniture in here, that's kind of weird." Okay, I mean like it's - they're trying to conserve stuff so it runs on poor computers. Fine, whatever. You go upstairs, there's literally an empty room. Why is there this tiny bedroom? And then this empty - can I propose a solution? What if they put like, this furniture inside of this? Room- it- doesn't that seem a little bit like I And then make a bigger bathroom or something? Like, I mean you have enough empty rooms as it is. Doesn't that make more sense than having a literal empty room? I don't know that was just disappointing to me, and like I'm used to stuff like that happening in EA houses. They do that a lot. It's not a surprise. The rest of the house is kind of cool, like exterior and the shape of it and stuff. But I went on and all the houses are like that. But like, the rest of the world is so cool that I didn't care. Like walking up to this house, look at the driveway area and like the world surrounding this house, and like yeah the house is pretty empty and weird. Like this is like a kid's desk in an empty room Otherwise, it's just a weird house The interiors are weird and kind of boring and I don't understand why they're like this But I'm willing let that slide. Like that the shape of the house itself is kind of one of the cooler builds we have in the game. I think it's kind of ugly but Like I'm not here to judge that It looks like an EA house, but I went through and I looked at all the Lots look at all these first then I went and I kind of looked at these kind of in this order and I went around and This was the last build that I got to. This Carpophagous Corner now I clicked on it went into build mode went into the lot and I was so Legitimately in shock when it loaded up. Does this house look familiar to you? At all? Does it? This is literally a base game house. They didn't even change the color scheme They took a base game house. You look at the inside, the only thing different about the floor plan is that this bathroom is a tile bigger like the base game house? It looks like this. It's like they copied the house, placed the lot down, moved it farther over and like more central and then made the bathroom a little bit bigger and then called it a new house. I do not understand. You can't just change the columns and then be like, "oh, it's a new house." This is the exact same house as the base game house. How are you gonna build a starter home for your new game, your new world, and have it be the exact same as one in the base game? You're not gonna pay $20 for a base game house! Every single object in here is base game except for this laptop, and that's fine there isn't really much like game in-game items that came with this pack but like They just changed the doors and windows and added this back porch and then called it a new house This is a base game house. It's not even a good base game house. This is like objectively one of the worst base game houses and like even the weird floor plan of the kitchen is the same with like just this fridge being over there. But like, in the Get Famous– I said Get Famous and used to Get Famous being bad but like in that house, the light is like right here why? It's so... How are you gonna have two bad worlds in a row? Like yeah, the interior is different but like even the tiles, they just use the blue version instead. Like, "oh boy a new house. I changed the floors." I don't know. I just - I am so disappointed by the fact that the house is the same. Look at the exterior, the col- the fact that the color scheme is even the same. Like if they had changed the color scheme and like switched up the windows, you could even put this weird bump out on the other side and I'd be like, yeah, it's a new house. But it's the same house. I am legitimately upset by this. I just don't understand and why they couldn't have built a new one. You could build a new starter home. You could build a new base game starter home in like 15 minutes. It is not difficult to build a base game starter home. You know what? Mm-hmm. I'm gonna build you guys a new base game starter home to put on that lot, that's different, in 15 minutes. To prove my point. I'm so frustrated and disappointed by this I just, I had such high hopes for this and like the rest of the world is so cool. Like look at this trailer park, that's next door. You see this lot is inside of the trailer park? That's so cool. I've wanted a thing like this forever. And then you come, and you look next door, and there's this stupid base game, carbon copy house. And obviously, I can't, like, complain about this yet, because I - it's Thursday for me, I just got early access, so like no one knows about this. I put it in the Game Changer Discord, and I was like, hey guys, like this is kind of stupid and freaky, like carbon copy of a base game house, why? And no one seemed to really care that much. Am I the only person that cares about this? I... we're gonna fix it. Let me just eliminate this mess, please and thank you. Okay, let me pull up a timer on my phone. 15 minutes on the clock. I forgot to upload my Youtube video. I was so stressed about- oh, hang on. Can't even type my video title and fix it all, because I'm so... ragey about this. Oh my god, I need to like calm down. I need to drink some water. So you see how the houses around here - I mean, don't count that one, that's one of their builds. I don't want to think about that. But the houses, like next door, are kind of like this sort of style. I'm gonna go for that style, to try and make the neighborhood blend in well. I can make a carbon copy of this house and it'd still be better, because at least it's a new house. I'm sorry. I'm... I'm just upset. Okay. Ready, set, go. 15 minutes, let's build, team. I'm gonna go ahead, and I'm gonna put a fancy box right there. I'll even, like, you know, make it a little bit off-center on the lot like they did. I'll put like a little bit of a front porch in the front up there, put it on a foundation. It seems like the houses around here have like a 4 wide stair foundation, so I'll make it match. And then I want the roof to look similar to the one next door, because I feel like that's kind of the vibe of the neighborhood so it - it makes sense, right? So I'll just do a lower roof... See, I made that match kind of identically to the roof across the way. I think that looks kind of cool I'm not gonna lie. Like I'm kind of into that. I'm gonna do that same thing with the bump-out like they had over there, on the other side. I'm gonna make some parts of this house very similar to the original house. For example, the patio in the back and like the bump out on the side, but on the opposite side. Don't want it to be too much of a copy. I'm gonna use the Strangerville columns, because, one, they're kind of cheap, and two, I like them. I also - I'm gonna use the green color, because they used to have the green color on theirs. So I want to keep that vibe. I'm gonna show that you can use the same color scheme, and not have it look identical I'm gonna use that weird green color on the roof too- I know it's weird, but I kind of like it. Oh, hey, they added new... colors. Look, there's like a bright yellow, and a lighter yellow. Ooh. Okay, that's really exciting. And the orange? I'm not gonna use them, but they added them. I'm gonna use this bright green color though, I think. See we can have an all-green house and have it still look, okay. These doors are really cheap too - wait, that's really exciting. I didn't realize how cheap the new doors were. And there you have it, folks. The exterior of my house. Let's finish the inside. I wanted the floor plan to be slightly closed off, because it is supposed to be like an older looking like Victorian sort of inspired house. So I just furnished the whole kitchen area. Obviously, it's completely functional. You've got all the items you need. The bathroom here is kind of boring, but I'm going to leave it in case I don't have enough money. And, we have a fully functional bedroom. Would you look at that? Obviously, not ideal. There's not much on the walls and stuff, but that's an entire house. Fully functioning, TV, everything. Already done. Still have two minutes to add to the exterior. Put some cheap landscaping, like a tree, down. Maybe a little bit of like this grassy stuff. Might even move the house over one... So that it looks a little bit more - you see how it looks like there's a pathway already? I didn't even add that. Grab a mailbox, put it up at the front there. I don't have a trash can so I'll add one of those. I'll put that in the back, kind of. You can see, I even have this like back patio area. Put some pavement down there. I mean, like, this is not difficult to do... and make it look like a fully functioning, complete starter home. Still stupid and green. I'm done. I consider myself to be done and I have 30 seconds left. I'll put some more grass in the backyard. Maybe another tree. And if necessary, I need to delete some things, I could like delete that to save some money, you know? Maybe make - I'll make these green. Time up. Okay. So timer stopped, right? I built this house in 15 minutes. It's the exact same shape and roof style as the original house, I just switched what side this is on, and it doesn't look anything like the original base game starter home. I would argue that this is a big improvement. Still kind of matches the area, kind of weird and green looking, I was just trying to make fun of them for the green. You could always change the color scheme on the outside. You can make the walls. Like I don't know a brown color instead. Oh, look at that light gray. I'm sorry. Their new added swatches are really good. But you could make the walls a brown color instead, to kind of like invert the color on the house next door. I don't know if I'll keep that, the color scheme is kind of weird. Listen. I'm just trying to prove a point here, okay? But that house is done. I am so deeply disappointed that that house was just a carbon copy. I'll put this house, my version, on the Gallery for you guys. If you want to download it, it's up on the Gallery, so you can replace it if you need to. I have one more qualm. This lot is so cool. This, like, plane crash lot? Sorry. I literally haven't stopped into the game at all, I don't even know what the gameplay is like, I've only complained about build mode. But when you come into this bunker - look, so he's got this like empty plane crash You can see that if you come in, that's a real wall right there. And they've got, on the inside, a staircase into this bunker, and this is really, really, cool. Like, this is a really cool idea and a really cool build, but do you see the kitchen? You know what? Here, buddy, go serve yourself up some fruit salad, why don't you? Oh. Oh, you can't. You can't make fruit salad? Okay. Well, let's try something else here serve some scrambled eggs with bacon, maybe. Oh. Oh, you can't make bacon either? Oh, so what you're saying is, you can't use your kitchen. This kitchen isn't functional. This counter isn't functional if it's like this weird corner piece. And this is the way. If I move that bowl, he can cook just fine. Oh, oh, would you look at that? I'm sorry. So are you telling me they didn't play test this build? Like, how are you gonna ship a new game with a new build and not play test it? like Like, how are you gonna have a build that literally isn't functional in your Sims game? The - the people that make the Sims made this lot, and it doesn't work. I just, I can't fathom... the fact that this lot isn't functional. The carbon copy is one thing, like it's a little bit different, the inside is different, so maybe that's fine. But, like, the fact that this lot isn't even functional? I don't know, I was very, very, upset about that situation in this world. I think, given especially, how bad del Sol Valley was, and how there are like lots with only one toilet, like, bathrooms missing toilets. There was like five bathrooms, and one toilet. I- Like the fact that these mistakes keep happening? I don't understand. Like, at least all the lots have toilets, but... Actually, I didn't check. If there is a single missing toilet in this house, I will scream. Hang on. Oh, oh! We got a toilet, folks. We got a toilet! Okay, and we got a toilet, so we're good. Never mind false alarm. Is that an archway into the bathroom- I don't think I Stan. Also, why are these counters so far apart? I... okay. I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna sit here and complain about trivial things like that. However... There are some issues with build mode in this pack. I will admit there are some really cool items. I haven't touched gameplay or CAS, so I can't- I am still willing to give it a chance. I just... was very, very, upset by the build situation and I needed to rant. I couldn't... I couldn't deal with it. Seventeen thousand simoleons, by the way. Lot's affordable, it's a starter home. You can play in that house. Just thought I'd clarify. But anyway, I'm gonna cut off here. I have some more content coming with this pack. I'm gonna do a let's play, so I've got an episode coming later. So, if you want to check that out, stay tuned, subscribe. You can watch me react to the trailer, I was so willing to give this pack a chance. I've got the trailer reaction linked down below. I really don't care about this kind of style of gameplay, but... I am still willing to give it a chance. I just know that I hate, like, vampires, and aliens, and stuff in my game, so I'm a little bit like, "I don't know about this stuff..." But, um... Yeah. I'm upset. I felt like yelling earlier, and I didn't yell, so, I mean, at least there's that. I'm still gonna keep throwing a fit about this. Until they start fixing their builds, I'm gonna keep throwing fits. Because, I don't under- I don't understand how this could happen. I don't get it How are the people that make the Sims making bad builds? Okay... I'm gonna go. I don't mean to be so negative. I really, really, love the Sims. I love the Sims so much. I just don't get this. I'm really struggling to wrap my mind around this...
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 914,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, strangerville, new pack, gamechangers, early access, sims 4 strangerville, strangetown, ts2, build mode, everything wrong with build mode, trailer reaction, strangerville build, speed build, starter home
Id: hTg9sSQey2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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