All The Secret Worlds in The Sims 4

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You might be a massive sims fan  and play The Sims 4 all the time,   but there are probably still a lot of like,  hidden secrets that you don't even realize exist. Today we're going to talk about hidden worlds  in The Sims 4. There are actually four of them,   two in the base game, that  you might have seen before,   and a couple other ones that  are kind of difficult to get to. And that might be why you've never seen them,  like, did you ever max the handiness skill? Do you find yourself often exploring the woods  in Granite Falls? Have you been to space? I mean, these are all things that  you probably don't touch very often,   but there are some really cool secret spots  in this game, so I want to show you them. But first, do you like my shirt? Do you want  this shirt? You're a simmer. Wow, isn't this a   cute shirt? You can get it from!  We also have a hoodie and pins, I'm just saying. Anyway, I've got Stanley Humphrey  here and he is going to embark   on a very long journey for us today. The first secret world is the easiest one  to get to. You might have seen it before,   but do you notice this tree is a little  bit different than the other ones around? And when you hover over it, it  gets a little outlined? Yeah,   let's go view this tree,  perhaps. Maybe another time? Now I can water the tree? You know,  Geoffrey, I know it's a world video,   Batuu is not invited. You are not on the list. Anyway, you water it again. You kinda have to  keep like, repeating interactions with this tree,   until you can chat about roots, discuss nature,  and then you see how it changes, and it's open? Yeah, you can explore the tree.  Oh my God, not the welcome wagon. Summer please, Summer, I'm busy. Tree adventure. This trunk is a lot bigger than  anticipated, it's dark, but somehow not scary.   A faint glow is the only light, a rolling burble  the only sound, I'm gonna follow the sound. Stanley delves a bit deeper and a bit darker.   A soft splash tells him that he has  just stepped into a shallow stream. Taking the path of least resistance  and hoping that it doesn't terminate   at a sewer main, Stanley is distracted  by an ethereal mist glowing ominously. Let's enter the mist. Travel to the  glade, yes please. I was scared that   the welcome wagon was gonna try and  cancel it, and I was gonna be like,   oops you can't go cause there's a  welcome wagon, but no we're fine. And then you have arrived in Sylvan Glade. It's  technically just one lot, and you can't build on   it, but if you type BB dot enable free build,  and you go into build mode, this is the lot. As you can see, it's really small,   but if you wanted to you could build  something here, which is kind of cool. And I think this world is beautiful, like I  can't believe that it's a secret. You might   not even know this exists, and they spent all  this time and effort to make this amazing spot. I like to have my sims get engaged  here, I think it's kind of fun. When you come down here, you can fish, there's a  rainbow. Listen to the sound effects of the water. I think you can possibly catch a couple fish like,   rare fish here or something? I don't  really fish in The Sims that much,   so I'm not super familiar with the fishing  skill, but I'm pretty sure you can. But like, look around at all of this. How  amazing! And this is in the base game! Snapdragons, ooh. I swear there's  more collectibles than that, I -- oh,   yeah there's like a little  mushroom circle over here too. But yeah, there's not much to do over here,   it's just the one empty lot and it's  like, pretty much a fishing spot. But it's pretty! It's a good spot  for screenshots, and like I said,   I like to have my sims get engaged here.  Maybe look for some frogs, I don't know. Look at that, I made 10 simoleons, ooh. But yeah, that's Sylvan Glade for you. The other  base game secret world is in Oasis Springs,   and this one's a bit more difficult to get into,  so you have to go to the park to get to this one. And unfortunately you can't just waltz  up and walk right in like the tree,   you actually need to have max  handiness skill to get into this one. So when you get to the park, you gotta like,   scroll back this way. And do you  see this entrance right here? This thing says break open, but you need  to have a high handiness skill to get in. Now to solve this problem, control shift c,   stats dot set underscore skill underscore level  space major underscore handiness 10, is the cheat. You can google that and copy and paste  it. Oh, it didn't work, oh my God. Alright, let's try that again. There we go! The  cheat was right, I just didn't have cheats on. Now I can break open -- wow, Stanley, look  at all your hard work finally paying off! And then they fully try to break in, and you can  explore. Same thing, little pop-up comes up with   some story. Stanley, ever the intrepid  explorer, sets out to spelunk the cave. There are two pathways, the narrower  of the two is a bit stalag-tight,   but Stanley stalag-might fit, if he squeezes. Take the narrow path. Oh, I was wrong!  Oh no. The dark winding fissure proves   too difficult to navigate, Stanley  quickly becomes stymied and frustrated. Okay, I'm embarrassed too,   Stanley. I'm trying to make a video on  how to use these, and I did it wrong. Okay, take the wide path then. No  need to try something dangerous,   Stanley creeps down the main branch  and spies from the dim remaining light   a switchback headed gradually up,  and a rickety ladder headed down. Let's climb the ladder. Stanley carefully  plunges into a black abyss, groping his way along   splintery rungs. After a long descent, a faint  azure light starts to fill the expanse below. He can step off into a dim mossy  precipice, or continue into the   blue. Let's step into the ledge. And  we'll travel to the grotto. Yes, please. This is the Forgotten Grotto. It's also a  small like, one lot, little secret world.   You're basically just in the  cave, but it's so beautiful! Like, look at this area, what the heck. Look!  Like, all the glowing and the fishing spots,   I'm pretty sure you can catch  another rare fish down here too. It might be the only spot you can get it,  but again I don't really fish in The Sims,   so if you've got questions about  that, you've come to the wrong place. But like, all the bats and the glowing,  I just -- this place is so cool. Also,   interesting thing, there's a toilet here. You can use this. You can actually craft that  toilet as well, with the handiness skill,   if you max it on that woodworking table,  you can make a toilet and that's it,   but there's one right here, so if you come to  fish all day you got a spot to pee, no worries. And then this is the secret lot part  right here, it's the same thing,   if you type BB dot enable free build,  you can actually build on this lot. They're both only 15 by 10,  which is kind of cool. Yeah,   you can build here if you so desire.  You wanna live in a cave? Feel free. Also, there's a couple things growing  like, you can get potatoes down here.   And there's obviously like, stuff you can  dig up, so you can come and get frogs and   lilies apparently, I don't know, but if  you're on the lookout for some collectibles,   it looks like you can find plenty  down here. Onions, even, who knew? These are the two base game worlds, but  another one came with Outdoor Retreat,   and you might not know about this one.  So I'm gonna take a vacation really fast. Stanley, we're going camping!  We're off to Granite Falls.   I think I'll head to the campground, perhaps. So this one's a little bit harder to  find, you kinda gotta hunt around for it,   and to be honest with you, I don't remember  where it is, so I have to do some looking. So you have to go to the national  park to get there, it's not like   where you stay, it's up here in the forest. Now if I remember correctly I think it's like,   opposite of the waterfall, so it  might be over -- aha! It's over here. Yes! Okay, so there's like,   a bramble patch way back in the corner.  So do you see the waterfall that way? Just head opposite direction from the  waterfall, your sim's gotta hike through   the forest to get out here, but once you  do, you will encounter this bramble patch. Let's go, Stanley. Look at him run! He's  so cute. It's actually not that far away,   you can even see it from where he loaded  into the lot, but the trees are distracting. This sim spawned right there, okay.  It's well camouflaged, to be honest. Surrounded by thicket thorns  and danger most assuredly,   Stanley is left with only one decision,  step forward or retreat from adventure. Obviously we step forward. As Stanley pushes  through the foliage with intrepid courage,   a bubbling brook emerges.  Should Stanley stop to fish? No, we're on a mission, Stanley! Stanley marches  through the brush in high spirits, swinging arms,   and singing songs when a shiny object catches the  eye, ah temptation? What am I supposed to pick? No. On a mission. Ignore. I  hope that's the right answer. Stanley has navigated the nigh foiling foliage to  discover a sacred cove in the midst of the forest,   a cove containing a mysterious sim. Let's travel towards them. Send Stanley  into the deep woods, yes please. So in Outdoor Retreat, if you have the pack,  there's an aspiration and one of the thingies   in it is to like, befriend the hermit, so  this is how you get to the hermit's house. They live out like, in the middle of  nowhere, and honestly in my opinion,   this section of the woods is one of  the prettiest spots in The Sims 4. I swear, they keep making these amazing  neighborhoods and then having them be secret,   so you can't even get here. But like, look at that rainbow! It's  actually a pretty big neighborhood,   too, like you can walk all around up here. All of Outdoor Retreat is like this,  it's pretty big because you can like,   hike and stuff in the pack, but there's a  fishing spot over here, and Elias Lance,   who I believe is the hermit in our save. But they're just fishing  over here by the waterfall.   There's another rainbow, and another waterfall! I mean, look at the view! How cool is it  here? I think Granite Falls is so pretty,   I really like this world. There's actually  a house on this lot where the hermit lives,   and honestly they've got a really nice setup. Like, look at this area they've got going on here.   All the plants, it's a big house  like, they're living the dream! And the views, like imagine living  out here, I'm kind of jealous. Yeah, part of the outdoor enthusiast  aspiration -- one of the things is to   befriend the hermit of Granite Falls,  so you have to get out here somehow. I swear, the aspirations used to be way  more fun. They're too easy these days. Alright, our work here is done, but there is one  last secret world I want to show you -- I'm stuck. We gotta go home for this though,   because the last secret world is  significantly more difficult to get to. For this one, we're going into space,  so you're gonna need to grab a rocket. Now, I'm gonna cheat this because I don't have  the patience to level up Stanley in the rocket   science skill, but if you were actually  playing you'd go through it like normal. I have maxed the rocket science skill  -- oh, my voice, that's embarrassing. And I'm gonna build my rocket. So to  do this, you have to build the rocket,   max your rocket science skill, and then install a  wormhole generator, so it's by far the hardest of   these worlds to get to, one, because it's  expensive, but two, it takes a long time. There's a bunch of fancy upgrades you can  put on the rocket, you don't technically   need any of them except for the wormhole  generator, but you do have to build it first. Hang on. No sleep for you,  Stanley, we got work to do. Oh, not a vampire, I'm trying to  go to the alien world, Caleb. Ugh. He ignored me, I guess that's good.  Alright, once the rocket is built,   you're going to want to upgrade,  install the wormhole generator. Generates wormholes for traveling past  known limits. And that's how you're going   to be able to go into Sixam. Yes, Sixam,  that's um, maxis spelled backwards, yeah. Now this world actually comes with Get to Work,   the rocket ship is base game, but aliens  and the alien world are from Get to Work. He has been up all night doing this,  and I cheated to make it easier! Imagine if you didn't cheat,  it would take you a very long   time. I know from experience, I  did this in my baby challenge. No, I'm not going to work. Ugh,  I'm going to space, not work. Oh my God, he's still going. I've  cheated his needs so many times. Here we go, here we go. Wait for it. Stanley has finished installing  the rocket upgrade, so then you   can click on it and you can  say travel through wormhole. You enter and you're off into space. Bye Stanley,   have a good trip. The ship hurtles through  the wormhole and emerges near an alien planet. A series of odd noises comes from  the on-ship radio, and Stanley is   suddenly teleported off his ship, beamed down. I like how they acknowledge that um,  you just teleport places in The Sims 4. And we have arrived in Sixam. Now,   I think this world is one of the  coolest things they have ever made. It's just so much, you know, it's so  fun, I can't believe it's a secret like,   I know for a fact a lot of  you did not know this existed. I mean a lot of you did, and you're  like, yeah I know Kayla, it's cool. But a lot of you maybe don't have Get to Work,  or maybe you have Get to Work and didn't know   you could come here because how often do  you max the rocket science skill, you know. But this is what it looks like, there's  a bunch of collectibles here too like,   you can come here and you  can collect all these things. They look really weird, but they're actually like,   normal collectibles. I mean, well this one's an  alien, but you can get like, the normal things. Okay, that's an unpolished geode. And they're  actually special collectibles too from Get to   Work like, this one's an alien and that one's  a geode, so when you come collect them you,   get an unpolished geode and then you can  polish it to try and finish the collection,   so it's a whole separate -- there's 10  aliens and there's 6 different geodes. There's also, oftentimes, aliens wandering  around up here. I don't see anybody right now.   It's two in the afternoon, where are all of you? Hellooo. Oh, here we go! Look, it's  my besties! So you want an alien,   um boyfriend called Trevor,  here's where you need to go. Look at this, I can't collect it because it's  already been collected, but like, what is that? There's also some like, weird alien  plants too. Oh, of course he needs to pee,   Stanley, you're in space,  there's no toilets up here! But there's a bunch of cool stuff. I got some  alabaster, see that's just a regular thingy. But even they look special in space! Anyway, I  think it's quite cool up here, and honestly it's   kind of big, and there's more to do in this one  than there are in the other ones, like the other   ones are pretty much just fishing spots, this  one you can actually get whole new collections. The trees aren't grown right now, but like,   this stuff is a tree that you can  bring back and plant like, at home. And then this is how you get back home,  you can come through this portal thingy. You can actually get to this area through two  different ways, one with the rocket ship or by   crafting this thingy in the scientists career,  so if you have Get to Work and you play through   the science career, you can get here that way  too, but I chose space because it's more fun. Okay, bye Stanley! And those, my friends,  are the four secret worlds in The Sims 4. They haven't made one of those in a while, I think  they probably realize that there's like, no point   putting the time and effort into making one of  those, if nobody's gonna even realize it exists. Like, Get to Work and Outdoor Retreat  were the earliest packs for The Sims 4,   and they haven't done one since. Probably because they realized that you  know, it's better to make a cool world   people actually visit, as opposed to  make something that nobody ever sees,   but it is always fun to have those  little hidden secrets in The Sims. If you like this kind of video,  I've got a couple that I've made,   so I'll link other ones down below. I will also link this very cool t-shirt down  below, that is, by the way. And if you have any other tips or tricks about The   Sims that you want to tell people in  the comments, feel free to share them. Spread your knowledge with us here,  because there are a lot of things   like this that people just don't even realize  you can do, so this is the only way to learn. And on that note, I will see  you all tomorrow. Bye everybody. Also, which one of those is your favorite  secret world? I'm not a huge alien fan,   but honestly that alien world is pretty cool. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 759,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: II6yoC5V1nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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