ranking all the worlds in the sims

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today we're ranking worlds in the sims 4. recently i made a video where i ranked all of the worst builds in the game and i think a lot of you really liked that so today i have made us another tier list but this time it's just with the worlds and i'm not here to be that mean this time we're gonna rank them for real and it's not just out of the bad ones and so here we have our ranks i think i might have done this backwards shouldn't green be at the okay never mind don't worry about it top bottom at the very bottom of the tier list we have just delete the worlds that simply should not exist and i would be okay if they didn't there are not many that go down here but i think you all can imagine what does it starts with a b above that we have useless these are worlds that are pretty bad somewhat unnecessary and just places i don't go to very often in the middle we have does the job like serves a purpose not necessarily a bad world but but you know does what we need it to do we use it we don't love it but it works above that we have cool because there are a lot of very cool worlds in this game and then at the very very top tier i'm moving my dream worlds the ones that i absolutely adore we've got all the world icons here so let's talk about this i think we should go in order it simply makes the most sense so we'll start with willow creek the base game world it's nice it's big it has six neighborhoods it has six neighborhoods and 21 lots and i think because it's a base game one it's one of the first two we ever had it holds a very special place in all of our hearts i don't think it's the best one i think it does the job it's not like one of the best worlds it's a decent size it's pretty useful i play in it a lot there's definitely cooler ones but it's not like a bad world to live in i think oasis springs is very similar six neighborhoods also 21 lots so it's a decent size i quite like the contrast between the two of them it's fun that they're both very different styles i also like that they have sort of two different build styles here like this kind of mid-century neighborhood over here and then this more like mediterranean neighborhood i like that i like oasis springs better than willow creek even though i play in it less it's cool a desert world is cool we have another desert world but she's different so i'm sticking with the springs also and does the job newcrest is a bit of a toughy right because newcrest is empty and back in the day we were all very excited when they added new crests this one came out in a free update it wasn't originally shipped with the game so when we finally had more lots it was super super cool and as a person who likes to build it's really fun to have this like empty world and blank canvas to work with but i also think that it's kind of annoying to have to fill it up sometimes like to have to replace new lots in every single save is kind of annoying there are 15 lots here and i like the shapes of the neighborhoods i've always loved this like street of houses this is tough because i don't i don't know i don't want to call it useless because it serves a very important purpose do i stick it and does the job we might rearrange these we'll come back to this we just got to get like our initial rankings and then we'll figure it out now outdoor retreat was our first ever pack for the sims 4. and it came with the worlds it came with granite falls i think i'm a little bit biased towards granite falls because i was so excited when this pack came out it was a very fun time like having the first ever pack for the sims i liked the idea of a vacation world like that was so exciting and you know what you have to admit this area is really cool like this forest they made and also in the wintertime it's so beautiful like i just i like granite falls i think it's really nice i think this might be unpopular but i'm gonna put granite falls at cool i think it's cool i think if granite falls came out now i would feel differently about it but i just like i said it's got that special place in my heart it is important to me this pack came out in january and then in march we got the first ever expansion pack for the sims 4 get to work and get to work came with magnolia promenade now this world is um i'm gonna say it it's useless it's four lots it's pretty like i like the area i like the idea of a little retail area you know this is a good spot to build like restaurants and things like that if you have those packs but it's only four lots and i much prefer bigger worlds like i think i would be okay if i just didn't have this one it's kind of weird too because with get to work there's three like secret lots the hospital the police station in the lab all for the three new careers they added i think it kind of implies that the police station and the hospital are in willow creek and that the lab is somewhere out in oasis springs and then they added this weird part which kind of looks like a little shoot off of willow creek and they hadn't made many worlds yet for the same sport this was a very early pack so they hadn't like gotten their groove yet but as far as worlds go this is not one of the best ones and so for that reason magnolia promenade gets useless and so for that reason magnolia promenade gets useless i think if it had some more lots maybe like a residential area i would like it better but no it doesn't i honestly never go there like i don't even know when i last used that world but then after get to work they really really stepped up their game with get together i still think they get together as one of the most underrated packs for the sims 4 and windenburg is so good windenburg honestly i believe is the best world for the sims 4. so let's break this down there's sort of like four distinct neighborhoods but technically six if you count like the bluffs and the ancient ruins that are separate lots and i love how there's like these distinct styles this like older part of town the more modern part of town we have the island and then you have like the countryside i just oh i love this and it came with 27 lots and it is still one of the biggest worlds in the entire game like they really stepped it up with this one and i honestly would like to live here i would live in this part of town in a heartbeat like send me over here this is my home i just oh i love this i love windenburg it covers all the bases you know it has like the town center it's got the countryside and everything about it is just so beautiful like all the areas your sims can walk around like that with the trees it just oh do you know how many sims i've had get engaged underneath these pink trees too many to count i probably use windenburg too much to be honest and for that reason it's slotting up into the top spot of i am moving i would gladly live there after get together came city living and city living was a big big moment because we finally had apartments in the sims 4. i'm not a huge fan of most of the apartments i do like all of the separate neighborhoods so much i think they really kind of like found their groove with city living and they also for the first time had these like district separators they've now added districts like that and like neighborhood descriptions to all of the worlds but this was the first time they ever did that and i love how distinct each of these neighborhoods are i think it's really cool i sort of wish they had more small apartments that is my one gripe with city living is i just wish there was more small spaces because like there's a couple nice small ones but most of them are so so massive and i don't want massive apartments you know like i just it's fun to have a few but for the most part i prefer to have tiny teeny tiny ones but honestly i think out of all of the worlds in the sims 4 stand my shoulder is one of my most used ones both semicino and windenberg are used all the time and so for that reason it's going all the way up to i'm moving i like this place i'm telling you i think it's really good also the first ever sims event i got invited to was the sims camp for city living i only had like 40 000 subscribers they took a massive chance with me they flew me to california to try the pack early i mean that pack will always have a very special place in my heart that was like the coolest thing that has ever happened to me so i'm a little bit biased i must admit but it's good it's a good pack and then we move on to forgotten holo forgotten hollow came with a vampire's pack it's just a game pack so we don't expect a very large world it just has like five residential lots it's very dark and gloomy all of the time here which honestly we kind of like it makes sense you have this massive mansion up at the top with like a graveyard around it i think there's a lot of potential in this world i do like this like center plaza thing i just i don't think the builds they made were very good and i don't really find myself living here all that often but truthfully forgotten hollow serves a very specific purpose it's for vampires to live in even though for me it is quite useless i think the forgotten hollow does the job it's not my favorite it's not the worst either and it definitely is kind of fun to build in like if you want that sort of like spooky foggy dark sort of build forgotten hollow really works to build that and you need some of that sometimes you know honestly i complain a lot about the vampire pack the vampire pack itself is not bad like the world's pretty cool the vampire system is pretty cool the only thing i hate about vampires is that they keep showing up at my house like i don't hate the vampire pack it's got great build items it's just the vampires won't leave me alone if vlad wasn't at my front door every night i would hate him a lot less and then we move on to brindleton bay this one came with cats and dogs honestly brindleton bay is such a good world this one also is one that i use all the time i love like this little town area with the docks i like the secret island i mean all the neighborhoods are so cute i like the like cape cod style of the houses this one is probably my actual dream place to live like i would love to live in a house like these okay well these particular houses are probably a bad example but a house of this style a better constructed house of this style one of the houses like this that i have built i'd like to live in but the neighborhood itself is super cool and i like how it rains all the time like i just i think burlington bay is awesome this one is way up there for me with i'm moving like i i'm obsessed and then after brindleton bay we got del sol valley now i think that del sol valley had so much potential like the world itself and the environment is so cool there's three neighborhoods it's not the biggest world i wish that it was bigger it only has 11 lots that was like a big issue i had with it at the time when it came out and also it feels like the map is very like lopsided like there isn't any lots over here and it sort of implies that the studio lot where your sims go to work is here like where the acting career takes place and there is like that secret lot for the acting career but you can't access it so the map looks kind of i don't know the map just looks off and like they could have had beachfront houses or something like it just there was so much more potential that i feel like wasn't met but when you actually oh nice weather but when you actually come in here the world itself looks so cool and so lively it really gives you that like la feel in all of the neighborhoods and so sure the lots aren't the best but like you can build better ones and this is a theme for most of the worlds like we shouldn't have high hopes for the lots i wish they were closer together and a little bit smaller and i wish that this one actually touched the edge i don't understand why this lot isn't like touching the sidewalk this has always bothered me so much i don't know why they did this like why doesn't it touch the sidewalk why why but i love i love this area i think this whole place looks so cool and like sure the mansions they built are very ugly shield your eyes from this but like look at the rest of it and look at the view from up here like look at how absolutely stunning this area of the world is like this part of the hills i just i think this is so cool i never build up here because i don't really like the lighting on most of the lots like it's always very shadowy in the front of the house so i don't often build up here but you have to admit this is a really really cool spot my main issues are just the builds are ugly and the lighting is bad like but the rest of it everything about this neighborhood is so cool like look at that view so i feel like del sol valley is the perfect example of just cool i have a lot of issues with the builds but the world itself the actual world is is really nice just you know pretend this doesn't exist and then the rest of it fun right just close your eyes don't look don't look too closely now after del sol valley we had strangerville and this was um another massive disappointment in my mind because the world itself again the actual environment was amazing but the builds just sucked i mean like look at the area around this house like this like mini lush part of a desert and and the view from where you're living it's just this this whole world is awesome i love this but then look at the monstrosities they built in the neighborhood and how they're completely empty but if we're talking about the world and not the lots honestly strangerville is pretty cool i'm not a big fan of the pack like i don't care about the gameplay the houses are my greatest disappointment with the sims 4. this pack like genuinely pains me but the world they did an amazing job like the environment team that designed this really really did an awesome job with it it's just the houses that i take issue with i mean how could you not and so while this may shock you strangerville gets a cool vote from me which is interesting that i'm technically ranking it above like oasis springs in willow creek but i think right now we're talking about like design and style and concept you have to admit strangerville is kind of cool i think they like massively redeemed themselves with island living like soulani was such a surprise to me and it was so exciting i don't think any of us expected to be able to build on the water and the ocean swimming is amazing like i this pack really really impressed me with the world i think the gameplay from this pack was a little bit lacking but the world itself like soulani as a whole was awesome and there are a bunch of lots and a lot of different beach lots and look at this you can build above the water you can live on the water and it really is just beautiful like i i was so impressed with sulani i i really liked it a lot i cannot even express to you how much of a pleasant surprise the ability to build on the water like this was those of us who've been around in the sims for a long time know that you could do that in the sims 3 but i really never thought we would get that in the sims 4. and that shocked me like really and truly shocked me that we could do it in the sims 4. you know what i think my tier system is a little bit flawed because i want to put sulani at cool but like sulani is objectively better than the other three in this tier but i don't want to live in sulani but i need like an in-between no i'll put soolani at the top i think zulani is really good you can do a lot in that world and you can build a lot of different things i think san maishuno and soulani both are up there because of like the massive addition they added to build mode like living on the beach and living in an apartment are huge and i just like how brittleton bay and windenburg look i'm just a fan i actually want to live there and then after sulani we go back to devastating disappointment with glimmer brook now glimmer book kind of gave you like two worlds there's like two mini worlds the other one only has one lot though it's like the magic realm that you can access through this portal we aren't talking about that we're talking about glimmer brook we have a bunch of different like one lot type of worlds like the alien world six of them like the secret world you can access from willow creek those don't count as like worlds that you can live in so we're not talking about those glimmer brook was such a disappointment because i think that this neighborhood is actually really nice but the lots they built were so ugly and i know we haven't been talking about lots that much with this and i let some oh it's raining pleasant really drives the point home but we haven't been using lots as a deciding factor with these like we let strangerville slide we let del sol valley slide but glimmer brook has nothing else going for it it's a generic neighbor it's like a five house little small neighborhood with ugly houses like it isn't even that cool of a neighborhood at least with del sol valley like they have these amazing views you just get some rocks and trees and like yeah it's pretty i like the little fences like i think glimmer brook is really nice i think i would probably like to live in a neighborhood like this i can see my sims living here in like a small like rich person neighborhood i think you could very easily change this into like a small rich person neighborhood but i prefer to live in neighborhoods that are bigger like most of the worlds that i try to live in i like them because they're big and they have like a residential section and like some shops and restaurants and you don't have that there's a bar but it's ugly like this neighborhood is just small and sad and like not very useful to me i never use it i never build here i never have sims live here i never play with magic like i just don't do it and so to me much like magnolia promenade glimmer brook is a little bit useless it's just these like tiny worlds like i don't really care for them at all oh i realize now that we forgot about celodorada i skipped over the release of jungle adventure well jungle adventure came out and jungle adventure was another vacation world this time very different from our camping that we had before still just a vacation world you can't actually live here but it is really pretty i love to build and sell dorado because of that i also love the furniture that came with this pack so i like i'm a little bit biased but this whole concept of like staying out in the jungle i mean look at the views look at like this cliff you're kind of on i mean this whole spot is just so so cool and they have this more like central part of town as well i don't know they did a good job with this pack i liked it i don't play with it very often like i don't find myself exploring the tombs every day but i think the world itself is pretty nice you know what how am i gonna rank selva dorada at does the job and rank granite falls above it oh dear no i'm putting it at cool it's a cool world this ranking system is all messed up this doesn't make any sense no cell of gerard is way more cool than these ones but no it's it's cool it's cool you know what i'm really curious how you would rank these things i'll link the tier list down below you can tweet me your rankings because obviously what i think is going to be very different from what you think so show me how you would rank these worlds like what do you think is best what do you care the most about this is all my personal opinion after that we had breitchester and brychester was another one where like we were very very excited and very much long-awaited university so it was very exciting when it finally came out and i like how they did this i loved how there was two different schools i like how there was a small town in the middle i like the rivalry like i think this is a very good way to build this world i think it makes a lot of sense just the builds aren't the best in the world but if you actually come and live here or stay here or use the pack i love the small campus vibes like the big grassy area this just makes so much sense it seems so realistic i like how there's like an older school and a more modern school like it was a well-designed pack it's a very good concept and i think they pulled it off pretty well i do wish more of the buildings were actually functional like there aren't really a ton of lots here and you can't really change a lot of them and i kind of wish that there was more community lots in town like i wish they had added a couple more bars or something like i just i wish that there was a bigger area of community lots up here but eh i still think rochester is pretty cool and then next we had eco lifestyle that came with evergreen harbor and you know what these two's icons look very similar i always thought that evergreen harbor was a really interesting world i find myself living here a lot still i like the idea of the three very separate neighborhoods i love that it came with apartments i was very excited to finally have some more apartments i also love how like classically suburban it is like this just monotonous same house over and over again like this makes a lot of sense to me it feels very realistic and i do like how you can change the neighborhoods you can like grow and change and upgrade them but i also find that neighborhood action plan stuff to be kind of annoying and it's kind of annoying to have to like change them it definitely serves a purpose like you might really want to live in like a smoky gross factory town like you might love port promise like this is a really good storytelling place but also it doesn't stay gross like if you play there for like a week it fixes itself and that's kind of annoying it's very hard to maintain that like industrial section without it turning green on its own and to be honest with you i think for that reason i'm gonna rate evergreen harbor it does the job it's not like the best it's not the worst it could be better and i don't think that it's like as fascinatingly cool as the other worlds like it's not as beautiful and incredible and amazing as even like strangerville is you know and then we move to mount komorevi which i am very biased towards because i built three of the lots in this world i built this house i built this house and i built this house so i'm a very big fan of the lots that came in this pack i know we weren't talking about lots we were just talking about the environment but i think that this pack by far has one of the best worlds to date and you have to acknowledge the fact that all of the lots are very beautiful and very usable like you don't have to replace these with gallery lots because there's like already good ones there the bar is awesome the park is awesome there's already great places to stay a lot of times with the lots they build they're like kind of empty and sad and a little bit ugly but i think that this pack has really nice lots not just mine but like the other ones too why does it have to be raining i'm trying to say good things about snowy escape well anyway you know what it looks like i think that the neighborhoods are so pretty like this area with the bridge and the walkways and there's like this little lake you can swim in the water and like hang out on the beach there's all kinds of like hiking areas you can go around plus the whole mountaintop that's completely snowy and beautiful and incredible i was saying i wanted a mountain world for so long people would ask me like what's the next world you want for the sims 4 what's your dream world for the sims 4. and i'd be like i want a mountain town i want a mountain town so bad and then they added this one i just i was so impressed with snowy escape and this whole world i just think is so cool i'm not sure if the gameplay is like the most groundbreaking thing but i think they did a really really good job with the world ah do i planted it cool or i'm moving no i don't want to live on a mountain but do i don't want to live on the beach either oh no we're gonna have to come back and think about these some more cause like see i think i've just done a bad job with the names of all of these tears okay well there is one last world it's batu the star wars world it doesn't even have any lots technically there's one lot in each of these places and then you can like cheat to edit it but there aren't any lots you can't build here the build items aren't even that good the world itself is kind of cool but like not that cool it's cool if you're a star wars fan um i would be better off i think if this pack didn't exist and so for that reason it got its own category the delete category now that i'm here and now that i think about it though i probably should have put that in useless and made a category between cool and i'm moving that would have made more sense but here we are and here's my tier list i reacted to it with a poop emoji can i react to my oh i can react to my own thing oh no i can only pick one okay well i picked the poop one like i said i will link this to your list down below if you want to play with it and i have to emphasize again this is just my opinion and like the way that i use these worlds and how i feel about these worlds you might feel very differently although i imagine that like the bottom tiers are probably very similar you might rank the top ones differently i mean you might like love del sol valley and i'm you know it's all about personal preference although i do think there is one thing we can agree on and it's um it's that batu is poo that was dumb i'm i'm sorry i i'm sorry i'll link the last tier video i made down below about the worst houses in the sims 4. and on that note i will see all of you tomorrow bye everybody i like these tier lists i kind of want to do a townie tier list i mean like pack to your list there's a million things we could do let me know in the comments what i should rank next
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,379,046
Rating: 4.9514532 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: uB9UiCW-7Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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