Affiliate Anniversary, shell tours and hair reveal! || Streamed 6.12.23

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful hi friends hello it's really quiet in my ears hold on I need to put on some music um hi you guys I have short hair I miss your face by the way and your hair is amazing hype design hype design 9 hype you guys I was really nervous doing my hair I don't know why but I was just so nervous um I will say um I hate the top layer of it so I also I'm gonna go back and check oh hold on before I tell you about my hair let me go I'm because I'm gonna lose it I'm gonna scroll back and chat and say hi to everyone and then we'll talk about my hair um um oh I have totally okay um I think Captain did you get first congrats on getting first uh cozy welcome and Brittany hello girl dog welcome in um animals and welcome in soyd hello uh princess welcome in Knox Hello nay hello Loca hello um uh Brittany welcome in be so hello Veronica welcome in um Makoto hello Hillary welcome in um rug hello welcome in pearly good morning welcome in um uh I also didn't miss anyone just let me know and I will say hello to you I just might miss someone um Luna welcome in hello Mama welcome in ghostly hello do you welcome in um memo I think I said hello already Captain welcome in Perry hello um um uh Knox enjoy your brain cell um um also if you did the shell tour make sure or did you want your shell toward make sure you redeem shelter it's a channel Point um make sure you redeem it um our Pacific welcome in um magic over from Tick Tock my friend um uh Alana hello welcome in um okay I think I think I made it through um okay so my hair it's so short you guys um also blue space boy welcome in um my head does feel a lot lighter she cut it off and amazing I was like wow my hair was heavy uh I certainly understand the sign it might be a sign might be a sign um Sean welcome in Cass welcome vid as well um and Veronica hello um okay I think I got everyone I think I got everyone um Loca I have tomorrow set aside for tours if we need to do it I also there's been a lot of issues with the gallery so if anyone's having issues with the gallery and uploading it because I know some people don't have access to like Captain has no access to the gallery right now and it's so weird um if that is an issue that you're having just let me know and we'll make sure we tour at another time um once you can get it uploaded or if it never shows up again we can figure out figure out how to do like what is it the tray files so you can like send me the trade files for them I can like put in my games we can tour it but um I will I'm gonna do my best tutorial thing today but if you um we might I don't know if we'll we might use tomorrow for tours we might not we'll see we'll see um uh Pacific I got it let me just let me know when you come back and we'll we'll tour also Kimberly welcome in um uh I have no idea Makoto I have no idea I don't remember which one was it what uh which one was it um uh how much hair do you end up doing okay so I so hold on let me go get my hair I meant to go get it um Makoto I have not done that let me I have my hair I haven't mailed it yet because I just haven't got around to doing it yet I do just I have my hair in a bag I have I have it was in a mailer um I do just have a bag of my hair um I cut off 24 inches like egg like exactly like 24 and like maybe like 24 and a half I don't remember exactly but that's how look at look at that I took that off my hair that's that's what it used to be and that's it braided so it's actually longer it's probably like 25 inches Maybe 26. so like you guys that's so much hair it's so much hair so gonna get that sent off this week probably honestly gonna work on that this evening I don't know how to do postage for a mailer like this if anyone else had to what do I put on this to mail do I put a stamp on it do I take it to the post office I don't know how to mail please um oh my gosh wigs for kids wigs for kids yeah yeah I don't know how to mail some hair I'm not putting glitter I think about something they can help you okay I don't know if I want to go to the Post Office we'll see um what is mailing I don't know I don't know um pixie Hulk of vid ensure it oh is that a thing okay good to know good to know okay maybe this will have to be a thing that maybe when is the post office close tomorrow probably like five o'clock I don't know um so I will say I hate the top layer of the hair I don't like the top layer um I don't know why I don't like it but I don't like it um I don't know if I just don't like having layers if I don't like how it was cut if I don't like the texture of my hair when it's like this but I don't like it so you can expect to see me with my hair half up for the next six months um until I decide I like it so just so you know um I can't speak um you got short hair ones and then your hair just simply butcher your hair due to bad layers yeah that's what I'm like I'm like I don't know if it's just like the layers bad or if my tech like the texture of my hair is just making it funky or what I'm just not sure um it looks so good thank you um also hi Carrie I'm I'm um wait you had to pop up oh my gosh um machine in the pixel okay so the dead pixel husband is also hi Brittany um husband thinks it's from because I have it currently plugged into like a i USB thing like a the not I forget what it's called but I haven't looked like plugged into like a thing with like a bunch of USB slots and so husband ordered a different kind of cable because the thing is like it's the husband thinks that's the reason why the the dead pixel is there so hopefully like by tomorrow it'll uh be good um well it's because you redeemed it accidentally um already but you're uh we'll make sure I'll tour it oh don't worry you were like the very first one to actually redeem it even though it was an accident at that moment but we'll we'll tour it don't worry um yeah I have a pattern that's really cute it's also a little short though to like I can't put it in like space ones yet um it's a little short for that I can barely put it into a ponytail um I also like can't I like I can't do much of it besides put it up in the clip um so that's kind of fun um I will say I'm living for having my bangs back I didn't think I wanted my bangs as like I've missed my bangs as much but I'm like living for having my bangs back so love that yeah husband it's affiliate anniversary so everyone we all already had any modes all the party had emotes um um where's the gimbal tree right there I'm just tall I'm standing right now so you can't see it I just can't see it right now um USB hub thank you yeah the USB hub is a little borked is what we think oh that was a that did you see that email oh there's another dead pixel right here um that even was like a little balloon dog that was cute that was cute uh I think if you watch the minimal silent can do a lot yeah and I don't have any product so if anyone has any not good product recommendations I'm trying to get my wave to come back because I do have slightly wavy hair so if anyone has any recommendations and things to do it to like get my wave back let me know and like products and stuff because I don't have any products but ideally products I could get like Target because I don't pay much more money than I have to pay Target you know um [Music] everything is so quiet in my ears [Music] [Music] [Music] guys I miss you guys I miss you guys so much while I was gone by the way um butterfly um do you have space doesn't see Brittany it's still too short it's like it's still too short like this and I will say she cut off about three extra inches because um when she cut it like like she cut off like the 24 and then kept cutting it and cut off way more than I wanted to be like it's a little definitely a lot shorter so in a few months it'll be like the length I actually wanted it to be so just crossing our fingers it like grows out well um I think you want to get your hair cut and I'll show you a lot of shirt though I mean Makoto I think you could you would look cute I think you would look cute um uh it's quite on string too I probably am Deaf from the bad DJ Makoto I was standing like right next to the d-tape it was like the entire wedding so that's very possible never calls you know to wait those are so cute those are so cute also I'm very still behind in chat um the purple Cold Cream from us uh it's too greasy okay good to know I will say I the only thing I have in my hair right now is some hairspray to keep my bangs curled because I did curl my bangs I curled my bangs um however this swoop it's natural I don't know what I don't I don't understand I and I cannot get the side to have the same swoop and it makes me so sad it makes me so sad um you can go to chromeose and a couple creams or something oh thank you Kimberly from the shorter hair does space buttons are thinner I think I'll use too but it'll be cute yeah I know Brittany like it'll be cute it's just a little bit too short to like stay in a bun right now like it just doesn't have quite the right length to like be up there I haven't like tried like really tried yet to do it but it's it's the attempts that I have attempted it has not been successful yet um but I like the half up half down I think it's cute um because I don't like the top layer I also look so much more like my mom and I'm not sure how I feel about that uh since my son's using half your hair should work yeah see like yes it'll work eventually it's just a little too short for it to have like them up here I might be able to get some like low space buns like at the bottom of my my head but right now on top of my head it's a little bit short for that it's a little bit short um yeah I have I have the tiny little clear hair ties but like I said it's just it's just a smidge short for it it's still like a little bit short for it because it's the top layer that's too short like it's the top layer and the bottom layer like the middle layer is fine it's like the top and the bottom that are it's just not the right length um I have I can do pigtails and pigtails are really cute I did do that the other day um Mason Bell is a great YouTuber so I don't need curly hair stuff it just to get like the waves back I don't have waves or I don't have curls but I have wavy hair um and I'm hoping it'll just come back because like my hair drastically changes texture when I'm like when I'm traveling um because in Pennsylvania it just does something wild and I don't know why um so I'm hoping once you know where it's back to being used to this like weather here it'll go back to like kind of being a little bit wavy surprise it's so short it's it's short it's so weird I also it's so easy to click like it took like 10 seconds to wash my hair this morning because I didn't I was like I need to wash my hair but I don't take a shower so I was like I haven't been able to just like wash my hair and like on its own like just like flip my head over the top for a long time because it's so long it like just hits the floor and like it just was a pain but I was able to wash it so quickly today it was so nice and it dried relatively fast because like I washed it at like 8 15 or something this morning normally my hair would take like 12 to like 18 hours to dry um it's dry it's like 90 dry now the water's different um oh maybe that that would make sense that would make interesting interesting okay so I have done French braids and they're like after you like I get to like run out of hair and like do the actual braid there's like this much hair and it just sticks out and like it's not quite long enough so I can't fully like it's a little bit short to have not goofy looking French braids it has it's not it's like the French may just look a little goofy I'll show you at something I don't know I did this the other day to sleep in but I don't know if I took a picture of it um yeah I don't think I have a picture of it but I did find out I was going through my stuff at my mom's house because my mom's trying to get rid of everything I used to own um and I found pictures of myself as a child if you guys want to see them later um but yeah I didn't take a picture of it rated um but it was a little goofy looking um my mom thinks it's cute I don't think it's cute it's it's very similar to my mom's haircut um but she has natural like she has curly hair though um so okay so it was going to be a surprise like I just wasn't gonna tell her and then she ended up having a haircut like she was like was like text my hairdresser and she was like Hey because we have the same hairdresser and she was like hey can I come after Lizzy gets her haircut she's like yeah sure so she ended up coming with me and so I just told her the night before so that husband wouldn't have to come with us so my mom could like film it and everything um we can have your cats are harassing you that's what gimbal was doing yesterday's away I feel that um [Music] okay my friend um so my mom had curly hair before chemo and then after chemo she got ringlet curls like she had like kind of like a like a thicker like a like a looser with curl curl almost like to wave like she used to have that but then when after chemo she got like ringlet curls like absolutely like the like the smallest like tightest curls you could probably end up with your in your life um and then as it grew out um it just straight almost straightened so now it definitely is a the texture is more like mine um but she does curl it and everything and like it holds the curl because it's technically curly you know um but she she had ringlet curls for a long time it's it is really weird how hair is it all hers also came back really dark my mom has a lot darker hair now nine months what's our twitch baby's name dizzy raspberry that's very cute Frozen that's very very cute um oh Brady I so when you like yeah it has a little pop-up but if you scroll down into the panels down below um it works on both mobile I think you can scroll down on mobile in one of the tabs but if you're on PC you can just scroll down and I have a whole um I have a whole panel that lists them all out for that um I also do I have a rule command do I not I thought I made one to-do list to make a rules command because I swear I did that fly [Music] friend that's so kind of you that's that's you next month is unless you knock that's wild it's crazy that I've known you all for this long YouTube friends who went through chemo one got really curly hair afterwards the other had uh really uh thin hair prior and it's um so thin now yeah it's wild what like how your hair comes back after chemo it's wild um hello sister look sister I have short hair look at it I look like Mom welcome in have a have fun doing the show I wish you all the luck I know it was a bit of a cursed show so good luck I I apologize I apologize yeah it's almost the same like my brother officially has the longest hair in our family he officially has the longest hair in the family which is kind of funny and it's also like mine's like the same like as husbands having because it'll actually a little bit longer um because yours oh you're saying you got a video shows setting that's all good Frozen it's all good your mom's hair got lighter and way thinner yeah I think my mom's probably I think hers got a little bit thinner as well as such as it like straightened out princess to run down muggle but what the heck why are we gifting Subs you guys we had a marathon last week why are we doing in this in this you guys you're being a fee uh it's a weird seeing your hair short after that I know it's really weird it's really weird it's just gonna see my hair this is my bag of hair it's sticking out it was 24 inches you got yeah you guys are in a silly goofy mood a silly goofy mood um insane I know how to get the choice vegan alone he slept he slapped awesome guys um if you guys make sure I put the pets Channel pumpkin block yesterday I need you to go look I'm actually gonna pull it up I literally made it my banner on Discord it's the I like start crying laughing [Music] how was Alfie Alfie's hopefully Alfie's my mom's cat um this is how Alfie was he oh I pressed the wrong button I was gonna Zoom so you can see what he did to me this is how he was oh you can't see um but he cut me he got me good he got me good right here right there you got me real good yeah he was a bit of bad trash Goblin um was a little bit rude I will say I instigated it I did instigate it however he hits harder than gimbal gimbal when you're like fighting and he like kind of like goes just like swat at you it's like a light tap gimbal just or Alfie just smacks you like just smacks you and I'm like bro it's a little rude who did this my mom's cat his name is Alfie um but here so I was going through um the the video because we have um after I put a picture of him in Discord the other day Knox of him sleeping by the front door the cat came in our kitchen um so like we can keep an eye on him but that's also like we see the Dory no Intruders you know um and I was just going through it see what I was doing he said anytime that he spent awake he was he was sitting on our kitchen table because he's not allowed to American table so never leave he goes in the kitchen table because like he's a cat um I paused it [Music] I just like start crying laughing every time I see it [Music] he looks so I'll be revealing the Discord okay sisters put a picture of Alfie in the Discord for those of you who want to see Alfie he's a little Menace he's a little Menace um but he's cute but he is thick he is like a thick boy Alfie I generated he does kind of um but he looks he looks so dumb please the husband is in Discord butterfly [Music] I didn't know that alert was a thing a butterfly the knobs um Ryan welcome in welcome in butterfly what the heck with the subs do uh to Meg's and Janae and Cass and chaotic and Doc and Jazz and Luna and Ghostly and Troy what the heck what the heck okay I feel that I do I I understand I do get that um but thank you for thinking it's up to you guys you've already done so much Goofy's not stuff already this month we don't need any more goof level four high train you guys ridiculous I also will say this is my affiliate my second affiliate anniversary though so I guess maybe that's how we're celebrating I don't know um but I'm obsessed with this picture of gimbal it is literally my banner photo in Discord it makes me laugh thanks fiction oh that's very exciting that is very exciting I just got back from vacation but it was I don't I don't know if I would call a vacation we went to a wedding you guys the DJ at this wedding was terrible I feel so bad for my friend my friend the bride and her family he was so bad like he did not know how to train the ship between songs um and he was just kind of he didn't know how to speak into it with a microphone um thank you friend um but he he kept playing Pitbull he kept playing Pitbull and we were like sir no one listens to Pitbull at weddings like why is their soul ever like only like half the songs that were requested by the bride including he did not play the one song that I was literally waiting for like we were waiting for this everyone was requesting it and like he would not play Don't Stop Believing he refused he refused to play at a wedding and I was like bro 80 people have asked you it was on the list that the bride gave you and like I was waiting for it because that's mine in the brides like that's our song like that is the song we were obsessed with we bonded over it in eighth and Ninth Grade like this was our song I'm very upset with this man I'm heartless welcome in yeah why does he have yeah like like can't believe you've done this for you they didn't refund they really should and like my my friend she has four siblings there's five of them at one point all five of them were yelling at this man I'm not like yelling on people you know being like bro why aren't you doing what we've asked you to what we've paid you for you know it was ridiculous your brother's fiance asked you to fear oh oh my gosh that's very fun that's very fun and there's me especially at JS Jazz standards on the Heart by weddings and has he's an infinite selection of songs I know I know Frozen I know princess [Music] um your groceries for your camp now and you're already oh pick them up that's so fun that's so fast so fun if you can get paid to do your weddings apparently I should try my husband you'd probably be a very good DJ you'd probably be a very good DJ because you know what good music is and I assume you can probably figure out how to do fun Transitions and you know how to speak into a microphone why height train no starting it's Makoto the hypers at a level four maybe you should restart or like refresh your stream I think you should refresh your stream Makoto because it's at a level four with a minute and a half left at 50 so maybe maybe a little refresh is what you need to do um um you're finally getting a sister's brick that's amazing I love that I love that Goblin girl welcome in welcome in just really hi to you today it wasn't uh opening earlier stupid twitch who just have to get Makoto today how rude oh yeah welcome um I also I have other things to tell you guys about but I forgot what it was I forgot what it was I should have made notes I should have made notes I don't remember another little for your workplace yeah um well we'll see what happens we'll see what happens I mean you don't have to have twitch open to stream so you might be okay you might be fine um I will say I am we're gonna be building uh the wedding venue inspired by we're gonna do a build inspired by the wedding venue that we brought um princess and Brady we are gonna play The Sims we're gonna get some Sims we're just we're it's been I haven't streamed since Wednesday so we're just catching up right now um now the pops and playing Sims at the moment waiting for girls to arrive enjoy the stream I'm so glad you found us on Tick Tock too magic I am too um uh the Navy shapes at all that's true that's true um so uh the the wedding took place in like I don't know it's not I don't know if it's a park or I don't remember but it's it's on this like big property that has like a super old mansion like a historic like building kind of thing and then there's other buildings around it so it was at the stable on the um property um and it's like an actual staple like it's not like there's no horses in it but like it was an actual stable and like it was outside mostly but like you know the bar and like the snacks and the hors d'oeuvres and all that stuff like inside and like in the different Stables it was really really cool um but it's stunning I did put up a few pictures in Discord if you want to look at it um but the bride and I were like the same person like we have been since eighth grade um to the point where our themes for the wedding we both she she was saying some of the words that she used to like to describe like what she wanted as a theme it was the same as mine and I was like wow we're the same person um like the same colors like she it was hers was pink green and blue like that was the only difference was that hers was blue and like the pink was a slightly different shade of pink but like it was like the same thing um and like the decorations were kind of similar and I was like I love this for us I love this dress and my original um venue that I wanted was a different area like at the actual mansion on that property not the Stables like I was like I wanted to have it there but um it was nearly ten thousand dollars because I was not local so I was like that's out of the option and also my wedding got canceled so it's fine um but it's kind of wild like how much OVR the same um this is gonna be a brand and they say sometimes um oh this was the most chaotic day and literally everything that could have gone wrong has uh all scrolled that's the one itself I mean I'm looking forward to a good cozy watch party in bed I am so glad you can go get snuggled into bed soon um also my bangs I don't have do I have okay my fan is running I was like why am I getting my hair keeps flying into my mouth he keeps flying into my mouth um also you guys I'm only two subscribers away from from a thousand on Tick Tock or not Tick Tock what the heck no YouTube I'm only two two subscribers away from 1K on on YouTube oh man Nicole thank you Fred thank you um but so if anyone wants to go follow my YouTube I think I have a YouTube Commander there it is if you want to go if you want to go follow I filmed a video this morning so we have we have new content I'm gonna try to have three videos on this week I don't know if it'll happen but it's the goal we'll see we'll see if it happens I'm kind of back on my Zelda kick um I only have five more shrines to go you guys until I have all of them and then and then um I'm going to fight Ganon so you guys on one one subscriber away um uh [Music] wait I love that Kimberly I love that just a kingdom I'm going to Knox it's on my Throne it's actually on my throne but I'm going to I think I want to try to like finish breath of the wild first like I want to get all the shrines I want to defeat again and I want to like final the clothes upgrade them all I want to do all the side quests and the shrine quests and uh all the final the korok seeds and everything because like that's like the kind of gameplay that I really enjoy is like that kind of grind like I love going on the choreograph seed hunts like I love hunting Clorox seeds so I think I'm gonna try to like mostly finish it before I start tears of the Kingdom I also might take a break between breath of wild and here's the kingdom just to like chill for a minute you know because it's all I can think about so I need to like chill for a little bit once I finish it but like I said it is on my Throne um Robin welcome in thank you thank you my friend welcome in how are you um do you guys want to play some Sims and buy play Sims I mean um pour some shells to be hit 1K you guys we just hit 1K on YouTube we just hit 1K on YouTube we're gonna take a screenshot of that ever play uh uh grinds but also it's amazing ass it's not my I hope it's like a season my kind of thing I'm not a I'm not a huge potterhead I have to be honest I'm not a huge potterhead so you can see I made a homemade peppermint tea bags with the mint from your little oh Frozen that sounds delicious I have you guys my mom and I we went on like so we went yard sailing on Friday my mom and I but we also went like we got our hair cuts then we went yard sailing and then went to a thrift store and then went to more yard sales and then something that you've never wrote in the evening um but in between a yard sale and the thrift store we were driving like just through my hometown and there's like one area that like a lot of food trucks set up and there was some food trucks and I was like Mom what food trucks are there so we like pulled in and there's a little coffee one and like there's like an actual food like it was like a Mexican food one but it was like 11 A.M so we were like we're not getting lunch right now and there's one like with mini Donuts so we got ourselves like a mini donut and then we went to the little coffee shop and I was like I'm gonna get some coffee and then I was like What if I got tea and they had a green tea that was mint and vanilla flavored you guys it was so good it was a little too minty but it was really good and I might try to try to make it myself because I have mint extract so I could just like I just need to get some green tea and I have a vanilla so it was really good and I got it iced and it was delicious being icy this summer and attempt to reduce the amount of iced coffee drink that's not a bad idea Frozen uh you know since we since three Yesterday can't wait to get to Kevin get some sleep oh my gosh I hope you get some sleep soon pixie I hope you can get some sleep it was delicious you guys it was so delicious absolutely delicious okay I'm gonna Place him I'm opening my game I'm lowering the desk um if you did the shell and you haven't redeemed a tour go ahead and redeem a tour um and then if a mod mods um if one of you can keep track of like time stamps uh I would very much appreciate that um oh oh what Frozen what nah I'm nervous um but mods if one of you could do that I would appreciate that forgot about that yeah yeah we have shell chores and I think I have everyone ever downloaded um Makoto they'll we'll put them all in like a list at the end of stream and put them in the Sims Channel um if you want to like just keep them like on wherever just it's just in a list somewhere you can just make a list um you can put it in like one of the mod channels if you want like you can like tap it typed up in there or something um it's up to you but we usually I usually do like name and then time stamp of like what time how long we've been streaming so like if it's like an hour and a half 30 minutes something like that you know um is how we usually do and then we tag everyone uh but I can delete the tagging later if you just want to like keep track of like name and time and I can take care of it later um so she's a way to Adam marker you can add markers I just don't know how to find the markers I have I know how to do markers I just can't find it so but also if having a mod do it later or doing it during makes it easier for after stream it makes it easier on me after stream um uh how to show those work so ghostly shell challenges work um when someone like me in this in this case is me it can be anyone um builds the shell of a house um you can do it how everyone can build any sort of shallow but you just typically just build the walls and then you put on the gallery with whatever rules you want um I'm gonna suddenly just literally don't touch my walls and then like it's a free-for-all and you can like add additional rules and then people in the community will download it and they'll decorate it to lower their hearts content and then they put it back up in the gallery with a hashtag that you use and then you tour them on stream so usually it's like a streamer or like a YouTuber um that does the shell and it's a way they like involve the community so as long as you have access to the gallery on the Sims you can do them um you have a crazy catches something back sliding across the floor gamble does that sometimes gimbal does that sometimes um you know the brain cell knocks does have the brain cell half our Texas train then 20 minutes home oh hopefully goes by quickly Frozen um thank you Pacific all right so we are touring um let me get up my thing so I can also keep track of it just so I can see because I like to have it um okay hashtag no I don't need hashtag I saved them on my gallery already or my library because I was afraid the gallery would work on us again so I wanted to save them um also welcome back Pacific um I love you awesome nerds okay let's see where is it here it is all right we have girl with dog um Minister for the Disney anniversary shell challenge this game this base game family home is geared towards parents and a few children of varying ages and it's play tested it's 271 000 simoleons 271 000 also do we have a heist I would like to join the heist oh I missed the heist lame I missed the heist rude or was there a high story I don't know I thought oh I don't know I just saw heisting happening okay it's on a 30 by 20. this looks like oh this is in um Little Creek um ghostly yeah people can you can easily do basically like this one this one's all base game so sometimes we people do a base game only show where everyone has to do base games so deaf people can make amazing villagers based game um okay oh it's taking a while to build oh I'm going to do I have I think I'm Gonna Leave the music on it's still working now it's always been working I don't think it wasn't broken was it broken um because it was fine with the update you're not sure oh yeah it's it's working I was using it earlier oh this looks so cute already this looks so cute already they're having some issues it's very possible a lot of issues with um tool are just mod interferences so other mods having problems with it but it's but um mine is totally fine okay oh my goodness this is so cute did you use all the pieces did you use all the pieces so hello everyone um really hard to move I used to smell a long console yeah I can imagine I can imagine you heard that we have a release date for Knox can you send me whatever where where did you get that information I need you to send it to me ASAP please and thank you um sorry thank you thank you thank you I think I like it I I like it sometimes you use most of them oh my God whoa excuse me don't ban people what what there we go I like sometimes if you like accidentally click something on the thing it's like band delete I'm very nervous I don't know what what it is but it makes me nervous um we're on Tick Tock and didn't think to clarify it well okay if anyone if anyone sees anything about like the horses release dates or just things in general I need you to send them to me either just in Tick Tock whisper it to me the link damn it to me put it in the links Channel Sim's Channel just give it to me I need it I need it because I need to know because I like to think that I am the first uh the the first line of communication between all the Sims information on Tick Tock um rumor July 18th of 20th or something like that I Pro that's probably 100 fake but interesting because we don't even have a road map it'd be also be weird to release an expansion pack in July when we got one in March so interesting um but yeah give me all of you if you have any info about if you find anything give it to me um uh princess if you if you can redeem it go for it if not um we'll do yours next we'll do yours next um the image that was uncovered from The Sims that wasn't it um yeah it's a Sims 3 image but often the images when they're think when the things are leaked um it's often placeholder images it's often placeholder images um so having it through the Sims 3 is not an unusual thing so uh got you for this history exactly like I want to be that person on Tick Tock that gets it gives everyone the information about The Sims like that's what I want to be so I need all the information that if you guys find things that are not from me um uh but placeholder images Are Not Unusual like the one for high school was weird um too like a weird image that was like we were like we don't even know where it came from all that kind of stuff um okay this is really heck and cute I love the layout um oh good knocks all good um but I love this layout and also the roofing this Roofing stunning she's cute like this is so well roofed I am very impressed and the garage I love the garage um um very very cute very very cute um she's she is beauty she's Grace uh Magic you can whisper it to one of the mods um you can send them a whisper um and and they can relay the information to me um tutorials I could find I love a good Tic Tac moving tutorial I need to make more so if anyone has any roofing issues let me know and I can make more moving tutorials because I need I would like to make more I love Roofing tutorials I like to make them so if you have a problem area with your Roofing send me a screenshot um okay but this is really cute thank you for ever I'm living for my bangs I'm gonna have to start curling my hair though like every day though to get my bangs like this so that'll be interesting um also the Gnomes I'm living for the Gnomes look at them go this is so cute and this is base game this is all base game would not have guessed honestly all right oh my gosh it's so big I think okay so happy I did curl my hair and it looked really bad I don't know if it was just I have too big of a curling iron or I don't know but it looked oh it's a little it looks really funky um I might try again but we'll see look at all these ribbons oh oh someone is an overachiever in this household and I'm here for it um a Hattie I have no idea it was my mom's it was my mom's I don't know which direction to go okay we're gonna go this way we're gonna go this way okay look at this this is so cozy this is so cozy also did not know we had that did not know we had this pirate ship but I love it um this is so cool I love all the little little decor items this is so cute is this one item okay it is I'm like I don't I use bass oh I don't use a lot of Base game so I like don't recognize half the items whenever I'm just turned just base game once oh we got the little um oh my gosh what's it called Pack and Play It's a pack and play we have to pack and play adorable of course we need to have a duck I think you're you're decorating is stunning something else I love the shape of this kitchen very nice layout also you make this wall look nice you make this all of you can make these like base game walls look so nice I mean I try it just looks a mess and just wrong um okay so if you guys haven't seen this there's this little trick to to hide this trash can it's like the it's the money trash can you can you can shrink it down and it is the perfect height to fit in a counter like that it looks like a cutting board and it's still functional that's still functional and I think it's so cool I think it's so neat um but this I love it I love the award on the fridge I like it big fan this is heck and adorable heck and adorable let me go through here we got my little like hallway Corridor lots of little um what's it called sculptures little wooden sculptures adorable I also love these rugs I use them so often and then let's go this way let's go through the hallway we have so many awards I love the awards someone's an overachiever like I said oh that's cute that looks like it leaves it's called Falling that makes sense it looks like leaves oh we got a nice bathroom ooh I love the colors that's got going on me here I like this floor as well another money trash can you can't have too many money trash cans very nice little bathroom I love all the use of like the debug artwork and everything it looks very very nice um and come in here to our stairs love that okay oh nice little cozy sitting area got a ladybug oh that's heck and cute got like a little window seat decorative decoration area love that and of course a grand piano because why not because we always use Grand piano's to take up all my all the space that's left over because that's 100 what I do as well um and I love it I love it and then we go upstairs and we have a nice hallway I also have been really into Brown walls so I'm living for the brown walls all right so we have a door here so we have a nice little bathroom like a teen girls bathroom maybe very cute I never use this shower but it's surprisingly nice it's surprisingly nice I like it also there's a mirror in the bathroom also cute I don't use half these base game items and I really should I really really should oh this is cute I've got a little fish tank I love all the debug that's not no that's infant update but it looks like debug but that's very cute though but you have anything on debug um because the light switch and everything got the hamper the dirty clothes oh I love this this is so cute oh I love giving my children balcony access I don't think that was fly in real life however I love to give Mike Sims kids balcony accents um nox don't feel bad don't feel bad this is really cute I love these chairs are adorable um also I love the like different um like wall uh colors that's so cute that's so cute let me go over here we got a nice little laundry laundry room huge [Music] cute cute cute yeah in real life no it's in The Sims totally fine totally fine um but I love this like a little debug not Diva oh my same Divas in a base game base game laundry room I'm obsessed holy cow they're such an overachiever wait what are these from are these collections those are from the collection I've never finished a collection in my life have you can you tell can you tell um we got like another teen room over here I love the red and black I love the like red and black Vibes this is basically theme I swear that was get to work but it's basically I swear those get to work what business business career interesting Brian welcome in debug is the word of the day um what's the question like when you have your Sims collect stuff like the um oh this is all like having grown all the fruits or catching all the fish or finding other frogs with those collections um I watched it much um true kind of a door outside in here that's really funny that's really funny um yeah like the elements and stuff too lots of debug for there sometimes oh yeah I also get lost in debug so I have to have organized debug this is a nice bathroom I never use this tub and and this makes me think I should use it it looks very nice oh I love putting the towel on the counter like this nice little touch nice little touch I love that oh it didn't have a door there that's just that's an ensuite I would like this room this is heck and cute is that one item oh it is I feel like it was a stacked one that's cute like I mean I know it's from base game oh it's that okay um this is heck and cute where did this come from I don't know half of these items I don't even it looks like you use like every item in base game and I'm obsessed with it you didn't oh but that's I you turn the laundry basket into a trash can and I'm obsessed with that I'm obsessed with that um love the little desk vanity situation love the debug makeup the Chapstick love that my favorite bed we got the bassinet this is so cute oh we have another balcony over here but you can come out and paint the door I was like I couldn't find the door this is so cute and then there's no basement let's go oh oops it's basically torn how to use the money trash cannot make it look like trash can exactly and I'm here for it also I don't know if I said but like I love how you've used all different like wallpapers and stuff like on different walls and not have like just like one room being one thing you know I think that's very clever then we go here we have our patio with a grill patio chairs fire sprinklers fire alarm sprinklers I don't know what whatever it is I said oh there's two back doors there's two back doors you're halfway home amazing frozen I can't wait to forget for you to get all the way home death perfect we love a death um what kind of tree is this a grow fruit tree amazing got a little place to play for the kids that's where these dolls are from I was like they're always a debug but I'm like I don't know where they come from that's where they're from it's from the dollhouse oh we got some sunflowers outside this is so cute got a little sandbox with some sand toys oh yeah the trims and on the walls are so frustrating to like a match uh but you did a really good job you did a really good job my the fan is blowing at my face and it's making my eyes itch it's making my eyes itch a little bit um but this is so good because we get to love and hype in chat uh for the growth of dog because this is a stunning build and a base game only two that's the gallery I don't need to open the gallery it's so good so cute what a way to start off our tours um hello husband hello is gimbal here Kimball come here come say hello have gimbal we have gimbal hi buddy buddy look at him look at him everyone missed you boop the cat poop hello hi do you want to say hello can you hear him looks like he's gonna fall asleep what a cute guy are you a cute little guy you'd like to cause chaos oh that was here do I need to help you stretch you need to help me you need help to get a stretch let's do a big stretch Big Stretch there you go he is less angry now he stopped screaming every five minutes gonna put your toes up here okay only two toes only two toes on the desk at a time these guys little paws crossed he's a sitting on his size feet two feet on my my leg and two feet on the desk foreign who is next is next oh wait let's do um because princess was 10 then the first one to dream but we had we had a mistake with that so we're gonna do princesses and then we'll do noxes um so here is princesses uh Lego you see the head welcome in having our line um mods could you count maybe look how many people are online okay so princesses uh dizzy May's Garden princess made a maze enjoy walk through a difficult but beautiful maze to go to a little oh you can't see it to go to a lovely park uh the building includes a television a bar um bar space and outside patio area as well as a game area uh then a chest and don't make the Llama ooh okay and this looks like I don't it's a 50 by 40. I don't know where this goes I'll put it over there this might be where it goes I like this music a challenge so I totally understand if you didn't do this one um the next Shell we already have a little bit planned because it's gonna be it's a mod shell so the mods are gonna make a shape and then um I'm gonna have to take those shapes and create them into a shell so it's like a puzzle shell but the puzzle is just for me and then after I figure out the puzzle I'll put it on the gallery and you have to put it together gimbal are you make up your mind of where what you're doing make up your mind so and I'm gonna figure out some like parameters that they have to follow so that the shell is not just nonsense gimbal you are you are in in front of my keyboard um oh this is amazing okay we're gonna go through the maze oh my gosh you put buildings in the Maze wait oh my gosh princess that's so fun princess that's so fun okay so we go here we have our first building we have a little garden space I love it I can't believe it well you have to be within you know gimbal that's too many toes on the desk I'm sorry but you have to leave oh hi thank you for the hug I was gonna kick you out but I don't know if I can anymore because you're cute so cute he was being so clingy yesterday I had to like follow him around the house so that he didn't so that he was reassured that we were still home um of course motive enjoy your nap um but yesterday we got home um we came in and then I um was like uh putting his tree away and husband was getting the last of the stuff from the car and I had given gimbal some wet food because he hadn't gotten wet food all week um since we were gone okay gimbal you need to you need to go down um and so I was like putting the tree back in here because we put the tree out in the kitchen for when we're gone because we keep him in there um and he just starts howling because he thought we left again because he didn't see where I went and husband walked out and I was like sorry gimbal I'm so sorry you've assembled uh shell and some walls and rooms here even I'm so proud of you Makoto I'm so proud of you um okay I love okay look at this I love that you have like what whatever these are called Gables I think he's like not against you so I know he was so stressed he was so stressed and I was like I'm so sorry I'm so sorry gimbal um see Captain I would love that but he he would not like that he he would not be a fan of that um then we have the extra over here we got more plants I love it I love it where's okay there's so many like dead ends all right that comes out over here we got a chicken we got a chicken with a bench let me come over here we have more shapes we got more Planters love that we come out to this one we have um a cat it's gimbal um and then we have over here with a little Fountain area more plants you guys whoever lives here's a gardener they're a heck and Gardener then we have over here we have just like a hallway I love it I love it I have over here we have this one amazing look at all the hedges we got a heck in the Hedge zoo over here a heck and hedge zoo and then here's the entrance to the house I love this amazing it's amazing Lizzy See's cat must be exactly exactly um this is really cute I love this uh we got so nice bathrooms oh no we have ads hold on I'm gonna snooze the ads we'll run ads and then we'll do the next door um um but this is heck and cute heck and cute and it's a park lot I could easily you know see uh say something like renting this place out for like a kid's birthday party that'd be so fun like a kid's birthday party got a nice little like area over here oh you could watch a movie I would watch a movie here I would watch a movie on this little patio this goes back out into the maze oh what's over here oh more planes more Planters I love that I love this green color that you've gone with it's almost I don't know why but it's like giving me train station Vibes just the green color is don't know why but I like it here we have our bar with a nice big windows I love it I love these stools as well I love those stools they're so so so so nice got some more bathrooms let me have oh we have an upstairs oh cute more death more death um this is so cute and we have like this little game area play some beer pong or with some juice pong it's juice pong um or uh ping pong and we got this this guy the button Masher guy and we have lot darts I love darts spicy juice pong exactly spicy spunk this is so cute princesses is so clever and fun thank you so much can we get some hype and love and chat um for princesses bill because this is heck of amazing I can't imagine how long it took you to place all these bushes because oh my goodness that's so many bushes that's so many bushes because I said bushes in chat except command bush assistant command Bush um okay we're gonna take a quick little break to run ads and then we will come back with nox's build so take the time to get a snack get a drink work on your own shell that you're working on finishing uh whatever you need to go do and I'll see you in three minutes slap your hands laughs thank you [Music] come on one two three four one two three princess I figure I'm actually about to go on another floor it does I will look at it once I get back and then [Music] [Music] foreign one two three four [Music] one two three [Music] one two three before [Music] I love your hands all right welcome back everyone creepy you welcoming so happy to see you um there was a top floor of this build um and it's this hold on I got to get music back um but it's a hacking cute little like to Rooftop Terrace area and I missed it because I didn't see um the ladder so we have a ladder that goes over here that goes up and a nice little rooftop Terrace with chess and um don't wake the llama adorable again princess amazing I love it um it's Bingo do you mean the dog Bingo because I was really confused and I assume it's probably the dog that you're talking about I think you're creepy thank you I just got a cut on Friday I cut off 24 inches first thing Jude you guys maybe do it Saint Jude uh made me do it I mean they didn't make me do it but like you know all right we are moving on to knox's build um let's find Knox there we go um okay um you give up this is the best you can do you can do I appreciate the attempt Knox it's gonna be good it's gonna be good okay uh it's on a 50 by 40. um this is the same lot so we're gonna put it down here as well all right also look at gimbal look at how look at him what a little goof like half like sleeping with one eye open little little goofy guy you're just gonna Eco and did this oh I can't wait eco's one of my favorite packs I'm looking forward to it I can't see my hair my hair clip keeps falling out to my hair clips too big and I need to get some smaller hair clips oh now it looks all Goofy there we go it has a tongue it looks like a tongue just sticking out it's a little basketball court thing in the best way possible that's very funny I love it all right oh okay what was that I'm going to this residential even this is Park I saved that one um okay I love this okay first off you're pathing impeccable very cute to leave the welcome in um I love your pathing though it's very cute it's very well not well well nice well done all right we got the little square here how do you get into the square oh from inside okay that's an inside patio okay then we'll go somewhere else here it's really cute the outside's really nice okay this is the front door got a nice little mailbox I love all the colors honestly the mint to the red go pretty well together I have to be honest they go pretty well together all right so we go inside we got oh okay like see like the brick and the mint they work well together and then this is so cute you have to go into the tree though so I can see again death that's three telescopes in a row for death and I love it I love it I've got some like watering stuff some plant stuff this is really cute Knox this is a cute way to use this was this one of my pieces or was this added like because like this was something you can add I was just curious I can't remember if I have a square this shape um okay this is a cute little entryway let's go this way um it's added okay that's what I thought I just couldn't tell it was made for a werewolf you have I love that okay so we go in here we got a nice little bedroom I love these walls I love the dream home decorator and the Eco they honestly work really nice together um I love the platforms I love the platforms I think that's so fun um I don't think it's fully functional um because you think the Sims hack is like it has to be like every step but otherwise it's fine like because but you could just like put some stairs if you want it to be functional oh JK it's diagonal um to make it functional you'd have to make it so that it was um I have like another step or um was lower but that's it um water telescope's death because you can die from telescopes princess if you look into a telescope you might have the chance of having a meteor hit you that is how they are deaf uh but this is cute I love how I love how you did this though I think that's really really cute I love the desk adorable a little friendship bracelet making station very cute and then let's go this way we got freaking organ of course we gotta have an organ in our house we gotta have an organ um I also this is one of my favorite items I use it so much I love it also two of you have put the sprinklers in I'm impressed I never put sprinklers in my house I'm impressed um and and the trash can and the trash can and I love it okay we have ladder to go upstairs I won't miss at this time nice little view to the pool you can watch your friends swim nice little coffee table oh look at you look at you putting the couch in the counter adorable honestly I love the layout of this space too like how you have the kitchen and the counters I like the walls I really like the like the shape of it I really like the shape of it I think it's really fun and like the columns here that's very clever I like it a lot Knox um and like the island pieces here and like especially like making things that I don't know because some things are diagonal so it makes it really hard but this looks really nice this looks very very nice oh excuse me uh you know here's another gameplay of even lucky and I have only had one sim died from the telescope and it was a Tony I had um uh Johnny zest he died from it the day we got it I but I tried it I was intentional I don't yeah the shells are all custom and we got these I think that's really fun to have these like um shells on the wall I've been meaning to do like a build with these with like a shelving or something I just can't figure out what I want to do yet but I love it I love it the spices on it I love it this is look this is really good we have a bathroom got a messy bathroom oh the toilet I never use this toilet but I love it and there's another bathroom this is honestly you could use your space to turn that into bathrooms and we go over here oh we could karaoke we're gonna play Carrie play karaoke we're gonna do karaoke together uh later all of us we're just gonna do karaoke we have another bathroom in here I like this sink a lot I have to say it's a good sink also gotta love the bat the bat the toilet rug um I love this rug the dream of decorator rugs are so good did you put stuff okay I don't remember this having grass in the bottom of it maybe it's just the Swatch of it okay it's just a Swatch that makes it look not normal but yeah okay never mind um I love that you use that was like that like as the foot Board of the bed so there's like some privacy I really like that knocks and this shelf is really cute Knox you did a good job of like blending these two packs together very very good and then we're gonna come back out here and we're gonna go through this way we have our pool space there's a basement should I wait on the basement or should I look at it now right now I'm gonna go through here they they do work really nicely together oh we got some laundry outside over there but we'll we haven't gone to that part yet oh laundry room look at it oh and the laundry room outside and you can dry your clothes oh look at you look at you go with this and then like the basketball court up to me okay um is there an upstairs there is okay let's go upstairs first we're at the stairs where's the ladder the ladder is over here are the ladder goes up here we got this little gym this is a three bathroom house I love it I love it and I love a nice little Little Gym area and then we have where's the door okay nope oh there that's uh the door of the wall the same color I'm like where's the drawers I'll just say Knox I think you for auditor but no you did not I just can't see um we have the red pool we have our blood pool I was gonna say how to do the fence on there that's the that's the trim on that okay the trim looks close enough like the water I was like how is that working but it's the trim it's the trim all right let's let's go to the basement I'm a little nervous I'm yawning why am I yawning I'm not sleepy okay what is this a light it's a light um is this a safe door uh I've done so many packs lately because of the sale you want more but you've already spent so much time you have the laundry pack of the kit I mean the laundry stuff done sorry I literally have a cup of caffeine I have a cup of caffeine it just isn't enough it's just not enough um okay it's a little infected it's a little infected down here okay honestly here for it oh you can what is this so the fizzing station you can come down and fizz oh dear oh there's a second floor there's so many basements all right we got some storage got some storage okay all right got a nice little little crafting station which one's this one that's the candle making station got a heart I assume it's a heart for something on the table and we have a rocket why I don't know if you put the rocket in the basement like that under the bathroom but you know you do you um amazing Knox I love it I never knew what to expect and I love it around every corner or something different and it was fantastic I did a really good job of combining the packs too uh you got a hot yesterday you gotta hide the rocket so no one can steal it they're experimenting I can see that can we get some love and hype and chat for Knoxville because that was really good and again the color I would never put the green and the the red together but they look really nice together yes I'll like to leave this mode I'd like to leave this mode um I always get confused when the street melon bot has the high O command but it's there and it makes me laugh I always hear that access all right who is next Kimberly is next let's see where is it right here okay it says um this strangely roofed little home was uh Dressed to a press this small family home is full of charm and a little secret workspace with a work from home parent happy two years remember you love it oh this is so cute this is so cute look at it okay I love that everyone put it on this lot um yeah change the residential one gotta use the Big Lot gotta use the Big Lot you also said it was hard to move it so very understandable very very unassemble because um or not on yeah console I can imagine it's hard I'm glad you like it I like the hair that you can see the hair that you cannot see I'm not a fan of which is why it's pulled back but half a pop down I think it's cute wasn't even so he was like the pieces yeah yeah sometimes you just gotta make do just gotta make Doom um I did not sorry I had a lot more time because like the first time I cut my hair like seven eight years ago I I didn't cry at the hairdresser but I did later because I hated how it looked because I but it was kind of like I didn't think it thrown off whereas this one I've been planning this for like 10 months with the thought with the idea of having cutting my hair for St Jude so I had a lot more time to mentally prepare and I went in knowing what I wanted so it was a lot easier um so it definitely it was definitely a lot easier process um I haven't cried yet though I don't think I'm going to um I I will say it's a little bit shorter than I wanted it to be I wanted to be like here um but it's okay it'll grow it'll probably be like the perfect length by twitchcon and that's really all that matters to be honest um I'm taking her to squish it down to a size that fill this hole a lot yeah that's the one problem with have it starting on such a big lot but it's okay you all did great you all did great I think it's kind of like a foot off you should do it Captain it's very freeing and now my hair is really healthy too because like the like the rest of it like wasn't the most healthy um cheeky Tipper tip for the welcome in um so like now it's it's super healthy and everything too which is nice accessories off uh you can work straight for the first seven years you kept forgetting your hair was um straight that's really funny I wish my hair wasn't straight but I have straight hair dry so fast ironically it's still wet it's still wet and I I washed at like 8 15 this morning um because I think I'm actually realizing that I have relatively thick hair like I actually have thick hair also it's it's normal it's okay I'm gonna leave it down for a little bit it's kind of ah do I want to leave it down no I'm gonna put it up a little bit I'm gonna put it back up um but like it's still wet in the back it's still a little bit wet in the back um man I do the YouTube thing a lot twice oh no Captain it like it was it wasn't the most healthy um a lot of like split ends and that kind of stuff so like now it's like all of like the the not something it's still healthy enough like it's still good enough to be like maybe turn into a wig obviously um but for just day-to-day living and styling stuff like it wasn't super happy I just said happy healthy okay this is so cute Kimberly this is so cute I love the exterior of this it's almost giving goth mansion in a way it's almost giving goth Mansion it's very nice and so if you want to download yeah it's kind of it's it's kind of like I don't know what it's trying to do honestly like it's just trying to exist I don't like that it kind of like curls under I kind of hate that so I might have to start straightening that out of it because I just hate when it does that I kind of hate when it does that um because my hair is it as a kid and I didn't like it either then and I just look like I did as a child so I might have to like work on making that leave um but this is getting golf Mansion the best way the roofing adorable I love it I love it like look at that that's really I love that I love that um uh like the short hair but I'm so glad do you think you I appreciate that and enjoy your look again um but this is very good this is all in console this is all on console um The Goth mansion in the County household of the baby yes Captain it's like the goth house within the Caliente household like the house has had a baby that's exactly what it is that's exactly what it is uh and I love it your Landscaping is so cute and colorful and I just love it it's so cute and again this is all on Console you guys I love this I love this item what is this from is this from cotton 's lips from the plant kit oh this is so cute I love the wind chimes I love all the colors oh because we go outside oh what floor is that oh it's that one oh it's cute it's cute I love all the colors that you've used Kimberly we got a little um what is this called Murphy bed you got a little more wait Murphy Beds Are modular Murphy Beds Are modular foreign why didn't anyone tell me this no I don't use Murphy Beds I never can get them to work in my bills I also don't like the swatches of them like the wood swatches are not my preferred wood swatches they're too orange for my personal taste for like building um so I don't use them that often but I should um that's true another desk trap so far we've had death through all of them that felt awesome it does look good in the spacecraft but it really does it looks cute um I just don't use them all is this that doesn't fit my personal build Style um panda um I don't know what this does um but it's a Murphy that it comes down to a bed and it kills your Sims um trust me so those were exactly on the towel oh that wouldn't make sense that makes sense um but again completely this is very cute this is very cute I love the cow plant in the corner I'm gonna be a nice little bathroom oh I like that you use like paneling in here wait that's fun it almost makes it look like it was an extension it almost makes it look like it was an extension and I like it I like the art that you put in there it's very cute heck and cute I have the tablet so much V2 me too I also love this fireplace it's so good we have over here like a little nice little living space Oh I love it this is so cute this is so cute I absolutely love it I would sit here and watch a movie and then I love how you've like laid out the kitchen with like being kind of like on the stairs with the spandrels the rugging couch combo I know it's so good they look they work so well together like Paranormal and jungle Adventure look very nice together this feels very Arizona you are here for it it does it does have that Vibe um I love the swatches at the counters and the cabinets are these the same Swatch or okay I think they're they're the matching swatches let's say if they're not just watches they've made the match very well and you found a little Hidden Gem um but this is really cute this is very very cute I love that you have the um the plant like kind of like hanging off the window in a way I love that and that's the one outside we'll do that later there's no basement right yeah no basement yeah Panda this is Kimberly's and it's all built on Console it's all built on the Xbox I think it's the Xbox um cute little landing area I love a good little Landing look at this blue bathroom Captain it's your bathroom it's so colorful and bright and I love it this is so pretty Kimberly you have such a nice eye for color and like this is such like nice like saturated colors it just looks so nice oh this is so cute though um Renee Renee Renee oh come in um Kim's after college soft hair really is it really really is um it is your bathrooms where you live yeah Captain lives in this bathroom this is captain's bed cotton Captain sleeps in the tub unless castles are standing up and then she sleeps in the shower um so there's options it's okay it's okay I won't hold it against you Renee um okay this this is such a cute color combination too with like the orange and the green I would never put these colors together like this but it's so cute it's so cute I love it also I always forget oh there's a hair in my mouth ew that's gimbal's hair gimbal you got your hair in my mouth that's so rude of him that's so rude of him I always think this has other swatches because I never use this because I'm like oh the main Swatch is kind of boring but like it has such cute little swatches and I need to use it more it's so cute I love that you've stacked like the infant stuff I just realized this is this is a kid in infant room it's very cute I love giving like a shared room with like an infant and a little older of a kid it's so cute also I love the little unicorn I love this little unicorn it's so fun I know I never think of it like I never use it but like I should and I'm gonna sack stuff on it now too it's so cute and then we go in here we got a nice little little plant lamp I heck and love it got a nice little oh a little like walk through closet into the bathroom and the bathroom goes into the oh my goodness I love it oh it's bookcased secret bathroom door frozen your home welcome home um but this is so cute I love this I would take a shower in here I love all the candles on the shelves very very cute bathroom I love the closet very nice color choices also this cottage living floor is so good it's such a good floor I love the yellows and the Grays this is very much like my one one aspect of my aesthetic and I'm here for it I didn't realize wait this is other swatches you guys I need to use base game more often because I did not know that this had other swatches 10 total shower here yeah 10 out of 10 would shower here would would use the toilet you know would do all the things in the bathroom I would I would use this bathroom to the fullest extent um I thought about Pacific I think for the mod shell we're gonna keep it to being all packed but I'm thinking the next one might be a base game only I'm probably not gonna finish it because I haven't finished my shelf for this either because I got too into the storytelling of it and not enough into the decorating of it um but wasn't that video eventually um and then oh this is fun [Music] thank you that's we needed that maybe that um I love this though it matched it does it's very funny I'm obsessed with it uh of course there's some of your favorite professors never resize them like that you love it they're really cute I need to use them more too like they're cute they're cute it is kind of like a science project it is it's the science project I love the desk cluttering hello the belly button on this thing scares me it scares me go see welcome back the candles in here couldn't make it a fire this belly button is kind of scary but like it looks kind of like a pencil sharpener you know the pencils are here it's just a pencil shirt and then you know just take like it just come like the the sharpened like the the this sharpened bits just like it comes out the butt you know like a Mr Potato Head I need to stop oh I love this room though would definitely come in here to work we are on a telescope streak how many shell we are on a telescope everyone's having the telescope so far I think everyone's had it um I love it what's the star next to your name um there's a star next to your name I don't see a star next to your name uh well yeah everyone sorry go we gotta go repost put up put one in gotta go put a telescope and everyone just drop us off what you're doing go put a telescope in your show so we don't lose the streak um this is so cute this is so cute would sit here would would come out here and paint I also love this watch I never use it but it works so well in here I also love this painting I would love this as like a wall painting uh stars of badges oh that's good to know okay so that's probably in the sub badge it's probably the sub badge then [Music] um this is so cute Kimberly and then we have the backyard where's the door is there a door here's the door on the shell on a lot of test called do it panda um I have to be honest I saw this and I went oh it's a headstone it's not it's it's not a headstone it's a fountain but I thought it was one um I love all the plants the plant pots I love it I'm here for it I love this girl heck and cute it is a little Fountain it is a little Fountain uh we got the two different trash cans also I love that you've added like you've made like kind of like outlined it with this I think it's very cute it's very cute hey we're being a little too I'm glad I'm not the only one um Kimberly this is so cute um let's get some hype and love and chat for Kimberly's build and again this was all on console you're welcome in thank you so much my friend welcome in um this is all on Console insane and like also the relatively limited pack too relatively limited pack um just got a lot of time you're finding so hard to play The Sims on yeah it could be challenging to play on a laptop I definitely recommend getting a mouse if you don't have one um oh we got Pacific's next Pacific also Pacific's on it can we get some hype for Pacific she's on it with these uh the names and everything um all right where is Pacific specific right there you're on a 30 by 30 amazing oh this is so cute it's got the blue serenity welcome to this charming Abode thoughtfully designed to accommodate a delightful family of four discover a spacious kitchen that invites culinary Adventures alongside two Serene bedrooms and two amazing bathrooms a warm and inviting room living room awaits offering a Haven for Avid readers to immerse themselves in their favorite books embrace the joy of family living in this Exquisite home adorable and it's not flight tested okay fantastic um Mark that one off and that one um this is happening cute little after that a mouse you can definitely do it without a mouse it's just harder I never really did a lot of building on my laptop I didn't start building on my I didn't really start building in The Sims until I got my PC um unless we start weekly me too I love starting the shelters I love starting the week of shell tours it's it's so much fun it's so much fun you guys also we're one follow away from 2610. uploaded and got 17 in like five fifty minutes at midnight I love that I love that I have to say I hate that we don't get like I hate that they took away the news Tab and I really hope they come they bring it back soon it's like they're gonna bring it back but like I don't we don't know what it is but I really hope it's soon because I miss having my little news tabs I can see who's that's downloaded and commented on like all that I miss it having some mouse in so long I feel like it would be weird to go back tomorrow it probably would feel a little bit weird I built it on a laptop nice um okay this is heck and cute look at the roofing Pacific Union you made a real house you made it look like a real house I'm so impressed excuse me excuse me um I'm quite impressed I'm quite impressed how many of the pieces did you used how many of the pieces did you use um also Landscaping stunning stunning adorable love it three of them okay that that helps making it actually the house um but this is so cute this is so cute I love the Rocks we love a rock we love a big rock oh this is cute this is cute I love this this is nice um this makes it look so fancy like when you have like a table in the center of a room it makes it looks automatically fancy reminds me of like a really luxury luxurious closet you know specifically the one in Princess Diaries Princess Diaries too when she gets a custom closet you know what I mean like she gets her closet and there's the there's there's like the the dress like the table or seats or something like in the middle like you know what I mean you know what I'm talking about hold on my hair is bugging me yeah exactly like that closet it reminds me of that closet which makes me think it's fancy I mean Kimberly this table has clutter on it but it still looks fancy it still looks fancy so it's fine even as it has clutter it's fine um love the little front claws it very cute okay which direction should we go first um wear the stairs stairs over there so let's go over here first all right off the front besides don't even face me too I need to watch Princess Diaries also speaking of movies you guys I have a new channel that is called as a temporary Channel um we have a bunch of stuff to like need suggestions for and voting on so if you want to suggest a sound alert a movie or a costume that I have to wear please go uh put it in that channel um it's at the bottom of um the text channels category um so go get suggestions because we have a chat pixus movie for Discord and chat pics a sound alert and we have a costume that I still owe you guys from the St Jude fundraiser so go give your suggestions and buy and react to them uh the ones that are already in there and that could put in there uh by like react to them to vote on which ones you want and then you have until Friday you have until Friday you have to drink downstairs now you're in bed well I guess you have to either get up and go get it or just I wouldn't say starve but that's not serving dehydrate I guess is that the right word you also printed eyes to the movie I mean you could still go do that or you should watch Princess Diaries that's be fun um I love this cute little bathroom it's so cluttered so nicely what is that candle it's that one wait that looks nice when it's lit up wait I love that I love that I love the layout of the bathroom I love putting a corner counter in the bathroom I feel like it just makes it look right you know I think that just makes it look right oh my gosh you put wait oh wait that's in there already oh neat oh this is the spot I shower that makes sense that makes sense okay very very cute love love the little little table with like the board for the family calendar and everything adorable I have this is what I have in my kitchen Pacific are you looking in my kitchen because this is what I have there's shelves like that with all my pots and pans on it and my Christmas tree is on it too my Christmas tree is like on the bottom yeah one of your kitchen too ours is literally one from our garage in California and we didn't have space for it here and we're like let's just put them in our kitchen you know um I love uh food I love that it's like our pantry yeah ours ours our pantry is we have like a cabinet with our food in it um but our our shelves are all of all of our like utensils not like our pots and pans and stuff Pacific's just like hacked into my camera in my kitchen you know look at all the cluttered shelves oh you even clutter these hold on okay it's just that one um I love these shelves as well I love this stomachscape Shelf I love all the wall art oh I'm yawning I love the little rounded Island bits this is a very cute little kitchen I love putting stuff on the top of the fridge too we love some challah some fresh challah I need to try to make challah some got the light one for the light and one for the disposal I love it I love it hack and cute kitchen we got some shelves up here too hot sauce some some some spices kind of adorable and we got all of the laundry room another laundry room they're yellow wait is having yellow laundry an option because I would like to request yellow laundry I would like to request a yellow washer and dryer I'm not tired I swear I swear I'm supposed to have your fridge I know it's so fun it's so fun it makes it feel like even more realistic um look at all this clutter look at all this clutter I filled the shelves did you size these up are those sized up I think they are those sized up no they're not are they no they're not I'm just blind like they are I'm I don't know what's going on um but I love that it fits so well in there it fits so well in there very very cute um all the Clutter me too exactly I can't I can't with this this is like what I wanted to do sort of for your Rochelle Pacific that I could not get to work with the roofing this is what I wanted to do what was this I know it's just not working but this is stunning a little workspace wood would edit videos here oh my gosh is this okay I don't think it's a functional one um but I love it I love that you put the what's it called the things there yeah the computer will often disappear um when you do a fake desk like that um look at these shelves look at these shelves when I move in I will move it with you panda that room me too my allergies would kill me but I'd be okay with it I would suffer in happiness just look at it and we have a nice oh and I love a cluttered living room the toy area for the kids little play Space oh not the gallery stealing things I fixed it I'm so sorry panda the gaming station love it we got love to have a remote um you finish a local amazing nice little Nook over here I love it I love this oh I love a good stairs you guys I'm devastated that they did not give us the understeer bookcases with growing together devastated because I love doing this devastated that they're not given to us like so angry about it so angry all right upstairs um we've got a nice little sitting area upstairs very cute I love this chair and then oh I'd be on it again I'm so sorry I swear I'm not tired and this is not a reflection of how I feel about your build I'm just apparently sleepy okay let's go to this room first we got a cute little kids room uh cute little kids room lots of toys a little little crafting station adorable oh I would hate my head on that so often I'm coming guys coffee go get your iced coffee sorry enjoy your coffee um oh there's two kids in here adorable I love it this lion what is this from is this from High School it's from Parenthood oh what's those ones okay okay I see this is very cute and then okay we're going to the bathroom look at that built-in shower look at that I would shower here 10 out of 10 I would just not leave the shower my chat just broke are you good obs there we go it broke um would not leave this shower ever um this is so cute I love like the dark green and black Vibe love the color combination I love putting this on here I love putting a shelf on my tub love it 10 out of 10 bathroom wood shower here I would take a bath here probably and I don't take baths I'm too big for bathtubs but I probably like I could I would I would contort my body to fit all of me in there um and then we have our bedroom what the heck how did you get this money matching wood tones honestly I would I would too Pacific how did you get so many matching wood tones that is my main question um but look at this clutter look at this clutter uh I think you should probably cheated or something specifics to get all these colors you know but it looks great um also never notice that this is a little seashell looking holder Hillary enjoy your lurk never knows how this little seashell holder but it's very cute um obsessed obsessed with this Gallery wall would love if my room looked like this Pacific is like the the queen of half wall shelves I also would probably hit my head on this would probably most definitely hit my head on that but it's fine um hacking cute heck and cute a telescope can I see anything in the telescope imagine they made it so I feel like zoomed in you could see something I'm not being neat I'd be clever what is it that is a sponge looking Cactus why does that look like a sponge it just looks like sponges that's interesting graphics on that but it's fine it's fine this is so cute all right then where's the back door it's over here so the telescope froze you gotta go edit your build I had a telescope it's in the rules it's in the rules I love this plant so much I just so much I would I would attempt to use these monkey bars I would fail but I would try oh we can put a light in the flower bed look at you go ah does someone who wants to swing with me imagine just my w key is breaking you guys imagine just swinging here um okay thank you for letting me know I also I forgot to check for for ones that are marked as CC um Pacific stunning hype and love a chat for business build oh I got the one in free Pacific I know it went in free don't worry because you keep it oh my gosh that's so funny all right um I'm also real fast I'm gonna go check for um ones that are marked as CC so I can say it under my gallery real fast um so we got Locas checked my library uh looks stunning already and then is anyone else's I don't think I got this one we're just gonna say that one because I'm just afraid of the gallery breaking at some point um okay so just for cc okay cool and then who is next okay pixie is next whereas Pixies right there it's on a 50 by 40 okay on our same lot um um okay there's no extra caption that was the description I could forgot how to speak words how to speak words this is all on Console too no way hey Sonic console Builders this time I love it look at gimbal he just wakes up sometimes to lick his toes and then goes back to sleep what a silly little guy a silly little guy he is oh look yeah he's a toe licker both the cat we can do that real fast hi hello hello little guy holding the things I need to clean my office no not only other things yet okay um also pixie used like the entire lot like look at her go Look at Her Go you guys my Instagram reel has more than 500 plays Instagram gives you a notification every time your a real hits like 500 and a thousand and like every thousand after that and I'm like this is this is a little excessive I don't need to be told this I'm probably already obsessively checking it anyway I bet that's kind of funny Mel enjoy your food there's all those trees stunning I love a good tree I'll be yachting hold on again it's not a reflection of my thoughts on your belt It's Just Happening um also this is also giving me a little bit um Vibes of the goth house and again I love it I also love this terrain paint with the flowers it's so pretty it's so pretty also the roofing Roofing looks very nice some very nice Roofing going on all right let's go in oh nice big grand entrance got some plants we got some dogs playing don't make the Llama as you would uh as you should see when you walk into someone's house look at this entrance look at it looks delightful and then let's go to the kitchen to the kitchen nice big kitchen love it looking very nice I love the funky little Corners because it's some pieces are diagonal and by some pieces it's um this whole entire thing is on diagonal I don't apologize for it though I don't apologize um I love how nice and big and open it is again with a trash can I thought you dare to use the diagonal for the kitchen I know like do you think that I know her kitchen is quite a choice but I love out I love it I love it all right we also got a fish tank we love some fish tanks it's a mommy and me potty it's a mommy and me potty you can pee with your child I love it one time I did when I was a child I we like found like we were just out and about somewhere and they had like a parent child bathroom stuff with like two toilets and one of those and like one was a mini toilet for a child I had room as a kid it was like my favorite thing was so cool I found like a tiny toilet for me I lived for it had not seen one since but it was a thing one time um but this is such a cute um counter for the bathroom it's such a nice color for it very nice bathroom heck and cute oh my gosh we got the rainbow tiger chair rainbow tiger chair worked at the store they had one I love that I love that oh sunflower gnome of course obviously you gotta have a sunflower and I'm in my build because obviously again pecking cute from the mall here in the family restrooms I love that I only ever saw one in my life but I apparently they're much more common than I realized publicity texture yeah we got the we got the pride tiger chair we got our gay tiger chair a little table of some Decor on it heck and Q heck and cute oh look at this like little Nook I love a little look we got some reading books some some uh what's the coloring station I would sit here and read a book I would sit there and read a book and then we go over here we go we love a good we love a good Nook I I love a good Nook Nooks are so good oh I would have loved this room as a child Gimbal and gimbal would nap there he would he would nap probably like right here in the center probably like right there you would also nap potentially on the tiger chair um but I would I I love this room this is so cute I love the rugs I don't think I've ever used this unicorn rug and I love it it's so cute I love it uh just because this is in after the parents said oh I love that that's so cute that's so cute and he's like you know he's making such a cute little room I love it I love it also loving the outside that I'm from what I've seen and I can't wait to go look outside all right to the upstairs um and then we got some nice chess boards up here some pigmenting lots of skills lots of skills to to learn go in here we got the the bedroom I love using these suitcases as a side table I think they're so fun I think they're so fun dust is his I love it I love it I also I like these dream home decorator side tables and the the cow plant this is you know this is probably a play on um Little Shop of Horrors description of this I've just kind of made that connection it says say moo you speak cowplant moo okay I don't know if it is oh Kimball left sir how long do you really all right ignore the messy floor but he's out like he's just he's just laying on the floor with his toes out and everything he's just I just I was waiting to like be looking at me like trying to like fight me but no he's just is it too warm up there bro is it too warm he's just laying on the floor making some little biscuits he's so cute I love my cat um a nice little gym area oh some hidden presents we love a hidden present stash I would work out here too I love it looking very nice um are you playing in my ear uh well one of your summer classes because I didn't wanna welcome back and flu I hope you had a nice class I hope your class went well um all right here that is a huge pool I would spend all of my time in this pool I would spend all of my time in this pool like we could have the best pool party we could have the best pool party we have a nice little like play area that's hidden in the trees would love that would love that basketball court this Uncle I almost just press the soft shoving button um this Uncle really making the best life for his nieces um blue we are doing shell tours we're doing a shell tour so this is a shell that I made um in the beginning of May um and then this is the this is our shelter day so if you did the shell we are doing doing tours for them yeah give a little serving drinks exactly oh I would love a ball pit I would like to go jump in this ball pit he's got a little wading pool for the for the Todds little tent slide I love this I would also Cabana whoa whoa whoa oops um would sit on this Cabana drink a Shirley Temple you know or some lemonade be great can I see a ball pool I'm thinking this that's really funny people would also I don't know gimbal's afraid of the outdoors gimbal's afraid of the outdoors so gimbal would probably just be like watching from the window I could like make a little window so maybe like sit on the dresser and like watch him outside yeah he's scared of anything that's not inside of our apartment because he doesn't have a lot of experience outside of our apartment and most of the time he's been outside is traumatizing so he's a scary little he's a scaredy little cat uh it's raining where you are oh rain is good right now I honestly the rain rain is a good thing we need some rain here it's it's a little too dry and it's still a little uh smoggy outside so honestly it could go for some rain um is there a basement no there's not um also all the little turtles in the bottom of the pool so cute those are so cute um let's do some love and height for uh Pixies build because this is so cute this is so cute also don't know why it keeps making them a Park venue so making them all a Park venue because princess's princesses was a park and it just keeps it takes it's not swapping the the thing um okay who is next Frozen is next Frozen is next where is frozen's um also I'm going to unsave these from my library as we do them John Pacific's we've done Kimberly's done princesses and this one we've done this one okay those are all my builds okay fantastic um 20 by 40 or whatever it is okay cool Frozen um oh yeah it's the 40 by 20. and what's it called um the roofing was really nice pixie it was really something like a roofing all right um uh today versus Charlotte turned into University housing for the Gnomes uh get ready to spot your bedrooms uh get ready to get ready to spot your bedrooms Panda Captain froze in America Lizzy and Makoto because this is our house watch out for the pesky hidden gnomes oh my gosh um yeah so blue you can always submit it um you can submit uh your version of the shell so I have it on my gallery um and you can grab it it's the hashtag busy anniversary and you can uh decorate however you'd like and then submit it we are this is this is today and I think tomorrow is our last time with it if we need if we need extra time tomorrow so if you get it done by tomorrow we can all tour it um gimbal would you like to leave I think we'll try to leave hold on um but we will be starting another show um probably next week I think we'll be starting it um uh and that'll be it's also be an easier one this is a challenging one um I'm not including this but can I focus on it please I already know I'm gonna love this but because there's probably plenty of couches probably plenty of couches and it's University Housing so there's gonna be lots of space to to sleep um I'm gonna sit down your lab report and it should have it oh nice blue nice nice nice all right play slot on to the funny lot the funny lot the post account inflatable matches exactly I bet we could all probably fit in here in some way now the question is did Makoto get a double bed in this build because so far Makoto has never gone to double bed in Frozen's builds that's what I'm looking to see this is because she's never gotten them and I think it's very funny I think it's very very funny oh you did a lot of this Frozen it's taken a long time to film um that's true it is a university so noodle events some Makoto so let's get a double bed hold that last that last step that wasn't fully mixed in okay let's go princess made it very clear no hubs going on there yeah Frozen Frozen's not uh not on team hubs kodo not on team hubs kodo not at all okay let's see let's move that oh first off we got gruesome green energy we love we love the renewable energy not the yard sale not the yard sale I love that um this is amazing how many pieces did you end up using Frozen Dakota many you have to find their own house they do the Kudos have to live on their own oh they have cuddles came because it sounds like that's right he's gonna be hubs Kono can um sleep at the fire um but this Roofing Frozen oh look at the little Skylight look at the sky like a little opening um adorable I love this again the roofing looks so nice the roofing looks so nice and like I love the windows and like the wall texture what wall is this okay so I thought it was it's the growing together Metals I like it I like I don't like this I can't get this one to work um Morgan thank you for the follow welcome in I'm like I haven't gotten this one to work um but it looks really nice it looks really nice it's very cute and again like I love this and the bikes out front and the trash next canned I think that's so funny I love that friends and does have a Magic Touch they really do all right the colors um Morgan welcome in how are you um oh it has to come to all the heart playing it does um look at this kitchen two microwaves two microwaves and no stove microwaves and no stove I love it all the groceries and the the what's it called the zoomer's delivery bag I love it I love it the coffee maker all the drinks all the drinks this is probably all just you know Rogue the two fridges I love it I love it someone was making some dinner it was I don't know who likes to cook the most of us and Me Maybe Makoto can't cook it's not Makoto um this is so cute I love the pizza and I Frozen this looks so like University Housing you forgot your cooking frozen or Panda how dare you forget you were cooking gotta go back to your cooking we got a burger and a dog oh my gosh you you place those yourself onto the plate obsessed I love all the cups out because we all have ADHD and we just leave our cups everywhere I know I'm obsessed with all the cups oh I just love how this feels so lived in is this all right I'm officially obsessed with this painting I've never used it and I'm obsessed with it all right here is the first bedroom we got wait that look like looks so good that like looks so good all right who are we okay this is obviously captain because it's blue is my guess and yeah and the Pirates the pirate stuff that's captain um I love this though I love it the whale and then I'm going to assume this is probably mine because the bed's yellow we got some like weaving going on um and the headphones Queen Welcome to Night oh this isn't me okay hold on I need to write down who who who you have in here hello Raiders hello hello um well gorillas hello welcome in um it Captain is level three hi everyone welcome back with how are you welcoming everyone um quiff how was your stream how was your Sims um and if anyone is new hello my name is dizzy Miss Lucy I'm a variety of Shimmer we play most of the Sims but also other cozy games like started valued Animal Crossing and Nancy Drew and things like that um you feel better thank you quiv I caught you guys I cut off 24 inches of my hair in case you missed it 24 inches of hair it's so and that was braided so it's probably like at least 26. with so many but it came in the past amazing pixie up we have a fantastic time at Camp um if you need a little bit around or leave work I tuned in make sure taking care of yourself I actually so I have to snooze ads real fast because ads are like gonna play in a second but we're not gonna play them right now ship is good finish them for the Clutter rooms and started bringing on out of the Shelf oh nice quick nice I hope that went very well dye your hair red basically twins but if I dye my hair red I'll look like my sister and then I'll be like twins with her everyone's thinking about the follow I appreciate that until you dye your hair again but Panda your hair is Pink your hair isn't really red it's like oh light pink so I also don't look like my sister if I wanted to dye my hair I'd like to probably get start with like highlights or something honestly they could live for some blue hair love a good blue hair um I have a good baby to show you and then we will get back to Frozen's uh show get your bush ready it's time to lick get your bush ready it's time to lick it's very good with all the Moose go wow look at my plants moving in the Wind I apologize for my dancing oh we have why are there grapes and oatmeal raisin cookie I'm gonna send a text a test alert don't be alarmed I'm literally gonna slide out of my chair I feel like I look like a funky Harry Potter Gucci lots are not Maya for eplay Forte Forte again welcome in thank you so much for the raid um I'm so glad to be updated that um on the first the first day the first of the month was the first time we had that one it was for our two year anniversary um I'm giving her along so you don't look uh looks like your mama see I I I unintentionally was doing that um because with my long hair I look like my model like not that much of my long hair but like I look so much like my mom like I look at my I'll double I'll do a double take in the mirror and I'll be like Mom I'm not my mom but but it looks kind of I look like my mom uh but my mom has like straight across bangs not these kind of things it's a little bit different um I also I it keeps flipping under and I hate it and I need to try to straighten my hair I need to find my straightener and see if I can straighten that out of it um of course with of course get some sleep my friend or get some sleep get some food get some food You're Gonna yeah I look just like my mom I like when I was younger I found pictures of my mom from like when she was my age during the time and I was like when did I get these pictures taken I was like this can't be me it was it was my mother it was my mother holding like I think she's like holding a chicken or something like it was weird I remember she was a farm kid um and I was like when did I hold a chicken I don't know he's just asleep maybe I should get some sleep okay I uh we're going to church so for those who joining us we are doing shell tours for my last shell challenge um we are currently I wasn't currently raiding Frozen we're currently touring Frozen so I'm gonna need to write down who is in the Shell so I can keep track okay so it's panda Panda captain Frozen America [Music] me and Makoto we found Captain's Room um he's on the same thing with pics of your mom yeah exactly exactly look at this game text about your package that's suspicious from an email random email unless Ah that's so annoying um okay hold on let me turn my music back on um okay so uh Frozen you said this is not mine is this pandas it's panda this is pandas with a panda chair um and the all the all the the crochet stuff this is cute this I love it it's very cute I didn't see the panda when I made my guess I I guess too quickly because I was like ah cross stitch that could be cross stitch you know then but there's actual cross stitch things so this cross stitch here oh wait I have to play ads okay hold on we I'm so sorry we have to pause and I have to play ads um so we're gonna take a little break um and we will uh slap our hands for a few minutes and then we'll be back as quickly as you can but here is a little video not a raid video here are some ads oh my gosh I can't speak I'll be back [Music] thank you [Music] I love you [Music] [Music] thank you I love your hair one two three four [Music] two three [Music] one two three love your hands thank you foreign [Music] okay welcome back I hope you had a good time slapping your hands also modem welcome back I hope you had a nice nap okay gotta figure out who others from these are um yeah Nicole you can turn it in tomorrow we'll um I'll make sure we have some time to do some shells tomorrow I we might end up with having dinner shells tomorrow but um I've said that we can do some work tomorrow so um if you still need some extra time you can have till tomorrow um and we'll do a few more towards them and if you're having issues with the gallery let me know and we can make sure it gets toured at some point when it and when you get access to the gallery again um okay but this room is so cute though Frozen it's so cute um also didn't realize that the door was access was from here was it also oh it has a bathroom oh they get their own bathroom cute oh it even has some some foliage um I love the little step down bathroom okay if you I'll love being honest lots of fun there I love the pills I love that we're all uh medicated I love that for all of us um gotta gotta be medic got a medicator our roommates that sounds really bad excuse me is someone shouting I don't know what's happened don't know what happened no vacation I'm pretty sure we all are on medication in some extent um I love this I love this I love that there's just like a receipt on the floor and the little packages and more groceries and more packages I'm obsessed with this and there's a nice little like patio sort of thing in the middle here I love this with a little fireplace I would I would hang out here I would hang out here and do my homework um as long as there are no bugs okay we have a second bathroom oh my it's so skinny got our laundry a nice another little bathroom adorable Courtyard thank you Captain exactly that's what it is a nice little like pan shirt not Pantry like a linen closet storage underneath the stairs I love that have a nice little living oh living space Oh I love the colors that you've used the open thing of pizza you're making me really crave pizza right now Frozen making me crave Pizza this is so cute I love all the like the bookshelves and like all the like kind of mismatched Furniture it's very much giving like University Housing all right here we have a next room is this me and Makoto my guess is me and Makoto with this being me and this being Makoto or is this America because there's a dog this is America this one's America because there's a naughty gnome oh it's America this is Frozen The Gnome that's very fun okay well I'm I'm very bad at guessing okay so I'm gonna code when I roommates upstairs so I love that for us um this is very cute this is very cute because of the music wear this is where Starry sleeps [Music] [Laughter] no you can sleep on the couch uh sorry the couch is for you America thank you America this is your bedroom not that power that's the America this is your bedroom this is where you sleep there's there's um Baymax and and pride and art and a naked gnome uh but this is your room this is your room I love that there's friendship bracelet stuff we can make friendship bracelets I have a friendship bracelet some of you have friendship bracelets too um and we have a I can't speak um here oh here's the music stuff I hadn't seen it yet I need to look at everything first and then guess other because I would have gotten all of these right probably I just am not looking very closely um but this is so cute I love the cat I love the cat oh the cow print I love that this feels like America to me as well this feels like America and that's very it's getting Frozen as well it's very cute it's heck and adorable I love it also this mirror is like my favorite mirror also I love with the towel rack I love that you like made a little a little rack for for your towels I think that's so cute all right now Makoto and I are upstairs makes me a little bit nervous um oh this is a cute little cute little landing area it's giving gay also the best way it really is it really is okay so we have we share a room but we have our own offices oh okay that's the Makoto I will try to cut because they're too crazy okay there's so many space okay hold on here we go okay um so here's Makoto and here is Lizzy I love it I love my cacti not the cacti gimbal calendar plants and books and my emotional support water bottle Makoto's got the the the death gnome I love it Makoto can do her makeup right there oh we got a balcony death Frozen you did put one in here just so you know you did put one in here you did um I love this all right so whose desk is this cabbage there's cabbage on it it's Makoto's Pagan cabbage that's so funny that is so funny and the packages uh you had emotional support water bottle saying it that way Renee that's really weird to read it that way but that's you'd probably you do have stickers of my face mine does not have my face on it I should probably put my face on it I mean now it has my face on it oh that's cold also here's our bathroom here's our little bathroom it's like blue and green and I love it oh and we got a plunger your phone's gonna says Lucy's face on it I mean sorry the music was a Vibe um yeah if you ever have mobile Switch Mobile on my up has my face on my face um um I love that Renee however to deny it because it's against the rules and for chat but I love that that's very funny I love that love I do love a pastel bathroom your phone really has to see his face on it so I went to bed did you even go to bed America my guess is 6 30 A.M that is my guess all right here here's you guys I get my own office I get my own office 7am okay I was close try today no it's okay Renee it's just part of the rules reason for censoring uh but don't worry don't worry it's all good Sam you have hope nope it was 7am um I love this oh the taxi the Taxi's really cute I love this I love the uh the Grim Reaper and my other emotional support water bottle in my headphones and all of my monitors it was kind of confusing you it's it's a University Housing um blue and what Frozen did is she made or they made it so that um several of us in chat have our own like bedrooms and kind of themed it after us so that's that's what's going on Dee welcome back um but I love this this is very cute Frozen I like that you gave me um the gamer shelves even though they don't have them yet uh and potatoes that's why they're supporting us I love it I love it all the little crow I see that yes all the crochet items that's so cute we have a nice little like office space up here is this where Panda crochets this is Panda's crocheting room and I love it and we got a little crochet cross stitch area outside um so D the rolling Discord is a special role um and like rolls are just things that can be assigned to you um kind of like to sort people um in Discord so it's just a special role that you can only get through redeeming points it's the art room I love it you've turned to the random sound when I was cleaning out drawers and shelves so I just had to keep her motivated and helped nice uh Makoto this is our bedroom look at our bedroom Makoto you still don't have a double bed just so you know um but look at our bed look at our our bedroom and your desk it's your door it's our dorm room it's our dorm room makota if we were College roommates Frozen even put cabbage on your desk and packages and suffer to take notes with and piles of things for you um but Frozen I love this this is so cute oh yoga who do you think you are who Frozen who do you think you are none of us are going to be doing yoga we're gonna be roommates in a few months so you don't have to imagine it soon you do yoga okay Frozen does yoga this is frozen's yoga space all right and then outside here's the lord of the outside um maybe we could all do yoga together it's specific Pacific sleeps on the top on the balcony of the yoga mat um you defined this and steal it just so I can see what it looks like up close it's on the gallery it's on the gallery you do sleep well sometimes well that's Frozen's problem um this is so cute this is so cute I love this Frozen oh we got this little picnic area campfire obsessed and you made it fit so well on this lot I'm very impressed all right love and hype and chat for Frozen's build love and hype and chat for Frozen's build um we have next is Sean Sean's up next um the landscaping and Patio look unreal I know they're so good it's so good also I'm gonna eat a snack I have I have a Ziploc bag of pita chips because I took them with us and I decided to end up eating them in the car so I just grabbed the bag instead of like making a bowl of them earlier so let's have a bag of pita chips um Okay so we've done Frozen's and now we have shun okay um it's on a 40 by 30. there's lots of gallery art I love that okay 40 by 30. what world was that in that's brindle 10 Bay that was the wrong one that's new crushed I think that's true that's very true but we'll still be roommates for a little while America I'm not gonna let you cook Panda I will do the cooking for our our dorms and then I will do the cooking and I'll just make sure Panda doesn't use um powdered sugar instead of flour for the gnocchi you want to shade your no no what what one cook for each pair of rooms it's perfect um you can do okay Captain's doing the laundry Makoto you can do the dishes I know you do that's what you that's one of the things that you do since you don't cook you do the dishes so Makoto can do the dishes who's taking the trash not me I refuse to take out the trash I hate it it's like my The Taking of the trash I cleaned the bathroom are like the two things that I like refuse to do I just hate doing those two things so that's what husband does so who I I'm not doing it I refuse I mean I'll take out my own trash because I'm a responsible human being and we'll clean it up after myself however I don't want to do it America can pet The Friendly Neighborhood Cats perfect oh that's your Baymax can clean up for us I'm gonna do this is the most cleaning you refuse to clean bathrooms too okay so maybe we'll just hire someone to clean our bathroom um Sean this is so cute this is how you also your Roofing adorable I love it like it looks so nice this Roofing yeah we can just join Baymax to do everything for us honestly it works oh yeah Starry can do the chores Starry star is um um a freeloader so sorry I can do our chores who's in the bathroom before not clean I refuse to clean our bathroom that's a husband's chore um it was hard well it looks amazing Sean it looks amazing it's more you hate cleaning bathrooms after men well thankfully there's no men in our apartment in our in our thing so um hat is our gardener perfect Hattie um this is heck and cute I also I love the I love the numbers I love like the house numbers that's so cute that's so cute um all right let's go inside oh too far oh we got a nice little entryway oh this is a nice use of this diagonal piece this is very cute I love this adorable so never idea go for it so they're like little gallery gallery art oh I like this I've never gotten these counters to work right like the this shade of them the Swatch of them but you've made them look so nice you've made them look so nice and also I love the uh curtain a curtain uh you sure rather than 11 year old girl that's so funny um I also love a built-in stove into like a stove and oven into the island I love it I love this layout so far Sean it's so good all right let's go over here nice little living room I love the color combination with like the the kind of like older couches like a little bit more of a modern like comfy chair and a fun color oh those are so pretty those are so pretty um it's just love it it does and it's it feels so cozy and warm I love using I love the uh what's it called cabinets cabinets as like the TVs thing very cute I love the awards too this is this family and they look they they play sports they play sports with this family very cute oh these are together is our favorite place to be have courage follow your dream that's so cute that's okay we got some Book Nook in here this is second cue oh look at this giant bathroom look at this bathroom oh look at that shower oh that looks so good I would shower here I would take a shower here I love this this is so cute it's so nice and big and like open I love it um yeah sometimes it does magic I sometimes it doesn't like so like Locas was flagged for a cc but shuns was not then they both used like Gallery uh art so it's very weird it's very weird sometimes um I love all the Clutter it looks so like nice and like cozy and cluttered and lived in and I love it all right where did we go uh this way we're going to swim got fish tank fish fish and then got a nice little like study Library oh I love the window in the bookshelves I love that that's very fun I love the couch in the round bit we got emotional support water bottle I love this nice little Dazzle that's a cute little desk that's heckin cute um or is that okay that's in the game that's in the game I don't recognize it I need to use other packs more often um I love this this is almost giving mid-century in a way with like the chairs and I love it I love it I also love these book poster art wall art pieces I love them so much also this is a I love this all but almost on tables it's so good yeah there's a little bit of like mid-century modern um Inspirations and I think it's really good uh we'll start to put those pieces together I also do the shell I know it was hard it was hard but you did it so well like it flows so nicely it flows so nicely okay that is the first floor let's go upstairs Mr Jessica that says this is my emotional support to put [Music] put in suggestions um again I love a nice little Landing I love a nice little Landing I never have space to have like a nice landing in my builds and I should I should make more space all right over here we have our first bedroom we got oh we got a nursery oh those are so cute those are so cute I adore this this is such a cute little Nursery space all the like baby stuff the diapers adorable also this this mirror is so nice here we have like a kid teen room oh adorable I love the boy band poster I love the boy band poster let my child live here yeah exactly if you've ever had a kid they're having this room also I'm obsessed with the the this carpet from pastel pop it's such a such a good carpet I I weirdly like carpet in this game um I love the Clutter Sean this is you did so well you did so well oh the awards the awards this kid was a scout like to read uh a queen Kate looks so good doesn't it I love this carpet I like I I like using carpet in my builds I like using carpets in my builds all right and then we have to have a bathroom nice little bathroom kind of matches one downstairs with the same cabinets love it um love your name oh thank you okay I appreciate that look at any wallpaper it's so fun it's such a fun wallpaper of the Clutter kits they're so good shun they're so good and we have the primary room how do you get to that bathroom oh here we go this this kid has an ensuite I was like how do you get to it because I was like probably on off the primary nope the primary has that one I found it though it's right here um but I love it I like the Blues the balloon oh wait that's so cute obsessed with that I'm obsessed with that okay this is so cute I love this wall art this is so nice Sean you've done such a nice job and like blending packs with face game and everything you've done such a nice job I usually find out the carpet but the next thing is here with more you should try it's honestly I like doing it for like the second floor especially I think it looks really nice in second floor Pacific and Trigger lark um and then we have a nice little walk-in closet got the suitcases a baseball pack you know because why not have a baseball bat in your in your closet you know sometimes you gotta you gotta keep stay safe in your closet another nice little bathroom oh I like to change the cabinet colors in here looks very cute Panda that is totally okay thank you for popping in though it was lovely seeing you I hope you have a good rest of your day my friend um this is very cute Sean you've done a great job he's done a great job let's see the backyard where's the back door over here I love this little like screened-in porch I've been wanting to a screened in porch and it's so cute this is so cute I love it 10 out of 10. and then back here we got this little Grill spot trash cans place for the kids to play in a nice pool I love it Sean this is amazing 10 out of 10. listen to love and have a chat for Sean's build because this is heck and cute it's cute I love it so good so good all right up next we have sorry Becca's so Bland you painting the steering that's totally I don't think it's plain I think it's really cute Sean but exterior can be challenging so I totally understand um accessories can be challenging okay we've done done all right and then so we have Starry and then origami and Loca up next and that is that's the end that's that's the end uh I don't think I have sorry um oh sorry is oh my my start oh that's so cute adorable it's anniversary Avenue that's a cute name uh the spacious family home has room for any kind of hobbies you're aiming to hone it rhymes with the cozy cabin feel open concept living and a large back patio you'll be sure to feel right at home sipping through the front door that's so cute I love that it Rhymes you know I love elimination I love it I love it okay it's on a 30 by 20. amazing Place lot it's right there I'm gonna have another one on my chips America what did you do America what did you do yes right I recognized a lot I can recognize most of the lots of new crafts at this point because I've used them too much I can just tell which one's which hopefully after that plays Pennywise and now I'm gonna look at Pennywise he's kind of just like Mackie that work I love that Sean I love that behave America yeah behave behave oh my gosh America this afternoon I love it I love that I am also understand because like this was a this is a hard shot I'm honestly impressed that so many of you did it and finished it or like even attempted it so oh look at this Landscaping this is so cute I love this path this is so cute and like the color scheme is this the growing together wool it's game that's the growing together wall That's base game what the heck this is so cute sorry the exterior stunning very like Eco Craftsman it's very cute this is so cute oh I love that you use this for a runner Etheridge I just need to know how that happened oh I love this I love that you like lilies up I love like the the food bag and the package this is so cute I love this I love the elevated interior how you like Elevate all of it I don't know if I was thinks I'm trying to type yeah me too Frozen oh we've elevated up here too look at you go this layout just opened it okay okay I can understand uh the swipe text doing that the color scheme though with like the light blue and the cream goes so well with the Browns what the heck nice little fireplace this is so cute is this a debug no it's a cook yeah okay yeah it's a book is a book I love that it is so cute I love the layering of I love layering these two rugs together I'll what I usually do is I make this one the bigger one not that big though um but I'll make that one big one like them to like have a cover underneath and it looks so cute so like I love to layer these rugs so it looks really cute go shower um America enjoy your shower enjoy your shower um but this kitchen I love the layout of this kitchen I love like a nice little small kitchen I'm really into the small kitchens recently it's very cute a little attraction over here like a little coffee bar did you I love that it looks like it's like raised up like it has little feet like that I think that's very cute I think that's heck and cute what a cute little idea I love it and then we have is it the okay we have this little area over here nice little study space oh look at you putting a window seat in the window I'm obsessed with that oh you shrunk them do you know if that's functional I would like I might try to play test that because that's very fun You'll Think Central I probably isn't but it'd be interesting if it was I do love the look of it I would I would 10 out of 10 100 sit here all day long and like read a book and drink warm drinks um I love this little putter desk the typewriter um like um the computer it's so cute it's so cute all right up the stairs we go a nice little Landing so ooh a little like kind of like black and blue some pink bathroom oh oh that's fun oh that's a fun little accent wall I also I love putting these pictures in bathrooms why I don't know but I'm glad I'm the only one and I love it very very nice we have a nice got teen girl room this is adorable I love the pink lights oh it's that one that one I love this again the emotional support water bottle You Gotta Have It I would I would sleep in here I would I would live here again with the the little the little window Book Nook I love it freaking teen girl that's my room it's it's Hattie's room Hattie is taking claim is that a table that's a window technically it's a debug window that is so clever I'm gonna steal that Pat Jackson welcome man how are you oh but I love this and like the little walk-in closet what is this item oh it's that I love that I love that this is so cute also all the exterior details with like these pieces and like the the knobs I don't know what they call it I forgot they're called like I look so good and then oh that's a shower I was like how do you what is that it's a shower um oh it's like golden in here this is stunning this is stunning I'm yawning it's okay I love these curtains the lighting is being stupid look at how different that looks with because of the lighting like what um but this is so cute I know the knobs I love a little um uh custom vanity I'm sorry I need you yawn Mariah I've been doing to everyone all day no I'm gonna be on again because you said yawning it's fine you know I never thought about using this as like a closet thing this is a cabinet that's very clever oh [Music] my lights keep flickering because the AC is on and it keeps startling me every time it happens you can't see it but it keeps happening um I love this little bathroom I'm gonna yawn again it's because I'm thinking about it look at this luxurious shower I would shower here I would shower here 10 out of 10. I love this and again your colors are so nice your use of Colors oh look at this little back patio oh we can have a picnic who wants to have a picnic with me the sword America yeah America go take your shower also don't forget your daily duckies everyone get your duckies um oh my gosh you could play horseshoes I love it excuse me um obsessed is this thatum yeah that one from uh toddler stuff sicko weekend oh well sorry that is no fun I hope you're feeling better I haven't succeeded in both of my friends [Music] also I love like the multi-layer of everything like you've used platforms to such a like a such a good way and I love it um I'm gonna call your 69 dizzy I love that also I'm gonna enter the heist and if I win you all get a thousand points America yours is 10 too amazing um Hattie's 99 dizzy wait how dizzy am I I'm 57 dizzy yeah that seems accurate I obsessed with this backyard it's so pretty we could make s'mores we could make s'mores look at this pathway this is so cute you already ate Looks To Go Frozen all right stunning love and hype in chat love and hype in chat for stories build because like stunning stunning all right next we have origami and uh Loca you got we miked it all of these builds down they like we can still do some tomorrow if people have them but did I say Locas I don't think I did it's okay I can go back oh here oh it's because it's marked to Cece I'm dumb there we go all right we have origami um all right Barbie Dreamhouse inspired build pastel pink furniture throughout can be with gaming computer room block and wardrobe and of course a swimming pool I love it uh 40 by 30. I'm so sorry it's happening again we're here I'm like out of my robe too like I don't know why I'm so sleepy um yeah we'll do a few tomorrow we can do some more tomorrow so you have until tomorrow to submit it um so you can you can have it till tomorrow new position oh Frozen is on my list it's on my list of things but um just haven't gotten to it yet probably maybe couldn't do a pool so I just put into like mine I had a pool it was you couldn't turn one of your minimum of two shell items like the two two of the puzzle piece items into a shell or into a pool like you could have a pool you could add a pool you could also use one of the shapes as a pool but the two two puzzle pieces that you're required to have couldn't be a pool this is 99 900 simoleons and I am obsessed with that I am so sorry I'm yawning ah I'm gonna stand up oh my gosh ghostly is 99 dizzy too okay I'm standing up yo Pizza you are happy I want pizza Frozen was making me crave Pizza someone needs to make me pizza okay um this is heck and cute I love the pink I don't think I used the two different textures on the wall as well it really gives us like some depth I love the pink flowers this is kind of cute what kind of these oh that's a good point what kind of pizza is it this is so cute I also I love this floor Tyler used adorable it's so pink I don't know what I was expecting to think I just forgot so I thought it was pink pills are great oh they really are they really are um you have Frozen veggie pizza in my fridge if you want it uh it has a coffee oh I love a good cauliflower crust you have a pizza for dinner too why why is everyone on pizza but me you've got a classic toasty I need someone to give me pizza tortillo's hamburger party pizza that sounds delicious uh can you see certain items break the game um depends on what you mean cat or there are some that just like aren't real in a way like there's some debug items that you'll like go to select and you go to place it and like it doesn't actually exist if that's what you mean that's just like that's just some of the debug items um cheese stuffed crust pizza guys I need someone to give me pizza or to convince husband to get us pizza what am I supposed to eat for dinner tonight because I did not defrost anything because I'm not in the I forget that we have to cook now it's a little chicken to someone want to convince husband to order pizza tonight um hard moving in um this bathroom is really cute you should have been loading for 10 minutes and that's the only reason you can figure it out I mean if you're trying to load into like a build that and it has a lot of stuff I can see what that might be taking a while but otherwise I don't know but sometimes this time just takes forever to load um where are you at I know husband he's in chat it says he's in chat you could you could add him he might have it up on his screen he'll see him get himself getting tagged um this is such a cute little living room I would hang out here I would hang out here this is like so so Barbie style party yes I I got my hair cut on Friday uh I I cut off 24 inches of hair you can't at him there I can do it um I love this kitchen this is so cute you've been submen husband I want pizza can we order pizza for dinner because we forgot to defrost chicken because I forgot that we have to feed ourselves after we come home from being out of town um and I want pizza because everyone in chat has had pizza in the last 24 hours except for me and this is wrong you could also make me a pizza we don't have mozzarella cheese so Pacific there's even any pizza right now too oh I want pizza you know that pizza but you can't uh this was okay okay let's start this again um Audrey you guys I have I've had several people of the recent recent like month or so say I look like Aubry Plaza and I don't I don't see it I don't see it but I've had several people tell me I don't see it I don't but I love it I love Aubry Plaza so I'm not mad at all I just don't see it it's the eyes really you think take out the glasses I feel like that doesn't help either and tilt my head up like that what is the Audrey Plaza look like hold on we gotta pause the pause the tour for a second I'm so sorry origami foreign but I don't see it you love her I love her too I just don't see it I literally don't see it I don't see it I'm not mad but I don't see it I think that's kind of funny though this bag is also completely Fallen it was wavy I curled earlier but it's Fallen similar face structure people have similar face shape you're probably not wrong I just I don't see it I don't see it it's okay we see it for you yeah I think I said I'm not mad about it I just don't see it okay I love this kitchen I would cook here 10 out of 10. adorable I was gonna say did you clutter inside of this but no that's just it's it's pretty cluttered I never looked at the side inside of there but I love it um the pink fuzzy chairs come on amazing amazing I love that I love this all right some stairs here at the stairs nice little Landing space the bookshelf already have an office oh we love a good little office we got the uh the freezer bunny guitar it's a Barbie build Makoto um yeah you guys I'm secretly Aubry Plaza um and then we have like a heck in like dressing room closet obsessed obsessed it looks so good it looks so good remember since now yeah it's a Barbie inspired build Punk yes Punk okay it's funny that you had the punk type it was at when I was a child child eighth and Ninth Grade my friend who just got married we haven't said joke about Punk and it was like if we had if we made our own color it was called punk um it's even kick on the loose oh go catch the kitten go catch the kitten um and we have oh look at this tub I would I would I would take a take a I would take a soak here I would take a bath um I love this mirror honestly the mirror with the the uh sink looks really nice color combination um the painting oh this one it's this one it's from City living straight out the door at least she's an outdoor cat all right then well at least you've solved the song Story this bedroom I would I would sleep here this is so cute I love the giraffe lights talk about the doors have you never seen these doors from or specific is there a base game door and they're very cute it's a cute door I like using them well this is it uh you have never found a good use until now well now you know and I know this is what we do this is why shelf we do shelters um but the interior is so cute and then here is the outside that nice little pergola to the patio love that got the cute little pool shape love it I would sit out here and drink some lemonade I would like to sit out here a nice little bar area oh I love this I love this this is so cute I would host a pool party out here a nice little area for our trash cans obsessed obsessed love and hype in chat uh for origami's build love and Heaven chat amazing all right we have one more build for the day and that is Loca other things available in college yeah the pink I feel like pink is really easy to like do a full house with it it still doesn't feel like super overwhelming all right this is all in Hanford um um uh dizzy and gimbal have moved out to the country gimbal has retired from his life of crime and has opened his home oh to all cats um one to 50 cats visit daily dizzy still does twitch streams the cats have their own uh kitchen and Cat Cafe playroom and multiple cat walls they own two cows two llamas and are going to start raising chickens all PCS uh and Captain walls for added challenge oh my gosh I was on a 50 by 40 in Hanford I love this already I love this already um evicted um oh it's the empty one oh it does have space there I didn't show up as green or I didn't see it um look I love this already uh 20 minutes loading that's insane chaotic that's insane are you just loading into a build or are you loading into the game it's taking so long yikes that's so weird that's so good that I was taking so much time there we go foreign sounds are placing a lot I feel like the sounds of like Hammers and nails and stuff works though it works holy cow holy cow again I've been just a second I'm just like like what the heck wow she is stunning she's stunning but it hold on there we go almost just died for a second um oh my gosh all the caffeine balls in the cat carriers oh my gosh she's Beauty she's Grace you're kidding this is a cat-shaped pool it's a cat-shaped pool the animals are gone oh yeah some of those things will often get heated when you um have the gallery like when you download it from the gallery unfortunately um but I'm obsessed with this we got cat beds mushrooms I'm just this is stunning I don't know how you get into this area stop hello America um the fence amazing the llama's got a cow beard oh my gosh the apples in the in the tub as a trough wait I am obsessed with that on the fence area yeah sometimes they'll just they'll it gets funky when you um download things from the gallery America oh my gosh um I'm obsessed with this this looks so good all right let's go inside I think and we'll go inside and then we'll go to the backyard also this like entryway patio what the heck all right holy cow oh you're kidding oh you're kidding I love that the cat beds on the little shelves and they can run around and jump oh my gosh Santa catboy s oh my gosh not a photo of gimbal not a photo of gimbal where did this come from oh it's that piece oh my gosh the colors I'm obsessed I'm obsessed with this Loca tiny gimbal on the wall you're trying to get from Ninja sound that makes me nervous I have to be honest it makes me a little nervous all the capitals I love it I love it there's a little dining room that's the cat kitchen I'm obsessed little dining room maybe not have an idea that makes me really nervous and then the human kitchen oh I would definitely cook here I love this Zuko here it just starts so like you guys I was on vacation I don't know what's going on anymore that got me so good that's got me that got me so good sorry I didn't think you would be I snapped into your Mom's suitcase what America what oh my gosh she read the Cat Cafe giant gimbal it's literally a cafe for cats it's not a cat cafe it's a cafe for cats oh my gosh I didn't know this cat that one didn't starve me I think I harmonized I didn't harmonize I the right note from the disability convention she turned her head and then turned it back and someone said I love that yeah be so that's Rugrats it's Nicole's sound um oh my gosh you did build an arch with the cat uh scratchers I love that only all the litter boxes and they still can't make it in the litter box so they still peel on the floor oh they pooped on the floor and the mirrors they can watch themselves poop if they want to not gimbal's butthole not the golden rainbow poop it's gay poop [Music] gold poop oh my gosh another gimbal butt [Music] s oh look at this cute little area outside amazing all right here we are upstairs look at this Library it's a library fit for Belle but pink and I love it that nice little I can stream here I was hard I love it I love it this is so cute I already have a a cat room a cat bedroom I love it all the hamburgers on the floor well sorry I sent off a tick oh sorry how dare you and here's my room I love it I love that everyone gives me a green bed got a little crafting station you just went quick sound honestly that's a good tick I think it's a pretty good one I love it look at that nice pink and yellow bathroom I'm obsessed I'm obsessed all right let's look at the back look at the fountain amazing amazing all right the stairs go over here but a nice little mushroom seat oh look at those lights heck and cute another cat-shaped Pool a lot on Earth got some uh gumbo someone made some gumbo looks pretty good and some uh Blues Blue Steak that's not blue interesting Chicken Coop ready to race chickens got a little garden for the chickens oh my gosh it's a cat shrine it's a cat shrine I love it this is so cute little cat Garden some swings Loca this is insane oh my gosh we put the butterflies on the stump that's so cute uh Loca this is amazing um let's see some love and hype and chat for locustville uh absolutely stunning absolutely stunning what the heck you guys these are some fantastic builds some fantastic builds um and if you haven't seen a dribble yet you have until tomorrow we can do some a few we'll do some more tomorrow and I know we have one more that wasn't redeemed for yet and I know the person um who's building it is they aren't able to be in streams very often so we'll we'll tell that one regardless um I will get time stamps in case you weren't here for your tour I'll put timestamps in The Sims Channel um after stream um but yeah you guys this is so fun Mad Lib today it's a science one right yeah we can do our Mad Lib and then we'll then we'll get off here here's my scientist Mad Lib let's do a Mad Lib we have a Mad Lib from like last week that we just did not get to so we are doing a Mad Lib um the A app requires an update okay go restart the app um first I had to play some ads really fast so that they uh because I can't I'm out of snoozes um so we're gonna run some ads with us and we're back and do a Mad Lib so uh here are some slopping your hymns all right [Music] I love you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you all of your hands [Music] [Music] one two three [Music] thank you foreign [Music] besties welcome back from some ads I did I how did I I just was concerned for some reason that I had it on the wrong scene but I don't think I did some of them have told me so it's fine um we're gonna do a madlib mushroom May redeem this like Wednesday and we shouldn't get around to it because we had to end quickly because it was the end of our marathon so we're doing a um a Mad Lib this one is called turn your bedroom into a secret lab it is our science ones if you haven't done a Mad Lib with us math was a silly story that has words taken out of it and I'll ask for things like adjectives verbs nouns add things like that and then you can give me sentences in chat and we fill it out and we read it together and it's really usually really goofy sometimes a little inappropriate that's fine so I need adjectives I need one two three four adjectives I also need to find my pencil sharpener still I keep saying that and I keep forgetting um I also have hair in my mouth gross um stinky um cute um Harry this is so cute oh thank you it's just supposed to be like pastels that I used for the wedding I need to get a pastel green because then that would make this like perfect but I only I don't I only have three pastel colors uh fuzzy okay I need um two verbs ending in ing two verbs ending in ing so this would be a spicy Mad Lib Maybe it might you never know you never know they all have the possibility pooping taking off all the spice um plundering I need a noun one one noun and one plural noun one noun and one plural noun Patty said popping oh Hattie said popping well it's pooping now oh [Music] um pandas we'll do pandas as our plural noun I need a non-plural noun oh I need two normal nouns pandas um needle and and Cat I need a verb I need a verb a verb and an adverb a verb and an adverb I need I need both of those both of those grunt is our verb um intensely can be our adverb in tensely and then I need a type of container plural and a type of liquid a type of container and a liquid absinthe um and let's do Pyrex okay turn your bedroom into a secret lab follow these stinky steps to turn your boring hairy bedroom into a fully pooping science lab first put a big needle on your bedroom door that reads keep out scientists grunt um scientists need to Grunt in silence without any annoying pandas interrupting them then clear off your um your cat you'll need it to hold all your Oozy cute chemicals gather a bunch of Pyrex containers and put them all over your desk connect them with tubing so that you can watch all the absinthe run through them um intensely cool finally pull your curtains shut you don't want anyone to see what kind of fuzzy concoctions you're plundering I just hit my mic that was that was interesting I don't suggest putting a needle on your door I don't suggest putting a big needle on your door as that might cause some problems otherwise sure follow all the steps maybe don't use absinthe I just turn around yeah we're just our room is becoming um I don't I don't know what you call a location where you make alcohol is but I was I was gonna say though maybe not absent maybe something else but it's fine yeah Captain remove your needle from your door that's it's a safety hazard it's a safety hazard um but it's fine you have you have you have time to do it go go go go do it um moonshining isn't Science Now moonshining is I was just saying maybe like the absinthe absinthe uh I feel like there's always problems Distillery yeah that's what it is yeah it's ha it's really hard to turn your room into a Distillery all right friends we're gonna go on a raid because I really have to go pee so we're gonna go raid and we're gonna go to Makoto obviously because why wouldn't we um Makoto is theoretically playing Animal Crossing however it says chat pick the game so I guess we're gonna vote um so go ahead and grab a rated message if you're a sub you can get all of the animated emotes and if you're not a sub you can grab the one with the cool cast because cats are cool and so are you speaking of cats a gimbal is not here um so go ahead on Makoto I'll see you tomorrow for a few more shells and then we'll probably have some building um we have some custom builds and 10 minute builds to do so um if you are owed a custom build or a 10 minute build um please look at your DMs because I've dm'd you about it so um cough Hattie memo bezo who else yeah yeah those those those are those three mainly go look at your DMs and respond to my DMs um hanging out with me Makoto's doing a vote on um Animal Crossing your Sims building I'm gonna vote Sims I think we should go bully her into working on my show so go bully her into working on my shell I love you all let me start the raid um thank you so much for having me this is not so fun and I miss you all so much uh this week so I'm so glad to be back um we should go bully her into building my show because I would like her to finish my show because I think it'd be fun um so yeah I love you all go go give her a follow too she's getting close to her goal uh she's at um she's like 40 away from her goal so go give her a follow also um if you don't know how to raid um there should be a pop-up at the top of your uh chat it'll um say raid now um like how many people are ready to raid um well Lessard you got your stickers yes amazing that was quick that was quick I put them in the mail like Thursday impressed um if you don't see the thing on above chat refresh your stream um if it says join hit the join button if it says leave um do not touch it you're part of it um here is a link to her stream if you get uh left behind you can go follow her stream um but I love you all and I will see you tomorrow goodbye
Channel: MoreDizzyMissLizzy
Views: 121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 1sec (12181 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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