Everything Wrong With Die Hard With A Vengeance

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forty seconds of logos which if you adjust the inflation from 1995 is like a minute and six seconds of logos who the hell would want to blow up a department store you ever see a woman is a shoe sell people are dead but woman missing a shoe sale joke makes it all worth it Walter yeah I think you better take this is the mid-90s phone version of the better come take a look at this cliche Simon Says lieutenant McClane is to go to the corner of 138 Street old Amsterdam but if he makes this call but last night John McClane was killed in a freak gasoline fight accident how does he heist then as he mutter and stammer it Smith Feb and improvise he's after the gold after all right the toying with McClane is so important to his plan and yet he didn't know before today that McClane had been suspended so this dude planned 100 details down to the millimeter but left McClain's involvement up to chance which is some bull well you better find out what Rocky's under and kick it over holy that was super easy 14 dump trucks stolen from a yard and Staten Island check out 14 stolen dump trucks still bet your badge Rick yeah 69 91 every week holy expositionally convenient for shadowing numbers hey was the lottery number last night lottery number was four six six seven chances of winning this Lottery almost negates it being a lottery right at the tops in New York City badges and according to this lotteries weirdly diminutive number system at least a hundred cops are millionaires by now we're gonna drop back two hundred twenty eight straight ten blocks oh come on Bruce we know you can live with at least 16 blocks if we don't do what this guy says he's gonna blow up another public why me what do with me I have no idea police work cannot be this way this movie is superbly shot well paced and entertaining but it's still a stupid script he was dead three minutes ago but sure what's act like people are just honking at this race is bull they're not acting on it uncle you better come look at this inside ten minutes this movie has its second come take a look at this cliche I know Simon wants to play with John McClane because of something something he's Hans Gruber's brother but did he have to play a game this King racist and what if he dies then all the other games he's set up explicitly for McClane later in the movie are gonna be played by I don't know dave bautista probably who's is that racist sign and thinks I am definitely the guy to go defuse the calm Harlem down by my lonesome it is impossible that nobody on these steps has seen mcclain and his kill me sign yet what the hell is this cab doing this close to the curb since obviously nobody was hailing it doesn't really matter it's the most fortuitous cab that has ever existed in New York City I'm not who knows a lot about bombs we found this in a playground professional very cool told the cop Drew Carey you found that in a playground what playground why is the finding of this device in its location immediately yada yada just so we can show off what the bomb construction is oh I figured it out also why was anybody snooping around in a playground and why was there explosive liquid there later on in the movie John and Zeus will need to solve a water puzzle in a playground with a bomb in a briefcase but the bomb arms itself once the case is open here this is just a random briefcase but no purpose except to explain that the bad guys are using explosive liquid and it serves as a way to get zoos into the action later either one by itself you got nothing but mix-up yeah want me to demonstrate in the middle of the captains office this highly dangerous explosive what I'm about to do is very unscientific and I have no way of knowing what will happen I will be very cool and explain how dangerous it is also all he gets is a brief yelling he's not suspended or written up or any kind of otherwise reprimanded for this dangerous stunt that could account someone his own wife wants nothing to do with him and he's about to step shy becoming a full-blown alcoholic Jesus why does Walter tell Simon this even if it is to make him think that John isn't special does he think that Simon will drop his vendetta against McClane because of it 72nd Street subway by phone in 15 minutes McClane under Samaritan - Simon need Zeus on this if the whole thing is about getting revenge on McClane what purpose can he serve in the grand scheme of things if you're competent ins at least your fonts a briefcase they found it in some playground but I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how or why or what the clue was they saw because I know none of that exists and this early warning bomb briefcase is some paint plot-driven hurry conjure it up out of thin air well I'm not going anyway Simon Says you gotta go I'm wandering a police department really put a citizen in danger like this even if they thought a madman was going to bomb something if they didn't Charlie what'd you find out five Chinatown so the point of this is McLean's going to lie to Zeus about finding it in Harlem so that he'll agree to come along but I'm still wondering why the bomb was found in Chinatown since Simon has no plans to set up there it was just lying around this guy doesn't care about skin color even if you do of all the things that I hurt franchise didn't mean it's the racism angle and also why antagonize Zeus any further when you need him he's working on a nice fat suspension smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo get it this one movie with these two actors reference that other movie with these two actors and it was righteous no ru not bathe and righteous dude bro vibes of movie trivia awesomeness enemy to the phone but there's a problem camera points to a payphone area where there are at least three payphones man two of them are open but they're worried about this lady who was not even pictured in that shot by the way there are several payphones open so how do they know they need just this one all simon said was 72nd Street subway payphone as I was going to sometimes I met a man with seven wives I don't know Zeus hears this especially since John is hogging most of the earpiece and considering how fast Simon is talking did Simon get a phone number that ended in zero zero zero one especially since it's got that classic movie 555 designation and apparently there are only 9999 people in New York use any means of travel other than civilian I've knows a train attempt to evacuate the subway I've closed a train weird he didn't say not to call the cops to board the three train and try to find the explosive this is important since Simon needs the bomb to explode close to Wall Street if it blows up earlier his plan is over having driven through New York City on a number of occasions let me tell you that this move John just did is king impossible unless the cars know you're coming and make a perfect space for you to go through it's a hard drive I said through the car this is some classic New York City movie book right here they're trying to get to Wall Street which is on the southern tip of Manhattan John thinks the park is the fastest way south but the south end of the park ends up at 59th Street far from their destination the amount of time saved here is negligible especially since they started at 72nd Street a mere 13 blocks away this cab survives this and luckily doesn't kill anybody I got two of us without the corner of 1415 ninth Avenue need an ambulance over was that honestly easier than just him calling his boss who knows what's up and asking for a firetruck New Yorkers continue to be insanely helpful as McClane drives across streets with Q traffic on them not only that he's somehow going to time and ambulance exactly so that he can follow it all the way to 14th Street you said Wall Street we could have followed him all the way the 14 streets of different Hospital John called an ambulance that eight would go as far as 14th Street and B would be summoned close to where they're currently driving and he picked one that would be coming from Roosevelt Hospital because they were the closest but he claims that the only ambulances that would go further would come from saint luke's but this is confusing because st. luke's and roosevelt are the same hospital policies talking about Mount Sinai st. lous which is much further north it makes no sense that they would go further south than Roosevelt's ambulances how are we even certain this is the same three train that has the bomb on it wouldn't there be multiple three trains running right now this dude is so oblivious to his surroundings he doesn't even see that Zeus nearly hit that truck and wasn't stopping for what you don't like white people like for real this just doesn't need it sure a stupid [ __ ] is going to get somewhat of a comeuppance after Zeus gives him the ride from hell but it's like the screenwriters were writing a story about racism and decided to drop a die hard into the middle of it I have to answer them he goes on to answer the phone and not get shot and that is nothing short of a miracle the hose applied to both of you you were not clear on that man you're moving the goalposts now and yes he has to set off the bomb in order for the rest of his plan to happen but he's still moving the goalposts this will be the second bomb to explode in New York on the same day and yet everything will move along as normal like this isn't a terrorist act the idea that government building schools and other places aren't shut down after this is ludicrous but they'll remain open for continued complex concussions some old guys pacemaker stops and pregnant girls water broke that's all that's all not one person died that's so unbelievable you might be living in the matrix the Train got blown up onto the platform and took out columns Oh Q here's ten sins for this crap what are the odds of us making it down here on time Ruby tells you what complete and utter nonsense it was that they made it only to use it to show how smart McClane is and figuring out that the bomb was going to go off no matter what sweeping that utter and total nonsense under the rock the name Gruber mean anything to you lieutenant why did the FBI guys wait to reveal this was it so they could expose it to the audience and build up the dramatic tension hang in the building in no way I was there but I was playing someone else if you attempt to evacuate schools the bomb will be detonated by radio and gentlemen someone will be watching you just said there are over 1,400 schools in New York City the fact that they believe you is gray tables hook line and sinker Jeremy Irons is such a terrific bad guy listen to that voice churn through hook line and sinker and tell me you wouldn't listen to this man read the phone book but yeah I think even Simon is surprised that the entire NYPD decides to go searching for a bomb that will blow in three hours in one of the over 1,400 schools in New York this feels like a situation where they'd call the principal's and they'd get the entire staff at each school to search for something unusual rather than dedicating 100% of their resources to an impossible search some resources could be used to figure out what the hell Simon might be planning other than setting off a bomb at a school no all calls will be coming through this switchboard I'm gonna marry Donald Trump movie makes me consider a world where Donald Trump marries Vonda Shepard changing history to a degree that is so fantastic that I don't ever want to leave okay so here's matthias getting on one of the dump trucks and here's simon posing as a city engineer but didn't won't just see these two guys pictures in the FBI fan because he was there during that scene or did they just show those pictures to McClane by the way it's massively sinful and I won't have it look at this in precision timing 32nd floor you threw him you dropped him at best man I'd argue sweat played a part and it was all an accident but he definitely did not throw him god damn you couldn't walk that ramp had to hitch a ride how lazy are you Islands our summit getting seismic two things which I'm afraid do not react well to explosions this is exactly why it's nearly impossible to believe that areas of interest like the Federal Reserve aren't protected more in this movie after a bomb goes off near Wall Street you come down here and take a look at this you better come take a look at this cliche again wow she must really love blood otherwise this is needlessly messy time-wasting inefficient and stupid sending the fact that no one saw or found this briefcase before now it's a judge multiple-choice get the jugs is a my high school sexual pursuits summed up in a succinct phrase be the name of a police undercover operation targeting fans of the Insane Clown Posse see the name of a spicy Albanian Cola drink or D the title of a series of x-rated Archie comics fanfiction so first off movie and our characters in a time-sensitive task have time for this second offer I've always hated this exchange because John is clearly about to call Zeus a mother Zeus incorrectly to do this as a racial slur despite the evidence then John says that he was going to call him an [ __ ] which is also wrong it's a problem because I'm white Zeus I got exactly two gallons in here right Ruby totally skipped some steps when it comes to how they got exactly two gallons and the three gallon job and while I know how they did it by doing my own thinking it's unsatisfying and jeez why'd they do it this way like any movie with puzzles as a secondary distraction they don't bother to show us the steps in the thought process spent more time on a race argument than the puzzle itself well I think McClain is smart his own way he's shown no capacity to do a puzzle like this better than Zeus cam so this is clearly a moment in the script where someone said Jon's got to be able to do at least one of these so that he looks smart somehow there's still one dump truck full of gold that nearly runs over McClane so that he can figure out yet another clue later we see all the dump trucks in a neat line going down the FDR this lone wolf is still playing catch-up because it's important to the plot here's a point where I don't understand why they don't kill McClane right now they have complete control of the Federal Reserve and nobody who matters is around to witness a murder and then during an entire elevator ride they don't kill it all so why is there anyone still here the gold is gone shouldn't they be going to now what do you think of this heap it's light in the air Indian summer huh yeah like it's gonna rain like dogs and cats later but it seems like I always end up rotting a lift holy this guy made three verbal I'm not American mistakes in a matter of 20 seconds are we sure these guys are as well trained as we were told sure is a good thing we talked about the lottery numbers and cops playing their badges earlier huh and Walsh was very particular about saying what his badge number was very fortunate oh is he doing but claims a cop it's in his nature to investigate Zeus has been trying to get out of this situation all movie law so him strolling down here shouting does not compute if it's straight and metal it can start a car check out the big guys side on Zeus also how are these trucks still in a place where they can see them I know the traffic is bad today but these trucks would be long gone McClane almost got hit by one of those trucks seven minutes ago in real time in movie time that's like 14 years that's you guys strolling you go in the epicenter of wall Street how are there no better options what was a Yugo driver doing down there and yet the dump trucks are on the FDR how did they get away with that did they pay somebody off did they kill some people who knows it doesn't matter hi it's Elvis Duran you're on the air what's up first of all I just want to tell you what I may show you God holy SH Simon called a radio station and immediately got his call in without a screener or anything some people call radio stations and wait an hour or more to get on with the hosts one King dump truck they go on a detour to track down one truck as if Simon's men took all the dump trucks in all the world and any dump truck you see driving around must be part of the Federal Reserve heist and McClain does this super dangerous maneuver where both of them could have been killed just to track this down also this scene is all the youth of logic and common sense this doesn't even happen in Grand Theft Auto you work dead you're both dead this one dump truck they tracked down just so happens to lead to a huge piece of simon's plant could have been a dump truck going to any construction site in all of New York but luckily for Jon this becomes a major crack in the case holy SH McClane kills these guys from behind before visually confirming they were part of Simon's crew like this is a murdered man I'm pretty sure nobody called ahead of time to allow Sue's in the park so I'm sure you can just walk into Yankee Stadium without a ticket hang out while they prepare the field and why not it's open for being everybody wanna pose nude with Derek Jeter he's available for that noon to 2:00 on Tuesdays it's movie came out ten days before his debut but that's how dedicated he was to the fans movie massively glosses over how easy it is for German terrorists with a sniper rifle to get access to a VIP booth in Yankee Stadium on a non game dick got here fast I thought he was going to call cop but he somehow found him in person and ran there and lightning fast time Christ this movie wants to be New York City as hell but it also wishes geography wasn't a thing this is exactly why simple phone calls to the schools would have worked a lot better than the book they were doing call the schools and ask the staff about unusual deliveries instead of searching every school hoping to find a bomb John's able to spin this truck around and go forward like a professional dump truck driver just like they taught him at the academy also considering the spin took three cuts to show I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say that maneuver is bull this is the most offensive coincidence in all film history right here this noise write better screenplays where are these gunshots even coming for all I guess we're not supposed to think too deeply about it but this seems to say that the bad guys followed Zeus and either decided to wait until this moment to start shooting which means they're horrible shots or they're shooting wildly from the road and are super undisciplined a red sedan will now crash into the bad guys truck but in the next shot it will become a great Buick because editing is hard when you only have so many shots to work with yes why the Zeus not mention his nephews going to Chester a Arthur Elementary even if he didn't know he was the 21st president second of all do we ever figure out completely why Simon wanted Zeus to participate in these games so much there was no end game to that sure is awesome that the crazy traffic on this road manages to give McClane a huge amount of space to perform this maneuver without getting in the way also after this everybody keeps going like it's nothing just a typical everyday traffic accident that nobody needs to slow down for this guy is checking for stray students in the building but takes the time to lock each classroom after half-assedly examining it for kids this leads to kids being locked in here and nearly dying but it's also a super and efficient way to check for stray kids since times of the essence even if you're on a mad dash to find a terrorist bomber guy stopping your car on a busy bridge has got to be one of the most [ __ ] of things you can do especially since there's no reason to do it unless you know you're about to pull off some insane stunts even when New York City should be on high alert after two bombings I'm no expert in these matters but I can call booked on this right the only henchmen that have noticed them was sliced in half by the Dodge Ram went cable that's convenient you just won't get with a Ford a god is louder than this but not by that much my point is that on a ship this big and metal someone should be hearing this door murder as I watch John meandering through the ship then cut to a shot of Zeus meandering through the ship I remember how John said don't be a hero if you find him come get me and I'm wondering how the juice is supposed to find John if they're both meandering around this giant s boat take safety this is 100% on McClane also the director said Jeremy you're German so instead of an apple let's have your character eat a hard-boiled egg it'll make you look like even more of an [ __ ] these cops out here presumably are hurting or giving the kids directions but honestly they're just in the way man what last we saw this fight German dude at beatin John - and John managed to trip him then we come back to John not only having the upper hand but hits him three times with a chain and guy is out and John starts stealing watches the hell how'd she get those two guys up there we saw that thing 30 seconds ago and I didn't see anything ladders the aspirin again with the aspirins I'm pretty sure McLean down about 25 aspirins in this movie already but now he gets Simon who suffers from migraines and needs them to throw a bottle important to the plot at John because shrug how about a splinter of that cable I slid now that might work a splitter from a cable is going to unlock some handcuffs sure the idea that it could unlock these handcuffs almost makes me forget about the convenience of this splitters availability you got a lane manages to do a bunch of random banging gets just enough explosive to break Zeus's cuffs and managed to break them without blowing up Zeus's hands Zeus is only mildly hurt did I say there wouldn't be another survives this scene I was lying John notices this tiny writing on the bottom of the bottle that the movie itself needs to zoom and cut soon for us to read I swear I've never seen so much lucky my life outside of a Harry Potter movie it's further crazy that Simon bought his aspirin here of all places I guess before he went to New York to carry out his plan and that John knew that it was a truckstop in Quebec this also opens up all sorts of jurisdictional arguments like can the NYPD just fly in a Canada to arrest or collect why the hell would they have brought this dude along on this bust the explanation the movie wants to give is that time was of the essence and this isn't ultimately even a police chopper it's a medical chopper but I still think the civilian with the gunshot wound gets left behind once they decide to use this chopper in a raid Simon can't hit anything despite being a highly trained soldier does anybody in a helicopter ever hit anything Simon has him but daddy waits while John figures out a solution continues to wait while John says say hello to your brother then I've never seen a villain more deserving of death because of his procrastination who invaded Spain in the 8th century gave up praise just getting a dream I want to play a game the killer and Halloween Simon must go faster he didn't say hey Susie said hey Zeus my name is Zeus Zeus yeah Zeus brain I'm Superfly TNT I'm the guns of the Navarone
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 1,740,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: die hard with a vengeance reaction, eww, die hard, die hard with a vengeance review, bruce willis die hard, john mcclane, die hard with a vengeance full movie, mistakes, bruce willis, movie review, samuel l. jackson, die hard with a vengeance, cinemasins, everything wrong with die hard with a vengeance, cinema sins, movie, eww die hard with a vengeance, wave jockey job, everything wrong with, review
Id: U3cOSqkIRjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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