Everything Wrong With CinemaSins - Y'know, Generally

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so until a few days ago i had absolutely no idea what this little bell symbol in the upper right of the youtube page was for um but now i know it's the button that lights up when a 15 year old from texas with an anime avatar calls you an artistic [ __ ] so great feature there youtube thanks a lot for that now i don't know if i'm going to make any more videos about specific cinemas and sin videos um the only reason i was able to make videos for fury road and empire strikes back is because i really love those movies and i've seen them tons of times so it was very easy for me to spot all of the mistakes that cinemasins made in their videos and if you think i'm gonna sit here and watch maze runner the scorch trials just to check if cinemasins lied about anything in the video you need to get your [ __ ] head checked i don't know though i might do another one in future who knows um until then though i've just made this little discussion video explaining my thoughts about cinemasins like generally what i think they get wrong and uh responding to a little bit of the criticism i got on the last two videos so here we go now when i watch cinemasins videos i divide their sins into four categories and i've got things they're wrong about by accident things they're wrong about on purpose jokes and begrudgingly legitimate criticisms but let me just uh there we go that's a little bit more realistic um there's something still missing though ah there we go perfect um but i've seen it argued that all cinemasins videos are all meant to be jokes none of the sins are attempts at criticism i disagree there i don't think that's true at all but i actually have no problem with someone watching cinemasins videos for the jokes i mean if that's you and uh you're watching understanding that it's not legitimate criticism and uh you're just watching because you think it's funny or whatever uh go nuts cinema since humor really isn't my cup of tea personally but if you're into it best of luck to you have a have a great life one thing though is that i've seen people arguing that the videos are satire and i'm not sure they're using that that word correctly that satire has to be of something else um and i don't know what cinemasins videos are supposed to be satirizing they're certainly not satirizing the movies um for instance this is satire wow these stormtroopers really can't shoot for [ __ ] we never see them hit anything in any of the star wars movies leia survives being shot lester pistol ex machina i love you one character tells another character that they love them cliche force of gravity affects objects cliche also this [ __ ] still isn't doing a lap dance ex machina cliche now i expect any cinema sins fan being a fan of modern literary criticism will be more than intimately familiar with roland barth's 1967 essay the death of the author so i won't bother reciting that here um suffice it to say it doesn't actually matter what cinemasins intent behind making their videos is so long as some folks are taking it as legitimate criticism and you only have to look at their youtube comments to find examples of people using the videos to form opinions about the movies for example uh lamont billingsley who said this movie look dumb lol um niles black who opens his message with i always watch cinemasins first to determine whether to watch a movie judean macpherson who says ah sigh another movie i loved ruined by cinemasins this one i put in here this doesn't really prove my point this guy just sounds like he wants to [ __ ] the cinemas in this guy and i think they should probably call the police on him uh swashburn zero five two nine uh this video makes me glad i didn't waste my time seeing the movie that last one i took from their video about the movie snow piercer and now i'm not saying snow piercer is necessarily a brilliant film or anything um i'm not here to to judge it i think it it's okay but i picked it to talk about here because it has a very obvious metaphorical reading that is completely missed by cinemasins very briefly then snowpiercer is set in a world where some sort of ecological disaster causes a new ice age and the only known survivors are the passengers on a train that has a perpetual motion engine and it runs on a big circular track the passengers are divided into classes based on what train car they inhabit with the poor characters combined to the back of the train and the privileged rich at the front the story follows a rebellion of the poor population as they try to take the train over and as they move up the train they witness the huge gulf in the quality of life between rich and poor they see how the youth are indoctrinated to perpetuate the unfair system and ultimately the leader of the rebellion chooses to destroy the train uh rather than become the new dictator all this can very obviously you'd think be read as a critique of unequal human societies you've got metaphorical stand-ins for the poor who do all the work the rich who take all the profit the police who protect them a media that enforces the status quo the reason i'm not too excited about snowpiercer personally is because i think the underlying message is a little bit too obvious and a perpetual motion machine train thing that runs indefinitely is obviously an impossible thing to exist we see it crashing through big ice walls and nearly coming off the rails and it's ridiculous it doesn't make any sense for the train to still be running but that doesn't mean that it's a mistake or a sin on behalf of the filmmakers if you watched snow pierce and came away saying oh my god how could the train keep going then congratulations you nearly got the point because this isn't just a train i'm just going to interrupt myself there very briefly to point out this image um so i said to jen can you please make me an image for the video could you make me the treachery of images except using a train instead of a pipe and she said sure and sent me this shoddy piece of [ __ ] um jenna's two art degrees by the way they're really paying for themselves those things aren't they anyway uh back to whatever i was saying the fact that the train keeps running despite it seeming impossible is exactly the point it will always run until the people in it choose to reject the unfair system because this isn't a real train it's a fictionalized representation of a train sure but that's not all it's also a metaphorical representation of a human society and this gives it certain characteristics within the narrative that transcend what is literally physically possible in actual reality um now with all that in mind uh consider the following entire movie will gloss over how this train is able to operate with frozen track conditions this train has been running the same tracks from the same bridges for 18 years and frigid temperatures here's yet another reason why this train could not stay in motion for 18 years in a row this train goes far off the tracks and somehow does not derail wilford's medical train is self-sustaining that's literally all they say and so on and so forth you get the point this is the real problem with cinemasins approach to movie criticism they seem unable or unwilling to engage with the movie on anything other than a completely literal level any sort of symbolism or metaphorical meaning is either ignored or missed by them and i'm not just talking about the sin videos here i went and watched their actual movie review of snowpiercer and they say they liked it and they like certain actors and scenes and so on but they never talk about what they think the movie means in anything other than a completely literal sense now the problem with this sort of thing um cinemasins fan who is in on the joke is that certain people like our old friend soasburn0529 back there they're not as up to speed as you and me and they think that this incorrect nitpicky style of video they're taking that as legitimate criticism and they've chosen not to watch the movie based on this information um cinemasins have sort of conned them out of seeing a fairly decent action movie which is it's a it's almost a crime is it a crime to lie about a movie on the internet one thing i don't understand about the argument that all of cinemasins mistakes are intentional jokes is that they do appear to own up when they notice that they've made a mistake like in the following clip uh from their video on uh harry potter and the goblet of fire why is this the one and only time in all eight movies when two people who need to talk to each other while in separate places use this fireplace phone now what cinemasins did there was they just reckoned that was the only time anyone uses the fireplace phone and they didn't go and check they just put them sin in the video and thought oh whatever you know we're probably right we shouldn't for instance watch the next film in the series in which that same character uses a fireplace to talk to harry admittedly with much cheaper cgi the funny thing here is when cinemasins came to do their sin video on the next film in the series they noticed that they'd made a mistake in the last video oh look he does use the fireplace phone again i stand corrected there you go i stand corrected these mistakes aren't parody or satire they're just mistakes made because cinemasins can't be bothered to go and check if what they're saying is right or not and the thing is you can click on nearly any cinemasins video and very quickly find a point in which like that harry potter synth they were just wrong in something they were saying but who's got the time to do that me i do um it's me so in the james bond movie spectre uh bond has previously assassinated a member of spectre and stolen his secret ring thing and then he goes to infiltrate a specter meeting the guard asks his name and bond sarcastically replies mickey mouse before flashing the ring and being let inside this prompts cinemasins to say once again super secret organization doesn't require basic identity protocols like knowing what a member's face looks like they don't even remember that one of their guys was killed in mexico city and that any [ __ ] could have a ring off but if cinemasins have watched the next 10 seconds of the movie they would have seen the explanation for how bond got inside so easily one of the guards gives a signal to another guard who gets on his phone and starts calling someone because this was a trap for bond they know who he is and they let him in on purpose they're calling blofeld to let him know that bond has arrived and the trap is actually revealed to bond in this scene when the guard who let him in reappears behind him it follows is a horror film about protagonist jay and a group of her friends all trying to run away from a sexually transmitted ghost demon thing that can take the form of anyone including people that they know in this scene the ghost appears as one of the main characters mothers in order to get close to them and this prompts cinemasins to say this is the only time the ghost appears as someone the infected person knows because he's not the main character except of course for when the ghost appears as the character greg um as the character yara and as the main character jay's father um now what's the story with this i mean we know that cinemasins didn't miss any of these appearances of the ghost because they feature all three in different sins in their video so did they just not notice uh for instance when the ghost shows up looking like the main character's like best friend in a scene where that character is also present with cinemasins like why are there two yaras all of a sudden uh i don't know in the film mission impossible rogue nation um an evil organization called the syndicate wants to assassinate the austrian chancellor and they send free assassins to kill him in an opera house and they also plant a car bomb in his car in case the assassins fail uh cinemasins has a bit of a problem with this also if the syndicate could kill the chancellor like this then why did they even bother hiring three assassins to do the job in the opera house also while the preceding opera scene was amazeballs it's now rendered almost 100 moot awesome what they missed is that the syndicate isn't just trying to kill the austrian chancellor in this scene they're testing the loyalty of one of their members called ilsa faust who is actually a secret undercover mi6 agent the other two assassins were sent with her to kill her if she didn't kill the chancellor this is all explained in the following scene through the dialogue what were you doing at the opera tonight well aside from killing the chancellor saving your life in london put me in a tight spot with some very dangerous people i was tempted to kill the chancellor to regain their trust you're not gonna believe that are you what about the rest of her team you mean those other two idiots i can only assume they were redundancies in case you didn't follow through one man to kill the chancellor was the one to kill you a test and the car bomb was insurance so how did cinemasins miss this scene which is just the direct explanation for all of the things they didn't understand in the last scene well the truth is they didn't miss it because they give it a sin they just cut out most of the dialogue and they only use that car bomb line at the end there the car bomb was insurance sure it was i still don't know why you don't just explode the guy in the first place why don't you just explode the guy in the first place i don't know because i deliberately edited out the answer to that question because well to be honest i don't always notice enough sins in a movie to make the video the right length to ensure optimal watch percentage ratios and i need to keep making money off of youtube you understand so sometimes i just make [ __ ] up to put in the videos that's that's quoting the cinemasins guy there apparently their video for captain america the winter soldier has a few good ones in it uh for instance this scene where captain america goes to visit his really old ex-girlfriend the best that we can do is to start over cap just happens to visit his would-have-been girlfriend right before her imminent death imminent death you know she doesn't die she doesn't die in this entire movie i well she just coughs she doesn't die until the next one the [ __ ] are they talking about and in this scene where captain america fights the leader of a group of mercenaries who've taken over a ship what the [ __ ] is going on is cat not a super soldier with super strength cap went toe-to-toe with iron man in the avengers so why are regular human dude suddenly a match for him first of all captain america completely wipes the floor with the guy about two seconds after cinemasins clip cuts off um second of all and this is the real annoying thing about this sin you guys didn't recognize who that was did you cinemasins people regular human dude you think that guy's just a regular dude you don't know who that actor is do you you nerds now the amazing thing about all of those mistakes is they're all just off the top of my head while randomly clicking through cinemasins videos of movies that i've already seen i mean i haven't watched half of the movies that cinemasins have put videos out for so god knows what they're making up in all of those but just to close this video out if you want a demonstration of exactly how much the cinemasins people know about movies i recommend watching a video they put out on the cinema singed jeremy channel entitled dear hollywood captain america free vs batman v superman dear hollywood specifically dear marvel so i heard captain america three is going to hold its ground and go head-to-head with batman versus superman have you lost your goddamn mind look i'm gonna let you in on a little secret no one gives a [ __ ] about captain america batman and superman in the same movie almost certainly fighting each other game over you lose sure you'll make some money i mean marvel fanboys have adopted the captain america movies like a mentally challenged cousin but you'll lose the weekend for certain you could recast cap with robert downey jr and bring in christopher nolan to direct and you'd still lose the weekend they could bring in ashton kutcher and corey feldman as batman and superman with brett ratner directing and you'd still lose the weekend hell they could let oui bowl direct that [ __ ] it would still beat cap three at the box office too funny you
Channel: Shaun
Views: 416,711
Rating: 4.8200607 out of 5
Keywords: cinemasins, everything wrong with, everything wrong with cinemasins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2016
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