Everything Wrong With CinemaSins - The Empire Strikes Back

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so I decided to watch another cinemasins video because apparently I hate myself and my time is worthless so the first video I watched was everything wrong with the jungle book and to be honest watching these guys do their shtick about a children's animated film and that kind of made me a little irrationally angry also a movie suggest Panthers and wolves are good buddies and not enemies are competitors for the same food sources as logic would dictate oh really other singing dancing cartoon animals in the children's fantasy film are they not behaving realistically cinemasins and here's me thinking I was watching a nature documentary Frank you cinemasins for pointing out the logical inconsistencies of the talking animals oh Jesus Christ and that was about all I could handle of that so I did Empire Strikes Back instead as we're about to see you the Empire is going to get their asses kicked yet again with Luke Skywalker leading the charge so at what points exactly are the Empire supposed to get their asses kicked in this movie they destroy the hidden rebel base they capture the Falcon and its crew and then Luke loses in the duel against Darth Vader gets his hand cut off and Ellie dies sometimes I wonder if cinemasins actually watched the full movie before they start coming up with sins for it I mean come on the clue is kinda in the title with this one guys okay so this is remote explain it I'm assuming where no one really lived before because it's colder than but the rebels came here and then found tamed and learned how to ride the indigenous tauntaun and built a whole base inside the mountain in three years so there's nothing in the movie to say that the rebels the ones who domesticated the Tontons there's not even anything in the movie to say that Tontons are indigenous to Hoth I mean maybe they are but maybe the rebels brought a shipment of them when they knew they were going to go to an icy planets and could use them to ride around on also the rebel base isn't that complicates that to be completed in three years I mean three years so long and it mainly just seems to be naturally occurring caverns in the ice all the rebels have done is tunnel between them and remember this is a universe in which the Empire can crank out a new def star whenever they feel like it so I'm not sure that the rebels build in the base in three years is rarely found believable holy Sh who would guess that of all three movies including the one where she wears a bikini that this would be the sexiest lay moment of all good chop managing to sexualize a woman silently looking across a room I'm starting to think cinemasins as a bit of a problem with women I thought you would decided to stay well the Bounty Hunter we ran into in Ord Mantell changed my mind first off Hahn refers to some other adventure we had no context for unless we read the books say no Hahn decides it's time to go because he ran into a bounty hunter on some other planet who obviously doesn't know where he is now it's been three years no han ran into a bounty hunter and now he's concerned about more bounty hunters coming after him in the future so he wants to leave to pay off Jabba the Hutt to stop that from happening again he's not worried about just that one specific bounty hunter he's worried about any possible future bounty hunters this scene is also reestablishing for the audience that hand has a bounty on his head and of course later on in the film pan is actually captured by a bounty hunter so it's not as though his fears were unfounded here the speeders rolling oh not yet we're having some trouble adapting them to the cold which is weird because everything else works on this planet regardless of coal the tension in these scenes comes from the fact that the rebels have to close their shield does before it gets too cold your highness there's nothing more we could do tonight the shield doors must be closed close the doors yes sir if it were true that everything else worked regardless of cold then the rebels wouldn't care if they had to close the doors or not and this tension wouldn't exist hungry huambo decided to knock out Luke and put him in the fridge before eating him the shots of the Whomper show eating the tauntaun before Luke it's saving Luke for later I get me going for here I really do but in the last movie you showed me this [ __ ] using the force while blind to deflect unseen laser blasts from a drone how can he do that but not this he can't do it you can tell because he does it it's just not easy we've never seen Luke used the force to move anything with his mind before so this is introducing that concepts of the audience if we could just started moving things about with his mind with no efforts it'd be really confusing so Luke left the beasts cave fell unconscious for a bit but then we'll back up and started walking again really really uh no that doesn't happen in the movie if you watch the full shot you see Luke trip and fall into the shot and all that happened is that he fell over and stood back up but no point was he unconscious cinemasins just cut out the trip and then pretended that Luke was waking up from being unconscious oh this [ __ ] only shows up in the absolute most extreme Luke might die situations extreme situations like sitting around having a chat with you des and a party with a bunch of Ewoks Luke's not really in any danger in either of those situations I still say that in all the Star Wars movies the most unbelievable thing is that Han somehow finds Luke during dusk on a huge snow planet why does Han have to search the entire planet to find Luke he knows where Luke was before he went missing and that's where Luke got attacked so we can assume he's close to there we see r2 looking for Luke on a scanner so we can therefore assume Luke can be picked up by scanners and who knows maybe Han decided to take a scanner with him and that's how he found Luke tonton ex marketer so is it just me or the cinemasins not actually know what the phrase deus ex machina means it actually means some sort of plot contrivance that resolves a lot of conflicts seemingly arbitrarily it usually comes at the end of a play or a film or whatever at the tonton dying here actually complicates the plot because han can't use it to get home so what the hell I think cinemasins think deus ex machina means something happened but it'll keep you warm how does Hans - fluke into a tauntaun belly they're not much bigger than humans they're huge they're like [ __ ] ten feet tall look at the size of it Han somehow survives the bitter cold all through the night without getting inside the tauntaun himself that sounded dirty but pond should be frozen much like Luke was a minute ago yeah and somehow survives the bitter cold it's an absolute mystery I mean maybe set up a camp we can but that's a guess there's nothing in the actual movie to to say that hand set up a camp to survive the night I mean if you really stretch in at the end of that scene it looks a bit like he's starting to set up a camp and then when the air speed of finds them it looks like he set up a camp and in the previous shot Han has a line of dialogue till I get the shelter up you know auto-tune all of that who knows what he did it's metal then it couldn't be one of those creatures could be a speeder one of ours you mean the speeders you were just told last night can't go out the Col yeah han was told that last night and last night it was colder than it is right now which is a scene set during the daytime the rebels that are alerted to our presence Admiral Ozzel came out of Lightspeed close to the system-wide invader specifically in order not to do that yeah if a does not really the micromanaging type his mother if you [ __ ] up I'll choke you it's a death type so you can land these things outside the energy shield but you can't get some quick fighters down here to perform an aerial assault yeah why does the Empire only use ground forces here and not use any aerial forces calm scan has detected an energy field protecting an area of the sixth planet of the Hoth system the field is strong enough to deflect any bombardment old that the rebels have to drop the shield to allow their own ships to pass through it the energy shield can only be open for a short time so you'll have to stay very close to your transports the reason that the Empire can't use any ships is because no ships can pass through the rebels energy shield the goal of the ground forces of the Empire in this scene is to destroy the shield generator get the shields down so that the Empire can invade the base and take it over Luke survives this crash why wouldn't he survive that crash it doesn't even look like he was going very fast this bucket of bolts is never gonna get past that blockade that's kind of true but why was Luke's x-wing somehow able to get through the blockade no problem Luke's x-wing isn't damaged the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive is broken which is why they have so much trouble getting away from the blockade here's another thing no they're not any Imperial ships guarding the exit off the planet we even heard them talk about a blockade earlier so where is it and the rebels didn't find some other side of the planet where the blockade wouldn't affect them so what gives there are Imperial ships guarding the exit off the planet you even featured them in a previous sin in your video her rubber ships are coming into our sector the big rebel cannon is disabling the ships to allow the rebel freighters and fighters to get through the blockade two fighters against a stardestroyer the ion cannon will fire several shots to make sure that any enemy ships will be out of your flight if you'd watched the movie with your eyes and registered the information with your brain you'd know this to move these three Star Destroyers pursuing the Falcon run into each other how is that possible how do you not see another Star Destroyer in your path do you not have radar training skill so in the previous clip cinemasins gave the movie a sin for not featuring any of the Imperial ships supposedly guarding the exit off the planet and in this one which is the next sin in their video remember they give it a sin for having so many Imperial ships that they're all running into each other I was flying the ship right now Leia autopilot evasion software there is this shot when Han returns to the cockpit showing layer sitting in the pilot's seat with her hands on the controls but who knows there was no laser blast on the earth like an asteroid how does an asteroid hit you and you're not dead yet maybe if it hits you when you're in a science fiction spaceship with a deflector shield does that include shutting me down - no need you to talk to the Falk and find out what's wrong with the hyperdrive but he just said what was wrong with the hyperdrive a few minutes ago didn't he I noticed earlier the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged and you didn't fix it because she with the asteroid field before you could do anything so that's still the problem right no all he said was that the motivator was damaged there could be a hundred different ways in which it's damaged and Han needs free Bo to find out which one of those ways it is and actually later on c-3po gives more information about the way in which the hyperdrive is damaged I believe so it says that the power coupling on the negative axis has been polarized I'm afraid you'll have to replace it you see kyouda you know him mm-hmm take it to him area just like obi-wan Yoda initially pretends not to be the person he actually is mostly just to put the audience I mean Luke he's not [ __ ] with Luke he's testing his patience to see you be suitable to be trained no I don't even know what I'm doing here we're wasting our time I cannot teach him the boy has no patience does this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker which is a weird thing to say to Anakin Skywalker he's not talking to Anakin Skywalker he's talking to Darth Vader and yes there is a difference between those two things and if you don't understand that you just don't understand Star Wars also didn't the very fact that his name is Luke Skywalker tip you off you can't seriously expect us to believe that after Luke destroyed the Death Star the Empire didn't hear what the hell his name was so this is a weird one cinemasins is complaining that the Emperor and Vader don't know that Luke Skywalker is Anakin Skywalker's son even though this is the scene where they reveal what they do know that Luke Skywalker is Anakin Skywalker's son I mean we know that they know his name because in an earlier scene Vader calls him Skywalker and I'm sure Skywalker is with them set your course for the Hoth system so why is cinemasins saying that the Emperor and Vader went tipped off to that fact because they clearly were otherwise they wouldn't currently be talking about it yes to all is Yoda cranky does he not really want to train Luke why the 100 excuses thing I know we're building tension for the audience I mean Luke but other than that when I see so resistant Yoda is reluctant strain Luke because he thinks he's too impatient and will fall to the dark side like his father did I mean this is very basic information revealed through the dialog directly and so I can understand how cinemasins managed to miss it okay so after this big talk about how rocks and spaceships are different from each other and size doesn't matter and all that jazz Yoda then proceeds to power the ship out of the water but with considerable effort I might add if the force supposedly doesn't distinguish the size of objects this thing should have emerged immediately Yoda isn't just trying to get the ship out of the water in this scene he's using the opportunity afforded by the ship sinking to teach Luke about what's possible through use of the force and believing in yourself and your own abilities Luke doesn't believe that this is possible and then Yoda shows him in a very impressive display of power that is possible he's not just literally trying to get the ship out of the swamp that's not the point of the scene also I don't know where cinemasins got the idea that this takes considerable efforts fee Oda because at no point in the scene does it look like he's struggling or having any trouble with what he's doing he's just doing it in a very slow and deliberate manner mysteries now help them you could but you would destroy it all for which they have fought and suffered because your dad is Darth Vader and he can turn you to the dark side and the rebels would lose the war well that's a spoiler for the audience that you the most important character in this movie is just better off not nope they're not withholding this information from Luke for a big surprise or something they think he's better off not knowing it they want him to kill Vader and they think that if they tell Luke Vader is his father he'll be less likely to want to kill him which is exactly what happens so they kind of had a point in not telling Luke that information I had no choice there right right before you did how did they do that even if Bubba Fett tells Vader that they're going to Cloud City immediately after he starts following the Falcon a falcon is a huge head start and this is after the Star Destroyers win in the Lightspeed in a different direction okay so the fact that the Falcon's hyperdrive is broken is one of the major plot threads in the film and it's impossible to miss and I know that cinemasins didn't miss it because they refer to it in previous sins so how'd they forget it here they're like how could the Empire possibly get to cloud city before the ship with a damaged engine I mean the only reason that the Falcon went to cloud city anyway was to get the hyperdrive fixed put it together guys for [ __ ] sake this contraption does things so horrible it's better left off-screen because whatever bolt that thing is doing is probably bull but it sure does hurt now leaving the torture off-screen and its exact nature on specific makes it even more horrible in the minds of the audience than if they just showed it directly and but leaving that aside for a second why does cinemasins beef out their own swear words I mean they don't record these live they could write the script to say whatever they want but they pour in swear words only to later beep them out again what's going on there what Disney Walt Disney wasn't cryogenically frozen that's just an urban legend he was cremated there you go you learned something new every day just don't need any of your help really like the kind that just freed you from captivity so you could escape you don't need that kind of help the last time that Lando said he was going to help them he led them into a trap so they're reluctant to take his help this time because they don't know if his offer to help them is genuine or if he's lying again Russia the good guys running directly by randoms but r2d2 just happen to wind up cliche rest of the good guys running directly by random spots r2d2 just happened to wind up cliche what the [ __ ] is that I don't think they know what cliche means either how many times does that happen this is the second film that came out in the Star Wars franchise remember so how many opportunities has that thing had to happen even what the [ __ ] hmm Peter starts using the Force to throw objects at Luke during the battle which not only feels like cheating but also makes me wonder why he doesn't do more of that he doesn't do more of it because he doesn't have to fade is not trying to kill Luke in this scene he could completely cut his head off whenever he wanted to if he was trying to kill Luke he's trying to wear him down and make him join his side movie pink suicide is the noble choice Luke can't beat Vader and he doesn't want to join him so letting go and just falling off the thing is actually the noble choice here meanwhile here is a load of rebel ships that managed to somehow escape the half blockade without incident we didn't show you that because we showed you the Millennium Falcon's escape attempt but it totally happened I promise oh yeah they never showed us any of these ships running the Imperial blockade before did they like say for instance this ship see this ship right here who remembers a scene earlier in the film showing that running the blockade not me I don't remember that one the back you
Channel: Shaun
Views: 313,958
Rating: 4.8193502 out of 5
Keywords: cinemasins, cinema sins, empire, star wars, empire strikes back, everything wrong with cinemasins, everything wrong with
Id: ZqclEoTaJUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2016
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