Everything Wrong With CinemaSins - Mad Max: Fury Road

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so I recently watched a YouTube video about the movie Mad Max fury road it was the the comic-con trailer which is a really good trailer by the way but this made YouTube decide that all I ever want to watch is Mad Max videos and well to their credit that's right but one video recommended to me was everything wrong with Mad Max fury road by a channel called cinemasins now I've never watched a video by cinemasins before but I watched this one and the first finger noticed was that their audio seems a little weird more lame is much more world is fire and blood and then they complain about Tom Hardy sounding unintelligible also Tom Hardy is forced to speak unintelligibly cliche and I thought that's odd I don't remember him sounding like that in the actual movie so I went and checked my name is Max my world is fire and blood my name is Max my world is fire and blood I am the one who runs from both the living and the dead I am the one who runs from both the living and the dead now I don't know if this is something cinemasins does for all of their videos but you know it's kind of unfair to edit the audio and then complain about it sounding unintelligible so I thought whatever I'll watch the rest of the video and holy [ __ ] these guys are wrong about nearly everything big it I don't understand that is it a joke that I'm not getting is it like their gimmick like where cinemasins we get everything wrong on purpose I don't know but I'll be honest the video annoyed me at it annoyed me that they were frequently wrong in very lazy ways it annoyed me that they often edited the footage to obscure the fact that they were incorrect in a point they were making and and it annoyed me enough to make this video Max is a dick to two-headed lizard things max isn't being a dick to the lizard he he doesn't stand on it because he thinks it's funny or whatever he actually eats the lizard in the next shot these cars made no sound until they made an appearance in the film and this isn't a mistake the cars are supposed to surprise the audience and the sudden roar of the engine is a contrast to the Silence of the deserts if you watch the full scene that's a lot more apparent tattoo instructions so this is one of the weirder types of sins that cinemasins liked to do they just say what is happening on the screen and then give the movie a sin I don't get it they do it all the time here's another one angry and impotent machine gunfire what's what's that that's just what was happening what's what's wrong the back does that meant to be bad after patiently letting them tattoo in four hours max finally breaks at the mirror distant idea of being branded the guy's got the brands right there in front of Max's face how is that the Mia distant idea of being branded it's that the branding is imminent while all these guys bald and painted white ruby has zero interest in explaining so the reason the movie never tells us why these guys are bald and paints of white is because it doesn't really matter what matters is that they're all part of a cult and they all look the same they could paint themselves red or blue and the effect would be the same um add a stretch you could say that they paint themselves white because Joe needs that white powder blowing on himself to stop from getting sick or whatever that was but that's just guessing the real reason the movie doesn't get bogged down and a lot of unnecessary exposition is that it's really really good wait when did these guys get green hook pulling hooks did they know they need them while they were mindlessly chasing after max well maybe they just keep it behind that door because that's where they need to use it to grab the crane hook in fact you can actually see the hooks behind the or in a previous shot okay first of all how's the region's water somehow located and contained a dozen stories up on a rock thingy doesn't this defy all science and gravity knowledge well since the walls is coming out of pipes I think it's safe to assume that it's being pumped there from somewhere else it's safe to assume this from now all the way until a later scene when the move he just tells you how the water gets there where does the water come from he pumps it up and deep in the earth second of all this is the least efficient water gifting system ever invented I realize he's a [ __ ] but he's literally wasting 90% of the water he's releasing right now okay so Joe is wasting the water on purpose and this scene is meant to show us that he's cruel he's a tyrant he's got no respect for the people who depend on him to live and no respect for water and this is spelled out quite explicitly in Joe's dialogue in the scene do not my friends become addicted to water they will take all of you that you will resent its absence the points of this scene is to establish Joe as the antagonist and that really wouldn't work for the audience if they saw him being a kind and considerate person your project later gasps yeah but in furiosa wait until she was completely out of you before she made that turn if you watch literally the next five seconds of the movie you get to see through that telescope and you can see all the way to gas town from Joe's citadel whoa this society of criminal [ __ ] takes one of the few Universal donors they come across and straps him to the spiky front of a war vehicle headed into battle because why again okay so first of all there's absolutely no indication in the film how many Universal donors these guys have they might have a dozen of them all tied up in cages back at the Citadel who knows second of all they're all crazy and it would be completely in character for them to do something as irrational as tie one of their Universal donors to the front of a car max is specifically there though to give blood to Knox and the shop makes this very clear it follows the tube from Max's neck down the chain and into Knox's arm these flames would definitely have already killed this back riding [ __ ] if only due to wind not to mention how hot all the metal he's touching would be if you watch the full shot you can see that the flames have only been on for about one second he's positioned in front of them and the wind is blowing them backwards away from him this porcupine gunner is useful only if attacked by stabbing flesh based human things otherwise just throw a gasoline and water balloon at it and set the fire I mean right how many times do we see one person jump from a moving vehicle onto another in this film it seems like defending yourself against stoppable flesh based human things would be a priority this semi is able to drive close enough to a SAN lightning tornado to push this other nearby vehicle into oblivion without somehow getting sucked into the tornado itself so I had no idea about this at all so I went on Google and I read a few articles I did a few hours of research and it turns out that that the big semi trucks they're heavier than cars cars are a lot smaller also since these women were all locked up in a harem bolt why was there ever a need for such things well the women we're all locked up in the vault and then they escaped and so one example for an instance of such things being needed at least in Joe's mind is them the the events that are currently occurring in in the film how did these [ __ ] find them they just went through a sandstorm where everybody who chased them either died or got knocked unconscious what kind of tracks did they leave that led them here they haven't left any tracks because they actually haven't moved and if you remember when max wakes up at the crash site he can see the warig from where he is implying that no one's really went very far all that's changed is that the storm has begun to lift you know just in case I'm hanging around outside my trunk with no weapons I've got this HIDA gun thing here in case of emergencies for instance an emergency like right now when I'm being attacked outside the truck I mean furiosa is hidden guns all over the truck what's the problem with having one on the outside that's the second time since he took possession of this gun that he's fired three shots to stop someone in their tracks how many does he have left and why is he sucking wasteful of the precious few bullets he has does he need to fire three times as a warning twice okay so max was run off the road taken prisoner forcibly tattooed locked in a cage tied to the front of a car he was in another car crash and then he was just in a fight and honey's he's a little bit sort of I guess he's irrational maybe he's a little bit he's you know it did blow the legs you had to shoot that one was attached to his favorite what are you gonna tell him max was the one responsible for it why would you do that and why is he in any more danger than he was in already like an odd thing to say okay so initially max didn't want to let furiosa ruin the wives into the truck and he was going to just wait and hand them over to Joe in exchange for his freedom Holly wait then furiosa hops onto the truck and tries to convince max to let them in you're relying on the gratitude of a very bad man you've already damaged one of his wives how grateful do you think he's gonna be so yes the wives are going to tell Joe max was the one responsible for it it's a threat he's in danger because the wives are saying if you hand us over we'll tell Joe you shot one of us and he'll kill you oh yeah but don't you now leave all the women alone up here with all those weapons you meticulously took out of their reach a minute ago yeah how stupid is max for leavin all the guns in the cab Amin if it were me I'd probably put the guns in some sort of bag and then take that back with me when I left the cab luckily Knox has a soft sand dune to land on when pushed out of a speeding war machine surrender that's what the [ __ ] else is he supposed to land on whatever you do you can't be seen I'm supposed to be a lot didn't you just say I need you here you may have to drive the rig those sound like contradictory statements and they're not contradictory furiosa saying stay here but stay out of sight which is exactly what max does lots of gunfire at this mostly fuel carrying big rig result in a bunch of ricochets so if cinemasins have been paying attention to the film they know that the tank itself is actually filled with milk what is this its mother's milk at the start of the movie furiosa was supposed to go to gas town to trade why would she be delivering a shipment of fuel so someone called gas town guy who has dedicated his entire life to impressing Joe gives up totally and joins the good guys because the power of Sand boners is super strong so Noakes has dedicated his entire life to impressing Joe and then he completely fails in front of Joe and Joe rejects him he saw it all this is the real reason that he changes sides not whatever-the-hell ass and boner is supposed to be this movie makes it seem like they drive we further than assume I should be able to drive on one tank of gas so it's actually possible for semi trucks to drive for hundreds of miles on one tank of gas now there's nothing wrong with not knowing that but remember cinemasins think that the worid is filled with fuel lots of gunfire at this mostly fuel carrying big rig result in a buncha ricochets from one tank of gas mostly fuel carrying big rig those sound like contradictory statements lead cars explode and the rest of the convoy immediately stops instead of going around or avoiding the semis tracks altogether I mean you guys do realize there are no boundaries keeping you from going left or right right and so this scene is set in a swamp and the reason that the cars can't just drive around is because they will sink into the swamp tiny tree has the ability to withstand what was it very OSA you're sitting on 2,000 horsepower nitro boosted war machine sounds like a vehicle that needs that kind of power is probably super heavy the tree doesn't withstand the weight of the truck it gets torn out of the ground and falls over not only that the shot cinemasins used to complain about it actually shows it falling over tiny tree has the ability to withstand what was it furiosa without somehow getting sucked into the tornado itself sounds like a vehicle that needs that kind of power is probably super heavy those sound like contradictory statements truck net was just struggling to drive in this on a flat surface is suddenly climbing sand hills with ease okay so the flat surface is actually a swamp and the reason that the truck can drive uphill is because it's is driving to higher ground that's that's drier than then the swamp I don't think cinemasins know a swamp is this high ground just beyond that thing he means the tree yeah tree um why the hell is this lookout naked is there one good reason for that I'm not complaining I'm just trying to figure out how that benefits the cause so this lookout isn't actually a lookout she's a trap max spots less and comments on it as the war rig is driving go to tower that's late Max's flashbacks don't matter much to me or the film so the flashbacks are actually the key to understanding Max's character in the film at the beginning jeez he's haunted by these visions who say things like you let us die where were you max you promised to help us then later on when Max is watching furiosa drive away across the salt flats he hears one of these voices again hi and he sees a vision of somebody walking out into the desert and this is what changes his mind and makes him decide to help furiosa because he sees it as a way to redeem himself for all the people that he hasn't helped in his past at least that way we might be able to together come across some kind of redemption there's also a flash forward or a premonition I guess that's quite interesting but I guess none of that actually matters a cinemasins all completely totally random pointless decisions made for no reason so look I totally agree that their decision to go back to the Citadel is something they needed to do but could they have tried to be a little bit more discreet when they drove back the other way maybe try to avoid being seen maybe even I don't know take a circle around they don't just want to go back to the Citadel they have to beat Joe back to the Citadel to take it and it's going to take weeks to take a circular route because the only direct path is back where they came it'll take two weeks ago at the wall of mountains long I suggest we go back the same where we came through the canyon now in some respects I completely sympathize with cinemasins it is not easy to do what they do and you have to watch the whole the entire movie got to watch all of it you got to pay attention to all the characters all these different characters are all saying things and doing things and these pillows and swings are really cool why didn't they have these things earlier when they attacked the Warwick if you've been watching the movie you'd know that the polecats all got trapped at the canyon pass when the pass gets blocked and they haven't had an opportunity to attack the war rig until they caught up with it which is right now wait are you sure if she's strong enough to catch a falling Tom Hardy with one hand while driving this massive war machine well since furiosa catches max with a robotic arm it doesn't really matter if she's strong enough all that matters is if her arm is attached to her tightly enough also if you look you can see that furiosa isn't actually the only character to catch max because one of the wives is holding his other leg the thing pull left his jacket behind for no reason so that finn could pick it up and be seen by bb-8 later if you watch the scene where poe and finn steal the TIE fighter Poe takes its jacket off shortly before they take off so it makes perfect sense for it to still be in the TIE fighter
Channel: Shaun
Views: 406,254
Rating: 4.7780085 out of 5
Keywords: cinemasins, cinema sins, cinemasins mad max, mad max, mad max fury road, cinemasins fury road, everything wrong with cinemasins
Id: 4ti3chBx2Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2016
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