Build to Survive With ELEMENTAL POWERS!

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today we're playing build to survive but we have elemental powers in Minecraft guys check it out I'm on fire oh my God put him out someone put him out hey no no no don't put me out Daddy it's my elemental power put I have water wait is that your elemental power Gooby you're like a a water wizard yes super cool spells I got a healing spell I got super [Music] speed that's not fast I also have my special weapon the water goo oh the water goo whoa way water goo and then y oh my goodness that's actually insane Gooby he's like Aquaman my Twisted T wow all right do you guys want to see my abilities all right check this out so I got some Fireballs Fireballs everyone run everyone run I got sick fireballs and then I got this thing which is basically like a fist but it's like fire fist so I can hit people with fire and then I got this which just burns everything around me I'm a rocket ship I'm a rocket ship Daddy I'm you can fly I'm going to the sky I'm a rocket ship here I come oh my God is that awesome that was actually insane but my Powers I think are a little better wait daddy what's your element supposed to be I am air air yeah look at my boots wa they do look pretty cool I got wings I got more wings but look at this I have a a really cool Dash wao oh my goodness that's insane oh my good like that's crazy got an air Shield I don't know if you can see it but on my screen I can see a shield I don't see a shield daddy you can't get me you can't get me you're like protected yep I'm protected and then I feather spikes oh oh back up daddy those Hur spes I'm going to get you oh my goodness well guys scary monsters are going to come out of these big portals next to us in 10 minutes so we need to go to our squares and build Elemental bases to protect ourselves o I'm going to build I think like an air Palace air Palace Daddy really it's like on a big cloud um I don't really know what I'm going to build yet I got to figure it out volcano obviously oh you're right Daddy a big volcano live in the volcano Gooby what are you going to build I'm going to build an ice castle oh that makes sense because when you freeze water it turns into ice all right guys look hurry up we need to build I'm going to start building monsters are going to be coming very very soon okay I need blocks that mimic a cloud I need like wool maybe mixed in with some like quartz yeah I like that idea Daddy I don't really know how to build a volcano you have to like have a big circle and then it needs to go to like a small circle oh okay got it like wrap around yeah yep yep I got it daddy do you actually got that or no I'm just going to start placing down a bunch of blocks and hopefully it looks like a volcano at the end sure yeah you do that all right there we go I got a big circle just like this now I'm just going to wrap it back in and then connect it boom check that out this is a perfect volcano shape if I've ever seen one all right now we're just going to make this look just a little bit better there we go oh yeah that's looking that's looking beautiful right there my base look like a cloud yet um no that looks terrible daddy booby I need your opinion uh sound looks like an upside down white poop in the sky yes that's what I saw too come on okay fine I really got to I guess make this look a lot better honestly Gooby described it perfectly Daddy a big poop that's what it looks like what the gooby I don't even know what you're doing you're digging like a stupid hole I'm going to make my ice castle leave Gooby alone he didn't even do anything to you why are you saying that to him you called my base freaking poop well I did too yeah but it came from him first and daddy everyone in the comments are probably like making fun of you right now saying it looks like a big poop in the sky no they didn't say that I didn't hear them say it nope doesn't nope didn't hear it all right I'm going to read the comments on this video and I'm going to see if people say it no don't you dare cuz if I hear you reading them at night I'm going to go in your room and I'm going to take your Nintendo switch hey yep I said it I'm going to do it's my Nintendo switch though daddy yep well no one better comment bad things about me okay only say good things about my daddy in the comments cuz I need my Nintendo switch y all the compliments in the world saying I'm handsome I'm really jacked okay that's false I don't look like I don't go to the gym I do go to the gym you don't go to the gym I do go to the gym I go to the gym day all right daddy well we'll see guys we do not have much time left the first round of monsters are on their way I could hear them through the portals they're making scary sounds no I'm not Wy I'm not W what type of noises are they making Daddy I don't even know they sound super scary super weird they making noise like V5 F I'm going to wreck Gooby base with my thumb no no no don't do that to me no Daddy I'm actually hearing more like howls and stuff oh exactly so I'm a little scared okay now my volcano I need to start using some Stone oh yeah this is going to get super good all right just going to go all the way around with this Stone the bottom layer is going to be a bunch of dirt and now we're going to start placing down a bunch of stone by I need to put an entrance somewhere I think I'm going to put it right in the front it's going to be like a cave that goes inside the volcano just like that guys my base is coming out so good it's going to be better than all yours combined no mine's protected already all right we'll see you hear screams oh my gosh oh my gosh we're in survival mode quick get your get your elemental powers out oh no oh no guys there things down here oh my gosh what are those things what are they oh my God they're really fast they're really fast oh my gosh oh Fireball well Two Can Play That Game super speed go just regular wolves oh my gosh I knew I heard howling daddy take that killed one oh my gosh there's flying things guys there's flying things F they're flying they have wings guys I need oh gosh I just got tossed off my thing I need help I need help oh my go B Dog oh the pole Bears have spikes the pole Bears got ouch oh they're holding me they're very much holding me don't worry Gooby oh I'm blowing them up I have to borrow you Secret Bas for a second no get out of my base Gooby that's only for me the B I'm going to die oh no I'm going to die no you're not no you're not okay you're going to die oh my God run run they do so much damage oh my goodness they're all howling they all howling really really bad guys this is really hard wait oh use my spell book good idea good idea I'm going up I'm going up no oh no they all chasing me oh no bad mistake bad mistake they're in my base I just died I'm doing so good right now I'm actually killing them I'm setting them on fire back up okay what did you just do you just kill yourself no Daddy they have spikes and they do a lot of damage and it's scary okay guys this is what we need to do we need to group them up we need to group them up I'm going to go get them all right R them up and then you guys are going to use all your abilities at once all right yes all right come on guys come to me try to get them on you over here right here right here Daddy they're all grouped up Kaboom on fire no I keep dying exping water balls oh my God the polar bear spikes are hurting ow they do so much damage oh my goodness I've never seen something like this guys I don't think we're winning this round because I've died like three times they so hard they're really hard yeah they're really difficult to kill you failed no guys we failed oh it's all googy's fault come on Gooby I blame you it wasn't my fault okay no it wasn't guy's fault those monsters were actually insane I need better weapons next time I think it was just cuz I wasn't ready with my secret face all right guys we clearly need to make our bases way more secured so we don't die like we just did I agree I'm making a really good sword right now now you're making a good sword yep I have to ooh Daddy I just got a flaming sword it sets people on fire if I hit them with it I just made a sword called air breath oh gosh is it CU you got bad breath Daddy so when you try to speak to them they die oh no but that's what you said air breath yeah because when you people go near you it smells so bad that the air they can't breathe yep that's what happens no what's wrong you guys are really hurtful really bad we're just telling you the truth you got to brush better I don't have to brush better you guys actually I think just need to um unclog your noses from all the boogies oh I do got a lot of boogers in my nose Daddy I know it's disgusting I don't have any boogers in my nose I picked them all out e that is nasty Gooby you guys don't pick out your boogers no no I don't pick out my boogers only like a couple times a day I do s what did we say about this we were working on you not picking your boogies no more well Daddy sometimes they get really stuck up there so I got to you know get them out disgusting I can't believe I'm I'm related to you when I'm done with this volcano I think I'm going to stick you in it wait what you're going to no no you can't do that I'll just fly out cuz I have air powers yeah you're going to blow up into the sky I will not blow up into the sky we'll see about that Daddy I'm getting really close for getting to the top of this volcano D do you like it look look over do you like it looks horrible great keep going well Daddy your stupid cloud looks horrible no it does not it actually does it I'm making it look really cloudy right now give me a rain oh my goodness this is actually coming together wait a minute this is looking insane all right I just got to do a few more layers and then my volcano is going to be done and then I got to decorate the inside and put a bunch of lava everywhere how's your base coming along coming pretty good you sure yes all right we'll see if your little ice castle actually comes out good I think so far I have the coolest idea no look at my base right now it's starting to actually look like a cloud I know but the thing is Daddy like I just don't like it okay um that was very hurtful your volcano actually looks like poop so yep I said it I said it no it doesn't daddy it looks beautiful looks like a poop I just took e yep nice and freshh yeah well yours base looks like poop island yeah Dad I like that one you didn't say that oh what what are you making I'm making an ice castle it's made out of glass there's no ice I don't see any ice CU glass would milk this is po I you can't have pretend ice you have to have real ice they would milk no it would not guys stop arguing we need to focus and build the next round of monsters are on their way and they're going to be coming through this portal any second you guys they're literally at any time we can go into survival mode and we have to defend our base well they're not going to eat me cuz I'm going to survive well if I was a monster Daddy honestly I probably wouldn't eat you anyways cuz you taste really bad good that that's what I have against you guys I taste like poop so guess what they're not going to want to eat me e now he's using his bad smell to his Advantage dad you can't do that that's cheating I could I could do whatever I want okay now at the top of my volcano I'm going to start adding these blocks of coal this is going to look super good and add a bunch of detail oh yeah it's coming together this is looking beautiful all right I need another block um I need another dark block daddy what's another dark block I can use my volcano know what blocks have you used um like Stone and like blocks of coal H why don't you start using some obsidian obsidian yeah maybe some black concrete deep slate blocks you could use okay Daddy I'm going to do this is actually an ash Block in the game which could be cool oh yeah the obsidian looks crazy it's got like a little purple tint to it which makes it look super scary there we go just going to stick these blocks everywhere and then I'm going to start adding some of this black concrete powder not nice this is bringing it together my base is coming out so beautiful right now ugly come on Daddy just like it beautifully ugly I didn't say that you said check this thing out actually looking just like a volcano very beautifully ugly my ice cassle is looking really good let me see it Gooby oh gosh it's looking really I don't even know what this thing is um really good oh no no no no no no no I got stuck on your base you got to stay here with me I have no food what you have no food what is that it's a seab bear no there not sea Bears daddy they're seab Bears they're real oh no they want to eat me I just up spell at them H behind us Gooby behind us oh no oh no come on Gooby we got to kill him oh come here oh my God he just one tapped me he one tapped you oh my goodness I just got destroyed I got to go down there and fight them like a man I'm going to SW myy weapon at them I'm going to blow them up it's the only way they do so much damage oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I killed one I killed one I'm lighting one on fire guys I need help d I need help ow oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm coming Daddy behind you behind you help me oh God got him they do so much damage this is insane I know this Mo behind my base I'm coming I'm coming this is a hard round they actually do so much damage they hit like go on fire like that good one there's few more oh my God more in the middle more in the middle oh my gosh oh my gosh it's mutant there's a mutant seab bear die go on fire Daddy I need help Daddy I need help One chasing they chasing just water ball trid at you got to throw your Trident that's your best weapon Gooby throwing the water ball one oh gosh you're going to die one more m one left I think we win come here bro you want to go on fire oh my God it does damage oh my God kill it daddy kill it do something and kill it going do a speed attack I'm coming nice we did it guys we actually survived woohoo than my TWY water goob thank you water goo you actually did a lot of damage Gooby so good job that round yes all right guys but I need to actually start adding some defenses to my base because these monsters are getting in way too easily didn't get on my base my base was floating so I'm going to start adding some spikes well first I'm going to add lava because that I kind of need some lava it's not a volcano without lava very true all right just do something like this on the top and then boom lava lava lava lava lava this is an insane amount of lava oh my goodness all right there we go almost got it all filled up beautiful now I'm going to add some lava that's going around my base so basically it's going to fill all this up with lava so when the monsters come try to attack me they're going to instantly die in this lava I'm going to have the best defenses here not what are your defenses going to be see terrible defense Scooby what defenses are you going to add I'm adding Spike ooh I was going to add spikes too I think they're really good yeah especially around my M of poison water wo you got poison water I mean that would make sense your elemental power is water and you could probably make it really poisonous yep and then I'm going to put some STS right here so the monsters like walk up there and be like oh I just got to walk up there go into the space and then they get nice good idea Gooby good idea I'm adding so much lava this is insane now I need to make a giant towel at the top hey you're coping me I have would try Tower you you can't claim a tower Daddy I can you can't towels both have towels okay fine we'll both have Towers boom now all the lava is done there's so much lava on my base right now but now what I want to do is I want to add some lava that's spilling from the top all the way down to the bottom so we'll just break that and let's see where the lava goes oh here it comes oh my goodness this is a insane amount of lava coming down come on lava where you going to go we need to make sure the lava doesn't go everywhere so we're going to just follow it down and do something like this wao that looks so good oh my goodness all right let's just add a couple more little details and then we're going to add another one this is looking crazy all right let's add another one in this corner like right here all right hopefully the lava flows in this direction okay there we go there we go wo that is a lot of lava daddy check this out I'm adding lava all over my base now wo that actually is coming out so good it looks like an actual volcano I know Daddy that's a point clearly yeah clearly yeah clearly all right there we we go I think I'm going to add one more giant one right here in the front and then we're done all right let's just direct the lava to go in this Direction please there we go we're adding so much lava let's go all right get some concrete powder up in this thing nice my base is going to be the most secure base out of all of yours I don't think so Daddy yep you know what I'm adding now what exactly what do you mean exactly what are you adding exactly exactly I'm not going to tell you okay well that's just mean okay I'm adding a spike pit Spike pit yep very spiky very pity I mean that does sound like a good idea it sounds like something I would do oh so that means it's it's a good idea but since you're doing it it's a bad idea okay okay y yep I agree mhm AG who even are you gooby who even are you um I'm Gooby great great wait this actually looks insane the mouth of the cave is coming out insane boom this looks beautiful there we go my volcano is looking so good but something I want to do for this this next round is I'm going to get some armor I do not want to die from stupid Monsters anymore so let's see what armor we have guys I think we should all get armor on ooh look at this armor this looks insane now I actually look like the elemental of fire I'm wearing fire armor mhm I need air armor daddy check this out daddy check it check it Daddy look check it Daddy check oh my God you're fire fire wao your base is coming out really good Daddy I know I'm making it so it actually looks good I'm going to put spikes down here right now oh like that Daddy you should do some of that too what are you doing what what are you doing are you trying to explode my base no let me see goo's base I just saw you wow Gooby I like this a lot nice Castle mhm I see I see it looks really good thank you you hear screams no no no I don't I don't hear screaming I don't hear screaming oh God it's my crazy fan girl why is she here why is she here oh my God oh my God she's got knives she's got knives daddy oh she's coming up she's coming up kill her kill her set her on fire take that yep get away from me oh my God she looks so big oh no I accidentally dashed off my bed I like you I don't like you get away from me swimming up my poison oh no I'm going to knock him into my lava I'm going to get him kill him daddy kill him for me watch out behind you daddy oh blew you up sorry I got your back I got your back you get my back okay Daddy oh my God there's so many go on fire yeah you like that you're getting stuck in my traps nice good job okay I'm going to CL my volcano and see if they follow guys don't let her hit you they do a lot of damage half my health oh my gosh guys I'm being chased I'm being chased oh no they're coming up your Mountain oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm going to the top I died shoot him Gooby shoot him I'm helping you I'm going to shoot a water ball at him good idea good idea you they're all up here they're up here they're up here they're up here wait they're on me come here come here little baby fan girl come here I don't like you fan girls leave us oh gosh oh no oh I dadd Fireball incoming they didn't like my comments towards them incoming oh no o good job daddy you could just Dash away I know I know I did that we got one big one left by me oh my gosh oh my gosh know I missed go on fire oh I just knocked him into your poison gooy I died again good teamwork died keep good teamw work teamwork teamwork knock in got you guys there's two more left on the Volcano come by me come by me I need help I'm here I'm here I'm swinging my S at him I need help there's one inside too hey there three there I got one oh my God there's a baby one I have a big mutant one with knives okay I got it I got it he's coming for me I got this one is there one more left yeah we did water guys we did it we actually did it we survived for once we actually survived I kind need armor yeah Daddy you need to get armor on for the next round and I think the next round is the last round and it's going to be the craziest most artist round ever oh no we got to make sure our bases are super good yeah I got to make the interior of my base still kind of looking like poopy right now I need mine to look a little bit more fancy okay time to make the interior of this look amazing ooh I just thought of a really good idea okay I need to get some glass some red glass crazy idea but what if I had some of the lava flowing into the middle all right we're just going to punch out some of these holes just like this mhm that's looking pretty good all right it's going to look really bad for the first couple of seconds but then when I put all this glass down it's going to look really good let me cook let them cook let them cook what are you cooking I'm hungry Daddy really I'm not cooking anything okay I'm just like cooking a good idea oh that's a shame I'm really hungry you can go get food after this build to survive how about that oh my goodness this is actually looking insane right now okay I need to do the floor I'm going to just make it all this stone bricks going look really good there we go fill all this up oh my gosh I need to hurry up it's taking forever Daddy I need some help nope nope nope I'm working on a wall come on Daddy give me a very strong Wall come on I'm almost done with the flooring just a little bit more and then it's completed and guys after I'm done with this flooring I want to come around see your final bases yeah for sure I'm done basically now I just finished Daddy I'm not done yet can you help me with mine what do you need help with the whole interior yep definitely not I'm walking out no Daddy come back nope bye okay really oh my goodness okay you know what fine Daddy I don't even need your help I'm going to do everything myself I'm going to do the walls myself I'm going to do the interior myself I'm going to do a lot of myself I'm not giving up Daddy I can't give up what the whole walls got to be stoned those stupid monsters are not going to get me oh you actually help me Daddy cover it all up don't even place don't break just place I'm not breaking Daddy I'm placing my B so good really Gooby is it done it's pretty much done nice well me and my daddy are just finishing up my base and then I'm going to come look at it all right Gooby okay yes all right you know when a base is officially done what when you add beds now it's done oo daddy you need beds what wait I'm not done I was going to add these look at this oh drip Stone yeah Dad it's going to make it look super scary inside it kind of works they can fall on some monsters exactly if the monsters come inside I'll just scream really loud and it's going to shake all the stone damn it will be an earthquake poor daddy what you could D is just stomp on the flooor okay that was the worst you know I'm not helping you no more no Daddy I need you it was just a joke it was just a joke daddy took offense I took offense it's not Daddy come on really oh my goodness really really okay then my base is done then and it came out so good this looks actually amazing I love the lava in the middle all right Gooby I'm coming over to your base what the heck did someone put water over here oh heck no Gooby what did you do to my base what I didn't he anything look at all this water this is probably one of your abilities was probably from one of my water balls you need to be careful or I'll put fire all over your base you look like this what oh my goodness yes Gooby it looked like that now don't do it again oh okay sorry I won't do that anymore all right Gooby I'm going to come inside your base now okay what are you doing what are you doing no Gooby what Gooby this is what I think about your base hey that guys you guys are fighting the wrong team stop that stop that that's what I think about your B we have to be fighting monsters not each other all right let me just go inside your base and see what you did okay so you got like oh you got a hole right here that a whole there yeah no this is all the water this is my place wait you're like in water oh no I don't think my armor likes it my armor doesn't like it yep yep yep you're fire when I'm water so oh no it doesn't I'm smoking I'm smoking here oh God get me out of there I have my water bed I have my water toilets and some water kitchen wow and I really like all your defenses you added I think it's really good yep yep really really good they can't even get in here yeah it's amazing all right Daddy Let's see your base okay you walk in here you go up the water all right and then I'm in here I'm in a tower yep wa this is it just Towers Daddy I feel like if I died and went to heaven this is what it would look like yep but I'd kick you out you're Jesus you got Wings am I well Jesus is my heaven now sorry hey you can't do that let's go this is awesome now oh gosh this is SP and I I got to get back up there oh no guys we're back in survival mode space now no Daddy I don't want to be on your base what why not this is the safest one all right fine let's see how safe it really is oh no it's Mickey Mouse oh my gosh what is that thing that thing looks so scary oh no it's a really big one looks like Gooby kind of does look like Gooby got big ears got a big nose why is this thing not dying why is this thing not dying why is it not dying got so much health oh my ow I just got hit gooy you just hit me Gooby you just hit me off uhoh no I didn't no I didn't you're trid and just hit me off yes it did no there's some Mickey mousies up here oh my gosh oh my gosh uhoh uhoh I need assistance you got to get back up here you got to get back up here no I can't there's like 100 of them on me ow die die die joh go down we have to knock guys I actually need help oh my gosh there's so many of gos I'm going see the water ball see water balls water ball go that's not helping Gooby that's actually not helping com Down Johnny oh lot of Micky lot of Mickey oh uhoh uhoh will one here oh my gosh keep doing damage guys thank goodness for this armor because I'm being saved by it so hard right now take that go my fire guys I'm just going to burn him to death this is so overpowered Mickey the Mickey are coming kill him Gooby kill him oh no get out yeah take that Mickey you hit me I'm sorry Daddy I'm sorry oh God I'm sorry go oh my gosh that's a big Mickey that's the biggest Mickey seen my you're in lava daddy you're in my lava base watch out I see water at you help wow I just went flying ow stop sry sry I'm trying to help you you're not helping instead you're making this really hard look I killed that Mickey Mouse o good job kill another one now try drowning them with your water abilities that's a good idea yeah water balls go burn burn are you guys do anything I feel like I'm facing the whole world I'm doing as much damage as I possibly can I don't know why they don't die helping you one more big one one more big one oh we killed it Gooby look at your base oh no so many of them you got to help my come here a stupid big Mickey Mouse you can go somewhere else I got him I got him I'll take care of him daddy I got him Macho Man oh God sorry Daddy that's my bad I I really do not mean to do that you super speed put in my lava put him in my lava get in there get in the lava yeah burn I'm about to do an aerial attack H wa daddy that's insane you went so high in the side you need help Daddy on me aerial attack on me please uhoh uh-oh hit him into my swap hitting him into the lava yeah you like that get in there you've been a bad Mickey Mouse stop punching me stop punching me I'll punch you back I'll punch you no watch behind you behind you wait guys do we do it no there's one in the trees where I don't see it on Tower I'm blowing it up come here Mr Mickey Mouse you're going to die bye we did it guys we survived we survived the build to survived we survived the build to surviv survived we survived we survived yeah we bu we're actually insane well guys I think it's safe to say that my volcano base was definitely the best yeah if you consider the amount of times that people died in your base it was probably the worst base mine was probably the best D you didn't even have any defenses if anything goobie's base was better cuz of this water the best defenses and moldy had the best looks and I think Johnny's actually had the best base cuz we just kept hitting him into the lava that is true my lava was really good at the end okay fine how about this we're all winners yay we're all winners even though I'm the best no you're not daddy I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best go on fire Daddy go on fire no it doesn't work like that I'm going to dash out of here well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then everyone make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye everyone
Channel: Here's Johnny
Views: 315,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Build to Survive With ELEMENTAL POWERS!, minecraft, family friendly, cash, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mod, kid friendly, cash minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, aphmau, Minecraft, here's johnny, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, johnny minecraft, johnny and marty, minecraft challenge, zoonomaly, minecraft zoonomaly, minecraft zoonomaly mod, noob vs pro, build to survive, elemental powers, build to survive elemental powers
Id: 5LMi46vm0LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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