I Spent 100 Days Building the Ultimate Cozy Farm in Minecraft

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Minecraft is a game full of adventure around every corner but one of my favorite things about this game are The Quiet Moments that is why I'm going to spend a 100 days building the ultimate cozy Farm in these days we're going to explore new types of crops build farms for our animals try our hand at making new furniture and explore some delicious new food recipes all while wearing a really cool straw hat we have so many new things to explore so let's get started all right so here we are day one spawned in a fresh new world ready to begin my adventure as a farmer and look at that we've already got a new friend how you doing buddy so nice to see you oh my gosh these cows are so cute it's also pretty nice that we spawn in a PLS biome because now we have access to tons of different types of animals we're probably going to be able to find lots of crops around here so this is ideal but of course we can't get ahead of ourselves because the first thing we need to do to start off any Minecraft adventure is punch a tree let's make ourselves a trusty old crafting table and get ourselves some basic tools you know what I think I'm going to start with a pickaxe it looks like we've got some Stone over there so I'm just going to upgrade our tools immediately and of course it's kind of like covered by lava but hey I'm going to do my best here all right with this Stone collected let's make ourselves a pickaxe an Axe and I would say probably a sword first thing because we are in survival and you know i' I'd like to be able to Define myself a bit oh look at you guys you're all so cute okay well as cute as they are this kind of poses a problem for me though I do need a bed and I don't know if these guys are going to drop the same type of wool so this one dropped blue stitched wool which is honestly very beautiful however I don't think these guys are going to drop the same stuff this one dropped black patterned wool so although we have tons of different wool options it's going to make things difficult for first day the best thing for me to do would be to get some shears so I'm thinking we should probably go find some iron oh would you look at that there's some right there and also a zombie who is burning to a crisp well we need that iron really bad and also I don't think that crispy zombie is going to be much of a threat so let's just do it you know I think he's just going to yep all righty all right let's gather up our first little bit of iron and of course we're going to need some coal so we can actually cook this iron up as well so let's get our furnace made and let's pop in that iron so we can make our shears two iron has been cooked and I think that's all we need for now now let's go make that bed listen I'm all for I'm all for combat in Minecraft however I don't have any armor and I've got to be honest I'd like to get a good night's rest tonight all right where are my sheep friends at there's one thank you very much and we still don't have enough all right well that's not going to do what about you give me some wool there we go so with that we can make our very first bed super essential for the first couple nights and let's just pop it down here look at that cute pattern I love that bed sorted now I think I just need to take care of food all right this should tide us over for a little bit so I also have this icon and this opens up something called the diet mod I don't know exactly how this works because I haven't used it before but essentially what I think happens is if you balance your diet with like fruits grains proteins Etc you'll be able to receive various Buffs and perks I mean since we're going to be farming tons of different crops animals and making new food recipes I'm sure we're going to get some pretty cool Buffs all right I've done some wandering just to see what's around and I feel like this is probably a good spot to post up for the night all right it's sleepy time and after a good night's rest that brings me into day two so I say we just keep exploring the area a village okay this area has some neighbors around it that's good that's good ooh this is like a proper Village too look at this it's bumping all right what do we got in here no way a diamond oh this I I didn't I didn't even have to do anything I didn't even have to do anything sir I'm sorry I I had to take this you just left it all willy-nilly in a chest why would you do that I mean sharing is caring right right what's this we got a little magic man over here is that a chef is that sir Ratatouille himself who are you and why are you here and why do you have barrels of all of this lovely stuff oh I could buy a salad from him if I want I don't think I'll ever do that I'll probably just make my own all right so what do we got in here we've got tomato seeds Okay okay we're actually going to need a few of these so got some more tomato seeds some mutton I'm taking that sir and half eaten pie sir have you been have you been snacking while you're cooking up a storm here have you so you can probably tell that some of these seeds might be a little bit unfamiliar these are from the farmers Delight mod and basically this is going to allow us to have a little bit more of an expansive Farm plus we'll have some tasty recipes to try out as well and thanks to this Chef's uh very generous donation we already have two of the seeds that we need there are a lot more crops that we're going to have to find but hey that's a pretty Healthy Start I would say little baby villager look at you you're like as tall as the blades of grass so I did a little more snooping around the village and decided to take anything that looked like a cute decoration hey it's a housewarming gift from the villagers they said I could have it maybe all right so I have a bunch of stuff in my inventory and um well no place to put it because I haven't picked out a spot for a home so I think I should probably go figure that out having this Village close by would be a huge bonus so maybe I could find somewhere to post up around here this area could work pretty well as Farmland I mean there is quite a bit of terraforming that would have to be done however a lot of the planes tend to be like that and also we would want some gentle slopes around our farm as well just to make it a little bit more interesting plus if we want to go full send on being a farmer we're going to need lots of land so I kind of think that this might be the spot all right with that decision made how about we we post up over here and work on figuring out what we need to do next so I'm going to pop some of this iron in and get it cooking cuz we could definitely use some more and I guess I should probably put this helmet on this looks kind of goofy but I I think I should probably wear as much armor as possible because I think the next step is probably going to be going into the caves but before we just take a leap of faith into a cave we should probably organize our inventory so we can actually pick stuff up and last but not least we're going to need a little bit more food so I spent the remainder of the day in a river catching some salmon and then cooking it up and that brings us into day three while this Salmon's cooking I think what I'm going to do is start collecting up some regular old seeds and planting them by some water I feel like it's a good bet to have wheat as our first crop that we grow not only will we be able to make bread out of it but we'll also be able to start breeding cows you know with all of this talk about being a farmer I find it kind of concerning that I don't even have a tool to till land with yet so yeah that should probably change I'm I'm slightly embarrassed about that please please don't judge me all right this seems like a good spot to start growing some crops and let's plant our very first seed let's go it begins my journey as a farmer yay okay I I should probably stop stop just watching them grow cuz it's it's going to be a while so with our food now fully cooked I think we're ready to go find a cave I'm kind of lacking some essential resources such as coal iron and honestly even and Cobblestone so I think this is the best bet okay well we've got ourselves a big old looking cave right there so I think that's perfect I think this is a job for a water bucket ow immediately you couldn't even give me 10 seconds 10 seconds to acclimate myself how rude once I got past all those pesky mobs I began collecting up a bunch of coal and iron oh my I think it's safe to say this place is riddled with Mobs oh you're running with speed oh you have a backpack maybe I can get that off of you did he drop the backpack no no the backpack is essentially a mod that will give you more inventory space well on the go it is incredible it also has some other features I don't want to spoil them until we make them in the meantime I think I'm going to make a little station here so I can make some armor cuz these mobs are pretty Relentless today all right some iron is cooked so I'm able to get myself an axe and a chest plate as well as some boots wao I just realized I got another heart got dietary effects I've got extra knockback resistance plus two Max health and one armor toughness because I've consumed a ton of protein that's pretty cool I'm excited to see what the other benefits are going to be all right I've got my pants I'm all suited up and I think I'm ready to keep exploring so I continued exploring and actually managed to come across a m shaft uh what is that can't click on it what is this oh oh no these are ashes well guess I'm going to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of these 100 days after that debacle I continued with my resource Gathering which brings us into day four a chest a backpack all right so I found a backpack exactly what I wanted from that zombie not only is this going to give us extra storage when traveling but there's also a slot here so you can equip things like a crafting table a stone cutter and other different types of benches plus most importantly look how cool I look with it I mean come come on all right I've got myself a little bit of extra inventory space so I say we hang around these caves a bit longer and gather up a few more resources oh my yeah that's a few too many spider spawners for me I I think this is my cue to maybe head home I think we've gotten a good amount of stuff from here to get us started ah fresh air feels good to be back up on the surface all right let's start smelting some of this iron and I'm going to toss everything else in the chest so with some of this iron cooked I think I'm going to start upgrading some of my tools I want to start off by getting a good axe because I'd like to start chopping some trees so we can make a home and I'm going to get myself a new pickaxe cuz that one's almost done now that we've explored the caves and got some good resources from there I think I'd like to go check out this Forest over here and start Gathering up some wood I think our first task for this Farmland is definitely going to be a proper home to live in so I began chopping down a bunch of oak trees is that's a bear that's a bear be okay um I don't know if he's friendly or not going to maybe approach you with caution are you okay homie can we be friends seems okay okay well I'm I'm not going to approach any further because that's a little bit terrifying I'm I'm just going to keep chopping trees over here I won't bother you is that Spruce we've got a spruce Forest close by let's go what is a build without Spruce Wood so I spent the remainder of the day chopping up some spruce trees and then I went back home to bed look at that beautiful day five Sunrise I think it's time for me to venture out just a little bit more so we can gather up those last few resources we need so we can begin building a house and by last few resources I mean mostly Spruce give me all the spruce ooh sweet berries these devilish little things could be a nice crop for the farm and look what I just found a giant tiger forest now we're going to get tons of spruce in no time also what are these potatoes well these are the nicest potatoes I've ever seen look at that and also another crop found which will be perfect for our farm all right I'm thinking if we chop down a couple of these giant tigas we are going to be set and ready to go I'm also going to grab some of this coarse dirt cuz that'd be really nice for decorating same with some of these ferns and some of this Mossy Cobble as well all right I think this is a pretty good start to some of the resources that we need to begin a build so I say we head on home last stop is this River to collect a couple fish cuz I'm getting pretty hungry R but it looks like I've got some competition these guys are scoping them out too all right let's get some of this food cooked up stash away some of our stuff and have a little late night snack before bed all right it's sleepy times and it looks like we're starting day six pretty strong with some rain well I think this is a sign that we need to build ourselves a house so we've got all the materials that we need now we just need a spot and I was kind of thinking that maybe the area over here here would be perfect for a starter home it doesn't have too big of a slope and this area is generally pretty flat so the terrain should be pretty easy to work with so I began clearing off a couple of layers of dirt and terraforming some of the area around all right I think this should be a good amount of space for a starter home so since we have a bunch of decorational mods I think I would like to take advantage of them now I have the chip mod which can really transform vanilla blocks using different types of tables so if I want to transform Spruce into different types of blocks I would need the Carpenters table which means I need these materials and that's relatively easy to make all right so we've got ourselves a carpenter's table and we'll pop that right here and lastly I think I'm going to make a Mason table as well which is going to require some brick good thing we're next to a river so I can get lots of clay and now we've got ourselves our Mason table so with these two tables made I'm ready to begin making my house however it's raining it's cold There's Monsters Everywhere so you know the drill that spider's coming after me ah and good morning day seven I just had to fight a spider so with our spot picked out we can begin building this thing now I'm going to start by laying down a stone foundation that should do the trick for a nice little starter house next I got to work on building up the beams and walls I'm going to strip all these Spruce logs and see what I can get with them in The Carpenter's table ooh okay okay these are nice These are nice I think I'm going to go with these and in between the beams I'm going to use planks but I'm going to go with brick Bond all right our blocks have been chosen so let's get these walls up so I spent most of the day putting up the structure of the house all right looking good so far looking good so since I'm going for starter house cabin Vibes I think I'm going to stick to mostly Spruce however if I grab some more clay I can make myself a botnus workbench and with this I can turn dirt into some really cool looking blocks so I might incorporate some of these into the roof but first I got to go sleep and that brings us into a beautiful sunny morning on day 8 where we're still chipping away at the house so with the walls in place it's time for me to get started on the roof I'm going for like cute farming cabin Vibes so I'm going to make the roof out of beams but I'm also going to try sprinkling in some of this chip dirt to make it look a little bit older and run down all right the roof is up and we're getting somewhere this is looking good I'm going Swap this out for regular dirt cuz I actually think I like that more once I was done the roof I I added some extra details to the shape like a porch and an extension on the side for a workstation and that brings us into day nine I think it's time to start getting some decorations on this thing and making it look cute we'll get a nice little lean to on the side here for our workstation these are always a nice little bit of extra shape for the build plus I could use a shaded Spot while I'm working don't want to get a sunburn the front of the house is looking pretty flat as well we definitely need to bring in a little bit more shape and texture you know what else a cozy cabin needs a chimney of course and of course would it really be a cute cozy cottage if there weren't any leaves I honestly don't really know now that we've got our cute little cabin built I think it's finally time that we grab our bed and put it in our house I'll admit it the stargazing at night was lovely but the mobs looming over me while I tried to sleep was not and look at all this space so much room for activities all right I'm going to pop this down right here and it's time to have my very first sleep in this uh kind of really empty and sad looking cabin it's okay we'll fix it but that brings us into day 10 and I think we can continue decorating we've got so many cute little modded blocks that we can use to help bring this place to life like look at these little stacks of logs they're so cute and before I forget let's start getting a path in place I find that pathing always helps make the build feel a little bit more integrated into the space yeah this is looking good all right minus a couple details here and there that should be good for the exterior I think it's finally time for us to start moving some of our items into the house so I spent the rest of the day puttering around and figuring out a nice layout for the interior of this build although this isn't the biggest space I think it'll definitely do for a starter house I'm A Simple gal I just need a bed some storage maybe a furnace to cook up some food and I'm pretty much good all right pretty much everything is in place but I'm missing one crucial item a chair so I can sit and Whittle wood yes this is Peak coziness all right so the interior is pretty much done and I think it's a cozy and quaint little space I pretty much just worked with all the materials I had which is a lot of different types of woods I was able to get a couple of different types of lanterns so over in this corner I have a tiny little workstation and in this corner I have a little bit of storage over here which honestly isn't a lot we're going to have to upgrade sooner rather than later but at least I can start putting some stuff away there's my chair of course where I can Whittle wood and Ponder life and lastly I tried to divide up the space a little bit more with these trap doors just so I could have a cozy little bedroom I did also add a couple things to the outside but it is night time right now and I don't want a creeper to destroy all this hard work so I'm going to bed day 11 and we had our first night spent in our new home and I think it's finally time that we can begin farming oh wait let me show you all quickly so this is the little workstation that I set up with all of our tables and I've even got a little entrance on the side right here pretty cute right so I actually think the first thing that we need to do to get this Farmland started is collect some animals we are in desperate need of a good supply of food and I think it would be a good idea to atast at least set up a temporary pen for some cows plus we'll also get some leather from them which is incredibly useful as well also I'm just kind of sick of having to swim around to collect fish having to constantly dry off my clothes including my backpack isn't really Pleasant all right we've got a good amount of wheat so we can charm some cows and I almost forgot before we go out and find them we should probably get a proper pen sorted for them and I think the perfect spot is the side of the house closest to where my bed is wow I'm going to have the greatest sleeps going forward it's fun fine it's temporary all right their spots all set up and now we just got to find out where these guys are hanging out oh literally right here perfect oh and we got so many different kinds too look at how cute they are all right fellas follow me to your new home please mind the lava pit don't want you tur it into a crispy steak well not yet that is am I right I probably I probably shouldn't say that in front of them all right in you go in you go you all did such a great job and for that I'm giving you all a little snack baby cows so cute okay I need to get out of here cuz I'm like literally using these guys for food and leather and it's just breaking my heart all right that's now sorted and we have a little bit of time left in the day to do some other stuff so the next thing that I want to do is start laying out some crops however I've got like a really big gap here that I almost feel like needs to be filled in and the only way to do that is to start moving some dirt around so I spent the rest of the evening and into the night collecting as much dirt as I could what the are you guys okay the those sounds are actually terrifying after breaking all of my shovels and hearing all of those terrifying Fox screams I was ready to call it in I think I'd like to go home now day 12 and yep there's a lot going on outside of this house okay well I mean I have no option but to go out here because I need to do some work all right let's begin flattening this out so we have a good spot to begin planting crops so I spent most of the day terraforming the area in front of my house and honestly it's not the most interesting task in the world but this is going to make such a big difference in how our Farmland will look there we go that's looking a lot cleaner all right I think it's time we begin plotting out some Farmland so I've got to be honest I've been playing a lot of stardo lately which was definitely one of the big reasons why I wanted to do this video I would say I definitely pulled a lot of inspiration from stardo for the design of the cabin and I kind of want to bring how I approach making a farm in stardo into the design of this Farmland also I want to give a huge shout out to sniff and her 100 days as a farmer video it was a really big inspiration for me giving this type of video a shot and you should all check it out the link to their video will be in the description so the main path is done and now we need to just plot out some sections for the crops I usually tend to plant my crops in more of an organic pattern often sloping down Hills but this time I want to try more of a structured approach all right to get our very first few crops going we are going to need lots of water and I think it would definitely be worth getting an infinite water supply close by all right let's test this guy out whoops that didn't work maybe let's try that again look at that we got ourselves a water supply after I was done that the sun was pretty much setting so I head off to bed day 13 and we have lots of work ahead of us and I don't want that creeper near my farm please don't destroy it sir so I continued on with the task of getting my fields in place although I kind of chose like a weird placement for the water but it it's okay I fixed it after all right it's finally time to till all of this and get some crops planted so I was trying to decide what I should plant first and I saw these guys over here what even are these oh onions cool well it feels pretty fitting that for the first crop that we're planting it's something that was found close to home all right let's go ahead and get all of these planted nice so this whole plot is going to be all onions we just don't have enough yet so we're going to have to wait for some more to grow now I made a little bit of a mistake with these fields I should have put the water down the middle so it Waters both patches however that's a really easy fix especially cuz I was going to cover these up with planks anyway and that way I can get rid of this and bring the dirt path back along the edge perfect now we just got to till another plot of land and choose our next crop to plant now I remember I grabbed some potatoes the other day and they looked super cool and had like little leaves and flowers growing out of them so I think I'm going to go with those next and let's get these few planted we've only got five but it's a humble start now we have a while to wait for this stuff to grow so I think in the meantime maybe what I should do is I should start collecting a couple more resources so we could decorate around these paths I'm kind of running low on Spring Bruce and I feel like it'd be better if I just got some tiger trees set up nearby that way I don't have to keep running all the way over to the forest so it'll save us tons of time are these more onions yes I can plant these too oh these are already starting to grow a little bit so cute all right let's pop these guys in as well and I say we've got a pretty good start so far even more onions oh no these are carrots awesome we found another crop after all the farmwork was done I spent the rest of the day feeding the cows and chopping down spruce trees in a really terrifying thunderstorm I feel like maybe I shouldn't be up here right now it's day 14 and the weather is cleared and I say it's the perfect time to farm I want to start by adding some decorations around the patch of crops to get the general Vibe of how things are going to look so let's try something like a little fenc border we can toss some planks down to cover up the water plus it looks like a cute little path and I think I'm going to add some coarse dirt around the edges to add a little bit of texture there we go I feel like this already made such a difference there's other stuff I want to add to it like lighting and maybe some barrels and stuff but for now I think this is a good start so I spent the rest of the day peacefully farming away and making another patch of Farmland to get ready for some more crops to be planted okay I need to stop working in darkness around here even if we just toss down a couple torches on the fence post I think that's fine okay finally I can see what I'm doing again also I'm not going to lie the torches on the fence post are kind of a Vibe lastly I had planted some of those wild carrots I had found to get them growing and then I called it a day and that brings us into day 15 you know things are actually starting to come together although oh my gosh I've kind of been forgetting to collect food along the way don't worry the irony and me not having a proper food supply as a farmer has not been lost on me all right let's get these fellas fed and in turn let's get my food sorted as well so now that I've got a little bit of food to get me through the next couple days I feel like I may have to spend some time in the caves I'm starting to run low on some supplies like iron which I'm going to need for a lot of decorations going forward I think now would also be a good time to start upgrading some of my tools to Diamond that way we don't have to waste all of our iron on that as well all right back into the caves we go so I started my Expedition through the caves and started Gathering up as many resources as I could find and yes this time I did leave the earn untouched just kidding I went back and broke it to see what was inside ooh emeralds hey could we use all this dripstone for a lava farm so I don't have to waste my coal on fuel I feel like this could come in handy among all the resources I was collecting I also managed to get some loot from a few Minecarts that were hanging around all right ow stop it I'm looting dude oh wow that was a direct hit jeez he didn't stand a chance after exploring for quite some time I wasn't really able to find a direct entrance that would take me into a deeper cave to hit deep slate so I decided to try my luck elsewhere homies good evening all right what do we got going on in here wo now we're talking Axel oh we can make like a little Sanctuary for them all right buddy I'm just going to scoop you up and you too the rest of the exploring in this cave went okay I managed to find a geode and grab some Moss but even the Deep slate level in this cave felt like a small dead end this Expedition brought me into day 16 where at this point I was kind of fighting for my life in these caves I decided to take the L because at this point it didn't really feel worth it so I head back to my base where I started to dig down in a spot so I can make a boring but reliable strip mine day 177 I finally reached bedrock and I could start my strip mine no way I literally just started digging this tunnel what a tree oh my this made it all worth it little did I know in this moment that this would basically be the only diamonds I come across for the next few days well aside from like two I was so naive and hopeful how many we got here we got 1 2 3 four five five diamonds and I only just reached Bedrock so for the rest of the day I gleefully began and strip mining thinking those first few diamonds were assigned for riches to come except they weren't at all I'm kind of starting to wonder if this was a curse from all those ears I broke earlier well it's too late now day 18 rolled around and I started to realize I wasn't having the best luck I decided to head back up to the surface for a quick little food break all right most of these have fully grown anyway so I'm going to start replanting some of them and I'm wondering can I live off of onions I mean they don't provide that much saturation but hey it kind of works my breath absolutely stinks all right well I think for the remainder of my time in the caves I'm just going to be a stinky onion gal with my little onion snacks in hand I went back to strip mining finally it's only two but you know what I'll take it I'll take it and that's all I managed to find for the rest of the day which brings us into day 19 and I've got to admit I've kind of given up hope okay I think this is the last day I'm going to dedicate to strip mining I have enough diamonds for a pickaxe and enchanting table so I can at least try to get a pick with fortune and come back down here some other time I don't really want to burn away too many days doing this with such little gain all right Another Broken pickaxe I do have one left but I almost feel like I should save it for work we're going to do at the farm I think I just need to cut my losses at this point plus I really miss my farm and I want to work on it a bit we still have a little bit of daylight left so I think I'm going to chop down some trees so we can get started on a project tomorrow since I had wasted a couple valuable days in the caves and didn't really get much out of it I decided it would be best to work through the night once I was done chopping down some trees I decided to head into the caves for the remainder of the night to gather up some more resources it's a beautiful day 20 and we have lots of work to do on the farm let's start off by doing some Farm chores and getting some of these crops harvested except I don't think these potatoes were quite ready yet my bad and as for the carrots we can definitely get more of these guys replanted one more spot that's it really no that's all right we'll get more in no time as for that empty plot we have I swear I have yes tomato seeds how about we start getting some of these planted perfect so our crops are pretty much all filled out we're definitely going to have to do some more along the way however I thought today we would focus on getting another different type of animal now I've seen quite a few little chickens running around here so I'm thinking maybe today we build up a coupe for them all right we're not going to need too much space for one I think maybe somewhere around here could be really cute this area needs a little bit of terraforming but honestly it's nothing we can't handle wow if only I had the diamonds to have a faster shovel that would be so nice so nice yeah I'm still a little salty what about it there we go I think that should be enough room for a chicken cpop now before we start building it let's get a little path leading towards it I think having the coupe around here would be perfect all right with a spot picked out let's get this thing built all right I want the walls of this thing to have like rustic Barn Vibes what do we got in here ooh how about these yeah these will do the trick so I spent the rest of the evening getting the structure of the coup in place that is until the Phantoms showed up I don't want to sleep don't make me no that's right don't mess with farmer drift looks like the day 21 Sunrise has saved me oh be quiet so dramatic all right let's get this chicken coop finish up and I think this is a perfect little Coupe for our chickens so we got this cute little gate that we can go in and out of easily so we can tend to the chickens and of course they've got a little bit of indoor shelter in here I think it's cute and cozy all right now to find some of those chickens that I saw hanging around got to be around here somewhere oh chickens two of them all right buddies you're coming with me welcome to the farmland and in saying the Farmland I've realized I haven't named this place yet right this way come on in perfect how do you like your new home cozy right all right I'm going to feed you to and you both enjoy your new space and you as well little buddy oh you're adorable after the chickens were put in the Cee I spent the rest of the evening harvesting crops and then foolishly trying to mine for diamonds I didn't find any it's got to be the curse of those NS day 22 howdy do let's start the day off right with a couple farming chores what's up my little chickens you guys hungry good morning good day what about how are you guys over here how you doing how you doing here you go have some breakfast and let's take a little look see oh I can finally plant that one little plot there there we go I'm feeling like today's going to be a good day what's this I've got my tomatoes now let's go okay except oh I don't know if I did that properly I don't know if I was supposed to break those like that unless I can turn these into seeds so maybe that's how I do it going to have to double check on how to properly plant the tomatoes all right so so with our animals and farm tended to we pretty much have a full day ahead of us and I'm thinking today the day we get started on enchanting and that means it's finally time for us to make our first diamond pick it's the Moment of Truth do you not get an achievement for that I feel like that's a very achievement type moment and you don't get one well whatever it's fine all right so for an enchanting table we need some obsidian which is pretty easy for us to collect considering we have a giant lava pool right here although I should definitely keep some of this aside for our future lava farm and now we can just pour water all over this so satisfying all right now it's time for the slow and painful task of mining up some of this obsidian it's a good thing I can cut this up for you all so you don't have to watch it all right we got what I believe to be enough obsidian collected at least for the enchanting table anyway but the final thing that we're going to need for this enchanting table is paper and we don't have any sugar cane yet well it's a good thing I live close to River however we're going to need quite a few bookshelves so I think we should probably start a little bit of a sugar cane farm so I spent the rest of the day flattening out a spot next to the chicken Co for a sugar cane Farm again ah jeez all righty the Phantoms kind of ruined my plans of working through the night again so I head back down into the mines to foolishly try and mine some diamonds and guess what this fool finally found some diamonds finally this is good this is good wa even more the curse of the urns has been lifted all right we're on to day 23 now and I'm I'm feeling good I'm feeling confident after finding those diamonds all right let's finally get this sugarcane farm up and running the Phantoms from the other night had kind of interrupted my Terror foring so I spent the morning patching just a couple things up once I had a good amount of space to work with I started setting up the farm I don't really think we need to automate this or anything so I'm just going to make a simple little farm that I can manually Harvest once all the water was in place I planted the sugar sugarcane and then covered up the water with slabs I then spent the rest of the day decorating the farm area and yeah the Phantoms did come back but you know what they were so afraid of me like so scared I I think I'm going to have to sleep one of these nights all right we're on to day 24 and look at how cute this sugarcane farm turned out it especially looks really good at night with all of these lanterns and stuff but I'll have to show that off later for now let's keep getting this stuff planted so we have enough sugar to harvest throughout the day and since we're on the topic of harvesting stuff let's grab some of this wheat and let's get our cows fed cuz we are going to need the leather for the enchanting table of course last but not least let's go say hi to our chickens and get these guys fed as well so we're kind of waiting on a couple things to be able to make this enchanting table it won't be able to be made today so we kind of have a free day ahead of us while we wait for this stuff to grow I'm kind of thinking that today might be a good day to add some decorations around the base I really love all the designs we have going right now but I think there's just a couple things we could add to this area to make it look a little bit nicer so I spent the rest of the day filling in some space around the chicken coop by adding in a workstation I still had a little bit of space left in that patch of grass so I also decided to add a well oh man not again all right I think I got to take the L and sleep day 25 and I've finally gotten rid of my Phantom problem yep there we go goodbye well I've managed to add a couple details in here and there I've got a nice little workstation here a little well that just needs some coarse dirt around it and I would say this is already starting to look so much better now before we get started on some other tasks we definitely can't forget about our farm chores the sugar Cane's pretty much all been planted at this point so we can finally start keeping what we Harvest oh my I'm going to need some more onions to eat listen I'm all about the onions now all about them they're just too good honestly after finishing up some Farm chores I had another free day to work on some projects I wanted to keep decorating the farm but I also needed some materials like coarse dirt so I set off to go collect resources for the rest of the day it is real nice having this tiger close by because I have all of the coer at my disposal is that dark oak yes we don't have this type of wood yet awesome I spent the rest of the evening Gathering up dark oak wood and saplings and then I went home I am kind of surrounded by mobs right now but I'm just going to try my best to keep an eye on them and keep working through the [Music] night and that brought us into Day 26 a rainy and dreary day kind of perfect to keep catching up on some chores so I continued on with decorating around the farmland and I would say that the coar dirt has added in a lot of texture that was missing however it's still really flat in some areas now to fix up spots like that I can easily use grass for a little bit of texture right now I pretty much just have to Shear Blades of grass to get it cuz I don't really have much bone meal on hand if we could find a skeleton spawner that would be incredibly useful for us not to mention we could also use some levels as well all right at ground level this is looking really good let's pill her up so we can see this from a different perspective you know what this is really starting to come together it's looking super cute look at that it's only Day 26 and we've made some pretty good progress so with all the farm maintenance and is done for the day I decided to collect some extra Spruce and Oak that we may need for future builds we're definitely going to be doing some bigger builds in the near future so I'd like to get a head start on collecting all this stuff uh-oh yo get him that was so cool thank you should we be friends should I give you these I have a best bud now I have a best buddy it's kind of weird that my first best friend in this world wasn't a cat cuz I have a cat IRL but this dude saved my life okay well come on home buddy come on home well I feel like we've got to name this dude all right buddy come on over to the workstation let's get an anvil and sorry wait what did you say your name was again oh Marcel okay got it well Marcel W welcome to the farm thanks for saving my life do you want a different collar or something Buddy maybe we could give you like a yellow one there we go that's kind of cool you look pretty fresh right right but how about how about we get you watching over the house if that's cool want come over here how's that heck yeah well I've got myself a brand new friend and just like that we're on to day 27 so I think we're getting pretty close with what we need for our enchanting table however we're probably still a couple days away which means we can work on some more tasks around the farm ooh we've got more tomatoes ready I figured it out I just right click on the tomatoes and it doesn't break the plant genius I tell you genius it took me way too long to figure that out and now I can turn my harvested Tomatoes into seeds and get the rest of the field planted yeah this is looking so cute so ideally I would love to start expanding some of this Farmland however as you can see we've got a pretty big pit over here and I'm almost wondering if I should wait until I have an enchanted shovel to help me out with that so I was thinking maybe today I focus on building something nice around the strip mine that mine is something I've actually had to use quite frequently especially through the night so I think it would be nice to Spruce this up and turn it into a little mining Outpost post so with that new project in mind I got to work I know I said I wanted to avoid a terraforming project but hey there's always going to be a little bit that you have to do the terraforming around this area actually took a little bit more time than I expected but once it was done I used the rest of the day to get started on the build day 28 came around and I continued working on the build I forgot I can make Spruce supports let's get rid of these stairs and check these guys out look at that aren't they so cute I love them how could I have forgotten they existed when they are such a good item after that incredible realization I worked on the structure of the build for the rest of the day on day 29 the structure was pretty much done so I began decorating all right what's some like cute modded decorations I could add to this build ooh what about this wood cutter oh that's super cute I love that I also managed to make these really cute looking flower pots so if I just put one in here will it works oh that's so cute so for the rest of the day I puttered away decorating this build I also spent some time Gathering up some materials to make a glass blower basically this thing's going to allow us to make modded glass blocks which is a super nice detail for building and here we are on day 30 with a finished build yes this is looking so cute I love it it honestly took a lot longer than it probably should have but I was really exploring a lot of the modded blocks that we have at our disposal and I'm really happy with how it turned out so we've got the entrance into our strip mine down here I'm going to have to add stairs eventually but for now that's okay and then basically I just made a little space for me to store items I've got myself a stone cutter crafting table and if we go upstairs this space is very small but I added in a little chair with a cute little oil lamp and also check this out if you hold these look look at the way I'm holding it isn't that so cute it is actually adorable I love it so our strip mine finally has a little bit of character and with that done we still have a good chunk of the day ahead of us I'm kind of thinking it's finally time we figure out this enchanting setup we have quite a few cows now so I'm hoping I get most of the leather we need cuz that's pretty much all I'm waiting on at this point all right let's grab all this sugar cane and let's see if we can start crafting these books so we're getting 23 books out of this now is that enough for an enchanting setup seven I think we've got a little bit more to go but hey we're getting there well let's at least figure out where we're going to put this setup now I've got this nice little overhang over here which isn't really being used for anything I'm wondering if I could snake a little path this way and maybe set up a little spot in this area over here yeah I think this is a cute little spot so with the spot picked out I started laying out a footprint for the enchanting area and then spent some time adding some details to the area around it I had a little bit of time left over so I decided to Snoop around in the village next door ooh beets we needed these the sunrise brought us into day 31 and I went back home to my base realizing I had a lot more cows to breed for leather I decided to work on some more stuff around the base while I waited I know I don't have my enchanted shovel that I want but I think I would like to get some of this area flattened so I can look towards expanding the Farmland a bit oh no really you guys you know I'm not even going to waste my durability of my tools on you guys I'm just going to oh no that's so unfortunate oh no after that very rude Interruption I continue flattening the Farmland all right I think we should give feeding these cows another go did manage to get a lot of terraforming done all my homies I'm sorry all right I got a little bit of food which is good and I got about 17 leather which honestly isn't too bad all right that means we've got 12 I think we need like 14 or 15 so we're actually pretty close so I decided to spend the rest of the night away from the rain and in the caves Gathering up some more resources wo holy look at this cave I've pretty much run through that other cave a hundred times already so I figured I'd look around for a different cave entrance and this one seems kind of promising look at this another M shaft wow on day 32 I was actually still exploring the caves I'd meant to go up sooner but I kind of just got lost exploring plus I was kind of holding that hope that I'd find a SC Kelly spawner well sadly I haven't been able to find any sort of spawner but on the bright side I did get up to level 30 while I was in here I think it's time for me to head up though all right I think I'd really like to get this enchanting table sorted so since I don't have enough cows in the pen right now unfortunately I really want this leather I'm just going to run around and get some of these guys what are these strawberries cute oh my gosh I bet I can make like jam or something out of this oh look there's more nice well we found another crop to plant so that's awesome so I spent the rest of the evening being an absolute Menace and running around the PLS Gathering up as much leather as I could all right I actually managed to grab quite a bit this might actually be all we need all right can we finally do this I think this might be enough okay let's first make the enchanting table oh it's finally made and before we actually test this out I'm just going to sleep first cuz there's so many Phantoms and mobs around it is absolute chaos day 33 is this the day we get our enchanting set up well there's only one way to find out oh I'm nervous what am I going to get level 30 Fortune fortune and efficiency that is exactly what I wanted the lack of Unbreaking means it's a little bit delicate but honestly this is going to make resource collecting so much easier for us we just have to be a little bit careful with it all right we've got one tool properly upgraded and I think I would actually like to upgrade one more tool and you know what it might have to be a diamond shovel kind of an odd Choice usually I go for the axe but we've been doing a lot of digging so I'm kind of I'm kind of vibing with the idea of a diamond shovel what can I get silk touch that's terrible and also I should probably wait until I reach level 30 again anyway and for now we'll just put that on hold after having such good luck with enchanting I decided to spend the rest of the day decorating the area around the table day 34 let's go today since we have the enchanting table done I think I would like to go exploring and just test my luck to see if I could find any cave with the possibility of finding a skeleton spawner so I set off to try and find a new cave to explore in hopes that I would find a spawner I searched around for a while while Gathering resources and didn't really have any luck finding any spawners I did however come across another huge M shaft like these all have to be connected right while I'm at it I'm also going to make sure to use my diamond pick on this iron that way we get more feeling defeated after having another bad bout of luck I decided to head out and try another cave wait what are these grapes a yes okay awesome I believe with the grapes we actually be able to make wine with them so it looks like we'll be able to set up a Vineyard eventually I was able to find another cave entrance and figured I would try my luck with it and by some miracle I had finally found one oh no oh no this is exactly what I need though finally okay I got to light this thing up hey and we reached level 30 would you look at that honestly I was starting to think I would never find one of these things well I think the best thing to do right now is to get out of here gather up the materials we need to build this thing and then come back when we're ready day 35 I had made it back home I need to toss some of this stuff in a chest but boy oh boy my chests are just getting out of control now I'm going to have to make some storage soon because this is not good before we head back to build that spawner I want to try my luck with some enchanting we reach level 30 in the cave so I have levels to spend turns out the level 30 enchantment for the shovel is not something I would want I attempted to reset the enchantments by trying to enchant a lowle tool but I ended up just spending all my levels it was worth a try well it's a good thing that I'm building this XP farm all right let's get this thing built so I spent the rest of day 35 clearing out the space needed to make the farm work the farm I used required me to dig out a giant square around the spawner like most do but this one had the skeletons feeding into a pit below the spawner so they take a bit of damage on the way down it was super easy to make and I'll be sure to link the tutorial in the description Day 36 I was still finishing up the XP farm all right all we need is a chest and a hopper that feeds into it so all of the stuff we collect from the XP farm goes into the chest last but not least we can put a slab on top for the skellies to fall onto and now to see if I actually did this right all right let's break these and oh oh no oh no I'm going down with them they're fighting each other it's fine find oh I think this might be a success all right all right we got ourselves a spawner let's go let's go so this is going to give us tons of bones for bone meal and also some much needed levels now all I really have to do is just stand around and wait listen if I'm going to be waiting here a while I think I should make myself a nice comfy chair there we go look at this wow this is really the best form of entertainment anybody could ask for I'm bored yeah turns out waiting was pretty boring so I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to make the XP room a little bit more cozy while swiping at the skelly's ankles you know this isn't the prettiest thing I've ever made but it does the job also I I lost my pants I don't have any iron pants anymore my chest Plate's on its way out too oh no but whatever it's fine it's fine look at how much stuff I've already gotten though tons of Bones I've already got a good amount of XP so I think I'm kind of ready to get out of here except um there is no way out so I'm I'm going to have to dig myself out of here day 37 I'd made my way home and it was finally time to get that Enchanted shovel that I so badly wanted I'm breaking and efficiency are you for real what that is pretty much exactly what I wanted well since we finally have this shiny new shovel I might as well break it in by terraforming all of this Farmland that I've wanted to do for so long I feel like I'm making this sounds so much more exciting than it actually is but hey it's exciting for me cuz I really wanted to get this project started so I spent the entire day peacefully shoveling away and terraforming the land day 38 and we now have a huge chunk of the farm terraformed so I think we can begin planting more crops first I'm going to start by expanding oh oh oh I'm just trying to expand my path jeez as I was saying I'm going to start off by expanding this path all right I'm going to lay down the fence and I think I'm going to make this Farm a little bit bigger than the first one we made I want the Farmland to have similar features that complement each other but I also want them to be slightly different to set them apart and add a little bit more interest to the area overall I want everything to feel very structured but I also want there to be a little bit of variance to keep things interesting yeah I think this is looking perfect now we just got to pop in some water then we just got to till the land all right it's all set and ready to go and we've got a full new area to work with perfect and now it's time to get some of these seeds planted how about we get some cabbage in this plot flax can go beside it we'll do some beetroots over here and let's see if we can grow these strawberries ooh I'm not sure actually oh I can make these into strawberry seeds there we go all right let's plant these ooh you know what I should have done actually we still have a lot of empty plots I should have moved these strawberries over here and then we could have just mimicked this pattern over on this side I mean I can fix that because guess what now I have tons of bones for bone meal and also to give to Marcel because he is such a good boy can do you not want do you not want a bone can I not give you a bone afterwards I can give cats fish what Marcel what the heck what do I feed you do I feed you steak oh you like steak too oh well in that case I'm going to give you tons of steak buddy all right let's bone meal these guys and bring these crops over here might as well make a couple more seeds since we bone meal so many amazing instead of using my bone meal I'm going to let all of this stuff grow and then once it's ready I'm going to replicate it on this side I think that's a job well done for today day 39 and honestly I've made some pretty good progress on this base but there's still a lot more to be done so there's actually quite a few projects we could work on today I think I'm in a pretty good spot for all of the crops these ones need some time to grow anyway so I was thinking about getting another build started today now there's a couple things that we need around this Farm the cows definitely need a nicer spot not to mention we're still missing a couple animals like sheep and pigs and another big thing that I really need to fix is my storage this is getting pretty out of control I'm I'm a little embarrassed however I'm kind of inclined to build a new barn because I'm not going to lie sleeping next to to all of these cows on the other side of the wall it's not great it's not great at all that that was a huge design flaw I'm not going to lie so although my storage is looking rough I think the barn would be a good choice now if we're going to build a barn we need a spot we have a lot of builds going on in this area which is great however this side of the farm is kind of lacking plus there's a lot of nice space that could be utilized around here all right with a spot chosen I guess there's nothing left to do but get to work so I spent the bulk of the day flattening out a spot for the barn I'm going going to have to break this storage monster aren't I I did this to myself day 40 and I think this is more than enough space for a barn now the only other thing I need to get this project going is well resources I'm starting to run a little bit low on Spruce and I think I'd like to incorporate some Oak into this build as well I know this storage may be a mess but we're still kind of lacking in these materials however if we're going to be chopping down a lot of trees today I think that probably means I can treat myself to a diamond axe yoink let's craft this up all right what do we get what do we get no way efficiency 4 nice listen this thing might degrade pretty quickly because we don't have Unbreaking on it but hey this is going to make resource collecting so much easier but before I begin using it you know I got to make the most out of my iron tools I spent the rest of the day chopping down Giant Tiger trees and then running through the Oak Forest to gather up as much as I could on day 41 I went into the caves to collect a couple different types of stones to work with I've got a really good supply of spruce and Oak for this build but I'm probably going to want to incorporate some different types of stones into the build as well once I felt like I had enough from the caves I went back up I kind of want a fresh new day to begin working on the barn since it's a big build so I think I'm going to check up on my crops hey these are doing pretty good wo the flax look so wild I didn't realize it would grow like this how do I oh oh you know I never considered what fla would look like not dried cuz I've only ever seen it in a grocery store dried or like milled or whatever and flax you can turn into string interesting all right how are the cabbages doing yeah we got tons of seeds from that and strawberries we right click there we go and let's get some of these guys replanted and last but not least we've got the beetroot and I think these plots are looking pretty good so far you know what would be super handy though a barrel to place seeds next to the farm plus this acts as some nice decoration yep Life as a farmer so relaxing I could get used to this day 42 and I think we can begin working on this Barn let's get ourselves a little workstation going let me grab all of my materials and I think I'm going to grab the stone cutter and some of our workbenches so I'm going to start off by figuring out a footprint I'm going to try to make this thing a little bit bigger because ideally I'd like to have sheep and cows in this Barn all right I'm happy with how it's looking so I'm going to start building it up I want to try out some modded beams on this build so let's get some of this wood stripped all right let's see what options we have I'm going to try out some knotted ones chipped and lumpy I feel like these three could look cool [Music] together the sun was setting and I didn't really want the mobs to come out in full force while I was building this so I head to bed for the night fresh new morning on day 43 and we've got ourselves a barn to build all right yeah I think the textured wood actually looks really cool I'm just going to fix up some of the pieces right here cuz they're a little bit too same same but I think I like that it just adds a nice little bit of roughness and texture to the build which is exactly what we want because it is a barn after all all right now for the walls ooh we got choices to make I don't know if I'm going to be able to choose I mean I love the brick Bond what if I do vertical for the sides here and then I could fill in the center part with brick Bond feel like that could look kind of cool honestly I kind of like it I think it looks really cool ooh wait a second do I like this variation a bit better oh I think I do I think I do it'll be a little bit more work but I think it's worth it to replace it oh come on that scared me hey get away from my crops get if you guys want to step away from my farm so you can meet your fate with the lava bucket that would be great all right who's next okay they're kind of just fighting each other this they are just terrible at their jobs like literally they are doing the worst job in the world they had one job and it was to to get me and they can't oh my God you're hanging on there we go there we go oh boy oh boy I seem to only have leather pants now I'm going I'm going to have to fix that that'll be some other time though cuz for now I'm going to bed all right it's day 44 and I think we can start putting a roof up on this thing I think I'm going to have the roof on these Corner walls softly slope up into the center of the build all right and for the middle part I think I'm just going to go classic roof shape can can't go wrong with it we already have quite a bit of height on this build so I don't want it going too high jeez look at the view from here things are starting to look really cute and I think that this roof shape is perfect for the barn build hey why are you raining I guess it's a good thing that I'm putting the roof on this thing I was going to do Granite for the roof but I kind of forgot that I had this texture pack which I do like however I wanted the barn to look a little bit more Cottage core I'm almost wondering maybe I should go into that Lush cave really quickly and gather up a bunch of clay well if we're doing that I'm probably going to need some better armor all right that's better so I left the farm and set off on a quick Excursion to find clay GH bad times in here bad times well I don't really have much of a choice this is the easiest way to get clay so ow oh no oh no so many bad things are happening oh my gosh I almost died all right I need to get clay and then I need to get out of here do you mind I'm trying to destroy an entire ecosystem by collecting all this clay jeez once I had gotten enough clay I got out of there and went home day 45 what a beautiful sound to wake up to if I want to get this roof made in the near future I think I should probably make a couple more furnaces otherwise I might be waiting a while and while I wait for all those bricks to burn I'm going to start detailing out the barn a bit I also want both animals to have open access to the out doors so I think I'm going to take out the middle part of the wall on each side that way they can roam free and just hang out well kind of free I still have to fence it off perfect I still had quite a bit of daylight left so I worked on adding some more details to the entryway and windows and for the windows I was going to put some glass just to make it look a little bit nicer than the fencing that I usually use however since it's a barn I feel like it still has to look a little bit rustic what do we got for trap doors ooh what about these oh I think I like that and for the main window we could try something like this yeah day 46 and the barn is really starting to take shape I really love how this is turning out those windows actually look so cool also got quite a bit of brick burning so maybe we can actually get started on the [Music] Roof oh yeah that was the right choice for sure I really wanted to get the structure finished so I spent the rest of day 46 puttering away filling in the roof and adding a couple details here and there day 47 rolled around and I continued to work on getting the barn set up for the animals hello I hear you but I do not see you that's terrifying are you okay I honestly didn't even know this was here you got anything good for me I'm hoping for some like modded blocks or something don't disappoint me this is not really anything I need I'm sorry no goodbye after that strange Interruption I got to work on filling in the floor of the barn I found this really nice brick Spruce plank that I used for the middle section and on the sides where the animals would be hanging out I filled it with various modded dirt blocks day 48 came around and I was still working away on the barn I had gotten most of the flooring in place and now I pretty much needed to decorate the interior I decided to put in a F staff spot for the animals so they had an indoor space as well we don't want our friend staff to hang out in the rain all the time after that I added in some beams and details to the ceiling let's get some like lighting up in here maybe some leaves couple stacks of firewood and of course you got to have some barrels for storage day 49 I was still working away on the barn but I would say I was starting to make some pretty good progress on the interior you know what some of these workbenches would be good decoration in the barn plus it's kind of Handy to have some of the stuff in multiple spots around the base all right I'm going to start with this corner though and I think this would be a good spot to put like Overstock of food for the animals I've also got these cool little torches that I never ended up using I feel like that totally fits the vibe of this barn and maybe in this corner we could get like a stack of logs or something and finally I think this bar needs a workstation for you know all of the work that I'm doing or something like that I would say the interior is pretty much done I am so happy with how this turned out oh we got a little buddy who's like let me in it's so nice in there sorry dude you will get a home of your own soon yeah I think this Barn really came together it's looking super cute I just hope the animals like it and here we are we have reached day 50 can you believe it time is really flying by but we still have lots of work to do on this Barn so I spent all day decorating the exterior of the barn I was really vibing with the building having fun also I've been sleeping through the nights more to avoid mobs and I've got to say it's been pretty nice not fearing for my life while I work away on a build day 51 and you bet I'm still working on this Barn listen I am striving for Perfection here I just hope the animals appreciate it though all right it's time to bring out the big guns which is bone meal listen bone meal and grass always goes such a long way it just brings back that much needed organic texture that I always find that I take away when building things and speaking of texture I feel like the roof needs a little bit as well I'm going to add in a couple Dormer roofs to bring in some shape and while we're at it let's toss in some leaves for a little bit of extra texture all right this Barn is so close to being done the one last thing I need to add is a little bit of coarse dirt however I once again run out of it because I use so much so I've got to run to that Tiga again real quickly so I spent the rest of the day collecting up a bunch of Co dirt day 52 came around and I was ready to put the finishing touches on my barn what is happening over here um hello I'm I'm not even going to question it's time to bring a little bit of texture and detail into this area with some coarse dirt what is happening here oh my gosh did you spit on the skeleton he took him down with that too oh my last final touches let's add some fencing to the path and I think this is a job well done I'm really happy with how this Barn turned out and I think this is going to be a really cozy spot for our animals I mean they have access to tons of food and honestly they're living in a bigger spot than I currently am so with that all done I just need to clean up this mess and then we can move the animals in day 53 and this is the last day that I'm waking up to that sound fellas you ready to move or should I say move you get it okay this place has to be vacant by 2: p.m. so we got to get a move on Britney you forgot your hair straightener well you better go back and get it you spent some coin on that thing you can't forget that all right here we are your brand new home how do you like it spacious right all right enjoy bye we've got the cows in their pen and now we just need the sheep and luckily there's a couple guys around here let's grab you and you hello you guys have a couple people crashing in here for the meantime but they should leave eventually I hope I saw this little dude hanging around the farmland and I had to bring them back as well all right so we've got our sheep in the pens and we also have cows so the barn project for this Farm is all complete this was a really big project to complete but I think it also helped really transform this Farm I had some extra time left in the day so I spent the rest of it harvesting and planting more crops and now this area is pretty much all done too day 54 and I think we're in a really good spot on our farm we still have a lot more work to complete however I was thinking it might be nice to get away for the day and explore to see what else is out there I feel like there might be a couple more crops we have yet to discover plus we're still missing a couple of wood types so it' be nice to find those as well all right let's see what's out there for us we got ourselves another Village okay okay the village was pretty much full of things that I already had but it was nice to poke around and also see some other friendly faces wao talk about living life on the edge am I right oh he's walking away okay understood after going through the whole village I decided to take a boat down the river that was next to it and see what was around what is this mountain it's got like flowers all over it also is this Stone this is not Stone oh it's Limestone cool wo what is this why why are there so many flowers what are these flowers ooh I need to bring these back with me you know these would be perfect for a greenhouse build look at these cows oh my gosh they're so cute oh you too they like a little sheepy cow look at that these are so cute oh my gosh listen if I make it back here I'm bringing those guys home with me day 55 I was still out in the meadow on my adventure all right let's see what else is beyond here wait a second this wood looks a little bit different what is this Apple log huh I have a couple of these at the base actually is that jungle if I could get bamboo that would be incredible having some scaffolding around the base would be such a huge bonus yes bamboo all right I'm going to grab some of this this and I would love it if I could get a jungle sapling as well what is this red jungle grapes ooh okay so we got the other types of grapes that's awesome once I had gotten the saplings I needed I head back up towards the meadow I've got myself a boat and with that boat there is room for two people or an animal and a person you know what I mean so that means I need to make a decision am I bringing the sheepy cow back with me or am I bringing the classic cow back with me I don't know this is a very tough decision because they are both so cute I feel it in my bones that it's got to be the sheepy cow it's got to be the sheepy cow just let it be known that this decision was not made lightly and I'll probably be back for the other one day 56 and I was on my journey home with my new friend sheepy cow we've made it we're home buddy you are going to make so many new friends here everyone's really nice also there's like regular Bingo nights there's a good pizza place down the road you're just going to love it all right sheepy cow you enjoy your spot with your new homies and I'll be back to check on you soon honestly such a nice guy oh before I forget I'm going to get some of this bamboo planted cuz I really want to get some scaffolding made and the best part is we can use some of this flax to make some string and with that we can make some scaffolding how about that perfect I foresee a new expansion coming to the farm very soon so I think for the rest of the day I'm going to start expanding some of these paths day 57 and I think it is the perfect day to work on not the storage please don't make me do it I'm not ready I feel like it's a good day to get a couple more of those crops we found planted I think I'm going to start by pathing out some plots of land that way I can get a better sense of where I could potentially place things looks like I'm going to have to do some terraforming it's been a while it's been a while and it looks like I can finally make the connection from my sugar cane Farm all the way over to my other Farmland so this leaves us with a couple spots to work with now this one's pretty small I'm not exactly sure what I want to put here yet however this one feels like it might be big enough to put in something like a little Vineyard if we're going for Vineyard I think I'm going to try these fancy Hedges I mean actually it's not too bad but I think I want to try mixing in some other types of fencing I feel like this Spruce fencing will help make it feel a little bit more rustic I was really happy with the fencing choices so I spent the rest of the evening tinkering with the layout making sure it was just right day 58 and I was still working on my little Vineyard how do you plant these things do they need to like go up against a piece of wood no oh wait I should probably yep I got to turn them into seeds all right wa okay so you can just plant them like sweet berries I'm going to set up rows where I can plant the grapes with stocks beside them so if I have rows like this I need to find a good way of making it look like they're attached to those stocks the only problem is some of this just might look like silly fencing unless maybe we interchange it like this this that way the fence posts can't attach to one another yeah I feel like this is the best solution let's go ahead and get some of these planted to see what it looks like so we can do one type of grape on this side and then the other type opposite to it except for some reason the jungle grape seeds don't plant properly I wonder if those ones need to be on a block they do ooh I like that though so on this side we can get blocks of jungle wood and then Place Those Grapes along here what is this I accidentally made this is this literally for the grape Vines yep it is all right good to know I was looking for something like this in the search function and couldn't find it I guess I wasn't looking hard enough though you know I still think the solution I had right here was actually pretty good but I'll just go with these instead day 59 and the vineyard's pretty much all set up and ready to go just have to wait for ow ow pretty much all I have to do is just keep harvesting away on these things and letting them grow now there are some extra details I'd like to add to this Vineyard there's a bunch of cool modded blocks like barrels and wine racks but I thought it could be a cool idea to have a shed across from the vineyard where all of that stuff would be stored there's already a pretty good patch of land here so it's not going to require too much terraforming now the only problem is I don't really have too many resources to build with well ones that I can use for building these chests are a hot mess so I think it's going to be a resource collection type of day before I forget let me plant these jungle saplings and get one of those trees growing too so I got to work chopping down a bunch of spruce trees all right my axes seem better days I'm wondering can I repair it honestly it costs a diamond but I would say it's kind of worth it we're nearly at day 60 so I don't know if I'm going to bother getting mending I'm honestly kind of just vibing with what I'm doing right now all right for now this axe will do day 60 and I think I've got enough resources to begin building this first thing I've got to do though is give myself a little bit more room here now that I've got enough space I think I can begin building I'm going to try out some of the chipped beams and planks that I haven't used yet I think for this build I'm going to try like a fancy little trim along the bottom then I'm going to fill in the walls on top with something else yeah I feel like that's kind of cool I mean it's a little bit different but I kind of like it I mean it's a shed so it is going to be like a little bit more rustic in some ways but I also want it to look a little fancy too I really wanted to get the structure in place so I spent a little bit of extra time in the evening finishing up the roof day 61 and the shed's coming along really nicely of course I always forget to patch up these little spots right here no sweat though no sweat all right now that we've got the structure in place I think I need to get a proper floor in too let's see what this one looks like ooh yeah I like that that's fancy okay okay now I just need to patch in a roof real quick I think we've got a good space to work with all right now it's time to get some decoration ation going I feel like lattice is very fitting for a Vineyard I'm wonder if I could get these grapes on the side of the build too I can yes that looks perfect now I just need to find some items that will age the grapes and decorate the shed there's clothes what I can make a straw hat an apron pants oh my okay well this changes everything I'm going to have to figure that out too okay but first I need to focus on the decorations since it was the evening and I didn't really want any run-ins with the mobs I spent the rest of the night indoors decorating the interior day 62 and I was still working away on the shed I just need a couple of finishing details and then I think I'm done leaves never hurt maybe a couple flowers got these nice flower pots after all look at the way that they hang over on the flower pot oh my gosh that's so cute oh I'm obsessed with these that's nice and finally getting some overgrown patches in the roof always looks good all right I think the shed is pretty much done I would call this a small But Mighty build now the interior is still looking a little bare well cuz I haven't really made any cool drinks or potions yet however I do have this cool Apple press machine and I brought over some apples to test it out just to see what it does okay it creates Apple Mash what can be done with this this is this is a crafting ingredient apparently if I put some apple Mash into an aging Barrel I can possibly make apple juice I need a wine bottle got it got it got it got it I know I have some glass somewhere in this mess of a storage ah so all I have to do is use two glass bottles to make wine bottles then I open up the Aging Barrel pop that in there and we've got ourselves apple juice let's go so to make apple wine I need some honey well I I don't have any bees just yet but I do have some bees flying around my base I'm wondering if I could take a little bit of honey from them all right let's let's check this out hey it worked okay and none of them got mad at me cuz it's night time so this is perfect so I guess in the Aging Barrel we combine the honey with the apple juice and just like that we've got ourselves some apple wine hey that is so cool what are the effects of it though you get plus five sugars and fruits I'm assuming that's for the diet mod and I'm not quite sure what the absorption effect would give you however can I place it in here for decoration I can't really place it in these for decoration however I can place it on top like that and that's super cute I'm wondering can the Apple Mash be placed as well it doesn't seem like it kind of sucks cuz it would make such a nice decoration okay it's getting pretty late so I should probably head to bed day 63 and I was still on the pursuit of making potions and drinks oh also I have all these apples which means I can make these really cool bags of apples as well look at that that is so cool that'll be a great decoration okay how do I make this grape juice I don't understand how grape vine pot used to turn grapes into grape juice oh okay all right I think I'm getting it I think I'm getting it so we got to get these grapes in here maybe fill a couple of these up okay those are pretty full wo I stepped on it it actually worked what this is so cool cool okay so it looks like it's mostly turned into liquid now does that mean I can now bottle it let's see I did oh that is so cool oh to make a meat I need sugar okay well it's a good thing I've got all these Farms set up they're really coming in handy all right let's see what this does oh I have red wine now okay I don't have the Mead now can I store this stuff okay this stuff can be stored look at that that is so cool I think it also does give effect but that looks negative to me so I don't know there's a lot of different recipes that could be made and each one seems to have its own effect so I pretty much spent the rest of the day making more bottles to fill the shelves to be honest I was just having a ton of fun smushing The Grapes it was very satisfying and so cool okay I made something called magnetic wine and I don't want to use it yet because it looks really cool as a decoration but I think it basically attracts blocks to you from a further radious that's really cool but for now I want to leave it as a decoration I love this this has been so much fun but I think I have to head to bed and start on some new projects tomorrow day 64 oh my gosh there are a ton of creepers over there that is not good I'm just going to slowly shift to the side over here now as much as I would love to keep making fancy cute little drinks I I got to get some other work done on this Farm while I was making all those fun little drinks I came across this straw hat that I really want to make and it got me thinking it requires wheat which I have enough to make the straw hat however I'm running a farm here and I don't even have a proper Wheat Field like look at this this is embarrassing at this point am I truly a farmer if I'm not even growing the most basic crop I don't know so I think we need to fix that and also what goes great with a giant field of wheat a windmill of course now I kind of pictured it close to the barn either on this side or this side and in terms of how the farm is looking I feel like there's a big gap over here that could be f build yeah this spot here would be perfect like right around here all right here's the deal if I get this Windmill and field in place then I get that straw hat I mean I should probably be doing this regardless of a silly Straw Hat once I had all my materials collected I got to work on building up the [Music] windmill I'm just going to round off the corners here just to give the build a little bit more shape on day 65 I continued building up the windmill all right I don't want this thing to go too high but I think maybe I need a couple more blocks up on this column maybe just like one more layer yeah I think that's a little bit more balanced and now for a little roof on this thing and I think I'm going to try out some Granite on the rooftop before I do any anything else though I really need some more scaffolding cuz I'm really struggling here honestly it is so handy being able to make string out of flax I am vibing with that there we go that's much better and the roof is done cute love it all right now for the blades we just need some wool I require a little bit more I should have done that earlier and for myself I need some food because I am very hungry sheepy cow look away look away listen this steak is nice but there's a lot better stuff I could be eating I think I'm due for a kitchen upgrade soon towards the end of the day I grabbed the remainder of the wool I needed for the windmill blade and called it a night day 66 and I think this thing is coming along nicely now that I have all the materials I need I can put this blade up look at that perfect now all it really needs is a little bit of detail here and there and we're good to go first I definitely need a path leading to this thing and before I start putting the field in I think I want to get a couple of decorations down that wheelbarrow is so cute oh my gosh I am obsessed with it I spent the rest of the day finishing up the decorations on the windmill day 67 and I think the details on the windmill are looking good but with all of this stuff in place I think I can finally start planting this wheat field now that means I can finally get all these seeds out of my inventory hopefully this is going to help clear up some space cuz there's a lot hanging around in really random spots and let me tell you we're going to need a lot of these all right it's time to get this field in place lots of water has been placed and now I can start tilling the field I always put my workstations in the worst spot I'm like yeah I'm going to build a giant wheat field and put wheat literally everywhere yeah let me just um let me just put my workstation where I'm going to have to put wheat as well why do I do this to myself the land is pretty much all tilled so now it's time to get these seeds planted planting the seeds was a pretty big task and took me to the end of the day day 68 and just like that I have somehow managed to run out of seeds you know to be fair it's a pretty big plot that I have laid out but that just means I have some time to spend adding a couple decorations to the field now I wanted to pretty much all be wheat but I'd like to at least cover up the water wells that I have I think a couple of stock piles and rock piles would add some some nice texture to the field also that was a pretty cool rhyme that I did they may just be little details sprinkled throughout but I think it just adds that little bit of extra interest all right I want to give all of this stuff a chance to grow so I can properly Harvest it and get more seeds so I can finish off this field however I have some time to kill today and I think I feel like being a little bit of a nosy neighbor maybe these guys have some extra seeds hanging around that I could borrow I mean they've got some wheat here that I can Harvest for them don't worry I'm just helping I'm just helping they've got more of these pots though listen I don't think they'll mind these could be good for decoration look at this nice what is this oops um whatever it was I I broke it okay wait a hot second I forgot that Ratatouille has like a full kitchen set here you know I've been kind of wanting to make my own kitchen maybe I should borrow some of this stuff and return it later you know I'll definitely return it I mean like he's not even here right now who leaves an oven on unattended seems like bad practice if you ask me wo these would look really good in my field as well all right I think I've got enough from here can't get too greedy now listen we're neighbors it's all about sharing okay when I got home the sun was beginning to set so I planted some more seeds and put down some of the decorations those villagers so kindly gifted me day 69 and look at what I just made a watering can apparently it says it has the same function as bone meal but needs to be be refilled with water from time to time let's let's give this thing a shot wo this is so cool I wish I knew about this earlier well this just makes my life so much easier also check this out a Can it can be placed but it's a can isn't that so cute there are so many decorations and so little time honestly I think this can belongs in the barn though cute so now that I have this watering can I can grow these crops a lot faster now which means I can get the rest of this F planted sooner rather than later and I think it might be a little bit later than I anticipated I ended up planting some more Fields behind the windmill just to frame it up a little bit better day 70 and the wheat field is all in place however it just needs to grow a little bit because right now it still looks pretty messy once it all grows in though I think it's going to look really good in the meantime I think I'm going to add some leaves to the edge of the field these will frame it up nicely I mean the wheat field is essentially done which means I think I can treat myself to the Straw Hat red wool wheat Straw Hat how am I going to look with this W look at me oh I look so good I'm really I'm really starting to fit the role as a True Farmer now that I have the straw hat you know I was kind of doubting myself before I was like am I truly a farmer I don't know I feel like I I'm I'm not but now with this straw hat I would say I'm 100% a farmer I mean look at me after I made that incredible straw hat I decided to head out to gather a little bit of coarse dirt the wheat was going to take quite a while to grow in and I wanted to get a little bit more detailing done on the farm day 71 I was back at home with my pile of course dirt and ready for another day of decorating okay hear me out what about a row of oak trees in this plot of grass I couldn't quite figure out what to put here and I feel like just a couple of trees would make this area look so nice plus it will add some much needed shape and height a rain my sun hat is going to get all soggy all right let's see there we go 1 2 3 4 and we'll evenly space all of these out now can I use this watering can oh I can this is actually so handy I love it okay that doesn't look as good as I thought it would I think I might have to do custom trees for this but the problem is I'm really bad at custom trees the thought was there the execution not so much well at least I'm getting some leaves out of it this watering can honestly rocks I technically didn't even really have to make my skeleton Farm I mean I did need the XP but still I wish I had known about this sooner cuz it's been super handy while I'm out here decorating I think I'd like to upgrade some of the lighting ooh these torches would be really nice around the crops I did not mean to make that many torches but here we are oh no can I not place place these on fence posts either I wanted to place them on here it won't look as good with them on the ground like this oh Day 72 and I realized I had used up most of my iron and I would be needing more for decorations around the base after planting a couple seeds I decided it would be best to head into the cave to gather up a couple of resources I'm going over to this big old cave that I barely explored that way I know I'll get lots of resources that I need should I be wearing this straw hat in the caves you know what I'm committing to the farming life Straw Hat it is I spent the day Gathering up all of the coal and iron I could find hopefully whatever I collect today will get me through to the 100 days I can't believe I'm getting close to even approaching that number honestly I am so happy I have Fortune because I haven't really been here that long and look at how much coal and iron I already have rain again I just got out of these caves this can't be good for the Integrity of my straw hat I think I need to go home and head inside so I can dry it off day 73 another beautiful day on the the farm how's this field looking though you know I would say it's nearly all grown in that's not looking bad at all today there's one immediate problem I would like to fix unfortunately my shovel and my Axe are really starting to get worn out so I think it might be a day to go into the strip mines there are some projects I really want to get done around this base but if our tools are on the verge of breaking then we're going to have to resort back to iron and I don't think I want to do that I'm just hoping I actually find some this time oh great start great start yep so I spent the day mining away in the caves I really don't want to be spending too much time in the caves especially cuz there's not much time left to get all my projects done so I'm really hoping for a miracle here cuz I also really need these tools repaired and let me tell you it started to reach that point where I felt like that Miracle wasn't going to happen cuz I was mining for quite a long time but some Minecraft God Must Have Had A Little Bit of Sympathy For Me finally thank you I got 15 out of that 15 you know what I'm just saying I was wearing the straw hat when I found those diamonds surely couldn't have been that fortune pick that really did the heavy lifting there was definitely the straw hat all right let's get some of these much needed repairs done there we go they're all looking fairly healthy now I think I can sleep well tonight day 74 and wow yeah I am quite hungry except you know what I'm over it I don't want to eat onions anymore I don't want to have to eat steak anymore I think I'm ready to expand my pallet and if I were to do that I need to expand my living space that's right I think it is time for a kitchen expansion on our little house now the most logical place to put this would be on the side of the house where the cows once were and this is plenty of space for us to build out an entire section onto our house however the one problem is I have my storage monsters on this wall but maybe I can get past that if if I just create an entry way here so then I don't have to touch them you know what that actually kind of works out it's perfect it's right in the center as well all right let's clean this up and get an expansion going once the spot was all cleaned up I spent the rest of the day building up the expansion of the house all right I think that's a good shape for the extension I want it resting a little bit lower than this roof line so that should be perfect I had a little bit of time left in the day so I began putting the roof up and that brought me into day 75 where I continued working on the house expansion definitely need some Greenery on this roof because this thing is very Spruce heavy not that it's a bad thing it just needs some texture and a pop of color and of course we can't forget the details on the side of the build as well all right how's this looking there we go it looks like it's been there all along now all I have to do is build up the kitchen of my dreams using all the stuff that Mr rap Man donated to me and on to day 76 where it was finally dream kitchen makeover day I'm so excited got to get these hoods in place so we can get some exhaust you know I don't think Mr ratman had these and that's that's a safety precaution honestly I also splurged and got a limestone countertop for cooking so it's so in right now so in I puttered away for the rest of the day getting all of the Kitchen Essentials in place which brought me into day 77 and here it is my my state-ofthe-art kitchen equipped with a comfy little table to sit and eat my meals at so this little kitchen is pretty small but I think I maximized on Space which is good I found some really cute little things like this basket I got like a cute little pot here I don't know if you can actually oh wait you can cook with this one too I think this one's part of the bakery mod not Farmers Delight I can make jams and stuff with this wa Okay cool so we've got some other cooking options for this pot and then for these two these are part of farmer light and you can cook on top of them directly and also use the cutting boards to prep meals as well and yeah I think that this is perfect for what I need now I just need to figure out what I can cook so there's tons of recipes at our disposal I feel like since I'm an amateur I should try to start with something a little bit easier maybe a fried egg sandwich would be good and it's a good thing we got our chicken cpop over here I can go collect some eggs oh my there's tons of eggs in here let's go thank you very much and of course we're going to need some wheat to make some bread so how do I make this fried egg sandwich do I just put an egg in here I do that's it I just got to got to let it cook cool we've got a fried egg oh I'm getting eggs all over the counter that's uh good thing it's new and I I wash it all the time it's very sanitary don't worry and I guess with all of these eggs we can now make our fried egg sandwich boom an egg sandwich so it gives us grains and protein I don't think it has any other added benefits other than being incredibly delicious so I say we just test it out that is the best sandwich I have ever had ever well I think I found my new go-to meal we can make dog food was it require okay we can definitely do this so I think I combine all of this stuff into this pot then we let it cook let's serve it up and we we've got some dog food from our cell hey buddy I got you a treat whoa Marcel do you have Buffs or something oh my gosh I think he likes it so the house expansion is all done and today I also became a world class Chef I think it's been a good day day 78 and I've got some good fuel to keep me going for today so this Farm is coming together so nicely now I have one little gripe about this place and I kind of realized it while I was building out the extension for my house so I love the idea of the windmill being placed in this pocket over here however I think I made a mistake of putting it in a little bit too close to the pathing and farmland I think it should have gone back a little bit further I feel like right now it's competing with the height of this build as well as our barn which is actually a pretty big build but next to the windmill it looks rather small I don't know I feel like if I moved it it would just look so much better well it's a good thing I packed a complete breakfast cuz this is going to be a pretty big job the first thing I worked on was making a little bit more space for the windmill at the back of the field once that was done I got to work on tearing down the original windmill I'm not going to lie it's a little bit painful tearing down all your hard work I made sure the tear down was all done today so I could have a fresh start in the morning on to day 79 where it was time to rebuild I think this is a good spot I'm like 99% sure all right there's only one way to find out I spent the full day rebuilding the structure and stress eating egg sandwiches listen in theory I think this is going to make it look better but there's still a chance that it won't and I'm a little bit afraid of that I've gotten most of the structure put in place minus some detailing so I need to take a look and see if this actually made a difference you know what that feels a lot more balanced so much better knowing everything was now good with the placement of the windmill I spent the evening adding the decorations back in and that brings us into day 80 where has the time gone this is wild how are we already on to day 80 I had a lot of work to do with repairing the field after I had moved the windmill so I got straight to work on that and I think it's finally time I may not have all of the necessary levels but I think I should finally upgrade to a diamond hoe I've been tilling a lot of land and it's been taking a toll on my iron Supply oh I had a diamond in there huh what a thought all right let's see what we get efficiency doesn't really make a difference when you're tilling land but you know what I'll take it I'll take it I spent the rest of the day hard at work planting seeds getting the field back to what it once was D day 81 and what a wonderful surprise to wake up to farewell I'm super close to finishing up this field so I'm going to keep working on it and that's pretty much it I mean minus the fact that the wheat field is now a mess that looks so much more balanced yeah I feel so much better about that all right so now that that's done I have the rest of the day free to do whatever I need to do and there are still quite a few projects that need work on listen I know my storage is atrocious but we're already on to day 81 and I'm just honestly not even sure it's worth the time at this point there's a couple more things I would like to get built around this base we have tons of bees around here and I was kind of thinking maybe a greenhouse could be a good build but first I kind of need to solve my Hunger things aren't looking too good for me right now I can't I can't even run oh my gosh all right cows sorry I'm going to grab some of these Tomatoes too and maybe some of this cabbage if we cut up a steak we can turn that into a Patty combine that delicious Patty with a cabbage onion tomato and some bread got yourself a hamburger a full balanced meal I really living the best life in terms of food right now I am not messing around I've got a little bit of time left in the day and I think I'd like to get this tree area sorted out cuz I still like the idea of it I just need to figure out how to make these custom trees just going to try to use a mix of spruce fencing and I'll just kind of toss some leaves around the fencing and these actually don't look too bad I've definitely done worse that's for sure now it just needs some texture and details and I bet you already guessed it it needs some coarse dirt I think I'm going to pop some of these vegetable crates around here this can kind of be like the Overstock area for all of our crops there we go I think that's looking a lot better wasn't really sure what to do with the space because it was so much smaller than the other plots and I think this little decorational area is perfect hey get out of here I need to go to bed day 82 and everything is on fire over there oh my gosh for the most part this area of the farm is very safe but as soon as you go along over here this is like the stopping point because I haven't torched it yet oh my yeah this looks even better in the daylight I'm very happy with this Okay cool so we have some options that we could work on today I'm kind thinking about getting started on a greenhouse now this kind of feels like a natural border for where the farm should technically end I mean not that I don't want to expand this Farm any further but we only have about what day is it day 82 and something with math we have like just over 10 days you know so this Farm's kind of going to have to have a stopping point and I think maybe putting a greenhouse right around here would be perfect that way I could fill in some space here with some crops maybe over here as well and then it'll all be complete now another build project means another resource collecting day and I think you all know by now the resource in question uh floating trees what's up with that who could ever do such a thing not me after I cleaned up the mess I had made yes I'll admit it I made that mess I collected resources for the greenhouse building a greenhouse is going to require lots and lots of sand because we're going to need to make tons of glass I've made a mess of this oh no ah I can't even collect half of it I kind of deserve this all right let's get some of this sand burning that is thunder that means mobs are everywhere all righty now yep okay I think um I think today's done for me I think today's done that shortened Day brings us into day 83 a little afraid to go outside I just need some of my coal I'm going to run I just don't want to be near any structures in case creepers have spawned I don't trust it well I know I'm building around here so I'm going to pop down a couple furnaces in this area I'm going to get some of the sand cooking and just to make sure I'm not cutting it close with resources for this build I'm going to chop down a couple more spruce trees oh yeah I think this is more than enough Spruce now the one painful thing is my ax is on its way out again I really should have just spent the time getting a villager with mending but at this point it's a little bit too late for that so I think I'm going to have to spend some of these diamonds to repair it once more a the pain the pain okay it's worth it all right sun's out double chest for storage monster is out glass is burning and I'm ready to build except I kind of forgot that if I want to use some of the cool designs in the chip bench for the strip Spruce I have to actually strip it first before I put it into the bench this kind of ended up taking a lot longer than I realized it would especially because I wanted to make sure I had a good Supply before I started building the only other thing I really had time for at the end of the day was saying hi to sheepy cow and feeding all of the animals day 84 came around and I had pretty much everything I needed for this greenhouse all right let's get some nice beams for the side of the greenhouse let me just shave off a little bit more right here just in case we need the space and I think we're good so this is perfectly squared up and I think I'm going to make a little path that goes out just a bit and then we can build the greenhouse around here with the spot picked out and all ready to go I began laying down the foundation and building up the beams yeah I think this placement is perfect I mean after the whole windmill debacle I I just have to double check you know don't want to have to move a build again with everything good in terms of placement I moved on to building up the roof the frame's pretty much sorted and in place and I think this is the perfect size for a little Greenhouse now I'm kind of hungry cuz I took quite a bit of fall damage while I was building that so I should probably get some food sorted for the rest of the day nothing like cooking up a good meal at the end of the day now we're on to day 85 and we have lots of work to do today I think I want to extend the trim of the roof along these columns as well there's going to be a lot of glass going on this roof and it'll just kind of help break it up a bit and last but not least I want to add a little decoration on this trim yeah this is turning out real good so we're going to have to fill the whole thing up with glass as well but I figured along the bottom I'd like to have a nice trim let me try the boxed one to see how it looks it's not bad I mean maybe on the corners only something like this and then in the center could try something a little bit different ooh that's kind of cool I like that now for the glass we have a lot to fill in and I was kind of wondering how it would look if I did some decorative glass at least for the bottom bits there's only one way to find out let's give these ones a shot honestly that doesn't look terrible I think I like that I think I'm better off leaving the design only for the bottom half of the build cuz otherwise it might look too busy up top I spent the rest of the day filling in the walls and roof of the greenhouse with glass day 86 and I woke up to some really rude visitors I already told you I have a subscription to block and Garden Magazine all right where's your buddies huh huh I hear you oh are you stuck in a pit honestly I might just leave you there that's your problem dude see you wo this greenhouse has already changed the landscape of the farm so much I love it there was still a lot to be built for the structure of the greenhouse so I continued chipping away at it why are Gates so expensive to make oh they're such a pain need the proper Vibe for the greenhouse door you know I just don't know what that Vibe is kind of feel like this one could be cool let's see is this the vibe oh yeah I think that's the vibe for sure so the structure is all done it's a little bit hard to see because it's kind of in the shade but I think this is looking great now it just needs a bunch of detail and we're good to go and it's a good thing that I love to detail on day 87 I continued to decorate the greenhouse I put these little guys in front of the greenhouse but honestly I feel like they would look really nice all around the base as well I'm going to have to add some when I'm doing base cleanup but for now I got to focus on getting this thing looking good I'm honestly having the time of my life cuz I'm going for a bit of a cluttered look with this thing so that means I get to make as many cute random items as I wish day 88 came around and I was still busy working away at this greenhouse I just want to get a couple spots for like boxed flowers and stuff there we go that's nice you know what I need some aelia Le leaves the alelia leaves are always one of my favorites for decorating the crunchy texture of them is so nice not to mention the flowering leaves are beautiful as well these are going to look great on the roof all right I think the exterior of this greenhouse is pretty much done I added in a couple details here and there like some flowers on the side here I don't need my watering can right now so I can put that back I really love how that doubles as a decoration and I've just got some extra storage on this side right here so now all I really have to do is figure out what I'm going to do for the interior I mean first things first we got to get rid of this grass and I'm thinking some decorative dirt will be perfect for the greenhouse sprinkle in a little bit of coarse dirt here and there and we've got ourselves some nice Greenhouse flooring ooh look at that Sunset actually that's my cue to go to bed besides those Twilight books aren't going to read themselves and just like that we are on to day 89 wow time is really starting to fly it feels but the exterior of the greenhouse is all done so now I can focus on what I'm going to put in here so I definitely want to get a couple of bees in here however I think I want to First focus on getting some flowers put into place I feel like a little spot to grow some plants under a light would be really cool but what if the lights are glowberries instead I'm going to try closing it off so it's kind of like a cubby yeah I think this looks super cute oh I almost forgot I have these nice flowers I found from the meadow ooh yeah that's nice I pretty much spent the rest of the day puttering away in the greenhouse adding details to it so I really wanted to get some bees in here but I don't know if I'm going to make this happen I definitely need a little bit of honeycomb oh no he's mad at me oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry oh no please don't hit me cuz then you will perish please okay I need to rethink this all right maybe if I make a be box I can like possibly trick it to go into the box I don't know maybe if I put the box here close all of this off I can get one of them into that box I feel like this might be wishful thinking but hey it's worth a shot I decided to go to bed to give the bee a chance to go into the box that I laid out and just like that we are on to day 90 wow I cannot believe it and perfect timing because the greenhouse is pretty much complete so in here I kept it pretty simple I've got a cute little shelving area for a bunch of different types of flowers although I can't really figure out how to get flowers into this pot whoops as well as this one I'm wondering if it needs to be rose bushes or something tall and then as for this corner I don't really have anything yet because I'm kind of banking on getting some bees in here but I don't know if it's going to happen so last night I put out this little be box and I'm kind of hoping that maybe I caught one ah oh no it destroyed the nest of that bee so maybe it'll just want to go in there instead oh I think I may have heard it possibly no ah he's mad at me I should have put a campfire underneath oh no oh no okay I'm going to put it back no don't hit me oh I think he's gone I think he's done for I don't think that's good I don't really know he's just like kind of vibing oh man oh nope he's a goner all right well um I guess I'm I'm not getting uh bees in that Greenhouse listen I may be a farmer but I'm not a beekeeper I never said I was oh I feel so bad I feel so bad after that terrible tragedy I decided just to kind of hang out and finish decorating the [Music] greenhouse and I think we're done in here I may not have been able to get the bees that I wanted in here but I think this area turned out really nice nonetheless well with that pretty much done I think I just need to start cleaning some of this stuff up cuz I definitely have plans for this area next day 91 is here and I think this Farm has come such a long way it is really filled out so much it kind of just like happened in a blink of an eye but it's not over yet and there's still a couple of things I want to complete I'm thinking this spot beside the greenhouse is perfect for a melon and pumpkin farm come on we can't forget about those crops so let's get a perimeter of fencing in place for this field and let's get some of these plots in place I want this Farm to look very uniform like the rest of them so I think having them in rows next to a water source is the best bet we'll till some soil for the pumpkins and melons cover up the water with a nice little boardwalk and now I just have to figure out where I put those seeds cuz I found those quite some time ago so I don't know how this is going to go if only I made that storage haul okay we got the melon seeds and and pumpkin seeds I've only got three of these so we're going to have to wait for some to grow so we can plant more and let's plant our two pumpkin seeds I thought I had more than that but that's okay we'll we'll wait it out I mean I've got my little watering can so at least I can bone meal these is that as far as it'll go did I do this wrong I'm not too sure I'm I'm going to give them some time I'm just going to let them do their thing oh that one grew okay perfect it kind of didn't grow where I necessarily wanted it to grow but you know what it's a garden I'll let it do its thing Nature has its own plans it's fine it wanted to be there that's fine it's it's all good working on this pumpkin and melon farm brought me into day 92 and I am going to unfortunately break the first melon that I got so I can turn this into more seeds and keep planting these we'll give them a little bit of a head start though all right my logic is telling me that I can't have that strip there cuz I just realized that these melons are probably going to grow onto these planks I don't know what it is about the spacing of pumpkins and melons but it kind of confuses me sometimes we're getting there though we're getting there while I was waiting for the pumpkins and melons to grow I continued texturing the path ooh I feel like we should probably have another path connection right here yeah that's looking good the question is what do I put here maybe something like a little cart would look good got to have something like this to move around all the fruits and vegetables on the farm where' you come from no all right something's wrong around here I have a hunch it's probably this little area that I never lit up this looks like a recipe for disaster yep that has to be where he came from got a little bit of space left over here so I'm going to put one more custom tree up and then I think this area is done starting get concerned that I may have done this a little bit wrong because they don't really seem to be growing I don't know maybe I'm being a little bit impatient with them day 93 and I think this is all coming together so nicely this path kind of feels like the end point to the farm I know it's sad I feel like I could also keep expanding this forever but I mean we only have like 7 days left now I kind of feel like maybe planting a couple of aelia trees could look kind of cool help border off the edge of the this Farm I unfortunately got the placement wrong on my first try and ended up having to tear down the trees but after properly plotting it out and trying again I think it turned out pretty cool you know what I think that's perfect it's exactly what I wanted it just kind of helps frame up the end of the farm a little bit I think all it really needs is a little bit of fencing and then it's done and I think I'm good to go it's good enough I'm going to bed on Day 94 I was still finishing some details around the edge of the farm oh this pumpkin finally grew I'm wondering if I'm just not like giving enough space for the crops to grow I don't know though because I thought these blocks would make it so that they'd grow I'm going to try to space them out to see if that does anything I mean while I'm waiting for that to happen I want to get some nice lighting around this base I kind of want to start popping some of the street lamps around all right I made a bunch so hopefully this gets us pretty far now I didn't want to overdo it but I think this is a pretty good amount I just put them in the main spots like in front of the house in front of the barn and in the center part where the crops are these seem to have finally grown I think maybe the trick is honestly just spacing them out I don't know if they're going to grow onto this thing I don't know why though in that case maybe I can just bring this strip of crops back long as I space them out they should be fine there hopefully that solves it once and for all all right I have a bit of time to kill and I'm also very hungry so I'm kind of thinking maybe I should cook something up it's been a while since I've had a solid meal I think I'm going to treat myself to a roast chicken tonight wow that was incredibly rude of me to say that in front of those chickens I deeply apologize for that all righty how does one make a delicious roast chicken should be easy enough let's pop that on the pan cook up a couple of potatoes and let's see got ourselves a roast chicken can I put this on a table though I need to know you can yo that looks delicious can I eat it you need a bowl to eat this well I've got plenty well let's see how it tastes absolutely delicious I may be the greatest Minecraft cook on Earth maybe I'll take a couple for the road oh my gosh there's bones and everything oh no what you get bone meal out of it after huh that is so weird after that big meal I'm pretty full and also pretty tired I think it's time to sleep that off and here we are on day 95 wow I can't believe I'm saying that day 95 I mean really we're pretty far ahead of everything which is awesome I've got all of my farms in place I've got the place pretty well decorated so I think we can spend the next couple of days just kind of puttering away so we've got the perimeter of the farm over here sorted I think I just need to add a couple of things to the gaps around here also got a really big one beside our house over here as well and some holes that probably should be patched up hello are you doing well down there so I spent the day patching up some of the areas that needed a little bit of sprucing up okay I kind of feel terrible boxing this pig in so I'm I'm going to do a little Rescue Mission come on oh my gosh you're running bud how long have you been down there for what almost 100 days dude come on all right well there's a carrot you enjoy don't don't go back down there stop it stop I'm closing it off I'm closing it off don't going to go live the best life he ever lived going to add a couple trees to this area just to frame up the edge of the farm over here oh no I leave this staircase here I built this on like day 10 or something and unfortunately I think some of these trees need to come down as well when I've been working away on the farm I've always noticed them in the sight line and they don't look terrible but they're definitely a little bit out of place after I finished chopping down those trees I still had a little bit of time left in the day so I fed the animals and went to bed and good morning chickens do you know what day it is yep that's right it's day 96 let's go so much work has been done over the course of these 100 days it's nice to be able to just kind of like hang out and enjoy the farm okay I do have these strawberries though and I've never done anything with them but I'm pretty sure you can make jam out of them yep Jam can be made T it feels like a little bit of a a little little Jam day you know all right so I need to make a jar with glass panes and a slab and then I'm pretty sure I need to use this small cooking pot and before I do anything else I need some sugar and let's try popping in the strawberries and the sugar okay so it's not cooking I have a feeling I need to use the brick oven from this mod pack and maybe I'll just add it right here pop this Skillet back put this guy down oh yeah now we're cooking so let's get these jars in there strawberries add the sugar and oh we are cooking this is really slow it's fine though it's fine it's going to be worth it yes okay we got some Jam where can I put it it's placeable yes that is so cute so for the rest of the day I got pretty invested in this Bakery mod because it was just so cute I was pretty much on the quest to make faked Goods for the day I got bread let's see if I can pop this here it's so cute it's a little loaf can I put the bread in the tray I can oh this is just this is magnificent this is this is my dream come true wow speaking of dreams I should probably go to bed or should I say say go to bread we are on to day 97 and today I thought I would treat my neighbors to a little thank you gift all of those villagers were so kind and generous to donate all of that stuff to me when I was first starting out especially Mr ratman he was extra nice so today I thought I'd repay them by bringing them some fresh veggies and some baked goods that I had made hello hello everybody how's it going how's it going where is everybody where'd you all go you're not hiding at the sight of me are you I heard something in here oh magic man how's it going how's your little potion stuff going I was going to take this from you but I never did I mean I wasn't going to take it I was going to ask to borrow it but I didn't need it so you enjoy that a Farmer Ted dude how's it going oh I've got something for you I've got something for you yeah here some Tomatoes what you don't want them what about what about these onions a little bit of little bit of onions there you go hope you enjoy sorry I took some of your crops but had to be done I'm bring I'm bringing you some good stuff back oh my gosh we have an entire party in here so I guess this is where everybody has gone well this is perfect because I have something for you all so delicious and important that I don't want any of you to go away are you ready for it may I present to you bread in a basket do you like it with that bread I also here to give you strawberry jam I know I know just wanted to spread the love and just say thank you for gifting me with all of the stuff that I took or sorry that you gifted me and I hope you all have a wonderful I guess eternity in that fence area have fun where's Mr ratman closed forever what Mr ratman Mr ratman I'm I'm sorry that you decided to close here how about I give you some tomatoes and a little bit of jam and maybe one day maybe one day you will find you're calling as a chef again I mean good luck because I'm I'm some pretty stiff competition now and I live like pretty close and I make delicious food but good luck with whatever you do ooh this rug is nice I'm going to take this too being that social with my neighbors for that long really wiped me out so I did some chores around the farm and then I went to bed day 98 wow this is feeling a little bit weird that it's all it's all it's almost over what what is going on that's okay I still have time left everything's going to be okay today I decided to focus on building a garden by the greenhouse I wanted to fill in the Gap over there but I also wanted a nice spot to sit with a good view of the farm there we go just a small little restful spot where I can sit and Overlook the farm I think this is the perfect view day 99 and I'm feeling a little sad today this is pretty much the final day to get stuff done on this Farm I think I kind of just want to spend the day soaking it all All In by just adding a couple finishing touches here and there I really don't have that much to do because well I accomplished pretty much all of the things I wanted to the only thing really left to do is just enjoy it here except I did actually forget one very crucial thing for this Farm I forgot to name the farm I think I have the perfect one though Marcel buddy this one's for you you saved my life that one night and for that I feel like this Farm should be named in honor of you thank you buddy you're the best also Marcel Farms just makes it sound so fancy like people are going to come here and go wow yeah this produce must be premium I mean how can it not be when it's from Marcel Farms you know it's really got that marketing appeal doesn't it I spent one final day puttering around the farm completing small tasks it was starting to get pretty late so I had one final look at my farm and went to bed for the last sleep here and here we are day 100 we did it this honestly turned out phenomenal I had like a little bit of an idea of what I wanted to do with this farm when I began but this honestly exceeded all of my expectations and honestly this journey has been so fun I'm not going to lie I'm pretty sad it's come to an end so for the final day let's run through everything that we've done so of course we started off with this quaint little house and honestly it did a pretty good job for us overall I mean I did end up having to make a little bit of an experim expion for the kitchen but hey this also turned out super cozy then of course from there we moved on to the farmland and I would say this plot kind of shaped how the farm was going to look overall I really like how structured everything looks I often build patches of Farmland looking a lot more organic and usually on hillsides so this was a fun little challenge it also looks really cool on the mini map as well I didn't end up using this too much throughout the series but I think it looks pretty neat all right the second thing we built I think was the chicken coop right it's been so long now it was the chicken coop and then that one over there I'm pretty sure so we got a cute little spot for all of our chickens they're all happy they're chilling oh sorry I'm just going to just going to toss those so after the chicken CP we've got this little mining Outpost which I really like as well I love this little overhang that I made especially cuz it sneaks off into our little enchanting area so after the miny post we got ourselves our little sugar cane farm and that connects over to our Vineyard which I love this build I think this turned out super cute I will thoroughly Miss smooshing grapes all the time cuz that was super fun all right and then onto this area with these little trees I'm so happy I put this little tree line in I think it's really important especially when you're doing something like Farmland with tons of crops and stuff to also not forget little details like this I also like how I kind of made this into like an Overstock area for some of our veggies and I am so glad that these things finally grew ruin so next to the melon and pumpkin farm we've got our little Greenhouse which um yeah there were supposed to be some bees in here but um something catastrophic happened and you know what actually no that didn't happen they just said that they weren't interested they were uh pretty happy with the lease that they had on their beehive and they didn't want to break it so anyway I think this turned out really cute I still don't know what this thing does but honestly at this point um yeah I I'm over it so then over here we've got our little Park area where I can sit contemplate life and look over the farm this is actually a really nice view except for some reason when I get out of this chair I I go behind I that's not very functional but that's okay next up is the barn area and we've got sheepy cow in there look at sheepy cow sheepy cow is chilling absolutely vibing dude totally vibing it is very loud in here yeah this Barn was definitely a winner and speaking of winners we've got this uh win Mill that was that was a bad joke but honestly now that it's been moved and it's in a new place it's looking super good so that's pretty much it for Marcel Farms oh my we made it to 100 days this has been such an incredibly fun adventure I'm actually pretty sad it's come to an end because I was having so much fun building this Farm up but with that I hope you all enjoyed this 100 days as much as I did thank you all so much again for watching it it means so so much that you all enjoy these videos and with that I guess I'll catch you all later bye
Channel: InfiniteDrift
Views: 1,973,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days farm, 100 days farmer minecraft, 100 days farming minecraft, minecraft farmer, minecraft modded, 100 days modded minecraft, 100 days minecraft movie, 100 days minecraft farming, 100 days minecraft mods, 100 days minecraft farm, 100 days minecraft animals, 100 days farmer, minecraft mods, minecraft farmers delight, minecraft farming mods, minecraft cozy farm, minecraft 100 days cozy, minecraft cozy farming
Id: bekxvWj5kLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 59sec (7559 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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