LONG DUSTY ROAD in Roblox (SECRET 20,000M)

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we are going ultimate try hard mode in Dusty trip we have attempted and we have failed so many times but this is the one ly not only are we bringing multiple cars we're bringing weapons we're bringing food we're bringing extra gasoline this is the one that we take over and get the world record yes we're going to be victorious yes sir ski Do You Believe in Us Heather no you're trash what okay well Alexa You Believe in Us right you've always failed us okay are you serious right now well everyone follow my lead first of all we need this car build so Heather Alexa you're on this car building duties make sure it has gasoline Lucas pukas omy poo we're going to the Lamborghini that big body boy and the reason we're taking two cards is if one breaks down guess what we're going to do ly we F to we hop in the second V mhm that's what I'm saying and ly this got W color scheme to it that John got like a little cream color all right Luke help me set up everything like that I got the radiator all good and we got the engine in yo girls how's your whip going now it's going fantastic what he Alexa do you know how to fix up a car yes I can do whatever I put my mind to ooh W slay boss girl Queen okay ly I got the back and you got the wheel let's go now we just need that hood yeah oh my gosh we got it on LY now let's get some gasoline and ooh Heather Alexa you guys are making good progress W yes do you think you can help us a little bit though Luke help the girls I'm about to go get some gasoline for a whipping stin okay yes sersi I can help a little bit yeah and there's an edine inside over here if you guys need it and oh I found a gasoline baby and there's even another car over here should we take a third car would that be crazy oh that would be so lit all right yeah yeah I say we should do it so me and Luke will be in the lamb bton Heather you could be in the minivan and then Alexa you could be in the small one oo yes I always wanted to drive yes sir SK ly I'm telling you this is the run where we get the ultimate world record it's about to be easy pickings so let's fuel up the car all the way all right this car is fully fueled girls what about your cars it needs a lot of fuel oh my gosh okay wait let me e that and actually ly look I saw a method on the internet look we could just attach all of our extra stuff onto side of the car like that bro so we could use it later on that is actually genius my boy yeah that's what I'm saying okay the lamington is fully ready let me get it to pull up to where y'all boys is at start the engine up put the John down and what's goody with the hoodie guys what's goody with the hoodie we got a fully working Whip Yo okay not going to lie OHS you look sick thank you I appreciate it I appreciate it all right let's see how what the what did y'all boys not make any progress on this are you serious we put some Wheels oh my God gosh wait Luke where does the engine even go on this thing uh maybe we got to pop the hood there is I don't even know bro is there an engine in this oh I know where it goes where does it go where does it bro it goes in the middle n bro you're capping in the middle bro what bro you're right that's crazy okay okay and you guys put the radiator inside no I don't think they did I'm putting it right now okay thank you Lucas and that's oh my gosh bro do not put something that doesn't belong that's going and cook it and H yo I'm trying to put the bumper on but it just popped up uh ly what's going on bro what did you just do uh I just took off this front grill oh okay okay and let's see does it work maybe we're not missing anything let's see if the second whipping stin works and Heather start working on the other car please okay let me turn off the brake turn this bad boy on it no l I'm not getting no motion up in this one no motion at all it definitely needs a radiator and it needs gasoline bro how did we forget about gas all right let's go inside and look for some gas hi Alexa we're looking for gas do you see any no I didn't find any h why are we going to find oh Luke radiator Radiator over here this's the radiator we needed check it out I found it right on the floor ooh yes that's going to come in handy oh gosh but there is literally no more gas oh gosh you know what we're going to have to do right ly we're going to have to cop some yeah or we could use what I added before remember when I put the gasoline over here I put it on the side of the car so we can go back inside the house and we could fuel up with it so let me grab it is that for real Z of course it's for Real L have I have B to you bro we just go over here and then we got to suck it up okay in theory I thought it would work what maybe you got to open the lid how do you open the is this not how it work I thought this how gas was made you just get it out of cans bro are you yapping okay uh wait I'm over here ly I promise there's okay there's no more gas all right girls our plants have been foiled we're cooked wait what how are we even cooked right now we we don't have any gas for the other car ly wait I know how we can get gas hold up hold up hold up let me open the car and let me call the Recon let me get some gasoline baby everyone look up I'm spending luk bus on this I got a resupply of gasoline BR we had to get a little package yes sir ski okay okay so now I'm still going to put this in the side of our car and wait uh are you guys going to take the minivan I think the small car is actually more reliable I'm not going cap the minivan seems a little cooked bro yeah I'm going to take out the parts yeah yeah take out the parts and put it to that one and I'm coming over girls and look up the supply drop is coming in yeah I'm crashing into it bow getting looted right now yes sir we are looted up all right yo give us the goods bro everyone attack and get the goods get the goods yes Siri y'all get the goods I'm getting the engine oh yeah yeah get it right ly get it right and BR it keeps running away open up yo yo yo yo yo Luke literally straight gas bro literally straight gas wait this is crazy oh my gosh I'm fueling up the lambon bro I want this John to have an insane amount so we go on forever and Heather start fueling up the small car cuz Luke's working on it right dude yes sersi it's looking like money oh and I see it going up are y'all boys filling it up already trust me Elms we're never running out of gas ever again ooh fire okay okay and make sure to organize which gas fuel tanks have a lot and which don't I'm literally loading my thing up to have maximum Luke I'm at 20 bro we've never had this much gas before this is the run this is the run we're actually getting so looted for this that's what I'm saying bro this is actually the legitimate run where we take the W dub we're at 22 but they got more make sure to fill up your gas tank all the way how much gas does that car take is it only seven no it's 60 l oh wait 60 L okay okay okay so just keep fueling it up mine also goes up to 60 I'm just going to use all the gas tank I have yeah and bro I'm literally at 30 right now and I still got more gas to use bro luk can you open the rest of the supply drops there's still some that's closed and see what else is inside bro there's still more uh yeah dude there's so much more BR open it up open it up all right I'm opening up this SP right over here thank you and I'm about to hit o 36 let's go what did you get more gas n you're capping bro you're capping yes sir Sky we have so much gas okay okay okay I'm about to put it and Luke make sure to put all the used gas take and attach it to the car in case we need some in the future I got you my boy okay and I think oh gosh it's starting to roll wait I think 42 wait 43 all right I'll just empty this one out okay 43.3 all right and now ly let's just Boop and attach it all on the car this is so much better than trying to put something in the trunk Boop let's put this one over here like that H all the way over here Boop and okay guys we have the car set the lamington is good girls how is your car coming along it's good we're just missing like the hood and stuff it's too big what the hood do you need help me and ly can help out if you need it please help I can't get it through the door let me see what are you serious this is a easy solution for B us poed right out yes sir put that John on bro and do you guys need anything else wait the back Hood right yes it doesn't matter we don't even have anything in there okay okay wait well I'm getting anyways just in case guys cuz we got to get food Ado oh yes cuz this is going to be the world record so we're not trying to be noobs okay wait I have a strategy what if I just okay yeah I can't I can't believe we didn't do that before you can open up the garage yeah I actually cannot believe that I just thought about it bro oh we could have been doing this every time oh no no dude oh no we are such newbie butts for that okay but is that car fully ready cuz I think the lambington is 100% ready let me give it a little all right yeah luk I got Mo wait no I'm Stu Luke I'm stuck are you being fres right now wait I think I'm like stuck on something bro oh my gosh let me out okay I'm I'm out now I'm out wait uh no bro I'm getting like slow down is there something that's attached to the car that's messing us up do you think it might be all these gas tanks yeah it might be weighing you down oh no brother okay let's check I just took them all off let's see if we're good now oh yeah you're right L it is weighing us down all right we're completely ready Luke get inside the car girls are you guys inside your car yes the girlies are ready to beat you all right let's go Luke you inside and it's not a race guys we just want to get world record it's a team group effort right ly yeah and don't we want to get the Blicks too oh uh nah bro I ran out of Roo just no and I can just call for Recon if we really need it all right Alexa Heather I want to make sure you guys can move before we zoom out um SS we may have a problem with me and Alexa's car what aren't you got wait what Luke where did they go Luke where did you go what just happened wait I need to hop in the whip what you mean what me is that you oh my gosh Luke I see them all the way over there close your door bro I see them literally all the way there oh I can't close my door a guys this is not how we're going to get a world record y are you guys trying to get to your car oh y it's that way U hop inside oh my gosh wait there you go Heather there you go I brought you to the whip get get it oh my gosh I have go run Heather run inside get get it you got to get in front of the car oh my gosh we F to take property damage oh no come on get it to the left okay all right oh my not ly can you really not close your door bro I can't can you be a gentleman yeah I can oh my gosh am I carrying you guys right now is this what's happening no stop it's not what it looks like okay it's clearly what it looks like bro y'all boy just made me like dip girly back over here is Alexa oh my gosh she's not even inside the whip girl I'm making a uturn okay right behind you are you able to drive now Heather like good without it running away from you yes I'm able to drive and plus I'm going to dust you so get out of my way I see what you there cuz the game is Dusty trip all right everyone follow me we're going uh is this way the road is this way and oh oh why are we in the middle Ops the Cs oh no okay okay girls are you it was just a minor setback we're are you are you girls behind us I need to make sure cuz I need that car in case we yeah we're behind you but how are you going so fast wait how many meters are you at me and Lucas is at 500 bro this is L we just hit 450 wa nice job all right follow us hold up ly this is the rra and we've learned a lot from all of our Dusty trip attemps one is don't stand directly on the road sometimes you got to sway two don't be doing twoo crazy movements three when night falls you got to be next to Y bro and turn on oh oh oh my gosh what's wrong what's wrong I almost just like rammed us into oh I don't like this bro I don't there's too much stuff at the night okay I I oh my gosh oh gosh you have to slow down my boy dude we almost just got yeated into okay yeah there's lightning and I just eated us okay okay look we got to to drive in the night time n no they they lightning out here there's lightning oh gosh okay just hold my hand ly are you nervous bro don't be nervous yeah I'm like pooping my pants oh no don't worry guys we're 100% good good good okay we're 100% good guys let's just keep going straight I'm at one oh my God I don't like this uh guys can you slow down we didn't even hit a th yet you're capping Alexa what are you at bro Say It Isn't So say oh my gosh we're at 900 how is that even possible are you guys going full speed yes but we're caught in between a thunderstorm oh well are you guys on the oh my gosh are you guys on the road at least yes how do we turn on the light uh there's a little button that should be next to your uh gauge but oh no you guys have newbie butt ours they might not come with lights oh no oh no Luke we might have cook them I remember there's headlights and we didn't attach it ours just comes with headlights oh no we actually messed them up oh gosh but wait I got to slow down bro I am not trusting this road if there's a rock and it flips us we're cooked and yeah oh no dude it just got dark I don't know it just got dark but let there be light oh F it's daytime it's daytime uh Alexa Heather are you guys alive yes but we're not even close to the road what what do you mean bro where are you guys what you what what what are you doing everything is dark and I can't see a single thing okay well just try and find your way to the road cuz we need y boys and rock ly that's what I was talking about if we hit that we would have actually went flying we could start going fast when it's daytime girls how many meters are you at though we just hit 1.5k oh hold up Luke they're actually going pretty good okay and daytime's about to happen so I say we turn up the speed a little bit right Lucas yes sir keep it you got to be super careful BR I'm a pro I don't like what I don't like when the light why are the lights on L why are the lights why is Mother Nature playing games with you I don't know bro I did not like that rock I see it on the right luky start calling out if you see rocks cuz the Rocks is what's going to cook us bro hitting a rock in this car we're going crazy it's like 6,000 lb that's going to like split us apart yeah Rock call it call the Rock bro you saw that rock ly Rock we passed okay Luke you have to call it before we pass in my brother man oh gotcha gotcha gotcha n bro is trolling bro is trolling okay thank you I appreciate that ly but I wasn't going to Coconut no no no no do we still control yeah we got control we got control of it and I'm going a little too fast and there's a lot of obstacles oh no there's a lot of cactuses yeah I see that John bro okay okay we good I cacti oh yeah yeah cacti is like the multiple word for cactuses and girls we're at 4,400 what are you girls at 3,500 we got into a little accident say isn't so what are you guys at say it is and S we haven't passed 1,500 are you guys drivable or are you cooked uh we're super cooked what do you um look your girlfriend's de end bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge we're dead we're dead we're dead we're dead wait okay okay okay are we you have to keep going yes ly we get in the world no no no no we might have just gotten cooked oh okay wait girls um our you is the speed bre on why is it going like that bro okay you might just have to hit it bro oh no Lucas dude I don't know what we doing out here put on the boosters no no no no no not like this we still got Movement we still got movement bro oh my gosh oh no Luke oh no we got to see what what's going on oh no bro our Wheels is on the flow with it bro are we baked gravy I don't know dude it seems like it girls how far away are you guys we're 5,000 m behind you okay we're at okay that would literally mean that you're at exactly 5,000 m okay let me try and reverse this okay um ly what do I do what do I do look at you're outside right did you just take out what are you doing why did you take out the door I'm trying to cause a glitch with the door oh okay I guess that's smart but um what do we do Luke what do we do um what what what what what do I do like directions just try to move the wheels oh oh are we good oh did I give you movements I don't know bro I can't tell what's going on cuz I'm literally leaning on a bridge I'm taking damage it's acid rain oh my gosh I'm taking damage too n we might be cooked Luke we might be cooked why isn't the roof working oh no bro oh I just realized we got a sunroof bro I'm not accepting defeat I hope you know that Luke I'm getting you got move it again getting us out of here ly no BS bro okay all right no no I'm not letting that be our end bro oh my gosh come on bro I look I look embarrassing oh no got us too no wait look we just glitched our car did you see that yes our dead bodies actually helped okay okay okay respawn ly respawn I hope it didn't fall off the bridge though if it did we're actually about to be cooked wait girls I think if you respa you respond to our spawn point so just try and respond okay yes we're going to try and oh wait hold up guys I don't think I have enough Roblox cuz when I bought the supply package I had one left I have 30 seconds to buy robu oh my gosh oh gosh quick use my I'm using it ly oh gosh oh gosh Robux Robux Robux hurry up Hur up I got to be quick with it come on come on I'm putting in my information right now on the side screen 10 seconds ukie 14 seconds 13 please please authorizing please 10 seconds not like this bro success success buy it buy it yes wait we're back in business guys we're back in business and no way ly I think we're good bro I think we're good I'm kind of glitched but I I think we're we're good uh Luke I'm kind of stuck TR move the car yeah yeah try move it cuz I'm stuck move backwards not forwards I'm stuck if you move forwards I'm going to fall I'm trying to go backwards you have to start the engine start start the engine oh what button is that R yeah r r back up please cuz I am I can't move I can't move I'm trying to spam out uh are you backing up I'm trying oh there we go yes yes the crew never subdued conflict I'm literally stuck right now bro I'm not going to lie but just back up a little bit more just back up back up back up uh how much more mov I have okay oh my gosh you just Luke go forward right now bro go forward right now bro please no no way you just cooked us no way you just cooked us no way you didn't tell me how much more I can move bro did you not see the giant hole oh my go bro that John real will drive with it no look why did you just get out bro oh bro all that just for us to get cooked again bro n look we we getting out of this situation bro you know me right I'm that guy that going to get us out of the situation when we got to get out of the situation okay how you going to do that like that mhm yeah I do it I do it oh yeah toit wait how did how do we just do wait hold up how do we just do that okay uh girls are you guys completely cooked no I respawned I'm on the other side of the bridge wait you're here yes come pick a girl up wait oh my gosh Heather did you respawn yes now hurry come across the bridge oh okay we're pulling up and okay Lucas is this wait is this the right way uh no we're going backwards going way okay wait let let me we have to reverse the car bro uh oh no no no no no no no no no okay let me just go over here no no are you getting us stuck again I think I just wait it's cuz your door's open dude really really Luke come on sorry I don't know why it doesn't let me dude you got to drag that John and bro I just wait it's leaving okay okay okay okay bro I don't know how but we just somehow survived the worst situation possible and it's now daytime all right there's no way there's no way yes oh Luke no no no that's actually crazy can we just pretend like none of that ever happened just drive like noral okay okay let me just drive like normal and Luke the engine is smoking just uh pretend wait uh I think we might have lost the wheel too okay wait let me let me hit that did we lose a wheel uh I don't think it liked us flipping like that oh man bro wait what are we okay Luke we have no water bro can you spawn in a supply drop for water dude we going to die if we don't have any hit hit the wait actually have Robux I can do I can do it um we need some is it this okay I'm hitting it ly we getting some all right we're going to be good right yes sir and bro I just saw you disattach the door bro what are you doing I'm just trying to check out the engine yeah bro it's cooked dude uh okay oh we don't have water I I already established that like 3 minutes ago yeah look I just said that and wait girls I think I see y'all boys across the bridge right now we get to some reinforcements yo look it's here it's here it's right over here yes sir let's get this John's it's about to hit her no it's about in car over the bridge oh no stop the Luke push the car I'm going to get in the whip I'm going to get in the whip oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no no no break it it's not letting me open the supply yo is there it's going to push us over it's going to push us over wait oh f it stopped bro no that would have been really bad wait there's a paintbrush hold up can I paint the whip wait yeah see if you can wait no no first Focus up ly we we got to do what our job was our mission bro we got to hold up there's Dynamite this is not at all what I called for I called for water uh is there no water what what is this what is this whoa what is this is that a whole new engine yeah bro hold up I think we replace that John right first turn the engine off and then we can replace it to this V8 all right let me is it off uh I think so now let me take this bad boy out like that get out of okay let me take this bad boy out and I'm putting the new John in no that one super charge look that's a supercharger ly wao that jungle was like yeah one one of my friends has a really good card that goes it's you you're my friend wow what a cool guy yeah and wait ly there's weapons bro I think I C the weapons drop whatever we could use it I'm going put the sword over there put the axe over there and oh even a frying pan for the girls let me grab this one okay whatever we just got weapon so and a phone okay Luke I'm going to take a selfie of you got it oo how do I look you look handsome bro all right we inside car may be burning but I'm pretty sure there should be a shop coming oh gosh I don't think we can move oh Luke we can't move we can't move bro oh my God it's a hand bre it's a hand bre no bro the hand break's off I think it's cuz we have to get the gas one we got the wrong one before I think we just got the engine one bro that's so goofy yeah but I restarted it so wait oh gosh it's going to come to where the car location is oh no this is bad it's going to hit the car off okay close the door so it could be as small as possible where's it coming from luky do you see it do you see it yeah the airplane's right above us oh now please don't drop it oh my gosh it's going to drop right on it please oh F wait what oh oh luk it just went inside the grass what is going on don't worry it's coming up uh hopefully oh yeah it is oh I can fly to the sky is this finally going to give us some AA yeah I think so please please wait I'm seeing some fuel wait what is this black one is that AA I am not putting that in my car if I don't know what it is bro it's oil what oil oh yeah I think cars need that right no I'm not sure yeah neither am I bro uh are you genuin did we not get any water from that bro bro where's all the good water at oh my gosh wait I just realized there's a little shopping center over here get a weapon l in case there's zombie dudes and let's see if there's any water over there cuz we literally cannot start to whip without water yeah it needs to cool down bro it's so hot out here you're literally just pouring out dude look what you're you're just you're just pouring out you just wasted a whole tank of gas that's fine we have a lot okay wait let's Recon real quick anybody in here I have a sword zomie what's up bro oh you're doing good damage you're Dage take me the sword I dropped it Luke oh no oh no beat him up beat him up beat him up beat him up beat him oh no we're CED we're cooked we're cooked get the sword f f f it's F to pick it up oh you're dead you're oh my go he's coming after me why did you die he was crazy overpowered okay respawn respawn that doesn't sound good at all I got him let's go easy yeah they didn't even say a chance against us uh I have literally like one Health but I found some food over here but no water bro oh my gosh ly this is terrible are you respawning yes sir ski I'm using some Robo okay few oh my gosh what do we do dude we're super cooked right now M girls is there any water tanks where you girls are at cuz we can't find any over here no we got lost are you serious how many meters are you guys at we're only at 1,500 it took us back what oh my now you guys are cooked you guys are cooked if you guys want you could start walking but I don't know what to tell you cuz our engine got no water in it and with no water we can't start Luke is this it for us bro are we cooked let's just get to pushing the car no wait oh my gosh okay wait maybe we're just calling in the wrong thing but um I I need water water please this is my last Dan L I'm about to buy another resupply but if this doesn't work bro our world record run is over and we failed and we're trash no don't say that oh bro that's the truth ly that's the truth oh my gosh I'm closing all the doors bro I'm closing all the doors okay the doors are closed supply drops coming in Luke you better cross your fingers that we get some sauce bro or else we're washed please we just need aa aa yeah oh no it's taking oh gosh no not the whipping stin not the whipping stin I'm closing the door AA bro not oh my gosh the the car is literally floating oh my gosh please please please stop moving I need to get all these cars yeah Luke we're watch gas gas gas wait it's blue wait blue means water right blue means water but it's what in this thing what is this oh it's water let's go girls we're back in business we're back in business yes I always believed in you guys oh gosh look I just put water where the oil belongs I think no uh maybe we're good wait are we I can't tell is this oil or what I'm just putting the water in bro I don't care if oh yeah it's water we're good is it bro I don't know if we're cooked we're cooked I don't even care bro I don't even care please okay Max it out with the water okay and wait uh is there anything else that needs refills while we have all maybe the engine needs uh you could go check on it U let me see if there's anything that needs oil out here let me close this oh yeah I could use some fuel okay yeah load it up ly and I'mma check if we got Motion in the ocean hold up are we back in business huh huh I still can't move Luke I still can't move bro um what's happening I think it's cuz we don't have any oil wait uh are we moving wait I just saw something say zero hold up what I just saw it I can't where was it I just oh it says gas gas wait where is it where wait uh uh uh is it the what is it bro oh my gosh it's like the engine thing lid oh oh we have to put gas in here uh okay put it oh it must be cuz it's a supercharger oh yeah and I couldn't put any gas in the car oh we're maxed out on that okay let me see oh yeah yeah it's working ly it's working check if the engine will start now please all right one second all right wait don't do it while I'm filling it up that's going to make me go okay let me fill that John up all right perfect e that over hit that e close the trunk e then let's go inside so we can see if we got motion and okay the car is still stuck bro oh my gosh what is it going to take bro we literally did everything uh maybe the oil right we still got that thinges I'm going just kiss it for good luck bro we're cooked bro wait we got motion we got close close it close it I knew it I could start car with my bare hands what's up close the door for me please okay I can't believe bro's actually right about that okay girls uh are you guys cooked by the way how's it going for you I got boomed and I have no more roox Alexa is dead well Heather you're alive right you're you're Al and well Heather Heather my girl got snatched too what oh my go yo Luke I can't move anymore what did you do I I it's stuck I'm stuck I can't move I didn't do anything wait uh hold up hold up I got a little bit I'm back in business I'm back in business all right luky we're back at the Bridgton here is where we don't fold both girls are dead we don't have an extra car it's just me you and the bridge of Doom yes cersi they didn't believe in us but I did oh oh my gosh okay ly is your door open uh why are we not fitting bro is we like chunky or something okay we're in the big body with it no I'm breathing this is some Professional Driving oh gosh ly oh gosh I see some Ops ahead of us you see them boys over there we got boys over there waiting for our arrival and they do not look friendly bro they do not look friendly super super fast yo bro I don't want smoke I'm dipping bro dipping no wait actually uh let's go we made it out we made it out we made it out let's go y we going crazy is that a shop no I'm not going to no shops bro you know what they say about the dusty trip shops they dangerous ly no BS zero BS bro zero BS so yeah I don't want to play games with them never mind you do know that people doubt at us right ly people oh gosh okay may me rightfully so ah squeeze squeeze W squeeze W squeeze oh yeah I'm squeezing right now Luke you know people doubt at us right there was people that was like omy poo is not going to be his world record of 11,000 guess what we're doing right now ly guess we're going to get to 15,000 oh no I was thinking 20,000 cuz we on a r we got full gasoline we got full water on me and I got my brother man ly and I got full health bro nothing stopping us nothing stopping us yes s ski all it took was the girls getting boomed and a lot of hard work yeah and a lot of Robux spent but that's all it takes baby and 7,000 M and it's day time bro even it was Nightfall there was a thunderstorm there was zombies and we Shing them with a sword bro easy pickings let's just go fast and let's not wait for the to change really is there a Chu missing yeah I didn't get it back yeah did just burp bro oh no oh gosh wait ly ly ly the terrain is changing I better slow down and prepare for this right yeah it looks like a ramp slow down oh no oh our own our own our own our own our wait this is the checkpoint or no you got to speed up in this cuz you do not want to okay now we're almost at 10,000 bro we about to hit 8,000 8,000 this is too easy yes sir all right 8,000 ly we've officially hit 8,000 M oh my gosh we're almost at a world record yeah oh gosh I see a rock I know you peep that Luke you're on Rock duties why are you not spamming Rock in the chat bro say rock when you see a rock thank you even though we passed like 30 m ago okay let's just go straight and I think that Tower is where the 10,000 m is right yes sersi that's the checkpoint Wait no that's 9,000 that's 9,000 10,000 is where we get through that one little town that's super dangerous with all them DS with the Blicks you remember that yeah I remember that like it was yesterday it it was yesterday but it's very dangerous to be going there so we literally just got a zoom pass but the terrain is very very tricky and if we flip over we're literally cook they going to Boom us and it's happening right now luky 800 M until we go to war bro you cannot fold right now I'm not folding L I'm like a pro driver we're going literally so fast you don't even see it on the speedometer so there it is L there it is it's that over there bro it's that over there we making our way downtown baby ro oh thank you that was actually useful I was about to hit that and okay we're going through should I slow down a little bit cuz it is very tricky to go through yeah we don't want to crash here if we lose our car we're toast mm our car is the only thing keeping us nonb boomed okay going through okay I'm going through okay I'm going through just squeezing by guys something crazy no oh no I see the first stop I see the first stop excuse oh they're bling at us keep it C keep it keep in it calm L please don't don't talk too loud you're making me nervous don't talk too loud keep me calm keep me calm keep me calm nothing crazy is happening just drive not 50 people oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh there's actually no way we're good we're good we're good I don't think we're good ly it gets way more intense bro it gets way more intense come on come on oh my gosh we're cooked we're cooked we're cooked we're here we're CED we're CED stop yelling stop yelling you're making me nervous you're making me nervous you're making me nervous literally my butt cheeks is clapping right now no way there's actually no way I see Freedom no my voice just broke bro did we just make it out with the whipping stin and we have full gas and we have water and we have full health oh no they didn't believe in us oh a our record is 11,000 ly look at us now bro we driving that engineering baby oh my gosh oh my gosh and this car is exotic Oh no bro we're actually zooming we're actually I'm getting on the road oh please don't flip please don't flip please don't flip please don't flip please don't flip yes they didn't believe in US bro they didn't believe in us we are actually them oh no 11,000 11,000 11,000 oh gosh Rock Luke say rock Luke say rock rock oh thank you and bro it's official we just hit our world record luky and guess what guess what chicken bud I'm not stopping till we get the actual world record of 20 th wow bro you heard that right 20 th wow you think we could actually do 20 bro look at us right now bro we F hit 12 right now bro they doubted us bro we literally was stranded we we was literally at night there was a thunderstorm but we made it and bro look at the road it's so clear and it doesn't look like it's going to be night for a little bit so we got some time bro nope I don't know I'm getting kind of nervous don't be nervous L you're with poo but I did hear that there was a town at 15,000 M so you got to be careful for that okay do you think they're friendly uh no not at all they're like all mutants say rock you didn't say rock you didn't say rock bro we literally would have flipped bro we literally would have flipped are you serious Lucas really bro my bad I was looking at my butt my gosh the one that the mutant bit out of yeah it doesn't feel good oh no but Luke look at the score 13,000 she this is fire bro come on oh careful and I'm not going to any stores bro I know you was about to say let's stop at a store the stores is where they got the mutants they waiting for us bro they waiting for us oh no so it's like a trap almost it literally is just a trap you can't even get anything unless you have a bunch of weapons and no if that rock was bigger we would have went flipping but 14,000 let's go sheesh we breaking records like it's nothing Brock I said it for you yeah we are breaking records like it's nothing all right 15,000 is about to approach ly the town's about to happen are you ready bro are you ready yes I've I've been preparing for this my whole life yeah me too oh gosh oh gosh 700 M left oh gosh 600 M left ah I'm nervous dude I'm not going to lie there's no way br br br flip it flip it FP flip come on you can't no no no no not like that we're not going out bad bro we're not going no I'm flipping this I'm flipping this car with my hands if I have to no bro we're going outside bro we're going there's no way to flip the whip no no come on you just got to put it by a pressure point and push Luke we're cooked bro we're cooked a no way we just fed at 14500 bro there's actually no way bro I wanted to hit 1500 there's act no no no no no what do we do luky what what's a way we can flip the car what's something that can move it um um think of a glitch Bro think of a we need a glitch we need a glitch uh maybe if we take off all the tires um no bro we're cooked wait actually I think taking off the tires doesn't work I saw a video about it if we just take off everything like that bow okay now what do we do Luke what do we do now we just got to spam the doors I think okay I'm spamming it ooms oh yeah bro um um it's not working bro no bro no get me I'm stuck in the car bro bro get out I I I literally I I literally can't Luke I don't know even what I'm getting motions where am I are you flipping it what's going on why are you like swimming in the car I don't know what's happen where am I okay wait this is it did you just burp I heard the burp bro what was that dude sorry what are you just how are you doing that wait oh it's cuz we have stuff on this side okay I'm putting more stuff on this side ly come on keep flipping it oh it just got too heavy wait no wait it's actually fire you just got to put stuff over here and then you keep pushing on that side do whatever you just did and do it again okay all right I'm going see if I could just do that again what what were you do is it something with the door oh my gosh I keep locking myself in is it something with the doors yeah I was like pushing it up oh okay push push it push it push it I can't is this working are we doing something here I don't know oh my God bro hold up it does wait it does look like you're doing something I'm not even going to lie yeah I'm like just grabbing things okay wait let me see what happens if I'll put the wheels back on will that do anything if it distributes the weight Hold Up Wait L I actually think it is let's just push it from this side over here and let's see how far we could push it all right let's try our best okay oh man bro yeah I don't know dude do we just give up do we just give up is this it for us dude yeah I think it's no good no wait I'm trying one more thing and then if this doesn't work I'll just give up on our dreams and we could just be quitters okay yeah whatever I'm going to sit right over here and I'm calling the emergencies what's the emergencies it's a resupply remember how it's always pushing us sit inside the car so I'm feel emotion is something happening ly was something is something happening yeah I'm like spamming the doors just wait wait yeah spam it there's a resupply about to come and remember the resupply is we moving the whips this is our one chance to get out of here bro I'm going to try and stay in I literally I'm stuck I'm just stuck luk I was about to say I'm going to try and stay in here but no wait wait can I no something happen I'm doing something with the hood I don't know what's happening bro is the resupply coming in to move us I oh gosh uh I'm kind of moving the car by spamming the hood uh wait uh I don't know what's happening ly I am stuck upside down right now uh wait you to leave okay I'm out I'm out oh my gosh bro spit it like a fidget spinner wait is the oh no the supply game wait can we use the supply boxes yeah no we're cooked bro o donut Luke are we cooked bro look look what I was doing wait oh that's actually hold up yo you're actually honest bro spam spam it yes that's it that that's wait wait I'm going to put a box so it flips it yeah put something so it gets in the way okay okay I'm coming right now ly I'm pushing it it's so dark though okay oh you could put something under it oh that's what I'm saying bro oh keep doing it keep doing it you found the I'm doing the big The Big D okay do it do it do it again keep going keep going keep going D it's getting air time yes do it again no no now's our chance dude now maybe like we need something to push it here oh wait the box I I'll put the box right over here and then use the box to use it to hit it is it working trying wa I I moved it oh my gosh no no this could actually work luky we're actually we're actually still in it we're actually still in it to win it I'm spoing it all right uh are you spamming it are you spamming it yeah I think the big ones work the best oh my gosh wait I think we should put wheels on maybe that will work let's let's put the wheels over here okay um put only the bottom ones right here hold up uh does that do anything uh dude is it causing motion I think it is hold up let me I I definitely feel like there's motion going on here ly and oh it's cuz the plank is here hold up Luke if we got something to push it over it should probably fall over right yeah what do you think we could use um h i mean I was trying this wood piece over here but it doesn't seem very effective maybe hm if we like spam the doors maybe that could work yeah try that wait a minute bro we're actually nubt bro what if we just open the doors from the inside over here bro attach a door on the inside area so then we could use it to lift it I think it's this door right yeah I think it's on oh wait no it's not dude wait wait let me see if I go inside here it's just really hard to reach the area to put it inside yeah this one's in oh wait can you open and close it open and close spam it open and close spam it wait it's not letting be oh my oh yeah you had the glitch thingy uh wait um wait oh gosh I I detached oh gosh L can you reattach it please reattach it yeah let me go on the inside bro I can't believe we're doing all this just to get the car moving okay are you reattaching it are you reattaching it yeah is it on I think so and then I just need know F I can't grab it dude I can't grab it oh my no bro this is crazy when you try your best but you don't succeed I just can't give up on it bro I don't oh my okay maybe maybe just reattach everything and we'll figure out a glitch as we go okay all right I'm just eating all these Burgers wait do we oh yeah I remember I bought the food supply right yeah there so tasty and not to mention bro it's night time to so it's super dark and scary outside bro we could get attacked by a mutant yeah the zombies might get us okay wait uh I keep falling inside the bro okay I need to it's not letting I can't even reattach it dude I can't even reattach anything I think you have to be the one to do it bro we have to give it some motion somehow mhm wait I don't even know where our tires are dude wait oh it's over here I see it let me grab this tire maybe we could attach this and then make something work let me see if I hit this over here nothing ly uh M wait I have an idea what if I just try and move the car cuz there's Wheels attached right yeah do we have any traction uh let me see I'm starting the engine I need to put that tire on wait oh yeah put all the tires in oh wait is the wheels moving not sure oh this is not real this is not did we just no oh my gosh bro really flipped to V are you Ser wait oh yeah I forgot we could just do that again wait actually maybe it's better like this cuz I'll do the frunk and you do the trunk let's just double glitch it yeah I'm spamming it wait wait look I locked the front wait wait lock it up lock it up hold up lock it up uh dude there's definitely something we could do right here uh maybe put something under uh wait uh maybe if I grab a door and then like uh I don't know bro what do we do here how do we make this work uh just like attach it maybe I'm just going to okay um is this good maybe attach the door on the other side wait wait wait just Spam it spam it wait no uh uh it's not spammable anymore okay and bro we've been doing this it's about to be daytime bro it's getting way brighter outside um and I think I see the engine smoking no wait no I actually found the method I do do it again I found the method dude we spam the trunk and the hood H do it do it spam it and then we just got to do the door spam it spam it bro spam it yeah just attach something on the side so it goes up cool go go go go to the main go to the main I'm spamming it spam it ly spam it spam it we got that John to flip over like like it's a bunny or something yeah it's doing buddy hubs I know bro okay um H let me see if I hit this maybe we got to just uh is anything happening ly no I think we're smoked bro what did we do last time we actually made it work before okay Luke I'm not sure what to do bro I know there's a method bro but I'm just not finding it out bro I don't know I figured it out don't move don't move don't move I figured it out there it is this is the method this is the method this is the method wait okay okay wait let it we just need to give it okay Luke close it close it and then open it on three okay let it fall and then open on three to give it ultimate balance okay 3 2 1 open it spam SP oh my gosh bro is this really how we're going out bro is this really how we're going to go out we're really saving a door up and down bro it there I'm not going out like this bro I don't know what to do I just don't know what to do I'm just crying low key I don't know if I want a poo okay Luke how we can't fail bro we can't fail there's people that want us to succeed in this world bro are we just going to fail them like that dude no way SS we have to flip this John that's what I'm saying bro we would be failures and Mom ain't rais no failur so what I'm doing is I'm grabbing the tire and I'm making it Good Vibes Good Vibes ly Good Vibes let me put over here we only want one side to have stuff so it flips over from that one side right yeah whatever you said is that okay then attach how do I attach Z right to attach okay attach it right here okay we have to just put a little arc on it l a little Arc so F then we attach it over here like this okay put the Z like that okay now ly uh spam the hoods okay spam it up and down okay all right I'm trying oh my gosh bro Luke we tried it was a noble effort right we gave it her all yeah I think we did uh and then we just have to fail bro there's literally nothing to do dude um maybe if you attach the doors we could give that one more attempt but then we're just cooked take one of the doors attach to the bottom we'll try and flip it all right uh okay he's going inside it should be good actually if you could do that and then we could just try and flick it very hard uh wait I'll slide you the door here you go I put it next to you do you see it yeah it's not really fitting oh my wait look I I SL I SL it underneath can you reach it I'm trying okay here I put it right there can you re just come and get it come and get it make sure it's the right one though all right it should fit okay perfect put that John in let me reattach the trunking to like this hey stop running for me trun kington I literally can't place it cuz it's flip bro wait I got it in oh W okay uh try and open it try and open it see what happens I can't oh my gosh oh yeah I forgot you have the weird thing where you can't open it all right I'm going to try it let me hop inside the whipping stin okay now I just got to grab the I it doesn't let me Luke are we cooked bro do do we just call it a day dude do we just call it or else did we just take it yeah I guess 14,500 is pretty good even though the tower was right there we going to get it next time though right yes s ski and that was an awesome adventure and if you all joined us on the next click right here bye
Channel: OmzBlox
Views: 206,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, Omz, Crystal, Roxy, Luke, Lily, Johnny, Aphmau, LONG DUSTY ROAD in Roblox (SECRET 20, 000M)
Id: OtbGmRn76wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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